The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass Heart Containers and Locations Link’s Hearts [ ] 1. You start the game with this heart. [ ] 2. You start the game with this heart. [ ] 3. You start the game with this heart. [ ] 4. Beat the boss in the Temple of Fire. [ ] 5. Beat the boss in the Temple of Wind. [ ] 6. Beat the boss in the Temple of Courage. [ ] 7. Beat the boss in the Ghost Ship. [ ] 8. Beat the Boss in the Goron Temple. [ ] 9. Beat the boss in the Temple of Ice. [ ] 10. Beat the boss in Mutoh’s Pyramid. [ ] 11. Buy one from Beedle’s Masked Ship. [ ] 12. Talk to the Old Wayfarer in Bannan Island in the Northwest Quadrant. He will tell you about hhlh a mermaid and give you a fishing rod. Capture three different fish, and return to the man. He will give you a Big Catch Lure, and request you to capture a Rusty Swordfish. After capturing the Rusty Swordfish and showing the old man, he will tell you about the legendary Neptoona. Bring Neptoona to the Old Wayfarer, and he will give you a heart container. [ ] 13. Go to the Traveler’s Ship in the Northwest Quadrant, and play his game. Keep on playing until he challenges you to hit him 100 times. After beating him, you will receive a heart container. [ ] 14. After obtaining the Sun Key, go to Romano’s Hut on Molida Island. Get at least 2000 points in the Shooting Range to receive a heart container. [ ] 15. Buy the Bomb Bag, Quiver, and Bomchu upgrades from the teepee shops on the islands. Afterwards, you can purchase a heart container. [ ] 16. Defeat the Expert mode in the Maze Island [ ] 16. game. Ship’s Hearts [ ] 1. You start the game with this heart. [ ] 2. You start the game with this heart. [ ] 3. You start the game with this heart. [ ] 4. You start the game with this heart. [ ] 5. Match 3 ship parts from the same set. [ ] 6. Match 6 ship parts or 4 Golden parts. [ ] 7. Match all 8 ship parts or 6 Golden parts. [ ] 8. Match all 8 Golden parts. i ----------------------------2009 Anjoola’s Website -----------------------------