Suikoden III

Suikoden III
FAQ/Walkthrough Version 1.5
By: Akram "Astaroth" Ajlouni & Cyril**
AIM: samerajlouni
Copyright 2003 Akram Ajlouni.
*Please read the E-MAIL POLICY before sending me an e-mail or it will get
deleted. Thank you!
INTRODUCTION & DEDICATION .................................... Section 1
UPDATES ...................................................... Section 2
COPYRIGHT .................................................... Section 3
E-MAIL POLICY ................................................ Section 4
BASICS ....................................................... Section 5
STORY ........................................................ Section 6
CHARACTERS ................................................... Section 7
WALKTHROUGH .................................................. Section 8
• Chris
> Chapter 1
> Chapter 2
> Chapter 3
• Hugo
> Chapter 1
> Chapter 2
> Chapter 3
• Geddoe
> Chapter 1
> Chapter 2
> Chapter 3
• Thomas
> Chapter 1
> Chapter 2
• Chapter 4
• Chapter 5
BOSS STRATEGIES............................................... Section 9
BIOS ......................................................... Section 10
• Chris
• Hugo
• Geddoe
• Thomas
ITEMS ........................................................ Section 11
ARMOR ........................................................ Section 12
RUNES ........................................................ Section 13
SIDEQUESTS ................................................... Section 14
• 108 Stars
• Budehuc Castle
> Ranch
> Libary
> Musicians
> Theater
> Cook
> Appointer
> Card Games
CREDITS ...................................................... Section 15
Hello all to my Suikoden III FAQ. It may not be good, but I'll try my best
to make it decent. This is my second FAQ so this one might suck. Sorry about
that! Feel free to send viruses, complaints, comments, and etc. to
I wrote a FAQ for this game because I was bored, and really liked the game.Now,
about the game. Suikoden III has this very cool thing called the Trinity Site
System which allows you to play the game from three different view points. I
recommend that you play the game like this because that is how I wrote the
FAQ: Chris's Chapters 1-3, Hugo's Chapters 1-3, Geddoe's Chapters 1-3, and
finally, Thomas's Chapters 1-2. Chris's, Hugo's, and Geddoe's Chapters are
all long while Thomas's chapters are really short. The only good thing about
Thomas's POV is that they show how Budehuc Castle was formed. I'm not going
to tell you how the game is because, you should play it to find out. That's
about it...Anyways...I hope you like my FAQ.
I dedicate this FAQ to.....Trace Jackson (Meowthnum1). Trace is always a good
friend to talk to on AIM, and has always helped me out when I needed help.
Thank you very much, Trace.
Section 2 - UPDATES
Version 1 [4/30/03]
- The beginning of the FAQ.
- Part of the Walkthrough done.
Version 1.1 [5/7/03]
- Got more of the walkthrough done.
- Got some more Bios done.
Version 1.2 [5/11/03]
- Got more of the walkthrough done.
- Got some more Bios done.
Verion 1.3 [5/28/03]
- Got a co-author to finish up the FAQ because I lost my notes for the
- Got the Walkthrough finished.
- Got some Sidequests done.
- Got all of the Bios done.
- Updated Credits section.
- That's it!
Version 1.4 [7/21/03] (Update by Cyril)
- Added the 108 Stars of Destiny
- Added the Tips and Tricks section
Version 1.5 [9/8/03]
- Added the Boss Strategies section. Now you don't have to look for the
Walkthrough section to find a certain boss strategy. I hope this new feature
helps you out a lot!!
Section 3 - COPYRIGHT
This FAQ/Walkthrough is copyrighted 2003 Akram Ajlouni. It was written so it
can be posted anywhere, but WITH PERMISSION. This FAQ may be posted at your
site if it is unaltered, and if I give YOU permission to host it. So far,
these are the only sites that can host this FAQ:
www. gamefaqs .com
www. ign .com
If anyone sees this FAQ at another website that is NOT listed up there,
please e-mail me at Don't think that a 13 year old boy won't
take legal action, because I will. Just try me...Hahaha...
Section 4 - MAIL POLICY
If you have any questions, or comments about this faq you can e-mail me at
[akram_ajlouni(at)yahoo(dot)com]. Please put Suikoden III as the subject line
I only check my mail once a day. If you don't want to e-mail me, you can
always contact me through AIM at samerajlouni. I'm on AIM almost each
day so look out for me. BTW, don't send me viruses. I don't like them, and so
do most people. You will regret it if you do send one though...Hahaha....
Section 5 - BASICS
-------X - Select, converse, search, open doors, advance
dialogue, and climb ladders.
Triangle - Cancel, and advance dialogue.
Square - Display menu.
Circle - Display additional information when available.
Directional Buttons - Cursor, and move character.
Right or left analog stick - Cursor, and move character.
L1 - Same as X button.
L2 - Same as Triangle button.
R1 - + directional button to jump to selections on
World Atlas and Group Combat screens.
R2 - No effect.
SELECT - Same as square button.
START - Toggles mini map ON/OFF in the field.
ANALOG light on - Analog mode activated.
------In this game, each character has a different weapon depending on their
personality. Like for instance, Chris carries a sword because she is a knight.
Anyways...You can always upgrade your weapons at any Blacksmith. Be aware
though, it costs money. The maximum level that your weapon can achieve is
10. But, once you get to Budehuc Castle, you can recruit someone who can
upgrade it to level 16. Check out the Sidequests section for more information.
----While playing this game, you'll enounter tons of towns. Some are the enemy's,
while some are your allies. Each town or village contains a Inn. Some
contain Item Shops, Defensive Gear Vendors, Blacksmiths, Tutors, Bujutsu
Teachersand etc. But all that depends on what kind of town it is. Small towns
like Duck Village might not have a lot of stores, but cities liek Vinay Del
Zexay have tons of stores. That's it for now.
----In this game, there are shops all around. An Item shop sells healing
items, and other goodies. An Inn recovers all your health and status for a
small fee. Blacksmiths upgrade your weapon for a HUGE fee. Armor shops sell
strong and weak armor. The prices for that depends on the strength of it.
Trade Shops allow you to buy stuff and sell it somewhere else.
----Most of the good armor in Armor shops costs tons of money. Only buy them if you
have lots of potch. If you don't have that much money, just upgrade your
Armor Protect, and Shield Protect skills to the maximum. In the "Buy" section
of each Armor Shop will be weak armor that costs little money. Also, they have
unlimited stock of each armor in the "Buy" section. In the "Rarity" section,
there are very good armor that cost tons of money. Also, they only have like
1-2 in stock of each armor in the "Rarity" section. By the way, I have no
idea why some people can't equip certain type of armor.
-------Throughout this game, there will be tons of dungeons. Some are filled with
weak monsters while some are filled with very strong foes. Most have
different turns that you can take. For instance, taking a different path
might take you to a dead end, but with a treasure chest filled with items,
and such. When entering a dungeon that is not required for the storyline,
make sure that your characters are very strong, and have tons of items.
You don't want to die. At the end of some, there are some semi-hard bosses.
If your at the right level, it should be a breeze. That's about it.
----Items are used to trigger cut-scenes, heal people, or cure status's. Many
healing items are won after battles. You should have a equal amount of
healing, and status items. Most of the ones that trigger cut-scenes are
given to you, not found, so that's a relief. Anyways...Do not use healing
items when you are not that badly hurt. Instead, use the power of your
runes. Some of the runes heal tons of HP but use them wisely...That's it.
----Runes are another word for magic. They can be equipped on any character. Some
are elemental while others are used to summon powerful monsters. Many of the
spells take little time except some. Very little of them takes like 2-3 turns
to cast it. If your hit during that time, you will stop the chanting and
you'll have to start all over. All the rune skills can be used for a certain
time. When you can't use that attack anymore, you have to rest in a Inn.
Almost all the runes are rare so when you find one, please take it. You might
regret it later on. That's pretty much it.
-----In this game, there are various types of skills that each character can
learn. In order to upgrade the skills, you need to gain Skill Points which
can be earned in any battle, except deuls. For instance, if you were to
upgrade the Armor Protect skill, you would raise that particular character's
Defense. The skill Swing will allow you to atack more than once in one turn.
Damage increases the amount of damage that you deal, and Holy Dash increases
your speed which determines if that character performs their action first.
By the way, those skills along with many others can be learned from any
Bujutsu Teacher.
Now, there are Tutor Shops who teach magical skills like Magic Resistance,
and etc. Say that you have a Earth Rune equipped on someone. Well...Take them
to a Tutor Shop and upgrade their Earth Magic. Doing that will make that
particular magic stronger for a character. Magic Resistance lowers the amount
of damage you recieve from Magic attacks. All the others are pretty self
explanatory. That's it.
Other Stuff
----------Check out the Tips section for excellent tips on playing the lottery, trading,
horse races, and etc. Ok?
Section 6 - STORY
The Land And Its Past
Grassland -- A region of vast plains and sparse woods, where gales blow strong
and nature thrives.
The Six Clans, spread across Grassland symbolize the wilderness that they
To the east lies the might Holy Kingdom of Harmonia, and to the south, The
Republic of Tinto.
Situated to the west beside the sea is the Zexen Federation, a mercantile
nation prospering remarkably from recent increases in contenental trade.
Military aggression by larger nations toward Grassland has been turned back
narrowly time after time.
Confrontation between the six clans and the Zexens has especially deep roots.
Grassland continues to hang in a dangerous balance between war and peace.
Section 7 - CHARACTERS
In this section, the profiles of each character will be given. Also, they are
listed in alphabetical order. Here they are:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ace - A member of the Twelfth Unit of the Holy Harmonia Kingdom's Southern
Frontier Defense Force. He manages the unit's administrative duties.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alanis - A girl living in vinay Del Zexay who formed the Saint Loa Knights with
Melville and Elliot.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Albert - He comes form the Silverberg family reowned for its strategists. Alber
is Caesar's elder brother.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alia - A Karaya girl who is tomboyish and has an as--yet undeveloped ability
to speak with the spirits.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Anne - A Karaya Village tavern owner. All her efforts were wasted when her
tavern burned down on opening day.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Apple - She travels with Caesar. Participated in the Toran Liberation and Dunan
Unification Wars. She has become a prominent historian.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Arthur - Pursuing the existence of a reporter, he regularly posts public news
bulletins covering everything from hard news to gossip.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Augustine - An aristocat of unknown sex, with a stunning attack to which all
enemies will attest.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ayame - Nothing is known about this female ninja, who seems to be tracking
down Watari.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bazba - As a member of the Lizard Clan, he assists Dupa, along with Shiba. He
has very high fighting capabilities despite his physical stature.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Barts - A young man who dearly loves to farm. Down-to-earth but misunderstood
often by his looks.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Beecham - An old soldier who assists the Karaya Chief, Lucia. He possesses
superior fighting capabilities despite his age.
Belle - A young lady who travels with a clockwork doll called Gadget Z, which
she is skilled at repairing.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Billy - A treasure hunter who cannot seem to earn money. He gambles instead.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Borus - A member of the six most reowned knights of the Zexen Knights. He is
unrivaled in his sword handling techniques and is known as the
"Swordsman of Rage".
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bright - The dragon steed of Futch, the Dragon Knight. He has known Futch since
first hatching.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cecile - The high-spirited commander of the guards of Lake Castle.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Caesar - A young man who travels with Apple. He looks sleepy but is a reliable
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chris - Captain of the Zexen Knights. She is called "The Silver Maiden" and is
treated as a heroine in Zexen.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dios - The Chief Of Staff of the Holy Harmonia Kingdom's regular army. He leads
the army and supports the Bishop Sasarai.
Dominic - A defensive gear vendor. He is a fine craftsman but occasionally even
he sells defective merchandise.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Duke - The captain of the Fourtheenth Unit of the Holy Harmonia Kingdom's
Southern Defense Force. Geddoe is his professional rival.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dupa - The respected Lizard Clan Chief. He often clashes with other Six Clans
chiefs due to his overly aggressice nature.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Edge - He journeys with his Star Dragon Sword, which speaks human language.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eike - The gloomy libarian at Lake Castle.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Elaine - The only woman in the Fourtheenth Unit of the Holy Harmonia Kingdom's
Southern Frontier Defense Force. She likes to show her feminine side.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Elliot - A boy who yearns to be a treasure hunter. Formed the Saint Loa Knights
with Melville and Alanis. Can detect all sorts of scents.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Emily - A powerful girl who joined up so that she may find people stronger than
her in her journeys.
Ernie - A tutor. She uses a room in Lake Castle. She is edgy but very diligent.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Estella - She specializes in magic with her apprentice, Rody. Some find her
annoying because she enjoys teasing people.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Franz - Le Buque's best trainer of the Montors that are raised in the town.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fred - As the Captain of the Maximillian Knights, Fred is always bold, but he
assumes too much.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fubar - Hugo's griffon comrade, Fubar. Highly intelligent and even seems to
understand spoken language.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Futch - One of the recognized Knights of Dragon, he wandered afar after losing
his dragon, Black. He has acquired a new dragon and returned to become
Captain Mila's right-hand man.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gadget Z - A doll made by Belle's mom and rumored to be able to transform into
something else.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gau - An unfriendly Kobold in the Fourtheenth Unit of the Holy Harmonia
Kingdom's Southern Frontier Defense Force.
Geddoe - Geddoe is the Captain of the Twelfth Unit of the Holy Harmonia
Kingdom's Southern Frontier Defense Force. Nothing is known of his
background, not even his age.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gordon - A casanova supply ownner. He may or may not mean everything he says
when he invites beautiful woman to dine with him.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Goro - He jumps to life at the sign of a bath and leaps in amusement when
people fall asleep in the bath.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guillaume - A petty thief who returned to his original vocation as an appraiser
after losing too many times in mounted combat.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hallec - A barbarian who migrated form the north to meet the Flame Champion.
His attack with broad axes is unrivaled.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hortez VII - Scroll maker from another land. His pride leaves him unaware of
his absolute lack of directional sense.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hugo - The only son of Lucia, the Karaya Chief. He is an energetic youth
accompanied by his steed, a griffon named Fubar.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Iku - She cares for giant insects in Le Buque. She is Franz's friend from years
earlier. Iku scolds Franz, who does not get along with people easily.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jacques - A member of the Twelfth Unit of the Holy Harmonia Kingdom's Southern
Frontier Defense Force. He wields a gigantic bow gun.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jeane - A Rune Sage and un utter mystery.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jefferson - Mysterious "appointer". Assigning positions to the people in his
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jimba - Died in a battle at the Ruins Of Cyndar.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Joker - The oldest member of the Twelfth Unit of the Holy Harmonia Kingdom's
Southern Frontier Defense Force.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Juan - A young man teaching marital arts at Lake Castle. He easily falls asleep
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kathy - A girl who manages a ranch alone. Handles horses well.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kenji - A mysterious and dangerous gymnastics teacher. Dressed in a tank top,
he is prepared to challenge opponents of ant size with his bare hands.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kidd - A boy detective. He claims he solved many tough cases, but no one knows
for sure.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Koroku - Carries a cloth wrapped bundle and pretty good at opening doors. His
howl goes something lke "Arooooooo".
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Landis - A member of the Winghorde who enjoys frightening humans and whose
stunts suggest he may even be on good tersm with Grim Reaper himself.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Leo - One of the six reowned knights among all Zexen Knights. With his immense
physique, the blow from his broad axe is unrivaled.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lilly - The selfish, determind daughter of Gustaf, the chosen leader of Tinto.
Reed and Samus are her attendants.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Louis - Chris' attendant and an apprentice knight. He is too young to be
allowed into combat.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Luc - Previouslt Leknaat's servant, bur for reasons uncertain left his master.
He is seen with Sarah, Albert, and Yuber. He bears the True Wind Rune on
his body.
Luce - Lulu's mother. Friend of Karaya Chief Lucia.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lucia - The Karaya Chief and a fearless woman. She fought in wars alongside
The Six Clans of Grassland.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lulu - A Karayan. Lulu is Hugo's best friend and wears the courageous smile of
bold youth.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mamie - A female chef at the restaurant. She is usually confused.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Martha - A sharp-temperedm tall, old woman who sells lottery tickets.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mel - A young lady who talks with a doll, Branky. She insists she has no
ventriloquistic skill and that the doll speaks on his own.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Melville - A boy living in Vinay Del Zexay who formed the Saint Loa Knights
with Alanis and Elliot.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mike - Card game-loving free spirit. His lighthearted smiles, even when
meaningless, make him popular among the inhabitants of the castle.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mio - Nurse who looks after castle inhabitants' health. Her smiles and gracious
nursing manner make her quite popular among her patients.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mua - A free knight of the Kamoro. He is heavily armored, with a single-handed
sword in his right hand and a shield in the other. He has high fighting
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Muto - A Kobold warehouse keeper. He is forgetful, but jolly.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nadir - A drama producer whose identity is unknown due to the mask he wears.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nash - A man who unexplainedly appeared and is monitoring the conflict between
Zexen and Grassland.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nei - An elf and acomplished traveling busker. She is like a big sister to
Toppo and Shabon.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nicolas - A member of the Fourtheenth Unit of the Holy Harmonia Kingdom's
Southern Frontier Defense Force who is loyal to Duke. Despite his
quiet nature, he is dependable in combat.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Peggi - A blacksmith who talks loudly and aggressively.
