AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF POTENTIAL PARALLELISM IN AN IMPLEMENTATION OF MIL-STD 188-220 John Graham Lori L. Pollock Department of Computer and Information Sciences University of Delaware fgraham, ABSTRACT low-error-rate communications [4]. Parallelism can be exploited in either of these approaches. Multiple, separate experiences in applying parallelism to communication protocols have indicated good performance improvements of network transport systems[14, 11, 7, 9, 5, 6, 8, 1, 2, 3, 12]. As shared memory multiprocessor desktop workstations and server platforms are more commonplace, the use of parallelization at the network nodes is a real option. Parallelization also could be used in conjunction with other approaches to dealing with the communication bottlenecks. This paper continues our eorts to explore the use of parallelization for communication protocols of interest to the Army. In May, 1998, we obtained an implementation of the MIL-STD 188-220A written by a vendor that specializes in communication software. A number of proling experiments were performed in addition to visual inspection of frequently executed segments of the code. We determined the most appropriate kind of parallelism for this protocol code, and investigated its potential for performance improvements through actual parallelization and performance measurement. We rst describe the major parallelization methods used for parallelizing communication protocols. The MIL-STD 188-220A protocol and our particular targeted implementation are described. We describe our experimental setup and results for potential segments for parallelization. Then, we present our choice of parallelization and our experiences in applying this method to this implementation. Finally, conclusions and future directions are presented. Researchers have shown that communication protocols can be parallelized in a number of dierent ways, often resulting in signicant increased performance of the overall network communication. This paper reports on our continuing eorts to explore the potential for parallelizing the MIL-STD 188-220 communications protocol, the proposed standard for interoperability over Combat Net Radio, and a key to the Army's eorts to digitize the battleeld and standardize protocols for the physical, data link and network layers. We have examined a specic implementation of MIL-STD 188-220A's datalink layer , and gathered various forms of information about the operation of the protocol, focusing on the potential for performance enhancement through parallelism. This paper describes our experiments, results, and conclusions. Keywords: communication protocol, parallelization. INTRODUCTION A major challenge to increasing the performance of data delivery across the fast physical networks available today is ecient protocols and protocol implementations. The two commonly used approaches for improving performance of protocols is to implement existing protocols such that the processing time is minimized, or to design new protocols with mechanisms specically architected for high-bandwidth, low-delay, Prepared through collaborative participation in the Advanced Telecommunications/Information Distribution Research Program (ATIRP) Consortium sponsored by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory under Cooperative Agreement DAAL01-96-20002. The U.S. government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for Government purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation thereon. PARALLELIZATION APPROACHES Whether the solution is implemented in hardware, software, or a combination, the same general techniques for 1 uses TCP/IP in the Transport and Session Layers and does not address layers 5, 6 or 7. The focus of our study is restricted to the physical and data link layers. For the physical layer, the standard species the use of a frequency hopping packet scheme, output transmission rates ranging in general from 75 to 32000 bits per second (bps), and half-duplex transmission mode. The physical layer may be realized over radio, wireline and/or satellite links. A signicant amount of processing is performed by the data link layer. Due in part to the use of TCP/IP in the upper layers, the functionality of the data link layer was augmented to include operations normally handled in the upper layers and deemed necessary for the protocol. The functionality of the data link layer includes: ow control, Forward Error Correction coding (FEC) (optional), group and global multicast of messages, priority queuing of messages (urgent, priority, routine), scrambling and unscrambling of data (optional), Time Dispersive Coding (TDC) (optional), and zero-bit insertion (bit-stung). protocol parallelism apply. Classications for protocol parallelism are dened as [2, 5, 11]. Connection parallelism: Connection parallelism implies establishment of multiple links, or connections, between end systems comprised of single processors or threads. Speedup is achieved with multiple connections allowing concurrent communication. Packet parallelism: Packet parallelism assigns each arriving packet to one processor or thread, from a pool of processors or threads, allowing several packets to be processed in parallel. This approach distributes packets across processors, achieving speedup both with multiple and single connections. Pipelined or layered parallelism: Pipelined or layered parallelism exploits the layering principle common in protocol design, assigning each layer to a separate processor. Performance gains are achieved mainly through pipelining eects. Functional parallelism: Functional parallelism decomposes functions within a single protocol and assigns them to processing elements. Speedup is achieved when packets require dierent independent functional processing, which can be performed simultaneously. Message parallelism: Message parallelism associates a separate process with each incoming or outgoing message. A processor or thread receives a message and escorts it through the parallelized portion of the protocol stack. