The Multi-Country Evaluation of the Integrated Management of

The Multi-Country Evaluation of the Integrated Management
of Childhood Illness Strategy: Lessons for the Evaluation of
Public Health Interventions
| Jennifer Bryce, EdD, Cesar G. Victora, MD, PhD, Jean-Pierre Habicht, MD, J. Patrick Vaughan, MD, and Robert E. Black, MD
The Multi-Country Evaluation of the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness
(IMCI) includes studies of the effectiveness, cost, and impact of the IMCI strategy in
Bangladesh, Brazil, Peru, Tanzania, and Uganda.
Seven questions were addressed when the evaluation was designed: who would be
in charge, through what mechanisms IMCI could affect child health, whether the focus
would be efficacy or effectiveness, what indicators would be measured, what types of
inference would be made, how costs would be incorporated, and what elements would
constitute the plan of analysis.
We describe how these questions were answered, the challenges encountered in implementing the evaluation, and the 5 study designs. The methodological insights gained can
improve future evaluations of public health programs. (Am J Public Health. 2004;94:406–415)
Integrated Management of Childhood Illness
(IMCI) is a strategy for improving child
health and development. The IMCI strategy
was developed in a stepwise fashion. It
began with a set of case-management guidelines for sick children seen in first-level
health facilities. Over time, the strategy expanded to include a range of guidelines and
interventions addressing child health needs
at household, community, and referral levels.
A detailed review of the development and
evaluation of the case-management guidelines is available elsewhere.1–3
IMCI has 3 components, each of which is
adapted in countries on the basis of local epidemiology, health system characteristics, and
culture. One component focuses on improving the skills of health workers through training and reinforcement of correct performance. Training is based on a set of adapted
algorithms that guide the health worker
through a process of assessing signs and
symptoms, classifying the illness on the basis
of treatment needs, and providing appropriate
treatment and education of the child’s caregiver. The IMCI guidelines include identifying
malnutrition and anemia, checking vaccination status, providing nutritional counseling,
and communicating effectively with mothers.
A second component of IMCI aims to im-
prove health system supports for child health
service delivery, including the availability of
drugs, effective supervision, and the use of
monitoring and health information system
data. The third component focuses on a set of
family practices that are important for child
health and development and encourages the
development and implementation of community- and household-based interventions to increase the proportions of children exposed to
these practices.
The ministries of health in Tanzania and
Uganda began implementing IMCI in 1996. In
the 8 years since then, over 80 additional
countries have adopted the strategy and gained
significant experience in its implementation.1,4
Evaluation received special attention
throughout the development and introduction of IMCI. The strategy includes numerous specific interventions, most of which
have been rigorously tested in controlled trials.3 Examples include antibiotic treatment
for pneumonia, oral rehydration therapy for
diarrhea, antimalarials, immunizations,
breastfeeding counseling, anemia diagnosis
and treatment, and vitamin A supplementation. Nevertheless, there was a need to evaluate the strategy as a whole as an approach
to the delivery of these proven child health
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Planning for the Multi-Country Evaluation
of IMCI Effectiveness, Cost and Impact (MCE)
began in 1997. The objectives were to:
• evaluate the impact of the IMCI strategy
as a whole on child health, including child
mortality, child nutritional status, and family
• evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the IMCI
• document the process and intermediate outcomes of IMCI implementation, as a basis for
improved planning and implementation of
child health programs
The Department of Child and Adolescent
Health and Development of the World
Health Organization (WHO) coordinates the
This article has 3 aims. In the first part, we
describe the early design decisions as well as
their implications for study implementation.
In the second part, we explain the challenges
encountered in implementing the evaluation,
how each was addressed, and the 5 study designs currently being implemented. The conclusions section summarizes the implications
of this work for the design of large-scale evaluations of public health programs.
We have used the simple past tense throughout to improve readability. In fact, many of
the MCE activities described have already
been completed, some are under way, and
the remainder are planned for the future.
We addressed 7 basic questions when designing the evaluation: (1) Who will be in
charge? (2) Through what mechanisms will
IMCI affect child health? (3) Will the evaluation focus on efficacy, effectiveness, or something in between? (4) What indicators will be
American Journal of Public Health | March 2004, Vol 94, No. 3
measured? (5) What type of inference is required? (6) How will costs be incorporated
into the design? and finally (7) What will be
the key elements in the MCE plan of analysis?
This section describes how the MCE responded to each of these questions.
Who Will Be in Charge of the Evaluation?
As described above, there was broad consensus on the need for an impact evaluation
of IMCI. From the outset, however, the need
for a clear division of roles between those responsible for developing and implementing
IMCI and those responsible for evaluating it
was recognized. WHO therefore established
an external MCE Technical Advisory Group
and charged it with making recommendations
on evaluation design, implementation, and
the analysis and interpretation of results. All
of the MCE advisers who are authors of this
article (C. G. V., J.-P. H., P. V., R. E. B.) were independent of IMCI implementation in the
study sites; 3 other individuals who subsequently joined the Technical Advisory Group
(D. de Savigny, L. Mgalula, J. Armstrong
Schellenberg) had limited (and indirect) involvement in the implementation of IMCI in
Tanzania and were therefore able to contribute in important ways to the measurement
and interpretation of contextual factors and
the analysis of the intermediate results.
