KËMËNÏËRIAN LUAR NEGERI REPUBLIK INDONESIA NOTA DINAS No'¡ or, JZIB rtõüõ7 20 1 s t 2,2 Kepada : Tetrbusan Dari : Larrprrarr Perihai Yth. Sefuruh Unit Eselon tl Yth. Sekretaris Jenderal (sebagai laporarr) Kepala Pusal Perrdrdikan dan pelatihan '1 (satu ) bcrkas l awaran Beasiswa Program Pelatihan Kerja sama Teknik Perrerintah lValaysia Tahun 2015 Merujuk perihal tersebut pada pokok Nota, dengan hormat disampaikan hal-hal berikut. Pusdìklat tefah menerima surat dari Plh. Kepala Birô Kerja sama Teknik Luar Negeri Kernenterian sekretanat Negara mengenai penawaran program pelatihan Diplomatic Training Course for ASF:,AN JLtntor D¡ploma¿s dari pemelntah Malaysia. Ponrerrntah f\,4a1äysiâ al<an ntenanggung selìluh biayi.r selrr.rbunç;an clerrgarr keil<utsenaa¡ pada program pelatihan tersebut Adapun persyaratarr untuk mengikuti program beasiswa dimaksud adalah sebagai berikut a b c. d. e. Dicalonkan oleh unit kela rlasing-nrasing melalui Nota Dtnas; fi.ilenyampaikan Daftar Riwayat Hidup terbaru dalanr bahasa lngoris, l\,ilengisi Formulir Pencalonan rangkap 3 (tiga) diisi lerrgkap darr diketik rapi serta disetujui oleh oleh Pimpinan unit Eselon ll pelamar beasiswa derrgarr dilengkapi 3 (tiga) buah foto benryarna ukuran 4x6 CM, Medical repol1 yang d itarr<latarrganr oleh <jokter yarrg berwenang, l\,4ampu berkor¡unikasi dan menulis dalanr bahasa Inggris yang clibuktikan cienqan hasil nilai tes TOEFL l1 P mrninral 4S0 Bagi yang bern'ìinat untuk mendaftar beasiswa pelattl.ìan dirnaksud, dapat segera merrgirrmkan nota dinas pencalonan beserta tiga rangkap isian formulir pendaftaran darr persyaratan lainnya ke PusdÌklat. Batas akhir penerimaan dokumen pencalonan oleh Pusdiklat palirrg laml-rat f (satu) bulan sebeium ciimulainya pelatihan dì¡naksurl. Dernikian disarnpaikan, atas perhatian dan kerja samanya diucapkan ienma kasilr. Jakarta, 3/ J uli 201 5 NIP 19550729 198403 1 001 TARGEf GROUP RULES AND RÊGUIATIOI,JS DURING COURSE junior ¿irlomaE ånd Eoyernñenr ollcers whose rzsks an¿ funcrÍons are reiêted ro.iipiomecy zñd rnrernarion¿l relárioñs eñC secürirI and ø All p¿rticipãnis ê l.onì IDFR and ICFR h¿s ihe ând the oiíêr to êtÌe¡d ih 5 co!.se ior ¿nv i;te.uraer ¿efe¡se mã¡agèi¡enr. LEARNING OUTCOMES ey the end ol thìs co!.se, ihe particlpanis sholld be ¿bLel . io provlde e)(posu.ê io ihe p¡riicipa¡ts on cureni cev€iopñrenis any of thE sched!led prosrañlmes durìng the course r¡ drplom¿q, añd internat'o¡¿l relaiions . r.f.ust a.:iv€ l¡ M¿lavsiâ n. tãter th¿n rhe date oí conmencÊment cf the. expressly given permiss;on b_! ihe nstiiut€. Latecoreß wili ¡oi recei!e ¿ ceriifìc;te of ¿tie¡dênce lÐ erhê¡ce opêr¿iion¿l ski:ls a¡ci expertlse ¡ rhe ío: ¿ny re¿son is sTRICiLY PROHtSITED v¡tthoui Ðr¡or permjrsjoñ from the l¡stituie a¡d c¿lt:cìpãnis ú.ho are ¿bs€ñt for ñore ih¿n pa.forñ¿¡.e ci iwo 12) d¿ys WILL NOT re.eive a c€rtific¿te ôí aÍendãnce. l\4PORTANT|A p¿rtlcrp¿ñts are exoecteC io mainiài¡ ¿ high l€v€l oí p¿ñicip¿ì¡on dLring ihe e.iüres, â¡d cc¡ducr ih.mselves in ân ¿greeåble m¿nner amongst therr peeß. Anj,, show oi poor !o.d!ci, for e!