Study Guide – Test Two Organismal Biology Deoxyribonucleic Acid DNA Human DNA in 1 cell could stretch to be about 2 meters long Reproduction depends on DNA It directs the activities of the cell by controlling protein synthesis It manufactures an exact replica of itself, coping those instructions for the next generation of cells Frederick Griffith o Discovered that bacteria can transfer genetic information o Example of Griffith’s Experiment o Avery, MacLeod, and McCarty o Showed that genetic information is DNA o Used Griffith’s experiment to test their hypothesis o Discovered a protein was not responsible for the transmission of the killer trait Nucleotides o The building blocks of nucleic acids o Include sugars, nitrogenous bases, phosphorous o 4 different nitrogenous bases Adenine (A) Thymine (T) Guanine (G) Cytosine (C) All 4 form the different traits that make up the center of the DNA double-helix The outsides of the double helix are different o One side starts at 5’ (‘ means prime) and ends at 3’ o The other starts at 3’ and ends at 5’ o These are called the poles of the double helix Genomes o All the genetic material in its cell o The genome of a prokaryotic cell consists of one circular DNA molecule o The genome of a eukaryotic cell is divided into multiple chromosomes Chromosomes o Long DNA molecules that associate closely with proteins o A discrete package of DNA and its associated proteins o 22 of the human chromosomes are autosomes and the remaining pair are sex chromosomes which decide whether the individual is male or female o Chromatin o Only in eukaryotic cells o A collective term for DNA and its associated proteins in the nucleus o The proteins help to pack the DNA efficiently inside the cell Nucleosomes o Chromatin is organized into units of nucleosomes o Each consist of a stretch of DNA wrapped around 8 proteins (histones) o A continuous thread of DNA connects nucleosomes likes beads on a string Gene o A sequence of DNA nucleotides that codes for a specific protein or RNA molecule o The human genome includes 20,000-25,000 genes scattered on its 23 chromosome pairs DNA Replication/Cell Cycle o Enzymes called helicases unwind and hold apart replicating DNA so that other enzymes can guide the assembly of new DNA strands Helicase requires ATP to catalyze its reaction o Another enzyme then breaks the hydrogen bonds holding the base pairs together o o o o A primase enzyme builds a short complementary piece of RNA, an RNA primer, at the start of each DNA segment The RNA primer attracts to a DNA polymerase DNA polymerase The enzyme that adds new DNA nucleotides complementary to the bases on the exposed strand The primer is necessary because DNA polymerase can only add nucleotides to an existing strand “proofreads” as it goes, discarding mismatched nucleotides and inserting correct ones Another enzymes removes each RNA primer and replaces it with the correct DNA nucleotide Ligases An enzyme that forms covalent bonds between the resulting DNA segments Requires ATP to catalyze its reaction Even with the “proofreading” and precautionary steps to replicating DNA there are some errors Mutations Can occur because of errors in DNA replication or exposure to radiation or harmful chemicals If repair enzymes cannot fix the error, a dividing cell can pass the error to its decendants Any change in a cell’s DNA sequence A mutation sometimes changes the structure of its encoded protein so much that the protein can no longer do its job Some effects of this are inherited diseases such as: o Cystic fibrosis o Sickle cell anemia Mutations are extremely important because they are the raw material for evolution because they create new alleles Alleles o Variants of genes Except for identical twins, everyone has a different combination of alleles for the 25,000+ genes in the human genome Natural selection “edits out” the less favorable allele combinations Mutations in disease-causing bacteria and viruses have enormous medical importance o Antibiotic drugs kill bacteria by targeting prokaryotic membrane proteins, enzymes, and other structures o o Random mutations in bacterial DNA encode new version of some of the mutated cells become new strains that are not susceptible to these antibiotics Example of DNA replication o Polymerase Chain Reaction o PCR o Taps into the cell’s DNA copying machinery to rapidly produce millions of copies of a DNA sequence of interest o Useful whenever a small amount of DNA would provide information if it was mass produced o Because of this, a single strand of hair or a few skin cells left at a crime scene have enough DNA for DNA profiling CSI shit o PCR rapidly replicates a selected sequence of DNA in a test tube o It requires this: A target DNA sequence to be replicated Taq polymerase, a heat tolerant DNA polymerase 2 types of short, laboratory-made primers that are complementary to opposite ends of the target sequence Necessary because DNA polymerase