Learning the Physics of Projectile Motion using e

Assignment Two Part II
Learning the Physics of Projectile Motion using
e-Learning Tools
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Year 11 and12
6 lessons
Mujabar Khan
Learning Objective:
In this task the students will learn to use the e-learning tools, Video camera
and Interactive Whiteboard, to analyze and produce qualitative descriptions
for the object in projectile motion.
Learning Outcomes
Practise recording the motion of objects using video camera.
Use the interactive whiteboard (IWB) to analyse the data.
Utilize virtual lab to review the data and demonstrate further
Identify the benefits of e-learning tools.
Projectile Motion
Introduct ion
A projectile is the motion of object into the air upon which only the force acting
is gravity. The influence of air resistance affects the motion of projectile. For
example, an object dropped from rest at some height is a projectile as long as
it is in the air.
Generally, the projectile is an object thrown into the air:
vertically upward or downward,
or at any angle to the Earth surface.
In Physics we will study here the motion of a projectile, its velocity,
acceleration, displacement, and trajectory, which is the path drawn by a
moving projectile. As already mentioned we neglect air resistance.
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The javelin is an excellent example of a projectile. Once it leaves the thrower's
hand, the only forces acting on it are air resistance and gravity. This fact
allows us to use the kinematics equations to model its path through the air.
Other examples of projectiles range from a golf ball in flight,, a thrown football,
an object dropped from an airplane, bullet shot from a gun to a rocket fired
into space. The most complex form of projectile widely known in modern life
is the rocket or missile.
Projectile motion helps in shooting the target. A golfer needs to know at what
angle above the ground the golf ball should travel to reach closer to the golf
There are many applications of a projectile. Real life applications of
projectile include bullets on a straight spinning flight, rockets and missiles etc.
Learning Outcomes
Predict the landing point of a projectile.
Describe the independence of horizontal and vertical components of
Analyze and produce qualitative descriptions for the differences between
the theoretical and actual results.
Describe the path of the projectile motion.
Determine the total time of the fight of an object.
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Calculate the vertical and horizontal distance travelled
Draw the graph of the motion.
Determine the total energy of the projectile motion.
Ascertain the range of a projected object
Recognize that projectile motion can be analyzed by considering the
horizontal and vertical components of the motion separately.
Explain what factors affect the horizontal and vertical motion of a projectile
Learning Resources
Video camera
Interactive whiteboard
Internet (for Virtual Lab)
Brainstorm students on the motion of objects in air. Let them identify some of
the preconceptions they have about the objects thrown in air. List down all this
in column 1 for what they know. Brainstorm different questions students have
about motion of objects in air and place questions in column 2. (It is always
good as a teacher to have a few questions thought up to guide the students).
Have columns for writing the outcome after the activities.
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Want to know
Learning Activities
Activity 1
Describing how objects rise and fall
We can use the phenomenon of gravity by predicting the nature of the motion
of an object, such as a small rubber ball, when it is tossed up and then
allowed to fall vertically near the surface of the earth. This is not easy since
the motion happens pretty fast! To help students with this prediction, ask them
to toss a ball in the laboratory several times and see what they think is going
on. After making the prediction, ask students to use a technique for studying
the motion in more detail than can be by using direct observation. One of the
ways is to either analyze a video of the motion of a ball toss or use a motion
sensor with a computer-based laboratory system to record position vs. time
for a toss. In order to make the prediction and observations, will need the
following equipments:
• 1 small rubber ball
• 1 video analysis system w/Video Point software
• 1 meter stick
• 1 basketball
• 1 computer-based laboratory system
 ultrasonic motion sensor
 1 spreadsheet software
Recommended size group
Part I.
Interactive Demo OK?
Predicting the Motion of a Tossed Ball
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Toss a ball straight up a couple of times and then describe how you
think it might be moving when it is moving upward. Some possibilities
include: (1) rising at a constant velocity; (2) rising with an increasing
acceleration; (3) rising with a decreasing acceleration; or (4) rising at a
constant acceleration. What do you think?
