The Shielding of Radiographic Facilities at Diagnostic Energies 1. Preface 2. Introduction 2.1. Scope of this report. 2.2. Definition of Dose 2.3. Design criteria. 2.4. Sources of radiation 2.5. Occupancy Factors 2.6. Use of reference doses. 2.7. Room Layouts 3. Building Materials 4. Dealing with secondary radiation 4.1. Leakage Radiation 4.2. Scattered Radiation 5. Transmission through building materials 6. Assessment of shielding 7. Methodologies and worked examples 7.1. Radiographic facilities 7.2. Mammographic facilities 7.3. R&F 7.4. C Arm 7.5. CT 7.6. Dental 7.7. Mobile 7.8. Bone Densitometry 8. Appendix Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 1 2 INTRODUCTION 2.1 Scope Of This Report This will be a small section outlining what the aims of the report are and how things are structured. 2.2 Definition of Dose When using dose limitation and calculating shielding requirements, it is important to be clear about what is meant by the term ‘dose’. The constraint refers to the effective dose to the person who may be irradiated. However, this report considers the need to shield the individual from radiations which are generally measured in terms of air kerma. It should also be recognised that individual doses, as recorded on a personal dose monitor, are assessed in terms of the operational quantity, personal dose equivalent, Hp(d). Hp(d). is assessed at depths (d) of 0.07 and 10 mm. The relationship between the derived quantities and air kerma is complex, depending on radiation spectrum, and, in the case of effective dose, distribution of photon fluence and the posture of the exposed individual. In fact, whilst air kerma represents a significant overestimate of effective dose due to self shielding within the body it is actually less than Hp(10) by 20 to 70% in the energy range used for diagnostic radiology, It is neither practical nor realistic to use effective dose when calculating shielding requirements. All calculations in the report are therefore based on air kerma which, to retain clarity, is expressed in units of mGy and µGy. 2.3 Design Criteria The Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999 require that work involving exposure to external radiations should be performed in rooms which are provided with adequate shielding. If there is public access to the surrounding area or access is permitted to employees who are not directly involved in the work, the shielding should be designed to reduce dose rates to the lowest level that is reasonably practicable. It is therefore necessary to formulate design criteria to ensure that this requirement is met. A design limit based on the annual dose limit for members of the public (1 mSv) does not comply with the needs of the legislation and certainly does not represent an ‘as low as reasonably practicable’ (ALARP) solution. There is considerable weight of advice suggesting that dose optimisation procedures can be performed by the adoption of constraints. However, the legislative framework is not prescriptive as to the actual value of the constraint to be applied. In their advice following the publication of ICRP Report 60, the NRPB recommended that the constraint on optimisation for a single source of radiation should not exceed 30% of the dose limit, in this case 0.3 mSv per annum (NRPB 1993 a, b). They also emphasise that the introduction of dose constraints does not replace the requirement Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 2 on operators to optimise their use of sources or their management of practices to ensure that exposures to members of the public are kept as low as reasonably achievable. Dose constraints, therefore, represent an upper bound on the outcome of any optimisation procedure. However, there is also an acceptance that on-site exposures to members of the public should not be assessed in terms of either continuous occupancy or exposure. In terms of shielding, therefore, the application of the dose constraint must be made using realistic assumptions. The Working Party considered the application of alternatives to the 0.3 mSv per annum dose constraint as recommended by NRPB. One such alternative was to base the criterion on the minimum amount of radiation detectable by a personal radiation monitor. It can be argued that such an approach may represent an ALARP solution. However, this concept was rejected because of its arbitrary nature, given for example the potential for changes in the detection limits of radiation monitors. The conclusion of the Working Party was that any design would have to be based on the dose limit for members of the public of 1mSv per annum and that the principle of optimisation left no alternative but to utilise the concept of a dose constraint of 30%. The ALARP design criterion for all examples was therefore chosen as 0.3 mSv per annum. However, it should be stressed that in order to use this criterion effectively, it is essential that realistic allowances be made for mitigating factors such as occupancy. In designing shielding one further dose constraint may need to be considered. Film may be stored in a room adjacent to the x-ray room and some attention may need to be given to inadvertent blackening of unexposed film. Film itself is relatively insensitive to radiation requiring doses in excess of about 10 µGy to cause any significant increase in fog. The period of storage in the department may be several months so that it is prudent to aim to restrict doses further in those areas where long term film store is planned and an annual design limit of 30 µGy (?100µGy) is recommended. Film in cassette is much more sensitive. By definition, exposure of 400 speed film to 2.5 µGy will produce a density of 1.0 above base plus fog and perceptible fog will be produced at a dose which is one-tenth of this. In a busy department it is unlikely that a film cassette will remain unused for more than one day which means that shielding should be designed to reduce the dose to 0.25 µGy per day or 60 µGy per year based on a five day week. This only applies to those areas where film cassettes are to be kept and is of most significance when considering the specification of the screen in radiography or R&F rooms. 2.4 Sources of Radiation. The three sources of radiation which need to be considered in any examination of the shielding problem can be grouped into two distinct types, primary and secondary radiation. Secondary radiation has two components, scatter and leakage. The three sources are briefly discussed below. Primary Radiation. The primary beam consists of the spectrum of radiation emitted by the x-ray tube prior Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 3 to any interaction with the patient, grid, table, image intensifier etc. The fluence of the primary beam will be several orders of magnitude greater than that of either of the secondary radiations discussed below. In the majority of all radiography, the primary beam will be collimated so that the entire beam interacts with the patient. Exceptions include extremity radiography and are confined to low kVp, low mAs exposures.. Interactions within the patient results in considerable attenuation of the primary radiation. Whilst typical entrance doses are of the order of mGy, exit doses are measured in µGy. The exit beam is however considerably more penetrating than the entrance beam. Take the simple example of an 85 kVp constant potential primary beam with a total filtration of 3.5 mm Al. The half value layer of this radiation is 3.66 mm Al and it has an effective energy of 47 keV. After passing through 16 cm of tissue equivalent material and 2 cm of bone, its fluence is reduced by a factor of approximately 330, but the exit beam has an effective energy of 62 keV and an HVL of 8.93 mm Al. Scattered Radiation. Scattered radiation is inevitable in diagnostic radiology and is a direct result of the Compton effect. The fluence of scattered radiation depends on the volume of the patient irradiated, the spectrum of the primary beam and the field size employed. Both the fluence and quality of the scattered radiation are dependent on angle at which they are measured. A simple generalisation is that the scattered kerma is between 10-5 and 10-6 of the incident kerma per cm2 of the incident beam. Figure 2.1 shows data measured by the working party indicating how the scatter kerma varies with angle for three different accelerating potentials. This data is consistent with other published data used in section 4.2 (Williams 1996) Figure 2.2 shows how the HVL, (i.e. beam quality) varies with angle of scatter for an 85kVp primary beam incident on the pelvis of a rando phantom. The primary beam has a constant wave form and a half value layer of 3.7 mm Al. It will be seen from the figure that for angles below approximately 120 degrees, the scattered radiation will be harder than the primary radiation. Leakage Radiation. Leakage radiation arises because x-rays are emiited in all directions by the target. The outer shell of the tube housing is generally constructed of a light alloy with adequate mechanical properties. Evidently, such an alloy will not absorb enough of the radiation to reduce the kerma of the unwanted radiation to the legal maximum. The housing is therefore lined with lead where appropriate. Any radiation transmitted through this protective shield is termed leakage radiation. Manufacturers often protect tubes well beyond the legal minimum with the possible exception of those used in mobile radiography, where weight is especially important. Because it generally passes through two or more mm of lead, leakage radiation will be considerably harder than radiation in the primary beam. Leakage is usually defined at the maximum operating potential of an x-ray tube / generator combination and is specified at the maximum continuous tube current possible at that potential (the leakage technique factors). Consider the example of a constant potential x-ray tube with an inherent filtration of 1.2 mm Al and leakage technique factors of 3mA at 150 kVp. To reduce the leakage radiation to the legal Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 4 maximum of 1mGy at 1 metre in 1 hour requires the addition of between 2.1 and 2.5 mm of lead. As a result of the hardening effect of the lead the HVL of the 150 kVp leakage radiation will be of the order of 14 mm Al. However, with the exception of high kVp chest techniques, where mAs values are in any event low, the majority of conventional radiography is carried out at less than 100 kVp. The measureable leakage will therefore be a lot lower than the legally defined maximum. For example, assume that the tube housing has indeed been shielded as required by the above example and that 1mGy is measurable at 1 metre at 150 kVp. At 80 kVp the leakage radiation will have an HVL of about 12 mm Al. However, the kerma of the leakage radiation will be of the order of 14 µGy, i.e. it will be reduced by a factor of about 70. Variation of scatter factor with scattering angle scatter factor (uGy/(^2)) 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 scattering angle Figure 2.1 Variation of scatter factor with scattering angle . _____ 105 kVp ------- 85 kVp ......... 50 kVp. HVL in mm of Al HVL variation with angle of scatter 6.5 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 0 50 100 150 angle of scatter Figure 2.2 Variation of HVL with angle of scatter. Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 5 2.5 Occupancy factors As stated in 2.2 above, the application of the dose constraint must be made using realistic assumptions regarding the occupancy of areas which are relevant in terms of the shielding problem. To be realistic, the occupancy factor for an area should not be considered as being an indication of the time during which it is occuppied by a generic group of people (such as patients in a waiting room). Instead, it is the fraction of time spent by the single person who is there the longest. In this context, it is most likely that the critical groups for shielding purposes will not be patients or patients' visitors but non radiation workers employed by the hospital. Given this assumption, the occupancy factor is best defined as being the fraction of an 8 -hour day or 2000 hour year for which a particular area is occupied by a single person. NCRP 49 contains examples of suggested occupancy factors and Dixon (1997) has made more recent suggestions. For ease of reference, extracts from both sets of data are reproduced in table 2.1. The data in the table do not represent hard and fast requirements for occupancy factors; rather they are for indicative purposes only and are intended for use only when no realistic data is available. It will be noted that the minimum occupancy factor in the table is 1/40. This is a result of a US requirement that persons who are not occupationally exposed should not, on average, receive more than 2mR (20 µGy) from any one source in any one week. It is not recommended that either set of occupancy factors in table 2.1 be used without serious consideration being given to the specific task in hand. Rather, it is considered that a more appropriate course of action is to make an informed assessment of the particular installation being considered. The assessment should be made in terms of the 0.3 mSv constraint and should involve detailed appraisal of available architectural drawings. The drawings consulted should not only be of the room to be shielded itself, but should also encompass the surrounding area. Whilst making such an assessment, it is important to bear in mind the fact that the use to which a particular room is put may change with time. It is also important to consider all of the surrounding rooms, not just those adjacent to the area being shielded. For example, although a corridor may have low occupancy, an office accross the corridor may be occupied on a full time basis and this must be taken into account when specifying the construction of the corridor wall. Above : The Americans have a max of 2mR per week hence 1/40. Do we have a basis for a minimum occupancy factor ? 2. 6 Estimating workload : use of reference doses and other data. A prerequisite to designing shielding for any x-ray facility is a knowledge of the use to which the room is going to be put and of the number of patients that are expected to be imaged in a year. This information will allow estimates of workload to be made. Without doubt, the best estimates of workload are those which take into accouint local practice, rather than generic figures which represent 'busy departments', 'DGH departments' and so on. Accordingly, whichever technique is adopted for estimating shielding requirements, the recommendation made in this publication is that the design be based on workload data extracted from audit of present practice. For example, in much of this report it is recommended that DAP is used as the Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 6 measure of workload. In the UK most fluoroscopy sets have dose-area product (DAP) meters fitted . They are also becoming increasingly common on fixed radiographic units. In addition, most physicists who are involved in shielding calculations will have been involved in patient dose audits and will have their own data. It is therefore relatively simple to estimate total DAP from the projected clinical workload of the proposed x-ray facility. Similarly the number of CT slices performed in any one year should be easily accessible in any site where there is a existing CT facility If workload cannot be extracted from locally available data, for example in the case of the implementation of a new technique, then there are several alternatives open to the person making the calculation. For example, DAP values have been published for some common examinations(ref) and for high dose interventional procedures (ref) and are reproduced at appropriate points in this publication. Alternatively, and probably more conservatively, there are the reference doses produced by the NRPB following their 1984 survey (NRPB 1984) and adopted by the CEC. More up to date information is available such as the 1995 review of doses to patients undergoing medical examinations in the UK (NRPB 1995). . Paediatric data can be found in the CEC guidelines on quality criteria in paediatric radiography (CEC 1996) CT reference levels ?? CEC CT quality criteria ?? New NRPB report on trends in radiography etc. One assumes we can include data from this publication when it comes out 2.7 Room Layout The official UK guidance on the design of radiological facilities ({Scottish} Health Building Note 6) suggests that general, specialised (including angiographic) and CT xray rooms should be designed to a minimum dimension of 38 m2 . No specific recommendation is given for mammography facilities. It is accepted that these recommended dimensions do not necessarily reflect the situation encountered in practice, where rooms may be considerably smaller. Nevertheless given that there is no other available recommendation, the majority of examples in this document will be based on x-ray rooms having a floor area of 38m2. References CEC 1996 European guidelines guidelines on quality criteria for diagnostic radiographic images in paediatrics. Euopean Commission , Luxembourg. Dixon RL 1997. Application of new concepts for radaiation shielding of medical diagnostic x-ray facilities. Presented at RSNA Chicago, November, 1997. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (1976) Structural shielding design and evaluation for medical use of x rays and gamma rays of energies up to 10 MeV. NCRP Report No 49 NRPB 1984 A National survey of doses to patients undergoing a selection of routine x-ray examinations in UK hospitals. NRPB 1993 a NRPB 1993 b Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 7 NRPB (1995) Doses to patients undergoing medical examinations in the UK - 1995 review. NRPB report R-289 , NRPB Chilton, Oxfordshire Scottish Health Building Note 6.Radiology Department. The Scottish Office 1994 Williams JR (1996) Scatter dose estimation based on dose-area product and the specification of radiation barriers. Br J Radiol, 69, 1032-7. Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 8 Table 2.1 Some suggestions for occupancy factors when no other data is available. LOCATION T Dixon T NCRP49 1 1 1 - Employee Rest Area 1 1 Film Reading Area 1 - Laundry 1 - Nuclear Medicine Scanning Room 1 1 Offices, shops, living quarters, children’s indoor play areas, occupied space in nearby buildings 1 1 Ultrasound Scanning Room 1 - X-ray Control Room 1 1 Barium Kitchen 1/2 - Cafeterias 1/2 - Kitchens 1/2 - Nurses stations 1/2 1 Patient Dressing Rooms 1/2 - Patient Examination and Treatment rooms 1/2 - Corridors 1/8 1/4 1/8 - Patient rooms 1/8 - Toilets or bathrooms 1/8 1/16 Outdoor areas with seating 1/20 - Storage rooms 1/20 - Unattended vending areas 1/20 - Attics 1/40 - Outdoor areas with only transient pedestrian or vehicular traffic 1/40 1/16 Patient Dressing room 1/40 - Stairways 1/40 1/16 Unattended elevators 1/40 - Unattended parking lots 1/40 1/4 Unattended waiting rooms 1/40 1/16 Vehicular drop off areas (unattended) 1/40 1/16 Adjacent x-ray room Attended waiting room c Employee lounge b Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 9 3 Building Materials Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 10 4 Dealing With Secondary Radiation Secondary radiation comprises of a scatter component and a leakage component. Both components must be taken into account when considering the transmission of secondary radiation. It is often assumed that the scattered radiation will have the same transmission properties as the primary beam whilst the leakage component will be harder. As exemplified in section 2.4, the first assumption will only be true at specific scattering angles. One approach which has been used to allow for the two types of secondary radiation is that of NCRP 49 and is based on work done in the 1950s. The foundation of the method is that the contribution of leakage and scattered radiation can be assessed separately and barrier requirements for each determined independently. The larger of the two is taken to be the final result, unless they have the same magnitude, in which case the ‘add one half value layer’ approach is adopted. This concept is significantly flawed as has been pointed out by several authors (Archer 1983, Simpkin 1987, Simpkin 1998). 4.1 Leakage Radiation In the traditional treatment of leakage radiation, it is usual to assume that it is all generated at the maximum potential of the generator / tube combination. This can lead to extremely conservative design parameters given that much radiography is performed at potentials below 100 kVp whilst leakage parameters are frequently specified at 150 kVp. Simpkin and Dixon (1998) have reworked the issue of the transmission of secondary radiation to take this fact into account. In doing so, they have demonstrated that that the NCRP49 approach to leakage radiation can result in solutions which are up to 8300 times too conservative. Table 2.1 shows data extracted from the work of Simpkin and Dixon and demonstrates the ratio of leakage to scatter at 90 degrees for a range of accelerating potentials. Figure 2.1 is a graph showing this ratio plotted against the kVp. The data are for a field size of 1000 cm2 and are specified at 1 metre from the sources of the scatter and leakage. The assumption is also made that protection against leakage radiation is only sufficient to ensure an air kerma of 1 mGy/hour at 1 metre with leakage factors of 150 kVp and 3.3 mA. As has been pointed out previously the majority of x-ray tubes have more protection than this in place. Even making this conservative assumption it is evident that there will be considerably less leakage radiation than scatter at commonly used energies. Consequently, in this publication the ‘add one half value layer’ approach is rejected. Instead, secondary radiation transmission curves which take into account the variation of leakage radiation with kilovoltage are provided. See section 5. Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 11 4.2 ASSESSMENT OF SCATTER DOSE Scatter dose is a function of kVp, scattering angle, entrance surface dose, and the area of the x-ray beam. This principle was the basis of the standard equation used for scatter dose calculation given in NCRP Report 49 (NCRP 1976). This equation can be written as: K s = a ⋅ Ku . F 400 (4.2.1) in which Ks is the scatter air kerma at 1 m, Ku is the kerma free in air at the beam entry point, F cm2 is the x-ray beam area at the image receptor and a is an experimentally determined constant which is a function of kV and scattering angle. Values for a given in NCRP 49 were based on data from Trout and Kelley (1972). More recently, Williams (1996) proposed that DAP be used for scatter dose estimation DAP meters are calibrated in terms of area-kerma product which is essentially the same as Ku.F in equation 4.2.1. The only difference is that F is defined at the image receptor and not at the position at which air kerma is specified. Williams measured scatter dose as a function of angle and kV. He defined the scatter factor, S, as: S= Ks DAP (4.2.2) Experimental values of S are plotted as a function of angle for a range of kVps in Figure 4.2.1. It can be approximated by the equation: S = (a ⋅ θ 4 + b ⋅ θ 3 + c ⋅ θ 2 + d ⋅ θ + e)∗ (( kV − 85)∗ f + 1) (4.2.3) for which the fitting constants are given in Table 1. It is recommended that where possible, scatter dose is calculated from DAP using the scatter factor given by equation 3. The examples in this report follow this suggestion. Where it is not possible to do so, for example, in mammography, other methods of deriving scatter dose are presented. It is important to note that for a surface parallel to the central axis of the x-ray beam, it can be shown that the maximum scatter dose is at an angle of 117° . This is the most common geometry for shielding calculations on room walls. It corresponds to vertically directed x-ray beams and to non-vertical beams when the axis of rotation from the vertical is perpendicular to the wall. This generally applies to tilting tables and to chest radiography, for example. With this geometry it can be shown that the maximum wall scatter (Smax) at 1 m is given by: Smax = (0.031 kV + 2.5) µGy (Gy.cm2)-1 (4.2.4) For distances greater than 1 m, the inverse square law can be applied. It should be noted that scatter factors were also assessed by Simpkin and Dixon (1998). They used Trout and Kelley’s original data with certain modifications. In Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 12 particular they changed the low kV (50 and 70 kV) data which were originally measured in x-ray beams with very low filtration. The data were modified on the basis of measurements by Dixon (1994) for one scattering angle (90° ). In their re-analysis of Trout and Kelley’s data, Simpkin and Dixon adopted a more conservative method for dealing with the variations in scatter due to variations in scatter path length in the phantom arising from differences in field area and the position of the beam centre. The revised scatter factors (a’) were normalised to 1 cm2 rather than to a 400 cm2 beam, i.e. a ' = a 400 . Their data may be compared with that used here. Figure 4.2. 2 shows the scatter factors at 85 kV. It can be seen that, although there is good agreement between 90° and 120° , the shape of the curves is very different. The ratio of maximum to minimum scatter factor is 3.7 and 1.5 as assessed by Williams and Simpkin & Dixon respectively References Archer BR , Thorny JI, Bushong SC. (1983) Diagnostic x-ray shielding design based on an empirical model of photon attenuation. Health Physics 44 , 507-517. Dixon RL (1994) On the primary barrier in diagnostic x-ray shielding. Med Phys, 21, 1785-93. Hart D, Jones DG and Wall BF (1994) Estimation of effective dose in diagnostic radiology from entrance surface dose and dose-area product measurements. NRPB Report R262. Hart D, Hillier MC, Wall BF, Shrimpton PC and Bungay D (1996) Dose to patients from medical x-ray examinations in the UK - 1995 review. NRPB Report R289. Legare JM, Carrieres, PE, Manseau A et al. (1977) Blindage contre les grands champs de rayons x primaires et diffuse des appareils triphase au moyen de panneaux de verre de gypse et de plomb acoustique. Radioprotection 13 79-95 National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (1976) Structural shielding design and evaluation for medical use of x rays and gamma rays of energies up to 10 MeV. NCRP Report No 49. Simpkin DJ and Dixon RL (1998) Secondary radiation shielding barriers for diagnostic x-ray facilities: scatter and leakage revisited. Health Physics, 74, 350-65. Trout ED and Kelley JP (1972) Scattered radiation from a tissue-equivalent phantom for x-rays from 50 to 300 kVp. Radiology, 104, 161-9. Williams JR (1996) Scatter dose estimation based on dose-area product and the specification of radiation barriers. Br J Radiol, 69, 1032-7. Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 13 kVp 50 70 100 125 150 Table 4.1 angle. Ratio of scatter to leakage 3.45 x108 2 x 104 22.6 14.6 13.5 Ratio of scattered to leakage radiation at a 90 degree scattering a b c d e f Table 4.2 -1.042 x 10-7 -5 3.265 x 10 -3 -2.751 x 10 -2 8.371 x 10 1.578 5.987 x 10-3 Factors required for the calculation of the scatter factor, S, from kV and scattering angle using equation 3. These data were derived from measured values over a kV range of 50 to 125 kV and scattering angles between 30° and 150° . Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 14 1.00E+09 1.00E+08 1.00E+07 Ratio 1.00E+06 1.00E+05 1.00E+04 1.00E+03 1.00E+02 1.00E+01 1.00E+00 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 kVp Figure 4.1 The ratio of scatterd to leakage radiation at 90 degree scattering angle. Scatter factor, S 2 -1 µGy.( ) 12 125 kV 100 kV 85 kV 70 kV 50 kV 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 Angle of scatter Figure 4.2 Variation of scatter with angle from Williams (1996) Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 15 Scatter factor µGy/( 2) 10 9 Williams 8 Simpkin & Dixon 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 Figure 4.3 30 60 90 120 Scatter angle 150 180 Comparison of scatter factors at 85 kV from Williams (1996) and Simpkin and Dixon (1998) Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 16 5. Transmission of X-rays through Shielding Materials 5.1 Unattenuated Primary Radiation The most commonly available publications in the UK containing information which Medical Physicists can use to derive the characteristics of shielding materials are HPA Report 41 (HPA 1984) and the Radiological Protection Handbook (HMSO 1971). The first was published in 1984 and the second in 1971; both are now out of print. Another potential reference source is the publication NCRP 49 (NCRP 1976) Much of the transmission data in all three sources is based on single phase measurements or was derived under narrow beam conditions and can therefore be discounted for use in a pragmatic situation.. In 1983, Archer et al (1983) developed an empirical model (equation 1) to describe the broad beam attenuation of x-rays through a material provided that the parameters α, β, λ could be determined for the particular medium. β β B = 1 + exp. (αλx ) − α α − 1 λ 5.1) . In the above equation, B is the broad beam transmission, x is the thickness of material and α, β, λ are the fitting parameters. The equation can be inverted to enable the calculation of the amount required to provide the desired transmission thus : −λ β 1 B + α x= ln αλ 1 + β α material 5.2) Work by Archer (1994), Rossi et al (1991) , Simpkin (1995), Christensen and Sayeg(1979) amongst others has resulted in a body of data for three phase and constant potential transmission through a variety of materials. based on empirical measurement and theoretical modeling. As a result the parameters α, β, λ have also been determined for these materials. Simpkin (1995) has published a compendium of available data and has also demonstrated how relatively simple techniques can be used to fit α, β and λ to experimentally obtained transmission measurements. Tsalaffoutas et al (1998) have recently applied this procedure to an aerated concrete building material. The working party have done the same for barium plaster using data supplied by the manufacturer, British Gypsum (1991). Table 5.1 gives fitting parameters for a selection of materials at representative constant potential energies. A more comprehensive collation of fitting parameters can be found in Simpkin (1995). Equation 5.2 has been used to predict transmission values for a selection of commonly used shielding materials at differing kVps using the available data. Table 5.2 shows the density assumed for each material. Figures 5.1 and 5.2 show derived transmission curves through lead and concrete, for radiation arising from a Tungsten Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 17 target at 50, 60, 75, 90 and 120 kVp. Also shown in these figures are transmission curves for 30 kVp Mo/Mo radiation. Figure 5.3 shows transmission curves for Ba plaster at 50, 75 100 and 125 kVp . Figure 5.4 shows transmission through wood and gypsum for 30 kVp Mo/Mo radiation. All data are plotted for B=1 to B=10-6. Figure 5.5 demonstrates a plot of thickness vs transmission for lead, concrete, barium plaster , plate glass, steel wood and gypsum at 75kVp. Such curves are instructive and can be generated at other potentials using the coefficients provided in table 5.2 Inspection of curves like those in figure 5.5 shows that there is an obvious correlation between the transmission provided by differing materials at any accelerating potential. It is possible to fit polynomial equations to the data and thus relate the quantities of the different materials required to provide the same transmission. Table 5.3 goves the coefficients of cubic polynomial fits using thickness of lead as the dependent variable and concrete, glass, gypsum, steel, wood and barium plaster as the independent variables. The polynomial fit was applied over transmission values 1 to 10-8. Also shown (Table 5.4) are the coefficients where concrete thickness is the independent variable and equivalent thickness of lead is the dependent variable. The cubic polynomials fitted have no intercept and are of the form y = b1x + b2x2 +b3x3 . A cubic fit was performed in all cases for consistency even though in some cases a linear fit provided almost as good a result. The tendency towards linearity is increasingly pronounced as the kVp increases In all cases r2>0.999. A typical example is given in figure 5.6 which shows the equivalence between concrete and lead at 60 kVp. The coefficients in tables 5.1, 5.3 and 5.4 can easily be incorporated into spread sheets and used to evaluate either the required thicness or the equivalent thickness' of material. Two example are given below : 1) Suppose that calculation had shown that the requisite shielding could be provided by 2.2 mm lead at 75 kVp. Use of Table 5.3 shows that the same degree of protection can be obtained using 87.63 × 2.2 + 1.1509 × 2.2 × 2.2 + .1787 × 2.2 × 2.2 × 2.2 = 200.25 mm concrete 2) Suppose that calculation showed that a transmission factor of 0.002 was required to achieve the desired specification and that the majority of radiography in the room was carried out at 75 kVp or lower. Equation 5.2 shows that the required shielding can be provided with 6 mm Ba plaster. When considering equivalent thickness of concrete, it is worth recalling that HPA report 41(1984) points out that in the UK ordinary concrete has a density of 2200 kg m -3 whilst in the US the standard specification has a density of 2350 kg m -3 . The data presented here is based on the US specification but, provided that the material is not loaded with granite or other aggregates, the data can just be scaled appropriately. So for example, if the transmission curves and / or equations presented here are used to derive a desired thickness of concrete, and the actual material to be used has a density of 2200 kg m-3, then the answer should be scaled by a factor of 2.35/2.2. 5.2 Unattenuated primary radiation As outlined in section 2 of this report, primary radiation is significantly attenuated and hardened following transmisssion through a patient. It is not unreasonable and also conservative to treat this radiation as being of constant HVL. It is easy to use equation Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 18 5.1 to show that 1 β ln(B) = −αx − ln1 + λ α 5.3) As x becomes large the second term in this equation becomes increasingly insignificant and the transmission equation tends to a simple exponential with a constant equal to α Thus, one can treat the primary, attenuated radiation as having a constant (or assymptotic) HVL of (ln 2)/α. The final column of table 5.1 shows typical high attenuation HVLs calculated in this manner. The validity of this approach can be seen by inspecting the transmission curves (figs 5.1 - 5.4). It can be seen that for transmission less than 10-3 the form of the logarithmic plot is effectively linear. In cases such a chest radiography, where the transmiussion through the patient is such (< 10-3) that the 'high attenuation' assumption is probably not valid, the result of adopting it will be a conservative design since the true transmitted beam will not be as prenetrating as that modelled. 5.3 Secondary Radiation 5.3.1 Radiography. Simpkin and Dixon (1998) have used equation 5.1 above and applied it to the secondary radiation problem. They have made the simplifying assumption that the scattered and primary beams have the same attenuation. Values of α, β, and λ have been derived for secondary radiation transmitted through various media at a 90 degree angle and for a field size of 1000 cm2 at an FFD of 1m. The leakage technique factors assumed, and then modified to reflect the operating potential being considered, were 5 mA at 50 kVp for radiography below 50 kVp and 3.3 mA at 150 kVp for radiography above 50 kVp. The data of Simpkin and Dixon have been used here to produce secondary transmission curves. Although they have not considered the variation of scatter quality with angle experimental measurements performed by the working party suggest that at 117 degrees, which is the angle for maximum scatter dose (see section 4.2) , the primary and scattered radiation have very similar HVLs (figure 2.2). The use of the data is therefore considered to be justifiable. As in the case of primary radiation, equation 5.2 has been used to predict transmission values for a selection of commonly used shielding materials at differing kVps using the available data.. Figures 5.7 and 5.8 show derived transmission curves through lead and concrete, for secondary radiation arising from a primary beam (Tungsten target) at 50, 70, 100 and 125 kVp. Also shown in these figures are transmission curves for seconary radiation arising from a 30 kVp Mo/Mo primary beam. Figure 5.9 shows transmission of secondary through wood and gypsum for a 30 kVp Mo/Mo primary beam. All data are plotted for B=1 to B=10-6. Selected fitting factors at representative energies are given in table 5.5 as is the high attenuation Half Value Layer. A more comprehensive collation of fitting parameters can be found in Simpkin and Dixon (1998). The equivalence of materials has also been determined, using the cubic polynomial approach outlined above. The equations of each fitted curve are given in tables 5.6 and 5.7. It will be seen from the figures and equations that, as expected, the secondary radiation requires more shielding than the corresponding primary radiation. This is especially the case especially at higher values of kVp. Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 19 Hopefully can put some Monte Carlo results in here - i.e. what the effect of scattering angle really is and when Simpkin & Dixon's work can be used. Need to determine what the effect of the HVL variation is. The penetrating ability of the scattered radiation decreases as the scatter fraction increases - (I don't think this is at all remarkable) - . In the experiment performed as part of this work, it was lower than the primary beam at angles greater than about 120 degrees. The question is : is it in fact all stopped by about the same amount of shielding since as the fluence goes down, the penetrating ability goes up and one balances the other out. 5.3.2 Computed Tomography The spectrum of scattered radiation which is produced as a result of CT scanning will be considerably harder than that observed in general radiogrpahy. Allowance must be made for this when designing computed tomography suites. There is very little data available on the transmission characteristics of such radiation. Simpkin (1990) has used Monte Carlo tehniques to simulate CT scatter spectra and has modelled the transmission characteristics of a variety of commonly used materilals but has made no allowance for leakage. radiation His results are given in table 5.6 in the form of coefficients for equations 5.1 and 5.2. Figure 5.10 is a demonstration of the use of this table, and shows predicted transmission through concrete at 120 and 140 kVp. 5.4 References. Archer BR , Thorny JI, Bushong SC. (1983) Diagnostic x-ray shielding design based on an empirical model of photon attenuation. Health Physics 44 , 507-517. Archer BR, Fewell TR, Conway BJ & Quinn PW. (1994). Attenuation properties of diagnostic x-ray shielding materials. Medical Physics 21 1499-1507 British Gypsum (1991) Thistle x-ray. Technical Information leaflet. Chritensen Rc & Sayeg JA. 1979 Attenuation characteristics of gypsum wallboard. Health Physics 36 595-600. HMSO 1971 Handbook of Radiological Protection. HMSO London. HPA 1984 Report no 41 :Notes on Building Materials and Reference Data on Shielding Data for use below 300 kVp. HPA (now IPEM) , York Legare JM, Carrieres, PE, Manseau A et al. (1977) Blindage contre les grands champs de rayons x primaires et diffuse des appareils triphase au moyen de panneaux de verre de gypse et de plomb acoustique. Radioprotection 13 79-95 National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (1976) Structural shielding design and evaluation for medical use of x rays and gamma rays of energies up to 10 MeV. NCRP Report No 49. RossiRP, Ritenour R, Christodoulou E. 1991 Broad beam transmission properties of some common shieldin materials for use in diagnostic radiology. Health Physics 61 601-608 Simpkin DJ 1989 Shielding requirements for constant potential diagnostic x-ray beams determined by a monte carlo calculation. Health Physics 56 151-164 Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 20 Simpkin DJ 1990 Transmission of scatter raduiation from computed tomography (CT) scanners determined by a monte carlo calculation. Health Physics 58 363-367 Simpkin DJ 1995 Transmission data for shielding diagnostic x-ray facilities. Health Physics 68 704-709 Simpkin DJ and Dixon RL (1998) Secondary radiation shielding barriers for diagnostic x-ray facilities: scatter and leakage revisited. Health Physics, 74, 350-65. Tsalafoutas A, Yakoumakis A, Manetou A & Flioni-Vyza A. 1998 The diagnostic x-ray protection characteristics of Ytong, an aerated concrete based building material. BJR 71 944-949 Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 21 1.0E+00 1.0E-01 Transmission 1.0E-02 Tx Tx Tx Tx Tx Tx 1.0E-03 30 50 60 75 90 120 1.0E-04 1.0E-05 1.0E-06 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 mm Figure 5.1 Transmission of primary radiation through Lead . 1.0E+00 1.0E-01 Transmission 1.0E-02 Tx 30 Tx 50 Tx 60 Tx 75 Tx 90 Tx 120 1.0E-03 1.0E-04 1.0E-05 1.0E-06 0.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 250.0 300.0 350.0 400.0 mm Figure 5.2 Transmission of primary radiation through concrete. Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 22 . 1.0E+00 1.0E-01 Transmission 1.0E-02 Tx Tx Tx Tx 1.0E-03 50 75 100 125 1.0E-04 1.0E-05 1.0E-06 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 mm Figure 5.3 Transmission of primary radiation Through Barium Plaster 1.0E+00 1.0E-01 Transmission 1.0E-02 Wood Gypsum 1.0E-03 1.0E-04 1.0E-05 1.0E-06 0.0 100.0 200.0 300.0 400.0 500.0 600.0 mm Figure 5.4 Transmission of primary radiation Through Wood & Gypsum 30 kVp Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 23 1.0E+03 1.0E+02 Lead 1.0E+01 Thickness Steel Gypsum Plate Glass Concrete Ba Plaster 1.0E+00 1.0E-01 1.0E-02 1.0E-06 1.0E-05 1.0E-04 1.0E-03 1.0E-02 1.0E-01 1.0E+00 1.0E+01 Transmission Figure 5.5 Transmission of primary radiation at 75 kVp. CONCRETE 200 100 Cubic fit Observed Data 0 0.0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 LEAD Figure 5.6 Equivalence between concrete and lead at 60 kVp. Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 24 1.0E+00 1.0E-01 Transmission 1.0E-02 Tx 30 Tx 50 Tx 70 Tx 100 Tx 125 1.0E-03 1.0E-04 1.0E-05 1.0E-06 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 mm Figure 5. 7 Transmission of secondary radiation through lead. 1.0E+00 1.0E-01 Transmission 1.0E-02 Tx Tx Tx Tx Tx 1.0E-03 30 50 70 100 125 1.0E-04 1.0E-05 1.0E-06 0.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 250.0 300.0 350.0 400.0 mm Figure 5.8 Transmission of secondary radiation through concrete. Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 25 1.0E+00 1.0E-01 Transmission 1.0E-02 Gypsum Wood 1.0E-03 1.0E-04 1.0E-05 1.0E-06 0.0 50.0 100.0 150.0 200.0 250.0 300.0 mm Figure 5.9 Transmission of secondary radiation for 30 kVp primary 1.00E+00 1.00E-01 Transmission 1.00E-02 120 kVp 140 kVp 1.00E-03 1.00E-04 1.00E-05 1.00E-06 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 500.00 Barrier Thickness (mm) Figure 5.10 Transmission of scattred CT radiation through concrete. Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 26 30 kVp α β λ ∆ = β/ α Lead Steel Gypsum Plate glass Concrete wood 50 kVp Lead Steel Gypsum Plate glass Concrete Ba Plaster 60 kVp Lead Steel Gypsum Plate glass Concrete Ba Plaster 75 kVp Lead Steel Gypsum Plate glass Concrete Ba Plaster 90 kVp Lead Steel Gypsum Plate glass Concrete 120 kVp Lead Steel Gypsum Plate glass Concrete 38.8 5.716 0.1208 0.3061 0.3173 0.02166 178 43.41 0.7043 1.599 1.698 0.03966 0.3473 0.3959 0.3613 0.3693 0.3593 0.3732 Assymptotic HVL =( ln 2)/α α 4.58763 0.017865 7.59447 0.121264 5.8303 5.737973 5.22378 2.264447 5.3514 2.184517 1.831025 32.00125 8.8014 1.817 0.03883 0.09721 0.09032 0.447049 27.2737 4.845 0.08732 0.1798 0.1712 1.222173 0.2956 0.4024 0.05106 0.4912 0.2324 0.263357 3.09879 2.66648 2.24878 1.8496 1.89548 2.73387 0.078754 0.381479 17.85082 7.13041 7.674349 1.550496 6.951 1.183 0.02985 0.07452 0.06251 24.89 4.219 0.07961 0.1539 0.1692 0.4198 0.4571 0.6169 0.5304 0.2733 3.58078 3.56636 2.667 2.06522 2.70677 0.099719 0.585923 23.22101 9.301492 11.08858 4.666 0.5793 0.2066 0.5291 0.04797 0.609028 22.69 3.629 0.6649 1.28 0.1663 2.357352 0.6618 0.5908 0.775 0.6478 0.4492 0.582836 4.86284 6.26446 3.2183 2.4192 3.46675 3.870677 0.148553 1.196525 3.35502 1.310049 14.4496 1.13812 3.067 0.3971 0.01633 0.0455 0.04228 18.83 2.913 0.05039 0.1077 0.1137 0.7726 0.7204 0.8585 0.8522 0.469 6.13955 7.33568 3.08573 2.36703 2.68921 0.226002 1.745523 42.44624 15.234 16.39421 2.246 0.2336 0.01235 0.03758 0.03566 8.95 1.797 0.03047 0.06808 0.07109 0.5873 0.8116 0.9566 1.031 0.6073 3.98486 7.69264 2.46721 1.8116 1.99355 0.308614 2.96724 56.12528 18.44458 19.43767 Table 5.1 Selected coefficients to generate primary (equations 5.1, 5.2 & 5.3) Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 transmission curves 27 Material Density Lead 11350 kgm-3 Concrete 2350 kg m-3 Steel 7400 kgm-3 Gypsum 705 kgm-3 Plate Glass 2560 kgm-3 Wood 550 kgm-3 Table 5.2 Density of Materials Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 28 30 kVp CONCRETE GLASS GYPSUM STEEL WOOD Ba Plaster 50 kVp CONCRETE GLASS GYPSUM STEEL BA PLASTER 60 kVp CONCRETE GLASS GYPSUM STEEL Ba Plaster 75 kVp CONCRETE GLASS GYPSUM STEEL BA PLASTER 90 kVp CONCRETE GLASS GYPSUM STEEL BA PLASTER 125 kVp CONCRETE GLASS GYPSUM STEEL BA PLASTER b1 112.096 120.829 277.034 5.1375 3103.48 - b2 51.0661 42.2184 207.506 8.7427 -5936.3 - b3 -78.89 -74.817 -309.99 -13.859 8776.53 - 120.679 150.514 203.376 6.2303 20.3472 -30.717 -47.992 -113.94 -0.7349 -1.6765 11.2057 13.2935 42.8306 .1146 .7105 105.721 138.504 337.873 6.2363 - -9.9460 -33.431 -72.798 -0.1632 - 4.2142 7.9825 16.5428 0.0228 - 87.6303 116.682 296.416 6.2954 7.7994 1.1509 -15.916 -37.643 0.837 -0.1512 .1787 2.6675 6.134 -0.1226 0.0322 76.0696 99.6588 258.95 6.6.17 -3.0833 -11.927 -26.028 .3716 .4431 1.3144 2.8502 -0.0386 91.3923 103.422 290.882 9.9312 12.8985 -6.9006 -10.843 -25.812 .2880 .0098 .5278 .8456 1.9735 -.0303 .0003 Table 5. 3 Cubic coefficients relating lead thickness with that of other material Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 29 30 kVp LEAD 50 kVp LEAD 60 kVp LEAD 70 kVp LEAD 80 kVp LEAD 90 kVp LEAD 100 kVp LEAD 110 kVp LEAD 125 kVp LEAD b1 .0089 b1 .0080 b1 0.0095 b1 0.0109 b1 0.0119 b1 0.013 b1 0.0136 b1 0.0127 b1 0.0101 b2 -3e-05 b2 2.9E-05 b2 9.0E-06 b2 -2E-06 b2 9.7E-07 b2 8.9E-06 b2 1.6E-05 b2 1.8E-05 b2 1.8E-05 b3 3.9e-07 b3 -1.E-07 b3 -4.E-08 b3 -3.E-09 b3 -5.E-09 b3 -2.E-08 b3 -3E-08 b3 -3.E-08 b3 -2E-08 Table 5. 4 Cubic coefficients relating concrete thickness with that of lead Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 30 30 kVp Lead Steel Gypsum Plate glass Concrete wood 50 kVp Lead Steel Gypsum Plate glass Concrete 70 kVp Lead Steel Gypsum Plate glass Concrete 100 kVp Lead Steel Gypsum Plate glass Concrete 125 kVp Lead Steel Gypsum Plate glass Concrete α β λ ∆ = β/ α HVL (=ln(2)/α α) 38.79 7.408 0.1198 0.306 0.3174 0.02159 180 42.49 0.7137 1.62 1.725 0.03971 0.356 0.4021 0.3703 0.3793 0.3705 0.03971 4.64037 5.73569 5.95743 5.29412 5.43478 1.83927 0.017869 0.093567 5.78587 2.265187 2.183829 32.10501 8.801 1.817 0.0388 0.09721 0.0903 27.28 4.84 0.0873 0.1799 0.1712 0.2957 0.4021 0.5105 0.4912 0.2324 3.09965 2.66373 2.25 1.85063 1.8959 0.078758 0.381479 17.86462 7.13041 7.676049 5.369 0.7149 0.023 0.05791 0.0509 23.49 3.798 0.0716 0.1357 0.1697 0.5883 0.5381 0.73 0.5968 0.3849 4.37512 5.31263 3.11304 2.34329 3.33399 0.129102 0.969572 30.13683 11.96939 13.61782 2.507 0.3424 0.0147 0.04279 0.0395 15.33 2.456 0.04 0.08948 0.0844 0.9124 0.9388 0.9752 1.029 0.5191 6.11488 7.1729 2.72109 2.09114 2.13671 0.276485 2.024378 47.15287 16.19881 17.54803 2.233 0.2138 0.012 0.03654 0.0351 7.888 1.69 0.0267 0.0579 0.066 0.7295 1.086 1.079 1.093 0.7832 3.53247 7.90458 2.225 1.58456 1.88034 0.310411 3.242035 57.76227 18.96955 19.74778 Table 5.5 Selected coefficients to generate secondary transmission curves at 90 degrees(equations 5..1 & 5.2). Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 31 30 kVp CONCRETE GLASS GYPSUM STEEL WOOD 50 kVp CONCRETE GLASS GYPSUM STEEL 70 kVp CONCRETE GLASS GYPSUM STEEL 100 kVp CONCRETE GLASS GYPSUM STEEL 125 kVp CONCRETE GLASS GYPSUM STEEL b1 112.351 121.035 277.503 4.9526 2028.45 b1 120.675 150.465 355.969 6.2303 b1 91.6283 123.435 310.695 6.2219 b1 69.1344 85.3562 229.377 7.0278 b1 81.9378 90.6395 257.496 10.1464 b2 51.7292 41.8356 217.189 2.5928 -6270.3 b2 -30.657 -47.944 -93.493 -0.7366 b2 1.3991 -19.366 -45.936 0.6853 b2 -2.6302 -8.0393 -17.588 0.0908 b2 -4.6953 -7.5868 -18.028 0.1501 b3 -81.807 -74.904 -324.34 -4.9301 10390.8 b3 11.2004 13.2771 23.3248 0.1155 b3 0.4601 3.7135 8.4881 -0.1175 b3 0.2774 0.7137 1.5571 -0.0082 b3 0.3615 0.5849 1.3748 -0.0150 Table 5.6 Cubic coefficients relating lead thickness with that of other material for secondary radiation Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 32 30 kVp LEAD 50 kVp LEAD 70 kVp LEAD 100 kVp LEAD 125 kVp LEAD b1 .0089 b1 .0080 b1 0.0109 b1 0.0143 b1 0.0117 b2 -3e-05 b2 2.9E-05 b2 -2E-06 b2 1.1E-05 b2 1.5E-05 b3 4e-07 b3 -1.E-07 b3 -3.E-09 b3 -2.E-08 b3 -2E-08 Table 5.7 Cubic coefficients relating concrete thickness with that of lead for secondary radiation Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 33 α β γ ∆=β ∆=β/ α Pb 120-kVp 140-kVp 2.70214 2.86862 6.2227 4.6590 0.7721 0.7921 2.303 1.624 Concrete 120-kVp 140-kVp 0.03829 0.03359 0.0142 0.0122 0.6582 0.5185 0.371 0.363 Gypsum wallboard 120-kVp 140-kVp 0.00100 0.01177 0.0268 0.0167 0.4125 1.3910 26.800 1.419 Steel 120-kVp 140-kVp 0.27957 0.19215 1.5191 0.9519 1.2357 0.9649 5.434 4.954 Plate glass 120-kVp 140-kVp 0.03213 0.03544 0.0146 .00975 0.2280 0.9450 0.454 0.275 Table 5.8 Coefficients which can be used to generate transmission of scattered radiation from CT installations. Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 34 6 PRACTICAL ASSESSMENT OF SHIELDING 6.1 INTRODUCTION When an X-ray facility is complete, it is necessary to check the integrity of the shielding provided and ensure that it fulfils the design criteria. This is one element of the critical examination required by the Ionising Radiation Regulations. Such checks can be carried out through discussions with the builder and visual inspection of all parts during the construction phase. However, a complete inspection of all parts of the facility at this stage may not be practicable, in which case it is necessary for checks of the shielding to be made when the construction is complete. Use of a radiation source and detector during the critical examination allows the integrity of all parts of the shielding in a completed installation to be checked. The most suitable type of source is a sealed source of 241Am as the main γ -ray has an energy of 60 keV which is within the upper part of the photon energy range of an X-ray beam (Hewitt 1982). A vial of 99mTc may be used as an alternative to determine the thickness of lead used to provide protection if an 241Am source is not available. However, a knowledge of shielding materials employed is essential for interpretation of results, because the energy of the main 99mTc γ -ray (141 keV) is significantly higher than the normal X-ray range and relative attenuation properties of shielding materials at this energy differ from those at X-ray energies. An alternative method is to make the assessment using radiographic exposures. However, this method is more time consuming and less flexible and so will only be considered briefly in this report. 6.2 METHODOLOGY 6.2.1 Radioactive source method There are two main aims of the practical assessment of shielding: 1) to detect any places where there are gaps in the shielding provided 2) to check that the protection is of the level specified. The apparatus consists of a source, a detector and positioning rod, a tape measure and calibration charts. Two persons are required to carry out the tests, both for practicality of making the measurements and for purposes of ensuring security of the radioactive source and minimising exposure of other staff. Procedures must be in place to comply with current Ionising Radiation Regulations and ensure effective supervision of the source. One person is required to position and control the source and the second to determine the location of the beam on the far side of the barrier using a suitable detector. A tape measure is useful for defining the approximate location of the source, in order to assist the second person in locating the radiation beam. Persons carrying out the assessment may choose to use the source and detector on whichever side of the boundary is better both for access and for safety purposes. It is easier to locate the source at fixed points on the side of a wall to which access is limited and leave areas of wall on the other side where more space may be available to allow the person using the detector more space to search for the radiation beam. Other things being equal, positioning of the source on the inside of the X-ray room will simulate more closely the situation in practice. It will be necessary to move the detector back and forth over the wall surface to locate the position of maximum response. Detector Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 35 The detector used should have a rapid response to facilitate location of the radiation beam on the far side of the barrier from the source. A scintillation detector such as a Mini Instruments 900 Monitor with a Type 44A probe, which has a 32 mm diameter x 2.5 mm thick sodium iodide scintillation crystal, is suitable. <For situations in which the expected degree of protection is less than 1mm Pb equivalent, an end window geiger tube such as a Mini Instruments Type E probe can be used.>> A rigid measuring bar with 1 cm graduations attached to the probe housing is useful to enable the probe face to be positioned at a fixed distance of 1 to 15 cm from the wall surface (figure 6.1). Sources As already mentioned, the source may be 241Am or 99mTc. The source must be housed in a shielded container having a window or cap which can be readily removed, so that the aperture can be placed against the barrier to be tested. A design for a lockable container with a safety shutter for an 241Am source (Hewitt 1982) is shown in figure 6.2. A spring loaded rotating lead shutter may be held open when the container is positioned against a barrier and closes automatically when the container is moved away from the barrier. This minimises the exposure to scattered radiation of the person handling the source. 