+ Rethinking Introductory Physics for Life Science Students: A model for deep curriculum reform + 2 Outline The Challenge An Approach to a solution Opening lines of communication Some surprising results The biologists turn up the pressure Modifying the IPLS class Implications What if we ... ? APS Dept. Chairs Conf. 6/7/15 + THE CHALLENGE The biologists turn up the pressure 6/7/15 APS Dept. Chairs Conf. 3 + 4 Biologists are clamoring for an upgrade Leading research biologists and medical professionals have increasingly been calling for a major reform of undergraduate instruction. 2013 2011 APS Dept. Chairs Conf. 2003 2009 6/7/15 + This is an interesting 5 challenge. Can we do it? These reports have specific requests. They want courses that Stress scientific skills / competencies (and they have identified many fairly specific ones) Include topics essential and relevant for modern biology. Enhance interdisciplinarity. APS Dept. Chairs Conf. 6/7/15 +In the summer of 2010, HHMI 6 offered an opportunity to four universities: Create a proposal to develop prototype materials for biologists and pre-meds with a focus on scientific competency building and interdisciplinary links in APS Dept. Chairs Conf. Chemistry (Purdue) Math (UMBC) Physics (UMCP) Capstone case study course (U of Miami) 6/7/15 + Goals of NEXUS: A national demonstration project Create prototype materials An inventory of open-source instructional modules that can be shared nationally . Interdisciplinary 7 Coordinate instruction in biology, chemistry, physics, and math. Competency based Teach generalized scientific skills so that it supports instruction in the other disciplines. APS Dept. Chairs Conf. 6/7/15 + AN APPROACH TO A SOLUTION Opening lines of communications 6/7/15 APS Dept. Chairs Conf. 8 + Is there anything broken? 9 Lines of communication! It turns out there are important cultural differences between how biologists and physicists view the class. Many biologists see most of the traditional introductory physics class as useless and irrelevant to biology – and the physicists claim that “we can apply physics to biology examples” as trivial and uninteresting. Physicists see a coherent structure with no room for change. Physics is an outlier in a biology curriculum. Lower division bio classes use no physics and (essentially) no upper division biology classes require physics as a prerequisite. The new MCAT will no longer do “traditional” physics questions. APS Dept. Chairs Conf. 6/7/15 + 10 Two views heard at a conference on interdisciplinary Science Education 1. Physicist: "This whole 'physics for biology’ idea makes me very uncomfortable. What's next? 'Physics for mechanical engineers’ or 'physics for electrical engineers'? Where does it end? I could see maybe having a physics class for all students and then having a few tailored recitation sections where students focus on applications to their various fields, but I’m uncomfortable with 'physics for X' as an idea. We should be conveying how we view physics to everyone.” APS Dept. Chairs Conf. 6/7/15 + Two views heard at a conference on 11 interdisciplinary Science Education 2. Biologist: "I guess the physics for biologists idea may be a step in the right direction, but for it to be useful it has to go much further and be entirely revamped. It has to be very narrowly focused on those ideas that biologists see as essential, not just removing a few topics. If I want to know about forces, I'll look it up, but it does not make sense for biology students to be spending time on that when they have profound problems with biology. Unfortunately, physicists generally have a profound ignorance about biology, so I'm not sure they are the right folks to be doing it. I can teach the relevant physics myself." APS Dept. Chairs Conf. 6/7/15 We put together are large team + of stake-holders. The questions for discussion were: 12 What starting assumptions should we make about our students? What content should we teach? What competencies should we focus on? What are the barriers to constructing an effective course? What do we need to do to create effective inter- or trans-disciplinary instruction? APS Dept. Chairs Conf. 6/7/15 + 13 After many interesting and illuminating discussions We came to a better understanding of what it was the biologists needed and how the disciplines perceived the world and their science differently. APS Dept. Chairs Conf. 6/7/15 + Changing the culture of the course We seek content and examples that have authentic value as perceived by biology students. Biology, chemistry, and calculus are pre-requisites. We do not assume students will have later physics courses that will “make things more realistic.” We want upper division bio to make physics a pre-requisite. We do not assume this is a first college science course. 