Percival - Among the six most reowned knights of all Zexen Knights. He excels
at handling horses and is known as the "Swordsman of Gale".
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Piccolo - A fortune-teller in Lake Castle who is rarely successful in his
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Queen - A member of the Twelfth Unit of the Holy Harmoania Kingdom's Southern
Frontier Defense Force. She is the only woman in the unit.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reed - One of Lillu's two attendants. His fate is always controlled by Lilly's
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rhett - A member of the Duck Clan. Jolly and amusing, he also has an appetite
that explains his fat appearance.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rico - Rico is a member of the Maximillian Knights. She is also Captain Fred
Maximillian's attendant.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rody - Estella's apprentice who is training to be a magician. He follows a
brutal training routine, faithfully believing in his mentor.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Roland - The only elf among the six most reowned Zexen Knights.
Ruby - Franz's personal giant insect. It has excellent maneuverability and is
formidable in air combat.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Salome - One of the six reowned knights of the Zexen Knights. He is a
surefotted strategist and acts as the military mentor of the knights.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sanae Y. - This girl uses naginatas. Her parents were active in the Dunan
Unification War.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Samus - Samus, one of Lilly's two attendants, is irritated by Lilly's selfish
whims but ends up obeying them anyways.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sarah - A magician able to conjure ancient and undocumented magic. She travels
with Luc.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sasarai - Leads the regular army as the Bishop of the Holy Harmonia Kingdom and
a bearer of the True Earth Rune.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Scott - A trading merchant who his parrot partner, Waurenhyte, on his shoulder.
He travels whichever way the wind blows.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sebastian - A butler at Lake Castle. For no reason he also runs an inn. He
alone must oversee the finances of the castle.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sgt. Joe - A veteran soldier who has survived a life--or--deeath crises. His
weapon is called a Duck Halbert.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shabon - A young skillful busker who is good at bodhran. He thinks of Nei as an
older sister.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sharon - Daughter of the Dragon Knights Commander, Milia. She went after Futch.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shiba - A first class fighter and a member of the Lizard Clan. He assists Dupa,
the Clan Chief, along with Bazba.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shizu - Innocnet castle "elevator" attendant. Her polite language has won over
the inhabitants.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thomas - An indecisive, ordinary young man, and the master of Lake Castle.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Toppo - A busker who excels in fiddling and juggling, yet seldom speaks in
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tuta - Doctor at the caslte. He once participated in the Dunan Unification War.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Twaikin - A hole-digging dwarf from the south who uses his shovel as a weapon.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Viki (big) - A girl who descended from the sky gifted with rare teleportation
abilities. Unfortunately, she has a habit of accidentally
teleporting anything next to her when she sneezes.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Viki (small) - She suddenly appeared when Elder Viki sneezed. She is much more
mature than her older counterpart.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wan Fu - A polearm fighter who ran from his debts causing more financial ruin.
He joined the group who rescued him.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Watari - A ninja who seldom speaks. An assassin squad is said to be tracking
him down for reasons unknown.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wilder - The wisest of the Duck Clan. He is Sgt. Joe's friend, but Sgt. Joe
treats him like a younger brother.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yuber - A mysterious Black Knight whose face has never been seen.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yuiri - A leader of young members of the Alma Kinan with a special ability to
speak with the spirits.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yumi - A girl form the Alam Kinan Village with a special ability to speak with
the spirits.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yun - Died in a ritual held in Alma Kinan.
• Chris
> Chapter 1
Chris's part of the game is really easy as she starts off at a high level,
and has tons of money. Watch the opening cut-scene, then choose go to
Chapter 1.
Vinay Del Zexay
Watch the cut-scene. Chris will start talking about how they didn't have a
proper burial for two knights killed in action. She thinks that the parade was
only for the council. Keep watching all the cut-scenes. You'll get to choose
what to say from premade selections in some of the scenes, but the outcome
will be the same. Level up Chris's weapon to level 7. After a while, take
Chris to her house. It's on the left side with grass on the small gates. Once
there, choose to rest. The next morning, Salome, Roland, Borus, and Louis will
join your party. Upgrade their weapons to level 7. Buy some Medicine D,
Antitoxin, and Throat Drops. On the equipment menu, exchange the Medicine A
with the Medicine D. Go to the Zexen Forest. Level up everyone at least one
level. Get to Brass Castle.
Brass Castle
Watch the cut-scene. You'll be in Chris's room. Downstairs will be the Bujutsu
Teacher. Raise everyones Armor Protect, and Swing. Get outside, and open the
door on the right of the Blacksmith. The shops will all be open now. Get back
to your room. Talk to Louis, and choose to rest. Watch the cut-scene. Time for
your first battle.
--------Commence Battle #1
--------Conditions for victory: Stay alive for _x_ number of turns.
Conditions for defeat: Chris's unit is defeated.
Have Roland attack the Lizard Clan beneath him. Move someone else beside
Chris to the bottom. End your turn. It should turn into a battle. Have one of
your clan attack Bazba. They'll attack again. Roland should die after a while.
Move Chris and the remaining units to the East. You'll fight 4 soldiers. After
the battle is over, move the remaining units to Chris's position. Your HP will
be restored. Continue moving Chris to the East. Keep moving to the East, and
you should win. You'll be in Plain Amur.
Karaya Village
Watch the cut-scene. Here, you can't run with your horse. Salome, Roland,
and Borus will leave your party. When entering the village, you'll encounter
8 Karaya Fighters, but 4 at a time. For them, just keep attacking them. They
should be easy to take down. After getting through the village, you'll be back
in Brass Castle.
Brass Castle
Exit the room. Enter the room on the right side. Leave that one, and get to the
outside of the castle. You should meet up with Leo and Percival. Travel to
Vinay Del Zexay.
Vinay Del Zexay
Go to the meeting. Then, head to for Chris's house. You just beat Chapter 1.
> Chapter 2
Watch the cut-scene. Leave Vinay Del Zexay and head to Brass Castle.
Brass Castle
Teach Chris and Borus tons of skills like Swing, Armor Protect, Damage, and
Heavy Damage. Trust me, you'll need them! Go inside the room on the right side
of Chris's. Rest in your room. Go back to that room, and add everyone to your
party. Teach them some new skills like Armor Protect, Swing, Damage, and Heavy
Damage. Level up their weapons to. Level up 1 level with each character. If you
need lots of expierence, fight Shadows in the Zexen Forest. If you don't want
to do that, you can go to the North Cavern...
North Cavern
Before entering this place, your weapons should be at level 7.
The monsters here are kinda strong so you can get lots of EXP. When you reach
the end, you'll encounter a mini boss.
---This battle is hard as hell. Just keep attacking it. Watch out for it's poison
attack. When someone gets poisoned, immediatley cure them as you don't want
them to lose 20 HP per turn. Heal people when needed. Having Heavy Damage, and
Swing maxed out is very good in this battle. Good luck!
Get back to Brass Castle. Talk to Salome, and choose that your ready. Time for
a battle.
---------Commence Battle #2
Conditions to win: Defeat 5 enemy units.
Conditions to lose: Chris's unit is defeated.
Move Leo to the bottom. Have Chris and Roland defend. Three Lizards will
attack Leo. After they attack, move all of your units to the top. Have Leo's
unit intercept the attack by the enemy. You should win. Beecham will withdraw.
Have Borus attack the same unit as Leo. Borus should win. Make Percival group
attack the Lizards in front of him. Let Chris attack clan right beneath here.
Chris should win. You just won a major victory.
Leo, Roland, Borus, and Percival will join your party. Group them up according
to their defense. The person with the highest defense should be placed in
front, and so on. Walk into the burning the village, and you'll fight 6
Lizard Fighters. If you had your Swing, and Armor Protect in the ranges of
B's, each Lizard should go down in one hit. After the battle, continue
walking. Watch the cut-scene. When you reach the entrance of the Lizards,
you'll fight a boss.
-------Lizard Fighters
Lizard Fighters
Lizard Fighters
Lizard Fighters
Lizard Fighters
-------Focus all your attacks on Shiba as the battle will end when he dies. If you
had your Swing, and Armor Protect in the ranges of B's, it should be pretty
easy. The other reason to go after Shiba first is that he has pretty strong
attacks out of his clan. He's really strong, but he should go down in a
couple of turns. I hope that helps.
After the battle, the Lizards will run inside, and hide. Watch the other
cut-scene. Choose to deul Lucia. You will lose no matter what. You'll be back
in Brass Castle.
Brass Castle
Talk to Salome who is at the gate. Enter the Zexen Forest.
Zexen Forest
When entering this place, Chris will say that she's not feeling so good.
After getting to the end of the forest, Chris will faint. You'll be back in
Brass Castle.
Brass Castle
Talk to Percival near the gate. He'll join your party. Get ready to go to
Iskay Village. Before getting there, head to Budehuc Castle.
Budehuc Castle
You should only come here if you want to start recruiting people. I suggest
that you do come here because recruiting people really helps out. Anyways...
when you reach the village, watch the cut-scene. After the cut-scene, you
can start recruiting people. Now, get to Iskay Village.
Iskay Village
Watch the cut-scene. Percival will leave your party. Recruit Watari for
100,000 potch. Watari is between the first 2 buildings on the right side.
He'll join the 108 Stars. Get to the right side of the windmill. Lizards will
ambush you after the cut-scene. You'll fight 4 Lizard Fighters. You'll lose
the battle. Fight them again. Then run back to the windmill. You'll fight a
-------Lizard Fighters
Lizard Fighters
Lizard Fighters
Lizard Fighters
Lizard Fighters
-------Just focus on Shiba as he inflicts the most damage. Besides, your party is
pretty weak since you don't have Leo, Borus, and all the others with you. It's
just common sense to go after him first. Right now, Nash is in your party. So,
when you get hurt, DO NOT use healing items. Instead, use Nash's Rune power
called "Kindness Drops". They heal tons of HP, and cure all status's. I hope
that strategy works.
After the battle, Chris will deul Jimba. Jimba lets you win. When the deul is
over, Borus, Roland, Leo, and Louis will join your party. Level up everyone's
weapons before leaving. Get back to Vinay Del Zexay.
Vinay Del Zexay
When you enter the city, you'll see soem guy chasing a kid. Talk to the wierd
looking singers to learn about their missing child. Go to the footsteps of the
council building. There, you'll deul Guilaume. For him, DO NOT use Deathblows
as he will always defend. Instead, just attack. You should win if you leveled
up your weapons in Iskay Village. After the deul, tell the people to go to
Budehuc Castle. Nei, Toppa, and Shaban will join the 108 stars. Get back to
Brass Castle.
Brass Castle
Watch the cut-scene. Rest in your room. Watch the other cut-scene. After you
wake up, enter the room on the right side. Check the bookshelfs to find Nash
hiding. Do not agree with him right now. Instead, go to Mt. Hei-Tou.
Mt. Heo-Tou
When you enter this place, the monsters in here should be fairly easy to
beat. Anyways...I forgot where the mini-boss is located at. Sorry! Well...
When you find it, it's name will be Blue Mantix.
-----Blue Mantix
-----Before starting this battle, make sure everyone is in the correct formation
according to the level of defense. Put the highest in front, and so on. Start
attacking it, but heal when you can. You don't want anyone to die. It doesn't
really matter if you die or not because this mini-boss gives out very little
skill points. Anyways...Do not use any Rune magic. Just focus on attacking it.
If you had everyones' Heavy Damage, Armor Protect, and Swing skills maxed out
(which means having them at an A), it should go down in little or no time.
Keep attacking it, and it should die. Good luck!
After defeating it, leave Mt. Heo-Tou and head back to Iskay Village.
Iskay Village
In Iskay Village, there is a guy named Gordon. Say yes to his question for him
to join the 108 Stars. Then, enter the Inn. Go upstairs and choose the first
option. Mio will join the 108 Stars. Now, head back to Budehuc Castle.
Brass Castle
Nash will be near the gates that are closer to Zexen Forest. Agree with him.
When you get inside the well, just keep going forward. If you are to get
attacked, just use Nash's Kindness Drops Rune magic to heal your HP, and
Status. After escaping from Brass Castle, you'll beat Chapter 2.
> Chapter 3
Duck Village
Fred, and Rico will join your party, and the 108 Stars. Enter the Tutor Shop
and leave. Watch the cut-scene. You have to find the Chief. Talk to the
villagers to get dumb clues about the whereabouts of the Chief. Get to
the area behind the Inn. Enter the house on the top screen. Agree to help Kidd
solve the "murder" mystery. Check the window, and the shelf for some clues.
Talk to Kidd. Then, get the Letter Fragment from the Trader Shop. Get to the
back of the Inn. Talk to Janitor Howard who is around the 2 houses for some
more info. Go back to Kidd, and choose whatever option you want. You just
solved the mystery! Tell him to go to Budehuc Castle for him to join the 108
Stars. The Duck Chief is outside the Trade Shop. After talking to him, talk to
Wilder and Rhett. You'll pay 2000 potch for them to join your party. Cross the
Kuput Forest.
Kuput Forest
Keep walking until you get to a two-way road fork. Take the right one. Keep
going. You should reach the end of the Forest. Enter Chisha Village.
Chisha Village
Watch the cut-scene. Walk a little, adn you'll trigger another cut-scene. Yun
and Yumi will join you. Talk to the lady in the middle of the village. Enter
the underground area under the inn. Get to the 2nd part of the area, and talk
to Emily. In order to beat her in arm wrestling, your partys POWER must be
greater than 600. If you don't want to do that, talk to the litte boy near
the coy to get Medal Set #2. After that, confront the flying things. Time for
a boss fight.
----Take out Franz, and Mntrlegnr first because they do the most damage. If you
had your Armor Protect, and Swing skills at an A or higher, they should do
little damage to you. After Franz, and Mntrlegnr go down, get rid of Ruby,
and the Montor. They don't do a lot of damage, but if you were hurt from
Franz or Mntrlegnr, heal right away. After while, you should win.
After the battle, they'll leave. Yuun, Yami, Wilder, and Rhett will leave your
party. The same guy who thought Budehuc Castle was Duck Village is in Chisha
Village. Tell him the right direction. Try to leave the village. After the
cut-scene, talk to Yun and Yami who are in the middle of the village. Agree to
help them. Yun will join for now. Go back to Brass Castle.
Brass Castle
Talk to girl named Belle who's trying to fix a barrel. She'll want a Screw.
To find a screw, fight some Dark Hares in Plain Amur. TAke it back to Belle for
her to join the 108 Stars. Gadget Z will also join the 108 Stars. Head to Duck
Duck Village
Watch the cut-scene. Report the attack on Chisha Village to the chief. Wilder
and Rhett will leave your party. Try to enter the Inn and you'll trigger
another cut-scene. Caesar will join for now. Leave the village. Wilder and
Rhett will join your party. Head back to Chisha Vilage.
Chisha Village
When you reach this village, you'll fight a strategy battle. Keep the formation
that is given to you.
---------Commence Battle #3
---------Conditions to win: Stay alive for x number of turns.
Conditions to lose: Chris's unit is defgeated or base ares are captured.
Have Chris attack the group of enemies in front. The battle should conclude.
Have Fred attack the group in front. A unit should get attacked during the
retreat. Let Nash defend because he's so weak. The enemy should attack Nash.
Your HP will be restored. Have Chris attack the people in front. Vios unit
should get attacked during retreat. Chris should win that battle. Have the
rest defend. Nash should die. Your HP will get restored again. Move Chris
all the way to the back and have Fred defend. Fred should die after getting
attacked twice. Your HP will get restored again. Make Chris defend for the
next 2 turns. Hugo should enter the battle now. You should win a major
victory. The enemy will leave behind Earth Chain Mait.
Watch the cut-scene. Head to Alma Kinan Village. Yumi will join you party.
In order to reach it, take the left path when you see a fork in the road
in Kuput Forest. After walking a while, you'll fight Yuber.
--Yuber blocks any attack from a sword while chanting. Only a person with a Bow
'n Arrow can attack him DURING his chanting. He deals a ton of damage. After
he takes enough damage, he'll turn Berserk. Keep attacking him, and heal. Try
to stop his chanting. Heal when needed. Um...That's all...
Yumi will leave your party. Enter Great Auntie's House (2nd house on right).
Watch the cut-scene. Chris will leave the house. Talk to Nash for a while.
After talking to Nash, enter the little trail thing at the end of the village.
Leave the place after the cut-scene. Then, talk to Fred who is on the steps of
Great Auntie's house. Choose to rest. When you wake up, leave the Inn. Time for
a boss fight!
Masked Man
-----It doesn't matter if you win or lose. BTW, it is IMPOSSIBLE to win so don't
even try!
Watch the cut-scene. Leave the village, and re-enter it. Talk to the person in
front of the Inn. Meet up with his master who is inside the Inn. Head to the
shrine that the girl was talking about. Say that there is no such thing. Go
back to Estella. Estella and Rody will join 108 Stars. Now, head to the Flame
Champion Hideway.
Flame Champion Hideaway
Take the first left. Continue walking until you see a teleporter. Step on it.
