Hawk's View

Celebrating 25
Years of Excellence
1983 - 2008
Hawk’s View
Herndon Magnet PTSA Newsletter
October, 2007
Scarecrows and goblins, Oh my! Fall is here. With
the arrival of fall, your Herndon PTSA has many
activities going on. Just to list a few, completion of
fall fundraiser, clothing sales, Family Fun Night,
Grandparent’s Day and much more. I encourage
you to take a few moments and read this newsletter
with your entire family to stay informed and
become involved in the daily workings of our
As we continue our celebration of Herndon, it has
been brought to my attention by Ms. Susie Pickett,
one of our Herndon bus drivers, that I omitted the
fact that Herndon has actually been educating
students since 1956. Our 25 year celebration is a
celebration of Herndon being a magnet program.
As you can see, Herndon has been a school where
you can receive a quality education for many years.
Family Fun Night
Celebrating 25
Years of Excellence
1983 - 2008
Issue XXV, Vol. II
We need donations for our bingo and silent auction.
We will be doing our baskets again this year. All
items donated need to be in by October 8th in order
for us to tag them. We have already received
donations from Magic Springs, Six Flags,
Schlitterbahn in Galveston, Caldwell Zoo, and
many, many local businesses, to name a few. Look
for your order form to come home on the 15th of
October. Deadline for pre-orders will be October
19th. Tickets will also be sold the night of the
Effortless Fundraising
Collect Box tops for Education, Campbell's Soup
labels, Tyson, and Community Coffee labels (send
them to your child's homeroom teacher). Use your
Kroger and Target cards. Please follow instructions
that were printed on the handouts in your back to
school packets for each one of these programs.
Make sure to label each set of labels you turn in
with your student’s name and homeroom so they get
credit for the class. The elementary and middle
school homerooms that have the most for the month
will receive a .50 cent hawk treat coupon for all
students in the class. Our September winners will
be announced in our November newsletter. Keep
collecting all year. Our student Council gives us lots
of help with trimming any labels not trimmed and
counting the labels. I would like to let them know
how much we appreciate all of their hard work.
Family Fun Night is in just a few weeks. The date
for it is Oct 25th, so mark your calendars and plan to
attend. This is our only PTSA sponsored evening
event. This is one of the ways our teachers raise
money for our student’s classrooms. We will once
again have bingo, silent auction, teacher booths,
pizza, snacks, and entertainment.
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Fall Fundraiser
Our fall fundraiser closed with over $12,000.00 in
sales, of which Herndon's PTSA will retain 45%.
This fell short of our goal, so we will have to amend
our budget; however, we appreciate everyone who
chose to help support Herndon PTSA. We will
strive to continue the support of our school,
students, and teachers. Our fundraiser should be in
around the 2nd week of October. We will notify you
when it comes in so you can make arrangements to
pick it up if it is a large order (to large for the bus
navy with white lettering. A jacket display will be
available in the office. Prices are as follows:
T-shirts – all sizes - $13.00
Long sleeve T-shirts – all sizes - $17.00
Sweatshirts – all sizes - $18.00
Jackets – youth sizes - $32.00
Adult – Small to XLG - $34.00
Adult – 2X - $36.00
Hawk Treats
Hawk Treats continue each Friday. We have items
priced between .25 and $2.00, so as you see there is
something for everyone. Debbie Lyons is our chair
person for this event. If you signed up to work
Hawk Treats on your volunteer form look for a call
from Ms. Lyons. If you have not signed up to
volunteer and would like to, please do so as soon as
possible. There are forms in the office at Herndon.
She is attempting to schedule a month in advance to
keep it running smoothly. It takes 6 volunteers
weekly to keep Hawk Treats going.
Yard Signs
We are currently taking orders for our redesigned
yard signs. We did not make any major changes.
We did make a few, however. Yard signs will be
delivered near the first week of October. If you
would like to see an example, we will have one on
display at the end of each wing when they are
delivered. Cost will be $10.00. An order form is
included in this newsletter if you are interested in
purchasing a sign.
*** All back order items have been filled, so if you
have not received your order, contact Monica
Anderson at 375-3150.
Remember our membership drive is still ongoing.
Wendy Palmer is our membership chairperson.
Membership is $6.00 for everyone except Herndon
students. Student membership is $3.00.
Membership at Herndon also enrolls you as a
member at the district, state, and national PTA
levels. We encourage everyone to join (parents,
siblings, grandparents, etc.). Many of our
classrooms are at 100% already. Don’t let your
child’s classroom be left out. We already have 560
members at this time. Our goal is 800 members.
We have plans to award each homeroom class with
a special treat when they reach 100% membership
for their class.