14 The value added by physics can’t wait until later classes. We choose different content from the traditional class, focusing on topics that are common to all biology majors Atomic and molecular examples Chemical energy Motion in fluids Random motion and its implications APS Dept. Chairs Conf. 6/7/15 + And... We continue to negotiate these changes through extensive discussions among biologists, chemists, and physicists. We support and refine our approach through extensive qualitative and quantitative Physics Education Research . 15 Throughout... We (try to) maintain the crucial components of “thinking like a physicist” – quantification, mathematical modeling, mechanism, multiple representations and coherence (among others). APS Dept. Chairs Conf. 6/7/15 + SOME INTERESTING RESULTS Modifying the IPLS class 6/7/15 APS Dept. Chairs Conf. 16 + What can physics do 17 for biology students that’s useful for them? Put “legs under” complex topics introduced in bio and chem through the use of “toy models.” Fluids Diffusion Chemical reactions Thermodynamics and statistical physics Help develop scientific skills that may be harder to build in intro chem and bio because of the complexity of the examples. Learning the value of “toy models” (understanding the simplest possible system well as a starting point) Blending math with physical sense making APS Dept. Chairs Conf. 6/7/15 + Revising the content Expand 18 Reduce substantially or eliminate entirely Atomic and molecular Projectile motion models of matter Universal gravitation Energy, including chemical energy Inclined planes, mechanical advantage Fluids, including fluids in motion and solutions Linear momentum Dissipative forces Rotational motion (drag & viscosity) Torque, statics, and angular Diffusion and momentum gradient driven flows Magnetism Kinetic theory, implications Relativity of random motion, statistical picture of Long-term goal: Have coverage of many more thermodynamics APS Dept. Chairs Conf. topics than can be covered so different instructors make make different choices. 6/7/15 + Revising the approach We want to 19 So we Be explicit about modeling and analyzing as systems. Give problems where building equations are the point Emphasize equations as guides to thinking and reasoning Do problems with simulations, video, numerical calculations (solving ODEs on a spreadsheet) Focus on coherent vs. random motion Do multiple labs on random motion Develop quantification skills and a sense of scale Give estimation problems on macro & micro scales Use modern pedagogical tools Create clicker and groupwork problems APS Dept. Chairs Conf. 6/7/15 + 20 The NEXUS/Physics materials The materials are on-line, modular, and open to all, including A modular textbook or “wiki-book” of readings A problem collection Recitation-appropriate group-learning activities A set of scientific community laboratories A teacher’s guide to the content and pedagogy (in progress) APS Dept. Chairs Conf. 6/7/15 + 21 New interdisciplinary topics Focus on modeling and explicating assumptions. Do micro and macro examples throughout assuming students know about atoms and molecules. Include discussion of chemical energy and reactions Treat random motion as well as coherent. (Labs!) Carefully build the basic statistical mechanics support for thermodynamics (conceptually). Expand treatment of fluids and physics in fluids. APS Dept. Chairs Conf. Dreyfus et al., Am. J. Phys 82:5 (2014) 403-411 Geller et al., Am. J. Phys 82:5 (2014) 394-402 Moore et al., Am. J. Phys 82:5 (2014) 387-393 6/7/15 Example: The energetics of chemical bonding + – Interdisciplinary reconciliation In introductory chemistry and biology classes, students learn about chemical reactions and the critical role of energy made available by molecular rearrangements. But students learn heuristics by rote that can feel contradictory to them and that they often don’t know how to reconcile. 