Alabama Department of Postsecondary Education Representing Alabama’s Public Two-Year College System AMP 122 Reciprocating Engine Overhaul Plan Of Instruction Effective Date: 2004 Version Number: Base Document This course may be taught in its entirety in career/technical education degree programs, non-degree programs, and Training for Business and Industry programs. Individual instructional modules may be taught in customized training, adult education work-based project learner activities, and short-term training. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is a study of theory, construction, operation, and timing mechanisms associated with aircraft reciprocating Powerplant; overhaul to include disassembly, cleaning, measuring, inspecting, reassembly and troubleshooting in accordance with appropriate FAA and manufacturers’ regulations and practices. Emphasis is placed on overhauling a reciprocating engine. Upon completion, students should be able to overhaul a reciprocating engine. CORE CONTACT/CREDIT HOURS (applicable if entire course is taught in a career/technical education degree or non-degree program) Theory Contact/Credit Hours Lab Contact/Credit Hours Total Contact/Credit Hours 3/3 hours 6/2 hours 9/5 hours 40 hours (1:1) 100 hours (3:1) 140 hours NOTE: Colleges may schedule lab hours as manipulative (3:1) or experimental (2:1). Adjustments in contact hours must be made accordingly. PREREQUISITE COURSES (applicable if entire course is taught in a career/technical education degree or non-degree program) AMT 100, AMT 101, AMT 102 or equivalent CO-REQUISITE COURSES (applicable if entire course is taught in a career/technical education degree or non-degree program) Determined by college unless stated otherwise Reciprocating Engine Overhaul AMP 122 INDUSTRY COMPETENCIES RECIPROCATING ENGINE OVERHAUL Overhaul reciprocating engines App. D, Sec IA Item 2, Level 2 Inspect, check, service, and repair reciprocating engines and engine installations App. D, Sec IA Item 3, Level 3 ENGINE ASSEMBLY Install, troubleshoot, and remove reciprocating engines App. D, Sec IA Item 4, Level 3 COURSE OBJECTIVES The cognitive objective of this course is for each student to comprehend foundational knowledge needed to perform stated entry-level industry competencies. The performance objective of this course is for each student to apply foundational knowledge to problems and exercises encountered in class. CRITERION OBJECTIVES Industry Competency Student Performance Objectives MODULE A RECIPROCATING ENGINE OVERHAUL Overhaul reciprocating Given instruction in this course, an aircraft reciprocating engines engine requiring overhaul, general and specialized App. D, Sec IA Item 2, tools, overhaul, component assembly/disassembly, Level 2 inspection procedures and specifications, and verbal instructions, overhaul the reciprocating engine to simulated airworthiness specifications. Inspect, check, service, and repair reciprocating engines and engine installations App. D, Sec IA Item 3, Level 3 Given instruction in this course, reciprocating engine, test equipment, general and specialized tools, ground power unit, reciprocating engine inspection, checkout, servicing, and repair manuals, procedural guides and specifications, and verbal instructions, inspect, check, service, and repair the reciprocating engine to meet simulated airworthiness specifications. Given instruction in this course, installed reciprocating engine, general and specialized tools, ground power unit, reciprocating engine installation, inspection, checkout, and servicing manuals, procedural guides and specifications, and verbal instructions, inspect, check, and service, the installed reciprocating engine to meet simulated airworthiness specifications Alabama College System 2 Reciprocating Engine Overhaul AMP 122 ENABLING OBJECTIVES/KEY ENABLERS Describe the engine overhaul shop organization Identify safety procedures associated with engine overhaul Explain the safety procedures associated with engine overhaul Identify the equipment used in engine overhaul Explain the purpose of each piece of equipment Identify precision measuring tools used in engine overhaul Explain the purpose of each measuring tool Identify the manufacturer’s publications used in engine overhaul Identify the FAA publications used in engine overhaul Identify the records used to document engine overhauls Describe the engine overhaul preparation procedures Summarize the engine removal procedures Explain the engine disassembly procedures Describe the cleaning of various engine parts Identify the crankcase assembly Describe the construction of the crankcase assembly Summarize the inspection of the crankcase assembly Explain crankcase assembly repair State the purposes of reduction gearing Describe the construction of reduction gearing Explain reduction-gearing repair Identify accessory gears State the purpose of accessory gears Identify crankshaft and connecting rods State the purpose of crankshaft and connecting rods Describe the purpose of various crankshaft designs Explain the operating principles and construction of spur and pinion type and planetary type propeller reduction gearing Explain the principles of construction and operation of accessory gear drive trains on reciprocating engines Explain how to inspect cast and forged crankcase assemblies Explain how to