In all sites, principal investigators were national scientists. In 2 of the 5 sites, the MCE
selected principal investigators on a competitive basis, with input from the ministry of
health. In the other 3 sites, the principal investigators were senior researchers with previous public health research experience. An
MCE publications and data use team was established, and guidelines were developed for
review, clearance, and responses to requests
for specific data and analyses. MCE principal
investigators had final authority over the publication of the evaluation results, but consultation with the ministry of health, WHO, and
the MCE technical advisers was strongly recommended to ensure that perspectives arising
from experience in IMCI implementation and
the broader MCE evaluation were incorporated appropriately.
Advisers and MCE investigators worked together to develop mechanisms that would ensure substantive involvement by those respon-
sible for implementing IMCI. This involvement
increased the likelihood that MCE results
would be relevant to the needs of program
decisionmakers and that they would be understood, accepted, and acted on by child
health staff. Ministries of health and the staff
of WHO, UNICEF, and bilateral agencies
supporting IMCI implementation in the MCE
sites (e.g., the US Agency for International
Development and the Department for International Development, UK) at country, regional, and headquarter levels were involved
in planning the evaluation, selecting sites and
investigators, commenting on study design
and instruments, reviewing preliminary results and participating in their interpretation,
and developing feedback mechanisms for
those involved in implementing IMCI. A list
of implementation partners for each of the
MCE sites is presented in the next section.
In general, this approach worked well.
There were numerous instances in which the
guidelines on roles and responsibilities were
used as the basis for resolving tensions between program staff and evaluators, both
within sites and for the MCE as a whole. Intermediate MCE results have been used by child
health staff in concrete ways to improve their
policies and program delivery strategies. At
the same time, the MCE was designed and
carried out by evaluators not involved in IMCI
implementation to ensure that the resulting reports and publications were objective.
Through What Mechanisms Will IMCI
Affect Child Health?
IMCI is a complex strategy, incorporating
numerous interventions that affect child
health through a variety of pathways. Designing the evaluation required the development
of a model that defined how the introduction
of IMCI was expected to lead to changes in
child mortality, health, and nutrition (these
changes are referred to as “impact” within the
MCE). Figure 1 shows a simplified version of
the model; the full model expands each of the
boxes to provide details about expected
changes. Further information is available at
the MCE Web site.5 This conceptual model
was used as the basis for establishing siteselection criteria, defining the indicators to be
measured, developing the data collection
tools, and estimating the magnitude of expected impact and of associated sample sizes.
Efficacy, Effectiveness, or Something
in Between?
Evaluations of large-scale interventions
may involve different degrees of control by
the research team.6 Evaluations of program
efficacy are conducted when interventions
are delivered through health services in rela-
IMCI introduction/
Improved drug
availability, supervision,
other health system
Training of health
workers/follow-up visits
Family and community
quality of care in
health facilities
Improved careseeking,
increased utilization
Improved household
Reduced mortality,
improved health/
FIGURE 1—Outline of the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) impact model.
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tively restricted areas, under close supervision. They answer the question of whether—
given ideal circumstances—the intervention
has an effect. On the other hand, evaluations of program effectiveness assess whether
the interventions have an effect under the
“real-life” circumstances faced by health services. Few public health programs are implemented in ways that can support evaluations
that are either entirely “efficacy” or entirely
“effectiveness.” This dimension of program
evaluation should therefore be considered
as a continuum.
Within the MCE, the advisers agreed to
focus on sites where ministries of health were
implementing IMCI under routine conditions,
evaluating the effectiveness of the strategy
rather than its efficacy. They also agreed,
however, to include in the MCE design one
site in which program implementation fell
closer to the efficacy end of the continuum.
Effectiveness was emphasized because earlier
studies had demonstrated the efficacy of the
individual interventions within IMCI. In addition, decisionmakers’ questions about IMCI
tended to focus on the extent to which IMCI
could be implemented given the health
system constraints in most low- and middleincome countries and its effectiveness under
those conditions.
What Indicators Will Be Measured?
The stepwise approach proposed by
Habicht et al.7 was used to guide the evalua-
tion design. Table 1 shows the main categories of indicators used in the MCE.
A logical order leads from provision to impact indicators. Adequate provision means
that the services are available and accessible
to the target population and that the quality
of services is appropriate. Once services are
available, the population makes use of them,
in this case by bringing their children to
health care services. Utilization then results in
a specific level of population coverage. Finally, the achieved population coverage may
lead to changes in behaviors or an impact on
health. Any important shortcomings at the
early stages of this chain will result in failures
in the later indicators.
The MCE emphasized the assessment of
IMCI impact. Nonetheless, WHO and the advisers agreed from the start that the evaluation should also assess provision, utilization,
and population coverage indicators. If an impact was demonstrated, this approach would
document the underlying steps that led to
success and contribute to the adoption and
successful implementation of IMCI in other
settings. If no impact was documented, the
stepwise approach would reveal where and
why IMCI failed and identify problems that
needed to be addressed.
The stepwise approach was also cost-effective.
Complex and costly impact evaluations were
carried out within an MCE site only if simpler
evaluations of the preceding steps showed
that IMCI implementation was progressing
TABLE 1—A Stepwise Approach to Evaluation Indicators Used in the Multi-Country
Evaluation of IMCI Effectiveness, Cost and Impact (MCE)
Are the services available?