241-Americium 241 Am emits a gamma ray of energy 60 keV which is close to the peak of the photon energy spectrum for a diagnostic X-ray unit. Plots of count rate against source detector separation are given in figure 6.3 for barriers made from different materials. Results are normalised with respect to the count rate obtained with a source detector separation of 30 cm with 1 mm of lead in the beam. In order to obtain a high enough radiation level for the check to be made, a source of 15-40 GBq must be used. This requires the use of a type A transport container and associated procedures under the Radioactive Material (Road Transport) (Great Britain) Regulations 1996 including consignment note, labelled vehicles and carrying of a fire extinguisher. In addition the Radiation (Emergency Preparedness and Public Information) Regulations require the operator holding and using an 241Am source of activity more than 300 MBq to carry out a hazard assessment and risk evaluation for the Health and Safety Executive. Sources with a valid special form certificate are exempt from this requirement. 99m- Technetium For hospitals which do not possess an 241Am source, a vial of 99mTc provides an alternative. 99mTc is readily available in Nuclear Medicine departments, is inexpensive and the potential hazard is low because of the short half-life. As a result, a vial of 99mTc can be carried as an excepted package. Activities required are typically 50 MBq or 100 MBq. It is recommended that standard activities are used for which calibration charts can be prepared. If the amount of liquid is much smaller than the volume of the vial, the position of the activity will depend on the inclination of the vial. It is therefore recommended that a volume of liquid is used which is sufficient to fill the majority of the vial. The disadvantage of 99mTc is that the γ -ray has an energy of 141 keV, which is significantly higher than the photon energies in most diagnostic X-ray beams. As a result the relative attenuation by different shielding materials such as lead, concrete and X-ray plaster is not the same for 99mTc as for an X-ray beam. The attenuation by lead is high because the K absorption edge for lead is at 88 keV, but attenuation by other materials used for shielding is much lower than that for diagnostic X-ray beams. Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 36 Thus the attenuation for a beam of 99mTc γ -rays can be used to determine the amount of lead protection, but is seldom satisfactory for assessing barriers of other materials. Plots of normalised count rates versus source detector separation for different thicknesses of lead and other materials are given in figure 6.4. Checks for gaps in shielding Checks for gaps in protection should be made with the detector in contact with the wall. It will be necessary to move the detector back and forth over the wall surface to locate the position of maximum response. This will normally be the position where source and detector are directly opposite each other on either side of the wall, but in places where there is a gap in the protection in a cavity wall, this may not necessarily be the case. Places where gaps are more likely to occur are where different forms of shielding meet. These include: Frames of shielded windows and doors Joins between two parts of a shield Where sockets, etc, breach the integrity of the wall. Practical assessment of level of protection The source container with the window or lid open is held against the wall for the measurements (figure 6.1). A tripod and baseplate are useful for holding the source in a fixed position. An option to include an additional 1 mm of lead in the beam is useful to increase the range of attenuation that can be assessed. In order to make a shielding assessment it is necessary to know the thickness of the wall, so that the separation of the source and the detector can be set. If there is a door in the wall, this can be determined with relative ease, but if not, it may be necessary to measure distances along a number of walls to determine the wall thickness, as illustrated in figure 6.5. Where several measurements are required the accuracy of the distance may be limited. Values for the thickness may also be available from plans of the facility or from measurements made during the construction phase. Where the wall is some distance from any door to the room, these may be the only thicknesses available. The results of the measurement depend upon the separation of the source and detector. A separation between 20 cm and 50 cm is recommended. If a shorter distance is employed, error due to inaccuracy in the distance becomes large, while if the distance is too large count rates may be too low to obtain an accurate measurement. As already discussed, it is necessary to know what shielding materials were used if a realistic result is to be obtained. The data in figures 6.3 and 6.4 allow results to be converted to thicknesses of different shielding materials Normalised count rates are plotted as a function of separation of source and detector to allow flexibility in the configuration used. It is suggested that the user make a measurement of the count rate obtained at 30 cm through 1 mm lead using their choice of activity This measurement could be used to calibrate the user’s monitor and a set of curves of count rate versus distance determined from the figures. Variations in the measurements relating to the relative position of the source, detector and barrier were ±15%.Experimental results indicate that use of a type E geiger as opposed to a type 44 monitor will not alter the magnitude of this error See Daves figure at the end 6.2.2 Measurements using X-ray equipment Assessments of shielding may be made using X-ray equipment, although this method tends to be more time consuming and requires a radiation detector with good dynamic Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 37 range. The measurements may be performed with the unit installed in the room, if there is sufficient flexibility in positioning of the X-ray tube, or a mobile radiographic unit may be used. The energy of the X-ray beam can be chosen to match that of examinations performed in the room and so used to obtain the wall attenuation directly. An ionisation chamber of appropriate sensitivity should be used to measure air kerma for an exposure using standard factors on either side of the barrier to be tested. The attenuation can then be determined directly from the ratio of the two measurements with an inverse square law correction applied to allow for the different positions. Alternatively the air kerma at the distance to be used for the assessment could be determined from measurements made in the room. The use of X-ray equipment and film can be useful for direct demonstration of gaps in shielding detected using the source method. References Hewitt JM (1982) A self-contained method for assessing the lead equivalence of protective barriers in diagnostic X-ray departments. J. Soc. Radiological Protection 2, 22-26. Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 38 Figure 1 Arrangement for assessment of shielding using a source and scintillation detector. Thickness of the wall = A + B. Figure 2 Shielded container for 241Am source. (N.B. Awaiting information from Graham Ramsden, NRPB, Leeds on design) Figure 3 Graphs of normalised count rate from a 241Am source versus distance between probe and source for different thicknesses of a) lead and b) barytes plaster and brick. Data are normalised with respect to the count rate with 1 mm lead at a source probe distance of 30 cm. Figure 4 Graphs of normalised count rate from a 99mTc source versus distance between probe and source for different thicknesses of a) lead and b) barytes plaster. Data are normalised with respect to the count rate with 1 mm lead at a source probe distance of 30 cm. Figure 5 Determination of wall thickness A from distances along intervening walls. Last Figure Dave Sutton results Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 39 Wall A B Scintillation Contamination Monitor Source Measuring Bar Figure 6.1 Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 40 Americium-241 Lead Attenuator 100 Normalised Count Rate (c/s) 10 1 0.5 mm 1.0 mm 1.5 mm 0.1 2.0 mm 3.0 mm 0.01 0.001 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Source Detectro Distance (cm ) Figure 63a Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 41 Americium-241 - Barium Plaster Attenuator 10 Normalised Count Rate 1 0.1 10 mm 20 mm 30 mm 0.01 0.001 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Source Detector Distance (cm ) Figure 6.3 b Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 42 Technetium-99m - Lead Attenuator 100 Normalised Count Rate 10 0.5 mm 1.0 mm 1.5 mm 1 2.0 mm 2.5 mm 3.0 mm 0.1 0.01 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Source Detector Distance (cm ) Figure 6.4a Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 43 Technetium 99m Ba Plaster Attenuator 10 10 mm Barytes 1 20 mm Barytes 30 mm Barytes 10 cm Brick 21.5 cm Brick 0.1 0.01 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Figure 6.4 b Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 44 A C B D Wall thickness A = D - B - C Figure 5 Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 45 scint & geiger com parison 10 00 00 100 00 10 00 sc in t il lat ion p r ob e g eig er t u be 100 10 1 0 .0 0 0 .50 1.00 1.5 0 2 .0 0 2.50 3.0 0 3 .5 0 4 .00 4.50 Daves Figure to show the similarity - counts are normalised. Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 46 7 Methodologies and Worked Examples 7.1 RADIOGRAPHIC FACILITIES Radiographic rooms are used in a more versatile manner than most other x-ray installations. Generally there are two main imaging stations – a table and a vertical bucky stand used principally for chest radiography. Examinations on the table most commonly involve the radiation beam firing downwards with the cassette either in the bucky tray or on the table top (generally for extremities). For these locations protection is required for the secondary radiation and for the transmitted primary radiation. The area of the wall or floor exposed to the latter component being both limited and predictable. However, other parts of the floor or walls may be exposed to transmitted primary due, for example, to lateral views taken with the patient on the table and examination of patients on trolleys. 7.1.2 Methods 1. NCRP The conventional method of calculating barrier thickness is to use the recommendations in NCRP Report 49 (NCRP 1976). The NCRP method considers the three components of radiation (primary, leakage and scatter) separately and has the following features: • • • • • Workload is expressed in mA.min A single, high kVp is assumed for the total workload Primary barrier thickness is designed on the assumption that there is no attenuation in the beam directed towards the wall or floor Leakage radiation is assumed to be at the maximum specified rate, i.e. 1 mGy h-1 Scatter radiation is computed on the basis of equation 4.1.1 using scatter factors based on single phase, low filtration sets. Changes in the methodology for primary shielding were proposed by Dixon and Simpkin (1998) and for secondary barriers by Simpkin and Dixon (1998) which retained the use of mA.min as the unit of workload. For the specification of primary barriers, the biggest changes made by Dixon and Simpkin (1998) are concerned with more realistic assumptions regarding primary attenuation and workload spectra. They provide the following data: • • • • transmission through the patient, image receptor, and supporting structures based on work by Dixon (1994); tube output at 1 m per mA.min; workload spectrum based on a survey by Simpkin (1996); use factors, i.e. proportion of the workload for which the beam is directed at the floor or specific walls. The data can be used to specify shielding for any workload spectrum and pattern of usage. However, they give a general equation for calculating transmission B through a barrier of thickness, x , in association with pre-shielding in the patient, image receptor, etc. which is assumed to have an equivalent thickness, xpre: P d2 B( x + x pre ) = T D1 (0 ) N Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 (1) 47 in which P is the dose constraint, T is the occupancy factor, d is the focus to barrier distance, D1(0) is the unshielded primary dose per patient at 1 m for the standard workload spectrum, and N is the number of patients per week. Values of these parameters are given by Dixon and Simpkin (1998) and reproduced in Table 1. For cross-table radiography, they recommend the use of xpre = 0.3 mm lead or 30 mm concrete. For secondary radiations, Simpkin and Dixon (1998) recommended that scatter and leakage radiations are combined and used with modified transmission data to account for the hardening of the leakage spectrum. This approach was discussed in Section 4. They provide a simplified equation for the calculation of the secondary barrier based on the same workload data as given above combined with the assumption that all vertical bucky work including chest 2 radiography is with a 35 x 43 cm cassette and that the average field area for table 2 radiography is 1000 cm . The total secondary dose per patient at 90° and distance of 1 m ( D1sec ) is given in Table 1 for the standardised workload. The unshielded secondary dose is given by: D sec (0) = D1sec N d 2sec (2) in which dsec is the distance to the area to be shielded and N is the number of patients. 2. Working party Alternative methods are proposed here for shielding calculations. For primary radiation it is proposed that film dose is used and secondary radiation shielding should be assessed from workload in terms of DAP as outlined in Section 4 of this report. This approach is described in more detail. 400 speed radiographic film requires, by definition, a dose of 2.5 µGy to produce a density of 1.0 plus base plus fog. Some areas of the film will have higher densities because a) radiologists generally prefer somewhat darker films, b) the beam may be larger than the body part (for example for extremities), and c) there are density variations across the film. In addition slower films may be used for extremities (although for protection purposes, these are associated with low kVps and are therefore of much less relevance). It is proposed to use a value of 10 µGy as the average for the maximum dose on any part of the film. This represents significant attenuation of the primary which may vary between about 10-3, e.g. for a lateral view of the lumbar spine with an entrance skin dose of 10 mGy to 0.1 for a chest radiograph with an ESD of 0.1 mGy. Making the assumption that the beam is fully collimated to the area of the cassette, there is then further attenuation produced in the cassette itself and in the structure of the cassette holder and the table base or vertical bucky stand. Attenuation needs to be estimated for three geometries: Table radiography with attenuation in the cassette plus table assembly Cross table radiography with attenuation in the cassette alone Vertical bucky radiography with attenuation in the cassette plus bucky assembly Ø Ø Ø Dixon (1994) measured primary attenuation in 8 types of film cassette. Average values are shown in Table 2. However, these data cannot be applied to the primary transmitted through the patient because of beam hardening. To estimate this effect, the primary transmission Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 48 factors can be used to estimate lead and concrete equivalence of the cassette. These values are shown in the Table. The equivalent thicknesses can then be used to calculate the transmission of the filtered spectrum in lead (A) and concrete (B) using the limiting values of HVL for the primary beam derived as for the data in Table 5.1. It can be seen that the transmission of the filtered beam is much greater and it is recommended that 50% transmission is assumed at all energies. Transmission through a table assembly with a cassette in place was given by Dixon (1994). This included transmission through the tabletop and grid. Primary transmission through these components are given separately. The data are shown in Table 3. Using primary transmission data the lead equivalence of the complete assembly and of the tabletop plus grid can be calculated. From these values the transmission of the filtered beam through the cassette plus the table base can be calculated using the limiting values of HVL. Dixon (1994) measured primary transmission through 3 models of vertical bucky stand at 125 kVp. The same type of analysis as for the table has been made for the model with maximum transmission. The result shown in Table 3 indicates that the transmission of the filtered beam is 0.25. For secondary radiation, the working party recommend that the methods described in Section 4 are used with workload based on DAP. 7.1.3 Workload Primary radiation For primary radiation it is necessary to know which examinations may involve the use of a horizontal beam. Most commonly horizontal beams are used with the vertical bucky with the patient standing or lying on a trolley. The vertical bucky may be used for the following examinations: Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Chests – kVp depends on local practice and may vary over virtually the full diagnostic range (60 to 150 kVp). It is advisable to design shielding on the basis that practice may change to the upper end of this range since this has been recommended in a number of publications both for patient dose reduction and image quality. Shoulders, cervical spines (at between 60 and 75 kVp). Abdomens (70 to 90 kVp) –required for erect patients in rare circumstances. Standing knees, femur (60 to 70 kVp) and erect spines (70 to 90 kVp) generally in rooms serving orthopaedics. Skulls, sinuses, facial bones (60 to 75 kVp) – may preferably be done in rooms with isocentrically mounted skull units. The examinations of the skull, etc. may also be done on the table with the film propped up. There are other cross-table radiographic views but these are relatively rare except with seriously injured patients. It is also possible that the radiographic workload will include ‘sky-line’ views of the knee. However, this is with the tube pointing towards the patient who will be protected by a lead coat and will effectively provide local shielding. In A&E horizontal beams are more common particularly for seriously injured patients. Examinations include: skull; spine; hips; and extremities. The film may be taken using a vertical bucky, if that is available, or with the film propped up or held. Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 49 Scatter For scatter calculations workload is required in terms of DAP. There are few publications of DAP for radiographic doses. However, it is possible to infer typical values using average entrance skin doses (ESD) from NRPB (1996) and the ratio of ESD and DAP to effective dose conversion factors from NRPB (1994). These values are given in Table 4 with upper limit values calculated from the reference doses. A large proportion of the workload in terms of the numbers of films will be for extremities. However, the DAPs for these examinations will be low (in the range 0.01 to 0.1 Gy.cm2) so that they make a relatively small contribution to scatter and the kVps are also relatively low (50 to 70 kV) requiring less shielding. For a busy radiographic room, the workload will be in the region of 500 Gy.cm2 but this will depend on case mix. The average DAP weighted kVp will be in the range 80 to 90 kVp. This will be determined by the relative proportion of examinations in the pelvic and abdominal regions which are associated with the highest DAPs and tube potentials. 7.1.4 Example Room diagram to calculate at wall situated at 1.5 m from Table (primary and secondary), cubicle at 3 m (secondary), door (3.5 m – secondary), wall 1 m behind chest stand (primary), floor below table. For this example the total weekly workload is assumed to be 500 Gy.cm2. includes: • • • • This 400 films on the table at a DAP weighted average of 90 kVp 10 cross-table spine films at 100 kV directed towards wall A. 100 chest films at 125 kVp An average DAP per chest film equal to 0.15 cGy cm2 Any other examination using the vertical bucky is ignored in this calculation. It has been assumed that the occupancy factor of adjacent rooms and of the room below is 100%. Wall A Primary 10 films at 1 m FFD giving 10 µGy per film with 50% transmission through the film plus cassette. 0.3 Transmission = × (1.5 + 1) 52 1 10 × 0.01 × 0.5 2 = 0.72 At 100 kV the HVLs of lead and concrete are 0.276 mm and 17.5 mm (Table 5.5) so that 0.13 mm of lead or 8 mm of concrete is required. Secondary Maximum scatter dose on the wall is given by equation 4.4 at 90 kVp: [ ] × 500 = 1175 µGy per week S max = (0.031 × 90 + 2.5) × 1 1.5 Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 2 50 0.3 The required transmission is therefore given by B = 52 = 0.0049 1.175 This attenuation would be provided by 0.9 mm of lead or 70 mm of concrete The total thickness for this wall is based on the higher of these two values, i.e. 0.9 mm of lead or 70 mm of concrete. Wall B Protection is required for primary transmission through the wall behind the bucky stand resulting form 100 films per week taken at 3.5 m FFD, with a filmto-barrier distance of 1 m. × (1 + 3.5 ) 52 3.5 100 × 0.01 × 0.25 0.3 Transmission = 2 = 0.038 This requires 4.7 HVLs which equals 1.5 mm of lead or 93 mm of concrete using the data from Table 5.5. Door For a barrier at 3.5 m from the table, the scatter dose is given by: [ ] × 500 = 216 µGy per week S max = (0.031 × 90 + 2.5 ) × 1 3.5 2 0.3 Giving a required transmission of B = 52 = 0.026 which can be achieved 0.216 with 0.5 mm of lead. Protective screen The scatter dose to the protective screen at a distance of 3 m is calculated in the same way as for the door and is equal to 294 µGy. However, with a dose constraint of 60 µGy per year, the transmission must be less than 0.0039. This requires 1 mm of lead. Floor Primary transmission has to be calculated for 400 films taken at 100 cm FFD with a distance to the occupants in the room below equal to 3.5 m. The transmission through the Table assembly of a 100 kVp beam from Table ** (0.09) has been used in these calculations. × (3.5 + 1) 52 1 400 × 0.01 × 0.09 0.3 Transmission = 2 = 0.32 This requires 1.6 HVLs of concrete which is equal to 27 mm at 90 kVp. Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 51 NCRP method The NCRP method will be applied to the shielding requirements for Walls A and B and the floor. It is assumed that the workload spectrum in Dixon and Simpkin (1998) applies and that for there are 1.3 films per patient examination on the Table and 1.0 films per patient on the vertical bucky. The total number of patients examined on the table is then 310 per week. Wall A Primary × (1 + 1.5) 2 52 = 0.00025 . The primary transmission should be less than 5.15 × 310 × 0.09 0.3 Assuming an average kVp of 80 kVp (the peak of the workload spectrum in Dixon and Simpkin 1998), this requires 1.4 mm of lead. Subtracting xpre = 0.3 mm (the lead equivalence of the shielding provided by the patient and cassette) leads to a barrier requirement of 1.1 mm lead. Secondary × 1.5 2 52 = 0.0018 2.31 × 10 −2 × 310 which can be provided by 0.9 mm lead or 79 mm concrete at 80 kVp. 0.3 The secondary transmission should be less than The total barrier thickness needs to be Wall B Primary radiation only will be included. Application of the Dixon and Simpkin (1998) method requires that the primary transmission is less than 0.3 × (3.5 + 1) 2 52 = 0.00016 . 2.25 × 310 This transmission is achieved at 125 kVp with 2.7 mm of lead or 204 mm of concrete. The equivalent shielding provided by the imaging assembly (xpre) is 0.85 mm and 72 mm of the two materials respectively (Table **) implying a wall thickness of 1.8 mm lead or 132 mm of concrete. Floor The required primary transmission through the floor is less than × (3.5 + 1) 2 52 = 0.00020 1.85 × 310 At 80 kVp this is achieved with 123 mm of concrete. For the floor, xpre = 74 mm so that the required thickness of concrete is 49 mm. 0.3 7.1.4 Other points to consider A&E Skull tubes Chest rooms Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 52 Table 7.1.1 Normalised workload and unshielded primary and secondary doses and equivalent thicknesses of shielding in the image receptor and support from Dixon and Simpkin (1998) Workload per patient (mA.min) Unshielded primary dose per patient D1(0) mGy Equivalent thickness xpre mm Lead Concrete Unshielded secondary dose per patient Dsec1 mGy General radiographic room Wall with Floor and All barriers chest bucky other walls 2.45 0.601 1.85 Chest room 0.216 7.41 2.25 5.15 1.21 0.87 73 0.85 72 0.94 74 0.91 72 3.42 x 10-2 5.30 x 10-3 2.31 x 10-2 2.69 x 10-3 Table 7.1. 2 Primary attenuation Lead equivalence Concrete equivalence Filtered beam transmission – A Filtered beam transmission – B 60 kVp 0.0553 0.14 16.5 0.37 0.36 Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 80 kVp 0.107 0.17 16.7 0.51 0.47 100 kVp 0.156 0.19 19.2 0.62 0.47 125 kVp 0.208 0.21 20.7 0.62 0.48 53 Table 7.1. 3 80 kVp 100 kVp 125 kVp 0.769 0.406 0.312 0.0017 0.89 0.801 0.450 0.360 0.0062 0.98 0.820 0.488 0.400 0.016 0.76 Chest bucky (125 kVp) 0.488 0.488 0.027 0.62 0.03 0.09 0.19 0.25 Table assembly Tabletop primary transmission Grid primary transmission Combined transmission Table assembly primary transmission Pb equivalence of cassette holder + table base Transmission through cassette holder + table base Table 7.1.4 Examination Lumbar spine AP Lumber spine Lat Lumbar spine LSJ Chest AP Chest PA Chest Lat Abdomen AP Pelvis AP Skull AP/PA Skull Lat Thoracic spine AP Thoracic spine Lat IVU DAP Gy.cm2 Average Upper limit 2.4 3.8 2.6 5.2 2.6 3.5 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.8 2.8 4.8 2.5 5.3 0.6 1.1 0.3 0.6 1.3 2.2 2.5 4.2 16 40 Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 54 7.2 MAMMOGRAPHY FACILITIES X-ray mammography possesses a number of unique properties when compared to other x-ray modalities: • • • the maximum energy of the primary x-ray beam is in the range 25 - 35 kV, and will typically be <30kV; the typical unit, with a molybdenum anode and molybdenum filter is lightly filtered (0.3 - 0.4 mm Al), giving a very low average x-ray energy; equipment is designed so that the primary beam is constrained to fall within the area of the image receptor, and therefore in practice only scattered radiation needs to be considered. Although this simplifies shielding assessments, there may be other mitigating factors to be considered: • • • newer mammography units have multiple target/filter combinations, typically using molybdenum/rhodium and tungsten/rhodium. These are specifically designed to create a slightly ‘harder’ x-ray beam, with HVLs of 0.4 - 0.5 mm Al; Health Building Notes do not give minimum sizes for mammography rooms, and the equipment is often placed in rooms where the distance from the image receptor to the nearest barrier will be within the range 1 - 2 metres. These rooms will frequently be situated in or near out-patient clinics and office accommodation where a high occupancy factor must be assumed; mammography equipment is frequently used in mobile units as part of the Breast Screening Programme, and thus consideration must be given to appropriate standards of protection that will withstand the rigours of regular transportation. IPEM Report 59 (2nd edition) (IPEM 1994) on >the commissioning and routine testing of mammographic x-ray systems’ does not specifically deal with issues surrounding room design, although it does refer to earlier work in the UK (Walker and Hounsell 1989). More recent information is available from the USA (Simpkin 1996). 7.2.1 Workload / Calculations The 1986 Forrest Report on Breast Cancer Screening suggested a maximum workload of 80 women per day, having two single-view mammograms each (or a maximum of 160 mammograms per day). Data from a busy screening centre suggests that 60 women per day, having an average of three films each, is a more typical. For the purpose of this report, we will assume that the maximum is likely to be 200 films per day. A pessimistic assumption of 30 kVp and 100 mAs per exposure has been used to create a safety margin for actual usage (I don’t think that there is any reference for this W&H use 35 kVp). At 30 kVp, the tube output is approximately 50 µGy mAs-1 at 1m or 140 µGy mAs-1 at 60cm, the typical distance to the image receptor. Data from both the Walker and Hounsell (1989) and Simpkin (1996) give similar values for the scatter ratios, although they are assessed somewhat differently. Simpkin’s data cover a wider range of scatter angles and energies. He showed that for an 18 x 24 cm2 film size, the maximum scatter ratio is 5.4 x 10-4 at 1630 and it is 0.9 x 10-4 at 900. The scatter ratio is defined as the ratio of scatter air kerma at 1m Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 55 from the patient to the primary dose at the image receptor. From these data the maximum scatter air kerma (Ks) at 1 m per typical exposure at 100 mAs can be calculated: Ks = 5.4 x 10-4 x 140 x 100 = 7.6 µGy This is the maximum scatter intensity at 163°. For cranio-caudal views (i.e. with the beam directed towards the floor, the scatter dose to a wall at a distance of 1 m will be significantly less than this. However, for lateral and oblique views the dose to the wall behind the tube will receive this level of dose. On the principle of specifying shielding for the worst possible case, this dose will be assumed to be incident on a wall at 1 m distance. Multiplying by the workload data (200 films per day) and assuming 250 working days per year, the annual incident scatter dose is shown to be 380 mGy. 7.2.2 Practical Solutions The transmission data of section 5 can be used to determine the thicknesses of material required to reduce the dose to the design criterion (0.3 mGy per year). The required transmission is 0.3/380 = 7.9x10-4. Use of equation 5.1 and the data in table 5.5 results in the solutions shown in table 7.2.1. The table shows that normal building materials and thicknesses are likely to be more than adequate to provide a sufficient level of shielding. No data have been presented to calculate the doses to rooms above or below the mammography unit. Given the requirement for structural integrity for the floor or ceiling suggests adequate protection at normal diagnostic x-ray energies, they will certainly provide adequate protection. The wall behind the patient will receive virtually no scattered radiation, since it will be absorbed by the patient. Protection of doors is a difficult issue since the amount of lead required is trivial. It is worth noting however, that a 1 cm thick glass door will provide adequate protection In the case of mobile units the data in Table 7.2.1 show that typical construction materials would provide adequate shielding to fulfil the design criteria. Given the nature of these units, the annual occupancy factor at any given location gives additional margins for safety. Data have not been presented to calculate the doses to the space below the mobile mammography unit. Given the requirement for structural integrity for the floor and the likely zero occupancy factor, adequate protection will almost certainly be guaranteed. Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 56 Table 7. 2.1 Required shielding thicknesses for a wall at 1 m. Material Lead Steel Plasterboard Wood Concrete Glass Thickness (mm) 0.0814 0.4255 24.3 128 9.6 10.2 References (1) The commissioning and routine testing of mammographic x-ray systems. J Law, DR Dance et al. IPEM Report 59, 2nd edition, 1994. (2) X-ray protection considerations for mammography screening centres. A Walker and AR Hounsell. BJR, 1989, 62, 554-557. (3) Scatter radiation intensities about mammography units. DJ Simpkin. Health.Phys., 1996, 70(2), 238-245. (4) Review of mammographic equipment and its performance. NHS Breast Screening Programme Publication 24, 1992. 7.3 R&F Rooms Radiography and fluoroscopy rooms (R&F) are mainly used for barium contrast studies. A typical room has an undercouch screening system with two x-ray tubes. One is mounted in the tilting table for undercouch fluoroscopy and the second tube is ceiling mounted and is used for radiography with a table bucky and possibly a vertical bucky stand as well. An alternative is a system with a single column mounted overcouch tube. For the radiation protection of the staff, this system would be used remotely, i.e. with the Radiologist operating the set from behind the protective screen. Other examinations which may be done in this room include ERCPs. The room may also act as a back up for radiography, in particular it is not uncommon to use R&F rooms for IVUs when barium contrast studies are not scheduled. Barium contrast examinations have two parts, fluoroscopy and radiography. For fluoroscopy the only significant radiation to be considered for shielding is scatter because the transmitted primary will be heavily attenuated in the image intensifier shield. Radiography contributes to as much as 90% of the total DAP (Hart et al. 1994). Images may be captured in a number of ways including directly from the image intensifier in digital format, using a cut film camera linked to the image intensifier output screen, or using a conventional film cassette positioned in front of the image intensifier. In each case, the image intensifier mount provides local shielding from the transmitted primary and shielding only needs to consider scattered radiation. For barium enemas large format film (35 x 43 cm2) may be needed for certain projections. These have to be taken using a separate table bucky and x-ray tube. However, the bucky assembly and table structure should be sufficient to attenuate the transmitted primary radiation. For undercouch screening tables the direction of maximum scatter is below the table top and the table structure provides significant shielding. In addition, for scattering Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 57 angles less than 90° , there is considerable local shielding provided by the lead apron attached to the image intensifier, the structure of the image intensifier mount, and its shield. Therefore, scatter doses are likely to be significantly overestimated. Overcouch systems have little local shielding so that the doses to the walls will be much greater. 7.3.1 Workload Average DAPs for barium contrast studies have been published by Hart et al. (1996). These data are reproduced in Table 1. In addition data are included for ERCPs. A busy department might perform 25 barium enemas and 25 other contrast studies per week, i.e. 10 patients per day. It can be seen that with these patient numbers, the total weekly DAP would be in the region of 1000 Gy.cm2. This figure will be used for design purposes. 