College of William and Mary Curriculum Vitae Department of Psychology November 2010 PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: Michael P. Nichols Office Address: Department of Psychology P.O. Box 8795 College of William and Mary Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795 (757) 221-3883 Home Address: 118 Crown Point Road Williamsburg, VA 23185 (757) 229-3028 2. Position: Professor, Department of Psychology EDUCATION 3. Academic degrees, institutions and dates Training with Salvador Minuchin 1991, 1990, 1975, 1974 Lenox Hill Psychoanalytic, New York 1982-1985 Postdoctoral Training with Murray Bowen, Washington, DC 198l, 1982 Philadelphia Child Guidance Clinic, Postdoctoral Training in Family Therapy Summers:1975, 1976, 1978 (United States Army 1968-1970) University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, Ph.D. 1967-1973 University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, B.A. 1965-1967 Ripon College, Ripon, Wisconsin 1963-1965 ACADEMIC POSITIONS 4. Teaching and Research Positions, including dates Professor of Psychology Associate Professor of Psychology College of William and Mary 1996-present 1994-1995 Professor of Psychiatry, Albany Medical College (Director of Outpatient Psychiatry, Director of Family Therapy Training) 1985-1994 Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Albany Medical College (Director Psychology Internship, Director of Family Therapy Training) 1977-1985 Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology, Department of Psychology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia Acting Director of Clinical Training. 1973-1977 1976 Instructor, Psychology Department, University of Rochester 1972-1973 Clinical psychologist, U.S. Army, Human Engineering Laboratories, Aberdeen, Maryland 1968-1970 HONORS, PRIZES AND AWARDS 5. Professional prizes, awards, honors, editorial positions on scholarly journals, service on review boards outside the College, and office in professional societies. Editorial Board, Journal of Marital and Family Therapy 2001 Distinguished teaching awards, Emory University Distinguished Service Award, Albany Medical College 1994 Visiting Professor, Smith College 1991-92, 1993-94 Distinguished teaching awards, Albany Medical College Hardy Chair in Sociology Distinguished Service Award, New York State Psychological Association Site visitor, Accreditation Committee, American Psychological Association Contributing Editor, The Family Therapy Networker Editorial Board, Family Process Family Therapy Series Editor, Guilford Press COURSES TAUGHT 6. Courses taught Family therapy, psychoanalytic psychotherapy, Freudian theory, self psychology, abnormal psychology, personality theory, elementary statistics, the psychology of shame, psychological testing, sex education, group therapy, psychotherapy supervision, family therapy supervision. FELLOWSHIPS AND GRANTS 7. a) All fellowships, grants, contracts, etc., awarded by outside agencies. Specify dates, sources, and amounts Consultant, Child and Family Services, Albany, N.Y. 1993-- Consultant, Al-Care, Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation, Albany, N.Y. 1985 Consultant, Northeast Parent & Child Association, Schenectady, N.Y. 1982-1990 Consultant, Episcopal Counseling Service, Albany, N.Y. 1980-- Consultant, Parsons Child and Family Services, Albany, N.Y. 1977-1980 Consultant, Upward Bound. 1974-1977 Consultant, Department of Corrections, State of Georgia. 1975 Consultant, Aid to Offenders. 1974-1977 b) All summer grants and Faculty Research Assignments received from William and Mary with dates awarded. RESEARCH 8. Scholarly activity under the following separate headings with full bibliographic data (include page numbers): a) refereed publications, articles and chapters Allen-Eckert, H., Fong, E., Nichols, M.P., Watson, N., & Liddle, H. A. Development of the Family Therapy Enactment Rating Scale. Family Process, 2001, 40: 467-476. Nichols, M.P. & Fellenberg, S. The effective use of enactments in family therapy: A discovery-oriented process study. