a comparative study of ptv home and geo entertainment channels in

The Explorer Islamabad: Journal of Social Sciences
ISSN (E): 2411-0132, ISSN (P): 2411-5487
Vol-1, Issue (7):241-245
Farhan Riaz1, Shazia Mehmood1, Zaigham Abbas2, Muhammad Alamzaib2, Saad Hameed3
Department of Sociology, PMAS-Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, 2Department of Sociology,
Bahuddin Zakria University Multan, 3National College of Business Administration & Economics Multan
Corresponding Author:
Farhan Riaz Bhutta
PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi
Abstract: In a progressive society the variation of TV channel is very important for us. We learn most of the things like,
culture, tradition, norms, and way of living, lifestyles from these channels. Different channels have different impact on
the minds of the people of a society. In the said research comparative analysis of Pakistan Television and Geo
Entertainment has been made. From both of these channels which one takes leads to entertain the public in a more
defined and demanding way. The significant focus was to judge the level of entertainment provided by both the
channels and how much those are successful to raise social issues and viewer’s perception about TV programs of PTV
and Geo Entertainment channels. The Nature of the study was qualitative and quantitative. It was conducted at
Satellite town block “A” Rawalpindi and sector “F-7/4” Islamabad. An interview schedule was designed and the sample
of one hundred and twenty people was collected through systematic random sampling technique. Then data was
analyzed through spss (version 14.0). According to findings, most people like the PTV home because it is still trying to
show the original picture of Pakistani society whereas the Geo entertainment is liked by people of Islamabad as it gives
the information about the new fashion around the Pakistan. The findings of the study may benefit the T.V
administrations to reschedule their transmission according to viewer’s aspiration.
Key Words: Television, Influence, Culture, Social Issues
Media is most influential tool or rather you can say
media today is one of the most important weapons.
Media is the main means of mass communication
especially television, radio and newspapers which
are providing entertainment as well as information
and latest news update collectively. This media can
convert black into white, a day into night. It can
transform a hero into a villan and a villan into a
hero. The media is doing wonders. Media is taking
part to aware the people about different events
taking place in the whole universe. Media has
graciously opened new horizons giving political
awareness to masses, played an important role in
enlightening the basic human rights to general
public. Media has helped to establish the writ of
government by understanding the laws and
constitution and to prevail the better law and
orders in the society. Media has established its
major impacts on the different fields of life of a
society, like health, education agriculture and
economy. Media has spoken the silent thoughts of
the people and gave them the pride in being open
publicly and presented them with the unique
opportunity of freedom of expression. Media has
resolved the big question in better understanding
of the social issues namely, women right and child
abuse etc (Naik 2005).
Our drama is reflecting the supernatural elite class
which is making our society mentally ill and
frustrated. We are relying on sensation news and
portraying looters and evils as our leaders. Media is
giving its so called political awareness according to
its own sweet will and neglecting the role of
parliament and politicians. We should control evils
of media to prevent our society from becoming evil
society, and we have to take advantage of the
positively and fruits of media otherwise we will
remain an ignorant and fruitless society in the
League of Nations (Zia 2007).
In today’s world, newspapers are liked by only the
chosen few who might appreciate the detail as well
as the depth of analysis. Unlike these readers elites,
the common man needs only brief, simple news
and heavy dose of entertainment in the form of
films, plays, music and report of sports events.
Television is the principal source of providing this
entertainment. As such, TV has fast become the
mass medium which is adored by the people in all
the countries. It is not so popular only in those
undeveloped parts of the world where common
people cannot buy tv set because of poverty or
where is no electricity. Even in poor countries,
anyone who has access to tv signal and who can
buy a set, is viewing almost regularly. Competing
with radio (about 70 years old) and newspaper
(about 380 years old), television is like a giant
adolescent who is hail and hearty, full of life and
energy, but rather weak in the field of complex
mental exercises (Jacobson 1969).
In Pakistan, cable television network was initiated
in Karachi in early 1980s and by 1998 was
introduced in almost all the big cities of the country
but functioned without rules and regulations. The
year 2000 witnessed a mushroom growth of cable
television network all over the Pakistan after the
government legalized cable television network and
in 2002 almost four million households were
enjoying its services in the country (Zia 2003).
A study conducted by Saleem (1994) on ‘Impact of
Dish Antenna on Pakistani Society” concluded that
44 percent of the respondents felt considerable
impact upon their social behavior. Viewers of
programmes through dish antenna felt a change in
their outlook towards life and became more broadminded. The study further revealed that satellite
communication was introducing international
culture and viewers were admiring the general
living standards of social values of western and
Indian societies. Majority of the women
respondents in this study were of the opinion that
dresses hairstyles and jewellery of Indian and
western models grabbed their attention the most.