Clothing Sale
The PTSA is continuing the sale of the Herndon
Magnet T-shirts and sweatshirts. These are the only
T-shirts and sweatshirts authorized to be worn with
the school uniforms. New this year we will be
offering a windbreaker style jacket. This jacket is
not the only one allowed. We believe our children
will enjoy showing their Hawk pride. Our jacket
will have the same style screen as our long sleeve
T-shirt. All shirt screens will be the same as last
year’s design. All shirt styles are 50/50 and are
PTSA Executive Board 07-08
At this time we have a vacant position on the PTSA
Executive Board. If you’re interested in serving on
the Executive Board please contact Monica
Anderson by email at janmfamily1@aol.com or the
phone # listed below. Just be sure to notate in the
subject line “Herndon PTSA” if you send an email.
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President Monica Anderson 375-3150
Treasurer Sherry Williams
Secretary Wendy Palmer
1st VP Susan Davis
2nd VP Cynthia Barker
3rd VP Tammy Plaisance
4th VP Debbie Lyons
5th VP Heather Craig
***6th VP Vacant***
Business Report
We are providing you this information so that you
understand what your PTSA is doing for Herndon.
We have a checking account balance of $24,813.18
and a savings account balance of $441.10. This
checking account balance includes our fall
fundraiser which we have not received an invoice
on as of yet. We have provided funding for the
following already this year; a water evaporation fan
for the middle school gym @ a cost of $1515.00,
weekly readers for the 4th grade science/social
studies depts., teacher’s back to school luncheon,
breakfast and lunch for the Dibels testing staff, and
back to school information packets. One other new
program that we have begun this year is a way to
show our staff that they are appreciated, and is
called T.E.S.T. T.E.S.T. stands for Teacher
Encouragement Supply Treat. This is a monthly
supply treat with a note of encouragement that is
given to the staff monthly. This treat is being given
to all of our staff members, not just teachers. For
example, staff members received a marker for
brochure fundraisers per year. The rest of our
funding comes from sponsored events, clothing
sales, and yard signs. Our sincere appreciation goes
to everyone who continues to support Herndon’s
PTSA, both financially and those who give their
time to work.
A personal note of thanks to my PTSA Executive
Board and Herndon Staff members for all of the
calls, flowers, and well wishes during my illness.
Please continue to keep me and my family in your
thoughts. I love and appreciate you all.
Monica Anderson
PTSA President
Teacher of the Month:
Oct – TBA
Teacher of the month is selected by random
drawing. The winning teacher receives $100 from
PTSA deposited into their school account to be used
on materials aiding their classroom.
Important Dates:
Closing Note
As a parent I understand the continual demands and
requests for financial support for various school
activities. It seems that there is always someone
asking for assistance. Please be aware that all
PTSA funds are separate from school and classroom
funds. This in turn means our funding comes
through different avenues than those of the
school/classrooms. If you are interested in
reviewing a copy of our budget, please feel free to
contact Monica Anderson to receive a copy. It is
only with your funding support that we can continue
to make Herndon a better place to educate our
children. We ask that you continue to support your
PTSA in all of their efforts and funding requests.
Just a reminder, PTSA only conducts two major
Every Friday – Hawk Treats
Oct 8-12 – Approx week fundraiser delivery
Oct 2 - Caddo District PTA General
Meeting @ CPSB Boardroom @ 9:30 AM
Oct 8 – Family Fun Night Donations due
Oct 15 – Family Fun Night order forms sent
Oct 19 – Family Fun Night pre-orders due
Oct 25 – Family Fun Night 5:00 – 8:30
Oct 29 – Honors Assembly time TBA
Caddo District PTA
Visit the Caddo District PTA web site. This site is
filled with information for you.
Louisiana PTA
Visit the Louisiana PTA web site at
""http://www.lapta.org/"". This site is filled with
many different articles and links for parents to
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National PTA
Second Grade
Visit the National PTA web site at
""http://www.pta.org/"". This site is also filled with
many resources for us as parents, teachers, and staff
of our school systems.
Congratulations to the following students for being
chosen as Student of the Week: Rebecca Tingle,
Allando Smith, Annabelle Parker, Nathan Rowley,
Matt Stewart, Seatle Washington, Hannah
Campbell, Yaila Davis, Erin Scantlin, and
Cheyenne Sparaco. Students are chosen weekly by
homeroom teachers on the basis of good behavior
and school work, citizenship, and being kind to
Kindergarten News
We're having lots of fun in kindergarten!! The
children are learning all about apples and we'll soon
be learning about pumpkins, fall and nursery
rhymes. Plan ahead for our fall field trip to the
Vivian United Methodist Church pumpkin patch on
Friday, October 19, at 9:00 a.m. Also start planning
your child's Mother Goose costume for Mother
Goose's visit on October 31. We dress up as
nursery rhyme characters instead of the traditional
Halloween costumes. More information will follow
very soon. Don't forget about Family Fun Night on
Thursday, Oct. 25. We'll need volunteers for our
booths. The kindergarten department will also be
selling Boo Bags for our fall fundraiser. We'll use
the proceeds to help pay for fieldtrips, writing
activities, etc. Plan on helping if you can. Please
continue to work with your child on recognizing
letters, their sounds and the sight words. If you
don't have a complete list, you will be receiving one
soon. The complete kindergarten sight word list
may be found on our website,
herndonmagnetschool.com. Click on kindergarten.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns,
please contact your child's teacher.