Are they accessible?
Is their quality satisfactory?
Are services being used?
Is the target population being
Were there improvements in
disease patterns or
health-related behaviors?
Example of Indicators
Number of health facilities with health workers trained in IMCI per
100 000 population
Proportion of the population within 30 minutes’ travel time of a health
facility with IMCI activities
Proportion of health workers with appropriate case-management skills
Number of attendances of under-5’s per 1000 children
Proportion of under-5’s in population who were seen by a trained
health worker
Time trends in childhood deaths
Improvements in breastfeeding indicators or in health care–seeking
Note. IMCI = Integrated Management of Childhood Illness; under-5 = child younger than 5 years old.
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well and was associated with the expected intermediate outcomes (Figure 1). Provision or
utilization was assessed by using routine information systems or by surveying health facilities. However, population coverage and impact usually required field data collection
with important cost implications. The stepwise approach resulted in substantial savings
because relatively simple evaluations showed
that more time was needed to expand the
provision of IMCI interventions before more
costly population coverage or impact studies
were conducted.
What Type of Inference Is Required?
This question refers to the types of data
and level of certainty that decisionmakers
need to act on evaluation findings.7,8 Adequacy evaluations refer to whether changes
in indicators—be they provision, utilization,
population coverage, or impact indicators—
met the initial goals for introduction of the
intervention. If there were no explicit goals,
the question is whether trends are moving
in the expected direction and are of the expected magnitude. Plausibility evaluations
go a step farther to ask whether the observed changes are likely to be due to the
intervention. These require a control group
and the ability to rule out alternative explanations for the trends. Finally, probability
evaluations involve randomized designs to
determine the effect of the intervention. For
the reasons discussed in our companion article,8 the MCE emphasizes plausibility-type
evaluations, but the advisers agreed that 1
study with a probability design should be
An essential element in the MCE design
was the focus on demonstrating adequacy in
each site, even when the design could also
support plausibility or probability inferences. This was because the adequacy approach answered the question of whether
goals for IMCI had been achieved, while
plausibility and probability approaches were
concerned with the existence of an effect of
IMCI. Child health decisionmakers were
posing both types of questions at the time
the MCE was designed: (1) How well is
IMCI being implemented? and (2) Where
IMCI is implemented, what is its effectiveness, and at what cost? The relative empha-
American Journal of Public Health | March 2004, Vol 94, No. 3
sis on these 2 questions varied, both over
time and across the intended audiences for
the evaluation results.
How Will Costs Be Incorporated Into
the Design?
Decisionmakers were demanding information on the costs and cost-effectiveness
of IMCI. The advisers and WHO were
faced with 2 major decisions. First, should
the MCE measure only the costs of health
services provision or all associated costs, including those incurred by society broadly
and households specifically? Second, costeffectiveness relative to what? No child
health services? Existing services? “Highquality” services based on existing diseasespecific programs such as those targeting diarrhea and acute respiratory infections?
The MCE results and conclusions would
vary widely depending on how the evaluation addressed these 2 questions. The final
MCE design adopted an economic methodology that measured all costs associated
with child health in districts implementing
the IMCI strategy. These costs were compared with all costs associated with child
health in districts that were not implementing the IMCI strategy at the time of the
evaluation. Details of the economic evaluation are available elsewhere.9
The overall objectives of the MCE costing
methodology were defined as follows:
1. To estimate the total costs of providing
IMCI in a district; that is, the full costs of
services to children aged younger than 5
years using IMCI. These costs were estimated from the perspective of society as a
whole. All costs were included, regardless of
the source. This allowed a generalized costeffectiveness analysis.
2. To estimate the additional (incremental)
costs of introducing and running IMCI from
the societal perspective; for example, what
resources were required in addition to those
already used to provide child health care in
each setting. This allowed a traditional incremental cost-effectiveness analysis, asking if
the additional benefits over current practice
justified the additional resources.
3. To provide the MCE sites with information
about the financial expenditures involved in
introducing and delivering IMCI services in
their settings.
What Will Be the Central Elements
of the MCE Plan of Analysis?
Guided by the design decisions described
above, the MCE consisted of a series of independent studies with compatible designs,
each tailored to the stage and characteristics
of IMCI implementation in the participating
country. The set of site-specific studies included those with prospective, retrospective,
and mixed designs. They reflected a continuum from efficacy to effectiveness, with variable degrees of influence from the evaluation
team on program implementation. Each
study included a plausibility-type evaluation,
regardless of whether a probability design
was also present. All studies measured an
identical set of indicators and, with few exceptions, used identical data collection tools.
Investigators also added a limited number of
site-specific indicators to respond to local
characteristics and questions. Assessments of
costs to providers and clients were included
as an essential aspect of the evaluation. In
this section, we describe how the MCE was
A central challenge in designing the MCE
was anticipating the various types and levels
of analysis that would be required to achieve
the objectives. The initial proposals from
each site included a plan of analysis tailored
to its specific designs and incorporating plans
for the measurement of the standard MCE
indicators. The results generated from these
site-specific plans formed the basis for qualitative cross-site analyses designed to shed
further light on the cost-effectiveness and impact of IMCI.