can only attach nucleotides to an existing strand A supply of the four types of DNA nucleotides o Cell Division Cell Theory o Every cell in the body results from countless rounds of cell division o Each time forming two genetically identical cells from one original cell Apoptosis o Cell death that is a normal part of development o It is a precise, tightly regulated sequence of events o Also called “programmed cell death” Mitosis Division of a nucleus into two identical nuclei 1st step - Later Interphase o Cell checks for complete DNA replication nd 2 step - Prophase o Chromosomes condense, become visible o Spindle apparatus forms rd 3 step - Prometaphase o Nuclear envelope fragments o Spindle fibers attach to kinetochores th 4 step - Metaphase o Chromosomes align along center of cell th 5 step - Anaphase o Sister chromatids separate and move to opposite poles of cell th 6 step - Telophase o Nuclear membranes assemble around two daughter nuclei o Chromosomes decondense o Spindle disappears 7th step - Cytokinesis o Division of the cytoplasm into two cells th 8 step - Early Interphase of Daughter Cells o Cells resume normal functions or enter another division cycle Meiosis Division of a diploid nucleus into 4 genetically different haploid nuclei Sexual Reproduction o Gametes 2 specialized cells: germ cells (occur only in ovaries and testes) Female cell = egg Male cell = sperm o Haploid cells = ½ amount of chromosomes o Diploid cells = all chromosomes The rest of the body’s cells are somatic cells o Zygote (created by fertilization AKA sex) First cell of new life (females are XX, males XY) 2 phases o Starts with a diploid cell o Turns into 2 haploid cells o DNA is duplicated o 1st step – Prophase I DNA shortens and thickens Forms chromatids/chromosomes Chromatids are one of two identical attach copies of a replicated chromosome nd o 2 step – Prometaphase Nuclear membrane disappears Chromosomes begin to move rd o 3 step – Metaphase I Copied chromatids/chromosomes line up in middle of the cell Centromeres attach to spindle fibers o o o o o o o o o Centromeres are a small part of a chromosome that attaches sister chromatids to each other th 4 step – Anaphase I Chromatid pairs are pulled apart They do NOT separate They move to the ends of the cells th 5 step – Telephase I Chromosomes continue to migrate to poles of cell Nuclear envelope starts forming th 6 step – Cytokinesis Cells divide into 2 th 7 step – Prophase II Starts with 2 cells Chromosomes condense Spindle fibers appear Similar to mitosis th 8 step – Metaphase II Chromosomes line up in middle of cell Spindle fibers attach to centromeres th 9 step – Anaphase II Centromere divides Chromatids/chromosomes split th 10 step -Telophase II Spindle fibers disappear Nuclear membranes form in each th 11 step – Cytokinesis II Cell divide 4 cells are formed – haploid cells Mitosis Vs. Meiosis Asexual Reproduction Occurs in somatic cells throughout life One cell division = Two cells Cytokinesis occurs once Does not require that homologous chromosomes align with one another Yields identical daughter cells for growth, repair, and asexual reproduction (no variability) Sexual Reproduction In germ cells during only some stages in life Two divisions in one cycle = Four cells Cytokinesis occurs twice Homozygous chromosomes must align Generates genetically variable daughter cells in sexual reproduction Inheritance Conjugation o Earliest process that combines genes from two individuals that is 3.5 billion years old o One bacterial cell uses an outgrowth called a sex pilus to transfer genetic material to another bacterium Sexual Reproduction o The production of offspring whose genetic makeup comes from two parents o The fusion of these sex cells signals the start of the next generation o The offspring are genetically different from each other because sexual reproduction mixes up and recombines traits o Sexually reproducing organisms produce gametes with half the chromosome number of somatic cells. Sexual life cycles are diverse, but all include meiosis, gamete formation, and fertilization Early thoughts about heredity o Sperm and eggs passed on traits o Blending theory Problem: Would expect variation to disappear Variation in traits persists Homozygous o Two identical alleles Heterozygous o Two different alleles o Capital letters are dominant o Lower case letters are recessive Phenotype o Pheno – Physical o Traits that are visible o Observable characteristics Genotype o Gene – Genes o Genetic makeup of chromosomes Gregor Mendel o The founder of modern genetics o Worked with pea plants o Tracking Generations Parental Generation Mates to produce First Generation Offspring Mates to produce Second Generation Offspring o Punnett-Square Method Probable phenotype ratio is 3:1 o o Monohybrid cross A mating between 2 individuals that’re both heterozygous for one gene Theory of Segregation (Law of Segregation) An individual inherits a unit of