Explain the basis for your prediction.
Now describe how you think the ball might be moving when it is moving
downward. Some possibilities include: (1) falling at a constant velocity;
(2) falling with an increasing acceleration; (3) falling with a decreasing
acceleration; or (4) falling at a constant acceleration. What do you
Explain the basis for your prediction.
Do you expect the acceleration when the ball is rising to be different in
some way than the acceleration when the ball is falling? Why or why
What do you think the acceleration will be at the moment when the ball
is at its highest point? Why?
The motion of a tossed ball is too fast to observe carefully by eye without the
aid of special instruments. We recommend that you use a video camera to
film the ball at a rate of 30 frames per second; you can then replay the film a
single frame at a time. Note: If you don’t have a video analysis system
available, you may analyze a ready-made digitized movie of a ball toss using
video analysis software. Alternatively, you can use a computer-based
laboratory system with a motion detector to track the motion of a basketball.
Follow the following steps if video camera is not available:
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1. Tape the motion detector to a light fixture or something else as high
above the floor as possible, with the detector looking downward, as
shown on the right.
2. Since the fall is quite rapid, set up the motion software to record
position vs. time at 30 points/second.
3. If you want to use a conventional coordinate system in which down is
negative, you should set the motion software to designate distance
from the motion sensor as negative.
4. It is the data describing a bounce that has the rise and fall in it. Thus,
as soon as you start recording data, drop the basketball and allow it to
bounce once. Transfer just the bounce data to your spreadsheet.
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Part II.
Observing Motion of a Ball
Follow the directions to find times and corresponding distances from
an origin of your choice as the object rises and falls. Record up to 36
data points in the table below or attach a computer printout of your data
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Place the data in a spreadsheet and use a computer graphing routine
to plot a graph of y vs. t. Affix a copy of the graph in the space below.
Use a sketch to describe where you decided to place your origin. What
is the initial value of y (usually denoted y0) in the coordinate system
you chose?
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By examining your data table, calculate the approximate value of the
initial velocity of the ball in the y-direction. Include the sign of the
velocity and its units. (Use the convention that on the y-axis up is
positive and down is negative.)
Activity 2
Half Projectile motion
Vertical-horizontal Motion - Object thrown horizontally from a height
Throw an object in the air in a horizontal direction relative the ground surface
from a height. Capture the motion.
Record the following information:
the time of the flight
height from which it was thrown
path followed by the object
distance the object falls away from the edge of the height from where it
was thrown
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Activity 3
Three-quarter Projectile motion
In this activity the students would throw an object at an angle above the
surface from a certain height above the ground. For example, throw an object
from a cliff or from the first floor of the school building. Capture the motion.
Recording the following information:
time of flight of the object
path followed by the object
height from which the object was thrown
distance the object falls away from the edge of the height from where it
was thrown
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Activity 4
Full Projectile Motion
Place students into groups of five. One group at a time will do the activity. If
resources are available then more than one group can do the activity. This
activity should be done on a spacious level ground and with no distraction.
Students take their roles in doing this activity. While one student throws an
object probably a stone into the air at an angle probably not more than 60
degrees the other can record the time of the flight. Use a video camera to
record the motion of the object. Repeat the activity three times varying the
launching angle record all the measurements again. Capture the motion.
Recordings the following information:
time the object is in the air.
distance from where it is thrown to where it lands.
path followed by the object
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Analysis of Result
On the Interactive Whiteboard
Note: Analyze the results separately for each of the activities.
Download the video recording onto the computer. On the IWB play the
recorded motion of the projectiles. Use the slow motion features on the IWB to
observe the path of the projectile more precisely. Answer the questions given
in the activity sheet.
