Apps For Articulation and Apraxia of Speech 1 Created by: Jessica Chase, M.A. CCC-­‐SLP Apps For Articulation and Apraxia of Speech List Created By: Jessica Chase, M. A. CCC-­‐SLP Consonantly Speaking Last Updated On: 5/31/2012 Apps For Articulation and Apraxia of Speech 2 Created by: Jessica Chase, M.A. CCC-­‐SLP Disclaimer: These applications are not intended to replace therapy with a speech-­‐language pathologist. Use only under direction of a speech-­‐language pathologist or other qualified therapist. None of these applications were created by Consonantly Speaking; therefore, any difficulties or complaints with each application should be directed to the developer of that specific application. Consonantly Speaking does not have any bearing on how the application will work and has not used all of the applications on the list. Consonantly Speaking did not receive any compensation for creating this list. Consonantly Speaking does not specifically endorse or recommend any of the following applications over others. This list is intended as a compilation of applications that can be used with or by a speech-­‐language pathologist in speech-­‐ language therapy for articulation and apraxia of speech therapy. Applications are not listed in any specific order other than by category. The prices of the applications are subject to change or sale by the developer at any given time. A reference list of websites, resources and additional application lists that helped make this list possible can be found at:­‐ consonantly-­‐speakings-­‐app-­‐lists-­‐were-­‐compiled-­‐and-­‐more-­‐app-­‐resources-­‐for-­‐you. This list is the intellectual property of Consonantly Speaking and its author. The application icons are the property of their own companies. You may print, use, and share this document for personal or professional use; however, you may not re-­‐sell this document or commercially exploit it, publish the document without expressed written permission, or make mass quantities of the document without expressed written permission. You may not credit this document as your own. If you feel that this document has been sold or recreated without Consonantly Speaking’s permission, please contact Consonantly Speaking at: Apps For Articulation and Apraxia of Speech 3 Created by: Jessica Chase, M.A. CCC-­‐SLP Current Current App App icon Name Short App Description Current Price Articulation/Phonology Apps ArtikPix (iPod and iPad) 72 built-­‐in scenes with 1200 practice words including all consonants in the English language; one scene per sound per position is included; for the /r/ sound there is one scene per separate type of the sound /r/; 4 separate activities: Find the Hidden Articulation Items with the child’s speech sound, Tap and Say It where a child taps on items on the scene with his or Scenes her speech sound, the Movie Theater where children (iPad only) are able to listen to a story using target words, and the Production Room where children can create their own stories; ability to record and keep data; homework sheets containing the words in each scene are included and can be sent home for further practice Flashcards for English articulation sounds at the Articulate word level; ability to record; groups by phoneme/manner of articulation/phonological It! processes; data collection; audio of each (iPod and iPad) word/sentence Smarty Speech Flashcards and matching game for English articulation sounds; flashcards at the word and sentence levels; ability to record; data collection; audio of each word/sentence (iPod and iPad) Flashcards for English articulation sounds at the word level; groups by phoneme/manner of articulation/phonological processes; data collection; audio of each word/sentence Spanish Artik – Spanish/ Flashcards for Spanish articulation sounds at the Smarty word level; ability to record; data collection; audio of Speech -­‐ each word/sentence Spanish (iPod, iPad, and Android) Free; Full -­‐ $29.99 $49.99 $38.99 $19.99 $19.99 Apps For Articulation and Apraxia of Speech 4 Created by: Jessica Chase, M.A. CCC-­‐SLP Flashcards for English articulation sounds at the word, phrase and sentence