First Grade
First graders are so busy learning new things! We
are now taking a weekly spelling test. Please
review words every night with your student. This is
a written test. Students are also busy learning new
sight words. Keep the list in your student's agenda
so it will always be available for review. We
appreciate all of the hard work that takes place at
Please remember, students are to be reading every
night and practicing addition facts. We have started
Accelerated Reader, and students are earning points
for the AR Carnival held in the spring. Continue to
check the agenda for assignments and
announcements each day and initial it.
Our annual Book Parade will be held on October
31. Information about the parade will be sent home
at a later date.
Parents, thank you for all you do and your
continued support!
Great Things Are Happening in Third
Our third graders are off to a great start. Coming to
B-Wing is a big step for them. We are very proud
of the work our students did to decorate the
Principal’s big bulletin board by the office. We are
especially proud of the hard work they are doing in
class. In Language Arts classes, the boys and girls
are exploring friendship in their first reading unit.
In Science class, they are learning all about rocks
and minerals. Louisiana is the focus of lessons in
Social Studies. In Math class, they just finished a
place value unit, and they have just begun a unit on
addition and subtraction. Get those compensation
sheets you received at Back-to-School Night ready!
It starts soon! Keep up the good work, Third
We will be taking our first field trip in October.
First graders will visit the fire station and then enjoy
fall stories at the Broadmoor library. Dates and
information will be sent home as they are available.
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Fourth Grade
Fourth graders will have the opportunity to spend
the day at the Red River Revel in early October.
They will have their faces painted, listen to story
telling, dance, and have a great time!
In science students are studying matter. Activities
have ranged from categorizing matter, comparing
mass and volume of cereal and raisins, writing
comic strips about buoyancy, and observing
physical and chemical changes. In social studies
students celebrated Constitution Day by reading an
article in Scholastic News. We are well into our
geography unit. Students had a chance to challenge
each other in a game of Latitude/Longitude
In math, students are practicing writing large
numbers in word form. A fun way to practice this
was by writing checks to each other. Students were
allowed to write the check for any amount no matter
how large, as long as they could write it correctly in
word form.
In health, students are discussing the importance of
good character and how they can demonstrate good
character in their every day lives. Parents, expect a
letter to come home soon explaining the Character
Education and Drug Awareness posters that will be
due in October.
In Ms. Weidner’s reading class, students have been
identifying categories of literature, comparing and
contrasting examples of reading genre, and relating
themes to real-life situations. Students will be
utilizing the internet to research bats this month.
In Ms. Robinson’s reading class, students have been
learning about different types of Traditional
Literature including folktales, fables, and fairytales.
It really has been fun learning about different
cultures through their wonderful stories. Students
will also become “Kings” and “Queens” for the
fairytale portion of this unit. In language, students
are sharpening their writing skills and working on
combining sentences. Things are going great in 4th
Fifth Grade
The Fifth Graders really have something to cheer
about! Our teachers knew we had the gift of gab
and it really paid off at this year's very first pep
rally (and our very first pep rally as fifth
graders).....WE WON THE SPIRIT STICK!!!! It
usually takes 5th grade a few times to "get into it",
but we really showed those middle schoolers how to
cheer! We've got that Hawk Spirit!
We, as well as the rest of HMS, are thinking of
Family Fun Night and how successful it can be
when everyone pulls together. Mrs. Whetstone and
Mrs. Krueger will be working with the Highsteppers
that night putting on a review with Mr. Keane's
band. Come and see some talented dancers! Also,
Mrs. Brittain will be working her "Halloween Hair
Spray" booth and will be needing helpers! You'll
be receiving a note about this soon, so please sign
up to help! We appreciate you!
The middle of the first nine weeks has passed, and
we need to keep working together! Keep signing
those agendas nightly, ask questions about what's
going on at school, and let's continue to let the
students know we're not letting up, so they shouldn't
Sixth Grade
We are nearing the end of the first 9 weeks already,
and so far we have had a very successful year.
Please continue to check your child’s agenda for
class work, notes and information on test dates.