information (allele) about a trait from each parent During gamete formation, the alleles separate from each other Testcrosses Individual shows dominant phenotype is crossed with individual with recessive phenotype Examining offspring allows you to determine the genotype of the dominant individual Test results will reveal whether the organism is homozygous dominant or heterozygous o o o Dihybrid Cross A mating between two individuals that are each heterozygous for two genes 4 phenotypes appear Independent Assortment By the end of meiosis, each pair of homologous chromosomes has been sorted for shipments into gametes independently of how the other pairs were sorted out Dominance Relations Complete Dominance AA Incomplete Dominance Aa Codominance AB Crossing Over (NOT MENDEL’S) o A process in which two homologous chromosomes exchange genetic material o During Prophase I, the homologs align themselves precisely in a process called synapsis o The chromosomes are attached at a few points along their lengths, called chiasmata, where the homologs exchange chromosomal material o Modes of Inheritance o “Mendelian traits” Those determined by single genes with alleles that are either dominant or recessive Genes on the X and Y chromosomes show different inheritance patterns Autosomal Mendelian traits exhibit two modes of inheritance Autosomal Dominant Disorder o A person can receive the disease-causing allele from either parent o An affected individual’s mother or father must have the disorder, unless the disease-causing allele arose by mutation o If a generation arises and no one has the allele, the transmission of the disorder stops in the family Autosomal Recessive Disorder o A person can receive the disease-causing allele from both parents o Each parent must therefore have at least one copy of the allele (either because they are homozygous recessive and have the disease or because they are unaffected heterozygotes {carriers}) o If both parents are “carriers”, the disorder appears to have skipped a generation o Pedigree charts depicting family relationships and phenotypes are useful tools in this research In a pedigree chart, squares indicate males, circles indicate females, colored shapes indicate individuals with the disorder, half-filled shapes represent known carriers and blank shapes represent non-carriers Karyotype A size-ordered chart of all the chromosomes in any cell of an organism Karyotypes illustrate the major characteristics that uniquely identify each chromosome size, banding pattern, and centromere position o Size: Autosomes are numbered based on size 1 is the largest 22 is the smallest o Banding Pattern: Stains applied to chromosomes highlight unique patterns of light – and darkstaining bands These differ among the chromosome types o Centromere Position: A characteristically located constriction in a chromosome The centromere may be close to a chromosome tip, near the center, or somewhere in between Linked Genes Carried on the same chromosome; they are therefore inherited together They do not assort independently during meiosis First discovered by William Bateson and R. C. Punnett o They crossed true-breeding plants with crimson flowers and long pollen grains with true-breeding plants with red flowers and round pollen grains o The F2 generation did not show the expected 9:3:3:1 phenotypic ratio for an independently assorting dihybrid cross o Bateson and Punnett hypothesized that this pattern reflected two genes on the same chromosome Recombinant Chromosomes o Have a mix of maternal and paternal alleles Parental Chromosomes o Retain the allele combinations from each parent Thomas Hunt Morgan o Studied the inheritance of traits in fruit flies o The data began to indicate four linkage groups Collections of genes that tended to be inherited together Within each linkage group, dihybrid crosses did not produce the proportions of offspring that Mendel’s law of independent assortment predicts Because the number of linkage groups was the same as the number of homologous pairs of chromosomes, scientists eventually realized that each linkage group was simply a set of genes transmitted together on the same chromosome o o Sex-linked The alleles controlling them are on the X or Y chromosomes Morgan was the first to discover the unusual inheritance patterns associated with genes on the X chromosome The eyes of the fruit flies are normally red, but one day Morgan found a male with white eyes He created true-breeding lines of flies with each eye color Morgan reasoned that the recessive white-eye allele must be on the X chromosome and that males with white eyes had no corresponding dominant allele on the Y chromosome With two X chromosomes, a female will express the white-eye phenotype ONLY if BOTH of her eye color alleles are recessive X-linked Traits that are controlled by genes on the X chromosome The X chromosome has many more genes than the Y Most human sex-linked traits are