levels; ability to choose between beginning/middle/final consonants; ability to record; data collection in many different charts; shows anatomy of the mouth for each sound; audio of each word/sentence $29.99 $14.99 (iPod and iPad) 2,000 unique articulation specific questions used to elicit sentences with the s, z, r, l, s/r/l-­‐blends, sh, ch, and th sounds; e-­‐mail capability Quick Artic Flashcards for English articulation sounds organized by phoneme; word and phrase level; data collection Free (iPod and iPad) Flashcards for English articulation sounds; data collection; phonemic awareness and auditory discrimination activities iPod: $29.99; iPad: $49.99 All About Sounds Matching game for different phonemes in the initial position of words Lite – Free; $0.99 Pocket SLP (iPod, iPad, and Android) Artic Questions (iPod and iPad) SLP Field Kit – Consonants (iPod and iPad) Articulation application that offers practice at the Lite -­‐ /p/ word, s entence, a nd s tory l evel i n d ifferent p ositions sound free; Articulation of words of all the sounds in the English language; In-­‐app Station matching game as well; data collection; audio of each purchases; (iPad only) word/sentence; full version comes with all sounds or Pro -­‐ you can buy sounds individually $49.99 Contains the /b/, /ch/, /d/, /f/, /g/, /j/, /k/, /l/, Free; /m/, /n/, /p/, /r/, /s/, /sh/, /t/, /th/, /v/, /y/, and $39.99 in-­‐ I Can /z/ sounds; word, sentence, and story levels; over app photos/words, over 1500 unique sentences (20 Articulate 2000 purchase per sound/position), and over 150 unique stories (3 (iPod and iPad) for all stories per sound/position); ability to record/save sounds audio; shows a bar graph/table to show progress Articulation IV (iPod and iPad) Includes the following articulation targets: /r/, /s/, /l/, and /th/; initial, medial, final, and consonant clusters; word, phrase, and sentence levels $59.99 Apps For Articulation and Apraxia of Speech 5 Created by: Jessica Chase, M.A. CCC-­‐SLP $49.99 (iPod and iPad) Articulation application that contains initial, medial, and final consonant phonemes along with consonant clusters and some vowels + R; focuses on phonemes at the word, syllable, phrase, and sentence levels Artic2Go PBM Flashcards for the articulation sounds /p/, /b/, and /m/ $1.99 The “R” App/The R App for Parents Flashcards for /r/ sounds with different vowels; data collection; includes parental tips; audio of each word/sentence $7.99 Flashcards for /r/ sounds with different vowels at the word and phrase levels; data collection $19.99 Artic Practice (iPod and iPad) (iPod, iPad, and Android) /r/ Intensive SLP (iPod, iPad, and Android) PCS Articulation Flash Cards Flashcards for English speech sounds in various positions of words (iPod and iPad) Articulation Flip Books /b/ sound free; ($0.99 in-­‐app purchases for more sounds) /ar/ sound free; ($9.99 in-­‐app purchases for more sounds) (iPod and iPad) A digital flipbook for the /r/ sound with different vowels; audio of each word/sentence Games to practice early developing speech sounds in isolation; student speaks sound into microphone to create an action on the game $4.99 Tiga Talk Speech Therapy Games Contains the following sounds: /m/, /p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /n/, /k/, /g/, /s/, /sh/, /aw/, /ee/, /oo/, /o/, and /uh/ sounds in isolation and CV/VC combinations; reinforcements; match stickers to the correct sound $14.99 (iPod and iPad) Speech Stickers (iPad only) Apps For Articulation and Apraxia of Speech 6 Created by: Jessica Chase, M.A. CCC-­‐SLP 24 consonants and 12 vowels; 5 stories that encourage sound listening and repetition of sounds; voice recordings to help students hearing speech sounds; text which teaches students how to make each speech sound $6.99 Flash card deck with speech sounds for the Mobi flash cards app; must download the Mobi flash cards app first Free 45 word images for the /r/ sound in the initial, medial, and final positions of the word; can choose whether or not the sound was produced correctly or incorrectly; shows a graph/percentage of correct sounds to show student progress $2.99 Articulation