Stones and their metaphysical meanings
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quartz crystal types
One of the oldest stones used for curative purposes, quartz (or rock crystal) was used in first century rome
as a cauterizing agent. In sixteenth century germany, it was known as the "vertigo stone" because it was
thought to prevent dizziness. Powdered and mixed in dry wine, it was used to cure dysentery; in honey it
helped mothers nurse their babies.
Abundance crystals
A clear quartz crystal with many tiny crystals growing at the base. This is a mothering, protective crystal,
bestowing nurturance, love, abundance, fullness, sufficiency, creativity, well-being, success, good fortune,
blessings and growth. Encourages our dreams and our wishes to thrive.
Artemis crystal also called candle crystal.
A long, thin, clear quartz crystal with a sharp, undamaged point. Promotes independence, freedom and
love of nature. Protective of women, children, wild places and wild creatures. This crystal combines
strength, action and directness with sensitivity and kindness. Helps us focus and speed our prayers,
visualizations and thought-forms to their goal.
Artificially) faceted crystals
Clear quartz crystals that have been cut into rings, crystal balls, and pendants have the same attributes and
energies as naturally-terminated crystals, with one exception. Without a natural termination, they do not
focus and direct energy as well. They emanate a more diffuse energy.
Crystals covered or partially covered with smaller crystals. The larger crystal is the "old soul" and contains
the wisdom and trust which attracts the smaller crystals. Used in meditation to provide insights to family
and/or community problems. Also excellent for those employed in "service organizations" to help stimulate
a group cohesiveness and willingness to work together.
A large crystal with a smaller crystal(s) which penetrates and is located partially in, and partially out of the
larger crystal. It facilitates bridging between the inner and outer worlds, between the self and others, and
the self and other worlds. It is beneficial when working with the aspects of spirituality, the advanced
metaphysical areas, and attempting to share this knowledge with others.
Recognized by a large seven sided face located in the center front position of the terminated end of the
crystal; a triangular face is located on the opposite (back) side of the crystal. It provides for a conscious
connection to the higher wisdom which is available from the higher self and/or to the wisdom of experience
and enlightenment which is available from the "other side". Channeling crystals can be used to bring forth
light and love from the most truthful and knowledgeable portions of the self.
Some people feel that a clear quartz crystal wrapped in copper wire is best; some believe a crystal with
seven-sided front facet and an opposite facet that is an equilateral triangle is good for channeling; others
feel that all clear quartz crystals are excellent for channeling the higher forces.
Chlorite is one of the most favorable healing stones. Worn, carried or placed in ones environment, the
properties of chlorite are overwhelmingly positive. It brings the energy to enhance cooperation and
stimulates ones personal affinity with "all". It is a purifier and is quite useful for cleansing the aura, the
chakras, and the energy meridians.
Clear quartz:
Is thought to amplify both body energy and thoughts. It can assist in the creation of power, clarity of
thinking, meditation, cleansing, clearing the aura, spiritual development and healing. Clear quartz is
considered the "stone of power". A dedicated healer. Pure white light passes through it easily, leaving all
the colors of the spectrum unaltered and giving substance to the argument that clear quartz crystals can help
balance all the elements needed to make us whole and fulfilled. Amplify whatever influences are present in
an individual or location. Acts as a purifier and tunes into the frequency of each individual. Will unblock
specific areas or organs blocked from transmitting or receiving the flow of energy throughout the body.
Helpful in guiding our search for the meaning and importance of existence. Aids in meditation. Can be used
in conjunction with any other stone or gem for specific physical problems. It will amplify the effects of
individual stones and attune the treatment to the energy of an individual person.
Crystals which have grown together, free-standing or on a sandstone base. To foster protection,
cooperation, purification, harmony, friendship and intimacy; to break up negative energy in the
Crystal (clear quartz) it is also known as rock crystal or quartz crystal.
One of earth's most common minerals. Clear quartz crystals facilitate wisdom, clarity of thought, general
healing, memory, meditation, communication, transformation, awakening, cleansing, pureness of heart,
intention, higher consciousness, positive thoughts, harmony and love. This stone amplifies prayers, wishes
and positive visualizations. Blue quartz crystals grant spiritual insight and enlightenment, peace and
serenity. They also encourage emotional clarity and purity.
Crystal balls
Help us see the past and the future. Transport us to a place that is "between the worlds," a gate to other
times, other realities. Promote divination, fortune telling, clairvoyance, spirit vision quests and the
enhancement of psychic powers.
Crystal clusters (clear quartz)
Foster protection, cooperation, purification, participation, harmony, union, friendship and intimacy. They
break up negative energy in the environment.
crystal: clear
. Many forms, colors. Probably the most versatile multi-purpose healing stone. Easy to cleanse, store
information, energy in. Amplify energy & healing. Draws and sends energy. Opens brow & crown chakras
for meditation. Stimulates natural crystals in body tissues & fluids to resonate at new healing frequency. In
india - detected food poison by clarity change. Yin or androgynous. Chakras: all.
Crystals which have a curved shape or which the sides are curved. Produced during the developmental
stages, this is a rare occurrence. They emanate a gentle yet powerful energy and can be used to cleanse the
aura, promote flexibility in ones attitude, and provide strength in decisions, among other things.
Quartz is another variation that, much like moss agate, has pictures on its surface. These shapes often
resemble plants or animals. Elestial crystals are crystals that generally have fewer side planes and blunt
ends. These crystals are young and usually much smaller than most other quartz crystals.
Devic crystal
A clear quartz crystal with a great deal of fairy frost (the fractures and inclusions inside the crystal).
Facilitates communication with the nature spirits- the devas and elfin folk who dwell on the earth
concurrently with humans. Opens us to the beauty of nature.
Dolphin crystal
Near the base of a larger clear quartz crystal there may be a smaller crystal seeming to ride along with it.
This is a dolphin crystal. It facilitates communication with dolphins and promotes unconditional love,
wisdom, gentleness, playfulness, laughter and loyalty. Teaches us to protect and nurture all living things.
Double terminated
Crystal that is naturally faceted on both ends (terminals). To promote psychic ability and dream recall; to
balance the body, mind and spirit.
Crystals that are naturally faceted at both ends. Promote psychic ability, dream recall and are balancing to
body, mind and spirit. They allow easier access to the meditative states, the spirit world and to our own
inner feelings and creativity.
Drusy (pronounced 'drew-zee')
Very small points which are described as "a myriad of very closely set tiny crystals".
The drusy clusters consist of tiny crystal points in their very formation, and are encrusted on either
sandstone or quartz based matrixes. We like to think of drusy crystals for people who want to encourage
ideas or thought forms ready to spring forth and grow.
Eight-faced quartz crystals
Eight-faced crystals provide conservation of energy, of resources. They stimulate the removal of obstacles
in ones path and provide for further installation of energy in all endeavors. They are said to be of otherworldly origination and to bring the capacity for actualization on all levels. In addition, they are said to
bring order to ones life, to impart an energy of manifestation and to produce a melding of the spiritual and
the angelic realms.
A clear quartz crystal with eight facets enhances energy, success, prosperity, accomplishment, power and
the wise use of that power.
The elestial crystal is recognized by natural terminations over the body and face of an etched and/or layered
crystal. Used to assist one in overcoming emotional burdens, to bring the heart and intellect into
synchronicity, and to help one look within and to find the love that has always been there.
: special form of clear/smoky quartz. Changes confusion/illusion to clarify, seeing truth, overview.
Psychicness, openness to higher self / god . Spirituality. Stimulates crown chakra - pineal to rise above
situations, emotions. Healing brain cells from drug/alcohol use. All-seeing stone brings infusion of light.
Chakras: crown. Bridge stone to enhance energy flow between chakras.
Special form of clea / smokey qtz.
Changes confusion / illusions to clarity, seeing truth, overview. Psychicness, openness to higher self / god /
spirituality. / pineal to rise above situations, emotions. May initially intesify lower thoughts (ego, denial,
self-judging...) To release these blocks to open heart/mind.
Healing brain cells from drug / alcohol use.
Stimulates crown chakra
Empathic crystals are ones which are chipped or damaged in some way. They promote understanding,
compassion, kindness and empathy. They open and heal the hearts of those who have closed them while
also protecting the open-hearted from too much pain.