X-linked X-linked recessive disorders are more common in males than in females, because males have only one X chromosome to the female’s two. In mammals, all but one X chromosome is inactivated in each cell early in development X-Inactivation A cell shuts off all but one X chromosome in each cell Process that happens early in the embryonic development of mammals Directly observable in cells because a turned-off X chromosome absorbs a stain much more readily than an active X chromosome does The inactivated X chromosome forms a Barr body o An extra Barr body can occur in males and females Males – Klinefelter syndrome (XXY) Sex Chromosome Disorders RNA Ribonucleic Acid Long chain of nucleotides Single-stranded Ribose is the sugar in it Has Uracil instead of Thymine Can start chemical reactions Main function is to make proteins and works with ribosomes Transcription o A cell copies a gene’s DNA sequence to a complementary RNA molecule Translation o The information in RNA is used to manufacture a protein by joining a specific sequence of amino acids into a polypeptide chain Messenger RNA (mRNA) o Carries the information that specifies a protein o Codons encode amino acid sequence o Each group of three mRNA bases in a row forms a codon that corresponds to one amino acid A genetic “code word” Ribsomal RNA (rRNA) o Some rRNAs help to correctly align the ribosome and mRNA o Others catalyze formation of the bonds between amino acids in the developing protein o Associates with proteins to form ribosomes, which structurally support and catalyze protein synthesis Transfer RNA (tRNA) o Cross-shaped o Molecules are “connectors” that bind mRNA codons at one end and specific amino acids at the other o Their role is to carry each amino acid to the ribsome at the correct spot along the mRNA molecule o Binds mRNA codon on one end and an amino acid on the other, linking a gene’s message to the amino acid sequence it encodes o Three Steps of Transcription of RNA o Initiation Enzymes unwind the DNA double helix exposing the template strand that encodes the RNA molecule RNA polymerase binds to the promoter The promoter is a DNA sequence that signals the gene’s start A base sequence in DNA where RNA polymerases bind and prepare for transcription o Start codon: AUG o 3 STOP codons: UAA UGA UAG o Elongation RNA polymerase moves along the DNA strand in a 3’-5’ direction It adds nucleotides to the growing molecules in a 5’-3’ direction o Transcription RNA polymerase enzyme reaches a terminator sequence that signals the end of the gene RNA, RNA polymerase, and the DNA molecules resumes its usual double helix Requires mRNA and tRNA and a ribosome (rRNA and proteins) It brings the amino acids to the ribosomes o o o As the RNA molecule is synthesized, it curls into a 3D shape dictated by complementary base pairing within the molecule The final shape determines whether the RNA functions as mRNA, rRNA, or tRNA. Genetic Code How cells use the genetic code o mRNA is transcribed from DNA o in translation, tRNA matches mRNA codons with amino acids as specified in the genetic code o The genetic code consists of three-base mRNA codons, each of which corresponds to a single amino acid or a “stop” signal. To synthesize a protein, tRNA molecules carrying amino acids form base pairs with mRNA molecules; ribosomes align the amino acids Codons o “words” o A combination of 3 nucleotides o Can be found on genetic code chart o 1 codon = 1 amino acid Translation Requires the following: o mRNA: This product of transcription carries the genetic information that encodes a protein, with each 3-base codon specifying one amino acid o tRNA molecules: tRNA is a “bilingual” molecules that binds to both mRNA codons and amino acids The anticodon is a three-base loop that is complementary to one mRNA codon The other end of the tRNA molecules forms a covealent bond to the amino acid corresponding to that codon o Ribosomes The ribosome, built of rRNA and proteins, anchors mRNA during translation Each ribosome has 2 subunits that join at the initiation of protein synthesis Three Steps of Translation o Initiation The leader sequence of the mRNA molecule bonds with a small ribosomal subunit mRNA finds start codon and attracts it o Elongation A large ribosomal subunit attaches to the small subunit The amino acids are bound by covalent bonds and attach one by one with each mRNA and tRNA o Termination Halts a “stop” codon No tRNA molecules correspond to these stop codons Proteins called release factors bind to the stop codon, prompting the release of the last tRNA from the ribosome Ends in a polypeptide chain that turns into a protein Has to fold to be a protein o Called a protein fold o Folds into its final shape Some proteins must be altered in other ways before they can become functional o Example: Insulin is 51 amino acids long, is initially translated as the 80-amino acid polytpeptide, proinsulin Enzymes cut proinsulin to form insulin