6.2 Linear and Angular Velocity

Welcome! Take Out: Colored pen, U6L1, U6H1
U6H2: Pg. 349 #44, 50
Pg. 355 #16, 24, 26
Updates: U6Q1 (6.1-­‐6.3) will be Tuesday the 12th. Agenda 1.  Correct U6H1
2.  Finish U6L1
3.  Word Problem Creations
4.  Begin U6L2
5.  Exit Ticket
Correct U6H1 o  Take out a colored pen.
o  Compare with the others at your table. Do you all have the same answers? (3 minutes)
o  Using popsicle sticks I will call on any one of you in the room to answer. It is okay if you are incorrect! Learning Objectives By the end of this period you will be able to:
Ø  Find the area of a sector.
Ø  Use angular distance to 0ind angular velocity. 6.1 Angles and Radian Measure Table – Talk: q  Today we are discussing area of a sector. In your tables, predict what I mean by sector.
o  A region in a circle that is bounded by a central angle and the intercepted arc. 6.1 Angles and Radian Measure Area of a Sector
o  A = ½ r 2 θ r is the radius
θ is the angle measure in radian
6.1 Angles and Radian Measure Attempt 4a –b in your teams. 6.1 Angles and Radian Measure Word Problem Creations o  On a half sheet of paper create a word problem that involves sector area OR arc length in your teams. Solve your teams word problem on your half sheet. (5 minutes)
o  I will randomly select groups to present their word problem to the class. (3 minutes)
o  You will turn in your word problems; one of your word problems could show up on the next quiz… Or test!
6.2 Linear and Angular Velocity Angular Displacement
o  The angle through which a body is rotating about the center relative to the starting position (also known as angle of rotation.)
o  Denoted by θ and measured in radians. Note: One Revolution = One lap around a circle = 2π
When discussing revolutions assume all are counterclockwise. 6.2 Linear and Angular Velocity (1)$Practice:$Determine$the$angular$displacement$in$the$problems$below.$$
6.2 Linear and Angular Velocity 6.2 Linear and Angular Velocity From Practice (1b) you might wonder how fast the Friendship 7 [the spaceshuttle] was going to complete 3 revolutions in approximately 5 hours. The number is called angular velocity. Table – Talk: q  Discuss in your tables what you predict the units for angular velocity are. q  Using what you know about the units what equation could we create to hind angular velocity? 6.2 Linear and Angular Velocity Angular Velocity
o  Measures how fast you are moving about a circular object. o  Denoted by ω (omega)
o  ω = θ/t θ is angular displacement in radians
t is time
6.2 Linear and Angular Velocity (2)$Practice:$Determine$the$angular$velocity$in$the$problems$below.$$
6.2 Linear and Angular Velocity Table – Talk: q  On a Ferris Wheel we rotate about the center of a circle which is why we measure angular velocity. What if we wanted to measure linear velocity? What units would be considered linear velocity?
q  What equation do you predict could measure linear velocity?
Exit Ticket Please put everything away except for a pencil, eraser, and calculator.
You will have 4 minutes to complete the exit ticket; cover your own papers. J
Formulas we have learned:
S = rθ ! !A = ½ r2 θ ω = θ/t
Please check your desks; did you leave trash behind? Timings Intro: 5mins 10:53 1:11
Correct U6H1: 10mins 11:03 1:21
Finish 6.1: 15mins 11:18 1:36
Word Problem Creations: 15mins 11:33
U6L2: 45mins 12:18 2:36
Exit Ticket: 10mins 12:28 2:46
Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 John Alden Josh W. James Danny Wing Mika Matt Mike Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Leila Brenda Tyler Collin
Joey Alyssa Aalia Josh M. Tonya Aaron Ethan Karen
Table 8 Table 9 Table 10 Table 11 Table 12
Andrew Kayla Megan Eliana Eden
Simmons Avalon Yasmine Jung Won Cailey
Justin Nick Kyra
Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Abdul Joe Nat Nathalie Aimee Bella Kelly Sami Arthur Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Broneil Aaron Michael V. Emily
Ali Brandon Amelia Michael C. Anna Jacob Galen Cassie
Table 8
Kasey Nirav Table 9
Table 10
Noah Jennifer
Table 11
Tam Baylee
Table 12