Chris will be teleported. Walk down the path, and you'll meet up with Sana.
You just beat Chris Chapter 3!
• Hugo
> Chapter 1
Watch the cut-scene. You'll be in Karaya Village.
Karaya Village
Do not buy anything except some medicine. You will need the money later on!!!
Anyways...Go to Lulu's house (the one that his a guy polishing a shield). Rest
in the house. Watch the other cut-scene. You'll be leaving the village. Walk a
little further, and Jimba will ask you a favor. Choose yes! Now, head to Brass
Brass Castle
Watch the opening cut-scene. Keep walking until you meet up with Chris. Upgrade
your weapons to level 6 and then head for Vinay Del Zexay. But you must cross
the Zexen Forest.
Zexen Forest
Watch the cut-scene. After walking, you'll meet up with Fred and Rico. Welcome
to Vinay Del Zexay.
Vinay Del Zexay
Watch the cut-scene. Go to the council building (it's the huge building in the
middle of the city). After that go to the market if you want to. You don't have
to as it if 100% OPTIONAL. When you are in the market, talk to the little boy
who is by the man. The man will say that the kid's father is lying. Now, enter
the Rune Shop and leave. Pay attention to the password that the kids will say.
Actually...You don't have to remember it because I will do it for you! The kids
will be in the alley on the left. Enter that alley, and climb up the ladder. Go
up to the window, and choose "The (I forgot) Knights". After the LONG
cut-scene, head to the gates of the city.
Before leaving though, buy some lottery tickets. My recomendation is to buy 5
Seqntt and 5 Random tickets. Wait 45 minutes. Once that has passed, save at
the inn. Then go to the Lottery Ticket seller. Check your tickets. If they did
not win, reset the game, and go back to the Lottery place. Keep doing this
until you win at LEAST 500,000 potch. Trust me, it's worth it. When you win
that much money, level up everyone's weapons. Also, level up everyone's Armor
Protect skill. You'll need it later on. Also, buy Hugo, and Sgt. Joe some
armor. When you are all done, head to North Cavern.
North Cavern
Watch the cut-scene. Walk a litte, another cut-scene will be triggered. When it
is over, climb up the spiral stairway. Watch out for the holes on the way up.
You'll find two people. Time for a boss fight.
---Attack with Hugo, Sgt. Joe, and Lulu. Have the others defend since they are
weak. Both Bandits have low HP, but their attack is pretty high. Use Lulu's
Rune Magic, Sword of Cyclone to get rid of them fast. Heal when nessecary.
Continue walking. You'll fight them again, except there will be 4 instead of
2. Use the same strategy as before. Watch the cut-scene after the battle. Time
for a deul. You'll lose no matter what. Get back to Vinay Del Zexay.
Vinay Del Zexay
Watch the cut-scene as you enter the place. Remember that Pentacle that Jimba
gave you? Well...Deliver it to Chris's house. It's the one on the left side
that has grass on the gate. Once inside, Chris's butler will greet you. You
can either get 10,000 potch, rest for free, or nothing. I chose nothing. It
does not change up the story if choose another option. Rest or save at the Inn
at least three times. After doing that, go back to the Council Building. Once
inside, you'll give the letter to the represenative no matter what option you
choose. Head back to the Inn. Before doing do, make sure that each character
has a Medicine D equipped. Enter the Inn, and relax as a LONG cut-scene will
start. You'll be outside the Inn. Take a left, and you'll fight a boss.
-------Zexen Knight
Zexen Infantry
Zexen Infantry
-------Attack the Zexen Knight first as he does a lot of damage. The Zexen Infantry
don't do a lot of damage. Use Hugo's Water Rune to put everyone to sleep.
That will make all the enemies go to sleep. Remember though, when you attack
them, they'll awaken, so use it wisely. Also, use Lulu's Sword Of Cyclone to
get rid of them quickly.
Keep going. Take a right, and run towards the gates. You'll fight another boss,
except, there will be 2 Zexen Knights instead of 1. Use the same strategy as
before. When you get to the gate, you can choose to fight. If you choose to
fight, it will stop after a while. Head to Brass Castle.
Brass Castle
Enter the castle. You'll be underground after the cut-scene. Keep walking until
you reach the exit. Now, you're in Vinay Del Zexay. All you need to do is to go
to Karaya Village.
Karaya Village
Get to the main part of the burning village. Watch the very sad cut-scene. You
just beat Chapter 1 with Hugo.
> Chapter 2
You'll be in Duck Village.
Duck Village
Watch the cut-scene. Choose the first option. Buy 5 Seqntt and 5 Random Lottery
Tickets. Try to win the 500,000 Potch prize. Enter the Inn. Lilly, Reed, and
Samus will join your party. Leave the village, and head to the Ancient Highway.
Ancient Highway
Keep walking until a split road will be visible. Watch the cut-scene. When you
get out of the place, choose to join the fighting. Time for a boss fight!
-------Zexen Infantry
Zexen Infantry
Zexen Knights
Zexen Knights
-------Attack the Infantry first as they are in front of the Knights, and they will
cover them. The Infantry do not do a lot of damage, but the Knights deal a lot
of damage. Use the Wind rune to put them to sleep if you are having trouble.
Heal when nessecary, and you should win.
Walk a little, and you'll fight the same battle again. After this battle,
Lucia, and Chris will deul. Enter the lizard home called the Great Hollow.
Great Hollow
One inside, watch the cut-scene. Sharpen your skills like Swing, Damage, and
Armor Protect. Level up your weapons as high as you can. Talk to one of the
lizards to get crop seeds. Lilly and the gang are upstairs. Talk to them.
Talk to one of the lizard guards to get a Sunbeam. Talk to the lizard near the
Bujutus Teacher to get Old Book Vol. 3. After doing that, go the Inn. Rest if
you are hurt. Once you wake up, get the Iron Hammer from the guy in the Trade
Shop. Lilly will now be on the bottom right side of the stairs. Go over to
them. Lilly, Reed, and Samus will join party. Now, leave the Great Hollow.
Once outside, you'll find Jimba. Take Jimba to Lucia (Lucia is near the Inn).
After taking him to Lucia, leave the place. You just beat Chapter 2.
> Chapter 3
First, head to Mt. Heo-Tou to fight a mini boss.
Mt. Heo-Tou
Go past 2 screens. Take the first left. Then, take the first right. Now, it
does not matter which path you take as both will lead you to the same place.
Continue walking, and you'll see the monster. Walk up to it to fight it.
-----Blue Mantix
-----Attack it, and put it to sleep with the Wind Rune. You need to do that
because it does a strong magical attack and all the characters in your party
don't have a high MAG DEF except Hugo. His is not that high. Anyways...You
need to keep everyone alive if you want the EXP and Skill Points. Keep putting
it to sleep so it can't attack. If you run out of the sleep attack and the
monster is still not dead, attack with Hugo and Fubar. Have the rest defend.
That way, you'll just have to worry about 2 people getting seriously hurt.
Now, head to Lake Castle.
Lake Castle
Enter the big house at the end to find Thomas, the castle master. Sebastian
will greet you. Leave and go to the gate. Watch the cut-scene, and go back
inside the big house. Choose to rest. Get outside and talk to Thomas. Yet
again, go back to the gate, then back to Thomas. Prepare yourself (build up
your skills, equip healing items, and etc...). Come back to Thomas. After that,
rest in the Inn. When you wake up, leave the Inn. Meet with Caesar who is near
the Lottery Ticket place. Watch the strategy battle. You should be in the Yaza
Yaza Plains
Start running. After a while, you'll fight some soldiers.
-------Zexen Infantry
Zexen Infantry
Zexen Knights
Zexen Knights
-------Attack the Infantry first as they are in front of the Knights, and they will
cover them. The Infantry do not do a lot of damage, but the Knights deal a lot
of damage. Use the Wind rune to put them to sleep if you are having trouble.
Heal when nessecary, and you should win.
Keep running, and you'll fight more of them. Use the same strategy as before.
When you reach the end, go to the Great Hollow.
Great Hollow
Watch the cut-scene. Head to Brass Castle. In the middle of the place, two
people will be arguing. Choose to fight. Hallec and Mua will join your party.
Time for a boss fight!
------Zexen Knights
Zexen Knights
------Use the sleep magic to put all of them to sleep. Leo, and the Zexen Knights
will be in front so take them out. Roland will be at the back because he is
an archer. Take out Leo as fast as you can. He is one of the best tanks in
the game. His defense is very high, and so is his HP, so just keep pounding
on him. You can't afford to lose this battle. Heal when nessecary. When Leo
is gone, go after Roland. He won't do much damage to you because if you are
close to him, his damage greatly decreases. His defense is very weak, and he
has kinda high HP. When he is gone, use the sleep magic on the remaining
Zexen Knights, and attack like crazy. Heal when needed again. I hope that
After the battle, Mua and Hallec will join the 108 Stars! Now, head back to
the Great Hollow.
Great Hollow
Meet Apple who is near the waterfall. Agree to help Chisha Village. Go, and
inform Luce. Now, go to Duck Village.
Duck Village
Talk to the boy upstairs in the Item Shop. Give him the bowl if you have it.
If you don't, you can get it in chapter 4 or 5. Now, head to Chisha Village.
Chisha Village
Walk up to men in blue. Time for a boss fight. Before going up to them, make
sure that Fubar and Hallec are teamed up together!
Harmonia Soldiers
Harmonia Soldiers
Harmonia Soldiers
Harmonia Soldiers
--------Use Hallec's and Fubar's combo attack to hurt all the soldiers bad. You can
use the sleep magic if you want, but I suggest that you don't. You are going
to need it for an upcoming battle. Instead, heal when needed, and continue
using Hallec's and Fubar's combo attack. That combo attack shouldv'e hurt
the soldiers bad enough that they will die with one hit. Do not use no
rune magic. OK?
Run down to the middle of the village. You'll fight the same battle except
this time, there will be 5 Harmonia Soldiers. Use the same strategy as before.
Continue walking. Time for a boss fight.
Montor Legionnaire
Montor Legionnaire
---------Use the same strategy as the Harmonia Soldiers. The only difference from the
Harmonia Soldiers is that the Montors do tons of damage. Use the sleep magic,
and take out the Montors first. Also, use Hallec's and Fubar's combo attack
to hurt all of the enemies. When the enemies wake up, use the sleep magic
again. Continue using it. Don't let them stay awake for more then one turn.
Also, heal when needed. When you run out of the sleep magic, attack like
crazy. Do not let no one die as this battle gives out a lot of Skill Points.
The Montor Legionnaire's do about the same damage as the Harmonia Soldiers.
Their defense is low, and their HP is kinda high. The Montor's defense and
HP are pretty high. I hope that helps.
Finally, after all the comotion, talk to the old lady in the middle of the
vilage. You can recruit Emily (in the second part underground) only if the
PWR of your party is more then 600. NOT ATK, PWR!!!! There is a difference.
If you are not strong enough, you can get her later. Talk to the guy who
is underneath the Armor Shop. Agree to pay his bar tab. He'll join the 108
Stars. Try to leave the village, and you'll deul the Bishop of Harmonia. I
forgot the effect of each phrase he says. Sorry! Anyways, you'll wake up in
the Inn. Go outside, and talk to Caesar. Sasarai will challenge you to a deul.
I forgot the strategy for this one too. Sorry! After all that is done, leave
the'll be able to go to two new places called Flame Champion
the all
caps disclaimer, but it had to be said. Instead of going to Caleria, head to
the Flame Champion Hideaway.
Flame Champion Hideaway
Watch the cut-scene. Head straight to the teleporter (looks like a small white
dot on the mini-map). Step on it, and you will be teleported. Straight ahead
will a door. Enter the area beyong that, and....You just beat Chapter 3 with
• Geddoe
> Chapter 1
You'll be in Vinay Del Zexay.
Vinay Del Zexay
Choose the first option. Walk down the set of stairs to greet your fellow
party members. Buy some lettery tickets and try to win the 500,000 potch prize.
I suggest buying 5 Seqntt, and 5 Random tickets. Talk to little girl upstairs
of the Inn to get Script #2. After winning the 500,000 Potch prize, level up
your party's weapons. Head to the gates of the Zexen capital. Go to the
Great Hollow.
Great Hollow
Before gong here, level up your characters and try to get some more Skill
Points. When you get to the Great Hollow, follow Shiba up the stairs. After
the cut-scene, build up everyone's skills like Armor Defense, Swing, and
Damage. Buy some Armor from the Armor Shop, and level up your party's weapons
to the maximum level that you can. That is why I said to win the 500,000 Potch
prize. When you are all done with that, talk to the lizard fighters who are
near the right set of stairs. Who cares about what they say, just follow them.
When you finally reach the lizard fighters, you'll fight them!
-------Lizard Fighter
Lizard Fighter
Lizard Fighter
-------Use Ace & Joker's combo attack. That attack should hurt them pretty badly.
There is not much to say about them because they are easy to take down. Just
use hit them a few times and they should die because they have low HP. Really
After the battle, Shiba will join your party. Go back into the main part of
the Great Hollow, and buy him some armor. Also, level up his Armor Protect,
Damage, and Swing skills as high as you can. Rest in the Inn if you took some
serious damage from the previous battle. After all that is done, go back to
the place that the lizards were running to. You'll meet the Zexen Knights and
their captain, Chris Lightfellow. Time for a boss battle. You don't have to
win, but if you do, you get a ton of skill points, so......
------Zexen Knights
Zexen Knights
Zexen Knights
Zexen Knights
Zexen Knights
------Use Ace and Joker's combo attack. Go after Chris first as she heals her
comrades. Also, Chris will do a VERY powerful water attack. If that
happens twice, you will lose the match. Just hope that she does not do
that attack. Instead of having each character attack Chris, use their
combo attack. It will do a lot of damage. You can also use Geddoe's Lightning
Rune, but it is very weak since you couldn't level up his Lightning Magic
Skill (There is no Skill teachers yet). Now, heal when needed. You should be
able to win if Chris does not do that water attack. After a while, Chris will
become Berserk which means she'll do tons of damage. I hope that helps.
During the battle with the Zexen Knights Captain, Chris Lightfellow, Chief
Zepon of the Great Hollow was killed, or more like "murdered" without a trace.
Go back to where you had met him before (inside the Great Hollow, upstairs).
Watch the cut-scene. After that, head to Karaya Village.
Karaya Village
When you get here, a girl will fight you (kinda dumb, don't ya think?).
-------Karaya Fighter
Karaya Fighter
Karaya Fighter
-------Use Ace and Joker's combo attack to hurt all of the enemies. The Karaya
Fighters do TONS more damage then Alia because Alia is a archer. So, take out
the Karaya Fighters first. The good thing is, they have low HP. You can
use Geddoe's Lightning Rune but it is weak because you can't level up his
lightning magic yet. Instead, use your regular attacks. When the fighters are
gone, use the entire group's combo attack on Alia. It should weaken her
pretty badly. If she doesn't die, attack her again. When you are going to
attack her, the characters are going to go up to her. That is good, because
the closer you are, the less damage she will do. Heal when neeeded. I hope
that helps.
If you are a really cheap person who hates to spend potch, talk to the girl
near the Blacksmith to recieve a Antitoxin. One is better nothing, isn't it?
Now, you have to talk to Jimba. You are probably wondering where Jimba is...
Jimba is at the house that is located at the end of the village. Go over
there. After the cut-scene, try to leave the village. You'll meet up with
this girl who looks nothing like a Karayan. Being as stupid as she can be, Alia
chases the lady. Time to follow her. First, she'll be near the save point that
is on the plains. Continue following Alia. When you finally meet catch her,
Joker will save all of yall with his fire MGC. Yay! Head back to Karaya
Village. You will find that it is on fire. Alia will join your party. Choose
not to fight. The zexen knights are strong, and you don't want to die. After
it is all done, Alia will join the 108 Stars. Now, head to Caleria. Before
doing so, head to Mt. Hei-Tou.
Mt. Heo-Tou
The only reason why you should be here is if you want to level up a bit and
gain a lot of skill points. Take the first turn in the road. Enter the area on
the right side. It doesn't matter what road you take now. Continue going
forward. There, you will see a big blue crab. Walk up to it to fight it.
-----Blue Mantix
-----Do not use the Mercenary B combo attack because there is only one enemy.
The Blue Mantix will do two attacks. One that targets one person, and another
that hurts everyone. Be aware though, both attacks are magical so heal when
needed. The attack that hurts everyone does a lot of damage compared to the
single target one. This mini-boss has a lot of HP, so...It will take a while
to take it down. Now is a good time to use the lightning rune that Geddoe
has. Use the strongest attack that you got. If you are having a hard time
hurting the boss, use Alia's Shield Rune -> Battle Oath to make your
characters berserk (DMG x 1.5). Also, use Alia's Earth rune to heal your
comrades. Now, good luck!
After the battle, there will be a treasure chest in the place of the monster.
Open it to get 85,790 potch and tons of great items. Now, head to Lake Castle.
That way, you can start recruiting people.
Lake Castle
If you are running low on cash, buy some lottery tickets, and try to win a
prize (preferably the 500,000 potch one). When you are all done, head to
Great Hollow.