remove and install studs in engine crankcase and accessory sections Describe the construction of crankshaft and connecting rods Summarize the inspection of crankshaft and connecting rods Identify types of engine bearings State the purpose of engine bearings Describe engine-bearing lubrication Summarize the inspection of engine bearings Describe the indications of failed or failing engine bearings Describe how to perform crankshaft “runout” Identify engine cylinder assemblies Explain the function of cylinder assemblies in an engine Describe the construction of engine cylinder assemblies Identify the different measurements of cylinder assemblies Explain the processes used to harden cylinder walls Describe the purpose and applicability of choke type or taper ground cylinders Describe the wear characteristics of engine cylinder walls Describe the result of operating an engine at high power settings before the lubricating oil has come to operating temperature Explain the measurement procedure for inside diameter taper and out of round cylinder bore Describe how to install cylinders and tighten holddown nuts Describe the construction characteristics of air-cooled engine cylinders Explain how to perform cylinder compression tests Alabama College System 3 Reciprocating Engine Overhaul AMP 122 Describe how to detect and determine the cause of a “cold cylinder” Identify the different types and arrangements of piston rings Explain the function of pistons in an engine Describe the construction characteristics of aircraft engine pistons Summarize the inspection of pistons Explain piston repair Identify piston rings types Explain the function of piston rings in an engine Explain the purpose of using relatively large piston to cylinder wall clearances in aircraft engines Describe how to check a piston ring for correct end and side end clearance Explain how to repair a cored aluminum piston Describe the installation of piston rings Identify engine valves Explain the purpose of engine valves Describe the construction of engine valves Explain function of engine valve timing Describe engine valve timing adjustment Summarize the inspection of engine valves Explain how to check and adjust engine valve clearances State the purpose of valve overlap in some engines Explain the purpose of using more than one spring on aircraft engine piston valves Describe the effects of various poppet-type valve face angles Describe the characteristics of various types of valve operating mechanisms Describe the operating characteristics of zero-lash hydraulic valve lifters Explain how to install valve guides Explain how to grind and resurface valves and valve seats Describe the effect of excessive or insufficient valve clearance on engine operation Explain the relationship between operating valve clearance and cold valve clearance MODULE B ENGINE ASSEMBLY Install, troubleshoot, and remove reciprocating engines App. D, Sec IA Item 4, Level 3 Given instruction in this course, aircraft with engine, test equipment, general and specialized tools, ground power unit, engine removal/installation and troubleshooting procedural guides and specifications, and verbal instructions, Remove and install the engine and troubleshoot as necessary to return the engine and aircraft to simulated airworthiness specifications. ENABLING OBECTIVES/KEY INDICATORS Describe how to time engine valves during engine assembly Describe the installation of cylinder assembly Summarize the procedures for engine removal Summarize the procedures for engine installation Summarize the engine troubleshooting procedures Describe the installation and timing of a magneto Summarize the process of hoisting and lifting engines during removal and installation Explain the operation of mechanical push-pull control systems Describe the factors affecting engine operation Explain the effect of induction system air leaks on engine operation Alabama College System 4 Reciprocating Engine Overhaul AMP 122 Define detonation Explain the result of incorrect air-fuel mixture adjustments Identify the indications of a leaking primer during engine operation Summarize ignition system operational checks Summarize how to perform compression checks Explain how to perform and ignition system operational check Describe how to determine the condition of cable operated engine control system Explain how to check and adjust engine idling speed Describe the purpose of establishing one or more critical ranges for certain propeller combinations Identify the operating indications of a worn or weak engine Describe the effect of leaking oil dilution valve on engine operation Describe the effect of low oil supply on engine operation Identify the indications of a correctly functioning engine oil system Identify the possible cause of oil being thrown out of the breather of a wet sump engine Determine the source and cause of metallic particles found on the oil screen during engine inspection Describe the effect of an unbalanced propeller on engine operation Identify the power settings for most desirable protracted engine operation Explain the process of engine oil dilution in preparation for cold weather starting operations Describe the purpose and operating principles of engine dynamic suspension systems Describe the effect throttle position upon fuel air mixture in the cylinders during starting