Narrative Essay

Writing Assignment
Directions: Through this writing process, it is important for you to keep track of all of your important
papers. At the end, all of these must be handed in together in order to get the best grade possible. All
rough copies must show corrections made during the process.
Narrative Essay
Topic Assigned- Over the past few weeks, we have been reading literary works that
focus on the Pillar of Caring, dealing with themes such as love, friendship, empathy,
sympathy, choices, and relationships. The essential question asks how relationships with
other people can affect an individual’s decisions and actions. You are being asked to
write a five paragraph essay that:
1. Explains your view on this idea
2. Relates it to an example from one of the literary works
3. Provides an example of the concept from your own life
The following is an outline of what should be discussed in each paragraph. Be sure to
provide as many examples and as much explanation as possible.
1) Introduction paragraph:
a) Explain how a relationship changes a person’s thoughts and actions
b) Describe how this can happen both in works of fiction and in real life
2) Body paragraph #1: Give an example of how a story or poem that we have read shows how a
relationship between characters effected their actions and decisions.
a) Cite a specific relationship and give the title for the work
b) Explain a specific choice or behavior that was effected
c) Explain how this might also affect them in the future
3) Body paragraph #2 Give an example of a relationship from your own life.
a) Describe this person
b) Explain how this relationship is important to you
4) Body paragraph #3: Explain how the relationship you just described has altered your own
decisions and actions.
a) Describe the influence that this person has on you, whether positive or negative
b) Cite a specific example where your own behavior, thoughts, and/or choices were affected
c) Explain how this relationship could affect you in the future
5) Closing paragraph:
a) Restate how thoughts and actions can be changed through relationships with others
b) Explain the importance of a person’s relationships on their life by paraphrasing the point
made in the body paragraphs (3-4 sentences)
c) Provide a powerful concluding thought on the connection between relationships and a
person’s choices/behavior
____/ Brainstorming done in class on ___________(must be made up if you missed it)
____/ Rough Draft #1 due on ____________
Typed or neatly written
One side of the paper only
1 inch margins
Double spaced (skip a space if hand written)
Full heading at the top with assignment at “Narrative RD #1”
Shows peer editing corrections made during class
____/ Rough Draft #2 due on ____________
Re-typed or neatly written after editing is done
One side of the paper only
1 inch margins
Double spaced (skip a space if hand written)
Full heading at the top with assignment at “Narrative RD #2”
Shows peer proofreading corrections made during class
____/ Final Copy due on ____________ (with proofreading corrections)