scenes for the /s/ and /s/-­‐blends sounds; ability to create a scene; touching the picture will name the stimulus item $3.99 Big Mouth Sounds (iPod and iPad) Articulation Practice/ Articulation Practice /s/ (Android only) Articulation Flash Cards /r/ (Android only) STS Artic. Town S (Android only) Articulation Games Tic-­‐Tac-­‐Toe PB Tic-­‐Tac-­‐Toe game with pictures of words that have the /p/ and /b/ sounds $4.99 Tic-­‐Tac-­‐Toe FV Tic-­‐Tac-­‐Toe game with pictures of words that have the /f/ and /v/ sounds $4.99 Tic-­‐Tac-­‐Toe GK Tic-­‐Tac-­‐Toe game with pictures of words that have the /k/ and /g/ sounds $4.99 Tic-­‐Tac-­‐Toe TD Tic-­‐Tac-­‐Toe game with pictures of words that have the /t/ and /d/ sounds $4.99 Tic-­‐Tac-­‐Toe SZ Tic-­‐Tac-­‐Toe game with pictures of words that have the /s/ and /z/ sounds $4.99 (iPod and iPad) (iPod and iPad) (iPod and iPad) (iPod and iPad) (iPod and iPad) Apps For Articulation and Apraxia of Speech 7 Created by: Jessica Chase, M.A. CCC-­‐SLP Tic-­‐Tac-­‐Toe SRL Tic-­‐Tac-­‐Toe game with pictures of words that have the /s/, /l/, and /r/ sounds in blends $4.99 Tic-­‐Tac-­‐Toe CH Tic-­‐Tac-­‐Toe game with pictures of words that have the /ch/, /sh/, /th/, /zh/, and /dg/ sounds $4.99 Tic-­‐Tac-­‐Toe L Tic-­‐Tac-­‐Toe game with pictures of words that have the /l/ sound $4.99 Tic-­‐Tac-­‐Toe R Tic-­‐Tac-­‐Toe game with pictures of words that have the /r/ sound $4.99 Bingo; each time a student places a marker down, they have to state a word with their sound $4.99 (iPod and iPad) (iPod and iPad) (iPod and iPad) (iPod and iPad) Bingo Artic (iPod and iPad) Matching articulation games; over 1500 images; audio recording for all sounds; initial/medial/final positions (iPod and iPad) of words; several levels of difficulty Match2Say $19.99 Speech Corners Squares game; when a student makes a square a word with their sound $2.99; (In-­‐app purchases) Speech Squares Squares game; when a student makes a square a word with their sound $2.99; (In-­‐app purchases) Hangman with words/phrases using speech sounds $2.99; (In-­‐app purchases) (iPod and iPad) (iPod and iPad) Speech Hangman (iPod and iPad) Apps For Articulation and Apraxia of Speech 8 Created by: Jessica Chase, M.A. CCC-­‐SLP Tic Tac Talk Tic-­‐tac-­‐toe with words with speech sounds in the squares (iPod and iPad) $2.99; (In-­‐app purchases) Say It Again! Bingo; each time a student places a marker, they have to state a word $2.99; (In-­‐app purchases) (iPad only) A matching game with the /s/ sound in words at the beginning, middle, and end of words; ability to record; words not on the picture cards Lite – Free; $4.99 Pronunciation: Clear Speech (iPod and iPad) 4 different games to practice speech sounds – ball toss (final sounds), basketball (syllables), push the blob (stress), and stop or flow (beginning and final sounds); 400 challenging questions $2.99 Basic Pronunciation: Clear Speech From the Start (iPod and iPad) 4 different games to practice speech sounds – ball toss (final sounds), basketball (syllables), push the blob (stress), and stop or flow (final sounds); 400 challenging questions $2.99 24 initial sounds; 500 kid-­‐friendly images; feed the monster words with the correct speech sound $1.99 (iPod and iPad) Fonemo Letter Muncher (iPod and iPad) Anatomy/Oral Motor Apps Speech Trainer 3D (iPod and iPad) Speech Tutor (iPod and iPad) Visuals/animations of speech anatomy when producing English consonants $7.99 Visuals/animations of speech anatomy when producing English consonants $9.99 Apps For Articulation and Apraxia of Speech 9 Created by: Jessica Chase, M.A. CCC-­‐SLP Smart Oral Motor (iPod and iPad) Small Talk Phonemes (iPod and iPad) English sounds; when clicked on shows the mouth making the sound Small Talk Oral Shows a person’s mouth doing the chosen oral Motor Exercises motor exercises (iPod and iPad) Small Talk Letters, Numbers, & Colors Free Free Shows a person’s mouth saying the word chosen Free Shows a person’s mouth saying the blend chosen Free Includes 44 sounds of the English language; contains Dolch sight word lists broken down by level; uses the front facing camera as a mirror so