22 1. It takes energy to break a chemical bond. 2. Breaking the bond in ATP is the “energy currency” providing energy for cellular metabolism. W. C. Galley, J. Chem. Ed., 81:4 (2004) 523-525. M. Conf. Cooper APS Dept. Chairs and M. Klymkowsky, CBE Life Sci Educ 12:2 (2013) 306-312 6/7/15 + Many students infer a “piñata” 23 model of a chemical bond. "But like the way that I was thinking of it, I don't know why, but whenever chemistry taught us like exothermic, endothermic, like what she said, I always imagined like the breaking of the bonds has like these little [energy] molecules that float out, but like I know it’s wrong. But that's just how I pictured it from the beginning." APS Dept. Chairs Conf. 6/7/15 + Distinct disciplinary perspectives 24 Physicists and biologists (and chemists) make different tacit assumptions. Physicists tend to isolate a system to focus on a particular physical phenomenon and mechanism. Biologists (and chemists) tend to assume the natural and universal context of life – a fluid environment (air and water taken for granted). We learned to not try to condemn one or other perspective as “wrong” but to be explicit and discuss the different ways different disciplines look at the same phenomenon – and why. APS Dept. Chairs Conf. 6/7/15 + The NEXUS/Physics 25 Chemical Energy Thread Dreyfus et al., Am. J. Phys 82:5 (2014) 403-411 APS Dept. Chairs Conf. 6/7/15 + How can physics help? 26 Build a coherent story using toy models Bulldog on a skateboard Atomic interactions and binding Reactions in which bonds are first broken and then stronger ones formed (the Gauss gun) APS Dept. Chairs Conf. 6/7/15 + A series of clicker questions (PhET based) helps students get comfortable with negative PE and with the concept of binding energy. 27 Same problems analyzed with shifted zero of PE – one positive E, one bound. APS Dept. Chairs Conf. 6/7/15 + 28 Bound states HW problem The skateboarder is just an analogy for the cases we are interested in -interacting atoms. If the atoms have an energy of -7.5 units as shown by the solid line in the figure, would you have to put in energy to separate the atoms or by separating them would you gain energy? How much? Explain why you think so. APS Dept. Chairs Conf. 6/7/15 + The Gauss Gun: A classical analog 29 for an exothermic reaction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZmCJ5eZlmo APS Dept. Chairs Conf. 6/7/15 + 30 Student drawing from a HW on the reaction H2 + O2 2H2O APS Dept. Chairs Conf. 6/7/15 +Some more general student comments 31 “At first I was expecting the class to be like the biology calculus class that did not focus on any biology. But, as the semester progressed I saw that the class was actually directed towards helping students to understand biological ideas using physics. “ …[biology professors] have to go over so much stuff that they don't really take the time to go over why things happen. And I'm a very why kind of person I want to understand why does this happen? ...And you know [diffusion] was never explained to me very well, and then when I take this [physics] class and understand oh well this is why molecules interact the way they do. “I now see that physics really is everywhere, and the principles of physics are used to govern how organisms are built and how they function.” [In lab] “I learned how to approach a problem by designing our own experiments and interpreting data our own way. These labs taught me how to think for myself.” APS Dept. Chairs Conf. 6/7/15 + IMPLICATIONS What if we ...? 6/7/15 APS Dept. Chairs Conf. 32 + At Maryland NEXUS/Physics has involved 33 our biophysics research group in the creation and teaching of the class This has yielded exam, homework problems, and recitation activities tied to our local research (chemical signaling, forces on cells, motor proteins) Six NEXUS/Physics biology students (from our second year class of 30) became interested enough in biophysics and the quantitative approach to sign up for the biophysics group’s summer MATLAB bootcamp. Eight NEXUS/Physics biology students (and an equal number of physics majors) signed up for an upper level research class that carried out research at NIH mentored by NIH postdocs and using some of the tools they learned in our IPLS class. APS Dept. Chairs Conf. 6/7/15 + 34 Current universities testing NEXUS/Physics Purdue* Montgomery College* The College of New England (Maine)* Swarthmore College Florida State Michigan State Dickinson College George Mason University Elon College APS Dept. Chairs Conf. *Full implementation with labs 6/7/15 + The Long Term Plan 35 Create an AAPT on-line IPLS environment (NSF proposal from AAPT and 7 collaborating universities) Use NEXUS/Physics as the core of a modular, on-line set of materials that can integrate