Therefore, new trends and fashions were making
their way in our society (Saleem 1994).
The Media today is an army with carefully
organized by weapons, the journalists it’s officers,
the readers it’s soldiers. But, as in every army, the
soldiers obey blindly, and the war aims and
operating plans change without the knowledge. The
readers neither know nor are supposed to know the
reason for which he is used and the role he is to
play. There is no more appalling caricature of
freedom thought. For merely no one was allowed
to think freely; now it is permitted, but no one is
capable of it any more. Now people want to believe
only what they are supposed to want to believe,
and this they consider freedom (Spengler 1936).
Pakistan Television Corporation (PTV) is owned and
controlled by the government of Pakistan. Keeping
in view the fact that the majority of the population
of the country does watch PTV for seeking
information and framing their opinion, the ruling
party does use PTV according to its wish. By
projecting the doings of only ruling party and
exclusion of all others, the bulk of the viewers
reject the programms of such nature as being
untrue. This aspect has smashed PTV's credibility
among the viewers. Since the birth of PTV in 1964,
PTV adhered to the same lines which were drawn
by the ruling parties. This has created a dilemma
both for PTV and its viewers. The voices of different
sections of society for the independence of PTV
were raised and documented which constitute one
of the major themes of this research. On the other
hand, it has often been argued that if PTV becomes
a private or completely independent organization
without any substantial degree of control from
government, it may deviate from the basic
objectives chalk out at the time of its
establishment. Though this argument occupies a
wide place that in the drive towards complete
autonomy of information on television, the
principle that, "information is a commodity" plays a
high-flying role. And the new policy-makers may
tune the organization into a commercial
corporation who has primary interest in keeping
information secret to protect their commercial
interests while their secondary interest may be to
produce a commodity for sale in the market.
Information which was once available to the public
as of right will, in future, be available on payment.
Taking a look at entertainment fare brings some
other aspects of cultural invasion. But the most
important question that arises out the context that
whether we would be able to complete
international media enriched with alluring contents
having such controlled system of communication.
Isere, one has to have a mounting pile of arguments
to substantiate this phenomenon of no autonomy
for television in Pakistan. Autonomy of PTV does
not mean the freedom of information only but
autonomy embraces the four different but
integrated areas, which are administrative
autonomy and ideological autonomy (Pakistan
Television 1976).
The present study was conducted in the “Sector F7/4” Islamabad and “Satellite town block A”
Rawalpindi. The researcher conducted the
investigation at there without the gender
discrimination and both quantitative and qualitative
information was collected by using an interview
schedule comprised of close ended and as well as
open ended questions. A sample of one hundred
and twenty households from the locales was
selected by using systematic random sampling
technique. Keeping in view the objective of the
study, an interview schedule was developed to
gather relevant information from the respondents.
The interview schedule was pretested before the
collection of data so as to remove any possible
errors or omissions before giving it a final shape.
Finally, the interview schedule comprising a set of
relevant questions was prepared for the purpose of
collecting the required information. In the present
study 4 key informants were identified from
community who helped the researcher to
investigate the topic of research from various
perspectives. These key informants not only
provided a helping hand during the collection of
quantitative data but also gave the assistance while
in-depth interviews. The close ended data were
gathered by researcher along with key informants
and hence analyzed through spss version 14.0.
The intention of the study to converse with the
respondents and to dig up their responses
regarding the significant focus to know about the
level of entertainment provided by both the
channels and how much those channels are
successful to raise social issues and viewer’s
perception about TV programs of PTV and Geo
Entertainment channels. The outcomes which are
drawn from the respondents in the spot light of the
objectives are discussed and summarized to give
the conclusions. Major analyses are presented
Table. 1: Distribution of Respondents regarding
Watching TV
Responses Frequency
Off and On
Table illustrates that 59.2 percent of respondents
watch TV more often and overall percentage of
respondents who just turn the T.V on and off were
35.8 percent. There were only 5 percents
respondents who do no watch TV at all. We can
conclude from this particular table that T.V is
regularly watched all around with a higher level of
Table. 2: Distribution of Respondents regarding
Spending Time for Watching TV.
