COMM 1010 - Southern Utah University


COMM 1010 Sections 05 and 07: Essentials of Communication (Fall 2015)

Class Meets: MWF: 05-11:00; 07-1:00

Instructor: Dr. Patricia Paystrup

Office: Centrum 213-I

Office Hours: MWF 2-4 or by appointment only—Please use Canvas message

Office Phone: (435) 865-8074



Barton, M., & Holiman, J. (2015). Introducing Communication: A Digital Learning Experience.

Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt. ISBN: 978-1-4652-4778-0

( Note: This book requires an access card sold exclusively through the SUU Bookstore)

Course Description:

Introduces aspects of human communication that develop and implement presentation of speeches and investigates and executes strategies, principles, and theories, of interpersonal communication. Students will learn the steps of building relationships, teamwork, interviewing skills, and research skills.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Students will have opportunities to develop research skills by actively gathering relevant information, skillfully conceptualizing a speaking situation and expressing these ideas in required informative and persuasive speeches.

Assessment : Accomplished by completing the speech assignments and through instructor feedback on students’ informative and persuasive speeches.

Ties to SUU Essential Learning Outcome : Communication; Critical Thinking

2. Students will have opportunities to develop, organize and express ideas by learning how to locate and identify credible sources for both informative and persuasive speeches.

Assessment : Accomplished through conceptualizing and synthesizing information into required speech preparation outlines.

Ties to SUU Essential Learning Outcome : Communication; Critical Thinking

3. Students will have opportunities to think about and systematically explore issues in interpersonal relationships in their work and personal lives by applying course knowledge to their lived experiences.

Assessment : Accomplished by completing the interpersonal experience journal assignments.

Ties to SUU Essential Learning Outcome : Inquiry & Analysis

4. Students will have opportunities to develop a stronger knowledge base about basic communication theories and concepts directly related to relationship formation, maintenance, and termination in personal and professional contexts and express this knowledge to the instructor.

Assessment : This objective will be accomplished through completing course readings, email conversations with the professor and by completing the interpersonal experience journal assignments.

Ties to SUU Essential Learning Outcome : Communication



Course Policies:

CANVAS USAGE: If you are not familiar with the canvas system, it is your responsibility to learn how to use it. At all times, click on the blue box “How to Use Canvas” located in the upper right corner of the screen and go through the instructive tutorial if you are stuck. Most of the questions that students have can be answered by reading these pages. To encourage you to get the most updated version of the tutorial, the “Syllabus Addendum” module on our Canvas page includes a required quiz on the Canvas Tutorial.

CANVAS APP: Another FREE way to keep up with all things Canvas is the Canvas app, available at both Google Play and iTunes. Identify SUU as your university, and everything magically appears. Students who used it last semester said it functions well. I have it on my tablet.

WEB BROWSER: Most of the tech problems in this course occur because students are not using the best choice in a web browser. Use the most current version of one of the following:

Safari, Firefox, or Google Chrome when you navigate canvas. Internet Explorer does not work as well with the canvas system. If you don’t currently have one of these newer browsers, please update as soon as you can so the course can be as trouble free as possible. I have been using the new Edge browser in Windows 10 and it seems to work well with the e-book and Canvas.

READING : In order to keep up with the course and get the most out of it, you will need to stay current on the readings and be self-motivated. You should plan to read 1-2 modules each week so that you not only learn, but you are also prepared for quizzes and have the necessary knowledge base to complete other assignments.

I will also be posting supplemental material on Canvas. While I love, love, love the approach the new e-textbook uses, I also have additional material that will help illustrate the concepts. This examples, definition of terms, models, etc., may be especially useful for our international students.

IN-BOOK QUIZZES: There will be short reading quizzes at the end of each module that are directly related to the public speaking content. Make sure you take each quiz & submit. Quizzes are open book, but please make sure you complete all of them by the due date as late submissions will not be accepted.

IN-CLASS QUIZZES: Brief in-class quizzes provide one of the best ways to review material and see that things are making sense for students. While the in-book quizzes will directly address the material there, the in-class quizzes may also draw on the primary supplemental material.

SUBMITTING ASSIGNMENTS: You will have until 11:59 PM to submit work on the day that it is due. You may complete and submit any assignment before it is due. However, late submissions will not be accepted unless a highly unusual circumstance occurs. These include legitimate and documented illness, family emergency or school approved function. Vacations, weddings and other such events are not considered emergencies.


Please run a virus scan on all documents before you submit them and keep your virus protection software current. Documents should be submitted in word or pdf formats only – NO

EXCEPTIONS . If you submit in some other format, your work will be returned & you will have one week to re-submit. Failure to meet this extension will result in a zero on that assignment.

OUTLINE ASSISTANT: In the book, you will see the Outline Assistant tab at the top of the page. You will also see a blue icon labeled “Time to Plan” in some sections. You are not required to use the Outline Assistant, it is there merely as a tool to help you complete the outline

& understand what goes into each section in the speech development process. BUT, word to the wise—use it to help you draft the full-sentence outline required for the speeches.