Great Hollow
Remember where those lizard fighters were in the beginning? Go there, and
get to the place that has like three different pathways. In the corner will
be a little person digging. Go up to him, and he will join the 108 stars.
Finally head to Mountain Pass.
Mountain Pass
Go straight. Take the first right. Continue going forward. Now, use the save
point when you see it. Up ahead, you will see a huge monster. Before engaging
in battle, make sure that everyone's HP is very high. Now, here it is...
-----Twin Snake
Right Head
Left Head
-----The Right Head uses a fire attack that hurts anyone that is close to it. The
Left Head does a very strong rune attack that hurts everyone no matter where
they are. Use the Double Tusk rune on the left head. Use Alia's Shield ->
Battle Oath to make your party members berserk (DMG x 1.5). Keep using that
until at least 4/6 people in your party are berserk. Perferably Joker, Ace,
Geddoe, and Queen. Have everyone else go after the Left Head. The reason you
are focusing on the Left Head is because it will heal it's comrades, so it is
in best interest to take it out first. If you are hurt, use Alia's Earth
Ruen to heal you. You need to attack with as many people as you have, so don't
use items unless you are out of the earth magic. Once the Left Head is gone,
focus on the Right Head. Since most of your party members are berserk, it
should go down in a while. When that is gone, use Geddoe's strongest
lightning attacks on the Twin Snake. Continue healing when needed, and you
should do fine.
That monster shouldv'e given you a lot of skill points. Open the treasure chest
that is in the place of the monster to get 37,370 potch and tons of great
items. Take the path that the man says that leads to Caleria. Welcome to...
Watch the cut-scene. Talk to the kid in the blacksmith place to get Tomato
Seeds. Talk to the masked man upstairs in the Inn to learn about the Theater.
Now, head to the big building at the end of the city. Listen carefully to what
Joker says. You just beat Chapter 1 with Geddoe!
> Chapter 2
You will be in the Inn that is located in Caleria.
Leave the Inn. Climb up the set of stairs outside near the trade shop to
recieve a bag with a letter in it. Ace and the rest will be outside the Inn.
Go, and meet them. Now, head to Le Buque.
Le Buque
When you get here, you will be greeted by the super friendly visitors!
Mantor Legionnaire
---------Use Ace and Joker's combo attack to hurt everyone. Franz and Ruby will the
most damage. First, get rid of the Mantor Legionnaire's. Use Alia's Shield ->
Battle Oath to make your party members berserk. When both Mantor Legionnaire's
are dead, go after the Mantors. Continue using Ace and Joker's combo attack
when you can. The Mantors don't do a lot of damage but they still pose a
threat. Heal when needed. When both Mantor's are gone, use Geddoe's strongest
attack to get rid of Franz. Continue healing your comrades. When Franz is
gone, use your entire party's combo attack to hurt it badly. It has pretty
high defense so it will take a while to take it down. Continue using Geddoe's
lightning rune to hurt it badly. I hope that helps.
After the battle, walk to where all of the people are meeting. Talk to the men
on the far left corner. Agree to pay him 1000 potch to deul him. Beat him, and
he will join the 108 stars. Now, get to the far right side near the Armor Shop
to see Sarah walking. Talk to Franz who is on the in the far middle, I
believe. Get the Arabian Kennel from the person who is near Iku (beside Franz).
Finally, walk to the middle of the village. Go and talk to Iku. Now, leave
Iku's place. Talk to the little kid near the Armor Shop to get some Herb
Seeds. Leave the village, and head to Mt. Senai.
Mt. Senai
Use the save point. Enter the next area. Cross the bridge, and walk forward.
When you get to the 2nd bridge, you'll see Sarah walking. Walk over to where
she was. Continue following the trail. Do not fight them. You will not gain
any EXP or skill points. Watch the cut-scene. Don't even go on further into
this mountain as there is nothing left. Head back to Mountain Path.
Mountain Path
Watch the really cool cut-scene. You just beat Chapter 2 with Geddoe!
> Chapter 3
You'll be in Brass Castle. Level up your Armor Protect, Damage, and Swing
skills if you want. Also, level up Joker's fire skill, and Geddoe's lightning
skill. When you are all done, head to Vinay Del Zexay.
Vinay Del Zexay
Recruit Dominic by going outside the Armor Shop. Buy the Mole Armor from
him, and he will join the 108 stars. Go to the Inn, and rest. After the
cut-scene, leave the city, and head to the North Cavern.
North Cavern
Go through the first tunnel. Do the same thing again. You'll see a spiral
stairway. Climb it to the top. Stay close to the walls since there are holes
in the ground, and you can fall down them. That is a bad thing, just so you
know. When you get to the second spiral stairway, use the holes to get to the
bottom fast. It takes less time to fall down the holes, then to go down the
stairway. Now, you can choose to deul duke if you want, but I say don't do it.
After all that is done, run towards the light. After the interesting
cut-scene, head to Lake Castle.
Lake Castle
Buy whatever you want, especially armor from Dominic. Visit the libary which
is upstairs on the right. After the cut-scene, leave the room, and head
downstairs. Choose "I suppose". Get outside to greet the the Zexen Knights.
Time for a boss fight!
-------Zexen Marshall
Zexen Marhsall
Zexen Marshall
Zexen Marshall
Zexen Marshall
-------Use Ace and Joker's combo attack to hurt all of them. Have the others focus
on Zexen Marshall. Keep using the mercenary b combo attack. Use Alia's
Shield -> Battle Oath to make your comrades stronger. These Zexen Marshalls
have low HP, and low attack. Also, they have low defense so it should be easy
to take them. That's all I got to say.
Hurry, run towards the castle. You'll fight them again. Continue running
towards the castle, and you'll fight them again. After all that is done, head
to the Flame Champion Hideaway.
Flame Champion Hideaway
Walk to the next area. Take the left path. The teleporter is straight across.
When you get teleported, head straight. You just beat Chapter 3 with Geddoe.
Start Thomas's chapters before going on to Chapter 4. Once you start Chapter 4,
you can't do any of Thomas's, so...
• Thomas
> Chapter 1
You'll be in Lake Castle.
Lake Castle
Head towards the big house at the end. Sebastain will greet you. You'll wake up
in your room. Head down stairs to greet Sebastian again. Greet everyone.
Martha, and Piccolo are to the right of the big house. Take the left that leads
towards the bottom to find Juan lying on the ground. Take a left and enter the
metal door. Follow the corners and go upstairs. On the far right will be Muto,
the warehouse keeper. Enter the big house. Go upstairs and enter the room on
the far right. Inside here will be the libarian, Eike. The last person, Cecile,
is at the gate. Finally, after you have met the current members of Lake Castle,
head back to the big building at the end. You will recieve a letter that you
have to deliver to the Zexen Knights. Cecile will join your party. I suggest
to build up everyone's Armor Protect skill. Also, buy 5 Seqntt, and 5 Random
lottery tickets and try to win the 500,000 potch prize. Trust me, you will
need it. Leave the castle, and level up a bit at the Yaza Plains. When you are
done, head to Brass Castle.
Brass Castle
Once inside, listen to what Cecile says. Talk to Roland who is inside the
castle. He'll say that Salome is upstairs. Enter the room that is located at
the bottom right side. In there, you'll see Percival and Borus talking. Go up
stairs. Salome is in the middle room. After you greet him, and talk, leave the
Brass Castle. Head back to Lake Castle.
Lake Castle
Enter the big house at the end. Sleep in your room (third and fourth door
upstairs). When you wake up, get outside to see Sebastian talking to a
villager from a nearby village. You have to find the baby named, THOMAS!!!
Start by checking the doors on the right side. Check the tombstone area (beside
the warehouse). Look in the libary. Talk to Juan, and he'll join your party.
If you have enough money, buy him some armor from Brass Castle for him. Also,
level up all of your weapons. After all that is done, head to Mt. Hei-Tou.
Mt. Hei-Tou
Keep going straight. Don't turn into the other paths. Just go straight. When
you reach the "end", you will see a little boy. And, BOSS FIGHT!!!
Wild Boar
----Use Cecile's and Thomas's combo attack to hurt this boss pretty bad. Have Juan
and Piccolo attack. Keep using Thomas's and Cecile's combo attack. This wild
boar has tons of HP, does a lot of damage, and has a high defense. That is why
you have to keep using that combo attack. Also, that is why I said to upgrade
your weapons. Anyways, heal when needed, and you should do fine. If a
character dies, reset the game. This boss gives out a lot of EXP and skill
points so you need to keep each character alive. That is all.
Take the little boy back to the castle. Talk to Muto, Juan, and Martha to learn
the whereabouts of Sebastian. Then, enter the main part of the castle. Watch
the cut-scene. Now, you have to find the record. The record is inside Thomas's
room. After that is done, talk to Juan, Martha, and Piccolo to trigger a
cut-scene. Leave the castle. Many towns will now be open. Enter the castle
again. Thomas will go to sleep. When you wake up, you'll find that Eike has
been missing for weeks. Head to the front gates. Shizu will join the 108 stars.
Head to Iskay Village to recruit a strong person.
Iskay Village
Talk to Mel who is between the 2 buildings in front. Tell her to come to
Budehuc and she'll join the 108 stars. Go back to Lake Castle.
Lake Castle
When you get here, rest. The next morning, talk to Shizu. The elevator is now
working. Go over there, and Shizu will take you to the last floor, or more
like the "unknown" level. From here, go down the path until you see a fork in
the road. That is why I said to recruit Mel. The monsters down here are very
strong. Keep going down the road until you see a path that leads to the left.
Continue walking. Take the right path. You just beat Chapter 1 with Thomas.
> Chapter 2
Now, you can recruit tons of people. So...Here it goes...Check the 108 stars
section to recruit them. The reason I'm not listing them here is because it
will confuse yall. You probably got them from the other chapters. NOTE: You can
get all but 8 stars in chapter 4, so I'll have all of the stars listed in
Chapter 4. Ok? Head to Iskay Village.
Iskay Village
Tell the soldiers where Budehuc Castle is at. Now, go to Budehuc Castle.
Lake Castle
After the cut-scene, level up everyone's Armor Protect, and Swing to an A or
higher. Have Mel, Cecile, Thomas, Juan and Piccolo in your party. Go to your
room to rest. Once you wake up, head to the gates. After the cut-scene,
everyone will be in front of the big house at the end. Talk to Caesar and
Apple who are in front of the lottery ticket place. Listen to Caesar, and go
to the courtyard (area in front of big building). Once the cut-scene is over,
rest in your room. Then, head to the front gates. Once that is done, talk to
Martha, Piccolo, and Muto who are inside the huge building to the far right
side. When you finish doing that, rest in your room. Yet again, in the morning,
everyone will be in the courtyard. Choose the option titled "Oh, right. Ready."
if you are ready to fight. Commence Battle!
---------Commence Battle #1
---------Conditions for victory: Stay alive for _x_ turns.
Conditions for defeat: Ally units are destroyed.
Have Cecile, and Thomas defend until the enemy units get close enough for
Thomas to use his wind magic on them. After a couple of turns, Hugo and Lilly's
unit should now come. These are the new conditions:
Conditions for victory: Hugo and Lilly's units escape to the East.
Conditions for defeat: Hugo and Lilly's units are defeated.
Move Hugo and Lilly to the same circle each time you move them towards the
East. Have Thomas and Cecile defend. The Zexen Knights will go after either
Hugo or Lilly. Always have Hugo intercept the attack because Lilly's unit is
so weak. Continue moving Lilly, and Hugo to the East but make sure that they
are in the same circle. Have Thomas and Cecile continue defending. And, keep
moving Lilly, and Hugo to the East. Once Hugo, and Lilly escape, the battle
will end.
After the battle, talk to Cecile. Get to the courtyard. After the cut-scene,
rest in your room. Go down stairs. Talk to Muto who is at the far left side
of the castle, downstairs. Move Thomas back to his room. The next morning, Leo
and Percival will be outside, in the courtyard, waiting to greet you. Well,
don't keep them waiting. Sit back and watch the cut-scene. When it's over,
rest. The next morning, meet everyone in the courtyard. Organize your party.
Make sure that Mel is in your party!!! Commence Battle!!!
---------Commence Battle #2
---------Have all of your units defend. When the enemy gets close enough, use Thomas's
wind magic on them. Every 2-3 turns, your HP will be restored but not
completely. Move everyone's units to where Thomas is at. You just need to
stay alive for a couple of turns. After the a while, it will be a safe
After the battle, run toward the huge house at the end. But, the Zexen
Marshalls will somehow catch up to you while wearing all of that armor. Teach
them Zexen idiots a lesson!
-------Zexen Marshall
Zexen Marshall
Zexen Marshall
Zexen Marshall
-------Attack them. Do not use any rune magic on them. Use Thomas and Cecile's combo
attack to kill one marshall in one turn. Thomas and Cecile should stay alive
while Juan and Piccolo should die. Mel should also stay alive. Piccolo is
useless so just have him, along with Juan, defend. Continue using Thomas and
Cecile's combo attack to get rid of the Zexen Marshalls fast. The Zexen
Marshalls have high attack power, but low defense. The should all die in as
little as 5 turns. Also, heal when needed. You don't want your party members
to die. Well...That's it...
Keep running, and you'll fight them again. Use the same strategy as before.
After the battle, continue running. You'll fight them again. Except, there is
NO WAY TO WIN. No matter how amny times you hit them, you WILL NOT WIN!!!!
you have to do is defend, and heal. That's it because after a while the battle
will end. Geddoe and his gang will come and help you out. Finally, you will
fight them one last time. Instead of there being 4 Marshalls, there will be
2 Marshalls. In the words of Yoda "Easy, it is". Once you beat them, you will
have beaten Thomas's POV (point of view).
• Chapter 4
You will learn that the flame champion died. So, one of the main characters
is given the choice to be the successor of the True Fire Rune. To have the
best storyline, choose Hugo, or Geddoe. Chris sucks at magic, so I wouldn't
give her the True Fire Rune. NOTE: THE BATTLES AND MOST OF THE
Just so you are wondering, I chose Chris. Once you choose the new Flame
Champion, arrange your party according to this:
-----Geddoe will still have this True Lightning Rune. Time to prove if Hugo
is ready to recieve the True Fire Rune.
-----Fire Rincar
-----Use True Lightning -> Hammer of Raijin, and have the Hugo, along with the
Captain of the Zexen Knights attack. Use True Lightning -> Hammer of Raijin
again. If you ran out of that, use True Lightning -> Soaring Belt, the second
strongest lightning attack in the game. Continue having Hugo, and Chris
attack. Heal when nessecary, and you should do fine. Oh yeah, the Fire Rincar's
attacks, are ugh....FIRE ATTACKS!! Duh! And it is common if one of your
characters die. But, try to keep everyone alive as this monster gives out
tons of Skill Points. Now...Good luck!
Right after you defeat the Fire Rincar, the main villians will arrive. You have
no choice but to fight them. It doesn't matter if you win or lose. If you want
to win, do this...
------Masked Bishop
------This is an optional battle that you do not have to win. To actually win this
battle, you have to be quite skilled. Your level should be at least 43 (I had
levels around 48, and won it in 2 rounds), and you should have Geddoe's
Lightning skill maxed out. Chris or Hugo should also have a Water Rune
attached. Remeber to keep that formation from earlier, it will allow you to
heal easiest. Lastly, you have to have not used up all your most powerful
magic in the last battle. If you did, this will be virtually impossible to
win. The best place to get the requirments is leaving Flame Champion Hideaway
and fighting in the forests near Alma Kinan (Kaput Forest). You may get into a
battle with 2 large, blue crabs. Its one of those mini boss battles. This
battle alone should net you with 3-4 levels. If you can get to Alma Kinan,
then go, as they have all the things you need to create and ideal party.
In the battle itself, have Geddoe start out with his True Lightning -> Thunder
Storm to do about 1,000-1,200 damage to ALL the enemies on screen. This will
kill off the Chimeras, and will put Sarah and the Masked Bishop into critical
zone. Remember to use the Water Rune on whatever character it is equipped on,
to heal on the first turn. On the second turn, Sarah will most likely heal
herself and her party, also use this turn to continue keeping yourself
healthy. On the second turn, have Geddoe use that same spell again, this
should kill off the Masked Bishop, and maybe Yuber if he wasnt hit by the
Kindness Drops. Have Chris or Hugo attack Sarah, and if you are lucky, the
battle will be over in 2 rounds. If it isnt over, then attack Yuber with the
strongest magic you have, and Sarah with physical attacks. Attacking Yuber
physically is asking for destruction.
one last note: You may want to have each character: Chris, Hugo and Geddoe in
a different section, so you can cast 3 spells a turn, one healing, and two
attacking. It will be harder to heal with Kindness Drops, though.
Chisha Village
You'll be inside the Inn. Exit out of it. You'll be at the entrance of the
peaceful village. Head down to where Caesar is. Commence Battle!
---------Commence Battle #1
---------Conditions for victory: Destroy 5 enemy units.
Conditions for defeat: Ally units number 5 or less.
You won't be able to control the lizard clan, or the Karaya clan even if you
chose Hugo as your Flame Champion. Move Chris to the lizard clan in front of
her. Move Salome's unit to where Beecham is located. Have everyone defend.
