Newsletter St. Leo Catholic Elementary School 5412 - 121 Avenue Edmonton, AB., Canada T5W 1N9 Tel: (780) 477-3372 Fax: (780) 477-7756 January 2016 Administrators’ Message On behalf of all of us here at St. Leo School, we would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy New Year! We have faith that 2016 will be filled with abundant blessings for you and your family. We are excited about continuing all of the good work that the staff and students had embarked on at the start of this academic school year. As with anything new, the New Year affords us the spirit of hope. With hope comes rejuvenation and new life, allowing us to embrace fresh opportunities each day. To that end, we would like to share in the good news that St. Leo School will continue to offer a Pre-Kindergarten/100 Voices Program in the 2016-17 school year. This Early Learning Program is intended to provide young children who are 3 and 4 years of age an opportunity to start their learning early and to optimize the positive impact of early intervention. We ask that you let your friends and family know that we will be holding a Pre-Kindergarten/Full Day Kindergarten Open House Information Evening on January 21 at 7 pm. This year, as in the past we will be working towards our goal of opening up 2 Kindergarten classrooms and as such encourage you to spread the word amongst family and friends that we offer a full day program for Kindergarten age children. At the open house, you will learn about both the Pre-Kindergarten (100 Voices) and Kindergarten Programs. For your convenience, you will be able to register your child and receive a registration package that evening. To register your child please read the important information below. Alternatively, you can also visit our school’s website at Please note that the Registration Form and further program information as well as age qualifications are also posted under “School Information”/”How to Register” tabs on the left hand side bar. For Kindergarten: Children must be five years of age on or before March 1, 2017. For Pre-Kindergarten: 100 Voices - 4 Year old Program - Children must be four years of age on or before March 1, 2017. 100 Voices - 3 Year Old Program - Children must be 3 years of age on or before September 30, 2016 On behalf of the staff, we remain committed to providing the children of St. Leo School with a quality Catholic education. We believe children are at the center of our work, and are grateful to be working in an outstanding learning community. We invite all parents to follow us on Twitter @StLeoSchoolYEG as we often send out reminders and highlights of events that have occurred. We also encourage parents to engage in our Twitter feed by tweeting out their support for school events as they happen. Parents and students will also find tips, inspirational quotes and prayers to complement our liturgical season. Come out and follow us on Twitter!! We look forward to the remainder of the scholastic year with renewed dedication and commitment. Alba Esposito-Brady Principal Nicole Pichette Assistant Principal 1 REFLECTION Laudato Si – Pope Francis` Encyclical on the Environment - On Care for Our Common Home Chapter Three: The Human Roots of the Ecological Crisis In Chapter one, we read how our world is in ecological crisis… our world is slowly dying because of global warming and although this impacts everyone in some way, the greatest effects are felt in the developing countries where people are already struggling to survive on the little they have. It is time we face the facts and start making a unified change to care for, and preserve, what we still have: we need an ecological conversion. In Chapter two, we read how it is our Christian duty to do something about our Creation in crisis. The Gospel calls us to seriously live out the two greatest commandments, love God and love one another. To love God, we must proactively care for our common home, the earth. To love one another, we must live in ways that respect people all over the world, especially those who are struggling to survive. As Christians who follow the Gospel values, it is time to live more simply and with more responsibility. In Chapter three, we explore that the roots of this ecological crisis, sadly, belong to humans; the pope says that there is a ‘deterioration of the environment’ (107). We are the cause of global warming because of our over-consumption and irresponsible development; we have allowed profit, wealth, comfort and technology to become more powerful than caring for God’s fragile ecosystems. We have become falsely accustomed to a lifestyle that reflects our earth having an infinite supply of resources that can feed us and fuel our economic growth. Technology has provided us with many beneficial products and medical advancements, and we are thankful for them, but we must also be guarded about how fast technology is growing, faster than we can keep up. Technology can be powerful but when it becomes disengaged from ethics, it can be harmful. Technology needs to be seen as an instrument, not a ‘need’ that dominates our life (108); as we all know, it can even lure us into social isolation. To counteract this, the pope says we need a ‘bold cultural revolution’ where we ‘look at reality in a different way, to appropriate the positive and sustainable progress which has been made, but also to recover the values and the great goals swept away by our unrestrained