Decades Unit_5th Grade EQ: How do key people, events, and developments impact American life? Standards Focus Standards SS5H8 The student will describe the importance of key people, events, and developments between 1950-­1975. a. Discuss the importance of the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Vietnam War. b. Explain the key events and people of the Civil Rights movement;;include Brown v. Board of Education (1954), the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the March on Washington, Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act, and civil rights activities of Thurgood Marshall, Rosa Parks, and Martin Luther King, Jr. c. Describe the impact on American society of the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, Jr. d. Discuss the significance of the technologies of television and space exploration. SS5H9 The student will trace important developments in America since 1975. a. Describe U. S. involvement in world events;; include efforts to bring peace to the Middle East, the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Persian Gulf War, and the War on Terrorism in response to September 11, 2001. b. Explain the impact the development of the personal computer and the Internet has had on American life. Complementary Standards (stacked) ELACC5RI2: Determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details;; summarize the text ELACC5RI3: Explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text based on specific information in the text. ELACC5RI6: Analyze multiple accounts of the same event or topic, noting important similarities and differences in the point of view they represent. ELACC5RI7: Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources, demonstrating the ability to locate an answer to a question quickly or to solve a problem efficiently. ELACC5RI9: Integrate information from several texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably. ELACC5SL1: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-­on-­one, in groups, and teacher-­led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly. ELACC5SL4: Report on a topic or text or present an opinion, sequencing ideas logically and using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes;; speak clearly at an understandable pace. developed by A. Zink and E. Dunlap ELACC5SL5: Include multimedia components (e.g., graphics, sound) and visual displays in presentations when appropriate to enhance the development of main ideas or themes. NETS-­s 1. Creativity and innovation Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes d. Identify trends and forecast possibilities 2. Communication and collaboration Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. a. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media b. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats 3. Research and information fluency Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media d. Process data and report results 4. Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. b. Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project Assessment The rubric (see below) will be used throughout the lesson to help guide student learning and prepare final presentations. Students will use the same rubric to conduct self and peer evaluations before the teacher uses it as a summative assessment tool. Please note that “3” on the rubric reflects the mastery of the required standards. Students, who choose to learn beyond the standards, will receive “4.” Lesson Outline Step 1: Get to Know Your Topic (Research) Students will be divided into the following groups: ● Technological and Scientific Progress 50s and 60s ● Technological and Scientific Progress 70s and 80s ● Technological and Scientific Progress 90s to present day ● Key People 50s and 60s ● Key People 70s and 80s developed by A. Zink and E. Dunlap ● ● ● ● Key People 90s to present day Politics 50s and 60s Politics 70s and 80s Politics 90s to present day Students will use the guiding questions listed in the table below to guide their research to become experts on their topic during their assigned decade. 