âmple be:ng ¿ggressrve/ r!ie and lack of coop€.atio. wjil be tieêieC s€rìously, with ;ñnredi¿ie noiii'cêiio¡ to ihe pêriìcipênß mission rn M¿i¿ysi¿ ãni ìheir respective M n ttry ol Foreien Affâ fs TNe l¡siit,Ji€ w: I ncì hesiraie to se¡ê ¿¡y Ðroblem¿tic p¿rt c p¿rts back ic iheir:ô ¡try cjurjng the Curãtio¡ of ihe course. dLriÌes ¿s dipiomaiic offÌc€is ô encaur¿gE beit€. u¡d€rsia¡drng, ¡€rv/orkrn6 ¿nd cohesto¡ emong young ASEAN Ciplom¿i! fôr ê heêi¡hy cross-ilotr, cí de¿s . to e.omote ên Incre¿sed ASEAN rCeniitv êmong ih€ p:r¡crpa^is iiai wi:i coni.bciÊ iowê.cis ASÊAl; ccñm!nrrv buÌldiñã i¡ lìnê lo ¿¡ coniêcis foí tui!re cooDeraiio¡; ¿ni v¡rih the ASiAN Ch¿ rici. COURSE MEIHODOLOGY MAE-AYS¡AN TECÈJNICAI-,: OOORPERATION PROGRAMMÉ (MTCP} AL pêrircip¡nîs ar€ expecr€d ìeciures, sjrlul¿iron exer.rses, siìrdy vìsite ê¡d prôle.i p¿p€r pr€seitãiÌoñs lornr añ integ.¿; p¿(.i th€ couße. The ir¿rnina ¿pprc¿ch !v'll enccn¡¿ss bôth iheoreÌicê ê¡d pracric¡l ¿soecis lo grve p¿rilc:¡âr'is ¿ lvhol€ new ie:rning expe.ìence. -ihe couße wiii be fully concu.red i¡ Englìsh D scussions, êrr¿nged throughout ihe iu.¿¡on oi ihe c!rrs€. Pêfjcipanrs must obsÊr!-- pLrnct!alÌry êi êjiii¡ììes. ihôse who ere lâie or mss ihe lDËR irânspo¡t nrusi finc iheir ovr'n way to rhe lnsiliuie ia ¿ttend th-- l€ctur€s. or will oì¡erwise be considered rg coü3e rs v.iorkinS ¿ii:i€ COURSE CONTENT i.troductÌo. io ASEAN PREREQUI5ITE / ETIGIBIIITY rierested applicênis lñiroductio¡ ic M¿lêvsia Staie level co!€r¡ãnce N.rn ñ:iei ñlst lrliLli th€ by thei. Go\ ASEA¡J G€oÐoliiic¿l Rel¿iions: A Psychologic¿i P€.spective i1¿ve è bêsic univeßiiv .ìêgreÊ; liier¡¿tLcn¿lEccncñic¿.d BÈlow 35 y€aß of ¿se; Fegion¿: Cooper¿ilÕ. aid rrade lssies sec!,riiy i¡ ihe iir¿iis of Mel¿k¿ ¡i€r¡alronâi Negoii.ìion5 L;¡guage & Diplôriãcy owi¡g crrieria ih¡ee ye¿rs or mor€ aíL!o.kinE êiionêr irade; or secur¡ir ¿nd d€iense m¿nâg€ Deve opmani Añbassedor Leciuie Ser:es foL e¡¡..e¡i; ø 4 Pioficie¡t in ' Air.llîy to work i¡deo€nae.Ìly anci in grouÐ:. Сplornat¡c Tra¡ning Course for ¡.SE:Åg'l ..tunior Þip!ornats l2 - 30 ocToBER 2015 English LêngJ¿Ee, Med c¿ily íii; ¿¡d Prblic spe¿¡(int and ?reseñt¿iÌon 5k:Ìls ,eite.s i¡viiìn€ luro noi¡Ì¡êi o.s írom N.l¿lêysl.'s f or€lg11 €¿ch AsEA\ ñember cauntry wri ire s€ni by iDiR 1o ali ASEAN añ',bas3:es/ ïigh C.rnñisions et le¿st twc P.;icy ñc¡ihs beio¡e ibe ccm-en.er¡ent ol the couÉe AJI appllcan$ must be iñ ihe slênd¿rd êppll.¿t;or foim õbt¿r¡¿bi¿ fr.m l0FR's website Biue Oce¿n 5i.