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 2000, 26: 143-152. Nichols, M.P. & Rohrbaugh, M.J. Why do women demand and men withdraw? The role of outside career and family involvements. The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 1997, 5 (2), 111-119. Nichols, M.P. The art of enactment. The Family Therapy Networker, 1997, 21 (6) 23. Nichols, M.P. The therapist as authority figure. Family Process, 1993. Nichols, M.P. Finding the family and losing the self. In D. Capps & R.K. Fenn (Eds.) Individualism Reconsidered: Readings Bearing on the Endangered Self in Modern Society. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Theological Seminary, 1992. Nichols, M.P. Deconstructing gender. The Family Therapy Networker, 1991, 15, (1), 81-82. Nichols, M.P. Savoring the short story. The Family Therapy Networker, 1990, 14, (5), 19-20. Nichols, M.P. Rewriting lives. The Family Therapy Networker, 1990, 14, (3), 81-83. Nichols, M.P. Musings and methodologies. The Family Therapy Networker, 1990, 14, (2), 81-85. Nichols, M.P. Middle-class anxieties and the decline of liberalism. The Family Therapy Networker, 1990, 14, (1), 65-68. Nichols, M.P. Family therapists are beginning to ask the old-fashioned question "Why?" The Family Therapy Networker, 1989, 13, (6), 75-78. Nichols, M.P. Legacy of shame. The Family Therapy Networker, 1989, 13, (5), 81-82. Nichols, M.P. At the head of their class. The Family Therapy Networker, 1987, 11, (6), 69-71. Nichols, M.P. The individual in the system. The Family Therapy Networker, 1987, 11, (2), 32-38, 85. Nichols, M.P. The fox and the bear. The Family Therapy Networker, 1987, 11, (1), 59-62. Nichols, M.P. A bridge too far? The Family Therapy Networker, 1986, 10, (4), 54-57. Nichols, M.P. The politics of control. The Family Therapy Networker, 1986, 10, (2), 69-72. Nichols, M.P. Checking our biases. The Family Therapy Networker, 1985, 9, (6), 75-77. Nichols, M.P. Explaining ourselves. The Family Therapy Networker, 1985, 9, (5), 57-60. Nichols, M.P. Introduction to psychodynamic technique. Chapter in Nichols, M.P. & Paolino, T.J. (Eds.) Basic Techniques of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: Foundations of Clinical Practice. New York: Gardner Press, 1985. Nichols, M.P. Catharsis: History and theory. Chapter in Nichols & Paolino (above). Nichols, M.P. & Kolb, L.C. Catharsis: Clinical application. Chapter in Nichols & Paolino (above). Friedlander, M., Thibodeau, J., Nichols, M.P., Tucker, C. & Synder, J. Introducing semantic cohesion analysis: A study of group talk. Small Group Behavior, 1985, 16, 285-302. Nichols, M.P. & Efran, J. Catharsis in psychotherapy: A new perspective. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 1985, 22, 46-58. Ellis, E. & Nichols, M.P. Outcome of feminist assertive training groups. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 1979, 16, 467-474. Nichols, M.P. & Bierenbaum, H. Success of cathartic therapy as a function of patient variables. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1978, 34, 726-728. Burton C.A. & Nichols, M.P. The Behavioral Target Complaints Form: A nonreactive measure of psychotherapeutic outcome. Psychological Reports, 1978, 42, 219-226. Nichols, M.P. & Knopf, I. J. Refining computerized test interpretation: An in-depth approach. Journal of Personality Assessment, 1977, 41, 157-159. Nichols, M.P. The delayed impact of group therapists' interventions. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1977, 33, 258-262. Nichols, M.P. & Duke, M.P. Cognitive dissonance and locus of control: Interface of two paradigms. Journal of Social Psychology, 1977, 101, 291-297. Bierenbaum, H., Nichols, M.P. & Schwartz, A.J. The effects of varying session length and frequency in brief emotive psychotherapy. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1976, 44, 790-798. Nichols, M.P. Methodology for evaluating the therapist's influence on the process of group therapy. Journal of the American College Health Association, 1975, 42, 8-12. Nichols, M.P. & Taylor, T.Y. Impact of therapist interventions on early sessions of group therapy. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1975, 31, 726-729. Nichols, M.P. The Personal Satisfaction Form as a measure of pyschotherapeutic outcome. Psychological Reports, 1975, 36, 856-858. Nichols, M.P. Outcome of brief cathartic therapy. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1974, 42, 403-410. Reprinted in Human Behavior, December, 1974. Reprinted in Psychotherapy and Behavior Change, 1974. Nichols, M.P. & Reifler, C.B. The study of brief psychotherapy in a college health setting. Journal of the American College Health Association, 1973, 22, 128-133. Nichols, M.P., Gordon, T.P. & Levine, M.D. Development and validation of the Life Style Questionnaire. Journal of Social Psychology, 1972, 86, 121-125. b) books written Nichols, M.P. & Schwartz, R.C. Family Therapy: Concepts & Methods, 5th Edition. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 2001. Nichols, M.P. The Essentials of Family Therapy. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 2001. Nichols, M.P. & Schwartz, R.C. Family Therapy: Concepts & Methods, 4th Edition. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1998. Nichols, M.P. The Lost Art of Listening. New York: Guilford Press, 1995. Nichols, M.P. & Schwartz, R.C. Family Therapy: Concepts & Methods, 3nd Edition. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1994. Minuchin, S. & Nichols, M.P. Family Healing: Tales of Hope and Renewal From Family Therapy. New York: The Free Press, 1993. reprinted by Touchstone/Simon & Schuster, 1994 Nichols, M.P. & Schwartz, R.C. Family Therapy: Concepts & Methods, 2nd Edition. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 199l. Nichols, M.P. No Place to Hide: Facing Shame So We Can Find Self-Respect. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1991. Reprinted by Fireside/Simon & Schuster, 1992. Nichols, M.P. The Power of the Family. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1988. Reprinted by Fireside/Simon & Schuster. Reprinted by Gardner Press as The Power of Family Thearpy. Nichols, M.P. The Self in the System: Expanding the Limits of Family Therapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1987. Nichols, M.P. Turning Forty in the Eighties. New York: Norton, 1986. Reprinted by Fireside/Simon & Schuster, 1987. Nichols, M.P. Family Therapy: Concepts & Methods. New York: Gardner Press, 1984. Pierce, R.A., Nichols, M.P. & DuBrin, J.R. Emotional Expression in Psychotherapy. New York: Gardner Press, 1983. Nichols, M.P. & Zax, M. Catharsis in Psychotherapy. New York: Gardner Press, 1977. c) edited volumes Nichols, M.P. & Paolino, T.J. (Eds.) Basic Techniques of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: Foundations of Clinical Practice. New York: Gardner Press, 1985. e) invited scholarly papers and talks Nichols, M.P. Some irreverent comment on the limits of family therapy. Invited article. Journal of Family Psychology, 1989, 2, (4), 422-425. Workshops, invited addresses, and convention talks -- frequently and throughout North America, Costa Rica and Peurto Rico on a variety of subjects. j) unrefereed publications Nichols, M.P. Intimate partnership. Hudson Valley Magazine, January 1994. Nichols, M.P. Will running ruin your marriage? The Pacesetter, 1984, April. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 9. Professional Service Activities a) college committee service Numerous committees at Rochester, Emory and Albany Medical College. Admissions Committee, Psychology Department, College of William and Mary (b) Other professional service Voluntary Consultant to public counselors, Albany, N.Y. 1990-1994 Member Health and Social Services Advisory Committee, Atlanta Regional Commission, Atlanta, Georgia. 1975-1977 Consultant and Supervisor of Counseling Services, St. Matthews Community Youth Services, Rochester, N.Y. 1972-1973 Consultant to University of Rochester Chaplains. 1972-1973 Leader, sex education groups for college students. 1971-1972 Leader, Interracial Dialogues, Harford County, Md. 1969 Counselor, Neighborhood Youth Corps, Chicago. Counseling black gang leaders. 1967