Oral Presentation 50%

COURSE # AND TITLE: Psyc246: Drugs & Behavior: An Introduction to
# of CREDITS: 3
CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Introduces the student to the effects of drugs on behavior.
Brain-behavior interactions and how drugs affect this interaction will be presented.
Semester Offered: Spring
Prerequisites: APEN 085+, APRD 081+ ; Psyc120
Co-requisites: ENGL 111, RDNG 113
Common Student Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of San Juan College programs and degrees, the student
Students will actively and independently acquire, apply and adapt
skills and knowledge to develop expertise and a broader
understanding of the world as lifelong learners.
Students will think analytically and creatively to explore ideas, make
connections, draw conclusions, and solve problems.
Students will exchange ideas and information with clarity and
originality in multiple contexts.
Students will demonstrate proficiency in the use of technologies in the
broadest sense related to their field of study.
Students will act purposefully, reflectively, and respectfully in diverse
and complex environments.
1. demonstrate an understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the brain,
2. differentiate between the psychoactive drugs (drugs of abuse and drugs of
3. distinguish how the different psychoactive drugs affect the brain and
behaviors in humans.
4. explain the use of animal models of drug abuse and pharmacotherapy and
research using animals.
Last revised 2/19/04
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to …
1. define psychopharmacology & behavioral pharmacology; (GLO2)
2. distinguish between pharmcodynamics & pharmacokinetics; (GLO2)
3. explain the different behavioral methods used to assess animals under the
influence of psychoactive drugs; (GLO4)
4. explain the behavioral methods used to assess humans under the influence of
psychoactive drugs. (GLO3)
5. describe the anatomy of the brain and nervous system including gross and
microscopic neuroanatomy; (GLO1)
6. explain how a neuron functions, including ion exchange (sodium/potassium influx
& efflux), action potential, neurotransmitter release, receptor binding, EPSP’s,
IPSP’s, spatial summation, temporal summation and degradation; (GLO1)
7. discuss the different neurotransmitters and explain their actions at the different
receptor sites within the nervous system, and drugs that influence
neurotransmitter functions; (GLO1)
8. explain the circuits or pathways in the brain involved in drug addiction; (GLO1)
9. describe the general classification of drugs of abuse (i.e. stimulants, depressants
and hallucinogens) and some of the specific drugs that fit into these
classes, as well as other drugs of abuse not within this general classification of
psychoactive drugs; (GLO2)
10. explain the drugs of treatment for psychological disorders such as:
anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar depression, clinical depression, etc.; (GLO2)
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Psyc246: Drugs & Behavior: An Introduction to Psychopharmacology;
SEMESTER: Spring 2005
INSTRUCTOR: Ronald A. Salazar, Ph.D.
OFFICE PHONE NO.: 566-3241 E-MAIL: salazarr@sanjuancollege.edu
OFFICE: West Classroom Bldg., Humanities Wing, rm1845
Prerequisite: Psyc120
Course Attendance:
Students are expected to attend all class sessions of every course. In case of
unavoidable absence, the student must contact the instructor. The student is subject
to appropriate academic penalty for incomplete or unacceptable makeup work, or
for excessive or
unexcused absences. Generally, a student who misses more
than one three-hour course period (per course) without a documented military or
medical excuse and advanced permission of the instructor should withdraw from
the class. The college reserves
the right to involuntarily drop enrolled students
from classes in which they do not attend.
Required Texts:
1. McKim, W.A. (2003). Drugs and Behavior. Prentice Hall; New York. REQUIRED
2. Maisto, S. A., Galizio, M., and Connors, G.J. (2004). Drug Use and Abuse .
Thompson Pub. REQUIRED
Course Requirements:
Course Requirements
% of Grade
Oral Presentation
Class Participation & Attendance
Grading Scale
A = 90-100%
B- = 80-89%
C = 70-79%
D = 60-69%
F = below 60%
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There will be one midterm & one final examination (both exams are in definition & essay
In addition, each student will give an oral presentation using MS PowerPoint on a
particular drug or class of drugs that the instructor chooses. Other visual aids (e.g.
overhead transparencies, videotapes, information from internet sources, etc.) maybe used
in the presentation with the instructor’s permission. Each presentation will approximately
20-40 minutes long.
***Incompletes will be given for only extraordinary circumstances. Documentation will
be required. The student will be expected to complete his/her incomplete by the end of
the following term unless the instructor has agreed to other terms. If the work is not
turned in by the end of the following term or an extension requested and granted, a grade
will be assigned based upon the material in hand. Incompletes should not be used
inappropriately- such as an extension to simply turn in material or work at a later time.
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Week 1: Introduction to Psychopharmacology/ Principles of Drug Action
(McKim: Chapters 1,2 & 3; Maisto, Chapters 1,2,4 &5)
Week 2: Anatomy of Nervous System/ Neural Conduction & Synaptic
Transmission (McKim Chapter 4; Maisto, Chapter 3 )
Week 3: Neurotransmitters & Receptors/ Reward Circuits in the Brain
EXAMINATION (McKim Chapters 5; Maisto, Chapter 4)
Weeks 4, 5 & 6 : STUDENT ORAL PRESENTATIONS: Drugs of
Opiates/ Stimulants/ Depressants
(McKim Chapters 7, 10 & 11; Maisto, Chapters 6, 8 &10)
Weeks 7, 8, 9 & 10: STUDENT ORAL PRESENTATIONS: Drugs of Abuse:
Alcohol/ Marijuana/ Tobacco/ Hallucinogens
(McKim Chapters 6, 8, 14 &15; Maisto, Chapters 7, 9, 11 & 12)
Weeks 11, 12, 13, 14: STUDENT ORAL PRESENTATIONS: Drugs Used in
the Treatment of Psychological Disorders: Anxiety disorders/ Depression/
Manic Depressive Illness (McKim Chapters 7 &13; Maisto, Chapters 13,
14, 15, 16)
Week 15 & 16 : STUDENT ORAL PRESENTATIONS: Drugs Used in the
Treatment of Psychological Disorders: Schizophrenia/ Epilepsy/
Alzheimer’s/ Parkinson’s (McKim Chapter 12; Maisto, Chapters, 13)
Last revised 2/19/04