Analyse the motion of the object using appropriate graph. Sketch the following
graphs; motion of object in air, distance-time graph, vertical velocity-distance
time graph and horizontal distance-time graph separately. Use the graphic
features of the IWB to plot the values and draw appropriate graph. Similarly,
make analysis of the other two trials and plot the graphs on the IWB. This time
merge the velocity time graph only together for different angles and compare
the result. Note down all the factors that need to be improved for further
similar activities. The video-recorded motion of the object would be placed
side by side with the graph drawn from the analysis of motion.
Using Virtual Lab for Simulation
On the IWB students will complete this activity. Here students will use the
virtual tool to draw graphs. They can compare their result and graphs drawn
by substituting their data in applets with graphs drawn using different values..
The lab is divided into 3 sections.
Click on each link to complete the activity
Part I.
Projectile Motion
Draw full projectile motion graph on the distance- height
axis while
varying velocity of launch, angle of launch and
mass of the object
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Part II.
Hole in One
This will allow students to study the range of projectile
motion both with air and without air. Students will get better
understanding and will help to clarify their preconceptions,
with questions such as; what angle produces a maximum
range with no air? how does that compare to with air ?, Is
there a difference?’
Part III. Graphical Analysis of Motion
Here students will virtually see a plot of vertical distance and
vertical velocity with respect to time. Other features include:
Varying air resistance
Varying initial position and initial velocity
Varying launching angle and initial speed
How both horizontal and vertical position and velocity of
object changes with respect to time
Audio introduction
Student notes
Discussion of Result
Pre sentation
The method of presentation can be done using any of the available electronic
mediums at the students disposable. Examples: PowerPoint Presentation,
videotaped demonstration, Moodle, digital portfolio, etc…. Please ask for
approval of the more unique approaches.
As for this activity, students can use PowerPoint on the interactive whiteboard
for their presentation. They will download the video recorded information into
the computer and make presentation slides in their groups.
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With the students in their groups guide them to PowerPoint presentation. As a
guide gives them some relevant instructions on using the features of
PowerPoint, however the teacher need to remember that at these level most
of the students would be familiar with how to use PowerPoint.
Give students template for their presentation. For these activities they must
consider the following items in their presentation. Award points to the groups.
Here are some issues on which they can include in their presentation:
Explain why did you choose the given object to determine its projectile
What did you really want to find?
What you actually found?
What interesting information did you discover while doing this activity?
Describe your thinking and reasoning as you worked on the problem
What you tried that did not work and the challenges and adjustments in
your thinking along the way?
Provide validations and justifications for all your results and
A graphical representation of the function is required for comparison
with the other groups.
Visual aids (e.g. illustrations, videos, etc) and appropriate physical
representations of the projectile are HIGHLY recommended.
Footage of video recording and how they use it to relate to the result
Visual and sound effects that captures audience attention and that
motivates students to learn
Use of graphs to describe the motion of the projectile.
Examples related to real life situations
Factors that affect path of projectile
Comparison of their result with theory
Discuss any questionable data or surprising result
Explain the possible source of any error
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Suggestion on change in activity design which might test your
For internet bibliography give annotated links
Have minimum of 8 slides including title and bibliography slides.
Title, names of group members
Describe what is projectile
Importance of studying the projectile motion
Identify and describe the different types of projectile motions.
“ Interactive whiteboards promote student engagement in the learning process
and has been described as being one of the most revolutionary and powerful
teaching techniques using technology (Hawkins, 2001) “.
Physics teachers have long used visual media to teach. Well before any form
visualizations of the basic concepts of physics. But while film and videotape
can in principle bring some of the knowledge and experience of outstanding
teachers into any classroom, they have a major limitation. The control
exercised by the classroom teacher or the student is limited to turning the film
on or off. Thus, one of the most important capabilities of the experienced
teacher - the ability to respond immediately and appropriately to the needs of
the students - is not available in these media.
I have chosen to use the video camera for capturing and replaying motions
and interactive whiteboard for the analysis of the task and discussion of result
(using PowerPoint) since it has interesting aspects.
