Enrollment - Madison Metropolitan School District

Purpose and Work Streams FY15
Enrollment Office
Department Head
The Enrollment Office registers and enrolls students, monitors residency and
guardianship functions, coordinates internal transfer and open enrollment
processes, runs lotteries for programs like DLI and specific schools, and supports
the district's student information system
Andrew Statz
Major Work Streams
Work Stream
Work Stream Lead
Internal transfers: Current process -- office receives application, office reviews
application and capacities, office approves or denies, office notifies family and
school, office reviews possible appeal, Chief of Schools-Operations decides, office
notifies family and school. Revisions to this process are one of the office's priority
projects for 2014-15.
Jeannie Retelle
Open enrollment: Office receives application, office reviews application and
capacities, Ed Services reviews requests for students with IEPs, office approves or
denies, resident and non-resident districts notify family and school, Legal Services
reviews appeals from DPI, DPI notifies family of approval/denial.
Deb Lawson
Registration and enrollment processes: Families with students new to the district
create an account to register family/students into district. Family prints signature
page and takes to school along with any other documents needed as indicated on
the signature page. School confirms address is in attendance area and goes into IC
to verify online registration, which creates enrollment and enters family/student
info into IC system. Families of returning students use their IC parent portal
Andrew Statz
username and password to log into enrollment system to update information.
Family prints signature page, if any changes signature page will indicate what
documenation needs to be taken to school. Returning families can opt to pay fees
online and fill out any other addtional forms as needed.
Education guardianship and co-residency: Staff determines circumstance
surrounding why they are enrolling the student and complete educational
guardianship form, verifies residency, notarizes statement, makes copies for family
and school, and sends person to the school to complete enrollment. For
coresidency staff determines circumstances surrounding reason they are residing
with someone else; family completes co-residency form; staff notarizes statement,
makes copies for them and the school, and sends person to the school to complete
Eric Hill
Lotteries: For Spring Harbor & Wright middle schools lotteries, staff receives
application, reviews, sends confirmation letter, tags student in AS400, reconciles,
runs lottery, sends lottery results to school; school notifies families. For DLI, staff
receives application, reviews, sends confirmation letter, sends list of applications to
the school to review, runs lottery, reviews results with schools, notifies families,
sends lottery results to school via google doc. For Badger Rock middle school,
staff receives application, reviews, sends confirmation letter, reconciles applications,
runs lottery, sends lottery results to school; and school notifies families.
Deb Lawson
4K enrollment: Parents register and select site and staff downloads selections to
determine placement; staff sends notification to parents; changes and new
registrations continue until we turn over to schools for management midSeptember. Staff sends file to Transporation Services to see if families at MMSD
sites qualify. Staff works with all offsite locations to get their rosters confirmed and
roster all MMSD students in correct school. Staff creates list of EEN and ELL
students to get correct am/pm placement. Staff rosters and assigns teacher in IC.
All 4K must enroll along with other current students in August.
Jeannie Retelle
Summer school enrollment: Tech Services creates code to select students.
Summer school office mails letters. Office creates schools, calendars, courses, and
schedules students in IC. Staff supports online registration for both SLA and
Enrichment programs, monitors the online registration numbers, sends school
messenger to remind parents to enroll, determines and sets up sites during off
hours to support parents if needed (which may be replaced with an after-hours
Jeannie Retelle
helpline). Staff determines number of sections for each school, adds fees if
applicable, and manages enrollments until school starts. Staff assigns user rights.
Set up school year in IC: Staff rolls students and calendars; determines
calendar/schedule configuration for 4K-12 for every school/site; and rolls reports,
courses, teachers, rooms, schedules, grading tasks, attendance reasons etc. If a
new school or schedule is needed staff creates it. C&A staff supports teacher and
gradebook with support from Enrollment Office. Enrollment office divides up
support by schools.
Jeannie Retelle
Student information system clean-up: Technical Services staff runs IC clean-up
reports and provides them to the Enrollment Office receptionist; receptionist uses
reports to look for data that is not correct on student records; receptionist
updates, investigates and sets time lines for specific clean up duties; receptionist
works with programmers to find new ways to locate data in IC that has been
entered incorrectly; receptionist works with schools to verify which changes need
to be made.
Eric Hill
Enrollment Office
Priority Project Implementation Plan FY15
Priority Projects
Refine IC support including
comprehensive coding of
Implementation Plans
The long-term plan is to consolidate user support for IC
and Oasys, which will include an expanded Help Desk and
moving appropriate positions to Tech Services. Training
and professional development for users are part of this
programs/interventions, review of
project. These changes are subject to approval of the
tabs, define cumulative files at
2015-16 budget. The short-term plan is to lay a
schools, and security and user
foundation for these changes during 2014-15 and
rights audit
implement any enhancements that are independent of
budget approval.
Andrew Statz
The enrollment process improvement group will continue
Improve enrollment process and
its regular rythmn of report-outs and team meetings
support to schools and families; leading up to the 2015-16 enrollment season. The Board
Andrew Statz
implement revised internal
will review changes to internal transfer policies in
transfer review process
November. Changes to application and review/approval
process will occur in tandem with these changes.
Enhancing customer service to
students, their families, and
MMSD staff including support of
4K and transportation services
An enrollment process improvement team will be built
to improve coordination with other departments and
programs including 4K and transportation
Andrew Statz
Enrollment Office
Goals & Measures FY15
Implment changes to better
support users of IC and Oasys
Increase customer satisfaction
within MMSD with Enrollment
Office services
Data collection & monitoring plans
Implementation measures such as
Implementation steps during 2014publishing a dedicated help line.; delivery
15 and approval of changes in the
of training materials and web content
2015-16 budget
especially for secretaries and teachers
Annual Central Office survey
Review of annual survey results for
customer service and effectiveness
Lead owners for tracking
Andrew Statz
Andrew Statz