¿ie8y ltsues on CouniÊ r ieirorÌsñr ñlediâ Re;¡tions ?¡d Mediê Ski s LOGrSlrCS APPIICATION DAIEtINE . 1S€tieñber 2C15 ihioL/8iìout the course Mr CONIACT PERSON H¿rìs syã^vàni R¿z¿ii MEO¡CAL -¡he panicip¡nts êre eniiiled iôr åñ r¡s!ra.ce coverêge ihrcugholr Ìhe course ¿nd rnedical ifeai¡nenì íor ouip¿tient medical ire¿irnent à1 lcca Ê.vernrenì hospirêls. other nredrc¿l co5l shal; be bo.¡e by ihe : Teii : h¡rjs@idfr-sov-ñy Íei : +6c3 2i49 1000. Fê):: 1603 2145 ic1s 1:¿".ä: i:í L::.i:,l -î;_-i .:.:... , -.,,,,. :rtlriì.::.1 ..:..!i!¡iji::_ì, (r.i:|r:i..]l jrrrì,.r. -. :\:::::¡4r- .,.ì:,:"-;: r:lr',lj.]Yi ' i: aM¿lã),siâ ls locat€d in iñe so!iheasi of ìh€ AsÌan conti¡eit; i¡ereíore rhis reêÌo¡ ;s ciie¡ refe¡red to as Southeest Asi¿. Melaysi¿ consists oul Ihe Mðl¿ysj¿n lechnica Cooperôtior Progr¡m {MTCP) in 1980 a5 Malåysiê's ccrmìtrenl to Souih 50lih Cooperêtion through ih€ shêrirg of M¿l¿ysÌê's developmeñt expeiìe-ce! ând expertise with cther developing countries Ìh€ rsiriuie oi Re etrons, ¿iso kr..iJ ì ;s rìi: r¡¿cr ihe ?r,me \4i¡ !r€1s tê?¡.i:r.ii fÕlicv/ing ¿ Cèbi¡et d:.'sio¡ cêisd 6 if¿¡ciì i99: it rr:s .ííi.i¿l:! Orpicm¿.y v¡s Êsi¿bisleC o¡ I luÍ aid ¡:or:Lg¡ 1-Qgi in.ì s¿iìr€ ye¿r on 12 ÁLgLr5t by t¡e iien P.;-Ê M,r,;!.r r¿i.' t.. rL4?heth;r Mol-r¿¡rãi O.2/^ ili2ich 2aC1 IDFÊ oÍ,..lr'i.^.¡rì:, pt¡i .i iie Vi¡lst.{ oi;oregi Ai:¿i: o: M¡iâysiâ. Lc.â:.. : i;r¿Ì. L.rnÊür, lDil ,s hou::d ì¡ lhe r¡i-er buiiCl¡€ ôí th,â FcrÊ,8i r(,i,slrr. lãurìchei Se¡r lhe objeciives ot the MICP:rei 6 Ío shê.e experie¡ce wrti cther .ieveloprng .cunkies; 6 ê is nL-1/.¿rpus To si¡engihen bÌl¿1er¿l ir€s !vrth developing couniries; !r¿5 opê¡ed i¡ 2tc6. Io erìcour¿gê ã¡d rron.te Soùih So!th Côoperationj ãnd technÌcal coooerêtìon within .jeve oprnB cou¡t.ies iwo ¡ê].is: Peii¡sula. ivl¿iêysl., located beiwee¡ Thâilênd in ihe north ¿nd sinB¿pore in ihe soL,ih, ênd ih€ tlvo rrovl¡cês Sêbah ê¡d S¿rê\¡/¿k, locaiei onEorneo. Peni¡5u¿r MâÌeysi¿ is locêtÊd j,r3i ¿bove ihe eq!aior and Borreo lusi Seneãth ri. The c¿prtâ: crty is Ku¿i¿ L!ñp!¡,: r1êi¡opolis with over 1.6 mÌliion inhsbìianìs in the c iy c.nter. il ri¿ies (11 Ìn lvÊsi Mê ¿ys;a ¡¡o k.owr es Pe¡i.s!l¿r irãi¿ysi¿, ¿nd two ttêtes i. t¿si ilr¿ìðvr¿) ¿¡d i¡¡ee fede.ê ierrÌioíes. As a feder¿tio¡, rhe govern¿¡cE ci thÊ co!.¡ry ¡¡al¿ysrè rs ê feder¿i,.n !v¡rch .onslsîs of is Civjied b€tw€en th€ íederâi ênd ihe stète governme,rîs. lhe ivlTCP ìs pren1ised o¡ the priÌì.lpie thêÌ t¡e Ceveiâp.r'€nt of ¿ country ìs iependeni on t¡e qüâ|ay oí rG hum¿n capùal ¿ni ¡esorrces. MfCP e.¡ph¿si¡es humãn resourcer developirent ñ; nly through tr¿Ìning, short terñ .ours€s ic publl. ¿cC privère Mê ¿y5r¿n rèining i¡siitutions end Ìon8 ìe.m cou.ses ;n Ma,¿,/siar public u¡iv€rsìiies Other forms cí ¿ssisi¿nce inc ud€ siud-v visi3, prêdicêl aitachle¡ts a¡C provision cf gover¡¡l1enÌ system ¡ oarli¿meni¿ry democr¿cy wrih ¿ conslrlLr¡o¡¿ ñonêrch The head ol staie is DYMM Yãng di-Pe.i!