the user can record and see him/herself as he/she practices each word $1.99 Repeat “ah” over and over and the rocket will fly upwards $0.99 Ah Up Planet Repeat “ah” over and over and the rocket will fly upwards Free; Full -­‐ $0.99 PaPaBong Touch the drums and vocalize “bong” to get the animals to move on the vines $0.99 (iPod and iPad) Small Talk Consonant Blends (iPod and iPad) SeeUSay (iPod and iPad) Ah Up A duck encourages students to imitate various $4.99-­‐ $9.99 oral motor movements (iPod, iPad, and Android) (iPod and iPad) (iPod and iPad) Apps For Articulation and Apraxia of Speech 10 Created by: Jessica Chase, M.A. CCC-­‐SLP Ballonimals Blow into the speaker to inflate a balloon animal; various sound effects Lite – Free; $1.99 Party Whistle (iPod and iPad) Blow into the speaker to inflate a party whistle; various animations and sounds $0.99 myBalloon – blow, touch, and play Blow into the speaker to inflate a balloon; balloon can pop with too much air $0.99 Blow into the speaker to interact with fun gadgets and musical instruments $0.99 Bubble Magic (iPod and iPad) Blow into the speaker to create bubbles on the screen; can use different backgrounds Free Ocarina Blow into the speaker and press different notes on the ocarina instrument on the screen $0.99 Blowing (iPod and iPad) Blow into the speaker to blow bugs off of a picnic blanket $0.99 Paper Boat Race Blow into the speaker to move the boat Lite – Free; $0.99 Blow Balloon+ Blow into the speaker to blow up various balloons; geared more towards weight loss $0.99 (iPod, iPad, Android, and Nook) (iPod and iPad) Wind Toys – Tags: music blow microphone bubble instrument (iPod and iPad) (iPod and iPad) (iPod and iPad) (iPod and iPad) Apps For Articulation and Apraxia of Speech 11 Created by: Jessica Chase, M.A. CCC-­‐SLP Leaves iBlower (iPod and iPad) Blow into the speaker to move leaves around the screen; can touch the screen to add more leaves $0.99 Phonological Processes/Minimal Pairs PhonoPix -­‐ Full (iPod and iPad) Flashcards and matching game for phonological processes; ability to record; data collection; audio of each word/sentence Based on the Hodson model of Phonological Phonology Processing; auditory discrimination activities $49.99 as well as speech practice at the word, (iPod and iPad) phrase, syllable, and sentence levels SLP Minimal Pairs Minimal pair flashcards; data collection Lite – Free Full -­‐ $29.99 Minimal pair flashcards; data collection; words and phrases $29.99 Minimal pair flashcards; visuals of speech anatomy; data collection $29.99 Minimal pair flashcards; visuals of speech anatomy; data collection $9.99 (iPad only) Minimal Pair Pack (iPod and iPad) Pocket Pairs (iPod and iPad) Speech Pairs (iPod and iPad) Minimal Pairs Academy $24.99 (iPad only) Minimal pair activities at the word and phrase levels; auditory bombardment, auditory discrimination, $39.99 production, and phrase completion; data collection; audio of each word/sentence; ability to record Apps For Articulation and Apraxia of Speech 12 Created by: Jessica Chase, M.A. CCC-­‐SLP Minimal Pairs (iPod and iPad) Shows two pictures at a time and prompts “show me” for the student to click on the correct picture of a minimal pair; voice recording; data collection $9.99 Assessment Apps Bilingual Articulation Phonology Assessment – Spanish Articulation/ phonology test; shows phonetic transcriptions; identify error types; e-­‐mail results; voice recording and note taking $39.99 Sunny Articulation Phonology Test Articulation/ phonology test; full evaluation vs. screening; shows phonetic transcriptions; identify error types; e-­‐mail results; voice recording note taking $49.99 (iPad only) (iPod and iPad) Multisyllabic Words Syllable Awareness – Food (iPad only) Has students tap out syllables for various words related to food $4.99 Syllable Awareness – Home Items (iPad only) Has students tap out syllables for various words related to home $4.99 Syllable Awareness – Animals (iPad only) Has students tap out syllables for various words related to animals $4.99 Syllable Awareness – Transportation (iPad only) Has students tap out syllables for various words