Disclaimer: Up to this point, I have relied heavily on Dr. Barton’s syllabus because the e-text is new and I have not had a chance to thoroughly “vet” the book and the component quizzes, activities, assignments, etc. Dr. Barton’s syllabus also represents the department standards for the Comm 1010 course, so it provides a good foundation.

The following section includes my own policies and the section dealing with assignments and grading will be a mix of my own twists and Dr. Barton’s principles based on his understanding of the new e-text and its features. Be aware that the assignments and exact formulas for grading are subject to change as we encounter delays or problems as the semester unfolds. Please be patient. Any changes will be discussed with the class and prominently posted on Canvas.

Course Policies, Procedures, and Pleadings:

PLEASE USE CANVAS MESSAGING: Google owns me, so I get approximately one zillion emails a day in my university g-mail account, most of which are useless junk. PLEASE DO


I will check Canvas messages first thing in the morning and during regular work hours. I will rarely check it during evenings or on weekends. If it is urgent that you contact me, call the Communication

Department at 435-586-7861 and leave a message with our administrative assistant.

PLEASE PUT IT IN WRITING: As a sort of ADA accommodation, I need to ask you to put special communication (about illness or emergencies), requests, agreements, etc. in writing.

When I was younger, I had a fantastic memory: Now, not so much. If you are talking to me and others are too, I may not have actively processed and stored your information—so, put it in writing for me. Please remember to send all correspondence like this to me VIA CANVAS. The

Canvas message system allows you to include attachments.

REQUESTS FOR GRADE CHECKS: If you are in an organization or a class that requires you to have your professors provide a “grade check,” you must notify me in writing VIA

CANVAS at least 24-hours in advance and come to my office as a protection of your privacy.

I’ll share with you that most professors really hate being “ambushed” in class with these requests because they usually do not have their records with them and have to guestimate, often incorrectly.


PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE DISCONNECT: No cell phones. No texting. No web surfing.

No Facebook. No iPods. On the days we are using the OUTLINE ASSISTANT to craft speech segments, you will be reminded to bring a device. In the “Syllabus Addendum” module, a few key articles dealing with the research on both note taking and multitasking will help you understand why I make this request. There is also a required quiz associated with this. If I have to “talk” to you about disrupting devices, I will “cancel” your attendance for that day.

University Policies

ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT: Each student is expected to complete his/her own work. Any student caught cheating in any way on the quizzes or submitting another person’s work as his/her own (plagiarism)—or self-plagiarizing—will receive an “F” for the assignment according to

SUU policy (you will be reading SUU Policy 6.33 and taking a quiz on it during the first week).

See the “Academic Integrity” page in the “Syllabus Addendum” module on Canvas. Completing the quiz on the policy is required. Students who misrepresent excuses for turning in late work will also receive an “F” on that assignment.

Finally, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE come and talk to me if you do not understand something or you need help with the material or assignments.

Components of the Grade:

Final Course Grades: The final grade represents the percentage of points earned divided by the total points in three categories:

Assignments: 50 percent of the final grade

Included in this category are the various assignments or steps associated with the two major speeches, the “reflective posts,” and, if we can fit it in, an impromptu speech.

Quizzes and Activities: 25 percent of the final grade

In-book: You should complete & submit a quiz for the following modules.

1) Topic Selection

2) Relevant Evidence

3) Public Speaking Ethics

4) Effective Organization

5) Outlining

6) Presentation Aids

7) Language

8) Effective Delivery

9) Informative Speaking

10) Persuasive Speaking


Module Activities : You should complete & submit any 5 of the module activities from the list below. You don’t need to submit more than one activity per module. Note that some sections have more than 1 question & you should answer all questions in that section unless otherwise noted. Each submission is worth 10 points & will be primarily graded based on completion.

1) Topic Selection: Section 1 (3 Topics) OR Section 2 (Techniques)

2) Relevant Evidence: Section 1 (Evidence & Credibility) OR Section 2 (Types of Evidence)

3) Public Speaking Ethics: Section 1 (Defining Ethics) OR Section 2 (Developing an Ethical

Code) OR Section 3 (Understanding Plagiarism).

4) Effective Organization: Section 2 (Under Page 3 of Developing Main Points) OR Section 5

(Introductions Under Use of Humor)

5) Outlining: Section 3 (Flow – Respond to either speech, but not both)

6) Effective Delivery: Section 2 (Methods of Delivery)

7) Informative Speaking: Section 1 (Interactive 1) OR Section 2 (Development – Respond to either speech but not both) OR Section 3 (Types – Respond to only one section [e.g., concepts])

OR Section 4 (either activity).

8) Persuasive Speaking: Section 1 (Understanding Persuasion) OR Interactive 5 (submit the score) OR Section 5.