¿n AConS aìrd poj,ticêigovern eñ¡ is h€åded 5y Pflme MinÈier. SÌnce it,< incepilo¡, fro.e ih?n 29,C00 p¿riicìp¿¡i5 hêve been direcil), irêìned und€. [4ICP. Cufie¡ly MTCP is exiended ìc i40 r€cipi€nt developlns cocntnes i¡ ien ilc) k€y ãre¿s ¿s fol owsi a be¿utifui ¿nc div€rse côuñtry ir,¡ih m¿ny hiEhlighis. fh€ ñ¿¡y ¿rffere¡t reglons, eacir with iheìr osn .hãr¿cteÍ5trc 퀿iur€s, m¿ke ihrs .ountry inê perfect desiinêiicn for io!rÌsrs. lrclv€v€r, Mêlåysia does eniÌrely depen.j on tourisr¡. Ìhis co!rntry! ecoñoñy ^oi h¿s bÊÊ¡ gorng sro¡g foi ye¿ß. the colrntry h¿s deveiop€d riselí €ôorñolsly in the pasi 5C ye¿rs, especr:ly ìn M¿l¿Ysi¿'s .âpira, Ku¿12 L!mpur, m¿ny ñode¡n bu,drnes, ê ñìoder¡ ll8hi rài ir¿nsit sysiem, Í,ârìy luxurìo!s shopping Íì¿llsand co!¡tles5 expensrve .ârs o¡ ihE roêds Lile or-rtsi¿e oí the.¿pitêi is olieñ less deve opedj bui ever ihe.e ih€ iìmes of o€opje ony being âble:o afford ¿ mctorcycle ¿r€ lon8 o Economíc, iin¿n.e ¿¡d Tr¿de, ø lndustrÌ¿; iechnÌcâ T.â'rr¡g; ð o 6 o Mð¡¡tement ¿¡d tu1¿l¿-vsi: is Me:evsiê is ê t¡opica hoiìdêy desii¡åiion, where ieñrter¿turEs fi!ctuête beilveei25¿ni35degrees ceiciusduringlheye¿¡. liis Lrsuallyvervhoi ¿nC hr]i¡lc, €specì¿ll!" ji t¡e rn.jor cliìes. Ofîen due to h¿ze v¡:rn'ì ¿ir is ireppeC inside ihÊ citÌes, ,(¡ich resulis In vÊry w¿r.n iemperaiuies. li rs ess hoi on ihe m¿ñv Ì51¿nis surrourd;nB M.l¿ysi¿, m¿r¡i,r duÊ io ihe .oô brêe¿es. it ls alsc les! hot in ihc 'hÌehlên.is of Mê ¿ys,¿, hÊre YoL' .¿n €nj.y cool€r tempe.¿iures ihal nev€r ex.eei 25 degr€es celsi!s. ihe DiR.riris? si:aeii! ¿ri i.:rrÊ!s i¿'/e ?st Publ,c Adm'¡liir¿iion; Proíessio¡êi ¿fd S€iv;cesj S.Ì€nce, iechnologt/ ênd iCl M¿nège-ent. a nÊw .lrrec¡on íor ihe \¡TCP ,ras formuiaied Ío Iowing its plè.emenl Dði€ i i2 ,rrCer Wi5m¿ Purra ì. 2010. lt eniaiis oria.iti¿ing cìevelopÌng cou¡t.ies oí 3trâregic rñt€iests, foc!sÌrg cn Mal¿ys:ã's ¿re¡ cí exper'tise, d€mand drv€r coùrses/!ro8rammes,.ultrv¿ì'c¡ ôi poi.riì¿l pê|tlcipants who \!ould later scrye as 'ír;ends oí Mêlêysiê', pu:ìic-.orÌvaie partnership iFPP)¿rd coll¿bor¿tion (Ìih .evr' o€v€lopñe¡t r¿rtners beyo¡d MTCP's ifêditione parine¡s Venue:iñstituìe of Diplor;r¿cy ¿nd Foreign Relations, lralli glv€ more attention Oil lnCuslry, Food ¿nd Eeverêges. H¿l¿l Economy:rd Ecosysiem, lsl¿rnjc i_i¡ê¡ce ånd Sâ¡iing, ECucêtlon, Constructio¡, te¿lih se¡vic€s, Djploñ¿cv ênd Gover¡¿nce. Currency RlngEìt l4alaysìa (Rful) io G¿s lndustry, Products anc Services incudins 5mal ù4edium Êrterprses (SMEs), P¿lm 5a.4% l4alay, 231% chinese, 11.Ð% lndìgenous, i.1% )t,¿Ên & 1.8% Other 1 llalaysiân Ringgit (tulYR) fg s.ho:¡- ¿i.i i¡ie¡ìairo¡¡ ê¿icß. l:r-ìne4i spÉ-rrÉ.! r::r¿ lr¡;i. !