Extra-terrestrial crystal
A crystal with a single termination at one end and multiple terminations at the other end. It is believed this
crystal will help channel space beings, celestial beings and guardian angels.
Faden (pronounced fah-den)
A crystal in which the inclusion of one or more white thread-like fibrous formations occurs. The faden is
visible within the quartz structure because it is surrounded by either a fluid filled or gaseous chamber. The
fiber is located usually at or in proximity to the center of the crystal, perpendicular to the termination of the
crystal and may be linear and undeviating or curved/bent. Is is a crystal of connection, stimulating and
furthering connective forces between the self and that which is chosen as the recipient. It is also a stone for
astral travel.
Fairy frost
Clear crystal with fractures and inclusions within (sometimes called "devic"). To facilitate communication
with the spirits in nature; to open our hearts to the beauty and magic of nature; to encourage us to care for
mother earth.
Generator points also called merlin
Excellent quality crystal points with a centrally located point (the facets on the point or tip are equidistant
from one another, desirable for generators or wand making). They foster wisdom, focus, magical power
and the wisdom to use the crystal in a proper manner.
Golden healer
A quartz crystal which is partially or totally covered with a transparent golden-yellow mineral. This has
been used to assist one in attaining and maintaining contact with the spiritual worlds and to incite healing
on all levels. It is an excellent stone for use in all healing situations and promotes the recognition of
methods and techniques which will further recovery from all disorders.
Imprints left on the surfaces or facets of a crystal, where they grew in close proximity to another crystal.
The imprints show how something is affected by outside influences, thereby changing the shape or form of
the original structure, but the original structure adapts to its environment to allow for growth and change,
while still maintaining its basic inherent truth and beauty.
Included or inclusions
When one is attracted to and uses included quartz, the quartz inclusion will work with the person to provide
the further nourishment and qualities required. Usually the chlorite and hematite included quartz provide
the most powerful healing-type of included quartz.
Chlorite included: chlorite is one of the most favorable healing stones. Worn, carried, placed within ones
environment, or used as an elixir, the properties of chlorite are overwhelmingly positive. It attacks anger,
hostility, and exasperation, and dissipates the dissenting energy.
Manganese included: i am told that most of the inclusions in the crystal from the mines i gather crystal
from are manganese inclusions. The color of manganese inclusions range from metallic grey to grey-black
to black. It is a mineral of bonding, bringing others closer and activating the energies of cooperation in
group efforts. It furthers a firm impenetrable resolve, such that that which one initiates, one completes.
Crystals: usually clear or smoky quartz crystals with various types of inclusions, such as: deposits of other
minerals which create unique effects, phantoms, fractures that form rainbows & other shapes. These
crystals offer a highly educational experience, for when one looks into them, letting their imagination go,
they are looking into the depths of their very selves.
Inner child crystal
A clear quartz crystal which has another, smaller crystal partially embedded in it. Helps us go back to our
childhood and heal the child within. Excellent companion during psychological therapy or counseling.
Helps us treat the child within with love and sensitivity.
Isis face
A five sided facet to put you in touch with and help you strongly amplify your feminine energy. They put
you in touch with the power of the goddess. This is a helpful crystal for both men and women.
Japan law twin
Has been used to stimulate the synthesis of the perfection of the subtle bodies to the state of the physical
body. Also used to dissipate and to transmute deviations, working out problems on both the physical and
subtle levels. Excellent for clearing the aura and for aligning the auric body with the physical structure.
Stabilizes emotions, to dispel anger, and to encourage one to "expect a miracle" among other qualities.
Recognized by a three or six-sided indented shape located on the crystal. The indent becomes narrower as
it goes within the crystal, and ends within the crystal, usually in an apex termination. It is used to unlock
the "doors" to healing concepts and to those aspects of the self which tend to be illusive. It further helps to
answer questions like - why can't i..?
Kundalini quartz
Kundalini quartz comes from the congo in africa. It is a quartz crystal with a smoky quartz phantom with
hematite inclusions. Kundalini can be defined as the potential energy stored in the nerve center at the base
of the spine. It is also said to be an individual's experience of the universal creative energy. These black
phantom quartz are called kundalini quartz because of their ability to raise one's energy level from the base
chakra (1st) through the crown chakra (7th) and above. The hematite grounds, the smoky quartz balances
and moves primal energies in the body, and the quartz transmits and amplifies energy. Raising the
kundalini will lead one to a more spiritual, less ego-centered life.
Kundalini quartz comes from the congo in africa. It is a quartz crystal with a smoky quartz phantom with
hematite inclusions. Kundalini can be defined as the potential energy stored in the nerve center at the base
of the spine. It is also said to be an individual's experience of the universal creative energy. These black
phantom quartz are called kundalini quartz because of their ability to raise one's energy level from the base
chakra (1st) through the crown chakra (7th) and above. The hematite grounds, the smoky quartz balances
and moves primal energies in the body, and the quartz transmits and amplifies energy. Raising the
kundalini will lead one to a more spiritual, less ego-centered life.
Order info
Laser wand
A long slender crystal with small faces comprising the termination. The crystal is wider at the base than at
the tip (tapers inversely), and the angles of the sides of the crystal are curved, rather than straight, in many
instances. These crystals have an intimate relationship with both inner and outer space.
Left-handed crystal
A clear quartz crystal with an extra facet on the left side of the largest facet of the crystal is a left-handed
crystal. These crystals promote creativity, psychic ability, meditation, intuition, emotional clarity, spiritual
insight, patience, tranquillity and tolerance.
Lifepath crystal also called the beauty way crystal.
A long, thin clear quartz crystal with one or more totally smooth sides. This crystal helps us find our path
in life. It also helps us go with the flow and walk a path filled with joy.
The manifestation crystal is recognized by a small crystal totally enclosed within a larger crystal, and they
are very rare. The use of the manifestation crystal requires the inner knowledge that one is a clear and
perfect channel, that a pure white light provides the guiding way, and that the purity of the divine is within
the inner self. They can also be used to facilitate artistic creativity, creative thinking, agricultural pursuits,
and to increase or decrease any aspect of ones life.
Merlin crystals also known as sending crystals, generating crystals, generators and energy guides.
Single-terminated clear quartz crystals with six facets that come to a sharp and undamaged point. Foster
wisdom, manifestation, direction, focus, magical power and the wise use of that power. They encourage
the concentration of positive forces to energize and enhance inner convergence, love and peace.
Muse crystals
Clusters of nine similarly-sized clear quartz crystals. They promote appreciation for beauty, grace and
harmony in music, poetry and the arts. They also facilitate creative expression, inspiration and help us
recognize inner beauty and truth.
Mythic crystals
Double-terminated milky quartz. Permit us to move back and forth in history to unravel the mystery
challenge of the great myths. The myths are a culture's dream -- the collective, subconscious prophecy of
an entire people. Interpreting their meaning is as important as understanding our own dreams.
Parity crystals
A cluster of identically-sized clear quartz crystals. Encourages us to look within for our spiritual answers
rather than relying on outer authority. Teaches us to wean ourselves from authority figures of all kinds.
: crystals with a distinct outline of another crystal within them, or even containing another complete crystal
formation. Phantom crystals because of their pyramidal geometry, are associated with the ability to help
one reconnect with past life memories of initiations in the pyramids & past lives in general.
Crystals are crystals that at one point finished their growth cycle, then began growing again later. When
looking inside these crystals, you can see a striation that indicates where the original tip was. For someone
drawn to this type of stone, a need for growth is indicated.
The phantom crystal is comprised of a white or colored material and may be partial or complete. The
phantoms within a crystal provide an indication of the experiences and the transformations the crystal has
undergone in its evolution. The crystal represents the many phases and the many types of life which may
be experienced during ones lifetime. It is one of the earth stones to be used for redemption and cleansing of
the earth. The energy of the phantom works to bring together the participants of humanity to save the
Clear quartz crystals that have the dim outline of another crystal within them. They help us remember our
past lives. They promote inner growth and transcendence. They remind us of the reality of life after death.
Pixilated crystals also called enchanted crystals
, double terminated clear quartz crystals with a rainbow inside, as well as a lot of fairy frost within them.
These crystals open our eyes to all the numinous beings who share the earth plane with us -- the so-called
mythical beings who live concurrently with humans but are invisible to most people. These include
unicorns, dragons, naiads, plant and animal devas, elemental spirits and so forth.