Summarize how to pre-oil an engine before starting Explain how to install air-cooled engine baffles Describe the method for hoisting and lifting engines during removal and installation Explain the effect of increased engine manifold pressure on master rod bearing load Explain the effect of air density on engine power output Identify the causes of engine backfire Describe the basic operational sequence of increasing or reducing the power output of an engine equipped with a constant speed propeller Explain the factors that affect an engine’s tendency to detonate Describe the effects of induction system air leaks on engine operation Identify the indications of leaking primer systems during engine operation Describe the effect of exhaust backpressure on engine power output Identify the result of incorrect fuel air mixture Identify the indication of carburetor icing Explain how to operate and adjust mechanical push-pull control systems Alabama College System 5 Reciprocating Engine Overhaul COURSE CONTENT OUTLINE AMP 122 FAA AUTHORITY 147 SAFETY INSTRUCTION General Fire Drills Severe Weather Shop Safety Flight Line Safety MODULE A RECIPROCATING ENGINE OVERHAUL Overhaul shop organization and safety App. D, Sec IA Item 2, Level 2 o Personnel o Equipment and precision measuring tools o Safety Engine Removal o Reasons for removal o Preparation for removal o Engine hoisting o Engine Compartment Overhaul o Top overhaul o Major overhaul Overhaul procedures o Disassembly o Cleaning Visual Inspection o Surface defects Crankcase Gears Bearings Crankshaft Connecting rods Piston and Piston Rings Cylinders Camshafts Valves and Valve Mechanisms Threaded Fasteners Structural Inspection o Magnetic Particle Inspection o Liquid Penetrant Inspection Alabama College System App. D, Sec IA item 4, Level 3 6 Reciprocating Engine Overhaul AMP 122 o Eddy Current Inspection o Radiographic Inspection Progressive Examination #1 ENGINE ASSEMBLY Dimensional Inspection o Crankcase o Crankshaft o Connection Rods o Piston, Rings, and piston pins o Cylinders o Camshafts o Valves and valve mechanisms o Oil pump housing o Crankcase assembly Repairs o Crankcase o Crankshaft o Connecting rods o Pistons o Valves and valve mechanisms o Cylinders Reassembly o Crankshaft o Cylinders o Pistons and Rings o Final assembly Block Testing o Log entries Engine Installation o Hoisting for installation App. D, Sec IA item 4, Level 3 o Mounting the engine o Connections and adjustments Ground test preparation o Pre-oiling o Fuel system bleeding o Cowl flap rigging Alabama College System 7 Reciprocating Engine Overhaul AMP 122 Post-run checks and adjustments o Factors effecting engine operation o Effects of induction system air leaks o Detonation o Result of incorrect fuel-air mixture o Indications of leaking primer o Ignition system timing and check o Compression checks Engine Preservation o Storage o Inspection of stored engines Manufactures’ and FAA publications and records Progressive examination #2 conducted at this time NOTE: Practical exercise I-A, IB, IC, and IIA to be conducted at this point. Final Examination Alabama College System 8 Reciprocating Engine Overhaul AMP 122 RECOMMENDED METHODS OF EVALUATION: The table of specifications below identifies the number of enabling objectives/key indicators per cognitive domain level of learning (Knowledge, Comprehension, Application) per module. The instructor should develop 1-3 test questions per Knowledge Level of Learning, 2-4 test questions per Comprehension Level of Learning, and 5-6 questions per Application Level Learning. The instructor should use the following test item types for each level of learning: Knowledge: Alternative Response test items (true/false or yes/no) Comprehension: Multiple Choice Application: Multiple Choice, Short Answer Exercises The instructor should ensure each student meets the performance and standards published in each criterion objective. See FAA AC 147-3 Certification And Operation Of Aviation Maintenance Technician Schools Appendix 1 for evaluation instrument guidance and development. Domain of Learning/ Content Module A Module B Number of indicators per level TABLE OF SPECIFICATIONS Cognitive Domain Total Cognitive Total Performance Knowledge Comprehension Application 30 10 40 Alabama College System 47 30 77 1 1 77 41 118 3 1 4 9 Reciprocating Engine Overhaul AMP 122 RECOMMENDED INSTRUCTIONAL METHODOLOGIES: The table below links the teaching methods and activities most effective for facilitating student achievement of learning outcomes published in this plan of instruction. Cognitive Level (Thinking) Knowledge Descriptive Verbs: Defines, Lists, States, Describes, Identifies Comprehension Descriptive Verbs: Describe, Explains, Summarizes Goal For Students Teaching Methods Knows common terms, specific facts, methods, procedures, basic concepts, principles Lecture Computer Based Instruction Video Demonstration Mnemonics Examples or Illustrations Repetition Summaries Reviews Understands facts and principles Informal Lecture Discussion Demonstration Participation Interactive Computer Based Instruction 1. Teach to the Knowledge Level Interprets verbal material Interprets charts and graphs Translates verbal material to mathematical formulas Justifies methods and procedures Descriptive Verbs: Uses, Solves, Operates, Produces, Demonstrates, Constructs