The core analyses involved the development of analytic methods and approaches for
the evaluation of costs and cost-effectiveness,
quality of care, and equity. Small technical
working groups involving at least 1 MCE
technical adviser with pertinent expertise
and one MCE site investigator were established to address each of these areas. With
the exception of equity, the MCE team
based at WHO recruited a technical consultant whose primary responsibility was to
coordinate the work in each area and to provide ongoing assistance to the site investigators. Once relevant data had been collected
and preliminary analyses completed, workshops were held to apply various analytic approaches and agree on a standard plan of
Supplemental analyses, defined as important but not directly related to the original
objectives of the MCE, developed over
time. These included analyses driven by
the needs of decisionmakers (e.g., the financial costs of implementing IMCI in Tanzania),10 analyses to address specific methodological questions (e.g., application of
various methods of constructing wealth indices11–13 based on data about household
possessions and characteristics of a family’s
house available from the MCE household
surveys), and other types of opportunistic
analyses responding to questions that could
be addressed through the MCE data sets
(e.g., improving the correct use of antimicrobials through IMCI case-management
March 2004, Vol 94, No. 3 | American Journal of Public Health
Selecting Countries for the MCE
Four categories of criteria were used to
choose the countries for inclusion in the MCE.
Characteristics that should be present in all
sites. (1) Adequate IMCI implementation covering the 3 components of IMCI (health
worker training, interventions targeting important family practices, health systems support); (2) timely IMCI implementation compatible with the time frame of the evaluation
(see “Defining the Time Frame for the Evaluation” below); (3) sufficient population size
covered by IMCI interventions to provide required sample sizes for the MCE; (4) availability of partners including the ministry of
health, researchers, and funding agencies to
support both IMCI implementation and the
evaluation activities.
Characteristics that facilitated mortality measurement. High mortality level, to increase
likelihood of a measurable impact, but studies were also to be carried out in intermediate-mortality scenarios, where improvements
in intermediate outcomes and reductions in
cost were examined even though no great effect on mortality was expected.
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Characteristic important for specific study designs. Political stability is important for prospective designs to ensure full implementation.
Characteristics in which diversity was sought
among the set of studies. (1) Region of the
world—ideally, at least one study in each
major region of the world; (2) Malaria
prevalence—studies both in high- and lowrisk areas for malaria; (3) Level of existing
services and programs—studies in areas with
different levels of development of health services; (4) Community organization—studies
in areas where communities were poorly
organized and areas with strong community
Selection of countries for the MCE was
more challenging and time-consuming than
expected. Discussions with staff at WHO central and regional offices resulted in a rankordered short list of countries where the
above conditions were likely to be met. Teams
of MCE advisers and WHO staff made at least
1 visit to each of 12 countries. For many
countries, more than 1 site visit was needed
because information on eligibility criteria was
not readily available. On a few occasions, the
MCE commissioned small studies to gather
these data. Many important lessons regarding
IMCI implementation were learned in the
process of conducting these country reviews.15
Defining the Time Frame
for the Evaluation
Prospective evaluations must ensure that
sufficient time is allowed for the intervention
to affect the impact indicators. The design
must take into account the time required for
(a) achievement of full implementation with
high population coverage, (b) the intervention
to have a biological effect, and (c) measurement of the final impact indicators.
On the basis of the MCE conceptual
model, Table 2 presents the assumptions
used in developing the MCE studies. It suggests, for example, that at least 1 to 2 years
of implementation work would be needed at
the country level to move from the introduction of IMCI to population coverage with all
3 IMCI components (Figure 1) in the study
area. Once population coverage was
achieved, a part of the biological impact of
IMCI on mortality would occur relatively
quickly, but other effects (and especially
those that require changes in family behaviors) might not be realized for years. Finally,
sufficient time was needed to allow measurement of the impact indicators.
A larger temporal frame bounds the MCE
as a whole. Decisionmakers were already
posing questions about the cost-effectiveness
and impact of IMCI at the time of MCE design. A somewhat arbitrary date of the end
of 2005 was set, by which time all impact
and cost-effectiveness results would be available. This reflects a compromise between
the increased validity offered by longer-term
studies and the need to support sound decisionmaking about child health intervention
Collecting Data of Different Types
and at Different Levels
For IMCI to have an impact on child
health, changes were needed at several differ-
TABLE 2—Time Required for Evaluating IMCI Impact on Child Mortality
Biological effect
Impact measurement
Time Required
Time required for reaching a high
coverage in a geographic area
Time needed for mortality reduction
No less than 1–2 years for training health workers and
increasing utilization rates.
Improved case management of severe infections may
lead to immediate mortality reduction.
Improving care-seeking and changing behaviors related
to nutrition (breastfeeding, complementary
feeding) will take longer. At least 2 years should
be allowed forthe full impact of IMCI to be detected.
At least 1 year, if mortality surveillance is used; up to
2 years for retrospective mortality surveys.
Time needed for measuring the
impact indicator
Note. IMCI = Integrated Management of Childhood Illness.
410 | Public Health Matters | Peer Reviewed | Bryce et al.
ent levels (Figure 1), starting at the national
level and moving down to the household. The
MCE needed to document IMCI implementation at all levels to understand the evaluation
results on IMCI impact and cost-effectiveness.