The Science Fair project is due November 28 so
make sure students are working on that and getting
it ready for Mr. Andrews. The time line and
government chart for the country project should be
completed in October. Please make sure students
have a special place to keep the project materials as
they come home. Remember that the core teachers
are off from 1:17 – 2:07. Please call and arrange a
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conference if you feel one is needed. The second 9
weeks can sometimes be a challenge with the
excitement of Thanksgiving and Christmas break
happening at that time. Please try to maintain your
normal schedules and normal expectations so that
the children will continue to achieve.
Seventh Grade
Ms. Riggs would like to thank all parents and
students for supporting her this year as she strives to
gain her national teacher certification. She was
very pleased that all release forms were returned in
a timely manner. Also, be on the look out for
science fair project information. She will be giving
information packets to the students in October.
Please remember Ms. Riggs posts grades and
assignments on line. All students were given the
websites, www.myschoolgrades.net for grades and
www.schoolnotes.com for assignments, and
passwords to access this information. Grades and
assignments are updated each Friday.
Seventh grade has just finished their fiction unit,
and fantasy is the buzz for reading now. Mrs.
Maranto has assigned each student a fantasy book to
read. They should be reading every night. The next
AR project is due October 30.
Mrs. Schuler is so excited about candy sales in 7th
grade. She plans to purchase a Classroom Jeopardy
for her American history classes. Thanks to all the
parents, grandparents, friends, and family who have
assisted the students during this fundraiser.
Websites for math are available to each 7th grade
student. The website for 7th math is
www.msmath2.net. The Pre-Algebra website is
www.classroom.com . There is a wealth of
information on these websites and many practices
for i-LEAP testing. Email me your results for
bonus points.
What’s Happening in Eighth Grade!
The 8th grade has started working on an on line
LEAP practice program. Louisiana PASS has
practice questions for all core subjects tested in
March. Please encourage your child to show you
this program as well as their progress on practice
tests. You may view the program at
www.louisianapass.org. The program is free and
may be accessed anytime on the Internet.
Mr. Jennings is in the planning stages of an exciting
visit to Sci-Port. This field trip will take place in
October. More information will be sent home when
the date is finalized.
Elementary Gateway
The Gateway students are ready for some cool fall
weather. We did enjoy reading outside on a couple
of nice days. The fifth grade Gateway students are
reading and writing tall tales. We've heard some
whoppers! The fourth Grade Gateway students are
reading books by Beverly Cleary. We just finished
reading Dear Mr. Henshaw and are now reading
Strider. Next the students will choose a book by
Mrs. Cleary to read independently. The second
grade students are continuing their study of
butterflies and moths. All the students are using
their critical thinking and problem solving skills in
activities such as Think Lab, chess, ABC OY,
Frame It, and Waker Uppers!
If you have not sent your $10 Gateway fee, please
do so as soon as possible! Thanks! Mrs. Rita
Elementary Enrichment
Art – Elementary art students are completing a
study on patterns and rhythm in art. Herndon
students are a joy to teach!
Physical Education – The weather is finally
beginning to cool, and this is a great time to take
family walks in the evening. Show your kids that
you believe physical fitness is important by
becoming active participants in regular exercise.
You’ll all be glad you did.
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Elementary Computer Lab – A MAGAZINE
The Elementary Computer lab began its annual
Reader’s Digest Magazine sales on Thursday,
September 6th. Thank you to the parents that helped
your child fill out the booklet with names and
addresses of family members and friends. Also,
thank you to the parents that ordered magazines. A
magazine subscription is one of the most
appreciated gifts that you can give for any holiday
or special occasion, no matter what your budget.
There are great magazines that Reader’s Digest
offers for all ages. If you receive an order form
from one of our Elementary Students, please
consider purchasing a subscription for your loved
one…..or even yourself!
Thanks again,
Kay Mattox
Library – The month of October brings us
Columbus Day and Halloween. The elementary
library has many books on these holidays. The
Quest of Columbus by Robert K. Meredith gives a
detailed description of Columbus’ voyage while
The World in 1492 by Jean Fritz focuses on the
beliefs, customs and accomplishments of the people
of the world in 1492. There is a wealth of fiction
books about Halloween but you can also find some
great nonfiction books as well. Halloween Fun by
Judith Corwin describes Halloween customs and
tells how to make costumes, cards and decorations
using things found around your house. Who Said
Boo? by Nancy White Carlstrom is a wonderful
book of Halloween poetry. Come by the elementary
library and learn more about Columbus Day and
Elementary Music –Our early elementary students
have recently completed the “Stanley the Snake”
unit on differences in pitch, speed and volume. It’s
a fun story and an active way to learn!
writing articles and presenting them to the class.
They have created badges for identification as star
reporters of a newspaper.
Thanks, Sandra McCutcheon
Middle School Enrichments
Middle School Music All is great in the middle
school music department.
Every guitar and piano student should be working
diligently on his or her weekly plan. Each student
is given a plan on a weekly basis, practices the
musical pieces from that plan, and ultimately has to
successfully pass off those pieces each week.
