Grade 12 World Geography


Grade 12 World Geography

Exam Review

Course Code:

Course Name:



Date of Examination:

Time of Examination:


World Geography


Ms. Bader-Shaw & Ms. Totten

Thursday, May 29, 2014

8:30 – 10:30 am

Length of Examination:

Value on June Report Card:

2 hours

20 percent

Suggested Study Materials:

This examination will cover material contained in the material provided on the SSD and course textbooks: Kuby and Barron’s

Materials students are permitted to bring in to the examination location:


Pencils or pens



Examination Format (Total 70 marks):

¨ Section A - Multiple Choice (40 marks) Knowledge & Understanding (K/U)

¨ Section B – Short Answers (20 marks) K/U , Thinking and Inquiry (T/I),

Application (APP) & Communication (Com)

¨ Section C – World Map (10 marks) (Identify Regions, Religions, Development levels etc.) Application (APP) & Communication (Com)

Exam Content to Review:

Unit Title

1. Geography: Its

Nature and


2. Population and



Space, place, and scale; maps; regions; geographic data and geotechnologies (GPS, GIS and Remote Sensing)

Distribution, growth and decline (Pyramids), and movement/migration pull an push factors, global examples

3. Cultural Patterns and Processes

4. Political

Organization of


5. Agriculture and

Rural Land Use

6. Industrialization and Economic


7. Cities and Urban

Land Use

Concepts of culture (Language, Religion etc.), cultural differences, cultural identity and landscapes

Territoriality, political evolution and arrangements, and sovereignty (Middle East)

Development, production, rural settlement and commercial agriculture

Growth and diffusion (Industrial Revolution to Post

Industrial), contemporary patterns and development initiatives

Urbanism, evolution of cities, environment and social space, and models (concentric, sector etc.)

Famous Geographers and Models:

Be sure to review all textbook materials as not all geographers/models are included below!

• Carl Sauer - concept of cultural landscape as the fundamental unit of geographical analysis

• Friedrich Ratzel - Geopolitics: a state's power to control space/territory & shape the foreign policy of individual states, - A state resembles a living organism; it receives nourishment by taking advantage of less powerful competitors; space is a life giving force – Organic theory

• Ernst Burgess – Concentric zone model, urban centers

J.H. Von Thunen – Concentric zone model: shows all agricultural products and the importance of their proximity to their marketplace.

Walter Christaller – Central Place Theory

• Chauncy Harris and Edward Ullman – Multiple Nuclei Model

• Homer Hoyt – Sector Model

Nicholas Spykman - Rimland theory: he domination of the coastal fringes of

Eurasia would provided the base for world conquest.

• Sir Halford Mackinder – Heartland theory: control of Eastern Europe was vital to control of the world

• Alfred Weber Least cost theory : labor, transportation, and agglomeration

August Losch – Maximum profitability

• Walt Rostow – 5 stages of development (tradition to mass consumption)

Thomas Malthus - world's rate or population increase was far outrunning the development of food supplies

George Ravenstein - laws of migration can be summarized into 5 general rules

• Esther Boserup - population density creates more agricultural output and humans will figure out ways of producing more food on the same amount of land rather than starve to death

William D. Pattison – Four traditions of Geography ( 1) spatial tradition, 2) area studies tradition, 3) man-land tradition, and 4) earth science tradition).

• Wilbur Zelinsky - patterns of migration in accordance to social and economical changes and the motives and distance for migration, 15 Major Perceptual Regions

Norman Ernest Borlaug – Father of Green Revolution : Increased wheat and maize yield worldwide, 1970 Nobel Peace Prize.

• Immanuel Wallerstein explains the emergence of a core, periphery, and semiperiphery in terms of economic and political connections.