delusions of grandeur’ (114). It is time to be responsible stewards of the earth and live in ways that ‘respect the natural and moral structures’ that God has endowed the earth with (115). How can we apply this to our lives here and now? We cannot deny that technology is a big part of our lives. Our Catholic responsibility, however, is to be disciplined stewards of the earth and not allow technology to dominate our lives. We must be mindful to stand-up to consumerism. As Christians, we own nothing but are stewards of everything. It is time to put our cell-phones down, even turn them off for one hour during the day, and reflect on how we can live more simply in a way that respects the world for a lasting future where our children’s children can live in a flourishing, non-polluted world. We need to always remember that everything is interrelated and we are all connected from one side of the world to the other. As Pope Francis says, ‘our relationship with the environment can never be isolated from our relationship with others and with God’ (120). Love God by living more simply, cherishing the earth and respecting one another. Janice Stefancik, Religious Education Consultant 2 ST. LEO SCHOOL HOLY DOOR TO COMMEMORATE THE JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY On December 8th St. Leo School marked the beginning of the Jubilee Year of Mercy by having the children gather for a blessing led by Fr. Antonio. Each child designed their own personal ‘door’ to reflect their ideas, prayers and calls for mercy as we embark on this year long journey. This sacred and special event helped to highlight for the children the need for mercy in our daily lives as we live in peace and harmony with all of our brothers and sisters. All of the children and staff of St. Leo School have committed to making the sign of the cross each time they pass through the school’s designated ‘Holy Door’. To see the event the children participated in click on the link 3 ‘L.I.O.N.S. TV’ MORNING BROADCAST Our L.I.O.N.S. leaders continue to provide service to our school through our morning broadcast. This year, the students changed the name of the broadcast to L.I.O.N.S. TV. Currently, students from grades 4 to 6 have taken on the roles of anchors, camera people and set creators. Each morning, we watch students lead us in Prayer, sing the National Anthem, give book talks and tell us about the day’s events, birthdays and guests. Stay tuned as we continue to grow this program and provide leadership opportunities for our students. Parents are encouraged to come out and watch the morning broadcast which happens out of the library each morning at 8:31 a.m. ST. LEO L.I.O.N.S. LEADERSHIP TEAM The St. Leo L.I.O.N.S. “Leaders in Our Neighbourhood doing Services” Leadership Team continues to grow with many successes. Thank-you to the hard work, dedication and positive spirit from the L.I.O.N.S Leaders for modelling leadership every day at St. Leo. We are very appreciative of the support from the St. Leo staff, administration, parents and School Council. A huge thank you to the St. Leo L.I.O.N.S. for helping to make this year’s Christmas Family Fun Night a great success. The student leaders had the following roles: SWAT Elves, Christmas card making, chocolate selling, Christmas carnival games, Christmas family photos, Family board games, Christmas crafts, hot chocolate, cookies, popcorn and Christmas card sales. The time given and assistance provided from each L.I.O.N.S. was a huge asset in helping the evening run smoothly. The School Council has graciously provided the L.I.O.N.S Leadership Team with funds to purchase leadership t-shirts for each L.I.O.N.S. member. T-shirts have just arrived! Each L.I.O.N.S. member will have a custom made leadership t-shirt to wear while they are doing their leadership duties. The St. Leo L.I.O.N.S. will be also be helping to set up, organize and run stations at the Heart and Stroke Jump Rope for Heart event on Friday, February 6th! We look forward to continuing on this journey at St. Leo School, doing what we can to bring out the leader in ourselves and to help each student be the best they can be! Thank you for your support! The L.I.O.N.S Team, Mrs. Kingsley, Ms. Scarpelli, and Mrs. Taylor. 4 LEADER IN ME- 7 HABITS Habit 1 Be Proactive - You're in Charge I am a responsible person. I take initiative. I choose my actions, attitudes, and moods. I do not blame others for my wrong actions. I do the right thing without being asked, even when no one is looking. Check out this video for more information Habit 4 Think Win-Win - Everyone Can Win I balance courage for getting what I want with consideration for what others want. I make deposits in others’ Emotional Bank Accounts. When conflicts arise, I look for third alternatives. This video gives more information about thinking win win Habit 7 Sharpen the Saw - Balance Feels Best I take care of my body by eating right, exercising, and getting sleep. I spend time with family and friends. I learn in lots of ways and lots of places, not just at school. I find meaningful ways to help others. This video has an example of why sharpening the saw is so important! 