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY Experimental setup. The code as provided from the vendor was designed to compile and run using Borland C on PC-based hardware. Since the goal of our work has not been to analyze the hardware, but rather software implementations of the protocol, we ported the code to a UNIX environment, where analysis and debugging tools are more readily available. The UNIX platform that we chose is a Sun Microsystems ULTRA 10 running SunOS 5.6 and the C compiler from Sun version 4.2. We also ran the tests on two other Sun workstations, one with 4 processors and one with 14 processors. The processing times (and thus the throughput) for these platforms were faster; however, as the upcoming description indicates, the threshold of when to thread and when not to thread did not change. Thus, the results reported here are on a single processor workstation. In the actual runs executed by the vendor, one host (a 1553 bus interface ) generates messages to be handled by the protocol and sends those messages to another PC-based host where the protocol stack is implemented. Since our experiments did not test this physical interface, no such hardware setup was used. Note that the experiments did cover the software used by the physical layer of the protocol, but not the physical Since no single approach is a win in every situation, the goal of studying an implementation of MIL-STD 188-220A has been to identify not only opportunities for exploiting parallelism, but also the most promising approach from this list for this particular protocol. MIL-STD 188-220A IMPLEMENTATION The military standard MIL-STD 188-220A protocol [10] species interoperability of command, control, communications, computers, and C4 I systems via Combat Net Radio (CNR) on the battleeld. The architecture of MIL-STD 188-220A uses the ISO 7-layer reference model. The April 1995 draft of the standard 2 ing where parallelism might be applied is to investigate where the code is spending most of its execution cycles. Running the code as explained in the previous sections and applying Sun's workshop tools resulted in a prole that indicates the percent of execution time spent in each procedure and the number of calls to each procedure. In total, there are approximately 350 functions called to process a message. The top 60 represent 90% of the execution time. A prole of the execution can be broken into three areas. First, we found about 25% of total execution time to be system time, time spent by the operating system working on behalf of the code, typically as a result of UNIX system calls. Under different systems, or on actual embedded hardware, this may dier. System time is time not available for parallelization. The second component of execution time is user time spent in libraries, accounting for about 15% of total execution time. Primarily, this is time spent executing code in the standard C library and to a much less extent, the library for the proler and data collector itself. Again, this code does not represent an opportunity for parallelization. The third remaining component is user time spent in the protocol processing code. Our proling runs indicated that the largest single routine in terms of being called and spending execution cycles was a routine called llword Bitman. Overall, more than 25% of processing time was spent in this routine. Unfortunately, this is a fairly low level routine that does bit manipulation. There are no loops nor any complex code that could be optimized in an obvious fashion. The next most frequently called routine was another bit manipulation routine called readBits Mci, which took 11% of the execution time. The same observation about the structure of readBits Mci can be made as for llword Bitman. Overall, these two routines represent about 50% of user time. In summary, these results indicate that functional parallelism is not a good choice for increasing performance of this protocol code. Another potential opportunity for parallelism that we investigated is the ability to process one message while receiving the next message. Close examination of the message specication reveals that each message is not encapsulated in a discrete component such that the processing of dierent parts of the message could be parallelized. The message structure requires that the bits be examined and then the message processed ac- hardware such as cables, circuit boards, etc. A wrapper was constructed to generate messages by reading a le and then sending the messages up the protocol stack (receive) and responding down the protocol stack (transmit). The wrapper consists of two components. The rst, pcmain.c, is the entry point for the entire program. The main routine opens the data le, and then the entry point to the receive stack, pctest.c, is called. A message is detected if reading the data le does not result in an error. Once the message is read, it is passed into the protocol stack, processed, and then transferred to the transmit protocol stack. Eventually, the processed message is returned to the user interface and displayed. In actual tests, the display of the message was not performed since it increased system call overhead signicantly. The last step in the modication of the protocol code was to modify the routines corresponding to higher layers to return immediately with no processing. The effect of this modication is to prole only the implementation of the physical and data link layers. One method for this setup would be to have two separate processes and use the UNIX pipe to hook the processes together. This was rejected for our experiments because of the system overhead involved in using the pipe. Instead, the transmit and receive stacks were implemented in one process, eliminating system overhead due to the experimentation procedure. For this experiment, we were unable to use actual data gathered from real communications. In particular, we did not have records available that showed the distribution of the various sizes of messages in a typical session nor the various types of messages that may be used in a typical session. We ran our experiments with three basic distributions of message sizes: exponential, normal (binomial) and uniform. For