A list of indicators was prepared that addressed essential variables at each level. At
the district and national levels, MCE staff interviewed health managers and reviewed records to document IMCI implementation activities. These activities included the training of
health workers, supervision, drug and vaccine
supplies, equipment, and related issues. Data
on district-level costs were also collected.
Documenting the quality of care at the
health facility level required the development
of a health facility survey tool. This tool was
developed in collaboration with an interagency Working Group on IMCI Monitoring
and Evaluation and was then adapted for use
in the MCE. Further information about the
survey tools for routine use is available at
Four of the 5 MCE sites conducted health facility surveys, involving samples of no fewer
than 20 facilities. A survey team spent at
least 1 day per health facility and observed
health workers managing an average of 6 sick
children. The performance of the local health
worker was assessed through a reexamination
of the same children by a trained supervisor
who represented the “gold standard” for IMCI
case management.
The MCE developed and tested several
quality of care indices for the statistical analysis of health worker performance. Surveyors
interviewed mothers as they left the health facility to assess their understanding of how to
continue the care of the child at home. Information was also obtained on the facility’s
physical structure, equipment, drug and vaccine supplies, utilization statistics, and costs.
Data on other supports for health worker performance, such as IMCI follow-up visits after
training, supervision, and supervision quality
(as reflected in whether the supervisory visit
included the observation of health worker
performance with feedback to the health
worker), were collected both through interviews with the health workers and reviews of
national, district, and facility records. Continuous rounds of monitoring at the health facility
level were included in the MCE designs in
American Journal of Public Health | March 2004, Vol 94, No. 3
Uganda and Bangladesh and used to support
analyses of health worker performance over
time and its correlates.
Sample surveys of households were used to
measure the MCE indicators related to careseeking behavior, population coverage levels
for selected interventions (including vaccinations, micronutrient supplementation, use of
insecticide-treated bed nets to prevent malaria, and oral rehydration therapy), use of
outpatient and inpatient health services, and
compliance with health workers’ recommendations. If the child had used health services
recently, surveyors obtained detailed information on direct and indirect costs. Demographic, socioeconomic, and environmental
characteristics of the family and household
were also recorded.
The household survey also collected information on recent morbidity, feeding practices
(breastfeeding and use of complementary
foods), and anthropometry (weight and height).
In some countries, children were tested for
anemia with portable hemoglobinometers.
The plausibility approach used in the MCE
required collecting data on external (nonIMCI) factors that might account for observed
changes in child health. The description of
these contextual factors was particularly important at the time of this evaluation, when
rapid changes were under way in many national health services because of political,
economic, and structural reforms. The MCE
therefore developed tools for the collection of
information on changes in socioeconomic, demographic, environmental, and other relevant
factors over the course of the evaluation.
MCE investigators also documented the delivery of other child health interventions in the
study area and their population coverage.
Measuring Mortality
Mortality impact was the ultimate indicator
in the MCE design. Most of the impact of
IMCI on mortality is likely to occur through
reductions in deaths from 5 causes: pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria, measles, and malnutrition. IMCI was not likely to have an impact
on early neonatal mortality because at the
time of the evaluation there were no specific
IMCI interventions directed at the major
causes of death among children aged younger
than 7 days. The 2 main mortality indicators
in the study were therefore the under-5 mortality rate (probability of dying between birth
and exactly 5 years of age) and the post–
early-neonatal under-5 mortality rate (probability of dying between 7 days and exactly 5
years of age). Investigators also collected information on cause of death to support causespecific analyses.
Countries involved in the MCE used 3 alternative methodologies for mortality measurement. The choice of a method was largely
based on local data availability and quality.
These included mortality surveys, demographic surveillance, and calculation of mortality ratios based on vital statistics.
Mortality surveys. Probability samples of
women of reproductive age (usually 15–49
years) living in the study area were asked to
provide information on births and deaths
among their children in recent years. Mortality rates were calculated retrospectively for
different time periods before the survey date.
Information on causes of death was obtained
by asking respondents to provide a detailed
description of the child’s condition prior to
death (verbal autopsy).
Demographic surveillance. Two of the MCE
study areas had continuous demographic
surveillance systems with records of all
births, deaths, pregnancies, and changes in
residence in to or out of the surveillance
area. These allowed the calculation of
under-5 mortality rates on an annual basis.
Verbal autopsies provided information on
causes of death.
Vital statistics. In countries where official
death registration systems were reasonably
reliable, the ratios of infant and of under-5
deaths to all deaths (age-specific proportionate mortality ratios) based on vital statistics
were calculated. Although mortality registration was incomplete in some sites, the use of
age-specific proportionate mortality ratios
reduced possible biases. The proportions of
infant and under-5 deaths due to selected
conditions targeted by IMCI (diarrhea,
pneumonia, malaria, measles, and malnutrition; hereafter referred to as cause-specific
mortality ratios) were also calculated. Validation exercises were carried out to check
data accuracy, for example, by comparing
MCE indicator results with those from demographic and health surveys.
March 2004, Vol 94, No. 3 | American Journal of Public Health
The use of multiple methods for mortality
assessment is consistent with the flexibility of
the MCE design. In each country, existing
sources of mortality data—including vital statistics and established demographic surveillance systems—were assessed during the planning of the study. If data from these sources
were not available or were judged unreliable,
the more costly option of a demographic survey was considered. Despite the use of different methods, consistent and reliable information on mortality was produced.