In-class quizzes and activities: The “syllabus” quizzes, supplemental material posted on Canvas,

TED talks or other videos, etc., are also fair game for quizzes and activities. Quizzes and activities can only be made up if previous arrangement—via Canvas message—is requested.

Participation and Preparation:” 25 percent of the final grade

Class attendance is only one component of this category. The “Prep Step” assignments will also be tallied here. Another component will be periodic participation assessments: this may also include self-assessments.

WARNING: Do not rely on the automatic tally of scores on Canvas as an indication of where your grade stands.

Because the final calculation of the grade will involve elements that Canvas may not be able to handle and the percentages of the three major grade components (assignments, quizzes/activities, and “participation and preparation”) will not be the same as the total points, the numbers on Canvas may not be accurate or all-inclusive of what goes into the final grade.

University Policies

OFFICIAL SUU POLICY ON ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Scholastic dishonesty will not be tolerated and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent. You are expected to have read and understood the current edition of the student handbook (published by Student Services) regarding student responsibilities and rights, and the intellectual property policy, for information and procedures and about what constitutes acceptable on-campus behavior.


STUDENT SUPPORT : In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, please be familiar with the following statement. Students with medical, psychological, learning or other disabilities desiring academic adjustments, accommodations, or auxiliary aids will need to contact the Southern Utah University Coordinator of Services for Students with Disabilities

(SSD), 206F of the Sharwan Smith Center or phone (435) 865-8022. SSD determines eligibility for and authorizes the provision of these services.

SANS (Student Assessment Notification System): Because SUU values your success as much as I do, you need to be aware of the SANS program designed to help students who may be struggling for one reason or another in a particular course. Sometimes it is difficult to come for help when it is needed, but this system is a way for me to connect you with necessary resources and motivate you to make corrections to improve your learning. If you fall behind, get a poor grade on an assignment, etc., you may receive a letter with some advice and a connection to outside help. I hope you will come to me first, but the most important point is that you know there is help and then have the courage to take advantage of it. If you have questions about the

SANS program please let me know.

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT STATEMENT: In case of emergency, the University’s

Emergency Notification System (ENS) will be activated. Students are encouraged to maintain updated contact information using the link on the homepage of the mySUU portal. In addition, students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the Emergency Response Protocols posted in each classroom. Detailed information about the University’s emergency management plan can be found at

HEOA COMPLIANCE STATEMENT: The sharing of copyrighted material through peer-topeer (P2P) file sharing, except as provided under U.S. copyright law, is prohibited by law.

Detailed information can be found at


Projected Schedule for the Course

NOTE: Information contained in this syllabus—other than the formula for grading—may be subject to change with advanced notice—as deemed necessary by the instructor.

Modules with the assignments and rubrics, thorough instructions, supplemental materials, etc. will be posted on Canvas. ALWAYS CHECK CANVAS.

Overview of Course Schedule: Because this is a skills course, there needs to be some wiggleroom in the planning. The dates posted here are a hopeful projection and may need to be adjusted and readjusted.

Changes will be discussed with the class, posted on Canvas, and communicated via Canvas announcements.

Wk 1


Wk 2


Wk 3


Wk 4


Wk 5


Wk 6


Wk 7


Wk 8


Wks 9 & 10


Wk 11


Wks 12 & 13


Wks 14&15


Module 1—Communication: Process and Skill Set

Discussion---You cannot NOT communicate

Assignment—Speech Introducing a Classmate—8-26

Module 12—Self, Perception and Listening

See Canvas for Supplemental Material/Activities

Assignment—Complete the “syllabus” quizzes

Module 12—Part II—Listening

See Canvas for Supplemental Material/Activities

Assignment—Listening Inventory and Improvement Plan

Modules 2 and 10—Topic Selection for Informative Speaking

See Canvas for Supplemental Material/Activities

Assignments—See Canvas for instructions

Modules 3 and 4—Relevant Evidence and Ethical Issues

See Canvas for Supplemental Material/Activities

Assignments—See Canvas for instructions

Modules 5 and 6—Effective Organization and Outlining

See Canvas for Supplemental Material/Activities

Assignments—See Canvas for instructions

Modules 7, and 8 —Working on Language and Visuals

See Canvas for Supplemental Material/Activities

Assignments—See Canvas for instructions

Module 9—Polishing Delivery and Practicing

See Canvas for Supplemental Material/Activities

Assignments—See Canvas for instructions

Informative Speeches with FULL-SENTENCE OUTLINE

Assignments—Informative Speech and Audience Participation

Module 11—Persuasive Speaking with a Purpose

See Canvas for Supplemental Material/Activities

Assignments—See Canvas for instructions

Modules 13, 14 and 15—Relationships

See Canvas for Supplemental Material/Activities

Assignments—See Canvas for instructions

Persuasive Speeches with FULL-SENTENCE OUTLINE

Assignment—Persuasive Speech and Audience Participation


FINAL—11:00 (05)—Tuesday, December 8—11:00

FINAL—1:00 (07)—Thursday, December 10—1:00