5 PRE-KINDERGARTEN (100 Voices) & FULL DAY KINDERGARTEN OPEN HOUSE Entering Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten is an exciting time for your child and an important first step in their Catholic education. We want this transition to the school community to be as smooth as possible for you and your child. Each school has a process in place to orient your child to the program and will provide further information when you visit and/or register. St. Leo School welcomes children and their families to come learn, play, and grow in our faith based, inclusive Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten programs. Options include 100 Voices Program (Pre-K), or Full Day Kindergarten Program. The Pre-Kindergarten Program is intended to provide young children who are 3 and 4 years of age an opportunity to start their learning early. Pre-Kindergarten, also known as 100 Voices Program at St. Leo School has been a great success as it targets building key development at a very early age. Students are assessed and must qualify to be accepted into the program. Parents whose children may not qualify for 100 Voices, can still access the program with a monthly fee. For our Full-Day Kindergarten Program, students who are 5 years of age qualify to participate provided they meet the age timelines noted below. On January 21 at 7 pm we will be holding a Pre-Kindergarten (100 Voices) & Full Day Kindergarten Open House Information Evening. At the open house, you will learn about both programs and for your convenience you will be able to register your child and receive a registration package that evening. To register your child in the appropriate program based on age, please read the important information below. For Full Day Kindergarten: Children must be five years of age on or before March 1, 2017. For Pre-Kindergarten: 100 Voices - 4 Year old Program - Children must be 4 years of age on or before March 1, 2017. 100 Voices - 3 Year Old Program - Children must be 3 years of age on or before September 30, 2016 All of our Early Learning Programs include: o Certified teacher o Early Learning Facilitator o Learning through play o Integration of the fine arts o Rich oral language opportunities o Family/parent nights o A multi-disciplinary Team that includes: Early Learning Consultant, Speech-Language Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Adapted Phys. Ed Specialist, Emotional Behaviour Specialist, Psychologist and Family School Liaison Services o Faith based The Multi-Disciplinary Team – Supporting Inclusive Programming. In Early Learning, all our programs are inclusive (both Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten programs) and are serviced by our Early learning Team that includes: Speech Language Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Phys-Ed Specialist, Behavior Specialists, Family School Liaison Workers, Fine Art Specialists and Early Learning Consultants. 6 SCHOOL COUNCIL (SC/PAA) MEETING – JANUARY 11TH @ 6 PM. The parent participation at the school council meetings has been fantastic! We are all excited to see the involvement and support of our staff and school efforts! Thanks so much for your continued support. With the Casino in December behind us we can all breathe a sigh of relief in knowing that together, we all did it for the kids. As a result of our combined efforts, monies from the casino will continue to enhance programming and benefit each and every child at St. Leo School. The administration and staff value the School Council, the Parent Advisory Association, and the roles these groups play in contributing to our school programs. The council works closely with the school, staff, and administration to advise and liaise with us, and to inform both the school and parent community. We encourage all parents to come out to SC meetings which are held on the third Monday of the month at 6:00 pm. Our next meeting will be held on January 11th, at 6 pm. To see the agenda and the minutes of past meetings please visit our school’s website at Go to the left hand side bar and click on School Information/School Council tabs. WE CARE MARKET PLACE IS COMING - SUNDAY, JANUARY 17TH For many years the St. Leo School students, parents and staff have taken part in the We Care Ministry which takes place every Sunday morning January 17th at 9:30 am at the Clansmen Rugby Club parking lot just off Kingsway and 111 Avenue. At this gathering, interested organizations and individuals distribute food, clothing and personal hygiene items to the working poor and homeless people who visit weekly. This year we will be involving all the students in preparing a bagged lunch to distribute. Our goal is to prepare and hand out 200 bagged lunches. Every student will have a hand in this social justice project by making and wrapping sandwiches, adding a juice box, snack bar and a fresh piece of fruit to the paper lunch bags. We are in need of monetary donations to purchase the items to make the lunches. We are asking each student to do his/her share by donating just ONE TOONIE (minimum). If you are able to contribute more that is greatly appreciated. We will be buying fruit, juice boxes, bread, cheese and sandwich meat so that the students can make the lunches on the previous Friday. As usual, we are counting on your donations that have always been there in the past. Please help make this initiative work. CANADIAN TEST OF BASIC SKILLS All students in Grade 6 will be writing the Canadian Test of Basic Skills between January 4th to 8th. These tests provide measurement of growth in vocabulary, reading, writing and mathematics. They help determine the developmental level of each student in order to adapt materials and instructional procedures. While students cannot study for these tests, your cooperation in ensuring a good night’s sleep for these children is appreciated. We remind our students to do their very best. Results will be available to parents once they are returned from District Office. 