7.3.2 Practical solutions Shielding for an R&F room which is 6.5x5.9 m2 will be calculated. This is slightly larger than Health Building Notes recommendations It will be assumed that the table is positioned as close as possible to one of the walls at a distance of 1.6 m. The protective screen and room doors are each 2.5 m from the centre of the table. Barium examinations are generally carried out at high kV and an average value of 100 kV is assumed. The maximum scatter factor (Smax) at a distance of 1 m is given by equation (4) in Chapter 4.1. At 100 kV, Smax = 5.6 µGy (Gy.cm2)-1. This is for a wall parallel to the central axis of the beam which will be assumed to correspond to the geometry for each If the barriers to be considered. The maximum weekly scatter dose at 1 m is therefore 5.6 mGy for the assumed workload (1000 Gy.cm2 per week). Wall 2 Required transmission < 0 .3 1 .6 × = 0.26% 5.6 × 52 1 At 100 kV this requires 1.4 mm lead or 120 mm of concrete (1800 kg m-3). This is the specification for the wall closest to the examination table but it would probably be applied to all walls. Door and protective screen 2 Required transmission < 0.3 2.5 × = 0.64% 5.6 × 52 1 At 100 kV this requires 1.0 mm lead. A 1 mm lead door is therefore sufficient particularly as the occupancy directly behind the door will be significantly less than 100%. However, the screen will also be used to shield films in cassettes and a dose constraint equivalent to 60 µGy per year has been recommended. The shielding requirement is then to provide less than 0.16% transmission which requires 1.6 mm lead. This demonstrates that the standard 2 mm lead protective screen should be provided in this room. Floor/ceiling Floor shielding should be considered for undercouch systems and ceiling protection for overcouch. The maximum scatter is back towards the tube and is approximately 10 µGy (Gy.cm2)-1 at a distance of 1 m. It may be assumed Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 58 that a person standing in the room below or above is at a distance equal to the floor-to-ceiling height. This is generally not less than 3.5 m so that the required transmission is given by: 2 < 0.3 3.5 × = 0.70% 10.0 × 52 1 This can be achieved using 1 mm lead or 93 mm concrete (1800 kg m3). Most modern structures will provide this level of shielding. Other considerations For part of the examination, particularly for barium swallows and meals, the table will be tilted to the vertical position. This will increase the amount of scatter to the wall behind the x-ray tube. This may need to be considered if the wall is particularly close to the set and it may influence the shielding specified for the door if it is in this position. A vertical bucky may be used in the room. required in accordance with section 7.1. Table 7.3.1 Shielding behind the bucky may be Typical DAP values for examinations performed in an R&F room Barium contrast study data from Hart et al. (1996). ERCPs from Williams (personal communication). Examination Barium enema Barium follow-through Barium meal Barium swallow ERCP Ave DAP (Gy.cm2) 27.0 12.0 13.0 9.8 11.0 7.4 C-ARM EQUIPMENT The general dose constraint of 0.3 mGy per year. Since C-arms are not generally used with film-screen systems, there should be no need for more stringent dose targets. The dose constraint may be relaxed when occupancy is considered. However, this type of room is likely to be surrounded by working areas such as recovery rooms, nursing stations, etc. so that occupancy is unlikely to be less than 25%. Calculation of structural shielding for C-arm x-ray sets is relatively simple because the only significant source of radiation is scatter from the patient. There should be no possibility of primary exposure since it is a requirement that under all operating conditions the x-ray beam falls entirely within the area of the image intensifier face and its surround, and that the housing has a lead equivalence of at least 2 mm. In Chapter 4.1 it was shown that the intensity of scatter is directly related to DAP Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 59 rate and is a function of scattering angle and kV. For the situation in which the xray beam is parallel to a wall, equation (4) from Chapter 4.1 can be used to show that the maximum dose due to scatter at a wall 1 m from the beam centre varies from 4.7 to 5.6 µGy (Gy cm2)-1 for 70 to 100 kV x-rays respectively. This is the approximate kV range used for the more common procedures comprising the majority of workload for these sets. The dose is greater if the tube is angled towards the wall and may increase to approximately 10 µGy (Gy cm2)-1. The narrow range of values relative to the inherent uncertainties in calculation of shielding permits the use of a single factor which for the purpose of this report is taken as 6 µGy (Gy cm2)-1. Inverse square law (ISL) can be applied to calculate maximum scatter doses at greater distances. C-arms are used for a variety of procedures which include angiography, interventional radiology, in orthopaedic surgery, and endoscopy. In these situations, the procedure is carried out in a relatively large room to allow unimpeded access around the patient. Health building notes recommend room sizes of 40 m2 for an operating theatre and 38 m2 for a specialised radiology room. It is unlikely, therefore, that any side of the room will be much less than 6 m and since the bed or patient support is generally positioned centrally in the room, the minimum practical distance between the centre of the beam and any wall is 2.5 m. Although individual rooms may need special calculations, for the purpose of general guidance it can therefore be assumed that the maximum scatter dose on any wall is unlikely to exceed 1 µGy (Gy cm2)-1. 7.4.1 Workload The workload is expressed in terms of total DAP. There have been a number of published surveys of DAP arising from high dose x-ray procedures. Some of these are summarised in Table 1. It is difficult to use these data to estimate the daily workload for the planned new room because of the uncertainty in the mix of procedures, local clinical practice and in the projected case numbers. Although the dose per case is relatively high, the daily patient throughput is likely to be low compared with other rooms because of the extended time needed for each case. For example a busy Cardiac Lab is unlikely to exceed 10 cases in a standard (8 hour) working day. Table 2 summarises audit data collected for 5 rooms with Carm x-ray sets. These values illustrate the range which may be anticipated. The maximum weekly DAP for these five rooms was 1750 Gy cm2. The most common use of C-arms in theatres is in orthopaedics and the area of most frequent use is in trauma. With modern sets fitted with last image hold, pulse fluoroscopy, thermal printers, etc., DAP values should be low for most cases (of the order of a few cGy cm2. However, certain procedures may require significantly higher doses. An audit of cases in a busy trauma theatre showed that the average weekly DAP was 22 Gy.cm2 for a total of 28 patients for whom the C-arm was used. 7.4.2 Practical solutions A. Cardiac Lab. Figure 7.4.1 shows the layout drawing for a cardiac lab formed out of an existing facility. The layout was dictated by the need to have patient access from the left side of the room as shown in the drawing. The x-ray set was angled in order to allow trolleys to be taken into both the preparation and recovery areas. This also Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 60 served to maximise the working space for the cardiologists. The protected area is used during the procedure principally by the physiological measurement technician. It is situated at the foot end of the table allowing the technician to have a clear view of the patient and cardiologist. It was the local preference to have open access between the x-ray room and the protected area so that there would be direct voice communication between the technician and cardiologist without the need for an intercom system. Access to the protected area does not need to be through the x-ray room which is important both for radiation protection and for control of infection. It allows ready access for other staff to observe procedures and to communicate with those in the room. The total area of the room is 36.6 m2 which is marginally less than is recommended in Building Note 6. Under normal operating conditions, the nearest distance between the area under examination and any wall is 2.6 m. It has been assumed that at this distance the scatter dose is 1 µGy (Gy cm2)-1. For the shielding specification, the maximum workload has been taken as 50% greater than the maximum for a cardiac lab in Table 2, that is 2600 Gy.cm2 per week. The resultant maximum annual scatter dose to the nearest wall is approximately 140 mGy. With 100% occupancy, the 0.3 mGy annual dose constraint leads to a requirement for less than 0.21% transmission. Typically cardiac procedures are carried out at 80 kV. This shielding would be achieved with 0.9 mm lead or 100 mm concrete (1800 kg m-3). However, it would be prudent to assume a higher kV. At 100 kV 1.5 mm lead or 130 mm concrete would be needed. This example is one in which conservative assumptions on workload, occupancy, and kV move the shielding specification towards the 2 mm of lead solution. More realistic assumptions would however suggest that 1 mm of lead is sufficient and this would be the preferred option for doors to the recovery and preparation areas in which occupancy will be less than 100% and the people in the room would normally work at least 1 m further away than the door itself. Protection to the floor also needs to be considered. The maximum scatter dose is likely to be 10 µGy (Gy cm2)-1 at a distance of 1 m. The midline of the patient is approximately 1 m above the floor and with a standard floor-to-floor height of 4 m, the distance from mid-trunk of a person standing in the room below will be about 3.5 m from the source of scatter. This annual scatter dose is then given by: 2 1 10 × 10− 3 × 2600 × 52 × ≈ 110 mGy 3. 5 For 100% occupancy this leads to a transmission specification of less than 0.27%. This can be achieved with 90 mm concrete (1800 kg m-3). This corresponds to the average thickness of a typical concrete slab floor. B. Orthopaedic theatre The following data have been assumed: • Distance to nearest wall - 3 m • Workload - 25 Gy.cm2 per week • Maximum scatter dose at 1 m - 6 µGy (Gy.cm2)-1 • Dose constraint - 0.3 mGy/year • Occupancy of adjacent areas - 33% Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 61 • Average operating potential - 90 kV Occupancy is assumed to be less than 100% because the theatre is in 24 hour use and no individual member of staff is liable to be in the vicinity for more than one-third of the time that the set is in use. The required maximum transmission level is given by: 2 3 × = 104% −3 (25 × 0.33 × 52 × 6 × 10 ) 1 0.3 This implies that no protection is required on the walls of this theatre in order to achieve a dose constraint of 0.3 mGy per year to adjacent areas. Even at three times the workload, the required shielding would be achieved with 22 mm of plasterboard showing that theatres do not normally need additional shielding even if lightweight construction walls are used. However, theatres used for intraoperative interventional procedures could require significant shielding. These procedures are likely to become more common in the future. C. Coronary care unit C-arms are used in coronary care units. Typically the DAP for the insertion of a temporary pacemaker is about 5 Gy cm2 (I have made up this figure, I am getting some better data). These are relatively infrequent procedures with normally fewer than 2 patients per week. The average weekly DAP is therefore unlikely to exceed 10 Gy cm2. The procedures rooms in which pacing is done tend to be relatively small so that less attenuation is provided due to ISL. The following data have been assumed: • Distance to nearest wall - 1.5 m • Workload - 10 Gy.cm2 per week • Maximum scatter dose at 1 m - 6 µGy (Gy.cm2)-1 • Dose constraint - 0.3 mGy/year • Occupancy of adjacent areas - 25% • Average operating potential - 80 kV Transmission calculation: 2 0.3 . 15 × = 22% −3 10 × 52 × 6 × 10 × 1 1 This can be achieved with 0.1 mm lead or 30 mm plasterboard. Using double thickness plasterboard would therefore provide sufficient protection on a light weight wall. In practice it is likely that only one area of the wall would require this level of protection. It might also be legitimate to assume that the person on the other side of the wall will be at a significantly greater distance than 1.5 m from the centre of the x-ray beam. Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 62 Table 7.4.1. Typical doses from angiography and interventional procedures. These data are averages from the following sources: (1) Vano et al, BJR, 68, 1215 (1995), (2) Marshall et al, BJR, 68, 495, (1995), (3) Steele and Temperton, BJR, 68, 452, (1993), (4) Williams, BJR, 70, 498, (1997), (5) Broadhead et al, BJR, 70, 492, (1997), (6) Zweers et al, BJR, 71, 672 (1997), (7) Betsou et al, BJR, 71, 634 (1997), (8) McParland, BJR, 71, 175 (1997), (9) Ruiz Cruces et al, BJR, 71, 42 (1997) and (10) Williams (personal communication). Procedure Cerebral angiography Coronary angiography Abdominal angiography Femoral angiography Cerebral embolisation PTCA TIPSS Table 7.4.2 No of studies 5 5 4 6 3 5 6 DAP Gy cm2 53 40 120 60 110 55 260 DAP range Gy cm2 24 - 74 23 - 67 61 - 180 30 - 88 105 - 122 13 - 88 77 - 524 Refs 1,2,3,8,10 1,5,7,10 4,8,9,10 1,3,4,8,9,10 2,8,10 1,5,7,10 1,4,6,8,10 Results of dose audit in 5 x-ray rooms used for high dose procedures. Cardiac Lab – 1 Cardiac Lab – 2 Vascular studies Hepato-biliary interventions Neuroradiology Weekly workload No of cases DAP Gy cm2 44 1150 35 1750 23 1700 12 850 11 450 Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 63 7.5 CT INSTALLATIONS 7.5.1 INTRODUCTION When a patient undergoes an examination in a CT scanner, the X-ray tube is rotated in a 360o arc around the body. Tube potentials of 120-140 kVp are employed which give high levels of Compton scattered radiation. The dose distribution is well defined and reproducible, because the position of the gantry is fixed and the X-ray tube follows the same path in space for each rotation. The gantry provides shielding against the primary beam and the scatter pattern is determined by the volume of tissue irradiated and intervening absorber in the form of the gantry and the patient’s body. Examinations of the trunk tend to produce more scatter than head scans because a larger volume of tissue is irradiated, but the level of scatter behind the gantry for head scans may be greater because there is less tissue beyond the irradiated volume to provide attenuation. The resulting pattern of scattered radiation has the appearance of an hour glass, which has 360o symmetry about the axis of rotation ( figure 7.5.1). The dose distribution which depends on exposure parameters, beam collimation, filtration and gantry shielding is characteristic for each type of scanner. Dose distributions provided by manufacturers should be employed to determine shielding requirements. Because the magnitude of the dose distribution varies dramatically with position, the orientation of a scanner within a room must be decided before shielding requirements are finalised. 7.5.2 METHODOLOGY Information on scatter levels provided by manufacturers usually takes form of isodose curves for a single slice using particular scan parameters and phantoms. Two drawings are required, one in the horizontal plane (floor plan) and one in the vertical plane (elevation). Sometimes only a single contour at a particular dose level is provided or a sequence of doses measured at a range of positions at the same distance from the isocentre. In such cases it should be assumed that the dose declines with distance from the isocentre according to an inverse square law at distances beyond the limit of dose contour plots. The decline in scatter with distance from the isocentre may be plotted for critical directions to determine the dose level at relevant boundaries (figure 7.5. 2). Scatter diagrams provided by X-ray companies would normally have been produced using standard PMMA phantoms representing the head (16 cm diameter) and body (32 cm diameter). Scatter from a body phantom may be 20-100% higher than that from a head phantom when the same exposure factors are used, as a result of the greater volume of tissue irradiated and the use of different filter options. Self-shielding by the body is generally not included and may reduce the dose by 50% in certain directions. However, It is not recommended that any adjustments are made to allow for this, since it will depend on body size and the scanner will be used to scan phantoms during QA tests. In order to estimate dose levels from scatter plots, the workload in the department must be predicted in terms of the scan parameters used. Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 64 Information on the likely breakdown of cases between head and trunk together with typical numbers of slices for standard examinations is required from the department. Data on recommended scan protocols in terms of mAs and kV should be obtained from the X-ray company. There is little difference in scatter levels for standard and helical scans if a similar pitch is used for each (Langer and Gray 1998), but since the time taken for helical scans may be 50% less, there is likely to be a larger patient throughput. Current helical scanners cannot achieve double the workload without reaching heat limits, so an assumption of a potential 50% increase in workload when a standard scanner is replaced by a helical one may be reasonable. Patient throughput may increase as tube technology improves. Scatter plots are usually given for a single slice with a typical mAs or other specified mAs value. These should be used to determine doses at critical positions. These will be not only at nearest distances to individual barriers such as walls, doors and control cubicles, as in other X-ray rooms, but, more importantly, in directions of greatest scatter. It is helpful to sketch isodose contours onto a scaled plan of the X-ray room in order to identify parts of the walls exposed to the highest dose levels and so the directions and angles which are the most critical (figure 7.5. 2). These directions can then be identified on the manufacturer’s isodose plot using a protractor and the scaled distances read off for each dose contour. Results should be plotted in a logarithm-linear format (figure 7.5. 