
Title of abstract (Times New Roman 14 pt Bold)
Author’s first and last name,a 2nd Author,a 3rd Authorb,* (Times New Roman 11pt Bold)
affiliation, City, Zip code, Country (Times New Roman 9pt Italic), bAuthor’s affiliation, City, Zip code, Country
*Corresponding author: E-mail address (Times New Roman 9pt Italic)
[OQ No. The number of an open question you selected (Times New Roman 9pt)]
This is a template of abstract for OQOL2014, Kyoto, Japan, 2014. You can directly use this template
without changing the format. Please fit the abstract to 1 page of ISO A4 sized (210 mm x 297 mm) paper,
single-sided with a top margin of 25 mm and side and bottom margins of 25 mm. Use of Times New Roman
font (or equivalent) is strongly recommended.
Title of the abstract is aligned left with Times New Roman font in 14-point boldface. Authors’ names are
below the title in 11-point boldface. First name should be avoided to write in initial. Mark affiliations using
superscripted letters (starting from a). Underline the presenting author’s name and asterisk (*) the corresponding
author’s name. The affiliations and E-mail address as a contact information are italicized in 9-point. The
affiliations are given as department and institution names with city, zip code and country.
Main text is given in 10-point. Tables, figures and photographs are included within 1 page. Captions of
Tables and Figures are given in 8-point with one line spacing from the text body. The length is limited to only 1
page including figures and tables.
Convert your Word file to PDF file and submit the PDF file on the website of OQOL2014
(http://www.lifephys.dis.titech.ac.jp/oqol2014/?page_id=165). The deadline of submission is March 31, 2014.
1) A. Name, B. Name, C. Name, J. Title Abbrev., volume, first page (year).