2-­3 students will be answering the questions for the same topic to become experts in each area. It is essential for teachers to facilitate discussions in each group to help students make connections between the events and key people, specifically for the guiding question #3, . Technological and Scientific Progress Decade Guiding Research Questions Significant Event/People 50s and How did technological and scientific 60s progress of the 50s and 60s impact American lives during that time? Television (Kennedy, first presidential debates) ● ● BrainPop: John F. Kennedy (features presidential debates) ●,8599,2021078,00.html ● Provide a short description of it Arpanet created (who, when, what). ● ● Why did it occur? (reasons, ● causes) ● ● What impact did it make on lives of people in that decade? If it did not Apollo Project occur then, do you think it would ● ever happen anyway? Why? ● BrainPop: Apollo Project Polio Vaccine ● ● BrainPop (Polio): Vaccines 1st heart & kidney transplants ● developed by A. Zink and E. Dunlap 70s and How did technological and scientific 80s progress of the 70s and 80s impact American lives during that time? Computers: Personal Computer introduced by IBM;; Microsoft and Apple founded) ● BrainPop: Computer History ● History of Microsoft:uters­us/windows/history#T1=era0 ● History of Apple:­years/1984/ ● Provide a short description of it (who, when, what). Internet ● Why did it occur? (reasons, ● causes) ● BrainPop:Internet ● What impact did it make on lives of people in that decade? If it did not Technology for Entertainment (VCR, Walkman (Sony), Pacman) occur then, do you think it would ● ever happen anyway? Why? ●­80s-­technology-­made -­the-­modern-­world#slide-­4 Hole in the ozone layer discovered ● ● BrainPop: Ozone Layer 90s to How did technological and scientific present progress of the 9s to today impact American lives during that time? Evolution of personal computers (from bulky desktops to handheld devices) ● BrainPop: Computer History Evolution of Internet (WWW debuted, speed, media, cloud) ● BrainPop:Internet Cloud ● Provide a short description of it (who, when, what). Hubble telescope launched into space ● Why did it occur? (reasons, ● causes) ● BrainPop (Hubble telescope): Telescopes ● What impact did it make on lives of people in that decade? If it did not Sheep cloned occur then, do you think it would ● BrainPop:Dolly the Sheep ever happen anyway? Why? ●­turns-­20-­part-­2 Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, SnapChat, etc. ● BrainPop: Social Networking Anthrax attacks ● BrainPop: Anthrax (video, FYI, and Q&A) developed by A. Zink and E. Dunlap Key People Decade Guiding Research Questions Significant Event/People 50s and 60s How did this person of the 50s and 60s impact American lives during that time? ● Provide a short description of them. ● What role did they play in American History? ● What impact did this person make on lives of people in that decade? If he/she did not live then, do you think there would be someone else as influential? Thurgood Marshall ● BrainPop (Thurgood Marshall): Brown vs Board of Education Rosa Parks ●!life-­of-­rosa-­parks-­/c1tba ● BrainPop: Civil Rights Martin L. King ● BrainPop:Martin Luther King, Jr. ● Brain Pop: Civil Rights Neil Armstrong ●­neil-­armstrong ●­armstrong-­first-­man-­on-­the-­moon-­wil l-­long-­be-­remembered/ James Watson and Francis Crick (DNA) ●­2.html (Crick) ● (Watson) ● (Watson and Crick) ●­moon-­walker Jonas Salk (polio) ● ● 91&Itemid=190 developed by A. Zink and E. Dunlap 70s and 80s How did this person of the 70s and 80s Bill Gates impact American lives during that time? ● ● ● Provide a short description of them. Steve Jobs ● What role did they play in American ● ●­jobs/21806 History? ● What impact did this person make on lives of people in that decade? If he/she did not live then, do you think there would be someone else as influential? 90s to Present How did this person of the 90s to today Barack Obama impact American lives during that time? ● BrainPop: Barack Obama ●­9399848 (scroll down for more links) ● Provide a short description of them. Mark Zukerberg ● What role did they play in American ●!/people/mark-­zuckerberg-­507402 ●­mark-­zuckerberg-­bio History? ● What impact did this person make on lives of people in that decade? If he/she did not live then, do you think there would be someone else as influential? Politics Decade Guiding Research Questions 50s and 60s How did politics of the 50s and 60s impact American lives during that time? ● Provide a short description of it Significant Event/People Domestic/Civics Affairs: Civil Rights Movement (16th Street Baptist Church Bombing, Los Angeles Riots, Segregation ruled illegal), Voting Rights developed by A. Zink and E. Dunlap (who, when, what). ● Why did it occur? (reasons, ● http://education-­­civil-­rights-­movement-­organization s-­events-­impact-­on-­the-­us.html#lesson causes) ● ● What impact did it make on lives ● BrainPop: Civil Rights of people in that decade? If it did ● not occur then, do you think it would ever happen anyway? Why? Space: NASA founded (after Sputnik), first Woman in Space ●­of-­the-­hall/search-­the-­hall-­results/details/2/124 -­Ride (1st woman in space) ● Foreign