€.:.rre 5er es h¡v. :rciua--.i lcíÌAnrâr. H;í5 :,1¿a?,. i.i IDF¡'s 5..iãl Developmeni, ¿rd F¡am the 1en key bro¿d ¿reâs, ihe MiCF Ethnic pårì1.üiêr ia parijclp.nis ;.om ih. iey? oÊirg ccr ìir Ê! riar: i\4¿ìaysi2ìr iê.hn.¿l Coope:¿i o. Prog12rÌrrìê (\rlrcP ¿3 fol , iicn,lSÉAN, acioñb; Fl¡n ê.d aonrmcrú¿;li:r.o!¡irle!. ihe foliawrng €ieve¡ sub'ãreês n¿.¡eJy Oil ¿¡d 28.3 mllion !¡ie, ì 30 cctober 2015 KuaLa ir-p!r AfM ¿inìs io provide exÞosure cn th€ v¿riou5 êspecis oi iheciies, eËci¡ces a¡C elemenis oÍ Cipicßac), ând Ìntern¿iÌon¿l atrèk3tÕt ihe côurse ¿spirlng ASEAN Junior Diplom¿Ìs RATIONALE ln iodày's vr'ond where the essen.e ¿nd pracîice ôí.jipiom¿cf elìd foreign relauons have evoked and ¿re ever ch¿¡Aing, d¡plon ats need io equip thefirselves with th€ right knowl€.jge ¿nd skìlìs ic' í¿c¿ th€se ¡ew chaÌlênges. This three-week course sets to meet thêt challe¡ge. li eims io up8iade ih€ siandard of profess'ô.a1i5r¡ ¿¡d effectivenes. oi Ciplom¿is in ihe perfoírìa¡ce oí their outies at home and ¿broaû the lnstituie hop€s to conlribuie tow¿rds ef'orts u¡dertaken by develcirl¡g countries io.reête ê weil'.ounded corps ol professional ¡ñd skilied drploñêiic cífrcers whc cê. eflect¡veiy promoie therr cou¡tftss' i¡terests in lhe åren¿. 'atern¿tionãl .r.#k, iÉff,'òi '/r.\-E5Fes*Z,i Please affíx ?rff,r+," passport photograph APPLICATION FORM FOR OFFICIAL USE ÕNLY SHORT TERM COURSE IN MALAYSIA UNDËR THË |I4ALAYSIAN ïECHNt0AL 000pERAT|0N pR0GRAllilME ( frlTCp Reference no Received ) Checked Please type or write clearly in capital letters. Do not leave any space blank, Use ,,NlL,, or ,,N/A,, where applicable : Date of commencemerìt 1. PERSONAL DATA otherÌfarïìes'. - City and country ot b¡rLh Passporl. No j : I ' ype of passDort: tnternat¡onal p Expiry Date: il Delete accordingly 2. Appl¡cant's Offìce Address : Appl¡cant's Posta¡ / llome Addrc,ss Person to be contacted Name Telephone Address NOTE r This apprication Mobile Phone Nurnber: form sho.rd.be dury compreted and endorsed by the Ministry of Foreign affa¡rs Éo'" -r'¡.nLiå i,icàriprete or ;:,'i"iÏå*ïi"ixïil:ï"'"iî":"h'¡'"' ÁJ;;iJi'ilil'il'""r' 3" EÐt¡cÂTfÕN {llst in order ûf N¿ìme 4. A, t¡l,l.ne, stêrt¡n$ with last ¡mstitution attendeetr} [4ajor f¡eld of sLudy of insb¡tutioìr and Þlace of strrdy EMPLOYMENI RECORD B, Previous post Present or nìost recent post Years of service ( from - to) Title of your post/position %ã¡ : "f sen 'ce (f-m - tî) Title of your post/position : : balary per month (us Dollaii) Name of superv¡sor and title i'--* Name of supervisor and : Type of organization Government / l.4ain functions Semi Governmenl of organizat¡on / Private / NGo # Governmenl / Semr Govcrnrìent Main functions of organization I / l)rivate / NGO ¡i : number of