Internet Marketing Assignment Guide 2013-14
Company background- their business, vision, their intention to use the internet
Benefits of Internet Marketing over Traditional Marketing- Intelligence, Interactivity,
Individualization, Reach, Richness
Situational Analysis
• PEST – Internet related, put in appendix, give a summary of key points in baody
• Competitor Analysis- use Porter’s Five Forces, reseacrh 3 local competitor- use table
(Competitor, URL, Review)
• Demand Analysis- internet usage in T&T, shoping online, security fears etc
• SWOT Analyis- outline the SO, WO, ST and WT Strategy
3-4 objective, SMART, internet specific. E.g to convert 25% of existing customer to website by
Stratgey- Business model, reveune model, getting the righty mix brick and click, target market and OVP-tagline. Choose an overall strategy from Ansoff, Porter
Tactics- maketing mix the 4SP’s
• Product- core product and extend product- what features and function would your website have. So discuss the key pages of website.
• Place- how would the customer find you? SEO (google), language options
• Price- what is your price strategy? Increase, decrease, maintain, differential pricing
• Promotion o
Online Promotion – social media, email, interative advertising etc o
Offline Promotion- in store ads, tv, radio, promo giveaways e.g. mugs, t-shirt, pens, banners etc
Perfromance Metrics- what measure can be used to check if objectives are being achieved? E.g number of visits, conversion rate, bounce rate etc. maybe use Google Analytics (free).