India and Mythology Quiz Rules 15 questions, total of 30 points All questions related to India and/or Indian mythology. Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 1. Whose name has been blanked out? (3 points) (Check next slide) Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 And the answer is… Jhumpa Lahiri (This was a Indian-theme quiz, remember?) Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 2. Which opposition? (1 point) Till 1973, the Davis Cup had only ever been won by the United States, Great Britain/British Isles, France and Australia/Australasia. In 1974, India and country “X” qualified for the final. India refused to travel to Country X for the final and X became the first “outsider” nation to win the Davis Cup. As of 2010, X has never actually played in a Davis Cup finals match. The following year, Sweden became the first outsider nation to win after playing the finals. Which country is country X? Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 And the answer is… South Africa South Africa never reached any other Davis Cup final after that Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 3. Google Doodle for? (1 point) Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 And the answer is… Yep, 82nd birth anniversary of the lovable Anant Pai Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 4. Identify (3 points) What’s so special about this Waheeda Rehman starrer that was released in 1972? The still is taken from a photoshoot for the movie that took place indoors in April 1970. Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 And the answer is… Sorry for being a bit arbit, but didn’t want to give out Googlable clues This is an image taken from a vintage photoshoot done in April 1970. Fardin and Waheeda Rehman played the lead in the movie “Subha-O-Shyam”, released in 1972 produced by B. Radhakrishna and Abbas Shahabiz. Chanakya directed the film, which also costarred Sanjeev Kumar as Fardin’s younger brother. What’s special about that? This movie was perhaps the first Indo-Iranian coproduction movie. Iran’s Abbas Shahabi was the coproducer, and it starred the Iranian actor Fardin. Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 5. Who? Which famous company is he a founder of? (2 points) Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 And the answer is… DLF Group; Choudhary Raghvendra Singh Will give full points to either of these answers Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 Indian Mythology… The next 10 questions are from Hindu mythology… Most of them are crackable… All the best 2 points each Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 6. Who? His real name is Sathyavrata, but he got his name because of his acts. A. He misbehaved and misused his authority as a prince and hence was exiled. B. He killed the cow of sage Vasishta C. He used the unsanctified meat of his kill as food. There are clues in the question... Work it out :) Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 And the answer is… Trishanku, meaning 3 sins Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 7. My favourite question Arjuna weilded the Gandeeva bow. But who was the original owner of the celestial bow that could singlehandedly create havoc on the opposition? Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 And the answer is… Varuna He gave it to Agni, who in turn “lent” it to Arjuna for the great war. After the war was over, when Arjuna began his ascent, Agni requested Arjuna to return the bow. Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 8. Which list? During the period of every Manu, this list varies. If the current list comprises of: Kashyapa Atri Vashishtha Vishvamitra Gautama Jamadagni Bharadvaja Then what list is this? Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 And the answer is… Yes it’s the Saptarishis Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 9. Who? _______ was observing on the last day of the war, how an owl was attacked by crows in the day and how the owls attacked back in the night. So he surmised that under the laws of nature, a person can fight when he is strong. He, Kritavarma and Kripacharya tried to attack the camp of Pandavas and they were stopped by a demon kept by Krishna. Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 And the answer is… Ashwattama, the son of Drona Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 10. Who / What? In the beginning when Brahma created the universe, he did not consider the concept of over-population. Since there was no death then and the Earth became over-crowded. What did the worried Brahma do after this and what practise arises because of this particular act of Brahma? Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 And the answer is… Agni was originally used to burn, but this led to extinction. Hence Brahma created the concept of death. This is why Hindus “burn” the bodies after death. Pretty cool, isn’t it! Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 11. I am death… Though there are many prescribed in the sacred texts of India, the following are the key ones: Naimittika, Prakritika and Atyantika. What popular word used often as a movie plot in various Hollywood movies, is this? Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 And the answer is… Pralaya - or the end of the world as we know it Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 12. Who? Bhima was the only one who managed to kill Jarasandha. But that was one-on-one. Jarasandha was considered invincible in battle with armies (the reason why Krishna, Arjuna and Bhima went for a single combat). Who is the only warrior to have defeated Jarasandha before Bhima? (and this was a real battle) Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 And the answer is… Karna Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 13. The game We all know the game of dice in the Mahabharata that ended with the Pandavas going to exile. There was another with Nala in the game which he also lost. What was probably the only game of dice in which a fight ensued over the claim for victory in the game, where two warriors who were neutral during the great war fought each other? Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 And the answer is… Balarama, the brother of Krishna and Rukmi, the brother of Rukmini (aka one of Krishna's brother in laws!) Balarama became angry, hurled his pestle at Rukmi's head and killed him. Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 14. Who? If Srutasena, Ugrasena and Bhimasena were the other lesser known brothers, who was the most famous brother, a vital character in the Mahabharata? Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 And the answer is… Janamejaya, the person who started the rendering of the itihasa Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 15. Un, dos, tres… And the final question of this quiz… What was the original name that Pandu gave to his third son? Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 And the answer is… Krishna (because of his dark complexion) I know, even I did not believe it !!! Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 The scores (for Round 2) Navdeep Shukla 13 Gaurav Makker 12.5 Abhishek Chaturvedi 9 GZ Ramharish 8 Chanchal Pati 8 Anuj 6 Ganesh Puttu 5 Rushil Dhar 5 Vidyasagar 3 Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 The cumulative scores after Round 2… Gaurav Makker Anuj Chanchal Pati Sudeep GZ Ramharish Navdeep Shukla Anup Kumar Ganesh Puttu Abhishek Chaturvedi Rushil Dhar Vidyasagar Supratim Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 23 21.5 17 15 14.5 13 11 9.5 9 5 3 2 Scoring Pattern (for Quiz 2) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14 Q15 Total Score Points per question 3 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 30 Anuj 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 Ganesh Puttu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0.5 0 0 5 GZ Ramharish 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 8 Chanchal Pati 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 8 Gaurav Makker 0 0 1 0.5 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 12.5 Abhishek Chaturvedi 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 Vidyasagar 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Rushil Dhar 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Navdeep Shukla 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 13 Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 Please Note: The scoring pattern has been shared to remove ambiguity and ensure transparency in giving points, especially giving half-points to answers It will be shared as when needed… The next quiz, a Biz Quiz, will be uploaded before 10 am tomorrow morning i.e. 17/10/2011 Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011 End of Quiz Thank you for attempting !!! Copyright (c) Indian Quizizng League, 2011