The pocket quartz formation can be recognized by the formation of pockets in large quartz structures. Used
to assist one in memory stimulation and to increase ones memory capacity.
Pyramids focus and amplify energy through their shape and molecular structure of the crystal from which
they are made. The pyramid focuses energy in a tight beam through the apex and has been used to both
charge and preserve objects. The energy taken on by the pyramid depends upon what type of crystal it is
formed from.
Quantum crystals
Three or more double-terminated clear quartz crystals that are joined together. These crystals alter the
statistical probabilities of your wishes, prayers and visualizations coming true. They also allow us easy
access to alternate realities.
All quartz amplifies and transmits energy. Clear quartz is used extensively in meditation, spiritual
development, and healing. It helps one to recognize the origin of a disease. It has been used in diagnostic
healing, in raising the consciousness toward the enlightened state. Translucent clear.
Clear, many forms and colors! Probably the most versatile multi-purpose healing stone. Easy to cleanse,
store info / energy in, program or amplify energy and healing with. Can both draw and send energy.
Powerful clear ones open brow, crown, and transpersonal for meditation, sending / receiving guidance.
Stimulates natural crystals in body tissues and fluids to resonate at new healing frequency. See also many
other stones (amethyst, tiger's eye...) India: detected food poison by clarity change. Yin or androgynous.
Works with all chakras and master gland. With chlorite: powerful for sending and advanced specialized (or gray / lavendar):a good healing stone for linking heart with throat and brow. To expand self
expression and creativity, plus refining communication skill to new levels. Eases throat tension. Immune
system, thyroid, iodine and b vitamin use. Some say shining light through blue quartz can help reduce need
for glasses. Still evolving. Rose:translucent to clear pink. Love, beauty, peacefulness, forgiving, lovingness,
self-love, emotional balance. Soft. Gently soothes and warms heart center. Emotional healing, loss, stress,
hurt, fear, low confidence, resentment, anger. Slowly eases childhood traumas / neglect / lack of love, low
self-esteem. Cleanse and recharge often. Especially if fades. Aligns mental, emotional, and astral bodies.
Rutilated / rutile: clear quartz with metallic, golden rutile, copper, or blue / gray titanium fibers that
powerfully electrically conduct and amplify energy / thoughts / programming for healing. Intensifies /
deepens altered states. Opens crown/brown for meditation, clairvoyance, telepathy, insight. Some make one
too spacey or scattered to wear. (induces alpha) stimulates immunity, strength, blue corona, imagery,
dreams. Golden fibers may increase radiation protection and health rejuvination. Each stone's
energy/qualities are unique. Smoky quartz: (2 kinds: 1.) Smoky, rootbeer, or chocolate-colored clear
crystals. The clearest, most intense ones powerfully open the crown. For deep meditation,
channeling/higher guidance, deep relaxation, lovingness. Ancient use also to stimulate meridians,
kundalini, and correct fertility / pms / reproductive imbalance. Stores info well. Aleviates fear, anxiety,
depression, emotional stuckness, etc. 2a.) Dense, dull, solid / semisolid black / brown, less attractive. Very
grounding, opposite of other smokeys . May feel dense, heavy, nonconductive. 2b.) Many were irradiated
to turn them this flat, dark color with white edge of base. If so, they're not useful for conducting light /
healing, thus less useful for wearing or healing.
Uranus. Purifier, protector, spiritual awakener. Raises vibratory rate.
Blue (or gray/lavender):
A fairly rare stone, is found the us and brazil. Varies in color from pale blue to lavender or gray. Beneficial
effects for the upper torso and related organs. Helps purify the bloodstream and heighten the body's
immunity to disease. Helps you discover or increase your understanding of your spiritual nature. Has a
calming effect upon the mind and stimulates hope. A good healing stone for linking heart with throat and
brow chakra to expand self expression and creativity, plus refining communication skill to new levels.
Eases throat tension. Immune system, thyroid, iodine and b vitamin use. Some say shining light through
blue quartz can help reduce need for glasses. Still evolving. Yin.
Quartz – lavender
: aid to meditation and self remembering. Being aware of what is actually doing & saying on all levels.
Supra-self awareness. Charka: heart, throat, brow.
Purple quartz:
This stone should not be confused with amethyst. It has a dark violet color and may have inclusions or
clouding within it. Beneficial to the cleansing organs. Capable of stimulating thoughts and helping you
learn to contemplate and analyze data.
Quartz – red
: aids in positive action. Produces abundance of physical energy & vitality.
Quartz - rose
Translucent pink.
Rose quartz is "the stone of gentle love". It brings peace and calm to relationships and works on all the
chakras to remove negativity and reinstate forces of self-love. It brings healing, emotional balance, and
channels universal love, it also helps heartbreak and childhood pain.
Emotional balance. Very good for expressing and soothing emotions. Try to find undyed rose quartz. I find
that gold doesn't mix with rose quartz.
Venus. Self love, friendship.
: translucent to clear pink. Love, beauty, peacefulness, forgiving, lovingness, self-love, emotional balance.
Soft. Gently soothes & warms heart center. Emotional healing, loss, stress, hurt. Cleanse & recharge often.
Slowly eases childhood traumas, neglect, lack of love. Chakra: heart.
Comforts and heals emotional wounds; prevents wrinkles.
Translucent to clear pink. Love, beauty, peacefulness, forgiving, lovingness, self-love, emotional balance.
Soft. Gently soothes and warms heart center. Emotional healing, loss, stress, hurt, fear, low confidence,
resentment, anger. Slowly eases childhood traumas/neglect/lack of love, low self-esteem. Cleanse and
recharge often. Especially if fades. Aligns mental, emotional, and astral bodies. Deeply in tune with
emotional states. Found in the us, brazil, and japan. Its value as a nurturing friend cannot be overstated. A
soothing influence. Helps diffuse negative stimuli and uncomfortable memories. Helps us discover the
ability to love ourselves and makes us more open to other people. It is of particular value in helping us to
forgive ourselves, hastening self-acceptance. Helps us realize that all change is important, even difficult
change. Stimulates love and tender appreciation of all things. Advantageous for the heart and circulatory
systems. Also helps the cleansing organs. The reproductive organs may become healthier. Said to help
increase fertility. Recommended for artists, acupuncturists, lecturers, and those suffering from low selfesteem.
Pink. Enhances all forms of love: self-love, mother love, caring, kindness, platonic and romantic live.
Opens our hearts and encourages us to be tender, peaceful and gentle. Emanates unconditional love and
nurturance and helps us attract positive, gentle love into our lives. Teaches forgiveness and tolerance.
Emotional balance. Very good for expressing and soothing emotions. Try to find undyed rose quartz. I find
that gold doesn't mix with rose quartz.
Venus. Self love, friendship.
Quartz - smokey
Mercury, earth. One of the best grounding stones. Balancing. Smoky quartz: (2 kinds: 1.) Smoky, rootbeer,
or chocolate-colored clear crystals. The clearest, most intense ones powerfully open the crown. For deep
meditation, channeling/higher guidance, deep relaxation, lovingness. Ancient use also to stimulate
meridians, kundalini, and correct fertility / pms / reproductive imbalance. Stores info well. Aleviates fear,
anxiety, depression, emotional stuckness, etc. 2a.) Dense, dull, solid / semisolid black / brown, less
attractive. Very grounding, opposite of other smokeys . May feel dense, heavy, nonconductive. 2b.) Many
were irradiated to turn them this flat, dark color with white edge of base. If so, they're not useful for
conducting light / healing, thus less useful for wearing or healing.
Uranus. Purifier, protector, spiritual awakener. Raises vibratory rate.
: rootbeer or chocolate clear crystals. The clearest, most intense ones powerfully open the 7th chakra
drawing light down to the root chakra. Inducing alpha/ deep meditation for channeling, deep relaxation,
lovingness. Ancient use also to stimulate meridians, kundalini. Stores information well. Alleviates fear,
anxiety, depression. Chakras: crown. Kundalini
Quartz – strawberry
: has an intense, dreamy quality helps one to remember dreams. Balances artisans. Keeps one attached to
the body.
Crystal which has rainbows inside when viewed in bright light. Promotes hope, happiness and optimism
and awakens us to the beauty in nature.