3) to determine the dose at the distance of the barrier. Isodose scatter curves are usually also provided in a vertical plane through the scanner. It is important that consideration is given to shielding in the floor and ceiling since the level of protection required for modern helical scanners may be greater than that provided by a standard concrete floor (Langer and Gray 1998). The scatter plots provide data on doses for a standard slice and this must be multiplied by the number of slices in a given period and the ratio of the actual mAs to that used in deriving the scatter plot. The scatter dose is usually directly proportional to the slice width, so a simple ratio adjustment can be used to relate results to a standard thickness (e.g. 10 mm). The same principle may not be true for thin slices on some scanners (e.g. 1 mm), but the contribution made to the total workload is usually small. Relative contributions to scatter dose from different slice widths can be assessed from values of the computed tomography dose index (CTDI) which provides a measure of the radiation dose per mAs from one slice. If CTDI values are similar, then dose will be proportional to slice width. As reference patient doses are set in terms of the weighted computed tomography dose index (CTDIW ) using CTDI values measured at the periphery and centre of perspex whole body or head phantoms (CEC 1997) or dose length product (DLP), it may be possible to base exposure parameters for standard examinations upon these values. There are differences in scatter for head and body scans. These can be equated in terms of the ratio of scatter doses from one slice in each phantom for a given mAs. This can be determined from the decline in scatter dose in several directions for the two configurations. It is simplest to relate all to a set of factors for which a scatter plot is available. The one representing the bulk of Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 65 examinations to be performed on the scanner should normally be used. In some cases an isodose plot may only be available for either a head or body phantom. If this is the case and no other data is available on relative scatter levels, conservative assumptions should be made. When only data for a head scan is available, conversion to the scatter dose for a body with similar exposure factors should be represented by multiplication by a factor of two, while when only data for a body scan is available, the same scatter dose per mAs should be used for the head. The dose permitted in each adjacent area, including occupancy factors, should be divided by the unshielded dose from the scanner at that position to determine the transmission required for each barrier. Once the required transmission has been established the thickness of a barrier with the appropriate transmission for 120 kVp or 140 kVp X-rays can be determined from figure 5.10 or Table 5.7 These data on X-ray transmission were derived using the formula of Archer et al (1983) fitted to results derived by Simpkin (1990) using X-ray spectra typical of the primary beams of CT scanners at 120 kVp (filtration 5.8 mm Al, half-value layer 6.9 mm Al) and 140 kVp (filtration 6.8 mm Al, half-value layer 7.3 mm Al). EXAMPLE A CT scanner in a busy city hospital is to be located in a room measuring 6.5 m x 5.8 m (area 38 m2, Building Note 6) with the operator’s cubicle in an adjacent room. The separation of floor and ceiling slabs is 4.0 m. Each is constructed from 140 mm thick lightweight concrete (density 1840 kg m-3). The scanner isocentre is located 0.9 m above floor level. Isodose curves have been provided for a 120 kVp, 250 mAs, 10 mm slice on a 320 mm diameter PMMA body phantom and a 350 mAs, 10 mm slice on a 160 mm diameter head phantom. The scanner is to be located towards the right hand side of the room as shown in the plan (figure 7.5. 2). Patients will enter through the double door on the left hand wall. The scanner is positioned at an angle of 30o so that the operator can obtain a good view of the lower half of the scanner. The door from the cubicle into the room is located in the corner to minimise space requirements and the operator cubicle window extends for most of the remaining length of the wall to provide a complete view of the scanner and other door. The projected workload for the CT scanner comprises 120 body and 80 head examinations per week. An average body examination in the department comprises 22 slices of 10 mm width at a pitch of 14 mm, with exposure factors of 120 kVp and 250 mAs per slice. Number of 250 mAs body slices per week = 120 x 22 = 2640 slices An average head examination consists of ten slices of 10 mm width and five slices of 5 mm width, with exposure factors of 120 kVp and 350 mAs per slice. The isodose plots indicate that the scatter dose per mAs from a 10 mm slice through the head is half that from a slice through the trunk. Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 66 Number of 350 mAs, 10 mm head slices per week = [10 +(5 x 5/10)] x 80 = 1000 Equivalent no. of 250 mAs, 10 mm body slices week for head examinations performed each week = 1000 x 350 = 700 slices per 250 x 2 The total workload is equivalent to 2640 + 700 = 3340 body slices of 250 mAs and 10 mm width per week. Therefore a workload of 3340 slices per week with parameters similar to those used to obtain the isodose plots (figure 7.5. 2) has been assumed. Calculation of the shielding requirement for one wall (A) (figure 7.5. 2) is given below. Wall A The maximum dose contour extends at an angle of 150o directly towards the wall which is at a distance of 2 m from the isocentre. The dose per slice at the wall, determined from the plot in figure 7.5. 3, is 2.0 µGy. The dose per week from 3340 slices = 3340 x 2.0 µGy = 6680 µGy The dose to other persons from the scanner is to be kept below 300 µSv per year, which is equal to 6 µSv per week. The area beyond the wall is a viewing area, where the occupancy is estimated to be 0.5. The required transmission for the barrier = 6 6680 x 0.5 = 0.0018 This transmission is provided by 1.8 mm of lead or 160 mm of concrete (Chapter ?, figure 7.5. ?, Table ?). Roof The dose contours provided only extend to 1.5 m above the isocentre. The highest dose contour along the length of the scanner corresponds to 2.1 µGy from a single slice at a distance of 1.7 m from the isocentre in a direction 36o from the vertical. The sensitive organs of a person on the floor above will be 0.6 m above the ceiling if seated and so will be a height of 3.7 m above the isocentre. The distance along the line of greatest scatter will be (3.7/cos 36o) m = 4.6 m. Applying an inverse square law correction along the line of greatest scatter will give: Dose from slice at distance 4.6 m from isocentre = 2.1 x 1.72/ 4.62 µGy = 0.28 µGy The dose per week from 3340 slices = 3340 x 0.28 µGy = 935 µGy The space above the CT room is a ward, where patients and staff could be present throughout the day, so an occupancy of 1.0 is assumed. If a dose criterion of 6 µSv per week is applied. The required transmission for the barrier = 6/935 = 0.0064 This transmission would be provided by 120 mm of standard concrete (density 2350 kg m-3) (figure 7.5. 4) or 120 x 1840/2350 mm = 153 mm of Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 67 lightweight concrete. The protection already present in the floor is 140 mm of lightweight concrete. The thickness along the line of scatter is 140/cos 36o = 173 mm. Because radiation is incident obliquely, an equivalent barrier thickness equal to the mean of the actual thickness and that in the direction of scatter is assumed, equal to 156 mm. Thus the protection provided by the structural concrete in the floor is sufficient. The thickness of barrier (B) required to attenuate radiation incident at angle θ can be calculated from the equation B = T ( 1 + cos θ ) / 2, where T is the thickness of material to provide the required attenuation. Thus for this example B = 153 x ( 1 + cos 36o) / 2 mm = 138 mm of lightweight concrete. 7.5.3 THINGS TO LOOK OUT FOR Rooms smaller than the 38 m2 recommended are frequently used and here walls intercepting the direction of high scatter may need considerably greater protection. It may in some cases be appropriate to include additional lead sheets localised to the area of high scatter (Harpen 1998), but care must be taken to ensure that additional protection of this type is located in the correct position. Floor and ceiling slabs in new buildings are often thinner as well as being made from lightweight concrete and may require additional protection. Concrete floors and ceilings are often poured on a metal base with a ridged cross-section, giving a trapezoidal variation in thickness, for which the minimum thickness, which should be used in calculating the protection, may only be 800 mm. The height of shielding in walls must be given careful consideration as shielding to a height of 2 m is unlikely to be sufficient for a CT installation. Shielding would normally be to the full height of a room in directions where the scatter is high, since the level of radiation scattered from the ceiling slab into an adjacent room may exceed the dose criterion set. This becomes of greater importance in rooms significantly smaller than the size recommended. In rooms with false ceilings it may be necessary to extend the wall shielding to the roof slab. In these configurations the level of protection required in the upper part of the room is unlikely to be as high as that in the low walls, since it is required primarily to offer protection against secondary scattered radiation and the process of scattering from a concrete barrier will reduce the dose-rate to about 1% of that incident on the ceiling slab (McRobbie 1997). If the distance between the false ceiling and the ceiling slab is large it may be more cost effective to include the lead in the false ceiling, as this will provide additional protection to both the floor above and adjacent rooms. The control cubicle for a CT scanner would usually have a continuous shielded boundary, including a protected door. If a department does not wish to include a door, calculations must be performed to ensure that levels of radiation scattered from adjacent walls will not result in the required dose-rate being exceeded. Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 68 REFERENCES Archer BR, Thornby JI and Bushong SC (1983). Diagnostic X-ray shielding design based on an empirical model of photon attenuation. Health Physics 44, 507-517. Commission of the European Community (CEC) (1997) Quality criteria for computed tomography. CEC Working Document EUR 16262. Harpen MD (1998) An analysis of the assumptions and their significance in the determination of required shielding of CT installations. Medical Physics, 25, 194-198. Langer SG and Gray JE (1998). Radiation shielding implications of computed tomography scatter of exposure to the floor. Health Physics 75, 193-196. McRobbie DW (1997). Radiation shielding for spiral CT scanners. Brit. J. Radiol. 70, 226. Simpkin DJ (1990). Transmission of scatter radiation from computed tomography (CT) scanners determined by a Monte Carlo Calculation. Health Physics 58, 363-367. Figure Captions Figure Isodose contour map showing the form of the scatter dose distribution in the 7.5. 1 horizontal plane for a 10 mm slice through a head phantom using 120 kVp and 350 mAs. Figure Plan (a) and elevation (b) of CT room with isodose contours sketched in for a 7.5. 2 10 mm slice using 120 kVp and 250 mAs for a phantom. Walls for which shielding calculations have been performed are labelled A-H. Figure Plot of scatter dose verses distance in the directions A - H in the plan shown 7.5. 3 in figure 7.5. 2. Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 69 Table 1 Data from calculation of shielding for each wall in example Description Code Use of adjoining room Distance (m) to barrier Wall Wall Window Door Wall Door Roof Floor A B C D E F G H Viewing Room Office Operator Operator Corridor Corridor Ward Plant Room 2.3 2.2 3.5 4.6 4.2 4.3 3.1 0.9 4.6 4.2 Distance to nearest person (m) Dose per 250 mAs body slice 2.0 2.1 0.43 0.20 0.43 0.056 0.30 0.36 6546 7014 1450 655 1450 187 1005 1188 0.5 1 1 0.5 0.2 0.5 1 0.2 0.0018 0.0009 0.0042 0.018 0.02 0.064 0.0064 0.02 Lead Thickness (mm) 1.8 2.1 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.6 1.4 1.0 Concrete (mm) 160 170 120 95 Lightweight concrete thickness (mm) 138 110 Lightweight concrete barrier thickness (mm) 153 121 Dose / wk (µGy) Occupancy Transmission thickness Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 90 70 Figure 7.5.1 Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 71 Figure 7.5.2 a Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 72 Figure 7.5.2b Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 73 Dose per slice (microGray) 100 10 A B C D 1 E F GH 0.1 0.01 0.01 0.1 1 10 2 1/(distance) Figure 7.5.3 7.6 DENTAL X-RAYS Shielding design for dental radiology may be considered a trivial exercise in comparison to medical radiology because of the relatively low radiation doses. However, the problem should not be completely dismissed for a number of reasons. • Dental surgeries are rarely purpose built. Surgery layout may be compromised with, for example, the x-ray set being used close to a wall. • It is not uncommon for a dental practice to have a single set in a separate room to serve two or three surgeries. In these circumstances the designated room may be very small. • General Dental Practitioners own there own premises and additional expenditure on shielding may represent a significant increase over the cost of the x-ray set. Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 74 Intra-oral radiography For intra-oral radiography, the following dose data may be used as guidance: Entrance surface dose (ESD): 1 to 10 mGy Depends on projection, patient size, film speed, kV, focus-skin distance, etc. Field area at tip of spacer: 28 cm2 (6 cm diameter collimator) 12 cm2 (rectangular collimator) Dose area product (DAP): 1 to 30 cGy cm2 Based on ESD and area Applied voltage: 50 to 70 kV Scatter factor (S): 3 to 8 µGy (Gy cm2)-1 For a 60 kV set used with E-speed film, ESD should be approximately 2 mGy. With circular collimation, the maximum scatter dose at a distance of 1 m would be: Scatter dose = 2 x 10-3 x 28 x 8 = 0.45 µGy per film The primary beam in intra-oral radiography should always be intercepted by the patient. Transmission of the primary depends on many factors. For the purpose of shielding calculations it can be assumed that primary transmission is no greater than 2 µGy per film. Assuming that intra-oral films are taken with the beam pointing in one of three directions (corresponding to the patient’s left, right and straight on), and that each of these directions is equally probable, then the weighted average primary plus scatter dose at a distance of 1 m is 1 µGy per film. It is recommended that this single value is used for shielding specifications unless there is good reason to suggest that the dose might be significantly different. Table 7.6.1 shows the required attenuation for a range of barrier distances and weekly workloads based on an annual dose constraint of 0.3 mGy. An indication of the number of films taken in dental practice can be inferred from NRPB (1994). Using data from the Dental Practice Board, it was reported that the average number of radiographs taken in the General Dental Service in the period 1990 to 1993 was 16.47 million per year using 17,100 x-ray sets. This is equivalent to 960 films per year or just under 20 films per week on each set. The following conclusions may be made from the data in the table: • No shielding is required if the workload is no more than 20 films per week and the distance between the patient and the wall is at least 2 m. • Surgery walls using brick or blockwork should provide sufficient protection in any circumstance. At 70 kV (generally the upper kV limit for intra-oral radiography), 100 mm concrete block with a relatively low density (1500 kg m-3) transmits less than 0.2%. • Partition walls with 10 mm plasterboard on both sides will provide sufficient protection in most circumstances. 20 mm of plasterboard has approximately 25% transmission at 70 kV. The Table indicates those situations in which this amount of shielding may be inadequate. Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 75 Panoramic radiology For panoramic dental x-ray sets, shielding calculations need only be made for scatter radiation since the cassette and cassette holder provide sufficient shielding for the radiation transmitted through the patient. DAP can be used for scatter dose calculation. For equipment working with rare earth screens, DAP should be in the range 5 to 15 cGy cm2. The maximum scatter dose factor for a fixed point can be calculated by integration of the scatter dose curve. Between 30° and 150° , i.e. through a 120° rotation representing half of the full movement, the average scatter factor is equal to 4.7 µGy (Gy cm2)-1 at 85 kV. The maximum scatter dose at 1 m will therefore be 0.7 µGy per examination. However, it is likely that the unit will be mounted closer to the wall than this and incident doses at the wall between 1 and 2 µGy per examination might be expected. Example Distance to wall = 70 cm Scatter dose = 0.7 / (0.7)2 ≈ 1.4 µGy Transmission through 20 mm plasterboard = 35% (at 85 kV) Max. no of examinations per week without additional shielding = 300/(1.4 * 0.35 * 52) = 12 In practice this is a conservative estimate since it is unrealistic to assume continuous occupancy directly behind the wall. General It may be necessary to consider shielding for windows and doors. A window with 5 mm glass provides only 50% attenuation at 70 kV. However, in practice it is unusual to have high occupancy immediately outside a window and inverse square law is normally a sufficient attenuator. Internal doors could be a problem but these are also unlikely to be close to the patient unless the x-ray room is very small. In that situation, the operator may need to stand outside the door to be 2 m from the patient and he/she would control access to the area outside the door. For most intra-oral projections, the x-ray beam lies within 15° of the horizontal. Shielding to floors and ceilings is therefore only needed for scatter radiation. Even with a low floor-to-ceiling height (3 m) it is very unlikely that the workload would be sufficient to require any additional shielding. The most cost effective dose for additional shielding is generally the use of an extra sheet of plasterboard. This would only be needed over restricted areas of the wall towards which the beam might be directed and generally within a distance of 1.5 or 2 m from the patient. No account of occupancy has been used in these calculation. However, within the dental premises it is unlikely that there would be many adjacent rooms for which less than 100% occupancy can be assumed. Reference NRPB (1994) Guidelines on radiological standards for primary dental care. Docs of the NRPB, 5(3). Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 76 Table 7.6.1 Maximum transmission permitted for a dose constraint of 0.3 mSv per year as a function of workload and barrier distance. Data based on average scatter plus primary dose equal to 1 µGy per film at a distance of 1 m from the patient. Films/week 10 20 50 100 200 1 0.58 0.29 0.12 0.06 0.03 Barrier distance (m) 1.5 2 2.5 0.65 0.26 0.46 0.72 0.13 0.23 0.36 0.06 0.12 0.18 3 0.71 0.35 7.7 MOBILE RADIOGRAPHY Mobile X-ray Equipment – DRAFT 2 When it is not possible or advisable to move patients, such as those in NNU, PICU, ITU and resuscitation rooms, mobile radiographic equipment provides the only feasible radiographic option. In most cases, the need for primary and secondary X-ray shielding will be obviated by the relatively low kV used, the relatively low levels of scattered radiation produced and the infrequency of examinations. However, practical limitations e.g. the unpredictable nature and urgency of procedures in recusitation rooms, should be taken into account. In many ways, as far as radiation shielding is concerned, the use of mobile or ceiling suspended X-ray equipment (as in some resuscitation rooms) is analogous to the use of static X-ray equipment in X-ray departments. Hence, shielding for surrounding walls, floors and ceiling can be assessed in a similar way to that used for radiography carried in a purpose designed X-ray room. There are three potential sources of exposure of staff to ionising radiation: leakage radiation; primary radiation; scattered or secondary radiation. Leakage Radiation Weight is an important consideration in the design of mobile X-ray equipment. The specified upper limit of 1mGy at 1m in one hour for radiation leakage is used as a fixed constraint in the design of X-ray tube primary shielding. Hence, at comparable Xray beam mean energies, the leakage radiation from mobile X-ray equipment will be higher than from most static X-ray equipment. Simpkin (Simpkin, 1998) has calculated that a primary shield thickness of 2.32mm, 2.20mm and 1.93mm of lead placed around a diagnostic X-ray tube is sufficient to reduce the leakage air kerma to 0.87mGy at 1m for a X-ray tube in continuous operation at respectively: 150kV, 3.3mA; 125, 4mA; 100kV, 5mA. In table 1, figures adapted from Simkin (Simkin, 1998) show the leakage radiation’s air kerma values at 1m (obtained with the three preceding shielding thickness’) for a range of kVs and for an exposure of 10mAs. Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 77 kVp 150 125 100 80 60 2.32mm of Pb 10mAs (nGy) 737 426 165 3.0 <<1 and 2.20mm of Pb 10mAs (nGy) NA 608 240 5.2 <<1 and 1.93 mm of Pb and 10mAs (nGy) NA NA 487 15.9 <<1 Table 1. Unshielded leakage radiation air kerma values at 1m with the minimum X-ray tube shielding in place for an exposure of 10mAs (adapted from Simpkin, 1998). In most cases, apart from when equipment is used at the highest kV, leakage radiation may be neglected. Primary and Secondary Radiation Shielding for primary and secondary radiation is best considered in relation to the situation in which the X-ray equipment is being used. Mobile Radiographic Equipment used in NNU and PICU Workload distributions Figures 1 and figure 2 show workload distribution from one hospital’s NNU and PICU. The distributions have been compiled from over 700 records. Although these workload distributions should be treated with caution, it is not unreasonable to postulate that the distributions are reasonably representative of the situation in other hospitals in the UK. The mean kVs from the histograms are 65kV and 75kV (rough estimates). Mean DAP values have been estimated assuming a DAP value of 0.5 cGy cm2 for each Xray. Primary radiation The patient, grid, cassette and bed will attenuate the primary beam significantly. In addition, there should be, with proper collimation, no possibility of a primary X-ray beam impinging directly surrounding structures. Often a grid will not be used with paediatrics. However, exposure factors will be reduced to maintain the air kerma at the required level at the film surface. (I suggest I obtain some typical cassette doses and do some measurements on the air kerma values on the exit side of cassettes. I can then reinforce this with some reference to the lead equivalence of cassettes etc. I can then make a statement similar to Jerry’s) Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 78 Secondary Radiation Figures 3 and 4 show plots of the scattered radiation produced from a chest X-ray on substitute anthropomorphic phantoms for a neonate and 5 year old child. In general, compared to adult radiography, low kV and small scattering volumes lead to low levels of scattered radiation being produced. At the side of an incubator and at the edge of a bed in PICU, referring to figure 3 and 4, scatter radiation levels for chest radiography are unlikely to substantially exceed a few hundred nGy per exposure. For the incubator, levels of scattered radiation at a distance of 1m from the centre of the phantom are insignificant (some value needed). Similarly, scattered radiation levels at a distance of 1m from the edge of the PICU bed are likely to be less than 100nGy per exposure. On most units, X-rays will only be taken on a relatively infrequent basis. Hence, ordinarily, there would seem to be little need for secondary radiation shielding. However, in NNU (although unlikely to receive significant radiation doses) it would seem prudent, following the application of the ALARP principle, for staff who are required to hold patients to wear protective lead coats. Adult radiography on ITU, Wards and in resuscitation rooms Workload figures In figure 5 a histogram of the types and frequency of exposures carried in one hospital’s ITU department has been included (Study underway). The mean kV factors are ??. Mean DAP readings are also included in the figure (I can do this from the above histogram). Primary Radiation The calculations relating to primary radiation should be carried out in a similar way to that in section ? (general X-ray) Secondary Radiation Figure 6 shows data produced by Herman (Herman, 1980) for scattered radiation air kerma levels around an ITU bed from a chest X-ray taken at 80kVp. The air kerma levels at 1m from the centre of the phantom and at the side of the bed are of the order of 400nGy per exposure. North (North, 1984) suggests that the most intense scattered radiation is back towards the source of radiation. He suggests that the scattered radiation intensities at 90 degrees to the beam direction are less than half those at 165 degrees. This statement broadly agrees with Williams (Williams, 1996). A calculation following the method given in section ?? can be made: Secondary radiation from mobile X-rays on ITUs Representative DAP: 0.1 Gy cm2 Work load: 10 chest X-rays a day. Factors: 80kV and 2mAs Distance: Maximum scatter factor: 2m 1.24 µGy ((Gy cm2)-1) (Williams, 96) The maximum scattered radiation at 2m from the patient is of the order of 100 to 200 nGy per exposure. The need to consider the use of secondary shielding most often arises in the case of resuscitation rooms. This is due to the proximity of walls and adjoining beds, types of X-ray views taken, the number of staff involved and the urgency of procedures. Domiciliary X-rays Although very unusual, radiography using low powered transportable X-ray equipment is known to be carried out in patient’s homes. The requirement for radiation shielding, Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 79 outside the use of lead coats, is obviated by the one-off natures of these types of Xrays. However, the positioning of the patient and X-ray equipment should be carefully considered and procedures should be fully referenced in local rules. Secondary shielding for mobile X-rays If an RPA considers that radiation shielding is required then the following approaches are recommended. Inter-Cubicle (or bed bay) Shielding It is unlikely that it would be possible to designate one cubicle specifically where Xrays may be used. The question then becomes how to provide shielding economically for a number of cubicles? Also, any shielding between cubicles must take account of clinical staff’s need for easy access and for shelf space and visibility. The following are offered as possible solutions: • Fixed Screens These offer the most elegant solution. Windows and shelving can be installed as required. The main disadvantages are: the cost of providing screens for a number of cubicles; clinical staff’s objections to the rigid demarcation between cubicles. • Mobile Screens Mobile screens offer a degree of flexibility and potential cost savings. A purposedesigned screen is shown in figure. Disadvantages include difficulties in positioning and inconvenience. < Figure 7. Photograph of premise’s screen> • Lead Curtains Lead curtains have the advantage of ease of use, but the disadvantages of limited lead equivalence and a relatively poor record for structural integrity. Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 80 Mobile Trailers During the past few years, mobile trailers, with CT scanners and a limited number of C-arm fluoroscopic units installed in them, have been increasingly used, usually on a hire basis, by Hospitals. Initially, the trailers were primarily used to provide a first line service. However, especially in the case of CT scanners, trailers are increasingly being used to add additional capacity and to provide continuity in service. As far as the design of radiation shielding for mobile trailers is concerned the situation is complicated by restrictions in space and weight. Shielding Calculations The appropriate methods to be used for shielding calculations have been covered in other section (??? and ???) of this publication. In reality, it is very unlikely that an RPA will be asked to advise a coach building company on the requirements for radiation shielding during the design and building of a trailer. Usually an RPA will be faced with a fait accompli and must focus on the rules for the positioning and use of the trailer. Having said this, if shielding is being designed the following design consideration should be borne in mind. Figures 1 and 2 show schematics of a typical CT and cardiac catheter laboratory trailer. < Schematics - already obtained > Figure 1. Schematic of a CT mobile trailer (courtesy of Calumet Coach Company) Figure 2. Schematic of a cardiac catheter laboratory mobile trailer (courtesy of Calumet Coach Company) In relation to figure 1 and 2 the following points should be noted: • when designing any shielding, reference should be made to national road regulations governing weight per axial/tandem/spread and overall weight including the tractor unit; • the floor of the trailer is 1.5m above the ground; • available space is severely limited. One or two extendible sides are usually used to increase available space; • access to the underside of the mobile trailer is restricted by the trailer’s undercarriage; • there is no easy access to the roof; • the patient entry door is usually only accessible via a lift; • there is usually a substantial amount of plant at the back end of the trailer; Roof Under normal circumstances and based upon the restriction of access and no buildings directly overlooking the trailer, shielding should not be required in the trailer’s roof. Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 81 Floor Essentially, the trailer’s floor can be divided into two areas: • the area below which access is restricted by the trailer’s undercarriage. Shielding should not be required in this area; • the areas, mainly below the extendible sides, to which access is possible. The need for shielding, to a certain degree, is obviated by the use of portable barriers. However, this approach is generally discouraged due to a lack of direct supervision. It would be prudent in this case to consider the installation of shielding. Walls Radiation shielding should be installed in the side walls that enclose the X-ray room. Shielding on the back wall is unlikely to be required due to the shielding effect of plant that is usually attached in this area. Control Room Screen The close proximity of the control room to the X-ray source should be considered when deciding on thickness of shielding. Operational Considerations Trailers will need to be parked in an area with easy access to the hospital and a power supply. In the sighting of mobile trailers, the following additional point should be considered: • whenever possible, the trailer should not be sighted adjacent to buildings; • the trailer should not be parked directly beneath buildings. Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 82 References Williams J. R., 1996. ‘Scatter dose estimation based on dose-area product and the specification of radiation barriers’. The British Journal of radiology, 69, 1032-1037. Simpkin D. J.; Dixon R. L.; 1998. ‘Secondary Shielding barriers for diagnostic X-ray facilities: scatter and leakage revisited’. Health Physics, March 1998: Vol. 74, No. 3. Herman M. W., Patrick J., Tabrisky J, 1980.; ‘A comparative study of scattered radiation levels from 80-kVp and 240-kVp X-rays in the surgical intensive care unit’. Radiology 137:552-553, Nov 1980. North D., 1985. ‘Patterns of Scattered Exposure from portable radiographs’. Health Physics, Vol. 49, No. 1 (July), 92-93 Other Thoughts A checklist of questions to ask architects etc. would be a good thing. Notes on Building Materials Walls - these may be constructed in or lined with: Brick: External quality, preferably without a “frog” or mortar holes. Concrete Block: 100 or 150 mm. Lead Sheet: Existing low density walls may be lined with sheet lead secured at regular intervals to reduce creeping. This is not the best method of lead-lining and is not recommended generally. Lead-backed Boards: These may be used for lining or structurally and are available in plasterboard or plywood and different thicknesses of lead. They may be obtained ready-finished in melamine or prepared for skimming with plaster or for decorating. Boards must be screw fixed. Joints must be made over lead-lined battens having the same thickness of lead. Lead and lead-lined boards are available in standard commercial thicknesses. Sometimes, thinner lead shielding is adequate, but special thicknesses, although available, are more expensive. Mammography: A double layer of plasterboard, with staggered joints, is sufficient. Alternatively, aluminium sheet may be used. Barium Plaster: Brick or block walls may be coated in barium (X-ray) plaster. The plaster is heavy to apply. For both bricks and concrete blocks, the density should be > 1850 kgm-3 and the mortar beds and perpends must be well filled to avoid cavities. In general, 100 mm thick brick or block of the above density is equivalent to ~ 1mm lead. Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 83 7.8 BONE DENSITOMETRY Bone Densitometry units have not been considered in the past a source of particular radiation protection problems. However, in the light of units with increasing patient and operator doses e.g. fan beam units, this assumption must be reconsidered. No specific layout will be given and references only made to distances from protected persons. Occupancy of surrounding areas with requisite shielding will be the overall planning consideration. The specific requirements will be strongly dependent on the type of DXA scanner used. There should in general be no primary barrier requirements. The protection required will be provided by secondary barriers or distance as required. 7.8.1 Methodology Full occupancy should be assumed in the first instance. Only if the resulting barrier requirements appear grossly excessive or excessively costly should the design assumptions need to be examined again. Patel, Blake, Batchelor and Fogelman[1] have investigated the dosimetry of various DXA scanner using a mixture of real patients and phantoms. Table 7.8.1 presents their data for spine and hip examinations. In the case of the first two units A and B shown in Table 7.8.1 the dose limit would be achieved under the given workloads, in the latter case by increasing the distance to the operator or the person to be protected. In the cases C and D additional shielding would be necessary 7.8.2 Example A QDR 4500 is planned in a room where there is a waiting room for ante natal patients the other side of a thin plasterboard partition barrier. Workloads of 100 patients per week are expected. The nearest member of the public will be 2 metres away from the scanner. From Table 7.8.1 the annual unshielded dose at 1 metre would be 3.02 mSv per annum. At 2 metres this reduces to 0.76 mSv per annum. An attenuation factor of 0.4 is therefore required for the barrier. This would be met by 1.32 HVLs of lead. Because of the heavily filtered nature of DXA radiation we will use data highly attenuated beams. From table 5.5 one can conservatively assume the HVL to be 0.28 mm lead. The required degree of shielding is therefore 0.37 mm lead, 23 mm concrete or 62 mm gypsum wall board.. For operator protection, as recommended in the study by Patel et al [1] the distance from the unit must be increased to a least 2 metres to achieve a dose level of less than 1 mSv per annum. The dose constraint of 0.3 mSv per year could only be achieved by using a operator distance slightly in excess of 3 metres. Alternatively, the use of a 0.5 mm lead protective shield would enable this requirement to be met. Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 84 The screens and doors may require protection, which should present no difficulties. The floor concrete density and thickness will need to be considered to verify that the specified thickness will be adequate - in most cases no additional protection will be required. Section 5 provides appropriate information. References [1] Patel,R, Blake,G.M.,Batchelor,S,Fogelman,I - ref to follow. [2] National Radiological Protection Board, Occupational Public and Medical Exposure, Guidance on the 1990 recommendations of ICRP, Doc. NRPB, 4. No.2, 32-41, 1993, London, HMSO. [3] International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), Radiological protection of the worker in medicine and dentistry, ICRP Publication 57, Annals of the ICRP 20 No.3, 1989, Pergamon Press, Oxford. Scanner (A) Lunar DPX Dose per Scan (µSv) No. patients per week Annual Dose at 1 metre (mSv) Attenuation factor for 0.3 mSv/year 0.01 (B) Hologic QDR (C) Hologic (D) Hologic 1000 QDR 2000 plus QDR 4500* 0.08 0.42 0.58 100 100 100 100 0.05 0.42 2.18 3.02 not required 0.72 0.14 0.10 Table 7.7.1 Shielding Design for Diagnostic X-ray rooms Draft of June 1999 85