7 PARISH NEWS- SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION Our school community is served by both the St. Clare Parish and Our Lady of Fatima Parish. Sacramental preparation is done primarily at home and in the Parish. The school collaborates in helping to prepare the children, especially through the Religious Education curriculum. It is the parents’ responsibility to complete a book of readings and activities with their child for each sacramental preparation. Parents must contact their parish to make arrangements for their child to receive all of the sacraments. If you are interested in having your child receive one of the Sacraments, including First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, or Confirmation, please contact your family’s Parish. If you attend the Catholic Parish of St. Clare, the phone number is 780471-2353. If you attend the Catholic Parish of Our Lady of Fatima, the phone number is 780-474-2805. ‘TELL THEM FROM ME’ (TTFM) STUDENT SURVEY The Edmonton Catholic School District and St. Leo School has partnered with Alberta Education and The Learning Bar ( to survey students in St. Leo School on their level of engagement in learning, their level of student wellness and the climate of their classroom(s) and school. The Tell Them From Me (TTFM) survey was developed by internationally renowned educational researcher Dr. Douglas Willms and is based upon years of research in Canada and around the world. Gathering student feedback through this survey will support our school’s plans for continuous improvement. Also included in the TTFM survey are Alberta Education’s Accountability Pillar Survey questions for students. As an annual check-up on the education system, Alberta Education conducts surveys of students to gather information on the quality of education provided by Alberta school authorities and their schools. The results are provided to school authorities to inform the development of their three-year education plans and annual education results reports, and are used to evaluate performance on Accountability Pillar survey measures. Student participation in the survey is voluntary and completely anonymous. Students are assigned a random username and password so that survey responses cannot be attributed to any individual student. Students in St. Leo School will be surveyed between Feb. 1-5, 2016. The survey takes about thirty (30) minutes to complete on-line and will be done within the school day during regular class time. If you have any questions about the TTFM survey, please contact Ms. Esposito-Brady, at 780-477-3372. For further information on Alberta Education’s Accountability Pillar Surveys, please contact Keith Bowen, Director, System Assurance Branch, by email at or by phone at 780-422-4750. Dial 310-000 first for toll-free access. 8 PARKING IN DESIGNATED ZONES ONLY We ask that all parents please be mindful of parking in only school designated areas. Please note that all businesses need their parking and as such we ask that you do not park in the business strip mall across the front of the school. We have parking along the north and east side of the school on 54 Street as well as, 121 Avenue on the south side of the school. Parents are also reminded to not park in drop off zones, bus zones, or idle cars with engines on. Please be reminded that traffic police will be out and in full force in school zones. STAFF FAITH DEVELOPMENT DAY- FEB. 2- NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS This is to inform you that on Tuesday, February 2, 2016, all staff members will be involved in a district-wide Faith Development Day at the Shaw Conference Centre. There will be no instruction of students at school on that day. Joan Carr, our Superintendent, calls Faith Development Day, “an outstanding opportunity for the staff of Edmonton Catholic Schools to come together to articulate and celebrate our faith.” Catholic education is an awesome vocation and responsibility. By being involved in the education mission of the church, Catholic schools provide a hopeful response to the great mysteries of life in an increasingly complex world. Faith Development Day provides us, as a community of faith, with the opportunity to become more deeply aware of the faith foundation of our lives and to find inspiration to enter into our life’s work with deeper conviction. JUMP ROPE FOR HEART- FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 St. Leo is pleased to be holding the second annual Heart & Stroke Foundation JUMP Rope for Heart event on Friday, February 5, 2015! All money raised will support the Heart & Stroke Foundation in their mission to promote children’s health and fund vital heart and stroke research. JUMP Rope for Heart encourages kids to get active by skipping rope while they collect pledges. They also learn the importance of living a healthy lifestyle and giving back to their community. Mrs. Scarpelli and her team needs your help to reach our School fundraising goal of $3000. Please help support your child’s fundraising efforts by registering them online at and sending out donation requests to friends, family and colleagues. Online