Rainbow crystals
As you turn a clear quartz crystal around in bright light, you may see a rainbow inside. These crystals
promote hope, happiness and optimism while awakening us to the beauty of nature. They encourage earth
stewardship and respect for nature.
Receiving crystals
Clear quartz crystals with one broad flat face. These crystals help us become more receptive and nonjudgmental. They also draw or receive energy. Many healers put the flat facet against a body part that is
ailing to draw out the negative energy.
Crystals which have small pyramid-shaped marking on one or more facets which designated them as
record-keepers or recorders. They are commonly thought of as "crystal memory banks" which contain
ancient knowledge awaiting for just the right person who has the ability to decipher it's hidden power.
Right-handed crystal
A clear quartz crystal with an extra facet on the right side of the largest facet of the crystal. This crystal
promotes rationality, reasonableness, analytical ability, intellectual acuity and learning. These crystals are
dynamic, projective and energizing when held in the right hand.
Rock crystal
Encompasses a large family of stones and crystals, all of which are made up primarily of silicon dioxide,
one of the most common and most important substances in the world. Crystals of pure quartz, generally sixsided, can be found in all shades and colors. Quartz crystals grow singularly or in groups and take on
different shapes according to the temperature at the time of their formation. Quartz crystals can also contain
other minerals "frozen" within, as in rutilated quartz.
Quartz can be formed of microscopic crystals and take on entirely different appearances and qualities.
Other members of the quartz family include chalcedony, agate, jasper, carnelian, onyx, and sardonyx.
These are treated separately because their healing qualities are very different from crystal quartz.
Probably the most versatile multipurpose healing stone. Easy to cleanse, store info/energy in, program or
amplify energy and healing with. Can both draw and send energy. Powerful clear ones open brow, crown,
and transpersonal chakra for meditation, sending/receiving guidance. Stimulates natural crystals in body
tissues and fluids to resonate at new healing frequency. See also many other stone forms of quartz.
(amethyst, tiger's eye...)
Translucent champagne color with darker lines.
Rutilated quartz assists one in getting to the root of a problem and helps access the reason for a disease or
discomfort, so one can remedy the situation. It stabilizes relationships, marriages, imbalances and brings
strength with love, growth in all areas, and calm, reason and order. Sun, uranus. High electrical charge.
Powerful healer.
: clear quartz with metallic golden rutile, cooper or blue/grey. Titanium fibers that powerfully electrically
conduct & amplify energy, thoughts, programming for healing. Intensifies & deepens altered states. Opens
6th & 7th chakras for meditation, clairvoyance, telepathy, insight. Makes one too spacy to wear. Golden
fibers may increase radiation protection and health rejuvenation. Androgynous. Chakras: brow & crown.
Rutilated crystal
Rutile crystallizes in the form of prismatic crystals, or in this case, as needle-like crystals. It has been
known to represent both the lovely hair of venus and the "sweet" tipped arrows of love. It has been likened
to the appearance of wheat straw and angel hair. The ethereal aspects of rutile bring strength with love,
ease in transition, growth in all avenues of ones development, and calm, reason and order. Rutile is used for
healing and balancing the aura via repelling negative energy. It affects the physical, etheric and astral
bodies. It assists one in getting to the root of a problem and hence, provides for access to the reason for a
dis-ease , so that one can remedy the situation. It is a stone for stabilizing relationships, marriages, mental
processes, and emotional and physical imbalances.
Strengthens positive direction and is the stone of creativity.
Promotes determination, self-control, strength of will, resolve, self-reliance, volition, steadfastness and
firmness. Good for people who have troublemaking decisions. Also associated with happiness,
communication with spirit guardians and general healing.
Rutilated quartz assists one in getting to the root of a problem and helps access the reason for a disease
or discomfort, so one can remedy the situation. It stabilizes relationships, marriages, imbalances and
brings strength with love, growth in all areas, and calm, reason and order. Translucent champagne
color with darker lines. Sun, uranus. High electrical charge. Powerful healer.
Clear quartz with metallic, golden rutile, copper, or blue/gray titanium fibers that powerfully electrically
conduct and amplify energy/thoughts/programming for healing. Intensifies/deepens altered states. Opens
crown/brown chakra for meditation, clairvoyance, telepathy, insight. Some make one too spacey or
scattered to wear. (induces alpha) stimulates immunity, strength, blue corona, imagery, dreams. Golden
fibers may increase radiation protection and health rejuvenation. Each stone's energy/qualities are unique.
Androgynous. Helpful with lung disorders. Contains rutile in needle-like mineral inclusions. One can find
rutilated versions of most of the types of quartz discussed thus far. It heightens whatever energetic
influence the regular quartz posses and helps direct that boosted energy to problematic areas.
Clear quartz with metallic, golden rutile, copper, or blue/gray titanium fibers that powerfully electrically
conduct and amplify energy/thoughts/programming for healing. Intensifies/deepens altered states. Opens
crown/brown chakra for meditation, clairvoyance, telepathy, insight. Some make one too spacey or
scattered to wear. (induces alpha) stimulates immunity, strength, blue corona, imagery, dreams. Golden
fibers may increase radiation protection and health rejuvenation. Each stone's energy/qualities are unique.
Androgynous. Helpful with lung disorders. Contains rutile in needle-like mineral inclusions. One can find
rutilated versions of most of the types of quartz discussed thus far. It heightens whatever energetic
influence the regular quartz posses and helps direct that boosted energy to problematic areas.
Order info
Rutilated quartz guides instant communication between all life forms.
Rutilated quartz was termed "venus hair" in ancient times; later it was called
sagenite. It was thought to be captured sunlight and to be helpful for dark moods
and coughs.
Rutilated quartz gives us new hope and transmits uprightness, independence and
spiritual greatness.
Rutilated quartz has a mood-lifting and anti-depressive effect. It dissolves hidden,
unacknowledged fear and liberates us from feelings of anxiety and constriction.
Rutilated quartz helps develop vision. Aligns the mind and the body.
Rutilated quartz helps with disease of the respiratory tract, particularly with
chronic bronchitis. It stimulates the regenerating power of all cells and the flow of
energy and body growth. Rutilated quartz encourages an upright posture.
Rutilated quartz can be used for meditation, or for wearing or laying on the chest or
solar plexus.
This stone has been cleared, smudged and infused with reiki energy
Selene crystal
A clear quartz crystal , with any rounded inclusion. This crystal is attuned to lunar energies and promotes
psychic ability, gentleness, insight into the mysteries and all the qualities we think of as feminine. Place
under direct moonlight to infuse this crystal with "moonlight vision" (psychic seeing).
Crystals which have "sealed" over their broken end with small triangular shaped facets, which also
smoothes the broken edge (happens millennia ago when the crystal breaks in it's formation). Because these
crystals have healed themselves, we view them as particularly powerful healing stones.
Hera crystals also known as self-healed crystals.
Clear quartz crystals that have been broken off at one end and grew one or more terminations over the
broken area. They promote renewal, birth, rebirth, immortality and self healing powers.
Seven-faceted crystal
A clear quartz crystal with seven natural terminations. This crystal enhances introspection, serenity,
mysticism, spiritual attainment, transcendence, and peace.
Single and double-terminated
Clear quartz: single-terminated clear quartz crystals are six-sided with a flat bottom and point at the top.
These crystals teach us to focus energy on a concentrated point. Especially useful for people who have a
specific area or organ in the body that needs lots of attention. For mental states, it will help you to focus on
the best path to travel in breaking old habits or establishing new ones. Double-terminated clear quartz
crystals are a special occurrence in nature. Most terminated crystals grow out of rock, often in clusters with
other crystals. Double-terminated clear quartz crystals grow in clay or other soft materials. It has a point on
both ends. They can draw energy as well as direct it. The center of the crystal works like a neutralizing
chamber. One of the points draws negative energy inside, where it is transformed and purified. The energy
then passes out of the crystal through both points. It shows us that most efficient energy comes from our
own center.
Soulmate crystals
Two clear quartz crystals attached side by side, of a similar size. Also known as twin crystals. This crystal
promotes loving contact, tender communication and togetherness. On a personal level, it helps us find our
soulmate. On a spiritual level, these crystals teach us to blend with all life and to realize that our soul is
wed with all beings.