employees /¡ Delete accordinqly Description of your work ìncluding your responsillility : Please continue on supplementary pages if necessary NoTE ; This applicat¡on fonn should be duly completed and endorsed by the Min¡stry of Fore¡gn Affã¡rs Focal Point for Techn¡cal Ass¡stance in your country, Forms which are incomplete or not endorsed w¡ll not be accepted or the Nat¡onal R.CASOñI5 FOR AFPLVTNG TI-'ITS CQL!RSË Pleäse sl.ate llnefly the reasons lbr applying to tl.ìis colllse and ho\,v you hope to l]enefit frotn the progritnnìe. _---.Pl-e_q:-e_ç9r.t-tingg,sn Have you participated in any training programme in [vìalaysia before? : YES Name of plogt'aflfl€ Organ¡zeI /l Name of Train¡ng Institute Lrgçqlra ry / No # Have you participated in any tvlTCP training programme in Malaysia before? : yES Name of Course Þuppþryllely,pggç9il Year / NO # Year Delete accordingly 6. ENGLISH LANGUAGE FROFICIENCY (Kindly provide cert¡f¡cate ãs proof of proficiency) ¡4other tongue : Lan9uage test adnìin¡stered by Title Addrcss ïel Number E rnail Date and s¡gnature NOTË : lhis appl¡cat¡on form should be duly completed and endorsed by the M¡n¡stry of Foreign Affa¡rs or the National Focal Po¡nt for Techn¡cal Assistance in your country, Forms wh¡ch are incomplete or not endorsed wifl not be accepted MEnIeA¡- RËftORT (to he c$ropleted !:y an auttrorizecl ¡rh\¡sician) Nanìe of AÞÞlicant: Age: Blood PressureÌ Blood Group: ffio [.J u ffiou f-f o ffiu*"'-1 Is the person examined at present in goocj health? Is the person exam¡ned physically and mentally able to carry out intensive traininq away from honte? Is the person free diseases (AIDS, tuberculosis, trachoma, sk¡n diseases etc.)? Does the person examined have any or defect (including teeth) whlch might require treatment during the cou rse? List any abnormalit¡es rndicated rn the chest X rav. Pregnancy Test for women ): I ceftify that the applicant is medically fit to undertake a course in lvalaysia Name of Plìysician Address of Cl¡nic (printed) Telephone (printed) Email Date Signature of Physician Seal of Clinrc applicàtion form sholld be duly completed and endorsed by the Min¡stry of Foreign Affa¡rs Focal Point for T€chnical Àssistånce in your country, Èorms which are incoñplete or not endorsed w¡ll not be accepted NOTE : Th¡s or the Nat¡onal APF!-TEAN¿T'5 ÐEC¡.AR.ATNO ru Name of appl¡cant Representing Country Declare that: a) b) c) d) Alì ¡nformation provided is true, comÞlete and accurãte to the best of my belief and knowledge, and that I have not wilfully suppressed any rìaterial facts; I am medically fít and free from any medical problems wlrrch may impair my ability to attend and cornplete tlre training in I\.lalaysia; I will be personally liable for alt medical expenses due to pre-existing