Affairs (America’s involvement in world events): Vietnam War ● Brain Pop: Vietnam War ● (choose Vietnam War on the timeline to access inofmration) Korean War ● (choose Korean War on the timeline to access information) ● BrainPop: Korean War Relationships with the USSR: Cuban Missile Crisis, Space Race, Berlin Wall built, hot line “establishes between US and USSR. ● Brain Pop: Cold War ● (choose the decade on Home page) ● (cold war) ●­race-­sci (space race) ● (hot line) ●­war/berlin-­wall (Berlin Wall) ● (Berlin Wall) ● 70s and 80s How did politics of the 70s and 80s impact Domestic/Civics Affairs: American lives during that time? Vietnam War ● Brain Pop: Vietnam War developed by A. Zink and E. Dunlap ● Provide a short description of it ● (choose Vietnam War on the timeline to (who, when, what). access inofmration) ● Why did it occur? (reasons) ● What impact did it make on lives President Nixon resigned, Watergate Scandal ● BrainPop: Richard Nixon of people in that decade? If it did ● not occur then, do you think it ● would ever happen anyway? Why? Foreign Affairs (America’s involvement in world events): US involvement in Middle East affairs: US bombs Libya, Iran takes American hostages in Tehran, US shoots down Iranian Airliner ● (click on New American Roles on the timeline to access information) ● Relationships with the USSR: 1980 and 1984 Summer Olympic boycott, Berlin Wall falls ● Brain Pop:Cold War ● (choose the daced from Home page) ● (cold war) ● (Berlin Wall) ● (fall od Berlin Wall) ●­1980-­Olympic-­Game s (Olympic boycott) ●­1980-­olympic-­boycott-­revisited.html (Olympic boycotts) ●­Angeles-­1984-­Olympic-­G ames (1984 olympics) ●­day-­in-­history/soviets-­announce-­boycott-­of-­1984-­olym pics (1984 olympics) 90s to present How did politics of the 90s to today impact American lives during that time? ● Provide a short description of it (who, when, what). ● Why did it occur? (reasons) ● What impact did it make on lives Domestic/Civic Affairs: War on Terrorism: September 11, 2001: invasion of Afghanistan(Operation Enduring Freedom), Saddam Hussein captured, Osama bin Laden killed ● BrainPop: September 11th ● BrainPop: Terrorism (check out Q&A resources) ● (operation developed by A. Zink and E. Dunlap of people in that decade? If it did not occur then, do you think it would ever happen anyway? Why? ● ● Enduring Freedom) (Saddam Hussein) meline.html (timeline on War on Terrorism) America’s involvement in world peace: Persian War: Operation Desert Storm and the Gulf War ● (click on New American Roles on the timeline to access information) ● ● http://www.desert-­ (Desert Storm) Relationships with the USSR: Soviet Union Collapses , START I and II signed with USSR, official end of Cold War ● Brain Pop: Cold War ● (choose the decade from Home page) ● (fall of USSR) Step 2: Making Connections (Jigsaw Learning) Once research is complete and the guiding questions are discussed, students will join their topic groups (all Technological and Scientific Progress will meet together, etc.). Each group will have one expert from each decade. Therefore, you will still have 9 groups, with an expert for each decade. Their task is to compare and contrast how their topic evolved throughout time. Use the guiding questions below to support student discussions. You may choose for students to share their discoveries by using discussion boards, online sticky notes, graphic organizers, etc. It is critical for teachers to facilitate discussions and refocus student attention to the essential questions of the activity. Technological and Scientific Progress 1. How did technological and scientific progress impact American lives throughout each decade? 2. Did one invention or event lead to another? If so how? 3. What impact did the inventions/events make on lives of people then and our Key People 1. How did each person impact American lives throughout each decade? 2. If each person had been alive during a different decade, would he/she have been as influential? Why or why not? 3. What impact did key people make on lives of people? If they did not live then, Politics 1. How did each political event impact American lives throughout each decade? 