Soul-mate or twin
Two crystals grown together (attached side to side) and of a similar size. To promote loving contact, tender
communication and togetherness; to help find our soul-mate on a personal level; to teach us our souls are
joined to all beings on a spiritual level.
The spiral quartz crystal can be recognized by the twisted configuration throughout the body of the
formation. It has been used to bring the universal spiral of energy to the physical body and to assist one in
maintaining connection with the physical plane during meditation. It inspires the energy of love, such that
all chakras are activated into a spontaneous flowing movement, providing for a balance of the male and
female energies.
Spirit guardian crystal
A clear quartz double-terminated soulmate crystal. This crystal helps us contact our spirit guardians. Our
spirit guardians may be human, plant, animal or mineral; and you may have more than one. Our spirit
guardians protect and guide us.
Tabular crystals
Clear quartz crystals with a flattened shape. These crystals enhance communication, integration, smooth
energy flow and balance. They facilitate understanding and dialogue between people and also help us
communicate with nature and with spirit beings as well.
A crystal with a flattened shape. To enhance communication, smooth energy flow and integration of ideas
and balance; to facilitate understanding and dialogue between people; to help us communicate with nature.
Deflects and eliminates negative conditioning patterns.
It provides an energy or " solving atmosphere". Used to actualize an innate strength in the body. It helps
eliminating "crystalized " patterns in the body which have been destructive in a physical and mental manner
in one's life. It also helps in adjusting imbalances throughout the body.
Black tourmaline crystals inside of clear crystals. Balances and unites conscious with subconscious, male
with female, spirit with matter, heaven with earth. Brings harmony to any polarity and brings moderation
and unity to all situations.
Pluto, uranus. Deflects and eliminates negative conditioning patterns.
It provides an energy or " solving atmosphere". Used to actualize an innate strength in the body. It helps
eliminating "crystalized " patterns in the body which have been destructive in a physical and mental manner
in one's life. It also helps in adjusting imbalances throughout the body.
Aids in communications; stimulates positive direction.
Astral projection
This stone balances male and female energy, grounds, protections and dissipates
Breaks up existing habits and conditioning that is in the way of one's spiritual and
physical progress.
In this stone you get the energy of black tourmaline which deflects the negative
energy of others plus the alignment and harmonizing energy of quartz.
Black tourmaline also has a grounding effect, helping one to stay protected and
focused in the present. Quartz tend to raise the vibration of any other crystal or
mineral in the area.
This stone has been cleared, smudged and infused with reiki energy
Translucent clear.
All quartz amplifies and transmits energy. Clear quartz is used extensively in meditation, spiritual
development, and healing. It helps one to recognize the origin of a disease. It has been used in diagnostic
healing, in raising the consciousness toward the enlightened state.
Clear, many forms and colors! Probably the most versatile multi-purpose healing stone. Easy to cleanse,
store info / energy in, program or amplify energy and healing with. Can both draw and send energy.
Powerful clear ones open brow, crown, and transpersonal for meditation, sending / receiving guidance.
Stimulates natural crystals in body tissues and fluids to resonate at new healing frequency. See also many
other stones (amethyst, tiger's eye...) India: detected food poison by clarity change. Yin or androgynous.
Works with all chakras and master gland. With chlorite: powerful for sending and advanced specialized (or gray / lavendar):a good healing stone for linking heart with throat and brow. To expand self
expression and creativity, plus refining communication skill to new levels. Eases throat tension. Immune
system, thyroid, iodine and b vitamin use. Some say shining light through blue quartz can help reduce need
for glasses. Still evolving. Rose:translucent to clear pink. Love, beauty, peacefulness, forgiving, lovingness,
self-love, emotional balance. Soft. Gently soothes and warms heart center. Emotional healing, loss, stress,
hurt, fear, low confidence, resentment, anger. Slowly eases childhood traumas / neglect / lack of love, low
self-esteem. Cleanse and recharge often. Especially if fades. Aligns mental, emotional, and astral bodies.
Rutilated / rutile: clear quartz with metallic, golden rutile, copper, or blue / gray titanium fibers that
powerfully electrically conduct and amplify energy / thoughts / programming for healing. Intensifies /
deepens altered states. Opens crown/brown for meditation, clairvoyance, telepathy, insight. Some make one
too spacey or scattered to wear. (induces alpha) stimulates immunity, strength, blue corona, imagery,
dreams. Golden fibers may increase radiation protection and health rejuvination. Each stone's
energy/qualities are unique.
Transmitters are recognized by a configuration of two symmetrical seven-sided faces with a perfect
triangular face located between them. Through the use of these crystals, one can connect to the highest
wisdom and can receive specific information to specific circumstances, or can receive the universal truth
necessary for ones growth to enlightenment.
Slender clear quartz crystals at least three and one-half inches long. When held in the hand, these crystals
extend our manifestation powers greatly. They help make our wishes, dreams and prayers come true.
Never point a wand at anyone in jest; and never wish for anything negative when working with a wand
because their power is nothing less than magical.
Window crystals
A crystal with an extra diamond shaped facet. To let us see the spirit realms, or to lead us within to see our
own souls.
Clear quartz crystals with an extra diamond-shaped facet. These crystals let us see the spirit realms.
Looking through the "window" of the extra diamond-shaped facet, you might see the realms of angels and
spirit guardians, for example. If the "window" is tiny and in a non-symmetrical position, you might see
spirit worlds that are less well known, such as the realms of extra-terrestrials, devas or goddesses. Window
crystals also lead us within, to our own souls.
Even though each crystal has the basic six-sided crystal shape and may be terminated, there is an additional
flat plane, usually diamond-shaped, that give a view of the inner chamber of the crystal. It teaches the
importance of looking within ourselves, even if the view into our own soul is clouded and imperfect.
Yin or androgynous.
Works with all chakras and master gland. Works with all chakras and master gland for balancing, cleansing
and healing. Used to amplify both body energy and thought. Natural tendency for quartz is for harmony and
is considered the "stone of power". Quartz can be used to facilitate both speaking and receiving information
from the spiritual world, masters, teachers and healers. Stimulates positive thought and healing.
Common terms
Anthraxolite some crystals contain anthraxolite or petrified plant life. The anthraxolite resembles bits of
black coal within the crystals. A high concentration of anthraxolite gives the crystals a lustrous black effect.
The anthraxolite also may form into phantom crystals when higher concentrations crystallize within while
the herkimers are forming, these are rare and beautiful.
A bridge crystal is recognized as a smaller crystal which is part in and part out of a larger crystal. Almost
always there will be striations where the two meet, rarely they may:
1) form seamlessly, in a scepter type formation
2) one may completely form both points and be "wrapped" around by the other, as they formed, one
"flowed" around the complete crystal rather then forming an interface.
Either of these is a bit rare and a very nice addition to a collection.
Drusy herkimer quartz crystals are occasionally found as the lining of these pockets, often more beautiful to
the beholder then many of the crystals in the pocket. The drusy pocket roofs have almost always broken
away from the top of the pocket and are in small pieces on the floor of it, often buried in the clay that has
seeped into the pockets over the ages. Rarely, you will find larger pieces of drusy, these make wonderful
specimens or display items. The colors range from the more common clear or a very pretty silver/gray or a
rarer silver clear color; a yellow/gold color from iron oxide that has stained the crystals; to a rare, rich,
lustrous black from high concentrations of anthraxolite while the crystals were forming.
Enhydro means "water within". These are crystals that contain pockets of liquid, trapped inside the crystal
during its formation. Occasionally, there is liquid with no bubble but a tiny floating inclusion, most likely a
bit of anthraxolite . If you are really lucky you just might have one that has both an air bubble and an
anthraxolite particle moving in the enhydro pocket. Enhydro's are very rare themselves, just to own one in
your collection is quite an enhancement to it. But, please remember, that the area that an air bubble or piece
of anthraxolite moves in is rarely more then 5mm. The particle or bubble, to move is really tiny, often even
harder to see if crystal refraction interferes. Almost all of the larger enhydro's burst apart over the ages from
seasonal temperature fluctuations that the larger crystals could not adjust to. Like heating a marble and then
dumping it into ice water.
The matrix or rock that herkimers are found in, is dolomitic limestone, commonly referred to as
"dolostone". Limestone is soft and dolomite shatters very easily but combined they make a very hard rock
to mine though to obtain the herkimers.