Please make sure that your student is practicing so
that he or she is prepared for guitar or piano class.
The band recently performed at our first pep rally of
the year, and what a GREAT job they did. I am so
proud of all of you. How about that percussion
ensemble folks! WOW! Thank you Mr. Keane!
FCS The sewing machines are humming and the
needles are busy creating a multitude of items in
these classes. Pajama pants, messenger bags,
pillows, travel bags, and pillowcases are being
made this fall.
Broadcast Journalism The students have been
working in the middle school library on various
research projects while learning many new skills on
the computers. They have completed a newspaper
page with a partner as well as a broadcasting career
power point. Everyone has been doing a great job.
Art Seventh grade art students are studying value
and dimension in drawing. Herndon students are a
joy to teach!
Discoveries The students in Discoveries have been
reading articles and finding information in the
different sections of the paper. They have been
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Physical Education/Life Sports - We are still
waiting on our second order of gym uniforms - they
had to be back ordered! We will get them out as
soon as we get them in! Again, we are asking for
anyone who can to send their grocery/shopping
bags to us for the students to use on Fridays to take
their gym uniforms home. Parents - PLEASE help
us help your child remember to get their uniforms
washed on a weekly basis!
Beginning French Students are practicing buying
school supplies in French. They also engage in fun
games to learn colors and sing a numbers song.
French I Shortly students will be ordering food and
drinks in French. They have expanded their
knowledge of numbers and are now ready to solve
math problems up to 1,000.
Our first play performance of the year will be
Thursday, November 15, at 6:00 p.m., so you will
want to reserve that date. Students are in the
process of choosing their plays and trying out for
their parts. I can tell this is going to be an
outstanding performance you will not want to
miss!!!! Cost to attend is $5.00 for adults and $3.00
for students. Plan to attend!
We still need donations for this year’s patrons. We
need to get these in as soon as possible, so your
name or your company’s name can be in all of our
programs. Call or email Mrs. Schuler at school so
she can send you information on becoming a Patron
of the Drama Department at Herndon this year.
Thank you in advance for your support!
French II Playing tic-tac-toe about things that you
like or don’t like to do is a great way to learn. It is
fun too. The students also wrote a letter to an
imaginary pen pal. Our next unit will be about
extended family and Louisiana.
We have been talking about hobbies and things that
we like or do not like to do. We are going to write a
letter in French to an imaginary pen pal.
Middle School Gateway
Multicultural Studies Multicultural Studies
students are working on a special project. They
have been to the library to gather information about
an animal from China. The students are creating a
magazine based on this animal. This project was
due on Friday, September 21.
Thanks, Sandra McCutcheon
Drama The 2007-2008 Drama Department is
having a great year. We are so excited about this
year’s Miss Faded Flower Pageant on Friday,
October 19, at 6:30 p.m. The gals (guys) entering
this year say it will be the best ever! The
contestants are getting their sponsors and preparing
to give us all our moneys worth. Cost to attend is
$5.00 for adults and $3.00 for students.
Concessions will be available! You won’t want to
miss this! Fun for all ages!
The GATEWAY program in middle school is off to
a great start. With instruction in English and social
studies, GATEWAY provides an accelerated and
differentiated program for qualified students.
Currently, we have 10 sixth grade students, 14
seventh grade students, and 19 eighth grade
We have a few new students in the GATEWAY
classes this year. We are excited to have two sixth
grade students that are new to Herndon his year.
They are Tyler Landreneaux and Keyonna
Stephens. Also, Steven Arnold joins our seventh
grade class this year. Steven attended Herndon last
year in sixth grade.
Mrs. Jane Shea, instructional facilitator for the
GATEWAY program, has been assigned to
Herndon. She will be on our campus every Tuesday
morning. She would be glad to answer any
questions about the gifted and talented services
offered by Caddo Parish Schools.
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Only those students that meet the requirements may
become a member.
The Fall Book Fair will be held November 6th thru
10th in the Middle School Library for grades K-8.
Parent volunteers are needed to help on Wednesday,
Thursday, and Friday. Please contact Mrs. Macy or
Mrs. Crane if you would like to help from 8:00 till
11:30 or 11:30 till 3:00 on any of these days.
Attention Herndon family!
The yearbook staff needs your help. We need up-todate photos of Hendon students for the yearbook.
We are looking for specific kinds of photos. We
need photos of students with their pets, enjoying
sports outside school, or pictures of Herndon
students hunting, fishing, or enjoying other outdoor
activities. You may send photos to us at
mwmaranto@caddo.k12.la.us. Please identify the
students by name and grade level. Deadline for
photos is October 31.
Thank you! Mrs. Maranto, Yearbook Advisor
Every 4-H member will be REQUIRED to make
a legitimate project for the Louisiana State Fair.