Calculating Sample Sizes
Mortality reduction was the primary impact
measure within the MCE. A computer simulation model based on the work of Becker and
Black16 was used to estimate the magnitude
of mortality reduction that could be expected
from introducing IMCI in different settings.
These simulations led to the assumption that
IMCI implementation in the types of settings
where the MCE was being introduced was
likely to reduce under-5 mortality by no less
than 20%. In each site, sample sizes were
thus calculated to allow detection of reductions of at least 20%. Sample size calculations
took into account the number of areas in
which IMCI was being introduced, the clustered nature of the data, and the type of mortality measurement approach (survey, surveillance, or vital statistics).
Certifying Adequacy of IMCI
Implementation for the MCE
Consistent with the stepwise approach described above, MCE advisers, investigators,
and their IMCI counterparts from ministries
of health and WHO agreed that measuring
impact in the absence of a reasonable level of
implementation was not warranted. Results
from the computer simulation model and discussions with those implementing IMCI were
used to estimate the level of intensity of IMCI
implementation needed to achieve a reduction of at least 20% in all-cause under-5 mortality within 2 years in the MCE sites (this is
the time required for implemented interventions to lead to mortality reduction, shown as
the “biological effect” in Table 2). This group
then agreed on a set of 11 criteria to be used
in “starting the evaluation clock,” that is, for
determining the date at which this level of implementation was achieved (Table 3). No spe-
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TABLE 3—Criteria for Certifying the Adequacy of IMCI Implementation for Evaluation Purposes
Training coverage
Quality of care
Drug availability
Vaccine availability
Care-seeking behavior
Home disease management
Nutrition counseling
Insecticide-treated bed nets
Proportion of first-level health facilities with at least 60% of health workers managing
children trained in IMCI.
Proportion of health facilities that received at least 1 visit of routine supervision that
included the observation of case management during the previous 6 months.
An aggregate index measuring the quality of the treatment and counseling received by
sick children observed during the health facility survey.
Index of availability of essential oral treatments, based on the health facility survey.
Index of availability of 4 vaccines (polio, DPT, measles, and tuberculosis), based on the
health facility survey.
Availability of 6 essential items of equipment and supplies needed to provide IMCI case
management, based on the health facility survey.
Mean annual number of health facility attendances per under-5 child.
Documentation of delivery of messages to the community at a level of intensity capable
of reaching a high coverage in the target population on a sustainable basis.
Presence of mechanisms to deliver interventions for improving the home management of
disease at a level of intensity capable of reaching a high coverage in the target
population on a sustainable basis.
Presence of mechanisms to deliver interventions for improving child nutrition at a level of
intensity capable of reaching a high coverage in the target population on a
sustainable basis.
Documentation of the existence of a sales network for nets and insecticides covering a
large proportion of villages or similar administrative units.
These characteristics, as well as other locally relevant factors, were taken into account in the plausibility analyses. The techniques used to adjust for external factors
included both simulation and multivariate
analyses. In the Peru study, for example, ecological analyses of the impact of IMCI implementation on child mortality and nutrition
outcomes included several contextual factors
as covariates.
Collecting Data on Costs
Note. IMCI = Integrated Management of Childhood Illness; under-5 child = child younger than 5 years old;
DPT = diphtheria–pertussis–tetanus.
cific cutoff levels were set for these criteria
because of broad variations in IMCI implementation approaches and contextual factors
among the MCE sites. Instead, site-specific
levels for these criteria were used to arrive at
an overall judgment about whether the level
of IMCI implementation was sufficient to result in a decrease in under-5 mortality of at
least 20% in the MCE intervention area
within 2 years of the start date.
As the first step in certifying the adequacy
of IMCI implementation for purposes of the
evaluation, investigators and their ministry of
health counterparts within an MCE site reviewed available data and decided that the
strength of IMCI implementation met the
above criteria. At their request, the MCE then
convened an independent panel composed of
MCE technical advisers, WHO and ministry
of health staff members, and the principal investigator from another MCE site. This panel
reviewed the available evidence and reached
a decision about whether IMCI implementa-
tion was adequate. In some cases, the evaluation clock was set back to the day when IMCI
implementation in the study area first began
to meet the criteria.
Accounting for Contextual Factors
Information on factors and constraints external to IMCI was needed to interpret the results of the plausibility evaluations. For example, recent research in Bangladesh has shown
significant reductions in child mortality owing
to women-focused poverty alleviation programs.17 Such evidence, while welcome, may
create enormous noise in the IMCI evaluation
and must be taken into account. At all sites,
MCE investigators collected data on levels
and trends in 4 areas:
• socioeconomic factors, including family income, parental education and occupation, unemployment, land tenure, and the existence
of economic crises (inflation rates, structural
adjustment, etc.);
412 | Public Health Matters | Peer Reviewed | Bryce et al.
• environmental factors, including water supply, sanitation, housing, and environmental
• demographic factors, including fertility patterns and family size; and
• health services–related factors, including
structure of health services, health manpower, health worker pay, drug supply, availability of referral services, and presence of
other major health initiatives.
Cost data were collected from all levels of
the system involved in introducing or supporting IMCI. These typically included first-level
facilities providing primary services to children, higher-level facilities providing referral
care to children, district-level (or regional) administration supporting IMCI implementation,
national-level administration supporting IMCI,
and households incurring costs for seeking
and obtaining treatment.
