Helpful Equations to Study Checklist for Equations & Numbers & Relations 1. Ci: 2. mCi: 3. Exposure: 4. Absorbed Dose: 5. 1 Gray =: 6. Dose Equivalent: 7. 1 Sv =: 8. Alpha Decay: 9. B-Decay: 10. B+ Decay: 11. Ebeta: 12. Activity Equation: 14. Decay constant: 15. Isotope Half Life 3.7 x 10^10 dps (Bq) 3.7 x 10^7 dps (Bq) Roentgen Rad, Gray 100 Rad Rem, Sv 100 Rem A-4, Z-2 A, Z+1 A, Z-1 Avg = 1/3 Emax Ao = A e- λ t λ = 0.693 / T1 / 2 Half Life Pd – 103: I-125 Ir-192 Co-60 Cs-137 Ra-226 17 days 60 days 74 days 5.3 yrs 30 yrs 1600 yrs 16. Isotope Energy Energy Pd-103 I-125 Ir-192 Co-60 Cs-137 Ra-226 Sr-90/Y-90 21 keV 27keV 380 keV 1.25 MeV avg 662 keV 883 keV 2.2 MeV Beta 17. Secular Equilibrium 18. Transient Equilibrium Tp>>>>Td up <<<<<ud Tp>Td up <ud 19. PE 20. CS 21. PP 22. CS photon at 90 degrees 23. CS photon at 180 degrees 24. Attenuation equation 25. Half Value Layer Z^3, 50 keV Inde, 30 keV – 30 MeV Z^2, >1.022 meV 511 keV 250 keV I – Io e-ut U = 0.693 / HVL 26. Graph Graph Act vs time Act vs time I vs thickness I vs thickness Linear Semi – Log Linear Semi-Log 27. X-ray production (diag) vs mAs 28. X-ray production (diag) vs kVp 29. Thoraceus filter order: 30. Superficial E range 31. Orthovoltage Range 32. BJR 17 requires: 33. Co-60 Unit dose rate: 34. Co-60 Leakage: 35. Co-60 source size 36. Linac focal spot size: Proportional to mAs Proportional to kVp^2 Tin-Copper-Aluminum 50-150 kVp 150-500 kVp HVL & SSD 240 cGy/min 10 mR/hr max, 2 mR/hr avg 1.5-2.0 cm 0.5-3mm 37. Transmission Thru: Percentage Jaw MLC Intraleaf MLC Cerrobend 1% 2% 4% 3.5%-5% 38. Equivalent Square Question: 39. PDD 40. MF 4A/P Dd/Ddmax at SSD See notes 41. Energy and dmax Depth 250 keV 1.25 MeV 4 MV X 6 MV X 10 MV X 18 MV X Surface 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.5 3.5 6 MeV electron 9 MeV electron 12 MeV electron 1.2 2.0 2.5 42. TAR 43. BSF 44. TMR 45. TPR Dd/Dfs at SAD Dmax / Dfs at SAD Dd / Ddmax at SAD Dd / Dref at SAD 46. BSF largest for: 47. WF 48. 1.0 cm Pb = 49. Wedge angle defined: 50. Hinge Angle formula 51. Penumbra Equation: 52. Penumbra Co-60 53. Penumbra Accelerator 54. Contralateral Breast 55. Pacemakers Limit 56. TBI Rx dose 57. TBI dose rate 58. IORT single fx dose 59. Stereotactic Gamma Knife accuracy 60. Sterotactic Linac accuracy 61. Electron Max Range 62. Electron d80 63. MU equation SSD 64. MU equation SAD 65. Dose to other point SSD 66. Dose to other point SAD 67. Gaps 68. Coll Rotation, Table 69. Electron MU 70. Brachy Exposure 71. Exposure Rate Constant Ra-226 72. Ra-226 to Cs-137 conversion 73. Cumulative Dose Brachy 74. CT Number Water 75. CT Number Bone 76. CT Fat 77. CT Lung 78. CT Air (dref = 5cm for 6X; 7cm for 