related to transportation $4.99 Syllable Counting SC (iPad only) Student chooses how many syllables a word has; shows images as well as words; audio of each word; 1-­‐4 syllable words and consonant blends $29.99 Apps For Articulation and Apraxia of Speech 13 Created by: Jessica Chase, M.A. CCC-­‐SLP Apraxia of Speech Apps Apraxia Picture Sound Cards APSC (iPad only) Syllable Counting SC (iPad only) Picture cards and hand cue videos for apraxia of speech; data collection; audio; CVC, CVCV, $179.99 compound words, CCVC, bi-­‐syllabic, tri-­‐syllabic, and four syllable words Students choose the number of syllables in a word; audio, pictures, and text $29.99 Apraxia Picture Sound Cards APSC Pro (iPad only) Hand Cue Sound Match HCSM (iPad only) Mouth Works (iPad only) Picture cards and hand cue videos for apraxia of speech; data collection; audio; CVC, CVCV, $299.99 compound words, CCVC, bi-­‐syllabic, tri-­‐syllabic, and four syllable words Matching pictures of hand cues for various phonemes for apraxia of speech $29.99 Shows videos of visual models of mouth postures for vowels, consonants, consonant-­‐ vowel words (CV), and consonant-­‐vowel-­‐ consonant (CVC) words; data collection $15.99 Flashcards for English articulation sounds; Speech Sounds on Cue words, phrases, and sentences; ability to record for iPad (US English) speech; visual cue and video for speech sounds; $149.99 (iPad only) rhyming activities as well Speech Rates (iPod and iPad) Diadochokinetic rate app $1.99 Video modeling organized in a hierarchy: VAST Autism 1 – Core syllable repetition, single syllable words, multi-­‐ (iPod and iPad) syllabic words, phrases, and sentences $4.99 VAST Autism 1 – Core (Spanish) (iPod and iPad) Video modeling organized in a hierarchy: syllable repetition, synonyms, articles and more, verbs, phrases, and sentences $7.99 Apps For Articulation and Apraxia of Speech 14 Created by: Jessica Chase, M.A. CCC-­‐SLP VASTtx – Key Words (iPod and iPad) Helps students with apraxia of speech learn and practice basic motor speech patterns; auditory and visual model followed by practicing the sound in word and phrases contexts $12.99 VASTtx – Therapy Samples (iPod and iPad) Samples of VAST videos that support individuals with apraxia of speech and non-­‐ fluent aphasia; visual and auditory input of precise oral movements $9.99 Videos that support individuals with apraxia of VAST Songs 1 – Intro speech and non-­‐fluent aphasia; provides auditory and visual cuing of oral movements for (iPod and iPad) 10 different songs $4.99 Speech Therapy for Apraxia – NACD Home Speech Therapist (iPad only) Choose from 8 different consonant groups to target; 8 levels to practice; progression through the 8 different levels of motor planning; illustrations and audio for each syllable $4.99 Tongue Twisters /Phrases /Sentences /Jokes/Riddles/Books Baby Bunny Bouncing Ball A Children’s book written by a speech-­‐ language pathologist; focuses on the early developing sound /b/ $0.99 Shake the device for different phrases; highlight words for definitions; quizzes for nouns, adjectives and verbs $1.99 Weird but true facts; shake for new ones $1.99 Weird Facts 1000 Weird facts that students can read aloud Free (iPad only) Shake-­‐a-­‐Phrase (iPod and iPad) Weird But True (iPod and iPad) (iPod and iPad) Apps For Articulation and Apraxia of Speech 15 Created by: Jessica Chase, M.A. CCC-­‐SLP Best Corny Jokes! Children’s jokes to read aloud Free Tongue Twisters to read aloud Free Tongue Twisters to read aloud Free Tongue Twisters to read aloud Free Tongue Twisters to read aloud Free Tongue Twisters to read aloud Free Tongue Twisters to read aloud Free Speech Therapy Tongue Twisters to read aloud (iPod and iPad) $3.99 (iPod and iPad) Tongue Twisters! (iPod only) Tongue Twisters (iPod and iPad) TongueFunEn (iPod and iPad) Tongue-­‐ Twisters (iPod, iPad and Android) Tongue Twisters+ (iPod and iPad) A-­‐Z Tongue Twisters (iPod and iPad) Tongue Twisters (Android only) Tongue Twisters to read aloud Free Apps For Articulation and Apraxia of Speech 16 Created by: Jessica Chase, M.A. CCC-­‐SLP 9,999,999 Crazy Fortune Cookies (iPod and iPad) Ability