After a couple of turns, you will retreat to Duck Village.
Duck Village
Talk to Beecham, Salome, Lucia, and Dupa who are inside the Inn. After that,
build up your fire magic skill using the Tutor Shop as you will need it later
on. After doing all of that, rest if you want. Once you are done with that, go
to the entrance of Duck Village. Commence Battle!
---------Commence Battle #2
---------Conditions for victory: Destroy enemy units.
Conditions for defeat: Ally units are destroyed.
This time, you can use the Lizard and Karaya clan units. Do not send any units
out to get Sarah. Have everyone defend, and let the enemy attack you. If you
get hurt, use Dupa's healing skills to heal them pretty good. Just wait a
couple of turns, and some units from Le Buque will come. Also, the Flame
Champion will pursue Sarah...
Time for another boss fight. You fought that you were going to fight Sarah,
right? Well, she isn't dumb. She has tons of "Harmonian Soldiers" protecting
her which means that you have to kick their ass to get to Sarah. Here are
the first set of "Harmonian Soldiers". This is why I said to build up your
Flame Champions's Fire skill.
---------Harmonian Soldiers
Harmonian Soldiers
Harmonian Soldiers
Harmonian Soldiers
Harmonian Soldiers
---------Use Hugo's True Fire -> Explosion to kill all of the "Harmonian Soldiers" in
one hit. If they don't die, have Alia defend for the whole time, and the
others attack. The Harmonian Soldiers deal tons of damage. That is why I said
to build up your Fire magic skill. Heal when nessecary, and you'll do fine.
You'll fight them again. Use the same strategy as before. Then, you'll meet up
with Sarah along with 5 Harmonian Soldiers...
---------Harmonian Soldiers
Harmonian Soldiers
Harmonian Soldiers
Harmonian Soldiers
Harmonian Soldiers
---------Focus on the Harmonian Soldiers. Use the same strategy as before to take them
out. Sarah will only heal, so you need to kill the Harmonian Soldiers in one
hit (by using True Fire -> Explosion). You see, that is why I said to build up
your Fire magic skill. Once all of the Harmonian Soldiers are dead, the battle
will end.
You'll be in Brass Castle.
Brass Castle
Note: From here on, the main character is Chris. I will try and get the other
differences, but this is the strategy for Chris's party. She is probably the
worst choice for Flame Champion. The main strategy is the same, but sometimes
you have to talk to someone you wouldn't normally with your other characters.
---------Commence Battle #3
---------This battle can be very hard. It is annoying, and the enemies are powerful.
The best thing to do is to stay on the castle, because there, the damage is
reduced by 40%. Let the enemies come to you. Also, DO NOT lose that area that
is shining White, the battle will be considered lost if you do.
As always, try and spread your party out, I suggest not going 3 squares from
where you normally start, because if you do you will face more enemies that
way. Don't let anyone die, as you need all the help you can get. Dont be
afraid to run, as you just need to survive a long time in this battle. If
your characters are on the Shining area, they will be healed, so try and keep
your wounded party members there.
Be patient, and dont go on a wild attacking spree. That will just en dup with
your defeat.
Note: From here on, the main character is Chris. I will try and get the other
differences, but this is the strategy for Chris's party. She is probably the
worst choice for Flame Champion. The main strategy is the same, but sometimes
you have to talk to someone you wouldn't normally with your other characters.
After the battle, your party celebrates inside Brass Castle. Watch a few
scenes, and head left, and back into the main castle. Head straight, and left
near the end. In the area near the entrance to the inn, head up the stairs on
the right. On the second floor hallway, head down, and enter the first door
you come to on the right. There will be a conversation going on when you
enter. Watch the scene, and when you can control your character again, exit
the room the same way you entered, and head up. Go down the stairs to the
right, and back into the first floor of the main castle. Head back into the
center hall, and head up. Head left through the town, and exit Brass Castle
totally. Your goal is Lake Castle.
Lake Castle
Once you enter the castle, watch the movies, you will be able to name your
Castle at this point. Call it whatever you want, I will refer to it as
Homeland. When you can control your character again examine the bed. You can
save and rest here for free. When you are done, exit the room through the door
on the right wall. Back in the main room of the castle, head downstairs, and
exit. Exit the castle, and prepare your party. Go to the world map. Your next
goal is Great Hollow.
Note: This is a GREAT time to build up your 108 Stars of Destiny. Since you
have access to most areas of the world map, you can do almost anything. Look
at the sub-quests and the Characters sections to see what you can do. Also,
this is a great time to build up. You can go to the Flame Champions Hideaway,
and fight enemies there. You can easily get to level 52 or so withing 5
battles if you want to. Also, try and get a Pale Gate rune from the
skeletons in Flame Champion Hideaway. Just keep reseting if you dont get one
from the Skeletons. It will help a LOT in the next few major battles. Also,
try and get Viki, as she will help a LOT while travelling.
Great Hollow
Entering Great Hollow, follow the path, and shortly, you will see a short
scene. Ignore the man, and exit Great Hollow the same way you entered. Now,
you head back to your Homeland.
Once back home, head back to the main Castle, and enter it. Once inside, head
left, and go back into the meeting room. It's the first room on the path to
the left, and the same room you named your castle in. Once inside, you will
watch a scene, and your goal will to then follow Jimba into the Highway.
Remember to do your building before you follow him, as you will be entering
a rather difficult area. Make sure to prepare your party, buy items, and do
whatever you need before leaving. When you are done, go back into the Highway.
Ancient Highway
When you enter, ignore everything else, and head directly to the center of the
area (where Yuber and Hugo once fought). There, you will watch a scene, and
the door will open. Head through the door.
Note: Try to have a Pale Gate rune going into this area. Without one, the
bosses you face will be hell. To get one, go to the Flame Champion Hideaway,
and look at the Skeletons there. If they have items, then you can do the
trick. Keep reseting until one of the items you get is a Pale Gate rune. Do
not save after if you dont have the item. Just reset. It may take a while, but
it will be worth it.
Cyndar Ruins
Note: For those of you who have played the previous Suikoden games, you will
somewhat know this name. The Cyndar in this game is considered a
mistranslation. It should be Sindar. And you know what that is.
When you enter this area, you will have three paths to choose from. First,
save at the save point to the left, and then you want to go down the right
the direction, right) path. On the larger screen, head straight until you get
to an intersection. At the intersection, take a right. Follow the next screen
as it twists and turns. Keep going in this direction until you see a save
point. SAVE HERE. When you are sure you are reasy, head foward and you will
see a scene.
Ghost Armor
Ghost Armor
-----This battle can be really annoying. First rule of the thumb, DO NOT use all
your big magics here. This means you should stick to lower level magics. Unless
of course, you really need to heal and don't have a Flowing Rune (so Kindness
Drops is level 2 instead of 3). Make sure to save at least 4 Heal alls (AKA
Shield -> Great Blessing, and Water -> Kindness Drops) for your next battle.
If you want to do things the easy way, have Estella (with a Pale Gate rune and
skill) use the level 1 attack. This should end the battle. If it doesnt, then
attack Sarah normally, as she should be the only one left alive. If you have
to do things the hard way, be prepared to make a long battle short, as if this
drags on, you most likely wont win. Try to have Futch mounted on Bright, and
you can do over 1,000 damage an attack. That should kill off the Chimeras fast,
while your other party members can focus on doing what they do best. As
always, Sarah heals with Kindness Drops, so you need to kill the Chimeras in
one turn. Try to up your defense with Earth spells.
After the battle, watch the scenes, and heal up. Head down, and back onto the
screen you fought Sarah on. SAVE NOW, and even harder battle looms ahead.
If you must, head back to a town, and heal up. When you are ready, head back
up the stairs. On the icy screen, head straight, dodging the ruins on either
side, and continue going onto the next screen. On this next screen, do the
same thing, except heal before getting near the end, as a HORRIBLY evil boss
is waiting.
------Water Dragon
Ice Pillar
Ice Pillar
Ice Pillar
Ice Pillar
Ice Pillar
Ice Pillar
------This boss can easily be considered one of the hardest bosses in the game if
you dont have the Pale Gate rune, and are able to use it. Without it, you WILL
go through hell, no matter how good and built up your party is. There are seven
targets, with the Water Dragon the main target. But to actually get to the
water dragon, you have to kill off at least one or 2 of the Ice Pillars. Each
pillar does from 100-200 damage with each attack. Meaning they can easily wip
the floor with your characters in one round. And you also have to count the
Water Dragons attack, which does around 200 or so to the entire party. I have
seen my entire party wiped out in two turns with an A rank Water rune
character, and an B+ Earth. Characters like Hugo mounted on Fubar, and Futch
mounted on Bright will make the battle easier, but still very difficult to
survive. Even worse, is the fact that the Water Dragon can revive his Ice
Pillars, making it longer, and more tedious for you.
The best, and easiest way to win this battle is to have a Pale Gate rune
attached to a character like Estella or Viki (or Joker, if he has a head slot
available). Then use the same strategy you used for Sarah. Use the level One
spell from the rune on the Water Dragon to hit all of the Ice Pillars. This
will kill off all 6 Ice Pillars in one hit (the first spell has an instant
death chance) and do around 1,000 damage to the Water Dragon. Then you are
free to attack the Dragon itself, he has a lot of HP, so it may take a while
to kill him. Keep your HP high, probably about 200, and you can survive.
Remember, he can revive his Ice Pillars though.
If you want to do this battle the hard way, you are in for a long, and most
likely battle you have to reset in 5+ times battle. The best way to do it is
to have a magic user with a Mother Earth rune casting the spell that gives
immunity to magic spells once per character. Or up your defense with an Earth
rune. Then have Futch and Bright (mounted) and attack one of the Ice Pillars.
Have your magic users use Fire spells, as strong as you can. Final Flame does
a good amount of damage. Once one or two Ice Pillars are out of the way, you
have a choice. Either keep the damage from the Ice Pillars, and go after the
Water Dragon alone, or to kill off most of the other Ice Pillars. Killing the
Water Dragon is the faster alternative, as you may not survive killing off all
of the Ice PIllars. This battle is very difficult, but it IS survivable, you
just need a certain amount of luck.
After the battle, heal. Now, you can head up the stairs. On the next screen,
head straight and continue onto the next screen. After 2 more straight screens,
you will be shown a screen. At this point either Chris or Hugo will inherit
the True Water Rune.
• Chapter 5
Chapter five begins where you can choose your character again. It doesnt matter
whom you choose, as you will just be given control of your Flame Champion.
You begin by watching a scene. hen you are given a choice, choose to sleep to
progress. Watch some more scens, and when you are given control of your
Champion, head downstairs, and try to exit Homeland on foot. You will then
watch a scene involving Franz. Watch the longer set of scenes.
You are now in control of Geddoe again (if he wasn't you're Flame Champion),
but not for the rest of the game. You can do almost anything in the castle
with Geddoe, but Viki will not teleport you anywhere, so you are forced to
move on foot. You automatically exit the Homeland. You can re-enter when you
want, and I sugeest you do so, to build up the party that you may not have
built up after the Flame Champion Hideaway. If you didnt builkd them up after
Flame Champion Hideaway, they should have around 1,000 Skill points, so use
them all.
Your goal is now Le Buque. Head all the way over there from Homeland. On
mountain path you will probably have to fight a boss again, use all the spells
you want, as you wil be able to heal in Le Buque. At the end of the area, you
will watch a short scene, and be placed on the world map again.
Le Buque
Entering Le Buque, and watch a scene. Head up the path to the main town. Walk
forward a bit, and another scene will play. Head straight over the mesh
netting, and exaiming the door to the first house on the right, which is
Iku's house. Enter the house, and go into the second room of the house,
where Geddoe and party talked to Iku before. After a scene, and your goal will
be layed out for you. Make sure to stay the night at the inn if you are missing
even a little magic. Your goal is Mount Senai. Exit town, and head there.
Mnt. Senai
When you enter, you will be presented with a short scene. You may know Senai by
now, but I will give you directions anyway. Go left, and follow the path to the
next screen. Head right down the planks, and continue straight. Head right when
you can, and follow the path in one direction some more. On the next screen,
head across the second platform on the right, and continue straight, ignoring
that side path (unless you want and dont have the doggie). On the next screen,
head down either of the platforms on the left, and enter the door to the
shrine area. Head straight in this hall, and on the next screen, you will watch
a scene.
-----Like most of the battles with Sarah, Luc and Yuber, you are not required to win.
Luckily, Yuber isnt here to kick your ass, so you have a much better chance of
survival normally. Sarah, as always, heals and uses water magic, and Luc uses
wind and pale gate magic. Get sarah out of there first, as she can cause a lot
of problems, even though Lucs attacks are stronger. The Salamanders are immune
to Fire spells (or rather, the spells do 1 damage), so dont try to kill them
with that. You can end the main problems of this battle in a single round if
you use Geddoes True Lightning -> Thunder Storm and Jokers Fire -> Explosion
or any other strong fire spell). Queen may have a Wind rune (she is best at
Wind magic, so naturally you would want to get her one), of so, have her use
Wind -> The Shredding. Aila should start with using defensive earth spells on
your party, and uing Shield -> Great Blessing to heal your party when needed.
You get a Wind Magic Ring for winning this battle.
After the battle, a long scene will play, and Geddoe will lose his True Rune
(either Lightning or Fire). After that, watch some more scenes, and head right
over the bridge, and exit the shrine area. Heal before, though. Here, you will
watch a scene, and you are then required to fight Three (3) progressively
harder battles with Ghost Armors, Salamanders, and Mirages. After these three
battles, you are given a choice. MAKE SURE TO CHOOSE "We can't just run away!"
THREE TIMES! If you don't, you lose the ability to gain three new party
members. Choose that option 3 times, unless your party is really close to
death. After the third battle, you will be shown a scene. When given the
option, choose "Please help us!". This will then allow you to have Duke,
Elaine, Gau, and Nicholas as 4 of the 108 Stars of Destiny. When you are back
on the world map, re-enter Le Buque.
Le Buque
When you are back in Le Buque, enter the main town area again, and watch a long
scene (you gotta love how Geddoe doesnt put up with shit). After this, you lose
control of Geddoe once again, even if he is your Flame Champion.
You are now in control of Chris, even if she isnt your Flame Champion. Remember
to up her skills, and her parties skills when you can go to a Skill shop. Watch
a scene, and when you regain control of Chris, it looks like your destination
is Vinay del Zexay. Why dont we take a short brake at Brass Castle though,
Remember: Like Geddoe, you cant warp with Viki at this point. Viki will be
tired, or just not able to warp your party at this point. So you are forced
to walk wherever you want to go.
Brass Castle
Ah, Brass Castle. Home, sweet home. Why not take a look around? Head right, and
into the main town. Continue right, and and down through the castle. On the
third screen, watch a scene, and your goal is now Alma Kinan. Head in that
Kaput Forest
When you enter Kaput forest, head right, and continue down the single path.
Continue past the intersection, and when you are at the last intersection to
Alma Kinan, a surprising scene will play, and you will be forced into another
---If you have fought the Azodsesses before, you know how annoying they can be.
And with Sarah there, this battle can be a pain in the ass. Remember, like
most Sarah battles, you dont have to win this, but since it is rather easy,
why not try? Sarah, as always, will heal herself and her party with water
magic. She also attacks with the magic. The easiest way to win this battle
is exactly the same way you won the last battle, the level 1 Pale Gate rune
will slaughter the Azodesses, and severly harm Sarah. If you cant do that,
make sure to kill off Azodesses as fast as you can, with any magic it takes,
as you wont be needing it after this (or rather, there wont be any battles
after this one). Remmeber that the Azodesses can silence your party, so it may
be harder to heal this way. Protect your magic users with anti-silence guards,
and have your strongest physical attackers go all out. Futch mounted on Bright
helps this battle progress steadily, though it is possible to win without it.
Sarah hasnt really gotten any stronger since your last encounter, and actually,
this battle is much easier then the one in the Cyndar ruins. If you win, you
get a rare Drain rune.
After the battle, watch a scene, and Chris' True Rune (Water of Fire) will be
taken away. You then lose control of Chris' party.
Hugo's scenario is like Chris' and Geddoes', you cant use Viki, even if he is
your Champion. This is like a short chapter inside another chapter. Remember
to build up the skills of Hugo and his party, and remember Fubar (Must.
Resist. Urge. To. Make. Bad. Comment) and that Hugo can mount him.
When you begin, watch a short scene, and dont worry about a party just yet.
When you can control Hugo, head to the exit of the Homeland on foot. Watch a
short scene, and exit the Homeland. Enter the neighboring village of Iksay.
Look around Iksay village, and do whatever you need to. There are no scenes
you need to trigger in this village. Just search around, and shop. When you
are done, exit, and go back to your Homeland.
When you enter, and you will be automatically shown a scene. You are then
prompted to choose a party. I suggest Fubar with Hugo at least, as one mounted
pair will be a lot better then anything else. Any other characters are your
own choice, there wont be a boss battle, so you dont have to worry about that.
Hugo then gets back on his kick ass Zebra-Horsie, and your goal is Brass
Caslte. Remember to build up your characters at this point.