18X) 0.7 mm Cu HVL Ortho Output w wedge / Output w/o wedge 1.2 cm cerrobend 50% angle isodose with normal WA = 90 – Hinge Angle / 2 WA = (180 – Hinge Angle) / 2 P – s(SSD + d – SCD) / SCD 15 mm 8 mm 200 rad 200 rad 1000-1200 cGy 5-10 cGy/min 100-2000 cGy 0.3 mm 1.0 mm E/2 E/3 See notes See notes See notes See notes Gap = FS/2 * (d/SAD) Tan angle = 0.5*L / SSD See notes X = A * Γ / d^2 8.25 R-cm^2 / mg-hr 10 mg Ra = 25 mCi Cs-137 Dose = 1.44 T½/2 * initial dose rate 0 1000 -100 -400 -1000 79. Best DRRs 80. CT accuracy 81. MRI accuracy 82. Air Kerma units: 83. Pt A Dose gyn LDR 84. Pt B Dose 85. I-131 Therapy Dose 86. I-131 radiation and T½ 87. Prostate seed I-125 dose rate: 88. Prostate seed Pd-103 dose rate: 89. LDR dose rate 90. MDR dose rate 91. HDR dose rate 92. HDR unit source 93. HDR source positioning accuracy 94. Vascular brachy Rx dose 95. Vascular brachy Rx pt Thinnest slice, smallest skip 1 mm 2 mm uGy-m^2/ hr 50 – 60 cGy/hr Pt A dose / 3 > 30 mCi Beta decay / 8.05 day 5 – 10 cGy / hr 20-30 cGy / hr 40 -200 rad / hr 200 -1200 rad / hr >1200 rad / hr 10 Ci Ir-192 1 mm 15-20 Gy 2 mm 96. PDD Drawings 6 MV X 18 MV X 6E 18 E 250 MeV Proton Orthovoltage 250 k Vp Co-60 97. Isodose Curves Drawings 6E 18E 6X open 6X 45 degree wedge 6X thru bone 6X thru lung 6X anterior partial arc (330 – 30) 6X bilateral prostate arc 6X full 360 arc Brachy tandem and ovoid Brachy Prostate seed 98. LD 50.30 (old) 99. LD 50/60 (new) 100. dVh Y axis 450 rad 350 rad Volume 101. dVh X axis Dose 102. Organ Tolerance (cGy) Ovary Testis Cataracts Kidney Liver Spinal Cord Heart 300 200 500 2000 2500 4500 4500 103. Radiatoin Exposure Limits Limit Whole Body Organ Fetus Public Public 5 Rem 50 Rem 500 mRem 100 mRem <2 mR/hr 104. Film Badge if: 105. Thyroid ablation release 106. SS Inventory 107. SS Wipe Test 108. SS Wipe Test Results 109. Misadministration 110. Recordable Event >10% of limit or high rad area < 5 mR/hr or 30 mCi 3 months 6 months < 0.005 uCi >20%, patient, site, isotope, remove, leaking, call NRC >10%, no script, internal report 111. Shielding Parameters Parameter P W U T Permissible level Workload Use Factor Occupancy Factor 112. Neutrons produced by linacs 114. Neutrons shielding problems 115. Monthly linac output 116. Monthly flatness 117. Monthly symmetry 118. Co-60 timer error 119. Gantry / collimator 120. Mechanical 121. Rad / Light >10 MV X > 15 MV S 2% 3% of 80% field at d10 2% of 80% field at d10 0.02 minute 1 degree 2 mm 2 mm 122. Equipment calibratn equipment 123. Temp-Pressure correction 124. Calibration Protocols (new) 125. Calibration Protocols (old) 126, QA Protocol Prior to use, repair, 2 yrs by ADCL (273 + 7)/295 * 760/P TG-51 TG-21 TG-40