WHS College & Career Center Newsletter

WHS College & Career Center Newsletter
March/April 2013
For more information on these items, please see Mrs. Hodes-Der in the College and Career Center located
within Counseling, or email her at samanthahodes@iusd.org
News and Information
The College and Career Center and the WHS Counselors continue to offer information and
communication through Naviance Family Connection. To access your account, visit the Woodbridge
High School website and follow the Naviance link on the left hand side. For students, your login is
the same as your blackboard account. It is the year you graduate, first 8 letters of your last name
and first 8 letter of your first name (example 13warriorwoodie). Your password is your long student
ID number. For parents we use your personal email address. If you have troubles logging in or to
register, please contact Samantha Hodes-Der at samanthahodes@iusd.org
or call M-F 7:30-3:30 (949) 936-7893.
Naviance is our main connection tool to our WHS students and their families. On Naviance you can
do several things such as search colleges, browse available scholarships, register for workshops,
determine your learning style with helpful tips, explore careers, college majors, and even utilize the
free SAT Prep question through method test prep. Naviance is great for all students’ grades 9-12
and has a variety of components for parents as well. Go on line and explore TODAY!
It’s time to order diplomas. Please come to counseling and check if the spelling of your name is how
you would like it to appear on your diplomas. The deadline to change your name is April 16 th.
College Admission Test Dates
Woodbridge High School Code: 051274
SAT register online at www.collegeboard.com
May 4th
June 1, 2013
Registration Deadlines
Apr. 5
Apr. 19th
May 2nd
May 17th
ACT register online at www.actstudent.org
April 13, 2013
June 8, 2013
March 8th
May 3rd
March 9th-22nd
May 4th-17th
Workshops and Informational Meetings on WHS Campus
Junior Parent Financial Aid Night- Wednesday, May 29th at 6:30 p.m. in the staff lounge.
Allen Leung, an Irvine Tax Attorney, who is also a volunteer attorney with the California Student
Aid Commission (CSAC) will be here to provide some basic Financial Aid information on CASC’s
“Cash for College” program and to answer some of your specific questions and debunk some of the
common myths. Spring of Junior year is a great time to start understanding how you will pay for
college. Please RSVP by emailing Samanthahodes@iusd.org or call (949) 936-7893
WHS College & Career Center Newsletter
March/April 2013
Community College Information
The Early Bird application period for Irvine Valley College closes March 31st. The earlier you apply
the higher priority you will have to register for classes in the fall. There is no obligation to attend
and the application is free. Even if you are thinking about IVC as a “fall back” you are urged to
apply early bird. Applications are found under Apply Now on each of the community college
What is Matriculation???
Matriculation is a process of steps for a student to enroll at a school in order to register for classes.
Each school may have a different order of these steps, but all require the same items to be
completed prior to receiving a registration time. Students should go to the website of the school they
plan to attend for further information
1. Apply- Student applications for Fall 2013 can be accessed on the individual school’s website.
If you have ever taken a class at IVC or OCC, it will require you to use the same username
and password. Regular Application period will open April 1st.
2. Orientation- Online orientation is a short interactive set of activities that will associate you
with your future school. If attending IVC, you should complete this prior to taking the
Assessment test for the highest priority registration date. You can access and complete the
Orientation through the various student websites. Links to these website will be on the
school’s homepage (IVC= Mysite, OCC=My OCC)
3. Assessment Tests- Placement tests are part of the matriculation process for community
college. Students must complete the placement exam prior to enrolling in a math and English
course, regardless of classes completed in high school. Although students are urged to take
the test at the school in which they plan on attending, they do not need to take numerous
placements tests at each school if planning to attend multiple campuses.
The WHS College & Career Center will be offering IVC and OCC placement tests on our
campus for one day only! If a student missed the date, or were unable to attend, students
will need to go to the community college and take the exam. Please view online procedures
and dates online. If you are interested in taking the exam at WHS please come to counseling
to sign up TODAY!
Orange Coast College’s SOAR Test- Thursday April 11th 1:00-3:00 Media Center
Irvine Valley College Assessment Test- Tuesday March 26th at 1:00 Full 
The Assessment test schedule at IVC is available online at IVC.edu under Admissions 
Matriculation Assessment or available in counseling. Students will need to sign up for their
selected test time online.