fundraising is the quickest way to reach all of your contacts and online donors receive an automatic tax receipt. Plus, all students will receive a $5 kick-start and a FREE skipping rope with their first pledge from the Heart & Stroke Foundation! Every student that raises $50 or more will be entered into a raffle to win a set of Walkie-Talkies! Students that raise $150 online will earn a $15 gift card to Chapters/Indigo or Sportcheck! If you need assistance, please visit and check out our online fundraising videos and step by step “how-to” resources. Each student will also be bringing home a pledge envelope to collect cash and cheque donations in person. Please ensure that their pledge envelope is returned no later than Friday, February 6th. 9 SUPERINTENDENT’S MESSAGE 10 11 ECSD CHAPLAIN FR. JULIAN BILYJ - THE "DAY AFTER" CHRISTMAS The joys of the Christmas Season are gone. We have exchanged gifts and greetings. We have feasted together and delighted in fellowship. We have seen the angels, we have heard "... a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying, Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favors" (Luke 2:13-14). Now we are back to our daily lives. The intensity of winter season is upon us. We have many bills to pay. We are experiencing the let-down feeling that is nurtured by the long time we have spent getting ready for the festivities. After a few hours of celebrations, it is all over! We have expected so much but it lasted so short. It faded away and we are back in the everyday routine with the same old problems. But if this is what Christmas is all about, then it is a terrible mockery. If it lifts our spirits briefly only to crush them down later, then Christmas is not hope, joy, peace, and good will, but utter cruelty. Clearly this is not what God has in mind for us. Let us look briefly at the Wise Men to see how Christmas affected their lives. When the Magi learned of the plot of King Herod to kill the infant Jesus, they did not come back to Herod, but went another way. What did the evangelist Matthew mean when he wrote that the Wise Men "departed to their own country by another way" (Matthew 2:12)? No doubt Matthew meant that the Magi took another route so as to frustrate Herod’s murderous intentions. But is there not more to these words than that? The Wise Men took another road home in the spiritual sense, too. What they had seen in the manger in Bethlehem had changed their lives. No one ever comes to Christ and goes back the same way he came. No one comes to Christ and goes back by the same route. You are always changed. Like the Magi, we have seen the star. Like the Wise Men we have followed the star to the newborn King. Like them, we have worshiped the Christ Child, brought Him our gifts, and received Him in the manger of our souls through the sacrament of the Holy Communion. Now let us go another way, God’s way, leaving behind the old doubts, the old grudges, the old sins, and the old sorrows. Let us walk into the future with Christ, more loving and more conscious of the needs of others, for unto us is born a child, Christ the Savior, Emmanuel – God with us. As we take down our Christmas decorations to store them in the basement or the attic, let us be careful not to take down Christ. He was meant not for the attic, but for the living room of your heart and mine the year round. After all, His presence with us is what Christmas is all about. Many years ago someone sent a card to a friend the day after Christmas and the words speak of great truth that we have tried to capture today (the author is unknown): When the song of the angels is stilled, When the star in the sky is gone, When the kings and princes are home, When the shepherds are back with their flock, The work of Christmas begins: To find the lost, To heal the broken, To feed the hungry, To rebuild the nations, To bring peace among brothers and sisters, To make music in the heart. Alleluia! Unto us a child is born. 12 ALBERTA HEALTH SERVICES 13 ST. LEO SCHOOL CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2015-16 JANUARY Monday, January 4 School Resumes January 4-8 C.T.B.S. Testing Week Monday, January 11 SC Mtg. @ 6 pm Thursday, January 14 ELFN Early Learning Family Night -100 Voices Friday, January 15 We Care Preparation Week- Social Justice Project Sunday, January 17 We Care Marketplace- Social Justice Project Thursday, January 21 PRE- K & KINDERGARTEN OPEN HOUSE @ 7 PM Friday, January 22 Hot Lunch Day Wednesday, January 27 No Classes for Kindergarten Thursday, January 28 St. Nicholas Feeder Indoor Soccer Tournament Friday January 29 Newsletter Out FEBRUARY Tuesday, February 2 Faith Development Day- No School Thursday, February 4 Babysitting Course Day 1 12:30-4:30 Friday, February 5 Gr. 6 Passport Goes Home ( Due back March 4) Tuesday, February 9 Shrove Tuesday Pancake Breakfast Rhymes that Bind 6-7:30 Wednesday, February 10 Ash Wednesday Liturgy @ 9:00 at OLF Thursday, February 11 Babysitting Course Day 2 12:30-4:30 ELFN Early Learning Family Night -100 Voices Friday, February 12 Hot Lunch Day February 16-19 Random Acts of Kindness Week Monday, February 15 Family Day-No School Tuesday, February 16 Rhymes that Bind 6-7:30 Thursday, February 18 St. Nicholas Jr. High Open House Monday, February 22 SC Mtg. @ 6 pm Tuesday, February 23 Rhymes that Bind 6-7:30 Wednesday, February 24 Newsletter Out February 26 & 27 GETCA Teachers’ Convention-No School 14