Changing Young Lives
1 Foundation
2 Christian Action refugees
Christian Action Domestic
3 Helpers/MIgrant Workers
4 Cradle of Hope Macao
Duchess of Kent Children's
5 Hospital at Sandy Bay
6 Food Angel
To provide educational and recreational programmes to
enhance the lives of underprivileged children in Hong Kong
and mainland China. To develop the children’s inner strength
and personality in order for them to cope with the adversities of
a complex modern world.
Funds to sponsor the "Smart
Mum project" to promote and
increase self confidence and
support amongst unprivileged
mothers and learning
$42,000 activities
Christian Action runs one of the only comprehensive service
centers for refugees and asylum seekers in Hong Kong. To
date, we have registered over 3,000 refugees and asylum
seekers, and 30-50 new clients approach us each month.
Funds to cover all the
transportation expenses (12
months) for all the couselling
and psycological support
sessions needed by the
$40,000 refugees
Christian Action is passionate about seeing justice done to
save domestic helpers from abusive employers. We have
established two safe houses where helpers can live and
recuperate while their legal case is being considered. Our
paralegals explain the workers' legal rights, assist with legal
proceedings. Training centre with classes in computer, English
and financial literacy.
Funds to cover food
expenses: to allow them to
buy their ethnic food from the
market. Each person chip in
$50,000 $5 per day= $130x365 days
•To provide residential homes for babies and children from 0 to
18 years old who have experienced the trauma of
abandonment, abuse or neglect. Provide a safe, secure living
environment where each child may heal and develop to
become successful members of society.•Work with families
and community networks to enable children, where possible, to
be reunited with their families.•Raise awareness in the
community of the importance of effective parenting. A good
childhood is the platform which ensures the future stability of
our society.•Provide accommodation and ongoing support for
our young adults to pursue further education and employment
Funds to support the daily
$25,000 expenses for the children
The hospital is a renowned centre for the treatment of
paediatric orthopaedic problems such as scoliosis, spinal
deformities and cerebral palsy as well as provides treatment for
children with neuro-developmental disorder, neurological and
degenerative diseases. It also serves as a training centre for
local and overseas orthopaedic surgeons, paediatric
neurologist, and developmental paediatrician. The hospital has
130 beds and a staff force of over 220, provides specialist
services in paediatric orthopaedics, spinal surgery, paediatric
neurology, developmental paediatrics and paediatric dental
surgery, serving child patients from throughout the territory. It
also provides treatment, rehabilitative services and
accommodation for patients over 18 years old, especially
orthopaedic patients with spinal problems. The hospital has an
excellent reputation in the management of spinal deformities,
not only in Hong Kong but also world-wide. Complicated cases
that cannot be dealt with in neighbouring Asian countries are
constantly being referred to the hospital for treatment.
Funds to sponsor the
purchase of the EVOKED
machinery: replacement
surgery machinery for spinal
$520,000 deformity correction
Food Angel is a food rescue and food assistance program
launched in 2011 by Bo Charity Foundation with the mission of
"WASTE NOT, HUNGER NOT." The program rescues edible
surplus food from different sectors of the food industry that
would otherwise be disposed of as waste. Following strict
safety protocols, the rescued food items will then be prepared
as nutritious hot meals in our central kitchen and be
redistributed to serve the underprivileged communities in Hong
Funds used to buy more than
3,000 hot meal to
$30,000 unpriviledges people
7 Home of Loving Faithfulness
Hong Kong Society for the
8 Protection of Children
The Home offers care for the severely mentally & physically
disabled young people and adults.
Funds to pay the salaries of
specilaized personel needed
to take care of people with
$30,000 severe mental deseases
To provide for and promote the care, education and social
development of children and families in partnership with the
Funds to support the setting
up of the Toy Library used in
the activities to promote the
idea of “learning through
play” to facilitate intimate and
positive parent child
$10,000 interactions.
We believe, human dignity is far more important than any
issues. As Little Sisters, we welcome the needy elderly into our
homes, forming one family with them, enabling them to live
with dignity. Our foundress always says "The poor and the
weak is our Lord". We follow her footpath to care and respect
the elderly.
9 Little Sisters of the Poor
Missionaries of Charity'10 Sisters of Mother Teresa
Apart from offering accommodation and medical caring to the
elderly, we pray for them and accompany them until the
moment God calls them home! Hospitality is our special vow to
dedicate our whole lives to the service of the needy elderly....
to enable them to live with dignity until their last day.
Funds to support the daily
$30,000 care activities of the center
Following the teaching of Mother Teresa, the Sisters provide
food, assistance, shelter and afternoon child-care to
disadvantaged families and people in Hong Kong.
Funds to support the
expenses of renovation and
$30,000 restructuration of the center
We believe that music education is a powerful instrument in the
development of children in challenging social and economic
11 Music for the growing mind
12 PathFinders
Inspired by 'El Sistema' - created by Jose Antonio Abreu in
1975 in Venezuela - we adapt elements of that method to
today's Hong Kong and China, its cultural and educational
heritage and the determination of children to excel in their life.
We create and manage 'Schools of Orchestra', independent
communities where children are taught for free to play music.
As they form an orchestra from day one, they develop the
discipline of working together, learn to pursue excellence for a
collective aim and to build their self-esteem and attain
recognition from the outer social circles.
Assistance to pregnant migrant workers. We give migrant
mothers the tools to understand their rights and to meet their
legal obligations, which can involve guiding them through their
return home, changes in their visa status so they can legally
remain in Hong Kong or choosing adoption for their child. We
remove mothers and children from immediate danger and
provide them with access to critical services and support
networks. We help them build their confidence through
educational and skills training programs so that they can make
long-term, sustainable plans for them and their children.
Funds to support the
activities of the School of
$30,000 Orchestra
Funds to buy item of first
necessity for mothes-to-be
$5,000 and newly born babies
Since 1987, we have visited hundreds of street sleepers. Some
live on the streets, some under flyovers or in back alleys. Some
are drug addicts, some are alcoholics, and others are mentally
ill. We also visit people who live in Wood Partitioned Rooms
(WPR), dwellings that house the most vulnerable group of
people in our society.
St. Barnabas society and
13 home
Today, thanks to the generous support of churches,
organizations, and individuals, our ministries include three
areas: a Drop-in Center, a Temporary Shelter and Outreach
Funds to suport the anti$20,000 fleece campaing
14 Watchdog
Watchdog serves over 300 pre-school children with diagnoses
including autism, learning difficulties, global developmental
delays, Downs Syndrome, cerebral palsy, hyperactivity
annually. English and Chinese programmes. The mission is to
help children with special needs fulfill their full potentail at the
earliest possible age
Funds for the Group
Intervention Scholarship
2014 to be shared between
Hong Kong center and
Jordan Center according to
$60,000 necessity.