4. Advisement- Each school has a different form of advisement; however every student is
required to complete this in order to complete matriculation. Students are urged to log on to
the individual school websites for more information. If a student takes a counseling class this
spring at IVC or OCC, the advisement step maybe waived.
WHS College & Career Center Newsletter
March/April 2013
Irvine Valley College- The Annual High School Student-Parent Transfer Night will be held on
Monday April 8th, at 5:30-8:00 p.m. The night will include a college fair, discussion about TAG and
alliance programs, information on the honors program and athletics, as well as a panel of speakers
and Q&A with IVC Academic Counselor. RSVP is NOT required.
Orange Coast College Summer Bridge Program- Orange Coast College will begin a new Summer
Bridge program to ease the transition from high school to college for new students on Monday, June
23. Students enrolled in the two-week program will meet Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to
2 p.m. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. For more information about the program, email
Career Exploration Lunches
Learn about exciting careers from professionals in the industry. In & Out Burger will be available
for pre-purchase only. See flyer for more details.
Interested in a Career in Interior Design? There will be guest speaker on Wednesday, April 24th at
lunch in the media center.
Scholarship and Award Information
For an extensive list of scholarship search engines please see Mrs. Hodes-Der in Counseling. Some
websites on the list will require you to create a personal login. These websites will help you narrow
your search according to race/ethnicity, experience, family situation etc., and provide you
thousands of options state and nationwide.
www.fastweb.com , www.findtution.com , www.findaid.org , www.schoolsoup.com ,
www.scholarshipexperts.com , www.brokescholar.com , www.collegescholarships.org
The following are scholarships that have been presented to our school specifically. For an extensive
list of scholarship available please log on to Naviance. For more information regarding a specific
scholarship please visit the organization’s website.
Shire 2013 ADHD Scholarship- The Shire ADHD Scholarship recognizes and supports individuals with
ADHD in the US who are seeking to obtain higher education. The Scholarship includes a $2,000 monetary
award and a prepaid year of ADHD coaching from the Edge Foundation to assist in the transition to higher
education. Fifty recipients will be selected in 2013, based on community service, volunteer and
extracurricular activities, and a personal essay describing how ADHD has impacted their lives This
Scholarship is intended for US citizens who are accepted to or attending an approved college, university,
vocational school, or technical school as an undergraduate student who has been diagnosed with ADHD and
is under the care of a licensed health care professional for ADHD. There are two ways to apply, online or by
mail. Please visit http://www.shireadhdscholarship.com/ for more information and to apply online. Deadline
March 27, 2013
California Alarm Association Youth Scholarship- The California Alarm Association is offering to children of
law enforcement and fire service personal an opportunity to win up to $7500 in scholarships. Students must
WHS College & Career Center Newsletter
March/April 2013
show proof of acceptance to a college or university and have at least one legal guardian full time active in
either law enforcement or a member of the fire department. To obtain a full list of requirements and
application, see Mrs. Hodes-Der in counseling. Applications with essay and letters of recommendation must
be post marked by March 30st, 2013
The Julie Inman Courage Award- This award to be used to further educational or vocational goals is given to
a student who shows courage by going forward in the face of adversity. It recognizes courage and
determination over physical and or learning disabilities, illness of self or a family member, financial
difficulties, the death of a loved one and unusually difficult circumstances at home. To apply: Write an essay
of 1500 words or less describing your courageous situation being specific and giving details pertaining to your
own story. As a cover page to your essay please include your name and school, your obstacle, and your
address and contact phone number. All materials received by Support Ability by April 1, 2013
Taiwanese American Community Scholarship Award- The Orange County Taiwanese Association is offering
$600 scholarships to college bound seniors. You must submit the completed application along with a
maximum of 500 word biography, and essay of no more than 1000 words, and official transcript and one
letter of recommendation from a teacher or school counselor. Note: you do not need to be of Taiwanese
decent to be eligible for this scholarship. All applications must be emailed to tacl-oc.scholarship@tacl.org
by April 3, 2013
Youth Volunteer Scholarship Award- Must have completed a minimum of 50 community service hours over
the past two years. Must submit and essay on the topic provided. For application and more details go to
http:// www.bbgcommunicationssandiego.com Deadline: April 15th, 2013
Asian Pacific Community Fund-Verizon Scholarship- The Asian Pacific Community Fund partners with
Verizon to financially assist students in pursuit of higher education. These awards will support those who
excel academically, are leaders among their peers and are making a positive impact in their communities.
