Five ESL Service Components Beaverton School District meets the two legal requirements to serve English Language Learners (ELLs): 1) Provide English Language Development (ELD), and 2) provide meaningful access to core content classes such as math, English language arts, humanities, science, and social studies. Component 1--Identification of English Language Learners in Beaverton School District This section includes Federal and State guidelines in the identification of all eligible English Language Learners. Starting in 2006-2007, Beaverton School District will use a comprehensive Enrollment Form that includes Home Language Survey to collect information on every student who has a home language other than English (HLOTE). If a language other than, or in addition to, English, is identified on the Enrollment/Verification form, an English proficient assessment will be provided to the student for identification purposes. See Eligibility and Intake tab. Based on the results of the English proficiency assessment, eligible English Language Learners will be placed in an appropriate English Language Development (ELD) program and be provided access to academic content. Component 2--Placement of English Language Learners in English as a Second Language Services An eligible English Language Learner will be placed in a neighborhood school based on Beaverton School District enrollment guidelines. Principals or principal designees will determine grade levels for the eligible English Language Learner based on criteria used by Beaverton School District. The school administrator or designees will review English language assessment results, student’s prior education records, i.e., transcripts, or grade reports, and other information to determine appropriated academic classes for all English Language Learners. The Welcome Center will make a recommendation on student’s English language proficiency profile for each eligible student based on the initial language assessment. However, administrators and ESL staff at each school should carefully examine all available information before placing a student in academic classes. Consideration must be given to the student’s age, grade level, prior education, overall educational background, interests, native language skills, and English proficiency. Every English Language Learner must have access to all educational programs and activities. Eligible English Language Learners will also receive Special Education and TAG services based on Beaverton School District guidelines and criteria. Component 3--English Language Development (ELD) and Access to Academic Content All eligible English Language Learners will receive special services in development of English proficiency in speaking, listening, reading and writing. Beaverton School District has a team of trainers to implement Focused Approach in Systematic English Language Development and other strategies that target the needs of English Language Learners in an English as a Second Language program. English Language Development instruction is provided by ESL teachers. Component 4--Reclassification of English Language Learners All eligible English Language Learners must meet English proficiency standards to exit the Beaverton School District program for English Language Learners unless a parent waives further ESL services. The reclassification process for each student will generate a portfolio compiled by ESL /bilingual teachers, classroom or content teachers, school administrators, student development specialist or counselors, students, or parents. Reclassification is a process, rather than a test score, which must be one component of the portfolio. The full teaching team, including specialists or support staff in Special Education or Talented and Gifted program, must be involved in the decision-making process to exit an ELL student. Component 5--Monitoring of Exited English Language Learners ESL staff, school administrators, and classroom or content teachers will monitor all exited English Language Learners for two years. Once an ELL starts monitoring status, ESL staff will provide ongoing support to classroom or content teachers in curriculum, instruction and assessment to monitor the academic progress of students. Classroom or content teachers will continue to communicate with ESL staff to identify any language related learning difficulties for exited ELLs. An exited ELL must receive special services, including language assistance, if the educators agree that the former ELLs are in need of assistance.