1 hour or less
2-4 hours
5-6 hours
7-8 hours
+9 hours
Table explains that 32.5 percent of the respondents
were in habit to watch TV one hour or less than one
hour. The maximum percentage of this table shows
that 35 percent of the respondents were watching
TV 2-4 hours in a day. There were 21.7 percent
respondents who watch TV 5-6 hours and 8.3
percent respondents watch TV 7-8 hours. There
were only 2.5 percent respondents who like to
watch TV more than 9 hours. So, we can conclude
from this table that the most of the people who
watch television lye in the category of 2-4 hours.
The basic reason behind this aspect is that people
usually get 2-4 hours of spare time in a day and the
best way to spend that particular time is by
watching television program.
Table. 3: Distribution of Respondents regarding Specific
time for Watching TV
Late night
Table reflects that 15.8 percent respondents watch
TV in the morning and the percentage of those
respondents who watch TV during afternoon were
16.7 percent. The respondents who tend to watch
TV in the evening were 33.3 percent. The
percentage of respondents who watch TV late night
was 34.2 percent. Target audiences were keener to
watch TV late night because better entertainment
can be attained at this time. They really do not have
any task or work to improvise at late night and
there will be no disturbance for the viewers as well.
Table. 4: Distribution of Respondents regarding
Favorite TV Channel
PTV Home
Table exposes that 43.3 percent respondent like to
watch PTV Home channel as their favorite channel.
The respondents who like to watch Geo
Entertainment was 56.7 percent. It means that
maximum respondents like the Geo Entertainment
channel as their favorite channel. One of the major
reasons behind higher preference of Geo
Entertainment is due to its easier availability
through numbers of cable operators in Rawalpindi
and Islamabad. The second reason behind its
preference is that viewers are interested in reality
shows, award ceremonies and even watching
Indian movies and programs. The third major
reason is that people can attain versatility in their
programs through Geo Entertainment and they will
not be able to get such versatility through PTV
Home because of irrelevant repetition of already
telecasted programs.
Table. 5: Distribution of Respondents Resolving the
Social Issues of Daily Life by Watching PTV Home
Table indicates that 63.3 percent respondent
accepted that they got help to resolve their
problem by watching the drams of PTV Home
because PTV shows the reality and most of their
programs are much closer to the reality as
compared to the programs being shown on Geo
Entertainment. Their response to this particular
question was a more positive because they said
that PTV dramas are purely home based and the
problems which are shown in these dramas are
much closer to the life of any individual. These
programs are good for any individuals and one can
certainly get something good out of all the
programs and dramas being shown on PTV home a.
The numbers of respondents who gave their
answers in No were only 36.7 percent respondents.
They think that this channel is way behind the
actual scenario of this particular society and they
do believe that the social issues being shown on
this channel are not considered to be very
important so this is the reason why they gave their
answers in NO. They added that they are unable to
get any kind of help with these programs because
they do believe that PTV home is not improvising
according to the requirements of their viewers.
Table. 6: Distribution of Respondents Resolving the
Social Issues of Daily Life by Watching Geo
Table designate that 55 percent respondent gave
the answers in Yes showing that they are able to
resolve their problem by watching the various
programs of Geo Entertainment. There were 45
percent respondents who gave the answers in No
concluding that they do not get help from any of
the programs which are shown on Geo
Entertainment. They just said that they were unable
to get any help because Geo Entertainment is a
pure entertainment channel and most of their
programs are improvised to entertain people. They
just watch this channel in order to get entertained
rather than watching them just to solve their
complications and issues.
Through present research, it was found that most
of the respondents watch television often. And
there were small numbers of respondent who do
not watch television. In the conducted research it
can be seen clearly that people spend two to four
hours for watching television. And the timing of
watching television is late night mostly.
Respondents liked the PTV home the most, as
comparative to Geo entertainment. Accepting PTV
Home, the reason is that it is still working and trying
to give the original picture of Pakistani culture. And
the Geo Entertainment is following the Indian
channel policy. In this way it is destroying our
culture. Respondents admired that watching PTV
home gives them idea to resolve the issues of daily
routine life, because it is nearer to the real face of
our society. Where they accepted that Geo
Entertainment is not helpful in this regard, because
it’s always shows the wrong picture of the society.
Whereas our Pakistani society is not same as it
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Effect of Television on Women in
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Lahore College for Women University.
Jacobson, Harvey. K.
1969 Mass Media Believability: A Study of
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2003 Cable Television Network in
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Saleem, N.
1994 Impact of Dish Antenna on Pakistani
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Department of Mass Communication,
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Spengler, Oswald
1936 Oswald
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1976 Pakistan Television Corporation
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© 2015“The Explorer Islamabad” Journal of Social Sciences-Pakistan