This is a list of acceptable items:
□ 1. Apron
□ 2. Blouse or Shirt
□ 3. Skirt
□ 4. Pants
□ 5. Sportswear (Complete Outfit)
□ 6. School Dress
□ 7. Vest
Home Accessories:
□ 1. Bulletin Board
□ 2. Desk accessory (pencil holder, bookends,
paper weight, free-standing picture frame 5” x
7” or smaller)
□ 3. Door Decoration (general)
□ 4, Door Decoration (Holiday)
□ 5. Handmade Holiday decoration (for house
□ 6. Handmade Christmas Tree Decoration
□ 7. Latch hook (rug, wall hanging or pillow)
□ 8. Storage aides (laundry bag, magazine holder,
shelf, jewelry box, etc.)
□ 9. Cross Stitch
□ Class 1 Youth 9-10 Collection of forest leaves (25
or more)
□ Class 2 Youth 11-13 (40 or more)
Arts & Crafts:
4-H is a community of young people across the
United States learning leadership, citizenship and
life skills. 4-H offers many educational resources
for the kids in the parish. We work together to help
our youth develop life skills necessary to become
leaders of tomorrow. Our 2007-2008 year is well
on its way to another successful year. The Herndon
Magnet 4-H club met on Thursday, September 6th
and 20th. We had over 180 attend the first meeting.
□ 1. Birdhouse—Decorative (No larger than 18” x
□ 2. Birdhouse-Functional (No larger than 18” x
□ 3. Carving, Wood or Stone, etc.
□ 4. Original Drawing-Pastel, Charcoal
□ 5. Fabric decorating-Appliqué, embroidery, etc.
□ 6. Original Graphics, Ink, Pencil, Other
□ 7. Jewelry
□ 8. Mosaics
□ 9. Painting (Decorative on functional objects)
□ 10. Original Painting—Acrylic, Mixed
□ 11. Original Painting-Oil
□ 12. Original Painting-Watercolors
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□ 13. Scrap booking—Contents & cover will
□ 14. Woodcraft-other, small items only (No
larger than 18” x 18”)
1. B & W photo (people)
3.B & W photo (animals)
5. B & W photo (other)
7. Color photo (people)
9 Color photo (animals)
11. Color photo (other)
The Herndon Magnet School’s 4-H officers for this
year are:
President – Allison Hollis
Vice President – Alex Nygaard
Secretary – Ciara Mathis
Treasurer – Madison Rhodes
Photographer/Reporter – Breanne Saulsbury
Program Chairman – Brooke Saulsbury
Upcoming Events:
September 27th – Talent
Show and Bake Off
September 29th 9:00 - 4-H horse show – RR arena
in Stonewall
September 29th 5:00 – Herndon Auction/Spaghetti
@ Herndon
October 2nd – 4-H projects/fees due to Mrs. Mattox
@ Herndon
October 5th – Pet show 5:00pm @ La. State
October 6th – 8:00am - ? Parish Livestock
If you have any questions or need additional
information, feel free to call me (school 221-7676,
Home 741-2441) Sandra Brumley (223-4677) or
the Caddo Extension office (226-6805)
Kay Mattox
Walk For Education
The alliance for education Walk for Education is
back! It will be held Saturday, Oct. 20, 2007,
beginning and ending at Festival Plaza at 8 am. The
sponsor forms and other information were
distributed September 19. Our walk coordinator this
year is Ms. Weidner. Ms. Julie Nix, grandparent of
Jared and Kaylee Nix, is volunteering as the walk
leader. Nix Sheet Metal graciously donated prizes
for teachers and students to encourage everyone to
participate. This is a great project. All money raised
goes toward school improvement. Remember,
HALF of all money collected by Herndon STAYS
at Herndon! See you at the Walk! If you have any
questions or concerns, please contact Ms. Weidner
at the school, 221-7676.
Race for the Cure
Herndon staff and students participated in the “Race
for the Cure” held September 15. Proceeds from
this event are used for cancer research and
awareness education.
Highstepper News
The HMS Highsteppers are going to be very busy in
October. They will be competing for the first time
this year in the Dance Power Halloween Classic at
the Century Tel Center in Bossier. The girls will
also be performing a special Halloween revue with
the HMS Choir during Family Fun Night. Add in
pep rallies and football games, and it is a very
exciting time to be a Highstepper. The
Highsteppers would also like to thank the Vivian
Wal-Mart for a very generous donation.
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C. E. Byrd Open House
The C. E. Byrd PTSA invites all Herndon 8th
graders and their parents to a "Meet the Jackets"
Open House! Come meet the Jackets at Byrd High
School on Thursday, Oct. 25 at 6:30 PM or Sunday,
Oct. 28 at 2:00 PM.