A phantom is where a crystals growth was paused leaving a partial or complete "phantom", within the
crystal, after it continued to grow. The phantom usually appears as a fine white veil, but sometimes as a
colored mineral. In herkimers they are usually smoky or dark formations, rarely with defined facets and
very rarely with a viewable termination.
A pocket or vug is the bonanza in the hunt, you may find from a few crystals to hundreds, in one domed
geode type hole in the rock/cliff face.
A rainbow crystal is a herkimer with rainbow(s) inside, that are caused by light being refracted by the
prismatic effect of a crack, inclusion or the striation interfaces of two attached crystals.
Scepter crystals result from a second phase of crystal growth on a previously formed quartz crystal "stalk."
these merged crystals do not display the striations that other herkimer pairs and clusters do, they have
seamlessly formed without any connection markings. A classic or true scepter is one in which the second
crystal extends in a more or less straight fashion from the first or stalk, creating one longer "scepter"
crystal. These are very rare and beautiful. When i list a "scepter" it's in this category, when i call a herkimer
a "scepter type" i am referring to the formation without striations. These are also on the rare side but not
nearly as much as a true scepter.
Skeletal quartz crystals often form with a geometric pattern of lines, depressions and raised terminations
(related to the quartz crystal structure) etched into their surface. Internally, these crystals can exhibit plainly
visible cavities in geometric patterns (also related to the quartz crystal structure) and sometimes
accompanied by carbon dioxide or water trapped inside. These cavities often have a layered or ribbed
aspect and are sometimes so pronounced as to make the crystal almost hollow, giving rise to the term
skeletal quartz. Some crystals may only display skeletal etchings or what look like inscriptions. These are
not as rare but also are in a class by themselves. You may also find skeletal crystals that have area's that are
open, going from the facet faces to deep within the crystal, a very rare find.
Please note, striations are not skeletal formations, you will never see them listed as such in my auctions.
A striation/s is formed when two or more crystals join together, they lock together like a fancy jig saw
puzzle piece, they form beautiful crystal patterns at the interface just like the facets of the crystals. In many
cases, over the ages, the crystals split apart due to seasonal temperature changes . This often leaves
beautiful crystal patterns that can even enhance the beauty of a crystal. Or, they may break apart leaving
fractures that do not add to any crystal. In rare instances one crystal will form complete and the other will
"wrap around" it, thus having only one of the two crystals with striations or none at all. If the clarity is
present to show this you have a really rare and wonderful piece in your collection.
A ”tabby” or tabular crystal is recognized as a flat crystal, usually with etching or notches (major striations)
on one or more sides. A classic and very rare one has two opposing facets that are twice the size of the
other two opposing facet sets.
A twin is recognized as two individual crystals of approximately the same size, growing side by side to the
extent that part of their sides have merged together. These should have terminations showing on both
crystals to qualify. Sometimes one may be damaged but none of the terminations should be inside either
Attunement Crystal
Celestial Writer Crystal
Cathedral Crystal
Channelling Crystal
Bridge Crystal
Barnacle Crystal
Herkimer Diamond
Diamond Crystal
Double Terminated crystals
Dendritic Crystal
Curves on Crystals
Key Release Crystal
Starburst Crystal
Goddess Crystal
Generator Crystal
Faden Quartz
Rainbow Fire Crystal
Fashioned Stones
Cut Clear Quartz Wand
Phantom Crystal
Record Keeper Crystal
Rutile Crystal
Manifesting Crystal
lines on a Crystal
Tantric Twin
Laser Wand
Self Healed Crystals
Singing and Toning
Transcendental Crystal
Trans-Channelling Crystal
Sceptre Quartz
Reversed Sceptre
Transmitter Crystal
Twin Crystals
Seer Stone (dragon egg)
Left Hand Quartz
(Time Link)
Right Hand Quartz
(Time Link)
Long, Thin Crystal Type
Herimer Diamond Quartz
Diamond Facets
Optical Pyramid from inside
Tabular Crystal Type
The Elestial Crystal is recognized by natural terminations over the body
and face of an etched and/or layered crystal. I picture an elestial as a
sort of 'pile' or stack of self healed terminations without the semblance
of a former point or body. Sort of an amorphous self healed blob. I
know that doesn't sound very pretty, but I can't really describe it any
other way.
They are quite beautiful, by the way.
Merlin crystals, also called Generators, are recognized as a configuration
of the six crystal faces joining together to form a centrally located point.
The picture on the right is an example of what a Merlin crystal should
look like from a top view... All the sides of the faces should join and
make one central point. Because the centrally located point is balanced, a
small Merlin crystal is excellent to use as a pendulum.
A Key configuration is recognized by a three or six-sided indented shape
located on the crystal that may be very shallow or quite deep. The indent
becomes narrower as it goes within the crystal, and ends within the
crystal, usually in an apex termination.
A long slender crystal with small faces comprising the termination. The
crystal is wider at the base than at the tip, and the angles of the sides of
the crystal are curved, rather than straight, in many instances. This
entire laser wand is also a curved crystal. they aren't all curved like this
one, usually the curve is just in the lines of the sides (not the body itself)
however, this was the best picture I had for now.
See how the faces at the tip (on the left) are tiny compared to the base (on
the right)?
The Manifestation crystal is recognized by a small crystal totally enclosed
within a larger crystal,
and they are very rare.
Crystals which have "sealed" over their broken end with small triangular
shaped facets, which also smoothes the broken edge (this presumably
happens sometime when the crystal is still at the mine but I don't know
this for fact). Because these crystals have healed themselves, they are
viewed as particularly powerful healing stones. They are also considered
self healing if they have broken and healed themselves like the one in the
picture above. I wasn't able to find a good pre-existing shot of a self
healed base, but this was a great picture of a healed broken point.
Occurs in the formation of flat and relatively clear quartz layers. These
sheet crystals make the most excellent sound when clinked together. It is
indescribable. Musical. Lovely.
Two crystals grown together (attached side to side) and of a similar size.
A crystal with a flattened shape.
A window crystal is a crystal with an extra diamond shaped facet.
If you are unsure if a crystal has a window or not, count the facets. It
there are only six, it does not. It there are more than six, it does. A
centrally located diamond shaped facet is simply a window crystal. A
slanting diamond is either a left or right activation window or they are
also referred to as "time links" or "doors". The window that slants to the
left is a time link or door to the past, and the window that slants to the
right is a time link or door to the future.
Some of the Master Crystals
For the feminine side of your nature, whatever your sex. Has 5 sides on the
main face.
Helps you listen to your Guides
Window, or if diamond is offset like a parallellogram it is a Time Slip
Click on drawing to see photo
Record Keeper
A crystalline computer containing information
Click on drawing to see photo
Self Healed
Survivor of damage, helps you do the same. Sometimes new crystals grow to fill
the damaged area, sometimes the crystal just heals itself and continues to grow.
Good for those who have suffered traumatic childhoods.
The white threadlike marking going through these crystals
is what marks them as Fadens ("faden" is German for
"thread"). Faden crystals are usually small and unusually
shaped, often tabular. They have a lovely light sparkling
Sometimes a crystal stops growing for a while and some dust or other
mineral lands on it. Then the crystal starts growing again but the
shadow of where it stopped can be seen clearly inside it, like the
growth rings of a tree. Sometimes this happens several times during
the growth of a crystal, causing multiple phantoms. You may be able
to see changes or developments in the facets.
A phantom crystal helps you deal with your shadow side, recognising
it and accepting it, working with it instead of denying or fighting it. It also helps in
transition, conscious completion, past and parallel life recall and synthesis of the soul.
Others include Transmitter, Dow, Devic, Light Library, Earthkeeper, Elestial. Pictures
of these and more descriptions will come.
If you are interested in learning more about crystals, consider joining our free email
group, Crystal Light. We discuss crystals and occasional other complementary or selfimprovement therapies/techniques. To find out more, click here.
Metaphysical Guide to Quartz Crystals
Clarity - Clarity ranges from milky white to
glass clear that sparkles like a cut diamond.
Most crystal is milky white at the base and
gradually clears to the tip. The milky white
feminine qualities of love, communication,
negotiation, and receptivity. The clear crystal
represents the yang or masculine qualities of
power, force, strength, and creativity.
