Owl 3D Pop-It - Creative Classrooms

Owl 3D Pop-It
Here are some fun ideas on how to get the most out of your
Owl 3D Pop-It (CD-110138).
Job Assignment
Write the names of classroom jobs
on the tree pockets. Write each
student’s name on an owl accent
(laminate for longer use). When
a student is assigned a job, place
their own in the correct tree pocket. When a student does not have
a job, the owl can be placed to the
side or in a blank tree pocket.
What do to next
Write independent activities for
students to complete on the owl
accents. For example, Choose
a puzzle and work on it at your
desk. Place the owl accents in the
tree pockets. Explain to students
that if they finish an assignment
early, they should choose an owl
from one of the tree pockets and
complete the activity listed.
Nocturnal Knowledge
Create a display to show off students new
nocturnal knowledge. Explain what it
means to be nocturnal. Have each student
pick on nocturnal animal to research and
ask them to write an assignment about
their animals. Display student work around
the Owl 3D Display.
Vowel Owls
Reinforce students’ knowledge of long and
short vowel sounds with an owl word sort.
Display the tree pockets in two rows. Label
one tree pocket for each long and short
vowel (a,e,i,o,u). Write the words that
contain the vowel sounds on the owl
accents. Distribute the accents to the
class. Call on each student to read their
word aloud then ask them to place the
accent in the correct tree pocket. Discuss
the answers with the class.
Other ideas!
- Organise groups: Write the group
name on the owl and the group
members names on the tree pocket.
-What a hoot!: Encourage students
to invent owl jokes to share with the
class e.g. What does an owl need a
after a bath? A T-OWL! Write the
jokes on the owl accents and display.
- Parts of speech: Label the tree
pocket with different parts of speech
i.e. nouns, verbs. Write several examples of each part of speech on
owls and distribute them to students.
Encourage them to place the owl
accent in the correct tree pocket.
For more creative activity sheets visit our website www.CreativeClassrooms.co.nz