to pull apart fortune cookies to reveal a fortune to read aloud Creative Genius On The Go (iPod and iPad) 150 challenges, diversions and scenarios; 50 “What If?” prompts, 50 “Imagine That!” challenges, and 50 $0.99 “Wack-­‐tivities” of silly/creative/fun diversions Free Highlights Buzz Blast Duo (iPad only) Silly sentences, tongue twisters, questions, and more A Year of Riddles A riddle for each day of the year Free Free (iPod, iPad, and Android) to read aloud A riddle for each day of the year to read aloud $1.99 Another Year of Riddles (iPod and iPad) Dinosaur riddles to read aloud $1.99 Silly Dinosaur Riddles (Android only) Brain teaser app to read aloud Free Cat jokes to read aloud Free A-­‐Z Brain Teasers! (iPod and iPad) Cat Jokes! (iPod and iPad) Apps For Articulation and Apraxia of Speech 17 Created by: Jessica Chase, M.A. CCC-­‐SLP Little Riddles (iPod and iPad) Rhyming word riddles to read aloud Free; in-­‐ app purchase IPA Alphabet/Pronunciation Apps Sounds: The International Phonetic Alphabet chart for British and Pronunciation American English with audio; can record your own $5.99 App pronunciation; vocabulary word list of 650+ words with (iPod, iPad and Android) transcriptions and audio; phonemic typewriter; quizzes Phonetics Focus $2.99 (iPod and iPad) International Phonetic Alphabet chart; 19 activities – audio, listen and record, quizzes, practice tools, flash cards, and more Phonetics Type & Test International Phonetic Alphabet typer; 44 sounds of English; flashcards; 120 words $1.99 (iPod and iPad) Sounds Right The British Council’s first pronunciation chart; (iPad only) International Phonetic Alphabet chart Free SpeakAP – Analyze Pronunciation (iPod and iPad) Listen to the correct pronunciation of words, then record your speech and play it back to $4.99 practice; shows visual analysis of your speech; 400+ words; shows a transcription of the words Talking/Mimicking/Mouth Moving Apps Talking Baby Hippo (iPod, iPad and Android) iTalk Smurf (iPod and iPad) Repeats what you say; performs different actions $0.99 Repeats what you say; performs different actions $0.99 Apps For Articulation and Apraxia of Speech 18 Created by: Jessica Chase, M.A. CCC-­‐SLP Talking Ben the Dog Repeats what you say; performs different actions Free Repeats what you say; performs different actions Free Repeats what you say; performs different actions $0.99 Talking Bacteria John, John, & John (iPod and iPad) Repeats what you say; performs different actions Free Talking Santa Repeats what you say; performs different actions $0.99 Repeats what you say; performs different actions $0.99 Repeats what you say; performs different actions $0.99 Repeats what you say; performs different actions Free Repeats what you say; performs different actions $0.99 (iPod, iPad and Android) Talking Gina the Giraffe (iPod, iPad and Android) Talking Lila the Fairy (iPod and iPad) (iPod, iPad and Android) Talking Larry the Bird (iPod and iPad) Talking Rex the Dinosaur (iPod and iPad) Talking Roby Celik the Robot (iPod, iPad and Android) Talking Harry the Hedgehog (iPod and iPad) Apps For Articulation and Apraxia of Speech 19 Created by: Jessica Chase, M.A. CCC-­‐SLP Talking Tom Cat Repeats what you say; performs different actions Free Repeats what you say; performs different actions Free Repeats what you say; performs different actions Free Repeats what you say; performs different actions Free Repeats what you say; performs different actions $0.99 (iPod and iPad) Repeats what you say; performs different actions $0.99 The Mouth: Talking Doodles Ability to create different monster faces; repeats what you say $0.99 Repeats what you say; performs different actions Free Repeats what you say; performs different actions $0.99 (iPod, iPad and Android) Talking Tom Cat 2 (iPod, iPad and Android) Talking Tom & Ben News (iPod, iPad and Android) Happy Feet Two: The Penguin App (iPod and iPad) Talking Carl+ (iPod and iPad) Talking Gugl+ (iPod and iPad) Talking Carl World Tour (iPod and iPad) Talking Santa Carl (iPod and iPad) Apps For Articulation and Apraxia of Speech 20 Created by: Jessica Chase, M.A. CCC-­‐SLP Talking Carl & Gugl (iPod and iPad) Repeats what you say; performs different actions $0.99 Pat the Talking Cat (iPod and iPad) Repeats what you say; performs different actions $0.99; in app purcha se Talking Me! Repeats what you say and creates a funny distortion of your face Free Talking Tiny Monsters Repeats what you say; performs different actions $0.99 Repeats what you say; performs different actions $0.99 Repeats what you say; lines form different shapes/perform different actions Free Repeats what you say in a different voice $0.99 Repeats what you say in a different voice $0.99 Repeats what you say in a different voice $0.99 (iPod and iPad) (iPod and iPad) Talking Perry the Penguin (iPod and iPad) Bla Bla Bla (iPod and iPad) SmackTalk! (iPod, iPad and Android) SmackTalk! Holiday (iPod and iPad) PupTalk! (iPod, iPad and Android) Apps For Articulation and Apraxia of Speech 21 Created by: Jessica Chase, M.A. CCC-­‐SLP (iPod and iPad) Monster characters move their mouths when you speak Lite – Free; $2.99 Crazy Face – Pirates (iPod and iPad) Pirate characters move their mouths when you speak $2.99 Crazy Mouth Various mouths that move when you speak; has its own audio Lite – Free; $1.99 Crazy Face (iPod and iPad) Crazy Mouth Live – Monsters Monster mouths move when you speak (iPod and iPad) $0.99 iPuppet – Voice Activated Blue Monster A blue monster that moves its mouth/eyebrows when you speak Free iPuppet – Voice Activated Dummy A dummy that moves his mouth/eyebrows when you speak $0.99 A green monster that moves its mouth/eyebrows when you speak $0.99 Characters from Goldilocks and the 3 Bears move their mouth/eyebrows when you speak Lite – Free; $2.99 Santa moves his mouth/eyebrows when you speak $0.99 (iPod and iPad) (iPod and iPad) iPuppet – Voice Activated Green Monster (iPod and iPad) Crazy Face – Goldilocks (iPod and iPad) iPuppet – Voice Activated Santa (iPod and iPad) Apps For Articulation and Apraxia of Speech 22 Created by: Jessica Chase, M.A. CCC-­‐SLP Crazy Face – 3 Little Pigs Characters from The 3 Little Pigs move their mouth/eyebrows when you speak Lite – Free; $2.99 Characters from Snow White move their mouth/eyebrows when you speak Lite – Free; $2.99 iGorilla A Gorilla that repeats what you say and moves his mouth $0.99 Mr Repeaty (iPod and iPad) A man that repeats what you say and moves his mouth $0.99 The Official Lorax App The Lorax’s mouth moves when you speak Free (iPod and iPad) Crazy Face – Snow White (iPod and iPad) (iPod and iPad) (iPod, iPad and Android) GEICO BroStache A mouth with a moustache moves when (iPod, iPad and Android) you speak Free Talking Teddy Bear (iPod, iPad and Android) Talking Gingerbread Man (iPod, iPad and Android) Talking Cowboy (iPod, iPad and Android) Repeats what you say; performs different actions Free Repeats what you say; performs different actions Free Repeats what you say; performs different actions Free Apps For Articulation and Apraxia of Speech 23 Created by: Jessica Chase, M.A. CCC-­‐SLP Talking Pirate (iPod, iPad and Android) Repeats what you say; performs different actions Free Talking Merry (iPod and iPad) Repeats what you say; performs different actions Free Talking Carla (iPod and iPad) Repeats what you say; performs different actions $0.99 Talking Tubby (iPod and iPad) Repeats what you say; performs different actions Free Talking Princesses (iPod and iPad) Repeats what you say; performs different actions Free Talking Babies (iPod and iPad) Repeats what you say; performs different actions Free Furry Friend (iPod and iPad) Repeats what you say; performs different actions Free; Plus -­‐ $0.99 Talking Pinocchio Repeats what you say; performs different actions Free Repeats what you say; performs different actions Free (iPod, iPad and Android) Talking Princess (iPod, iPad and Android) Apps For Articulation and Apraxia of Speech 24 Created by: Jessica Chase, M.A. CCC-­‐SLP Talking Rapper Repeats what you say; performs different actions Free Talking Doongdoong Repeats what you say; performs different actions $0.99 Talking Keaton Repeats what you say; performs different actions $0.99 (iPod, iPad, Android, and Nook) (iPod and iPad) (iPod and iPad)