readings, activities, and problems from multiple sources. This would be an open environment in which users could contribute their own materials, have them peer reviewed, and added to the collection. This gives the potential for a course that matches local (research) interests and opportunities. APS Dept. Chairs Conf. 6/7/15 + 36 It’s been fun! Rethinking intro physics in the biological context has been a blast. Thinking about how to teach new physics – like the energy analysis of chemical bonds, diffusion, and free energy – at an intro level has been extremely interesting. Seeing physics from the angle of other disciplines (biology, chemistry) has given us deeper insights into what we traditionally do – how we use models and the role of math. APS Dept. Chairs Conf. 6/7/15 + 37 The key to the process was carefully rethinking the class Considering the long term goals in context (where the students are in their curriculum) Being willing to strike out in new directions and not just make incremental changes Focusing not just on content but also on epistemology Working to understand what attitudes and expectations students bring into the class Focusing on what epistemological resources can be valuable for the students both at their level of development and for their future careers. APS Dept. Chairs Conf. 6/7/15 + 38 Let’s speculate What if we did this in other contexts? Engineers? Physics APS Dept. Chairs Conf. majors? 6/7/15 + 39 Engineers? Engineers very much tend to favor real-world examples. Why don't we do more "How good is this model?" and "How does this physics affect design?" (Design is a big deal for engineers.) Does “old” (19th century) physics suffice for modern engineers? APS Dept. Chairs Conf. 6/7/15 + 40 Physics majors? When I finished my undergraduate education (>50 years ago) I said that, "I learned everything about point particles and empty space and nothing about anything." That’s still mostly true. Today a very large fraction of our students are going to have careers in the physics of materials, atomic physics, optics, quantum computing, nano- and meso-scale physics and the like. Are our instructional paths for our majors appropriate for their current reality? APS Dept. Chairs Conf. 6/7/15 + EPILOGUE 6/7/15 APS Dept. Chairs Conf. 41 + The NEXUS Development Team (UMCP) Physicists Joe Redish Wolfgang Losert** Chandra Turpen Vashti Sawtelle Ben Dreyfus* Ben Geller* Kimberly Moore* John Gianini* ** Arnaldo Vaz (Br.) APS Dept. Chairs Conf. Biologists Todd Cooke Karen Carleton Joelle Presson Kaci Thompson Education (Bio) Julia Svoboda Gili Marbach-Ad Kristi Hall-Berk* * Graduate student ** Biophysicist 42 6/7/15 + 43 Discussants: UMCP co-conspirators Physicists Arpita Upadhyaya** Michael Fisher Alex Morozov** Peter Shawhan Biologists Marco Colombini*** Jeff Jensen Richard Payne Patty Shields Sergei Sukharev** APS Dept. Chairs Conf. Chemists Jason Kahn*** Lee Friedman Bonnie Dixon Education Andy Elby (Phys) Dan Levin (Bio) Jen Richards (Chem) ** Biophysicist *** Biochemist 6/7/15 + Off-campus collaborators Physicists Catherine Crouch* (Swarthmore) Royce Zia* (Virginia Tech) Mark Reeves (George Washington) Lilly Cui & Eric Anderson (UMBC) Dawn Meredith (U. New Hampshire) Steve Durbin (Purdue) APS Dept. Chairs Conf. Biologists Mike Klymkowsky* (U. Colorado) Chemists 44 Chris Bauer* (U. New Hampshire) Melanie Cooper* (MSU) Education Janet Coffey (Moore Foundation) Jessica Watkins (Tufts University) *NSF TUES project 6/7/15 + References • Reinventing physics for life science majors, D. Meredith & E. Redish, Physics Today, 66:7 (2013) 38-43. • NEXUS/Physics: An interdisciplinary repurposing of physics for biologists, E. Redish, et al., Am. J. Phys. 82:5 (2014) 368-377. • Toward better physics labs for future biologists, K. Moore, J. Giannini, & W. Losert, Am. J. Phys., 82:5 (May, 2014) 387-393. • Chemical energy in an introductory physics course for the life sciences, B. Dreyfus, B. Geller, J. Gouvea, V. Sawtelle, C. Turpen, & E. Redish, Am. J. Phys., 82:5 (2014) 403-411. • Entropy and spontaneity in an introductory physics course for life science students, B. Geller, B. Dreyfus, J. Gouvea, V. Sawtelle, C. Turpen, & E. Redish, Am. J. Phys. 82:5 (2014) 394-402. • Language of physics, language of math: Disciplinary culture and dynamic epistemology, E. Redish and E. Kuo, Science & Education (2015-03-14) doi:10.1007/s11191-015-9749-7. APS Dept. Chairsand Conf. access to materials, see: http://nexusphysics.umd.edu For more 45 6/7/15