This scholarship award is for students seeking degree majors in math, engineering, or technical science in fall
2013. There are fifteen 1st cycle awards of $1000 available. For more information and to apply online visit
http://apcf.org/index.php/what-we-do/scholarship-fund Deadline: April 30th, 2013
Youth Automobile Safety Scholarship- The Civil Service Employees Insurance Company is offering
scholarships ranging from $250-$1500 based on the merit of students essay that propose ways to reduce the
accident rate among teenagers. This essay completion is for senior students who are children of full-time or
retired public employees. For more information and to complete the application online visit
cseinsurance.com/scholarship.htm Deadline: May 3rd 2013
Balboa Bay Republican Women’s Scholarship- This $1000 scholarships is being offered to a high school
senior who is at least 18 years of age, registered to vote as a republican, has a minimum GPA of 3.0 and
planning to attend a 4-year university in the fall. Selection for the scholarship will be based on community
involvement, academic achievement and the 1000 word essay. For full application packet please come see
Mrs. Hodes-Der in counseling. Deadline: Postmarked by May 3rd 2013
Foroutan Foundation Scholarship- The Foroutan Foundation is offering scholarships to first generation
immigrants to the United States (strong preference will be given to Iranian Applicants). Students must have at
least a 3.9 overall GPA and plan to attend a 4 year accredited university in the fall. There is a very specific
application checklist so please log on to www.foroutanfoundation.org Deadline: May 13th, 2013
The Aspiring Pharmacy Technician Review- The Pharmacy Technician Review.com is once again offering
the “Aspiring Pharmacy Technician Scholarship for seniors who are interested in pursuing a post-secondary
education in pharmacy technician training. The $1000 scholarship may be used at an accredited university or
WHS College & Career Center Newsletter
March/April 2013
certificate program. Applicants must submit an online application. For more information and to complete the
application please visit http://www.pharmacytechnicianreview.com/pharmacytechnicianreviewcom-aspiringpharmacy-technician-scholarship-program Deadline: June 1st, 2013
ASOCC Future Leaders Scholarship- This is a scholarship directed to high school seniors who plan to attend
Orange Coast College in the fall 2013. If you have been a leader at your high school, church or youth program
and have a strong record of success earning at least a 2.5 this is a great scholarship for you. As a recipient of
the ASOCC Future Leader Scholarship you will be expected to become involved either the student
government, start a club or be an officer, or act as a student representative on a campus wide committee. You
can download the application at www.orangecoastcollege.edu under Student Services Scholarship
officeOCC High School Scholarships. Deadline June 28th 2013
Shirley Jane Brooke Scholarship- This is a scholarship directed to high school seniors who plan to attend
Orange Coast College in the fall 2013. Applicants must have earned at least a 2.5 GPA in high school and
graduating in June. This $500 award requires you to enroll in at least 12 units at OCC in the Fall. You can
download the application at www.orangecoastcollege.edu under Student Services Scholarship officeOCC
High School Scholarships. Deadline June 28th 2013
ROP Information
Students who will be a junior or senior NEXT YEAR are now eligible to sign up for an ROP class in
the Fall. All interested students should talk to Mrs. Dimitruk in counseling to get more information.
Come in early for the best selection of classes.
ROP will be offering Summer Classes this year. More information will be available in counseling
AFTER Spring Break.
Work Permits
Work Permits are available in counseling with Mrs. Dimitruk if you have already been offered a job.
For students who are already working or will continue to work this summer, please check and see if
your work permit has expired. You will need to get it renewed prior to the end of school.
Summer Opportunities
Many college and universities have summer enrichment programs for high school students. We
have a list of University led programs on our Counseling Website. You can access the WHS
Counseling website by logging onto www.Woodbridgehigh.org There is also a database including a
more expansive list of opportunities on Naviance Family Connection under the Colleges tab 
Enrichment Programs
If you have questions regarding any information provided in this newsletter, or any other Post high school planning topics, please contact Mrs. Hodes-Der in
counseling or email samanthahodes@iusd.org