Yin & Yang DT
Cluster - Quartz clusters contain multiple
points attached to a common plate of matrix.
environment because they uplift the vibration
of a room, providing a more collaborative spirit
environment. Sometimes, quartz clusters can
Quartz Cluster
incorporate multiple types of crystals on one
plate, making them very versatile crystals.
Tabular Crystal - A crystal with a flattened
tabular shape and two of its opposite sides
are twice as wide, or more, than its other
sides, giving the appearance of a tablet, is
called a Tabby crystal. It is believed they can
help us access information and are considered
the ultimate communications crystal. They
are a bridge between our adult self and our
child like spirit.
Tabular Quartz
Faden-Lined Crystal - Faden crystals have a
milky feather line clearly visible within their
interior structure that usually runs through
the crystal. Faden lines manifest primarily in
tabby shaped crystals, but have been found in
a normal single point crystal. It is believed
that the line represents the seed point that
activates new growth within one's self.
rainbow(s) inside, that is caused by light
being refracted by the prismatic effect of a
crack or inclusion, is called a Rainbow. It is
believed that these crystals exhibit the closest
manifestation of pure white light that can be
witnessed on the physical plane. Rainbow
dreams, help manifest wishes, and overcome
Window Crystal - A crystal with a diamond
or rectangular face between the body and tip
of a point is called window. It is believed this
crystal will open a ‘window to your soul.’ and
help you get intuitive answers to questions
that bypass the ego or intellect. They are
used for clarity and direction. If you are
having problems and aren't sure why, a
window crystal can help illuminate the cause.
Time Link Past - A crystal with a rectangular
face leaning to the left can be attuned to your
past. It is believed that crystals with these
markings can be used to access information
from the past. On rare occasions, a crystal
might incorporate both Past and Future links,
and these can be used for inquiries and
insights in both directions on the timeline.
Time Link Past
rectangular face leaning to the right can help
you understand what the future holds for you.
It is believed that this crystal can be used to
pertains to your incarnation on earth now and
in the distant future, as well as help in
visionary quests and creative ventures. They
can also help one access akashic records.
Time Link Future
Record Keeper Crystal - A crystal that has
pyramidal or triangular shaped symbols that
is either engraved into, or is raised on one or
more of the crystal faces, is called a Record
Keeper or Recorder. It is believed that the
Record Keeper holds cosmological insights
regarding the nature of the universe. When a
Record Keeper
Self Healed Crystal - A crystal that has
severed from its original matrix or cluster
group, but continued to grow new crystal
structure over the area where the crystal
separated from its original host, in effect,
healing its own wounds. It is believed that
this crystal will aid in any type of selfhealing—physical,
Self Healed
exceptionally supportive.
Channeling Crystal - A crystal with a large,
seven-sided face opposite a triangular face on
the other side is called a channeling crystal. It
is believed that the Channeling crystal can be
used for obtaining information from deep
within yourself or from sources that are
outside of your normal realm. The number
seven is a metaphysical number symbolic of
the seeker of deeper truths.
Channeling Crystal
Isis Crystal - A crystal with a five-sided face
is called an Isis crystal. It is believed the Isis
crystal will put you in touch with, and strongly
amplify, your feminine energy. It can help you
get in touch with the 'female' or unselfish side
of yourself, no matter whether you are a man
or a woman. Isis crystals put you in touch
with the power of the Goddess.
Isis Crystal
Included Crystal - A crystal with another
known as an included crystal, and if the
inclusion is in the form of a pyramid or
chevron configuration, it is known as a
phantom. Some crystals have layered points
resembling pyramids of crystals (phantoms),
and some may just have specks or globs of
included material.
Included Crystal
Bridge Crystal - A crystal that has a smaller
crystal that either penetrates and/or is lodged
partially into the crystal with the other part
protruding from the crystal is called a Bridge
crystal. It is believed this crystal is helpful
when a person is striving to work with various
aspects of spirituality or to heal childhood
issues blocking growth. This is the ultimate
spiritual teacher's crystal.
Bridge Crystal
Manifestation Crystal - A crystal with a
small crystal totally enclosed within is a called
a Manifestation crystal. It is believed to help
people who have had a traumatic—physically
or emotionally—childhoods. They are helpful
for people who are blocking painful memories.
They help bring the cause of the pain to the
surface and allow the person to successfully
Manifestation Crystal
deal with it.
Dow Crystal - A crystal with three, primary,
triangular faces between them (737373). It is
believed this crystal is a combination crystal
that incorporates the properties of both a
Channeler and a Transmitter crystal in one
crystal. It helps facilitate intuitive awareness
and connection with “All That Is”. It is
considered one of the Twelve Master Crystals.
Dow Crystal
Elestial Crystal - A crystal with natural
terminations over the shaft and faces, is
exhibit a smoky color and vary in luster. It is
believed this crystal can repair damaged cells
in the brain and rewire the damaged areas to
crystals brought into this reality, at this time,
Elestial Crystal
Natural Smoky Crystal - A crystal with a
caused by natural earth radiation is called a
smoky crystal. Smoky quartz crystals have a
grounding affect to the user and are often
used for protection from psychic attacks and
physical intrusions. They are also considered
very potent crystals for spiritual evolution
and are excellent, spiritual catalysts.
Smoky Crystal
Twin Crystal - A crystal with two points on a
common base is called a twin crystal. You can
tell a twin crystal from two crystals that are
simply attached to each other, by the fact
that both parts of a twin crystal are exactly
parallel to each other, and have no boundary
between them. It is believed the Twin crystal
improving a relationship.
Twin Crystal
Grounding Crystal - A crystal with an eightsided face is called a Grounding crystal. They
are quite rare. It is believed that this crystal
will help you deal with the matters of life and
work in a practical way. They will help you
Grounding crystals are well suited for problem
Grounding Crystal
Extra-Terrestrial Crystal - A crystal with a
single termination at one end and multiple
terminations at the other end. It is believed
this crystal will help channel space beings,
celestial beings, and guardian angels. They
are not to be confused with self-healers as
the terminations of an ET are significantly
ET Crystal
Japanese Law Crystal - These crystals have
twin points at a 90-degree angle. They are
very rare and unusual configurations. This
one is in a cluster with the tip or the
horizontal point hidden behind the vertical
point on the right. These are considered to
provide insights about handling changes in
one’s life as well as providing a sense of
comfort with life changes.
Japanese Law Crystal
Laser Wand Crystal - A long slender crystal
that tapers from the base to termination,
culminating in a precise termination, is called
a laser wand. It is believed that the laser
wand can be used to clear negativity, create
protective barriers, focus healing energy to
self or others,
psychic surgery to remove attitudes that may
be causing disease.
Laser Wand
Key Crystal - The key crystal is recognized
somewhere on the crystal. It is believed the
Key crystal can be used to unlock the doors to
healing, help answer difficult questions, solve
problems, and access information to that
which is hidden. The “amphitheater” key
crystal is the most rare and is marked by
clear levels of indented rows.
Key Crystal
Barnacle Crystal - A crystal covered, or
partially covered, with smaller crystals is
considered a barnacle crystal. It is believed
that the Barnacle crystal will help stimulate
considered a companion when having lost a
loved one. Baracle crystals provide a sense of
companionship and collaboration in work and
Barnacle Crystal
Multi-Terminated Crystal - These are similar to
double terminated crystals except the terminations are
not singular on each end of the crystal. These crystals
are among the most rare of the crystal kingdom and
are considered extremely valuable as metaphysical
tools for spiritual enlightenment. They are helpful in
bringing a more multi-dimensional understanding of
both the cosmos and individual entity.
A Manifestor is
characterized by a
crystal growing totally
inside another crystal. A
crystal growing half in
and half out of a crystal,
some term as an inner
child crystal, but I also
feel these are
manifestors and I use
them as
crystals are believed to
help people who have
had traumatic, physical
or emotional, childhood.