Variety of Supportive Features
Interactive video gives teachers a variety of audiovisual materials and
techniques that they can control. Should teachers wish, they can pass that
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control to the students and so enable them to answer their own inquiries at a
pace that is comfortable for them. In many ways interactive video makes
physics teachers a part of the media production and instructional design team
even though they never visit a television studio. The interactive whiteboard
provides the option for this interactive video in which the user has more than
minimal on-off control over what appears on the screen including:
random access, which allows the user to select and display a
segment or an individual frame (picture) with minimal search
till frame, which allows any frame to be clearly displayed for as
long as the user wishes to view it.
step frame, which enables the user to display the next or
previous frame.
slow play which lets the user play the video at any speed up to
real-time either forward or backward.
Further, the nature of the IWB clearly allows a greater variety in class
instruction. For instance, when using the IWB, students construct PowerPoint,
which replace writing notes on the transparencies for the overhead. The
PowerPoint contains multiple visuals and animations for explanation of
According to Reardon 2002, interactive whiteboards can enhance any lesson
and entice students to learn. With the use of whiteboards, teachers can
develop many creative ways to capture students’ attention and imagination.
This influence students learning attitudes and enhance their learning
attainment. The students increase their intrinsic goal orientation of learning
motivation (Huang, T. H., Liu, Y. C., Yan, W. T. & Chen, Y. C, 2009). In
particular, for lessons / activities
in these difficult to understand concepts
with the use Interactive whiteboard format can enrich classroom discussion by
giving the teacher the ability to replay any portion of the video and alter the
playing speed in response to student questions. For example, in the activity
covered, a teacher can return quickly to the frame that shows the motion of
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stone as it turns at the maximum height and then step through the video
sequence frame by frame while discussing the motion. The students can
watch the video at any speed they desire and observe the details of an event.
By giving students some control over the images they see and how they
analyze and apply physics to those images. In return interactive whiteboard
can enhance the students' motivation to study physics.
Further, with its variety classroom instructions options and being a fun and
new piece of technology, it increases attention span and making them want to
learn, consequently engaging students in the activity (Schut, 2007, P. 45).
Improved Instruction
IWB can be very useful tool by enhancing both visuals and notes. It offers
more detailed and colourful visuals, as a result improves learning as
perceived by students. According to Schut 2007, the students correctly
perceived that the visuals displayed with the IWB were detailed because they
often were shown from on-line sites which offer a plethora of detailed pictures
and diagrams. In addition to improving visuals, it improves viewing notes, with
larger and neater fonts.
Interactive video as a laboratory tool
Interactive video provides a means by which students can collect, analyze
and model data from events outside the classroom. Sometimes they collect
the data by reading instruments recorded in the original scene. More often,
however, students collect data in a manner similar to that used by a
researcher who analyzes the recorded events.
Frequently, the students can collect distance, time and other data directly
from a video scene, much as they would in an actual laboratory experiment.
For example, where one ball is dropped at the same moment that the other is
projected horizontally, students can step the video forward one frame at a
time and measure the vertical and horizontal distances travelled by each ball.
They can compare the vertical accelerations of the two balls and, knowing the
scale on the screen and the time between pictures, calculate the acceleration.
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A similar but more sophisticated method of analysis involves the use of a
computer that can superimpose computer graphics on a digitized video scene.
Qualitative Observations
These researchers and instructors have developed quantitative instruments
designed to measure changes in the physics-related graph interpretation skills
and kinematics conceptual understanding of students. In this way, according
to Zollman, (1993), the students are able to make a better connection
between physics and the outside world
Many physics teachers seek to have their students simply observe their own
world more carefully. Interactive Whiteboard provides a training ground for
doing so. By freezing scenes and looking at the physics of an event more
carefully, students can learn to control variables. In our lesson using the
video, we ask students to determine whether a heavier stone or a lighter
stone will hit the ground first when dropped from a height. To allow the
students freedom to investigate this question in their own manner, we can use
the virtual simulation feature on the IWB.