Brass Castle
When you enter, you will automatically watch a scene. Head right, and enter
the town. The complete lack of people is disturbing. HEY! Is that shop left
unattended? And, wasnt Jeane's shop that rune shop? There may be something
left of her! Lets go and-er...Anyways, continue right,and enter the main
castle. Head down, and enter the second part of town. There are people in
this area, so dont let your fantasies get ahead of you just yet. Power up
anything you need to, and heal before you go through the door to the opposite
side of Brass Castle.
Once here, you notice the chaos. You are then attacked by a set of 5 Harmonian
soldiers. They arent that tough, especially if Hugo is mounted on Fubar. Kill
them physically, and they wont be too tough. After this, you will see a scene,
and are then required to fight two more sets of Harmonian soldiers. This is a
great time to level up your low level characters.
After these battles, Hugo will lose his True Rune (which can be any of the
three runes), and an awesome movie will then commence. After the movies, you
will be given a set of three choices that you always get before a major
battle. I suggest you go and save before entering this battle, as people can
die (permanently!). Prepare your battle parties, and your choices, and prepare
for a huge war.
---------Commence Battle #1
Conditions for Victory:
Destroy Yubers Unit
Conditions for Defeat:
Successors unit is destroyed
Take note that the first thing you should not allow to happen is let any of
your parties die. If they do, there is a chance that a character can die
off, permanently, leaving you with less then 108 Stars, and you then wont be
able to see the special secret at the end of the game. Don't be afraid to
reset, as this battle can be a pain. Let Yubers Units come to you, as you are
severly outnumbered when you being this battle. If Yuber attacks any party,
make sure that you run from the battle on the first turn. The best way to harm
Yubers unit is by Lightning and Fire skills, so save those for him. The main
goal of the battle is to survive for the first few turns. In 3 turns, Sasarai
will come into the battle. He will not attack anyone though, and it is highly
doubtful your party is over to that side of the battlefield by now, anyways.
Try and stay on the Castle, or on the Plains so your party will be healed after
each round. A few rounds after Sasarai joins, then a short scene will play,
and he will join your party for the battle. Now your goal is to kill off
everyone and everything. Killing Yubers unit off first will end the battle,
but it is a lot easier to kill all of the enemies before going after him.
Remmeber not to waste Sasarai's or any other characters Spells on the normal
enemies, and use them on Yuber. When Yuber gets to half health, the spells wont
effect him anymore. You are then required to attack him physically (prepare
for ouchies). Have a strong party, one with a "Tank" (one that doesnt take
damage from physical attacks well, like Nicholas, Ceceil, Leo and a built up
Fred). Remember that Yuber has amazing dodge capabilities, so it may take a
long time to kill him. You get a Flowing Rune for winning this battle.
After the battle, you are automatically brought back to your Homeland, and
changed back into the control of your main character. You will watch some
scenes, and are given characters 102-104. During this scene, you will have
the ability to start battle, but befoe you do, MAKE ABSOLUTELY SURE YOU ARE
Being ready means having 104 of the 108 Stars of Destiny (dont worry about the
other 4, you'll get them automatically). It also means preparing 3 main
parties. Yes, you heard me, three parties. Level up in the Flame Champion
Hideaway if needed, and build up all these characters to the nest you can.
Play around, and do everything else you need. The day of destiny will soon
arive! Remember to only go if you have 104 characters of the 108 (unless of
course you dont want the best secret ever). Lastly, dont remove the skills
of magic from your Flame Champion.
When you are ready, go into the meeting room, and talk to everyone. Then
choose to get going and finish this.
Ceremonial Site
The Ceremonial Site is the location of the final battle. But befoere you can
get in, you must deal with Yuber, Sarah, and their hordes of monsters.
---------Commence Battle #2
Conditions for Victory:
Destroy Yubers Unit
Conditions for Defeat:
Successors Unit is destroyed
This is the hardest major battle in the game. Not only do you have to worry
about the extreme amount of monsters, but you have to worry about keeping your
party members alive, as just like the last battle, they can die permanently.
The first rule of this battle: It WILL take a long time. No matter how strong
you are, this battle will be very long. Start by having your characters slowly
move upwards, going the opposite direction of Yuber. Try to head towards
Sarah, as getting rid of her can make this battle easier. The enemies in this
battle are strong, but nothing you didn't face in the last major battle. When
you reach Sarah, be warned. She has 1-hit-kill with her killer Final Flame
spell. Just attack her as much as possible with magic before you attack her
normally, and before going after her, try and get her Water rune skill down a
bit, so you dont waste all that damage and she heals it when she is close to
death. To get the skill down to zero, let the enemies run from you when they
are close to defeat, and she will most likely heal them. Remember to run when
you get into battle with Yubers unit, as he is still as strong, if not stronger
then before, and can easily wipe the floor with your party.
The reason you want to go after Sarah's unit is because once hers is gone, 80%
of the monsters will disappear with her, and wont come back. Then you can go
after Yuber with whatever you want. Kill him like you do normally, just
remember to use magic on him first, and try to have a healthy party when going
at it.
After the battle, make sure you don't save until you are positive that you
don't have any dead party members (My biggest mistake the first time through
the game was getting all these characters, and then saving, only to notice that
one died in that last battle. Grrr). You will watch a scene, and be given
control of the holder of the True Lightning Rune; either Geddoe or Hugo. The
character is then given the ability to pick a party. He can alsoleave the
Ceremonial site and go back to where ever he/she wants, except remember the
deadline for the 108 Stars is up. And lastly, if you want, you can go look at
the Tablet of Stars,as you have just gotten your last 4 characters, but only if
you had 104 alive Stars before that last battle.
Party consideration is a major effect here. Since you have to balance your
parties, you can be in trouble. If you had one main party throughout the
game, then you can be in trouble. Let Hugo have Fubar (if he isnt your flame
Champion), and have Futch and Bright with the True Lightning character. Have
Franz and Ruby with your other character. If Hugo is your champion, have
Franz with Chris, and Futch with Geddoe. If Chris is your Champion, have
Futch with Geddoe, and Fubar with Hugo. The same with Geddoe. Don't let the
Champion have a mounted character, as he wont need it.
Note: There are some special scenes you can see if you choose a party of
characters that the Inheriters of the True Runes start with. Hugo has to have
Fubar and St. Joe in his party, and everyone else has to have their base
characters (the ones that were main characters throughout their story).
These are some of the best scenes in the game, and some of them are certainly
the most heartwarming.
True Lightning
The best type of party for this area is a a party of high HP "Tanks". Futch
mounted on Bright is also very useful. The enemies here are some of the
hardest sets in the game, so be warned. It's best to run if you have to fight
more then 2 Azodesses at once, as they can seriously decimate you, more then
the other enemies.
When you control the character going to True Lightning, save (remember only
if you know that everyone is alive!), and go through the door on the top
right corner of the main room. Watch a short scene (this will be a special
scene if you chose a party from the earlier note.), and go straight. Follow
the path, and go through the door at the end. In this next room, head over
the platform and go to the next screen. Continue following the single path,
and you will eventually get to the last door at the end of the third screen.
Heal before going into it, and beware. Enter the door, and head straight.
Watch a scene, and you will be attacked.
----Alright, this is one big ouchie. Yuber is capable of attacking a single
character up to 5 times in a row, for around 100-200 damage each time.
This will easily slaughter even the strongest mounted characters. The
Hellsteed is another strong physical attacker which does around 150 damage
per attack, and can attack twice. You have faced Skeletons before, these are
just powered up ones.
To win this battle cleanly, you have to get rid of the monsters within
the first 2 turns. This means you have to go all out, and slaughter everything
in sight, and do it quickly. Kill off the Skeletons first, as they are the
easiest to kill. You should be able to kill them all within two turns. Then
set your sights on the Hellsteed. One round of attacks bu all your attackers
against him should kill him. Make sure to heal if anyone gets under 300 HP.
When Yuber is alone, then you have an easier time, but it will still be
difficult. He goes berserk easily, and then does around 200 damage with each
attack, slaughtering everyone in his way. Even if you have gotten to this
point, you arent safe, and can still be killed just as easily as you could
normally. In fact, near death, a berserk Yuber can do 300 damage to even the
strongest tanks.
This is one of the hardest battles in the game, so dont worry if you have to
reset a few times. It's only natural, especially if its your first time
Remember that Yuber has a high physical evasion, and counters a lot of your
physical attacks, so spells are the safest way to win this battle. When you are
done, your character reclaims his True Lightning Rune, and you are
automatically given control of another character.
True Water
Either Chris or Hugo will be your starting character for this area. Remember
not to get into too many battles, as the boss will be hell if you do.
This party needs to be stronger, dont show mercy, because the last party (the
next one) doesnt really need strong characters. So use your strongest
characters as much as you can.
Choose your party, MAKE SURE YOU SAVE!, and head through the door on the top
left corner of the main hall. After a scene, head straight, following the
path onto the next screen. On the second screen, head over the platform,
and onto the third screen. On the third, follow the path, and near the end,
heal. Head onto the fourth screen, watch a scene, and prepare for battle.
A long, and hard battle that will make you mad enough to throw your controller
down at times.
-----The Azodesses present the main problem of this battle. You have fought them
many times before, but unlike previous monster/character battles, the monsters
here dont die from the first level Pale Gate. The Horrobeasts have a hell of a
lot of HP, so it will take a while to kill them. Their attacks do about
150 damage, or 100 damage too all your party members, so you need either
Shield -> Great Blessing, or Water -> Kindness Drops for this battle. And you
will probably need to do it once a round, and SHOULD do it once a round. Sarah
will attack a lot more often in this battle, then she did in previous battles.
Her attack does around 100-200 damage to the entire party, and is water
elemental. The Azodesses are powered up, but are still basically the same as
Kill off the Azodesses first, as they are the fastest, and can silence your
entire party, cutting off your healing. Kill them off with whatever means
necissary. The best way to do it is by strong physical attacks, as they
take more damage physically then magically. The Horrobeasts aren't damaged
from Fire Magic, so use whatever means you need to kill them. Since they
are so slow, they are the least threat of the battle, and should be killed
near last.
As always, Sarah heals. But like I said before, she attacks more. Try to kill
off all the enemies fast to keep her from healing them. This battle can be even
harder thenm the Yuber battle, because the enemies target your entire party,
not just one character, like Yuber. Keep your HP way up, and be prepared to
die multiple times before winning this battle.
The best way to actuallty defend yourself in this battle in the Mother Earth
Rune and its immunity to magic spells for the entire party. If Hugo is your
Water Rune character, he will be fast with the Earth magic, so you may want
to use him for defense if he is in your party. The immunity to spells will
save your ass a LOT. Have a character with a good water spell, and a Flowing
Rune so you can heal fast. Try not to use Fire magic, and work with whatever
else you need. Be patient, it is a little bit of luck.
After the battle, you are automatically given control of another character.
True Fire
This is by far the easiest of the paths, because there is no hugely impossible
boss battle to fight here. Choose your party, it doesnt have to be uber, just
a party you are able to survive with.
When you begin, save your game, and go through the center door of the top
floor. Watch a scene, and follow the paths straight until the second screen.
Head over the platform, and onto the next screen. Follow the path as it "U's",
onto the next screen. On the last screen, follow the path, and save your game.
Head toward the center of the room, and a scene will play, and your character
will now get his or her True Fire Rune back. Watch the long scene, and go
through the newely opened door. Watch another scene, and you are given an
option to choose party members. At this point, Chris, Hugo, and Geddoe can all
be in the same party. You can also use Sasarai, and his True Earth Rune.
The final battle awaits beyond that last door.Your party choice is really your
own, but I usually use Geddoe, Chris, Hugo and Sasari, yes, they have the True
Runes, and yes that is shallow, but so what? Sasari is great at ALL forms of
magic, and Chris will be a good healer throughout the battle. Geddoe will be
good at offense once you get one problem out of the way, and Hugo just kicks
ass all around. For my last two characters, I usually have Futch mounted on
Bright. They are almost indestructable. Its really your own personal opinion
though. Some may prefer Estella to Sasarai, or anything else on that matter.
Going through the door, watch a long scene, and you arer foced into some odd
minor battles. Just use physical attacks, and they should die rather quickly.
After this, you are given the chance to back off, or don't. You can back off,
and prepare your party, in fact, it is actually advised to do this. When you
are absolutely sure you are ready, then choose to approach him. Watch more
scenes, and the final battle will begin.
--------Wind Rancor
Fire Crystal
Lightning Crystal
Earth Cryatal
Water Crystal
--------Alright, now THIS is a confusing battle. First off, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT
use offensive magic! That is, until you destroy the elemental crystal of that
power. So don't use Lightning spells until the Lightning Crytal is destroyed.
The Wind Rancor can attack up to 3 times a round, and can use whatever of the
Crystals are alive to attack, or heal. Earth supports, Lightning attacks,
Fire attacks, and Water heals.
The way to finish the batle fastest is to go for the Lughtning Crystal first.
This may seem weird, but the faster thats gone, the more you can go after the
most annoying target: The Water Crystal. The Water Crystal is the healer,
and can completely revive any of the other Crystals. Once you kill off the
Lightning Crystal, then go straight for the Water Crystal. Use as strong as
attacks that you have, and remember that you can now use Lightning spells.
In a round or two, the Water Crystal will revive the Lightning Crystal, putting
you back at square one. But the damage the Water Crystal recieved will still
exist, so you only need to kill off the Lightning Crystal again, to get to the
Water Crystal. You should be able to kill it now if you didn't before. After
the Water Crystal is dead, the battle becomes MUCH easier. After the Water
Crystal is dead, you are capable of killing everything else off.
Remember, don't use the elemental attack spell against the enemies unless the
Crystal of the same element is dead, or else the spell will be forced back
onto your party. Keep your HP over 300 with all party members, and heal
with Water (Flowing, True Water) -> Kindness Drops once a round. If you
have a character with a Shield Rune, use Great Blessing.
Once the Crystals are dead, you have a much better time. The Wing Rancor can
then only attack twice a round, (at max). Just atack with whatever you find
necessary at this point, because he is not going to last too long.
Now, the game will be over. If you have all of the 108 Stars Of Destiny, you'll
get to play as Luc. NOTE: Me or Cyril didn't add Luc's POV to our FAQ because
it is 100% story based. You can't level up or explore. IT IS STORY BASED SO
• Chris
> Chapter 1
Brass Castle
Commence Battle #1
Conditions for victory: Stay alive for _x_ number of turns.
Conditions for defeat: Chris's unit is defeated.
Have Roland attack the Lizard Clan beneath him. Move someone else beside
Chris to the bottom. End your turn. It should turn into a battle. Have one of
your clan attack Bazba. They'll attack again. Roland should die after a while.
Move Chris and the remaining units to the East. You'll fight 4 soldiers. After
the battle is over, move the remaining units to Chris's position. Your HP will
be restored. Continue moving Chris to the East. Keep moving to the East, and
you should win. You'll be in Plain Amur.
> Chapter 2
North Cavern
---This battle is hard as hell. Just keep attacking it. Watch out for it's poison
attack. When someone gets poisoned, immediatley cure them as you don't want
them to lose 20 HP per turn. Heal people when needed. Having Heavy Damage, and
Swing maxed out is very good in this battle. Good luck!
Brass Castle
---------Commence Battle #2
---------Conditions to win: Defeat 5 enemy units.
Conditions to lose: Chris's unit is defeated.
Move Leo to the bottom. Have Chris and Roland defend. Three Lizards will
attack Leo. After they attack, move all of your units to the top. Have Leo's
unit intercept the attack by the enemy. You should win. Beecham will withdraw.
Have Borus attack the same unit as Leo. Borus should win. Make Percival group
attack the Lizards in front of him. Let Chris attack clan right beneath here.
Chris should win. You just won a major victory.
-------Lizard Fighters
Lizard Fighters
Lizard Fighters
Lizard Fighters
Lizard Fighters
-------Focus all your attacks on Shiba as the battle will end when he dies. If you
had your Swing, and Armor Protect in the ranges of B's, it should be pretty
easy. The other reason to go after Shiba first is that he has pretty strong
attacks out of his clan. He's really strong, but he should go down in a
couple of turns. I hope that helps.
Iskay Village
-------Lizard Fighters
Lizard Fighters
Lizard Fighters
Lizard Fighters
Lizard Fighters
-------Just focus on Shiba as he inflicts the most damage. Besides, your party is
pretty weak since you don't have Leo, Borus, and all the others with you. It's
just common sense to go after him first. Right now, Nash is in your party. So,
when you get hurt, DO NOT use healing items. Instead, use Nash's Rune power
called "Kindness Drops". They heal tons of HP, and cure all status's. I hope
that strategy works.
Mt. Heo-Tou
-----Blue Mantix
-----Before starting this battle, make sure everyone is in the correct formation
according to the level of defense. Put the highest in front, and so on. Start
attacking it, but heal when you can. You don't want anyone to die. It doesn't
really matter if you die or not because this mini-boss gives out very little
skill points. Anyways...Do not use any Rune magic. Just focus on attacking it.
If you had everyones' Heavy Damage, Armor Protect, and Swing skills maxed out
(which means having them at an A), it should go down in little or no time.
Keep attacking it, and it should die. Good luck!
