FSC brochure

Food Security Center
Annually, FSC awards up to 29 scholarships for PhD
students and postdoctoral researchers for a period of 4 to
36 months. The Center wishes to attract outstanding PhD
students and postdoctoral fellows pursuing a career in
academia or development collaboration. The scholarships
aim at increasing their previously gained scientific knowledge and skills relevant to food security related issues.
Furthermore, FSC aims at establishing an active, long-lasting
collaboration with the supported researchers and their home
University of Hohenheim
Food Security Center
D – 70593 Stuttgart | Germany
Phone+49 (0)711-459-24455 | Fax +49 (0)711-459-24456
fsc@uni-hohenheim.de | www.foodsecurity.de
Visitor‘s address
Wollgrasweg 43 | D – 70599 Stuttgart | Germany
3 minutes walk from the final station of U3:
Scholarship Catagories
1. Sandwich scholarships for PhD students (6 months)
2. Research scholarships for visiting postdoctoral
researchers (4 months)
3. Excellence scholarships for the FSC-supported PhD
program “Global Food Security” at the University of
Hohenheim (36 months)
The project is part of the DAAD program exceed:
In addition, FSC offers the position of a visiting professor
for 12 months.
Each year from October onwards the new annual program
of FSC (including scholarship announcements) can be seen
at FSC‘s webpage.
The project is supported by:
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02.03.2010 11:35:05 Uhr
Food Security Center
The Food Security Center’s …
The Food Security Center engages in
five areas of activity:
mission is to provide innovative and effective
scientific contributions to reduce hunger and
achieve food security, contributing towards the
progress of Millennium Developmental Goal 1.
Interdisciplinary teaching and training of PhDs and
PostDocs through the PhD program “Global Food Security”
in Hohenheim and the support of selected postgraduate
programs at partner universities.
The Food Security Center utilizes a multidisciplinary
approach through teaching, conducting research and
providing policy advice in cooperation with national
and international development organizations and partner
Higher Education Institutes. Research topics include
sustainable food availability, food access, food use,
food quality, food safety and food utilization, giving
particular concern to gender equality and sustainability of
agricultural production.
Demand-driven and impact-oriented research at the
postgraduate level by implementing research projects in
developing and transition countries, jointly with partner
universities and research networks in Africa, Asia and Latin
America and in collaboration with agencies for development
cooperation and local and national stakeholders.
The target groups of the Food Security Center include
people affected by hunger and/or malnutrition or people
at risk of food insecurity, decision-makers in development-oriented organizations involved in the formation and
implementation of food and agricultural related development policies, and scientists and graduate students at
partner Higher Education Institutes.
Capacity building through South-Nor th, SouthSouth and North-South academic exchange,
imple mented by various instruments such as a visiting
professorship at FSC in Hohenheim, PhD and postdoctoral
scholarships, conferences, seminars, workshops and other
forms of exchange.
Capacity strengthening of universities in developing countries, especially with respect to improved integration of partner universities in international networks related
to academic training and research in food security.
Knowledge transfer, brokerage and advisory services regarding evaluation of policies, projects, and food and
agricultural technologies on request of German bilateral development cooperation and of government and non-government organizations in developing and transition countries
involved in the fight against hunger and malnutrition.
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FSC builds on existing partnerships of the University of
Hohenheim and its Center for Agriculture in the Tropics and
Subtropics with development institutions in Germany and
Europe, with international agricultural research centers
such as members of the Consultative Group on International
Agricultural Research (CGIAR), and with universities and
regional scientific networks in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
In each of these three continents, both a university and a
network partner joined the FSC‘s network as strategic partners.
In Germany, FSC is further cooperating with GTZ, KfW,
Deutsche Welthungerhilfe, Bread for the World, FIAN and
others. Besides DAAD, the Foundation fiat panis is financially
supporting FSC‘s work.
Strategic Partnerships with
Universities & Regional Networks
 Kasetsart University (KU), Thailand
 Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study
and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), the Philippines
 Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in
Agriculture (RUFORUM), Uganda
 Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Tanzania
 Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR), Costa Rica
 Centro Agrónomo tropical de investigación y enseñanza
(CATIE), Costa Rica
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