conditions/illnesses incurred during nry stay in fvlalaysia âfter my admission to any ¡4alaysian government hospitals/cl¡n¡cs, and âlso other than those covered under the Group Persorlal Accident Insurance. (All successful part¡cipants arc covered under Group Personal Acc¡dent. The Group Personal Accident does nqt cover any Þre-exist¡ng condìtions/illnesses or any outpat¡ent medical/dental treatment. Participants are personally Iiable for medical expenses beyond what is covered by the insurance policy. As the coveràge is lim¡ted, pärtic¡pânts are advised to mãke their own arrangements to obtain adequate medical insurance coverage for the¡r stây in Malaysia; arrd For pregnant female applicants only: I am months pregnant and am/am not certifìed by a qualiÍed doctor to be medìcally fit and in good health to travel and attend the training in lvialaysia Upon successful selection for the tra¡ning award, I unclertake tol a) b) c) d) e) f) - carry out instruct¡ons and abide by such terms and conditions as may be stipulated by the nom¡nat¡ng and host governments in respect of this traìning course; abide by the rules and regulations of the training institution in which I undertake to study in or lle trained under; submit/present any repod which nray be required; refrain from engaging in political activities ¿ìnd any form of employment for profrt or qain; return to my home country upon completion of the training; and dìscont¡nue tlìe course should I lle found gu¡lty of misconduct or be nledically unfìt. I fully understand that if I fail to company with the terms and cond¡t¡ons of the training award, and/or any of the above declarations al'e found to be untrue, the awârd will be terminated w¡th ¡mmed¡ate effect and I will be liable to depaú from N4alaysia at my own expense. Signature of applicant NOTË : This appl¡cat¡on form should be duly completed and endorsed by the Min¡stry of Foreign Affairs Focàl Point for Techn¡cal Ass¡stance in your country. Forms which are incomptete or not endorsed w¡ll not be acceÞted or the National T'(}; G{)VHRN MHN'I' 0F MAù.qYSr Passporl Number: havinq an address at _, hereby declare that I shaìl be personally liable for and shall indemnify the Government of lvialaysia and against all liabilities, claims, losses, demands. actlons, sllits, proceedings, costs or expenses, in part/total, whatsoever arising under the laws ol'lvlalaysia or common law which may be m¿ìde or tal(en aga¡nst the Governnrent of [4aláysia n,,d/o,. ".r,r,,, or ¡ncurred or become payable by the Governmerìt of ¡4alaysia and/or ,,,rr;,,r*,,* ¡rì respect of any ofany medical ilÌness, personal injury (whether fatal or otherwise)/ or the death ofany person. by reason of my carelessness, negligence, omission or default, in the course is apÞointed by Date(l