Tools and methods were developed to collect these data, adapted to the circumstances
of MCE sites, field-tested, and used for data
collection. Standardized guidelines and templates were developed for use in summarizing and analyzing the cost data. The basic
analysis of both costs and effects generated
cost-effectiveness ratios in terms of total and
incremental under-5 deaths averted or years
of life saved.
Outline of the MCE Designs in Each Site
Table 4 provides basic information about
the 5 MCE sites, including a list of collaborators in IMCI implementation and the MCE. A
brief summary of the design in each site is
provided in the next sections. Further information is available at
Tanzania. The Tanzania Ministry of Health,
and specifically the district health manage-
American Journal of Public Health | March 2004, Vol 94, No. 3
TABLE 4—Characteristics of Study Sites in the Multi-Country Evaluation of IMCI
Baseline under-5 mortality
Mortality assessment
Household coverage surveys
Health facility assessments
Cost assessments
Type of inference
Pre–post comparison of
2 IMCI and 2 non-IMCI
1999 (baseline)
2004 (planned)
2000 (midway)
Comparison of 10 districts
with different levels of
IMCI implementation
2000 (baseline)
2004 (planned)
Ongoing rolling sample
Included in survey tools
Ifakara Centre, TEHIP,
Included in survey tools
Johns Hopkins, Makerere
University, MOH, USAID
Randomized trial of
10 health facilities with
IMCI and 10 without IMCI
DSS + survey
2000 (baseline)
2004 (planned)
2000 (baseline)
2004 (planned)
Included in survey tools
Yes (2001)
Comparison of 25 departments
with different levels of
IMCI implementation
Vital statistics
Not planned for Phase 1
Comparison of 32 IMCI and
64 non-IMCI municipalities
1999 (pilot study in selected
Not included in Phase 1
Instituto del Niño, MOH
2004 (planned)
2002 (midway)
Included in survey tools
Ceará University, MOH
Note. IMCI = Integrated Management of Childhood Illness; DSS = Demographic Surveillance System; TEHIP = Tanzania Essential Health Interventions Project; ICDDR,B = International Centre For
Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh; MOH = ministry of health; USAID = US Agency for International Development.
ment teams, implemented IMCI in 2 pioneer
districts (Morogoro Rural and Rufiji). The Tanzania Essential Health Interventions Project
also supported the teams in these 2 districts
in the use of simple management tools for priority setting, monitoring, and mapping. Two
similar, geographically contiguous districts
where neither IMCI nor management tools
were yet implemented (Kilombero and
Ulanga) served as comparison areas. Areas
within each of these 4 districts were under
continuous mortality surveillance, allowing a
study of the impact of IMCI on child mortality. A baseline survey was conducted in 1999
in about 2400 households and a health facility survey in 2000 covering 70 facilities. Results from these surveys were shared with the
district health management teams to reinforce
implementation of child health services. Information on costs and documentation of IMCIrelated activities were collected simultaneously. The final household survey to assess
utilization and population coverage was conducted in late 2002.
Uganda. This study, an integral part of the
MCE, was carried out by Johns Hopkins University and Makerere University with funding from the US Agency for International
Development (USAID). IMCI implementation was spearheaded by the Uganda Min-
istry of Health with support from WHO,
USAID, and other donors. Six IMCI intervention districts were selected randomly
from those considered by the Ministry of
Health to be likely to implement IMCI soon
and fully. Four districts judged unlikely to
implement IMCI in the near future were
matched on a summary measure reflecting
demographic and health system characteristics to serve as comparison districts. A baseline survey was carried out in 14 000 households in 2000 to assess demographic and
health indicators in all 10 districts. Continuous monitoring was used to track IMCI implementation and intermediate outcomes at
district, health facility, and household levels.
In 2002, monitoring results indicated that
considerable crossover had occurred between the IMCI districts and comparison districts, and an alternative analysis plan using
a “dose–response” approach was adopted. A
cost assessment study was simultaneously
carried out to determine the costs of introducing IMCI and the alternatives if the resources were used differently.
Bangladesh. A randomized design was developed to evaluate IMCI efficacy. A baseline
demographic survey covering 80 000 households was carried out in the first half of
2000 in the areas of Matlab district covered
March 2004, Vol 94, No. 3 | American Journal of Public Health
by regular government health services (population 400 000; this excludes villages covered by special health services provided by
the International Centre for Health and Population, International Centre For Diarrhoeal
Disease Research, Bangladesh); an in-depth
household survey was concurrently conducted in 5% of households. In the second
half of 2000, a health facility survey was carried out in 20 health facilities in the same
geographic area. The facilities were then divided into pairs on the basis of demographic
and health system characteristics, and one facility in each pair was randomly selected for
the intervention group. In collaboration with
the Government of Bangladesh, best-possible
implementation of IMCI was introduced in
the 10 intervention facilities and their catchment areas, including the training of health
workers, upgrading health facilities, and ensuring needed support and implementing
community-level activities targeting highimpact family practices. The demographic
survey will be repeated at the end of the
study to assess mortality changes associated
with IMCI implementation. The in-depth survey of 5% of households and the health facility survey will be repeated in 2004 to assess
midterm changes. Data on costs are being
collected in all surveys.