2. Did one political even lead to another? If so, how? 3. What impact did the political events make on lives of people then and our developed by A. Zink and E. Dunlap lives today? How would our lives today be different if any of the inventions/events did not occur? do you think there would be someone else as influential? Who? Why? lives today? How would our lives today be different if any of the events did not occur? Step 3: Putting It Together (Jigsaw Learning) Students will join their decade groups (all 50s and 60s will meet together, etc.) Each group will have one expert from each area/topic. Therefore, you will still have 9 groups, with an expert for each topic. Their task is to answer the essential question of the unit: How do key people, events, and developments impact American life? Teachers may choose to work in teams of 3 to allow each teacher to lead discussions for only one decade. For instance, students, who are working on the 50-­60, will meet in one classroom to share their ideas and thoughts with peers who researched the same decade. The teacher of that classroom would become an expert on one decade and lead discussions with students from multiple classrooms. Students will use the rubric to develop their final product/presentation about their decade. Each group should use the rubric to complete self assessment as they prepare for their presentations. Students may choose a presentation mode: iMovie, PowerPoint, oral presentation, poster, etc. Step 4: Evaluate Your Work (Formative Assessment and Feedback) Divide the total 9 groups into 3 groups. Each group will present their information while others conduct the peer assessment, using the same rubric. The evaluating groups will provide specific feedback to the presenting group for improvement. The teacher will facilitate formative assessment at this time and provide feedback as well. Groups should be given an opportunity to revise their presentations based on the feedback received from the teacher and peers. or If teachers choose to share students and lead learning about only one decade, then each group will share their presentations within that class. Since their peers are experts on the same decade, they may ask deeper questions, challenge their thinking, and provide specific feedback based on the rubric requirements. The teacher of that classroom will be responsible for conducting formative assessment of each group and providing specific feedback for improvement. Step 5: Final Presentation (Summative Assessment) Each group will present in front of the class. The teacher will conduct the summative assessment, using the same rubric. Teachers may choose to send their students to present in different classrooms and have other teachers grade their work. For example, all groups presenting on the 50-­60s decade would go and present to the class of the teacher who is the “expert” on that decade. That teacher would complete summative assessment using the rubric. developed by A. Zink and E. Dunlap Rubric 4 3 2 All events and key people of the decade listed are included and all information is accurate. (15) All events and key people of the decade listed in bold are included and all information is accurate. (14) 1-­2 events and/or key people of the decade listed in bold are missing. All information is accurate. (13) More than 2 events and/or key people of the decade listed in bold are missing and/or information about them is inaccurate. (12) Making The essential question The essential question Connections is answered in depth. is answered. ELACC5RI3 ELACC5RI9 Connections between Connections between events, people, and events, people, and today’s life are today’s life are stated explained clearly and and justified with at justified with more least 1 piece of than 1 piece of evidence from evidence from research. research. (17) (20) The essential question is answered. Connections between events, people, and today’s life are stated, but not justified with evidence from research. (14) The essential question is not answered. Connections between events, people, and today’s life are unclear. (11) Presentation The presentation is built ELACC5SL4 logically. ELACC5SL5 Each member is actively involved in the presentation and speaks clearly at an understandable pace. Visuals are used to enhance the understanding. (15) The presentation is built logically. Some members are actively involved in presentation. Presenters need to speak clearly at an understandable pace. (13) Presentation is poorly organized which makes it difficult to understand. Presenters are unprepared to speak about the topic. (12) Content SS5H8 SS5H9 The presentation is built logically. Each member is actively involved in presentation and speaks clearly at an understandable pace. (14) 1 Self Peer Final Numbers in parenthesis represent the point value for that score. Once rubric is complete, add the point values and divide by 50 to get a percentage for the project. For example: If you have a student who receives a 4 in Content, a 3 in Making Connections, and a 2 in Presentation, the final grade would be calculated like this: 15+17+13= 45. 45/50 = 90% developed by A. Zink and E. Dunlap