> Chapter 3
Chisha Village
----Take out Franz, and Mntrlegnr first because they do the most damage. If you
had your Armor Protect, and Swing skills at an A or higher, they should do
little damage to you. After Franz, and Mntrlegnr go down, get rid of Ruby,
and the Montor. They don't do a lot of damage, but if you were hurt from
Franz or Mntrlegnr, heal right away. After while, you should win.
Chisha Village (again)
---------Commence Battle #3
---------Conditions to win: Stay alive for x number of turns.
Conditions to lose: Chris's unit is defgeated or base ares are captured.
Have Chris attack the group of enemies in front. The battle should conclude.
Have Fred attack the group in front. A unit should get attacked during the
retreat. Let Nash defend because he's so weak. The enemy should attack Nash.
Your HP will be restored. Have Chris attack the people in front. Vios unit
should get attacked during retreat. Chris should win that battle. Have the
rest defend. Nash should die. Your HP will get restored again. Move Chris
all the way to the back and have Fred defend. Fred should die after getting
attacked twice. Your HP will get restored again. Make Chris defend for the
next 2 turns. Hugo should enter the battle now. You should win a major
victory. The enemy will leave behind Earth Chain Mait.
--Yuber blocks any attack from a sword while chanting. Only a person with a Bow
'n Arrow can attack him DURING his chanting. He deals a ton of damage. After
he takes enough damage, he'll turn Berserk. Keep attacking him, and heal. Try
to stop his chanting. Heal when needed. Um...That's all...
Masked Man
-----It doesn't matter if you win or lose. BTW, it is IMPOSSIBLE to win so don't
even try!
• Hugo
> Chapter 1
North Cavern
---Attack with Hugo, Sgt. Joe, and Lulu. Have the others defend since they are
weak. Both Bandits have low HP, but their attack is pretty high. Use Lulu's
Rune Magic, Sword of Cyclone to get rid of them fast. Heal when nessecary.
Vinay Del Zexay
-------Zexen Knight
Zexen Infantry
Zexen Infantry
-------Attack the Zexen Knight first as he does a lot of damage. The Zexen Infantry
don't do a lot of damage. Use Hugo's Water Rune to put everyone to sleep.
That will make all the enemies go to sleep. Remember though, when you attack
them, they'll awaken, so use it wisely. Also, use Lulu's Sword Of Cyclone to
get rid of them quickly.
> Chapter 2
Ancient Highway
-------Zexen Infantry
Zexen Infantry
Zexen Knights
Zexen Knights
-------Attack the Infantry first as they are in front of the Knights, and they will
cover them. The Infantry do not do a lot of damage, but the Knights deal a lot
of damage. Use the Wind rune to put them to sleep if you are having trouble.
Heal when nessecary, and you should win.
> Chapter 3
Mt. Heo-Tou
-----Blue Mantix
-----Attack it, and put it to sleep with the Wind Rune. You need to do that
because it does a strong magical attack and all the characters in your party
don't have a high MAG DEF except Hugo. His is not that high. Anyways...You
need to keep everyone alive if you want the EXP and Skill Points. Keep putting
it to sleep so it can't attack. If you run out of the sleep attack and the
monster is still not dead, attack with Hugo and Fubar. Have the rest defend.
That way, you'll just have to worry about 2 people getting seriously hurt.
Yaza Plains
-------Zexen Infantry
Zexen Infantry
Zexen Knights
Zexen Knights
-------Attack the Infantry first as they are in front of the Knights, and they will
cover them. The Infantry do not do a lot of damage, but the Knights deal a lot
of damage. Use the Wind rune to put them to sleep if you are having trouble.
Heal when nessecary, and you should win.
Great Hollow
------Zexen Knights
Zexen Knights
------Use the sleep magic to put all of them to sleep. Leo, and the Zexen Knights
will be in front so take them out. Roland will be at the back because he is
an archer. Take out Leo as fast as you can. He is one of the best tanks in
the game. His defense is very high, and so is his HP, so just keep pounding
on him. You can't afford to lose this battle. Heal when nessecary. When Leo
is gone, go after Roland. He won't do much damage to you because if you are
close to him, his damage greatly decreases. His defense is very weak, and he
has kinda high HP. When he is gone, use the sleep magic on the remaining
Zexen Knights, and attack like crazy. Heal when needed again. I hope that
Chisha Village
--------Harmonia Soldiers
Harmonia Soldiers
Harmonia Soldiers
Harmonia Soldiers
--------Use Hallec's and Fubar's combo attack to hurt all the soldiers bad. You can
use the sleep magic if you want, but I suggest that you don't. You are going
to need it for an upcoming battle. Instead, heal when needed, and continue
using Hallec's and Fubar's combo attack. That combo attack shouldv'e hurt
the soldiers bad enough that they will die with one hit. Do not use no
rune magic. OK?
Montor Legionnaire
Montor Legionnaire
---------Use the same strategy as the Harmonia Soldiers. The only difference from the
Harmonia Soldiers is that the Montors do tons of damage. Use the sleep magic,
and take out the Montors first. Also, use Hallec's and Fubar's combo attack
to hurt all of the enemies. When the enemies wake up, use the sleep magic
again. Continue using it. Don't let them stay awake for more then one turn.
Also, heal when needed. When you run out of the sleep magic, attack like
crazy. Do not let no one die as this battle gives out a lot of Skill Points.
The Montor Legionnaire's do about the same damage as the Harmonia Soldiers.
Their defense is low, and their HP is kinda high. The Montor's defense and
HP are pretty high. I hope that helps.
• Geddoe
> Chapter 1
Great Hollow
-------Lizard Fighter
Lizard Fighter
Lizard Fighter
-------Use Ace & Joker's combo attack. That attack should hurt them pretty badly.
There is not much to say about them because they are easy to take down. Just
use hit them a few times and they should die because they have low HP. Really
------Zexen Knights
Zexen Knights
Zexen Knights
Zexen Knights
Zexen Knights
------Use Ace and Joker's combo attack. Go after Chris first as she heals her
comrades. Also, Chris will do a VERY powerful water attack. If that
happens twice, you will lose the match. Just hope that she does not do
that attack. Instead of having each character attack Chris, use their
combo attack. It will do a lot of damage. You can also use Geddoe's Lightning
Rune, but it is very weak since you couldn't level up his Lightning Magic
Skill (There is no Skill teachers yet). Now, heal when needed. You should be
able to win if Chris does not do that water attack. After a while, Chris will
become Berserk which means she'll do tons of damage. I hope that helps.
Karaya Village
-------Karaya Fighter
Karaya Fighter
Karaya Fighter
-------Use Ace and Joker's combo attack to hurt all of the enemies. The Karaya
Fighters do TONS more damage then Alia because Alia is a archer. So, take out
the Karaya Fighters first. The good thing is, they have low HP. You can
use Geddoe's Lightning Rune but it is weak because you can't level up his
lightning magic yet. Instead, use your regular attacks. When the fighters are
gone, use the entire group's combo attack on Alia. It should weaken her
pretty badly. If she doesn't die, attack her again. When you are going to
attack her, the characters are going to go up to her. That is good, because
the closer you are, the less damage she will do. Heal when neeeded. I hope
that helps.
Mt. Heo-Tou
-----Blue Mantix
-----Do not use the Mercenary B combo attack because there is only one enemy.
The Blue Mantix will do two attacks. One that targets one person, and another
that hurts everyone. Be aware though, both attacks are magical so heal when
needed. The attack that hurts everyone does a lot of damage compared to the
single target one. This mini-boss has a lot of HP, so...It will take a while
to take it down. Now is a good time to use the lightning rune that Geddoe
has. Use the strongest attack that you got. If you are having a hard time
hurting the boss, use Alia's Shield Rune -> Battle Oath to make your
characters berserk (DMG x 1.5). Also, use Alia's Earth rune to heal your
comrades. Now, good luck!
Mountain Pass
-----Twin Snake
Right Head
Left Head
-----The Right Head uses a fire attack that hurts anyone that is close to it. The
Left Head does a very strong rune attack that hurts everyone no matter where
they are. Use the Double Tusk rune on the left head. Use Alia's Shield ->
Battle Oath to make your party members berserk (DMG x 1.5). Keep using that
until at least 4/6 people in your party are berserk. Perferably Joker, Ace,
Geddoe, and Queen. Have everyone else go after the Left Head. The reason you
are focusing on the Left Head is because it will heal it's comrades, so it is
in best interest to take it out first. If you are hurt, use Alia's Earth
Ruen to heal you. You need to attack with as many people as you have, so don't
use items unless you are out of the earth magic. Once the Left Head is gone,
focus on the Right Head. Since most of your party members are berserk, it
should go down in a while. When that is gone, use Geddoe's strongest
lightning attacks on the Twin Snake. Continue healing when needed, and you
should do fine.
> Chapter 2
Le Buque
Mantor Legionnaire
---------Use Ace and Joker's combo attack to hurt everyone. Franz and Ruby will the
most damage. First, get rid of the Mantor Legionnaire's. Use Alia's Shield ->
Battle Oath to make your party members berserk. When both Mantor Legionnaire's
are dead, go after the Mantors. Continue using Ace and Joker's combo attack
when you can. The Mantors don't do a lot of damage but they still pose a
threat. Heal when needed. When both Mantor's are gone, use Geddoe's strongest
attack to get rid of Franz. Continue healing your comrades. When Franz is
gone, use your entire party's combo attack to hurt it badly. It has pretty
high defense so it will take a while to take it down. Continue using Geddoe's
lightning rune to hurt it badly. I hope that helps.
> Chapter 3
Lake Castle
-------Zexen Marshall
Zexen Marhsall
Zexen Marshall
Zexen Marshall
Zexen Marshall
-------Use Ace and Joker's combo attack to hurt all of them. Have the others focus
on Zexen Marshall. Keep using the mercenary b combo attack. Use Alia's
Shield -> Battle Oath to make your comrades stronger. These Zexen Marshalls
have low HP, and low attack. Also, they have low defense so it should be easy
to take them. That's all I got to say.
• Thomas
> Chapter 1
Mt. Hei-Tou
----Wild Boar
Use Cecile's and Thomas's combo attack to hurt this boss pretty bad. Have Juan
and Piccolo attack. Keep using Thomas's and Cecile's combo attack. This wild
boar has tons of HP, does a lot of damage, and has a high defense. That is why
you have to keep using that combo attack. Also, that is why I said to upgrade
your weapons. Anyways, heal when needed, and you should do fine. If a
character dies, reset the game. This boss gives out a lot of EXP and skill
points so you need to keep each character alive. That is all.
> Chapter 2
Lake Castle
---------Commence Battle #1
---------Conditions for victory: Stay alive for _x_ turns.
Conditions for defeat: Ally units are destroyed.
Have Cecile, and Thomas defend until the enemy units get close enough for
Thomas to use his wind magic on them. After a couple of turns, Hugo and Lilly's
unit should now come. These are the new conditions:
Conditions for victory: Hugo and Lilly's units escape to the East.
Conditions for defeat: Hugo and Lilly's units are defeated.
Move Hugo and Lilly to the same circle each time you move them towards the
East. Have Thomas and Cecile defend. The Zexen Knights will go after either
Hugo or Lilly. Always have Hugo intercept the attack because Lilly's unit is
so weak. Continue moving Lilly, and Hugo to the East but make sure that they
are in the same circle. Have Thomas and Cecile continue defending. And, keep
moving Lilly, and Hugo to the East. Once Hugo, and Lilly escape, the battle
will end.
---------Commence Battle #2
---------Have all of your units defend. When the enemy gets close enough, use Thomas's
wind magic on them. Every 2-3 turns, your HP will be restored but not
completely. Move everyone's units to where Thomas is at. You just need to
stay alive for a couple of turns. After the a while, it will be a safe
-------Zexen Marshall
Zexen Marshall
Zexen Marshall
Zexen Marshall
-------Attack them. Do not use any rune magic on them. Use Thomas and Cecile's combo
attack to kill one marshall in one turn. Thomas and Cecile should stay alive
while Juan and Piccolo should die. Mel should also stay alive. Piccolo is
useless so just have him, along with Juan, defend. Continue using Thomas and
Cecile's combo attack to get rid of the Zexen Marshalls fast. The Zexen
Marshalls have high attack power, but low defense. The should all die in as
little as 5 turns. Also, heal when needed. You don't want your party members
to die. Well...That's it...
• Chapter 4
-----Fire Rincar
-----Use True Lightning -> Hammer of Raijin, and have the Hugo, along with the
Captain of the Zexen Knights attack. Use True Lightning -> Hammer of Raijin
again. If you ran out of that, use True Lightning -> Soaring Belt, the second
strongest lightning attack in the game. Continue having Hugo, and Chris
attack. Heal when nessecary, and you should do fine. Oh yeah, the Fire Rincar's
attacks, are ugh....FIRE ATTACKS!! Duh! And it is common if one of your
characters die. But, try to keep everyone alive as this monster gives out
tons of Skill Points. Now...Good luck!
------Masked Bishop
------This is an optional battle that you do not have to win. To actually win this
battle, you have to be quite skilled. Your level should be at least 43 (I had
levels around 48, and won it in 2 rounds), and you should have Geddoe's
Lightning skill maxed out. Chris or Hugo should also have a Water Rune
attached. Remeber to keep that formation from earlier, it will allow you to
heal easiest. Lastly, you have to have not used up all your most powerful
magic in the last battle. If you did, this will be virtually impossible to
win. The best place to get the requirments is leaving Flame Champion Hideaway
and fighting in the forests near Alma Kinan (Kaput Forest). You may get into a
battle with 2 large, blue crabs. Its one of those mini boss battles. This
battle alone should net you with 3-4 levels. If you can get to Alma Kinan,
then go, as they have all the things you need to create and ideal party.
In the battle itself, have Geddoe start out with his True Lightning -> Thunder
Storm to do about 1,000-1,200 damage to ALL the enemies on screen. This will
kill off the Chimeras, and will put Sarah and the Masked Bishop into critical
zone. Remember to use the Water Rune on whatever character it is equipped on,
to heal on the first turn. On the second turn, Sarah will most likely heal
herself and her party, also use this turn to continue keeping yourself
healthy. On the second turn, have Geddoe use that same spell again, this
should kill off the Masked Bishop, and maybe Yuber if he wasnt hit by the
Kindness Drops. Have Chris or Hugo attack Sarah, and if you are lucky, the
battle will be over in 2 rounds. If it isnt over, then attack Yuber with the
strongest magic you have, and Sarah with physical attacks. Attacking Yuber
physically is asking for destruction.
one last note: You may want to have each character: Chris, Hugo and Geddoe in
a different section, so you can cast 3 spells a turn, one healing, and two
attacking. It will be harder to heal with Kindness Drops, though.
Chisha Village
---------Commence Battle #1
---------Conditions for victory: Destroy 5 enemy units.
Conditions for defeat: Ally units number 5 or less.
You won't be able to control the lizard clan, or the Karaya clan even if you
chose Hugo as your Flame Champion. Move Chris to the lizard clan in front of
her. Move Salome's unit to where Beecham is located. Have everyone defend.
After a couple of turns, you will retreat to Duck Village.
Duck Village
---------Commence Battle #2
---------Conditions for victory: Destroy enemy units.
Conditions for defeat: Ally units are destroyed.
This time, you can use the Lizard and Karaya clan units. Do not send any units
out to get Sarah. Have everyone defend, and let the enemy attack you. If you
get hurt, use Dupa's healing skills to heal them pretty good. Just wait a
couple of turns, and some units from Le Buque will come. Also, the Flame
Champion will pursue Sarah...
---------Harmonian Soldiers
Harmonian Soldiers
Harmonian Soldiers
Harmonian Soldiers
Harmonian Soldiers
---------Use Hugo's True Fire -> Explosion to kill all of the "Harmonian Soldiers" in
one hit. If they don't die, have Alia defend for the whole time, and the
others attack. The Harmonian Soldiers deal tons of damage. That is why I said
to build up your Fire magic skill. Heal when nessecary, and you'll do fine.
---------Harmonian Soldiers
Harmonian Soldiers
Harmonian Soldiers
Harmonian Soldiers
Harmonian Soldiers
---------Focus on the Harmonian Soldiers. Use the same strategy as before to take them
out. Sarah will only heal, so you need to kill the Harmonian Soldiers in one
hit (by using True Fire -> Explosion). You see, that is why I said to build up
your Fire magic skill. Once all of the Harmonian Soldiers are dead, the battle
will end.
Brass Castle
---------Commence Battle #3
---------This battle can be very hard. It is annoying, and the enemies are powerful.
The best thing to do is to stay on the castle, because there, the damage is
reduced by 40%. Let the enemies come to you. Also, DO NOT lose that area that
is shining White, the battle will be considered lost if you do.
As always, try and spread your party out, I suggest not going 3 squares from
where you normally start, because if you do you will face more enemies that
way. Don't let anyone die, as you need all the help you can get. Dont be
afraid to run, as you just need to survive a long time in this battle. If
your characters are on the Shining area, they will be healed, so try and keep
your wounded party members there.
Be patient, and dont go on a wild attacking spree. That will just en dup with
your defeat.