the exponential distribution, the message prole was heavily weighted towards smaller messages, 75% being smaller than 50 bytes in length. For binomial distribution, 75% of the messages were larger than 50 bytes, but the majority (95%) were less than 100 bytes in length. For the uniform distribution, message sizes were equally distributed between 1 and 1000 bytes. These message sizes were determined to be reasonable based on examination of the message format specication. A typical large message might be a request for a le transfer, while a small message (less than 10 bytes) could represent a simple command. Proling the execution. The rst step in identify3 is a message size of 0, which corresponds to the nonthreaded version. The plotted results agree with the predicted results regarding message size and usefulness of threading. In all three message size distributions, we were able to determine a message size threshold where use of threads would benet the overall performance. In particular, the threshold for uniform distribution is a message size of 500 bytes, for normal is 200 bytes, and for exponential is 200 bytes. These number correspond to the lowest points in the graphs. The amount less than the non-threaded case (message size 0) indicates the overall benet. Note that the graph turns upward before returning to the optimal level. This is a reection of the overhead incurred from using too small a message size. Not every possible message size was tested but the peak in the graph would reect an approximation of the worst case for choosing the size of the message. cordingly. Thus, the problem with this approach in this protocol implementation is that the size of the message is not known until the bits are examined. At that time, the remainder of the message may be very short (2-3 words) and the processing overhead to thread the message may be excessive. Based on our proling results, we concluded that the most promising approach for performance improvement through parallelization would be to thread the code based on messages. Our implementation of this approach to parallelization and our results are described in the next section. Parallelization of the Code. To implement parallelism within the MIL-STD 188-220A implementation in this study, we used the POSIX pthreads library. We modied the protocol code to create a new thread each time a message arrives. The new thread then runs in parallel with the existing main path of execution of the program and in parallel with any other threads that were started to process a previous message. Typically, threading code is most eective when processing involves system overhead that results in waiting for a system resource. For this protocol code, overall system overhead is relatively small (around 25% of the total processing time) on average for a stream of messages of any message sizes. However, the overhead is a constant for a given message, that is, the number of cycles of system overhead is the same, regardless of the message size. This means that for a small message, the overhead will be close to 100%, while for a large message, the overhead is less than 5%. The net eect is that if you create a thread to process a small message, the increase in system overhead due to the thread management overhead results in processing time for that message actually increasing rather than decreasing. At the other end of the scale, large messages should be threaded to improve throughput by allowing many messages to be processed in parallel with the larger messages. This phenomenon was handled in our implementation by selecting a threshold based on message size. Below the threshold, the messages are processed sequentially. Above the threshold, a new thread is created, and the message is processed in parallel. The graphs depicted in Figure 1 show processing times of both the threaded version and non-threaded version, for various threshold values. The message size threshold is plotted against system time, user time and total time. The baseline SUMMARY AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS To our knowledge, this is the rst eort to study the opportunities for potential performance enhancements due to parallelization in implementations of MIL STD 188-220A. The results found through experimentation are compared with the predicted results of [13]. These experiments focus on nding parallel opportunities using functional parallelism and packet parallelism as described above. Functional parallelism does not seem to be promising based on the fact that most of the processing time is being spent doing very low level operations. These operations are very fast, and overhead associated with parallelizing that code would actually lower the throughput. If you consider one message to be a packet that is handled by one level of the protocol stack, then some benet is realized by packet parallelization. As noted in [13], such benets are gained only when processing is large enough. This is indicated by using threads on larger messages. Future directions for continued study will rst focus on the use of actual data les that contain real messages, which would potentially alter the prole. Actual measurements of the number of messages and size of messages may inuence the resulting throughput and parallelization opportunities. \The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the ocial policies, either expr essed or implied, of the Army Research Laboratory or the U.S. Government." 4 References [1] Torsten Braun and Martina Zitterbart. Parallel transport system design. In High Performance Networking, IV, pages 397{412. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., 1993. [2] Toong Shoon Chan and Ian Gorton. A parallel approach to high-speed protocol processing. Technical report, University of New South Wales, March 1994. [3] Christophe Diot and Michel Ng.X. Dang. A high performance implementation of OSI transport protocol class 4; evaluation and perspectives. In 15th Conference on Local Computer Networks, pages 223{230, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1990. [4] Willibald A. 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