As an elementary school counselor I am here to
help all children get the most out of school. I am
here to make the early school years a rewarding
learning experience and to lay the foundation for
future success and achievement.
You don't need to have a problem or special reason
to meet me. At Herndon we have an open door
policy. I would enjoy meeting you any time.
Judi Gaharan,
Elementary Counselor, NCC, NCSC
Captain Shreve Open House
Captain Shreve's Eighth Grade Open House is
February 7, 2008, at 6:30PM. We will have
neighborhood gatherings November 1, November
15 and December 6. Invitations will be sent out to
eighth graders with places and times.
The Role of the Elementary School
Elementary school counselors work closely with
parents, teachers, school administrators and other
professionals to provide students with the best
possible resources and services.
Elementary school counselors serve the needs of all
elementary students.
Counselors can help students:
Do Better in school
Enjoy good relationships with others
Build positive self-esteem
Develop good feelings about their school
work, family, and society
These are some of the Goals of the elementary
school counselor:
To help children understand
themselves and others
To prevent problems from
To help identify children with
special needs
To provide career education
To provide crisis intervention
Helping Children
Prepare for Testing
Are you helping your child prepare for tests?
Here’s a quiz to see if you’re doing things
that will help your child do well on tests.
Give yourself 5 points for something you do often,
3 points for sometimes and 0 for never.
I try to give my child practice following
directions everyday.
I help my child build listening skills
I tell my child that I will always love
him/her, no matter what.
I make sure my child gets enough rest
and food before school.
I help my child develop good study
How did you score?
20 points and above means you are helping your
child get ready for tests.
15 to 19 points is average.
Below 15 means you may want to adopt some of the
above habits.
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For 8th Grader & Parents Only!!!
Sept. 25, 2007---The Explore test was administered
to 8th grade students. The Explore test is a
curriculum-based assessment to help eight grade
students develop a high school course plan that
prepares them to achieve their post-high school
goals. The result of the Explore test will be back by
late October.
A Middle School Rite of Passage
Michael Moore, Middle School Counselor
All Students K-8
Oct. 22 – 26---Herndon will observe Drug
Awareness and Violence prevention week. This will
be a week of various activities and events aimed at
keeping our students safe and away from drugs.
The Coordinator’s Column
By Betty Swain
This fall students are off to a great start. Teachers
are already planning some great educational field
trips and activities for our elementary students.
These field trips are only a few of the exciting
educational learning sources we use to enhance our
student's education during the school year! Come
join us whenever your schedule permits.
Monday, October 15, 2007 is the first day that
applications will be accepted for the 2008-2009
school year. Applications can be completed at
Herndon (or any of the six magnet schools) or
downloaded from the Caddo website at
www.caddo.k12.la.us. Applications will be
accepted through January 18, 2008 at each
individual magnet school and the Caddo Head
Start Agencies. Magnet schools may accept
applications after the deadline in order to complete
enrollment. A testing date, time, and location will
be assigned at the time of application. Testing will
begin in January and letters of acceptance, including
test scores, will be mailed March 20, 2008.
One of the rites of passage from elementary
school into middle school is the ritual of being
issued a locker. Sixth grade students are thrilled the
first time they are able to open the combinations on
their lockers. Seventh graders are happy to finally
receive a “big” locker and eighth graders are just
glad to be eighth graders, locker or no locker.
Before we issue lockers, we instruct the students on
the importance of keeping their lockers securely
closed at all times. Students are told not to let other
students know their combinations and they should
use caution when sharing lockers with other
Now that the excitement is over and students have
learned their schedules, we face a problem with
students leaving their locks opened and hanging on
the handles or placed inside their lockers. Other
students find these locks, remove them, put them on
other lockers, or throw them away. A lot of our
staff’s time is spent looking up serial numbers,
combinations, students’ homerooms and students’
locations. As administrators, our concern is twofold:
one, at $4.00 dollars a lock, replacing missing locks
is expensive; two, students spend too much time
attempting to get into their lockers, searching for
missing items and not getting to class on time.
If a lock is found opened, the staff has been
instructed to remove the lock and turn it in to the
assistant principal of administration. A student will
get only one chance to have his lock returned.
Should he fail to secure his locker again, he loses
the lock for good.
As administrators, we know how important it is for
middle school students to have their own place to
secure their belongings. We are happy to provide
that place for them. But the responsibility of
protecting their belongings and securing their
lockers rests solely on the students.
K. Cross/Assistant Principal of Administration
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From the API…..
October will be a very busy month for Herndon
Magnet students. Some of the activities scheduled
this month include softball and football games as
well as the Faded Flower Pageant and Family Fun
Students choosing to do so, will also participate in
Costume Dress Up Day which will be October 31.
Classes that have specific themes for this day will
be sending information home soon.
Students and their families will also be given the
opportunity to participate in the Alliance for
Education Walk for Education that will be held
October 20. More information about this will be
coming home soon also.