Applies concepts and principles to new situations Applies laws and theories to practical situations 4. Put students in a new situation, and the students solve the new situation using the concept, principle, or procedure while instructor supervises. Demonstration Individual Research Lab Exercises Case Studies Experiments Constructs charts, graphs, or simple mechanism Psychomotor Level (Doing) Mechanism Descriptive Verbs: Assembles, calibrates, constructs, measures, fixes, dismantles, sketches Alabama College System Learned responses have become habitual and can be performed with some confidence and proficiency 5. Reteach as required 1. Teach to the Knowledge Level 2. Teach to the Comprehension Level 3. Student must identify the concept, principle, or procedure and use it to solve new scenario Solves mathematical problems Demonstrates correct usage of a method or procedure Goal For Students 2. Explains and demonstrates concept, principle or procedure learned 3. Put students in new situation, and instructor and students co-solve employing the indicated concept, principle, or procedure. Estimates future consequences Application Teaching Activities 4. Reteach as required Teaching Methods Teaching Activities Lab Exercises Case Studies Experiments 1. Demonstration 2. Observation 3. Feedback 4. Reteach as required 10 Reciprocating Engine Overhaul Plan of Instruction (POI) Industry Competencies Course Objectives Criterion Objectives Enabling Objectives/Key Indicators Table of Specifications Cognitive Domain Psychomotor Domain Course Description Course Prefix/numbers Co-requisite Course Modules Course Content Outline Contact/Credit hours Prerequisite Knowledge Recommended Methods of Evaluation Alabama College System AMP 122 Glossary of Terms A teaching-learning plan which includes student centered instructional objectives, outlined content, instructional and evaluation strategies, and other relevant information needed to guide the development and/or revision of learning experiences such that students achieve stated educational outcomes. Entry-level skills students must acquire during enrollment in the course. The overall goal of the course of instruction stated in broad terms. The terminal outcome each student is required to meet. Criterion objectives are directly related to industry competencies. There will be one or more criterion objectives published for each industry competency. The required knowledge and/or skill each student must acquire in order to have the best chance of achieving the stated performance in the criterion objective. Used to ensure adequate sampling of student knowledge as specified by the enabling and criterion objectives. The domain of learning typified by thinking and focused on the development of intellectual capabilities. The domain of learning typified by performing or doing and focused on the development of motor skills. Section Explanation A broad description of key elements in a given course. Used to identify courses taught in multiple disciplines. Course required in conjunction to the specified course often in the form of a lab A grouping of interrelated knowledge and skills representing a sub-element of a course. A listing of topics for instruction in a particular course Specifies the recommended contact to credit hours for each course. Mandates the total credit hours awarded for each course. Intellectual capabilities required for handling the academic rigors of the discipline. Suggests test item options for measuring student achievement of enabling objectives. Suggests the number of test items required to adequately measure student achievement of enabling objectives. Mandates the evaluation of criterion objectives. 11 Reciprocating Engine Overhaul Recommended Instructional Methodologies AMP 122 Suggests the most effective instructional methods for achieving stated learning levels Directions for Use 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Review the entire document. Assess the industry competencies specified in the POI keeping in mind that the stated skills are the target outcomes for the course. Assess the criterion objectives written for each competency keeping in mind the objective specifies the behavior each student must exhibit in order to achieve the competency. Adjust performance evaluation instruments to ensure each criterion objective is addressed. Develop additional performance evaluations as needed Assess enabling objectives/key indicators specifying student outcomes Adjust objective evaluations based on the guidance provided in the POI table of specification to ensure adequate sampling of student learning outcomes. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Evaluate current classroom curriculum and determine if learning experiences support student achievement of skills identified in criterion objectives. Adjust as necessary. Review recommended instructional methodologies for teaching activities appropriate to specified levels of learning. Develop appropriate learning experiences for those skills not addressed. Ensure specified contact hours are enough to cover existing and new learning experiences developed. Ensure adequate time exists to evaluate each student on all criterion objectives. Adjust course syllabus to reflect changes made. If necessary, adjust school surveys to reflect changes made. Alabama College System 12