Video as a Laboratory Probe
While details of the approaches differ, they share several components.
Student’s first record experiments with a video camera or capture existing
video from a tape or disc. Next, they look at the video one frame at a time,
move the cursor to points of interest and collect position-time data.
This approach to instructional laboratories can be used for analyses beyond
the traditional two-dimensional kinematic studies. Under our supervision,
students have analyzed motion from different moving reference frames by
using video camera and downloading on the computer.
Because the video information is in digital rather than analog form, all of the
image processing techniques for computer graphic images are available.
These techniques, often called synthetic video processing, “enable the user to
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combine successive video frames and to play back video from perspectives
and in modes different from those used during recording (. Because this
processing provides students with a visual means to answer, "what if..."
questions, it may help students better understand the abstract concepts of
physics in terms of their own concrete experiences.
Detailed and Precision Investigation
Inexpensive video analysis technologies now make possible a more detailed
investigation of the conservation of energy involved in this and many other
situations (Bryan, 2004).In case of activities outlined above, by using this
technology, students can not only generate actual data supporting claims of
energy conservation for a rising and falling ball, they may also investigate the
loss of mechanical energy during bouncing and the changes in the velocity,
acceleration, and net force on the ball at any location of its movement.
With the video analysis it would be possible to analyze one object at a time,
which can lead to detailed comparisons of multiple objects that are in the
same system. Similarly, according to Bryan, 2004, its versatility feature gives
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option for any object(s) in any location that can be, or has been, videotaped
can be analyzed.
Bryan, J. (2004). Video analysis software and the investigation of the conservation of
mechanical energy. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher
Education [Online serial], 4(3). Retrieved January 26, 2010 from
Hawkins, R. (200 1). Interactive whiteboard . Retrieved January 25,
2010 from http://www.Itle.unl.ac.uk/news
Huang, T. H., Liu, Y. C., Yan, W. T. & Chen, Y. C. (2009). Using the innovative
cooperative learning model with the interactive whiteboard to primary school
students’ mathematical class: Statistic vs pie chart and solid diagram. In L.
Cameron & J. Dalziel (Eds), Proceedings of the 4th International LAMS
Conference 2009: Opening Up Learning Design . (pp. 84-94). 3-4th
December. 2009, Sydney: LAMS Foundation. Retrieved January 25, 2010
Readon, T. (2002). Interactive whiteboards in school: effective uses. Media and
Schut, C. R. (2007). Students perception of interactive whiteboard in a biology
classroom. Cedarville University. Retrieved January 25, 2010 from
Smart Technologies. (2004). Interactive whiteboards and learning: A Review of
Classroom Case studies and Research literature. Retrieved January 2 6,
2010 from
http://education.smarttech.com/NR/rdonlyres/30258C60 -24D043D5 -A1D2
BDE1A93B6 F93/0/InteractiveWhiteboardsAndLearning.pdf
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Zollman, D. A. (1993). Interactive video activities for elementary students: 101
Success Stories of Information Technology in Higher Education. McGraw-hill.
Retrieved January 25, 2010 from
Zollman D.A. & Fuller, G. R. (no date). Teaching and learning physics with interactive
video. Kansas State University, Department of Physics, Cardwell Hall,
Manhattan, KS 66506-2601 & Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588-0111. Retrieved
January 25, 2010 from
Key Terms
Velocity is a vector measurement of the rate and direction of motion or, in
other terms, the rate and direction of the change in the position of an
Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity as a function of time.
Half Projectile motion – object launched in air in a horizontal direction from a
height above the ground. For example, throwing an object horizontally
from a cliff.
Full projectile motion – the motion of an object projected into the air at an
angle above the throwing surface.
Other Resources
Useful Links to PowerPoint
These links can be used as a guide for PowerPoint presentation.
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