OMG-OCUP-100 OMG OMG-Certified UML Professional Fundamental Exam OMGOCUP-100 The OMG-OCUP-100 practice exam is written and formatted by Certified Senior IT Professionals working in today's prospering companies and data centers all over the world! The OMG-OCUP-100 Practice Test covers all the exam topics and objectives and will prepare you for success quickly and efficiently. The OMG-OCUP-100 exam is very challenging, but with our OMG-OCUP-100 questions and answers practice exam, you can feel confident in obtaining your success on the OMG-OCUP-100 exam on your FIRST TRY! OMG OMG-OCUP-100 Exam Features - Detailed questions and answers for OMG-OCUP-100 exam - Try a demo before buying any OMG exam - OMG-OCUP-100 questions and answers, updated regularly - Verified OMG-OCUP-100 answers by Experts and bear almost 100% accuracy - OMG-OCUP-100 tested and verified before publishing - OMG-OCUP-100 exam questions with exhibits - OMG-OCUP-100 same questions as real exam with multiple choice options Acquiring OMG certifications are becoming a huge task in the field of I.T. More over these exams like OMG-OCUP-100 exam are now continuously updating and accepting this challenge is itself a task. This OMG-OCUP-100 test is an important part of OMG certifications. We have the resources to prepare you for this. The OMG-OCUP-100 exam is essential and core part of OMG certifications and once you clear the exam you will be able to solve the real life problems yourself.Want to take advantage of the Real OMG-OCUP-100 Test and save time and money while developing your skills to pass your OMG OMG-OCUP-100 Exam? Let us help you climb that ladder of success and pass your OMG-OCUP-100 now! OMG-OCUP100 QUESTION: 1 What is an element in UML 2.0? A. member of a set B. instance of a class C. constituent of a model D. abstract metaclass with only one superclass E. substance not separable by ordinary chemical means Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 2 What is a relationship in UML 2.0? A. the state of being related B. an element that has no derived union C. an element that has no derived composition D. an element that must have two owned elements E. an element that specifies a connection between elements Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 3 What is true about a comment in UML 2.0? (Choose two) A. is shown as a note symbol B. must be attached to at most one element C. contains only machine-readable symbols D. can be attached to more than one element E. connections are always shown with a dashed line Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 4 What is true about every named element that is a member of a namespace? A. It is owned by the namespace. B. It has one unique name within the namespace. C. It is identified by its name within the namespace. D. It can be distinguished from other members in the namespace. Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 5 What is true of the import example in the exhibit? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. Webshop is imported into ShoppingCart and then further imported into Auxiliary and Types. B. Auxiliary and Types are imported into ShoppingCart, but neither can be further imported into WebShop. C. Public members of WebShop are imported into ShoppingCart and then further imported into Auxiliary or Types. D. Public members of Types and Auxiliary are imported into ShoppingCart and then further imported into WebShop. E. Public members of Types and Auxiliary are imported into ShoppingCart and those from Types are further imported into WebShop. Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 6 What does an {ordered} designator do for a multiplicity? A. specifies that values are sequentially ordered B. specifies an inclusive interval of non-negative integers C. indicates the correct sequence of messages in a sequence diagram D. indicates that the upper bound must be greater than the lower bound for the multiplicity Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 7 What is an expression in UML 2.0? A. comment placed on a diagram B. symbol or symbols signifying a set of value C. graphical addition to a diagramming element D. language-specific string used to describe the meaning of a diagram E. language-specific text string used to describe the contents of a diagram Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 8 Constraints are shown using what symbols? A. [ ] B. ( ) C. { } D. ?" E. " " Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 9 The instance diagram in the exhibit contains father and son without underlines. What is the meaning of this? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. The Don class is a superclass of the Josh class. B. An association having end names father and son. C. The diagram is a mixture of class and instance diagrams. D. A link of an association having end names father and son. E. The names are incorrectly specified, because underlined names are required. Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 10 In the exhibit, what is the meaning of size in these two diagrams? omg&c=OMG-OCUP100&q=1 A. Only one or the other should be used, not both, in order to avoid a name conflict. B. The size end name on the association indicates data storage and the attribute does not. C. There is one size property diagrammed both as an attribute and as an association end. D. There are two size properties that have no name conflict as long as each size is private. E. The size attribute in the class indicates that it will be stored within the class and the end name does not. Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 11 What does an association specify? A. tuples that are not links B. relationship among models C. links between associated types D. links between instances of associated types E. links between instances of untyped classes Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 12 What are the association end names in the exhibit? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. Person and Order B. customer and Order C. 1 and * D. 1, *, customer, and Order E. 1, *, customer, order, Person, and Order Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 13 What is the meaning of the subsets constraint in the diagram? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. D is a subclass of B. B. D contains a subset of instances of C. C. The collection of b is a subset of the collection of d for each A. D. The collection of d is a subset of the collection of b for each C. E. The collection of c is a subset of the collection of b for each D. Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 14 What is true of the black diamond on the diagram? ose two) omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. A Line Item cannot be removed from its Order. B. A Line Item may only be included in one Order at a time. C. If an Order is deleted, its Line Item instances normally still remain. D. If an Order is deleted, its Line Item instances are normally deleted. E. A Line Item may only be included in more than one Order at a time. Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 15 A property is a feature that can be represented in what ways? ose two) A. as an association B. as an association end C. as an attribute in a class D. as an operation in a class E. as an indication of whether the feature is public or private Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 16 What does it mean when a classifier rectangle is labeled as an <<eration>>? A. The list of all public and private features is provided. B. The classifier is an iterator for traversing a collection. C. The list of all public and private structural features is suppressed. D. The classifier is a data type whose values are possibly listed in the bottom compartment. Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 17 What are some of the important semantics of packages? ose three) A. A class may be owned by multiple packages. B. An element may be owned by at most one package. C. The public contents of a package are accessible outside the package. D. The public contents of a package are not accessible outside the package. E. If a package is removed from a model, the owned contents are removed. F. If a package is removed from a model, the owned contents are reassigned. Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 18 What does the arrow end of a dependency relationship indicate? A. more general classifier B. element initiates communication C. whole in a whole-part relationship D. client element is affected by a change in the supplier element E. supplier element is unaffected by a change in the client element Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 19 What does a <<use>>endency mean in a relationship between one element and another? A. specifies how it uses another element B. specifies how it realizes another element C. specifies how one element implements another element D. requires another element for its full implementation or operation Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 20 What statements are true of the <<it>>endency in the exhibit? (Choose two) omg&c=OMGOCUP-100&q=1 A. X can access only the baz property of W. B. X can access the baz and quux properties of W. C. X can access only the quux property of W. D. W can access only the foo property of X. E. W can access the foo and bar properties of X. F. W can access only the bar property of X. Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 21 What statements are true about the <<titute>>endency? ose two) A. denotes runtime substitutability requiring specialization B. denotes runtime substitutability not requiring specialization C. implies inheritance of structure and compliance to publicly available contracts D. implies neither inheritance of structure nor compliance to publicly available contracts E. does not imply inheritance of structure, but implies compliance to publicly available contracts Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 22 What is the notation for a provided interface? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. Option A B. Option B C. Option C D. Option D E. Option E Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 23 What statements are true about interfaces? ose two) A. Interfaces are directly instantiable. B. Interfaces are not directly instantiable. C. A classifier may realize only one interface, but an interface may be realized by multiple classifiers. D. A classifier may realize more than one interface, but an interface may be realized by only one classifier. E. A classifier may realize more than one interface, and an interface may be realized by different classifiers. Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 24 Refer to the exhibit. n that class A realizes interfaces X and Y, and that class B realizes interface Y and uses interface Z, what operations must class A support? omg&c=OMGOCUP-100&q=1 A. union of the operations in interfaces X and Y B. union of the operations in interfaces X, Y, and Z C. intersection of the operations in interfaces X and Y D. intersection of the operations in interfaces X, Y, and Z E. not required to support any operations specified by the interfaces shown Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 25 What statements are true about implementation relationships? ose two) A. A classifier may only implement one interface. B. An interface may implement multiple classifiers. C. A classifier implementing an interface conforms to its contract. D. The set of interfaces implemented by a classifier are its required interfaces. E. The set of interfaces implemented by a classifier are its provided interfaces. Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 26 An activity is what kind of element? A. action B. method C. behavior D. collaboration E. state machine Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 27 What does an activity contain? ose two) A. edges B. nodes C. states D. classes E. lifelines F. messages Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 28 What do arrows in activity diagrams represent? ose two) A. object flows B. control flows C. dependencies D. state transitions E. message passing F. unidirectional associations Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 29 What does the symbol in the exhibit represent in UML 2.0 activity diagrams? omg&c=OMGOCUP-100&q=1 A. state B. action C. activity D. behavior E. object node F. control node Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 30 What does a rectangle on the border of an activity diagram (as depicted in the exhibit) esent in UML 2.0 activity diagrams? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. pin B. port C. place D. entry state E. parameter node Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 31 What does a solid circle (as depicted in the exhibit) represent in UML 2.0 activity diagrams? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. joins B. forks C. merges D. decisions E. initial nodes F. flow final nodes G. activity final nodes Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 32 What does amond shape (as depicted in the exhibit) represent in UML 2.0 activity rams? ose two) omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. joins B. forks C. merges D. decisions E. initial nodes F. flow final nodes G. activity final nodes Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 33 What do arrowed lines connecting to and from a rectangle (as depicted in the exhibit) represent in UML 2.0 activity diagrams? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. object flows B. control flows C. dependencies D. state transitions E. message passing F. unidirectional associations Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 34 How many of the three arrows outgoing from the diamond shape (as depicted in the exhibit) will be given values at one time in a well-defined activity diagram? omg&c=OMG-OCUP100&q=1 A. none B. one C. two D. three Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 35 How many of the three incoming arrows to the diamond shape (as depicted in the exhibit) must provide values for the diamond to have an effect? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. none B. one C. two D. three Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 36 What are two kinds of pins in activity diagrams? A. in and out B. entry and exit C. read and update D. input and output Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 37 How many arrows can go out of an input parameter node? A. none B. one C. two D. any number Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 38 How many of the arrows in the exhibit will be given values when the round-cornered rectangle finishes executing? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. none B. one C. two D. three Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 39 If the rectangle in the exhibit has one value, how many of the arrows will be given the value? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. none B. one C. two D. three Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 40 Which will cause an activity to finish executing? ose two) A. All guards fail. B. No actions are executing. C. Activity final is reached. D. No tokens (values) are in the activity. E. Output parameter nodes all have values. Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 41 What provides input values to a behavior on a decision node? A. actions B. exit states C. output pins D. object flows E. output parameter nodes Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 42 Which elements in an activity diagram can be redefined by which other elements? ose two) A. nodes by nodes B. nodes by edges C. edges by edges D. edges by nodes E. states by states F. transitions by transitions Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 43 Which element in the diagram is the correct label for a lifeline? omg&c=OMG-OCUP100&q=1 A. b B. M C. p D. C2 E. a:C1 Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 44 In the exhibit, there is one element with the identifier b. is true about this element? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. b is a class. B. b is of the type C2. C. b is defined local to M. D. b is contained in class C2. E. b must be a property of a composite structure. Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 45 Let us denote sending of p as !p and receiving p as ?p. Which traces define the interaction M in the exhibit? ose two) omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. <!p, ?p, !q, ?q> B. <!p, !q, ?p, ?q> C. <!p, ?q, !q, ?p> D. <!q, !p, ?p, ?q> E. <?p, !p, ?q, !q> Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 46 Which arrowhead shows that the message represents an operation call, rather than a signal, in UML 2.0? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. Option A B. Option B C. Option C D. Option D Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 47 When a message corresponds to an operation call, what is true about the arguments in UML 2.0? A. Message arguments must always be constants or attributes of the sender. B. All the parameters of the operation must be matched by message arguments. C. A message argument should be of exactly the same type as the parameters of the corresponding operation. D. The message arguments must the same type as the parameters of the corresponding operation or a subset of the parameters of the corresponding operation. Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 48 Which keyword denotes a lifeline that represents the object owning the lifeline? A. own B. self C. this D. object E. ncloser? Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 49 What is a selector of a lifeline? A. a scheduler that chooses the next lifeline on which to run B. a specific lifeline that selects a resource from a resource pool C. a construct to select one lifeline out of all the lifelines in the diagram D. an expression selecting one out of a set; a general indexing mechanism Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 50 There is an element identified as r in the exhibit. What does this element describe in a UML 2.0 interaction diagram? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. timing signal from b B. found message, found by b C. lost message originating from b D. synchronous message to the environment of R E. asynchronous message to the environment of R Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 51 Let us denote sending of p as !p and receiving p as ?p. he exhibit, what is correct about event occurrences of the interaction Q? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. !p will precede !q B. ?p will precede !r C. ?q may precede ?r D. !r will precede !q Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 52 In the exhibit, where is the execution occurrence in the sequence diagram named R? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. lifeline a B. lifeline b C. message denoted by r D. lifeline b in thin vertical rectangle E. message with identifier v (dashed line) F. at the arrowhead of the dashed message on lifeline a Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 53 What about event order is true for simple interactions? ose two) A. Events are ordered from top to bottom in a sequence diagram. B. Events are ordered from top to bottom of a lifeline in a simple sequence diagram. C. When messages represent operation calls, their sending and receiving events coincide in time. D. The send event of a complete message comes before the receive event of the same message. E. The start event of an execution occurrence will coincide in time with the event representing the call of that operation. Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 54 What is true about lifelines? A. represent a sequence of operation calls B. represent an individual participant in the interaction C. has traces of events following the sequence of messages D. in a sequence diagram, are horizontal or with a slight downward slope Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 55 Which kinds of diagram can be used to define an interaction in UML 2.0? ose three) A. class diagram B. sequence diagram C. state machine diagram D. communication diagram E. composite structure diagram F. interaction overview diagram Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 56 In a sequence diagram, what does a stop symbol express? A. The interaction is no longer valid. B. A message is stopped short of its reception. C. The object represented by a lifeline terminates. D. The behavior of a lifeline halts within this diagram. Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 57 What is true concerning the UML model depicted in the exhibit? omg&c=OMG-OCUP100&q=1 A. M is not a behavior of C since p and q are not defined within C. B. If M is a behavior in C, then a in C is the property represented by lifeline a in M. C. a and b are lifelines within C, as well as being the same entities as those referenced in M. D. The communication diagram on the left forms the base for the sequence diagram on the right. Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 58 In the exhibit, what is an interaction? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. Option A B. Option B C. Option C D. Option D Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 59 What is a e? A. message line B. set of message lines C. arrowed line representation D. sequence of event occurrences Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 60 What is specified by a use case? A. set of user interface screens B. required usage of the system C. possible path based on a value D. business justification for system development Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 61 What can be captured by use cases? ose two) A. requirements of the system B. behaviors offered by the system C. data and control flow of the system D. changes in state over time of the system E. user-interface specification of the system Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 62 What shapes are NOT likely to be found on a typical use case diagram? (Choose two) A. ovals B. diamonds C. stick figures D. straight lines E. square-cornered rectangles F. rounded-cornered rectangles Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 63 What shapes normally represent a use case? (Choose three) omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. Option A B. Option B C. Option C D. Option D E. Option E F. Option F Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 64 What term describes a customer ordering books via the web? A. user B. actor C. client D. subject E. user-case F. external system Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 65 Ten employees in a department can submit an expense form to have their expenses repaid. manager is required to approve the expense forms. many actors have we described? A. 0 actors B. 1 actor C. 2 actors D. 10 actors E. 11 actors F. 12 actors Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 66 Which icons are a standard representation for an actor? (Choose three) omg&c=OMG-OCUP100&q=1 A. Option A B. Option B C. Option C D. Option D E. Option E F. Option F Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 67 When a customer uses a service to order books, the service contacts a commercial credit card validation service, an address verification service, and an internal client database. Assuming the Order Books process is modeled as one use case at the system level, which actors would there be? A. Customer B. Customer, Client Database C. Customer, Credit Card Validation Service D. Customer, Credit Card Validation Service, Address Verification Service E. Customer, Credit Card Validation Service, Address Verification Service, Client Database Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 68 Which statement most accurately describes the UML concept of actors? A. Users may be actors. B. External systems may be actors. C. Users or external systems may be actors. D. Users, external systems, or sensors may be actors. E. Users, external systems, or internal databases may be actors. F. Users, external systems, internal databases, or sensors may be actors. Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 69 What notation may be added to the line connecting a use case with an actor to indicate that the actor can participate in several instances of the use case at the same time? A. near the actor 0..* B. near the actor <<many>> C. near the actor {many} D. near the use case oval* E. near the use case oval{*} Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 70 What are the possible relationships among use cases in UML 2.0? (Choose two) A. <<uses>> B. <<extend>> C. <<extends>> D. <<include>> E. <<includes>> F. <<generalizes>> Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 71 In the exhibit, which best describes the relationship between the two use cases: Use Case A and Use Case B? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. Use Case A extends Use Case B. B. Use Case A includes Use Case B. C. Use Case A generalizes Use Case B. D. Use Case B extends Use Case A. E. Use Case B includes Use Case A. F. Use Case B generalizes Use Case A. Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 72 In the exhibit, when Actor X initiates Use Case A, how many other actors must be involved? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 73 In the exhibit, which use case needs to have at least one extension point defined? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. Use Case A B. Use Case B C. Use Case C D. Use Case D E. Use Case E Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 74 In the exhibit, which use case does NOT need to be available to meet the goals of an actor using Use Case D? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. Use Case A B. Use Case B C. Use Case C D. Use Case D E. Use Case E Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 75 In the exhibit, if there are no other use case diagrams for this system, which use cases may be abstract? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. Use Case A B. Use Case B C. Use Case C D. Use Case D E. Use Case E Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 76 In the exhibit, to which may it be attached? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. the subject that owns the extension B. the use case that has extension points C. the actor who initiated an extension use case D. the association from an extension use case to its target E. the association from an extension use case to its included use cases Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 77 What is true of primitive types in UML 2.0? ose two) A. are decomposable B. are not decomposable C. specify all the necessary metaclasses D. specify only those metaclasses needed for a particular model E. specify predefined data types without any relevant structure Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 78 Which kind of behavior diagram is NOT a UML 2.0 diagram? A. activity diagram B. dataflow diagram C. sequence diagram D. interaction diagram E. communication diagram Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 79 What is the difference between the <<ementationClass>> ype?stereotypes? A. <<implementationClass>> and <<type>> are synonymous. B. <<implementationClass>>contains objects and <<type>> contains values. C. <<implementationClass>>and <<type>> only differ by programming language. D. <<implementationClass>> define physical implementation and <<type>> does not. Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 80 What are metaclasses? A. classes that are abstract B. classes that have no supertypes C. classes whose instances are objects D. classes whose instances are classes E. classes that are instances of classes Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 81 Which describes active classes? A. classes that have state machines B. classes whose instances may signal other objects C. classes whose instances have their own thread of control D. classes whose instances are able to execute one or more operations E. classes whose instances are actively executing one or more operations Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 82 What do the initials UML stand for? A. UML Modeling Language B. Unified Method Language C. Unified Modeling Language D. Universal Modeling Language E. Unified Methodology Language Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 83 In UML, what is the behavior of an object caused by? A. a call B. a trigger C. an event D. an operation E. an event type Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 84 What does the method associated with a behavioral feature specify? A. the realization of a behavioral feature B. the procedure that realizes the behavioral feature C. an illustration of an execution of the behavioral feature D. the process by which the design of the behavioral feature is produced Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 85 What is an element in UML 2.0? A. member of a set B. instance of a class C. constituent of a model D. abstract metaclass with only one superclass E. substance not separable by ordinary chemical means Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 86 What is a relationship in UML 2.0? A. the state of being related B. an element that has no derived union C. an element that has no derived composition D. an element that must have two owned elements E. an element that specifies a connection between elements Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 87 What is the meaning of the import example in the exhibit? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. Program package is imported to the Time datatype. B. Program package is imported by the Types package. C. Types package is imported by the Program package. D. Time datatype is imported by the Program package. E. Time and Integer datatypes are imported by the Program package. Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 88 What does multiplicity in UML 2.0 signify? A. interval of integers B. range of allowable cardinalities C. sequence and uniqueness of association D. ability to multiply two or more numbers E. upper bound for the number of allowable instances Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 89 Which multiplicity expressions are valid? oose three) A. 0,,* B. 1 C. 1..0 D. -3..3 E. 2..20 F. * Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 90 In the exhibit, what is the meaning of the {unique} designator? omg&c=OMG-OCUP100&q=1 A. instances of Account are unique B. multiplicity cannot be multivalued C. each of the customer s accounts are distinct D. only one account is associated with a customer E. each customer s account is not an account of another customer Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 91 What is true about constraints in UML 2.0? oose two) A. can be named B. cannot be named C. must be true to be satisfied D. can be applied to themselves E. can result in any number of possibilities Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 92 What can be a classifier of an instance specification? A. only a class B. only a class that is not abstract C. any classifier except for an association D. any classifier, including class, association, and data type E. any classifier except for an association, unless it is an association class Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 93 What is true of a classifier? oose three) A. can be part of a generalization hierarchy B. cannot be part a generalization hierarchy C. namespace whose members can include features D. namespace whose members cannot include features E. describes a set of instances that have features in common F. describes a set of instances that have no features in common Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 94 What is true of an operation s postconditions? ose two) A. may not be true if an exception is raised B. must be true even if an exception is raised C. defines what conditions must be true when the operation begins D. defines what conditions must be true when the operation completes E. defines what conditions must be true while the operation is executing Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 95 What does an association specify? A. tuples that are not links B. relationship among models C. links between associated types D. links between instances of associated types E. links between instances of untyped classes Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 96 What is the meaning of the line between Person and Order? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. communication involving Person and Order messages B. communication involving customer and order messages C. unary association linking instances of Person and Order D. binary association linking instances of Person and Order E. ternary association linking instances of Person and Order Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 97 What does the diamond symbolize in the diagram? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. decision point between three classes B. three-way message sent to three classes C. aggregation of team and goalie objects for a particular season D. binary association between instances of Team, Player, and Year E. ternary association between instances of Team, Player, and Year Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 98 What is indicated by the open diamond on the diagram? ose two) omg&c=OMG-OCUP100&q=1 A. An Engine cannot be removed from its Boat. B. A Boat includes an Engine as an aggregate part. C. If a Boat is deleted, its Engine instances are normally deleted. D. An Engine may be a composite part of more than one Boat at a time. E. While in a Boat, an Engine is not prevented from being part of something else at the same time. Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 99 What is true about a data type? ose two) A. Its instances are data values. B. Its instances are mutable objects. C. Its instances are identified by GUIDs. D. It is a classifier that must not be abstract. E. It is the only kind of type that can be returned by an operation. F. It can be diagrammed as a rectangle with the keyword dataType Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 100 What are the primary purposes of packages in UML 2.0? ose two) A. to group classes B. to provide a namespace C. to group features for a class D. to group modeling elements E. to avoid the constraints of a namespace Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 101 What is the result of the merge transformations for R in the exhibit? omg&c=OMG-OCUP100&q=1 A. Option A B. Option B C. Option C D. Option D Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 102 What are true statements about dependencies? ose two) A. Dependency relationships are intransitive. B. Dependency relationships have runtime semantics implications. C. Dependency relationships do not have runtime semantics implications. D. A dependency implies the semantics of the client(s) are complete without the supplier(s). E. A dependency implies the semantics of the client(s) are incomplete without the supplier(s). Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 103 What do bstraction?dependencies represent? ose two) A. same concept B. different concepts C. same level of abstract or different viewpoints D. same level of abstraction or the same viewpoint E. different levels of abstraction or different viewpoints Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 104 In the exhibit, what are all of the classes required by A? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. B B. B, D C. B, C D. B, C, D E. B, C, D, E, G F. B, C, D, E, F, G Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 105 What is true about a <<it>>endency? A. defines communication between two model elements B. specifies how one element implements another element C. requires another element for its full implementation or operation D. signifies granting of access rights from the supplier model element to the client model element E. signifies granting of access rights from the client model element to the supplier model element Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 106 What is the meaning of a <<ize>>endency between two model elements? A. a generalized abstraction relationship between two model elements, where the client represents the specification and the supplier represents the implementation B. a specialized abstraction relationship between two model elements, where the supplier represents the specification and the client represents the implementation C. a generalized usage relationship between two model elements, where the supplier represents the using element and the client represents the element being used D. a specialized usage relationship between two model elements, where the supplier represents the using element and the client represents the element being used E. a specialized permission relationship between two model elements, where the supplier represents the element accessing and the client represents the element being accessed Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 107 What is an interface? A. a classifier that serves as a level of indirection between two other classifiers B. a classifier that represents the declaration of a set of coherent public features and obligations C. a relationship that represents the declaration of a set of coherent public features and obligations D. a classifier that represents the implementation of a set of coherent public features and obligations E. a relationship that represents the implementation of a set of coherent public features and obligations Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 108 What is the notation for a required interface? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. Option A B. Option B C. Option C D. Option D Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 109 What statements are true about implementation relationships? ose two) A. A classifier may only implement one interface. B. An interface may implement multiple classifiers. C. A classifier implementing an interface conforms to its contract. D. The set of interfaces implemented by a classifier are its required interfaces. E. The set of interfaces implemented by a classifier are its provided interfaces. Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 110 An activity is what kind of element? A. action B. method C. behavior D. collaboration E. state machine Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 111 What does an activity contain? ose two) A. edges B. nodes C. states D. classes E. lifelines F. messages Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 112 What do arrows in activity diagrams represent? ose two) A. object flows B. control flows C. dependencies D. state transitions E. message passing F. unidirectional associations Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 113 What does the symbol in the exhibit represent inside UML 2.0 activity diagrams? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. state B. action C. activity D. behavior E. object node Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 114 What does the symbol in the exhibit represent inside UML 2.0 activity diagrams? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. pin B. port C. place D. entry state E. parameter node Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 115 What do shapes in activity diagrams with no labels inside represent? A. states B. actions C. activities D. behaviors E. object nodes F. control nodes Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 116 What does rcle with a solid circle inside (as depicted in the exhibit) represent in UML 2.0 activity diagrams? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. joins B. forks C. merges D. decisions E. initial nodes F. flow final nodes G. activity final nodes Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 117 An arrowed line connecting small rectangles attached to round-cornered, solid-line rectangles is depicted in the exhibit. does the arrowed line represent in UML 2.0 activity diagrams? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. object flow B. control flow C. dependency D. state transition E. message passing F. unidirectional association Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 118 How many of the three arrows outgoing from the solid circle (as depicted in the exhibit) will be given values during the execution of a well-defined activity diagram? omg&c=OMG-OCUP100&q=1 A. none B. one C. two D. three Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 119 A circle with a solid circle inside and three incoming arrows is depicted in the exhibit. many of the arrows must provide values for the circle to have an effect? omg&c=OMG-OCUP100&q=1 A. none B. one C. two D. three Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 120 How many of the three incoming arrows to the diamond shape (as depicted in the exhibit) must provide values for the diamond to have an effect? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. none B. one C. two D. three Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 121 How many diamond shapes can appear in a well-defined activity diagram? A. exactly two B. any number C. an odd number D. an even number Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 122 How many of the three outgoing arrows from a round-cornered, solid-line rectangle (as depicted in the exhibit) will provide values at one time when the round-cornered rectangle finishes? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. none B. one C. two D. three Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 123 How many of the arrows in the exhibit must provide values before the round-cornered rectangle can start? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. none B. one C. two D. three Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 124 If a well-defined activity has a parameter node with an incoming arrow and also contains a final node, which of these will always have values when the activity finishes? A. both B. final node C. one or both D. exactly one E. parameter node Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 125 What receives output values of a behavior on a decision node? A. actions B. guards C. input pins D. entry states E. input parameter nodes Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 126 What punctuation denotes the criteria for values flowing along arrows outgoing from a decision node? A. braces: { } B. brackets: [ ] C. note symbol D. parentheses: ( ) Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 127 In the exhibit, there is one element with the identifier b. is true about this element? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. b is a class. B. b is of the type C2. C. b is defined local to M. D. b is contained in class C2. E. b must be a property of a composite structure. Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 128 Let us denote sending of p as !p and receiving p as ?p. Which traces define the interaction M in the exhibit? ose two) omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. <!p, ?p, !q, ?q> B. <!p, !q, ?p, ?q> C. <!p, ?q, !q, ?p> D. <!q, !p, ?p, ?q> E. <?p, !p, ?q, !q> Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 129 Let us denote sending of p as !p and receiving p as ?p. Which trace defines the interaction N in the exhibit? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. <!p, ?p, !q, ?q> B. <!p, ?q, !q, ?p> C. <!p, !q, ?q, ?p> D. <!q, !p, ?p, ?q> Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 130 What is the purpose of general ordering in a UML 2.0 interaction diagram? A. mechanism to provide partial ordering of event occurrences B. principle of how to order the lifelines within a sequence diagram C. construct showing the order of messages in a communication diagram D. construct to define the generalization relationship between different interactions Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 131 Which element in the exhibit denote a lifeline? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. M B. p C. q D. C1 E. b:C2 Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 132 What is true of an interaction? A. An interaction is defined by a use case. B. An interaction can be used as types for ports. C. An interaction always contains states and transitions. D. The semantics of an interaction are defined by event traces. Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 133 Let us denote sending of p as !p and receiving p as ?p. Which traces define the interaction M2 in the exhibit? ose three) omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. <!p, ?p, !q, ?q> B. <!p, !q, ?p, ?q> C. <!p, ?q, !q, ?p> D. <?p, !p, ?q, !q> E. <!q, !p, ?q, ?p> F. <!q, !p, ?p, ?q> Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 134 Let us denote sending of p as !p and receiving p as ?p. Which trace defines the interaction N2 in the exhibit? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. <!p, !r, !q, ?r, ?q, ?p> B. <!p, ?p, !r, ?r, !q, ?q> C. <?r, !p, !r, ?q, !q, ?p> D. <!r, ?r, !q, !p, ?p, ?q> E. <!p, !r, ?r, !q, ?q, ?p> Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 135 Which arrowhead shows that a message represents an asynchronous signal? omg&c=OMGOCUP-100&q=1 A. Option A B. Option B C. Option C D. Option D Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 136 What is meant when a lifeline is named by the keyword self? A. may send messages to itself B. represents a user external to the owner of this interaction C. represents the behavior of the object owning this interaction D. represents a property of the enclosing composite structure named "self" Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 137 In a UML 2.0 interaction diagram, what can be accomplished with a general ordering? A. order any two events within one interaction B. order interactions in hierarchies of inheritance C. order the events within a lifeline more flexibly than merely downwards D. order message arguments differently from the order of the corresponding parameters Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 138 What ordering statement is correct about event occurrences of the interaction Q2 in the exhibit? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 te sending of p as !p and receiving p as ?p. A. ?p will precede !r B. ?q may precede !r C. ?r will precede ?p D. !p will precede !q Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 139 What does the execution occurrence in the exhibit convey? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. the sending of r B. that the operation v is called C. the return of the reply from having performed the operation v D. the execution of the behavior associated with the operation v on b Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 140 What is true about lifelines? A. represent an individual participant in the interaction B. express a trace of messages rather than a trace of events C. express the sequence of interaction usage for a given scenario D. represent the communication lines between interacting entities Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 141 A found message in a UML interaction diagram is a message with what characteristic? A. the sending event is not present B. the receiving event is not present C. has no corresponding execution occurrence D. chosen by the modeler to consider in this diagram Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 142 What constraint applies to a stop in a UML interaction diagram? A. Only one stop may occur in one interaction. B. No other event occurrences may appear below a stop on a given lifeline in a simple interaction. C. If there is a stop on one lifeline, there should be stops on all other lifelines within an interaction. D. If one lifeline has a stop in one interaction, it should have stops in every interaction that itappears. Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 143 In the exhibit, what is a lifeline? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. Option A B. Option B C. Option C D. Option D Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 144 What is specified by a use case? A. set of user interface screens B. required usage of the system C. possible path based on a value D. business justification for system development Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 145 What can be captured by use cases? ose two) A. requirements of the system B. behaviors offered by the system C. data and control flow of the system D. changes in state over time of the system E. user-interface specification of the system Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 146 What shapes normally represent a use case? (Choose three) omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. Option A B. Option B C. Option C D. Option D E. Option E F. Option F Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 147 What is a good candidate for modeling a customer-initiated use case at an automated teller machine (ATM)? A. enter PIN B. select account C. withdraw cash D. cash management Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 148 What term describes a customer ordering books via the web? A. user B. actor C. client D. subject E. user-case F. external system Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 149 Ten employees in a department can submit an expense form to have their expenses repaid. manager is required to approve the expense forms. many actors have we described? A. 0 actors B. 1 actor C. 2 actors D. 10 actors E. 11 actors F. 12 actors Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 150 Which icons are a standard representation for an actor? (Choose three) omg&c=OMG-OCUP- 100&q=1 A. Option A B. Option B C. Option C D. Option D E. Option E F. Option F Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 151 Zev works as the librarian at the local library. an also borrow books as an ordinary library patron. many actors are needed when modeling people like Zev in a use case diagram? A. 1 actor B. 2 unconnected actors C. 1 actor and 1 external system D. 2 actors connected by a generalization Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 152 What would NOT make a good subject for use cases? (Choose two) A. actor B. class C. system D. model E. subsystem F. component Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 153 In the exhibit, which best describes the relationship between the two use cases: Use Case A and Use Case B? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. Use Case A extends Use Case B. B. Use Case A includes Use Case B. C. Use Case A generalizes Use Case B. D. Use Case B extends Use Case A. E. Use Case B includes Use Case A. F. Use Case B generalizes Use Case A. Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 154 In the exhibit, which best describes the relationship between the two use cases: Use Case A and Use Case B? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. Use Case A extends Use Case B. B. Use Case A includes Use Case B. C. Use Case A generalizes Use Case B. D. Use Case B extends Use Case A. E. Use Case B includes Use Case A. F. Use Case B generalizes Use Case A. Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 155 In the exhibit, when Actor X initiates Use Case A, how many other actors can be involved? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 156 In the exhibit, which relationship may have a condition attached to it? omg&c=OMG-OCUP100&q=1 A. between Actor X and Use Case B B. between Use Case A and Use Case B C. between Use Case A and Use Case C D. between Use Case A and Use Case D E. between Use Case D and Use Case E Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 157 In the exhibit, which relationship may have extension points attached to it? omg&c=OMGOCUP-100&q=1 A. between Use Case B and Actor Y B. between Use Case A and Actor X C. between Use Case E and Actor Z D. between Use Case C and Use Case A E. between Use Case A and Use Case D Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 158 In the exhibit, which use cases must be available to meet the goals of Actor X when it initiates Use Case A? ose 2) omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. Use Case A B. Use Case B C. Use Case C D. Use Case D E. Use Case E Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 159 In the exhibit, which actors are involved in Use Case E? omg&c=OMG-OCUP-100&q=1 A. Actor Z B. Actor X and Actor Z C. Actor Y and Actor Z D. Actor X, Actor Y, and Actor Z Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 160 The name of a state is one possible way of defining which feature? A. extension point B. exception logic C. include condition D. encapsulated areas of change Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 161 What are the components of diagram frames? ose three) A. date B. heading C. content area D. author designation E. round-cornered frame F. square-cornered frame Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 162 What kind of structure diagram is NOT a UML 2.0 diagram? A. class diagram B. entity diagram C. package diagram D. component diagram E. composite structure diagram Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 163 What are metaclasses? A. classes that are abstract B. classes that have no supertypes C. classes whose instances are objects D. classes whose instances are classes E. classes that are instances of classes Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 164 Which describes active classes? A. classes that have state machines B. classes whose instances may signal other objects C. classes whose instances have their own thread of control D. classes whose instances are able to execute one or more operations E. classes whose instances are actively executing one or more operations Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 165 Which statement is true of signals? ose two) A. are synchronous stimuli B. are asynchronous stimuli C. are handled in a manner determined by the sender D. are handled in a manner determined by the receiver E. are handled in a manner determined by the stimulus Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 166 What does OMG stand for? A. Object Modeling Group B. Object Modeling Gang C. Other Modeling Group D. Object Management Group E. Object Management Gang Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 167 What statement most accurately characterizes the purpose of the Common Behavior package? A. It explains how objects communicate with each other. B. It defines different kinds of behavior types and event types. C. It defines the behaviors that are the same in all UML systems. D. It defines the core concepts that describe the dynamic semantics of UML. Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUESTION: 168 In UML, what is the behavior of an object caused by? A. a call B. a trigger C. an event D. an operation E. an event type Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TwPass Certification Exam Features; - TwPass offers over 2500 Certification exams for professionals. More than 98,800 Satisfied Customers Worldwide. Average 99.8% Success Rate. Over 120 Global Certification Vendors Covered. Services of Professional & Certified Experts available via support. Free 90 days updates to match real exam scenarios. Instant Download Access! No Setup required. Price as low as $19, which is 80% more cost effective than others. Verified answers researched by industry experts. Study Material updated on regular basis. Questions / Answers are downloadable in PDF format. Mobile Device Supported (Android, iPhone, iPod, iPad) No authorization code required to open exam. Portable anywhere. Guaranteed Success. Fast, helpful support 24x7. 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