AST 520: High Energy Astrophysics

AST 520: High Energy Astrophysics
Spring 2013
Lectures: M & W 2:00-3:20pm, Dome Room
Instructors: Jeremy Goodman & Anatoly Spitkovsky
We will study the vast and continually evolving subject of high energy astrophysics: the science of extreme environments and their observable implications. We
will focus on the physics of the phenomena, with excursions into radiation, GR and
gas dynamics.
The recommended books for the course are: Rybicki and Lightman “Radiative
Processes in Astrophysics,” Longair “High Energy Astrophysics, (now all in one volume), Frank, King and Raine “Accretion Power in Astrophysics,” and Schutz “A First
Course in General Relativity.” These books are available on reserve in Peyton and can
be purchased from any online bookseller. We placed an order for Labyrinth books, so
you should be able to find these books there. Lecture notes for Prof. Goodman’s lectures are posted online at∼anatoly/AST520. There
will be 5−6 homeworks and a final paper. The paper will involve an in-depth researchformat write-up on a subject in high-energy astrophysics. The instructors will provide
a sample list for project topics.
The course outline:
Feb 04
Feb 06
Feb 11
Feb 13
Feb 18
Feb 20
Feb 25
Feb 27
Mar 4
Mar 6
Mar 11
Mar 13
Mar 18
Mar 20
Mar 25
Mar 27
Astrophysical Special Relativity (JG)
Astrophysical Special Relativity (JG)
Astrophysical General Relativity (JG)
Astrophysical General Relativity (JG)
Astrophysical General Relativity (JG)
Synchrotron Radiation (JG)
Synchrotron Radiation (JG)
Gamma-Ray Bursts 1 (JG)
Gamma-Ray Bursts 2 (JG)
Bremstrahlung & Applications (AS)
Compton Scattering & Comptonization (AS)
Accretion: Spherical (AS)
Accretion: Disks (AS)
Accretion: GR disks (JG)
Apr 01
Apr 03
Apr 10
Apr 15
Apr 17
Apr 15
Apr 22
Apr 24
Apr 29
May 01
Binary evolution, thick/thin disks, disk instabilities (AS)
Neutron Stars and Strong Field Effects (JG)
Neutron Stars and Strong Field Effects (JG)
Acceleration of nonthermal particles 1 (AS)
Acceleration of nonthermal particles 2 (AS)
Electrodynamics of compact objects: pulsars 1 (AS)
Electrodynamics of compact objects: pulsars 2 (AS)
Pulsar Wind Nebulae, Supernova remnants(AS)
Acceleration and collimation of relativistic jets (AS)
Acceleration and collimation of relativistic jets (AS)
Final paper due (date to be announced)