this of my kaining with the Goveíìnent of fvlalaysia. _ day ___ of 20_ Sìgnature of applicant Name of applicant In the presence ol' Signature of Witness Name of Witness Designation of Wttness I/C or Passpoft No, NOTE : Th¡s appl¡cat¡on form should be duly completed and endorsed by the Min¡stry of Fore¡gn Affairs Focal Po¡nt for Technical Ass¡stance in your coüntry. Éorms which'are incoriplete or not endorsed w¡l¡ not be accepted or the Nat¡onal :tÛ, T$ 6E COMPLETËÞ ßV'F¡.{E T{ÛMTNI\TTF{G GÖVERNMHF,¡T Reasons for apÞlicant's selection fhe post which the appl¡cant will be required to fill upon satisfactory completion of training Relevance of the course to äpplicant's job NoTE : This appl¡cat¡on form should be duly completed and endorsed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Focal Point for Techn¡cal Ass¡stance ¡n your country. Forms which are incomplete or not endorsed w¡ll not be accepted or the Nat¡onâl rcl BE e0MP¡-ËTCþ [9V t-&.ie S{()M:(NAT[¡{G Gû\lE[tiitMËl\T OFFÏEIAL ÞËCLARATÏOS¿ on behalf of the covernment ol Cert¡fy that a) b) c) d) I I , I _. Nanre of I have examined the educational, Þrofessional or other certificates quoted by the applicant in this form and I am sat¡sfied that they are authentic and relate to the ðpplicant The apphcant is medically fit and free from infectious disease and that, havirìg regard to his/her ¡rhysical and mental lìistory, tlìere is no reason to suppose that the applicant is other than fÌt to undeftake the journey to lvlalaysia and to remain ¡n Malaysia for the duÍatron of training; Should the nom¡nee seek medical consultation/treatment for his/her pre-existing conditions/illnesses during his per¡od of stay Ìn lv]alaysia, he would be personally liable for all medical expenses incurred, other thân those covered under the Group Personal Accìdent lnsurance; an appl¡cant has attained a level of proficiency in both spoken and written English to enâble him/her to follow the course of study/training for which he/she is being nominated. -lhe nominate ( Dr/ lvlr/ M Passport No rs/ Ivlsx for the training course. SÌgnature ðnd Official Stamp Name and Designation Naüle and O[gðrìisat¡ofl Email address - C",,"Ly Counlry ")(ia code Areiì code Ofllcc tel lro. Area (odc Oflce tel no Endorsement by the nominating country's Ìvlinistry of Foreign Affairs or the National Focal Point for Technical Assistance Emaìl Address ( lvlinistry's Official Stamp ) Designation Name of 0rganisation Signatu[e c"r"t'r *d" Country code Area co¿e Area code Offrce tel no Offce tel no. form should be duly completed and endorsed by the Ministry of Fore¡gn Affäirs Focal Point for Technical Assistance in your country. Forms wh¡ch are ¡ncomplete or not endorsed will not be accepted NOTE : This applicat¡on or the Nat¡onal