N G S U S H A N @ L E O N G S U S H A N Portfolio YOUSEFF ADAM SEPT 17, 2013 CALIFORNIA Chasing the Sunset I decided to explore an abandoned area in Queenstown, Singapore. Surprisingly, there were a lot to see than I had thought. The place was so serene and beautiful, it was like being in a different world. The golden hour was perfect for capturing the warmth of the sun rays which added texture and depth to my photographs. October 2014 Camera : iPhone 5S October 2014 Camera : Canon AE-1 Program, 35mm Kodak Portra 160 Swingin’ Good Times I love how this collection of photographs turned out because it showcases the playfulness of my subject. August 2014 Camera : Canon 70D The Limelight Singapore is building on its arts and entertainment landscape. With every passing year, there are a variety of concerts held in Singapore such as the 2013 Formula One Night Race Concert and JJ Lin Timeline World Tour 2014. Even though I did not get a seat with a great view, I managed to capture some of my idols in action. Year 2013/2014 Camera : Canon 70D Styling Matching and harmonising my attire has always been my hobby. October – November 2014 Camera : iPhone 5S Film in Singapore CHIJMES is known as the Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus (CHIJ) back in the 1850s. The architectural design of the chapel is mainly in gothic-style. I had been a convent student for 10 years of my life. As a convent girl, we had to study the history of CHIJMES and many times, we paid visits to this building of immense architectural and cultural value. CHIJMES is one of the few buildings that I love to photograph due to its intricate details from the lights to the floors, and the pillars. I have never shot in analogue before and this was my first time conducting a photo shoot at CHIJMES. I love the picture on the right as the light seeped in through the arches and casted mysterious shadows – an effect which I feel heightened the atmosphere of history that this building houses. Since then, I have started to improve my technique in film photography. September 2014 Camera : Canon AE-1 Program, 35mm Kodak 400 Film in Thailand This was captured at the Death Railway, Thailand, back in September 2014. September 2014 Camera : Canon AE-1 Program, 35mm Kodak 400 Blissful Travel The memories captured when I travelled around the world. Fashion Street Style My interest in fashion photography started when I travelled around the world. I have always admired the locals as their styles exude an aura of uniqueness. March – June 2014 Camera : Canon 70D Nature This was captured at the Niagara Falls, Canada, back in June 2014. I was trying out a new technique, which was to capture landscape using my polaroid camera. It was a little challenging because the camera did not have an aperture-control function. However the photographs turned out pretty well; the clear blue water and the mist from the waterfall could be seen very clearly. June 2014 Camera : Instax 210 Food Since I love to savour delicious food, food photography comes naturally to me. This photo was taken in a café named Future Bistro in Toronto. The staff were genuinely impressed with the photograph that I have taken of their signature dish, the Blueberry Pancakes. It tastes as good as it looks. June 2014 Camera : Canon 70D Street Street photography is never easy and I am always learning how to capture more intimate shots of people along the streets discreetly especially so when holding such a large camera. These are some of the shots that I managed to capture during my trip to Hungary and Prague. My favourite shot is the bunch of waiters taking a break from work at the second level of the restaurant. After this shot, all of them waved “hello” and we struck a conversation for a couple of minutes. It is as though photography has brought us all closer together. March 2014 Camera : Canon 70D Video Storyboard June - November 2013 I had always wanted to try shooting a short film. I do not have proper film training and everything was based on my artistic intuition. During my second year of study, my lecturers tasked a team of four, including me, to come up with promotional materials for our course of study for the 2014 Annual Singapore Polytechnic Open House. I produced two short videos. The picture on the right illustrates the storyboard. It shows the different scenes, timings and the castings needed for us to shoot the film. I had a first taste of directing and it was no easy task as I had to ensure each cast member was in position. Moreover, I had a really tight filming schedule to work with. The film turned out really well for my first attempt. During the Open House, I received several praises from the school staff and people who have attended the event. I felt really proud of the films that I have directed and produced. SB Orange Day : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vl-MOzQpYiA Life of a DBID Student : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvngKAECf8w Where’s Hauwee | DBID : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZI8RgB9cBg Emotion Journal I had to do a school assignment after I visited the Art Science Museum viewing the Andy Warhol Exhibition. What inspired me most was the colours in the Pop Art painting of Marilyn Monroe. The vibrant colours that Andy Warhol paints reflect the pop culture of the 1960s and his experimentation with silkscreen painting. The colours struck a chord and I created an interactive emotion journal. I used magazines to create collages to show a description of my feelings. For example, the picture on the bottom right depicts sadness. Certain images can be flipped upwards to show the actual feelings I felt, adding a creative touch of interaction. August 2012 Emotional Intelligence &Empathy Diary This was one of the graded assignments during my second year module. We were all given a hardcover book at the start of the module. I love a book that is attractive. Hence, I decided to make a collage of photos that I had taken on my trip to Central Europe the year before. Every week I would have to write a journal entry. I had to elaborate on an event in my life which I felt greatly emotional about. Some stories I had documented were on racism, which I felt on my trip to Paris and my sister’s parasailing accident in Bali. It was a good channel for me to understand the emotions that I felt at that moment. I explored the reasons behind why I felt those emotions through my lectures and learnt how to overcome them. Being aware of my emotions has made me become more appreciative and understanding of myself and the people around me. July 2013 Port of Lost Wonder Expansion Project March – April 2013 01 02 03 Project Brief Business Analysis Observation Studies Port of Lost Wonder brief was tasked to us to create innovative solutions for the new expansion area. SWOT Analysis was used to understand Sentosa Port of Lost Wonder’s current business model before further improvements were made. We headed down to the Port of Lost Wonder in Sentosa for two days to observe the surroundings. Port of Lost Wonder Expansion Project March – April 2013 In-depth user interviews were conducted in order to understand the underlying needs of customers. 04 Empathy Studies Two personas were created which showed the challenges, motivation and the needs the users faced. We analysed all the needs and categorised them according to various themes. Ideas were generated to meet the needs of our personas. Twenty eight different ideas were contextualised. 05 06 07 Persona Development Needs Analysis Ideation Process Port of Lost Wonder Expansion Project March – April 2013 After receiving feedback from the client, we focused more into the details like galvanising the service process and coming up with activities. 08 Co-Creation Session I created an animation video which showcases our journey. 09 User Experience Launch About Me http://www.sushanphotography.com https://www.facebook.com/leong.sushan @blissfultravel / @leongsushan https://sg.linkedin.com/in/leongsushan Su Shan Leong Thank You YOUSEFF ADAM SEPT 17, 2013 CALIFORNIA