Bryce et al. | Peer Reviewed | Public Health Matters | 413
Peru. The Peruvian MCE took advantage of
the large amount of child health data available for the country’s 34 health districts. Data
sources included the 1996 and 2000 demographic and health surveys as well as one
planned for 2004, official vital statistics, and
Ministry of Health data on health services
provision, utilization, and population coverage. The relatively low mortality levels suggested that it would be difficult to document
an impact from IMCI, but the design was able
to support measurement of a possible impact
on nutrition because stunting of growth
owing to poor nutrition is highly prevalent in
children. In addition, the evaluation provided
a wealth of data on the evolution of several
process indicators. The design involved a nationwide analysis of existing data on health
and related variables, including a mixed (retrospective and prospective) ecological analysis
of the impact of IMCI. All 34 health districts
were visited in 2001 to collect detailed data
on implementation, utilization, population
coverage, and impact indicators, and this
monitoring is continuing. All steps in the evaluation were carried out in close coordination
with the Ministry of Health.
Brazil. The MCE study area is in the
northeast, the highest mortality region in the
country. In each of 3 states, 8 municipalities
reported by the Ministry of Health to have
had strong IMCI implementation since 2000
were selected. For each of these, a comparison municipality was chosen where IMCI
had not yet been implemented. A health facility survey was carried out in these municipalities in 2002. A demographic survey is
planned for 2004 to assess mortality retrospectively in IMCI and non-IMCI municipalities, matched on the basis of geographic location, socioeconomic factors, and health
services infrastructure.
The MCE is breaking new ground in evaluating the impact of child health strategies.
The evaluation is under way in 5 countries in
3 regions of the world. The evaluation designs include large-scale measurement surveys as well as assessments of equity, the
quality of care in health facilities, and the
comprehensive measurement of costs. Studies
within the MCE include prospective, retrospective, and mixed designs.
The MCE will contribute to a rigorous assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of
IMCI and other child health strategies. It has
already led to improvements in child health
policies, interventions, and service delivery
strategies in participating countries and elsewhere through the dissemination of intermediate results.18–22
The MCE can also contribute to the development and refinement of methods for conducting large-scale evaluations of intervention effectiveness. Among the key issues
addressed in this report are (1) the importance of a conceptual framework in guiding
the evaluation design, the choice of indicators, the timing of measurements, and the interpretation of the results; (2) the need to
provide feedback to program managers despite the fact that this leads to changes in the
intervention under study; (3) the difficulty of
evaluating a strategy that is locally adapted,
still in the process of development, and for
which the time needed for full implementation is not yet known; and (4) the extensive
efforts needed to document contextual factors and develop plausible interpretations of
intervention effects in settings of rapid health
system change.
Owing to space limitations, several important issues could not be addressed in this first
methodological report drawing on the MCE
experience. For example, a description of the
time and resources needed to carry out an
evaluation of this nature and scale would undoubtedly be useful for those interested in
embarking on large-scale effectiveness evaluations. Detailed descriptions of the composition
of the research teams at both international
and country levels, and special efforts made
to expand local capacity, could also be helpful
to those seeking to expand research capacity
in developing countries. Finally, more detailed descriptions of methodological and analytic approaches developed to address specific
issues need to be provided. The MCE will
continue to elucidate these and other methodological challenges in future articles.
About the Authors
At the time this article was written, Jennifer Bryce was with
the Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Devel-
414 | Public Health Matters | Peer Reviewed | Bryce et al.
opment of the World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland. Cesar G. Victora is with the Post-Graduate Program in Epidemiology, Federal University of Pelotas,
Pelotas, Brazil. Jean-Pierre Habicht is with the Division of
Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
J. Patrick Vaughan is with the London School of Hygiene
and Tropical Medicine, London, England. Robert E. Black
is with the Department of International Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Md.
Requests for reprints should be sent to Jennifer Bryce,
EdD, 2081 Danby Rd, Ithaca, NY 14850 (e-mail:
This article was accepted June 3, 2003.
All authors participated fully in the conceptualization
and design of the Multi-Country Evaluation (MCE) and
helped to generate ideas, interpret findings, and review
the article. J. Bryce was responsible for the project on
behalf of the World Health Organization and cowrote
the first draft with C. G. Victora, who is the senior technical adviser for the MCE. J.-P. Habicht, P. Vaughan,
and R. E. Black are technical advisers to the MCE and
provided continuous technical oversight throughout its
The IMCI-MCE is supported by the Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation and the US Agency for International
Development and is coordinated by the Department of
Child and Adolescent Health and Development of the
World Health Organization.
The authors thank those responsible for the MCE
studies and IMCI implementation in Bangladesh,
Brazil, Peru, Tanzania, and Uganda, including Ministry
of Health personnel in each site. Full lists of investigators are available on the MCE Web site (http://www. In addition, Taghreed Adam,
Eleanor Gouws, David Evans, Saul Morris, and Don
de Savigny made important technical contributions to
the design and implementation of the MCE.
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2004 ❚ softcover ❚ 125 pages
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ollision on I-75 tells a compelling public health story
that has not been told before. It details two decades of
struggle by public health professionals, legislators, state officials, and law enforcement to compel a large corporation
to prevent deadly, industrial-fog–related traffic accidents.
In December 1990, nearly one hundred vehicles collided
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