Cyndar Ruins
Ghost Armor
Ghost Armor
-----This battle can be really annoying. First rule of the thumb, DO NOT use all
your big magics here. This means you should stick to lower level magics. Unless
of course, you really need to heal and don't have a Flowing Rune (so Kindness
Drops is level 2 instead of 3). Make sure to save at least 4 Heal alls (AKA
Shield -> Great Blessing, and Water -> Kindness Drops) for your next battle.
If you want to do things the easy way, have Estella (with a Pale Gate rune and
skill) use the level 1 attack. This should end the battle. If it doesnt, then
attack Sarah normally, as she should be the only one left alive. If you have
to do things the hard way, be prepared to make a long battle short, as if this
drags on, you most likely wont win. Try to have Futch mounted on Bright, and
you can do over 1,000 damage an attack. That should kill off the Chimeras fast,
while your other party members can focus on doing what they do best. As
always, Sarah heals with Kindness Drops, so you need to kill the Chimeras in
one turn. Try to up your defense with Earth spells.
------Water Dragon
Ice Pillar
Ice Pillar
Ice Pillar
Ice Pillar
Ice Pillar
Ice Pillar
------This boss can easily be considered one of the hardest bosses in the game if
you dont have the Pale Gate rune, and are able to use it. Without it, you WILL
go through hell, no matter how good and built up your party is. There are seven
targets, with the Water Dragon the main target. But to actually get to the
water dragon, you have to kill off at least one or 2 of the Ice Pillars. Each
pillar does from 100-200 damage with each attack. Meaning they can easily wip
the floor with your characters in one round. And you also have to count the
Water Dragons attack, which does around 200 or so to the entire party. I have
seen my entire party wiped out in two turns with an A rank Water rune
character, and an B+ Earth. Characters like Hugo mounted on Fubar, and Futch
mounted on Bright will make the battle easier, but still very difficult to
survive. Even worse, is the fact that the Water Dragon can revive his Ice
Pillars, making it longer, and more tedious for you.
The best, and easiest way to win this battle is to have a Pale Gate rune
attached to a character like Estella or Viki (or Joker, if he has a head slot
available). Then use the same strategy you used for Sarah. Use the level One
spell from the rune on the Water Dragon to hit all of the Ice Pillars. This
will kill off all 6 Ice Pillars in one hit (the first spell has an instant
death chance) and do around 1,000 damage to the Water Dragon. Then you are
free to attack the Dragon itself, he has a lot of HP, so it may take a while
to kill him. Keep your HP high, probably about 200, and you can survive.
Remember, he can revive his Ice Pillars though.
If you want to do this battle the hard way, you are in for a long, and most
likely battle you have to reset in 5+ times battle. The best way to do it is
to have a magic user with a Mother Earth rune casting the spell that gives
immunity to magic spells once per character. Or up your defense with an Earth
rune. Then have Futch and Bright (mounted) and attack one of the Ice Pillars.
Have your magic users use Fire spells, as strong as you can. Final Flame does
a good amount of damage. Once one or two Ice Pillars are out of the way, you
have a choice. Either keep the damage from the Ice Pillars, and go after the
Water Dragon alone, or to kill off most of the other Ice Pillars. Killing the
Water Dragon is the faster alternative, as you may not survive killing off all
of the Ice PIllars. This battle is very difficult, but it IS survivable, you
just need a certain amount of luck.
• Chapter 5
Mnt. Senai
-----Like most of the battles with Sarah, Luc and Yuber, you are not required to win.
Luckily, Yuber isnt here to kick your ass, so you have a much better chance of
survival normally. Sarah, as always, heals and uses water magic, and Luc uses
wind and pale gate magic. Get sarah out of there first, as she can cause a lot
of problems, even though Lucs attacks are stronger. The Salamanders are immune
to Fire spells (or rather, the spells do 1 damage), so dont try to kill them
with that. You can end the main problems of this battle in a single round if
you use Geddoes True Lightning -> Thunder Storm and Jokers Fire -> Explosion
or any other strong fire spell). Queen may have a Wind rune (she is best at
Wind magic, so naturally you would want to get her one), of so, have her use
Wind -> The Shredding. Aila should start with using defensive earth spells on
your party, and uing Shield -> Great Blessing to heal your party when needed.
You get a Wind Magic Ring for winning this battle.
Kaput Forest
---If you have fought the Azodsesses before, you know how annoying they can be.
And with Sarah there, this battle can be a pain in the ass. Remember, like
most Sarah battles, you dont have to win this, but since it is rather easy,
why not try? Sarah, as always, will heal herself and her party with water
magic. She also attacks with the magic. The easiest way to win this battle
is exactly the same way you won the last battle, the level 1 Pale Gate rune
will slaughter the Azodesses, and severly harm Sarah. If you cant do that,
make sure to kill off Azodesses as fast as you can, with any magic it takes,
as you wont be needing it after this (or rather, there wont be any battles
after this one). Remmeber that the Azodesses can silence your party, so it may
be harder to heal this way. Protect your magic users with anti-silence guards,
and have your strongest physical attackers go all out. Futch mounted on Bright
helps this battle progress steadily, though it is possible to win without it.
Sarah hasnt really gotten any stronger since your last encounter, and actually,
this battle is much easier then the one in the Cyndar ruins. If you win, you
get a rare Drain rune.
Brass Castle
---------Commence Battle #1
---------Conditions for Victory:
Destroy Yubers Unit
Conditions for Defeat:
Successors unit is destroyed
Take note that the first thing you should not allow to happen is let any of
your parties die. If they do, there is a chance that a character can die
off, permanently, leaving you with less then 108 Stars, and you then wont be
able to see the special secret at the end of the game. Don't be afraid to
reset, as this battle can be a pain. Let Yubers Units come to you, as you are
severly outnumbered when you being this battle. If Yuber attacks any party,
make sure that you run from the battle on the first turn. The best way to harm
Yubers unit is by Lightning and Fire skills, so save those for him. The main
goal of the battle is to survive for the first few turns. In 3 turns, Sasarai
will come into the battle. He will not attack anyone though, and it is highly
doubtful your party is over to that side of the battlefield by now, anyways.
Try and stay on the Castle, or on the Plains so your party will be healed after
each round. A few rounds after Sasarai joins, then a short scene will play,
and he will join your party for the battle. Now your goal is to kill off
everyone and everything. Killing Yubers unit off first will end the battle,
but it is a lot easier to kill all of the enemies before going after him.
Remmeber not to waste Sasarai's or any other characters Spells on the normal
enemies, and use them on Yuber. When Yuber gets to half health, the spells wont
effect him anymore. You are then required to attack him physically (prepare
for ouchies). Have a strong party, one with a "Tank" (one that doesnt take
damage from physical attacks well, like Nicholas, Ceceil, Leo and a built up
Fred). Remember that Yuber has amazing dodge capabilities, so it may take a
long time to kill him. You get a Flowing Rune for winning this battle.
Ceremonial Site
---------Commence Battle #2
Conditions for Victory:
Destroy Yubers Unit
Conditions for Defeat:
Successors Unit is destroyed
This is the hardest major battle in the game. Not only do you have to worry
about the extreme amount of monsters, but you have to worry about keeping your
party members alive, as just like the last battle, they can die permanently.
The first rule of this battle: It WILL take a long time. No matter how strong
you are, this battle will be very long. Start by having your characters slowly
move upwards, going the opposite direction of Yuber. Try to head towards
Sarah, as getting rid of her can make this battle easier. The enemies in this
battle are strong, but nothing you didn't face in the last major battle. When
you reach Sarah, be warned. She has 1-hit-kill with her killer Final Flame
spell. Just attack her as much as possible with magic before you attack her
normally, and before going after her, try and get her Water rune skill down a
bit, so you dont waste all that damage and she heals it when she is close to
death. To get the skill down to zero, let the enemies run from you when they
are close to defeat, and she will most likely heal them. Remember to run when
you get into battle with Yubers unit, as he is still as strong, if not stronger
then before, and can easily wipe the floor with your party.
The reason you want to go after Sarah's unit is because once hers is gone, 80%
of the monsters will disappear with her, and wont come back. Then you can go
after Yuber with whatever you want. Kill him like you do normally, just
remember to use magic on him first, and try to have a healthy party when going
at it.
----Alright, this is one big ouchie. Yuber is capable of attacking a single
character up to 5 times in a row, for around 100-200 damage each time.
This will easily slaughter even the strongest mounted characters. The
Hellsteed is another strong physical attacker which does around 150 damage
per attack, and can attack twice. You have faced Skeletons before, these are
just powered up ones.
To win this battle cleanly, you have to get rid of the monsters within
the first 2 turns. This means you have to go all out, and slaughter everything
in sight, and do it quickly. Kill off the Skeletons first, as they are the
easiest to kill. You should be able to kill them all within two turns. Then
set your sights on the Hellsteed. One round of attacks bu all your attackers
against him should kill him. Make sure to heal if anyone gets under 300 HP.
When Yuber is alone, then you have an easier time, but it will still be
difficult. He goes berserk easily, and then does around 200 damage with each
attack, slaughtering everyone in his way. Even if you have gotten to this
point, you arent safe, and can still be killed just as easily as you could
normally. In fact, near death, a berserk Yuber can do 300 damage to even the
strongest tanks.
This is one of the hardest battles in the game, so dont worry if you have to
reset a few times. It's only natural, especially if its your first time
-----The Azodesses present the main problem of this battle. You have fought them
many times before, but unlike previous monster/character battles, the monsters
here dont die from the first level Pale Gate. The Horrobeasts have a hell of a
lot of HP, so it will take a while to kill them. Their attacks do about
150 damage, or 100 damage too all your party members, so you need either
Shield -> Great Blessing, or Water -> Kindness Drops for this battle. And you
will probably need to do it once a round, and SHOULD do it once a round. Sarah
will attack a lot more often in this battle, then she did in previous battles.
Her attack does around 100-200 damage to the entire party, and is water
elemental. The Azodesses are powered up, but are still basically the same as
Kill off the Azodesses first, as they are the fastest, and can silence your
entire party, cutting off your healing. Kill them off with whatever means
necissary. The best way to do it is by strong physical attacks, as they
take more damage physically then magically. The Horrobeasts aren't damaged
from Fire Magic, so use whatever means you need to kill them. Since they
are so slow, they are the least threat of the battle, and should be killed
near last.
As always, Sarah heals. But like I said before, she attacks more. Try to kill
off all the enemies fast to keep her from healing them. This battle can be even
harder thenm the Yuber battle, because the enemies target your entire party,
not just one character, like Yuber. Keep your HP way up, and be prepared to
die multiple times before winning this battle.
The best way to actuallty defend yourself in this battle in the Mother Earth
Rune and its immunity to magic spells for the entire party. If Hugo is your
Water Rune character, he will be fast with the Earth magic, so you may want
to use him for defense if he is in your party. The immunity to spells will
save your ass a LOT. Have a character with a good water spell, and a Flowing
Rune so you can heal fast. Try not to use Fire magic, and work with whatever
else you need. Be patient, it is a little bit of luck.
--------Wind Rancor
Fire Crystal
Lightning Crystal
Earth Cryatal
Water Crystal
--------Alright, now THIS is a confusing battle. First off, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT
use offensive magic! That is, until you destroy the elemental crystal of that
power. So don't use Lightning spells until the Lightning Crytal is destroyed.
The Wind Rancor can attack up to 3 times a round, and can use whatever of the
Crystals are alive to attack, or heal. Earth supports, Lightning attacks,
Fire attacks, and Water heals.
The way to finish the batle fastest is to go for the Lughtning Crystal first.
This may seem weird, but the faster thats gone, the more you can go after the
most annoying target: The Water Crystal. The Water Crystal is the healer,
and can completely revive any of the other Crystals. Once you kill off the
Lightning Crystal, then go straight for the Water Crystal. Use as strong as
attacks that you have, and remember that you can now use Lightning spells.
In a round or two, the Water Crystal will revive the Lightning Crystal, putting
you back at square one. But the damage the Water Crystal recieved will still
exist, so you only need to kill off the Lightning Crystal again, to get to the
Water Crystal. You should be able to kill it now if you didn't before. After
the Water Crystal is dead, the battle becomes MUCH easier. After the Water
Crystal is dead, you are capable of killing everything else off.
Remember, don't use the elemental attack spell against the enemies unless the
Crystal of the same element is dead, or else the spell will be forced back
onto your party. Keep your HP over 300 with all party members, and heal
with Water (Flowing, True Water) -> Kindness Drops once a round. If you
have a character with a Shield Rune, use Great Blessing.
Once the Crystals are dead, you have a much better time. The Wing Rancor can
then only attack twice a round, (at max). Just atack with whatever you find
necessary at this point, because he is not going to last too long.
Section 10 - BIOS
i. Chris
Chapter 1
--------The Captain of the Zexen Knights, Chris is known as the "White Hero" and
"Silver Maiden" in her country. On the way to a meeting with the Six Clans for
truce negotiations, a sneak attack by the Grassland Allied Forces surrounds
her. Following the advice of the military strategist Salome, she escapes and
burns Karaya Villaga to destroy the enemy's front. She unintentionally kills a
child in the process. In remorse, she returns to Vinay Del Zexay where she
recieves orders from a special council to prepare for attacks by the Lizard
Chapter 2
--------Chris encounters a man called Nash when she is taking a break at a village
Thanksgiving Fair in Iskay. The buoyant Nash makes Chris uneasy. At that
moment, turmoil erupts as the Lizard Clan makes a suprise attack on Iskay
Village. During the battle, Jimba of the Karaya Clan tells Chris to seek the
Flame Champion to find out about here father. Unsure of this, Chris decideds
to travel with Nash as the loyal Salome advises.
Chapter 3
--------Chris travels with Nash and meets Yun and Yumi, girls from Alma Kinan in
Chisha Village. As they follow the girls into their village, they learn of the
ceremony where Yun's life will be sacrificed to spirits. Misinterpreting the
cultural significance of the ceremony, Chris tries to stop it but is caught up
in a battle with a mysterious group. In the meantime, Yun's life is taken.
Chris becomes convinced that there is one force behind the recent violence.
She starts her journey to the place where the Flame Champion is said to be
ii. Hugo
Chapter 1
--------Hugo, a Karayan boy, is snet as Clan Chief Lucia's envoy to Zexen's capital,
Vinay Del Zexay. Simulyaneousty, a battle between Zexen and Grassland begins.
Hugo and his party are seized by the Zexen Knights. They namouly escape back
to their village. As they approach their village, they find that Chris, the
Zexen Knights Captain, has snet it ablaze. Enraged, Hugo's best friend, Lulu,
raises his sword, but is slashed to death by Chris. After the Knights depart,
Hugo, reapproached by his helplessness, visits Lulu's grave.
Chapter 2
--------Hugo and his party meet Lilly in Duck Village, and together they head for the
Great Hollow of the Lizard Clan to gather information about the Flame
Champion. On their way, they encounter four pople who suspicioulsy try to open
a door to an underground tunnel. They again barely escape to reunite with the
surviving villagers in the Great Hollow. There, Hugo learns that it was the
Flame Champion who led the Grassland people in a battle 50 years ago. Jimba of
the Karayan Clan makes an appeal to Hugo, and he sets off for Lake Castle
where the Fire Bringer is supposedly in hiding.
Chapter 3
--------When Hugo and his party arrive at Lake Castle. They are captured by the
Zexen Knights. Caesar, a military strategist who happens to be present,
assists then in escaping the castle. Just then, they hear that the Harmonian
Army is advancing into Chisha Village. They head for the village to help fend
off the attacks. By this time, Hugo is dreaming of becoming a defender of
Grassland just like the Flame Champion. The Chisha Village chief, Sana,
recognizes Hugo's wish and tells him the location of the Flame Champion.
The hero is said to be waiting in the mountains North of the village.
iii. Geddoe
Chapter 1
--------Captain Geddoe of the Twelfth Unit Of The Holy Harmonia Kingdom's Frontier
Defense Force, leaves for Grassland to seek information about the Fire
Bringer who is said to have surfaced recently. In the Great Hollow of the
Lizard Clan, he witneses the assassination of the Clan Chief, Lepon, by
Chris. Next, he visits Karaya Village st ablaze by the Zexen Knights. No
clues were found in either village to aid him in his search for the Fire
Bringer. Geddoe and his party return ti Caleria, but soon they hear a rumor
about Harmonian forces preparing tp advance into Grassland in a hunt for the
True Runes.
Chapter 2
--------Geddoe, following information about the Fire Bringer, arrives at Le Buque, a
village of Mantor trainers. They see a masked Bishop and a female magician whom
they met before the Karaya Village was set on fire. The two are scheming to do
something suspicious at an alter on Mt. Senai, but Geddoe is unable to find
out more. Geddoe leaves Vinay Del Zexay with his unit to solve the mystery of
the masked Bishop and the mysterious magician and to learn more of the sudden
Harmonian campaign into Grassland.
Chapter 3
--------At a meeting with Salome, a Zexen Knight, Geddoe finds out there is a
powerful group of nagicians who are behind all of the recent incidents. As
requested by Salome, Geddoe secretly backs the defense of Lake Castle. He also
informs his unit comrade, Joker, that he is the successor of the True