Yearbooks will be on sale from October 1 to
October 12. Herndon’s yearbook staff always
creates a fantastic book of memories for each school
year. They’ve won many awards in the past and we
know that this year’s book will be great! I love
looking back to see how our students have grown
up through the years.
Student Council members will travel to Panama
City, Florida this month to participate in the
Southern Association of Student Councils
Conference. Last year, they attended the
conference in Knoxville, Tennessee and came back
with lots of ideas and some awards. We wish them
the best of luck again this year.
It’s amazing that our students are able to participate
in so many activities. We thank everyone involved
in making these activities possible for our students.
Isn’t it great to see students who are doing well in
school and are so active in extracurricular
Track and Field
We are looking for a coach for a Herndon Magnet
School track and field team. If you are interested,
please contact Mrs. McDonald at
bmcdonald@caddo.k12.la.us. Students will
participate in track and field events against other
Caddo Parish Schools in the spring.
Parents if you take pictures throughout the year at
any Herndon event, and would like to let us
consider them for use in the end of the year slide
show please burn them to a CD and send them to
Mrs. McDonald! Thank you!
A meeting for all 8th grade parents will be held
October 29, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. in the auditorium.
Everything parents need to know to "survive" the
8th grade year will be discussed. Topics that will
be covered include the LEAP Test, Mardi Gras
Celebration, NASA Trip, LA Trip, 8th grade day,
and Commencement. Deposits for the NASA and
LA trips will not be accepted until the student's
parents attend the parent meeting. More
information will be sent home with students soon!
Please make plans to attend.
Halloween Recycling Tip
Go green by turning something orange
into something black! Don’t throw your
jack-o’-lantern away. Roast your pumpkin
seeds. They’re delicious! After Halloween
is over, use him to make a delicious pie or
tasty muffins or send him to your compost
pile. As your jack-o’-lantern decomposes,
he will create a rich fertilizer for next
year’s garden
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Dear Herndon Families,
This year our staff is focused on student achievement, and we are off to a great start. Since student
achievement is everyone’s responsibility, we all need to work together to make a difference in our
children’s lives.
As I walked around to each classroom I observed confident, professional teachers presenting the grade level's
curriculum. We are very fortunate at Herndon to have such a marvelous staff that has high expectations for the
students and is dedicated to presenting an excellent curriculum.
You have supported the uniform policy that Herndon parents approved eight years ago, and our students
are all dressing for success. There is pride on our campus, and it makes a difference.
Please remember not to drop off your children before 7:45 a.m. each morning because there is no one
on duty at that time. Also, if a student is to be picked up at the car turnaround instead of riding the
regularly scheduled bus, the office should be notified in writing that morning. Please adhere to these
requests because this is done for the safety of all students. When dropping off or picking up at the
turnaround please always move forward to the end so we can unload or load at least four cars at a time.
Please do not forget PTA Family Fun Night on October 25th. This is a great night to spend with your
Herndon family. This is also an opportunity for all teachers at Herndon to have a booth and to make
money for their classes. The teacher’s profit that night goes directly back to the students in the form of
classroom materials.
Teacher’s school telephone numbers are listed this month in this newsletter. In addition, these numbers and
email addresses are on our website: www.herndonmagnetschool.com.
As always, if you have ideas, comments, questions, or thoughts you want to share, please do not hesitate
to contact me at any time via phone or email:
Your partner in education,
Cooper L. Knecht, Principal
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Hawk’s View
Herndon PTSA Newsletter
Herndon Magnet School
General Delivery
Gilliam, LA 71029
U.S. Postage PAID
Gilliam, LA 71029
Permit No. 1
Monica Anderson, President
Margaret Crane, Editor
Herndon Magnet: Where Excellence is our Minimum
Caddo Parish School Board
Mission Statement
In the Caddo Parish Public School System our mission is to improve
the academic achievement of students and overall district
effectiveness. We have high expectations for everyone – students,
teachers, administrators, parents, community volunteers and
support groups.
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Herndon Magnet
Yard Signs
Sponsored by PTSA
Wonder where Herndon parents get the great looking yard signs?
Wonder no more! You can order your very own· Herndon Yard Sign far
a great law price. Cost of yard signs are $1 0.00. These yard signs
have changed slightly from previous years. The color of the yard sign
will be white, black, and yellow gold instead of antique gold.
Herndon Magnet
Yard Signs
Sponsored by PTSA
Please print and fill form out completely.
Student's name ________________ Phone# _____________
Homeroom teacher _________ Last hour teacher __________
Qty ________ x $10.00 =_
Type of payment _________
* * * Make check payable to Herndon Magnet PTSA.
license # and state must be on check. * * *
* * Any returned checks will be assessed a $25.00 fee. * *
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