They are helpful for
those who block painful
memories. They help
bring the cause of the
pain to the surface
allowing one to
successfully deal with it,
while shielding from the
pain those memories
can cause Work well for
those working through
current family problems
or issues. Also very
helpful in assisting with
manifestation of any
kind. If there is
something wished for by
using manifestation
techniques, some
questions may be, "Do I
really want this?" or "Are
there reasons I may not
want this?" Be very
clear!! If the crystal
perceives mixed
messages it may not
facilitate the
This is a beautiful
example of a Faden
Crystal. These crystals
are identified by the
milky feather like line
within the structure
which usually runs
through the crystal. It is
said the line represents
the seed point of growth
and these particular
crystals have the ability
to activate new growth
within oneself or within
someone you may be
working with, utilizing
healing energy. Most
often a Faden line will be
represented in a tabular
crystal like the one
shown at left. Very rarely
will you find this
formation in a normal
single point crystal.
The Laser Wand, "can
be used to help heal
relationships by cutting
the emotional cords of
jealousy, insecurity,
anger, sorrow or guilt.
They can also be used
to assist in breaking
attachments towards
people or things. When
these cords are cut, one
must rebuild the identity
based in self love and
security." Rapheall
suggests using Rose
Quartz, Kunzite, Pink
Tourmaline in a heart
chakra trinity and adding
Green Aventurine.
This is an excellent
example of an
Interrupted or growth
interference crystal. As
shown, this type of
crystal has various
"cuts" on the body,
similar to cuts done with
a trim saw. Thin, minute,
flat calcite crystals have
interfered with the
growth pattern of the
quartz crystal. This type
of crystal formation is
believed to help remove
self limitations and
energy blockages.
A Phantom crystal is
recognizable by a
"phantom" crystal within
the crystal, usually
comprised of a white or
colored mineral being
partial or complete. The
Phantom crystal
symbolizes universal
awareness. The energy
of the Phantom works to
bring together the
participants of humanity
to save the planet.
It is also an excellent
tool for meditation and
for assisting in the
connection with the
higher realms, ESP
those of knowledge. May
also assist one in
meeting a personal
guide. Promotes inner
growth and
transcendence. A great
crystal for "gazing" as
well. More can be found
by reading Love is in the
Earth by Melody. If
interested, I will be glad
to type out the
information in its entirety
for interested parties.
A Record Keeper Crystal
is one that has triangular
shaped symbol(s) which
can be raised or
engraved on one or
more of the crystal's
faces. These are not
easy symbols to see
with a one time glance,
they must be held to the
light and looked at
closely. Record Keepers
are believed to be one of
the most sacred of the
crystals because it holds
the knowledge of the
universe. The ancient
Atlantians programmed
the Record Keepers
before the fall of that
great civilization in order
to record and safeguard
their knowledge.When
one is properly attuned
to this crystal, this
ancient knowledge may
reveal itself. One must
be of pure heart and
open mind to access the
secrets of the Record
This is an example of a
Clear Quartz Cluster. As
well as the amplification
properties quartz exhibit,
this type of cluster will
assist in breaking up
negativity within an
environment and has
purification properties. It
also is a protector and
promotes harmony. This
particular piece is
extremely clear.
This smoky citrine is a
perfect example of an
Elestial Crystal. This
particular crystal shows
natural terminations over
the body and face of the
crystal resembling a
human skeletal structure
or the human brain. This
is a powerful crystal,
with the belief being that
it can repair damaged
cells in the brain and
rewire damaged areas.
This crystal is thought to
be used to assist in the
mass cleansing, healing
and reawakening that is
currently facing us. Also
known to bring great
comfort to those in a
dying process, assisting
in the release of fears.
This particular Elestial
Crystal shown is also an
enhydro, meaning there
is fluid in the crystal itself
as shown in the second
picture. The fluid can be
very old and more than
likely very pure. A
mineral or crystal
enhydro, in addition to
the properties of the
specific mineral or
crystal, An enhydro will
assist one in recognizing
and/or understanding
the true feelings of
another, supporting the
empathetic nature. It
contains a life sustaining
energy, assisting in
healing in many ways.
The Twin Quartz Crystal,
also known as the Soul
Mate Crystal, can be
recognized as two or
more individual crystals
growing together such
that certain portions of
the crystals are in
parallel alignment, while
other portions of each
crystal are in reverse
positions with respect to
each other. These
crystals promote loving
contact, tender
communication and
togetherness.They teach
us to blend with all life
and realize that our soul
is wed to all beings. This
particular crystal is
doubly fascinating as it
has two smaller crystals
protruding from the
twins. These protrusions
are called inner child
crystals. There is one in
each of the twins.
This is a fine example of
a Tabular or "Tabby"
Crystal. These crystals
are recognized from the
flattened or tabbed
shape with "notches" on
one or both sides.The
two opposite sides are
twice as wide as the
others. It is said that
rubbings one's fingernail
downward across the
notches will "open" the
crystal and its
information. Tabular
Crystals may enhance
communication and
smooth the energy flow
and balance. May also
assist in
communications with
nature and spirit beings.
This natural formation of
a quartz crystal is called
a Sceptre Crystal. This
formation is recognized
by the natural crystal
forming itself around a
crystal "rod", hence, the
appearance of the
This is known to be a
symbol of power and
focuses energy within
the heart. These crystals
were used in Atlantis
and Lemuria in healing
One of my favorite
things to look for in any
crystal is the presence of
"rainbows". This
Rainbow Quartz Crystal
is a perfect example.
The rainbows occur
when there is a break or
fracture within the
crystal, causing certain
prismatic effects. The
presence of a rainbow
gives additional energies
which otherwise may be
lacking in a clearer
This is a prime example
of a Barnacle Crystal.
This particular crystal
can be recognized by a
larger quartz crystal that
is covered or partially
covered with smaller
crystals. The larger
crystal is the "old soul"
which contains the
wisdom and trust which
attracts the younger
This type of crystal can
promote a stimulation of
family or group
cooperation. It is also
used to be a companion
when having lost a loved
Double Terminated
crystals are very easy to
recognize, as they have
points on both ends of
the natural quartz
crystal. Energy may
move outward in either
direction or in both
directions concurrently,
which is one reason why
it is sought after by
healers and light
workers. Double
terminated crystals can
be used for a variety of
things including,
increasing and
intensifying the dream
state. Astral Travel and
meditation also are
assisted by this crystal.
They are also wonderful
protectors from mental
and/or physical harm
and can be used to
increase ones own
energy shield.
This is a beautiful
example of a Rutile or
Rutilated Quartz Crystal.
This crystal is easily
recognized by the
"needles"( usually
formed from titanium
dioxide) encased in the
crystal. The Rutilated
crystal draws universal
life force energies into
the body, is a
regenerator and
enhances energy in
other stones. Rutilated
Quartz also promotes
self-determination, selfcontrol, strength of will,
resolve, self-reliance,
volition, steadfastness.
Good for people who
have trouble making
decisions. Also
associated with
communication with
spirit guardians and
general healing. Gets to
the root of problems.
Aids astral travel,
absorbs mercury
Here is an example of a
Window Quartz Crystal.
"This particular formation
is recognized by the
diamond shaped
"window" located in the
front and center of the
crystal, such that the top
point of the diamond
connects with the line
leading directly to the
termination, while the
side points connect with
angles forming the
opposing faces, and the
bottom point connects
with a line leading to the
base of the crystal."
This type of crystal allow
us to see the spirit
realms and leads us
within. It is literally a
window to the soul, as it
assists us in receiving
intuitive answers to
questions while
bypassing ego and/or
CLUSTERS: These represent community and are very powerful
at clearing any negative energy from a room. Just set one out
somewhere and allow it to work to clear the environment.
AMETHYST/SMOKY CLUSTERS: These particular clusters are mined in a
very small area of the Colorado Rockies. They are powerful in keeping the spirit
centered because they carry a special kind of energy that keeps all the energy
centers within the body aligned, balanced, and in harmony with each other.
BRAZILIAN CRYSTALS: Crystals from Brazil have the special quality of
enhancing your ability to project energy over a distance. For example, in some of
the above exercises, where you are sending healing energy to someone that is
too far away for you to touch physically, hold a Brazilian crystal along with the
other crystal to strengthen the transmission.
TIBETAN CRYSTALS: These extremely rare crystals are hand mined high in
the mountains of Tibet, and are carried down the mountainside by backpack.
Tibetan crystals are for protection. Just having a Tibetan crystal close to you puts
up an automatic shield against negative energy. It also helps shield you from
other people's negative energy. This shield is even stronger if you do a centering
exercise while holding the crystal.