ART 102 – WESTERN ART HISTORY SLIDE LIST 1 BACKGROUND ON ANCIENT GREECE AND ROME EARLY CHRISTIAN AND JEWISH ART BYZANTINE ART 1.1 Ancient Greece and Rome and Early Christian Art Greece • HIGH CLASSICAL PERIOD (ca. 450-­‐400 BCE) o IKTINOS AND KALLIKRATES, The Parthenon o POLYKLEITOS, Spear Bearer (Doryphoros) The Roman Empire • EARLY EMPIRE (ca. 27 BCE-­‐180 CE) o Pantheon o Augustus of Primaporta o Initiation Rites of the Cult of Bacchus • LATE EMPIRE (ca. 180-­‐395) o The Tetrarchs • EARLY CHRISTIAN ART (ROME AND RAVENNA) o Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus o Church of Santa Sabina o Santa Costanza o Christ as the Good Shepherd 1.2 The Byzantine Empire (337-­‐1453) • EARLY BYZANTINE (ca. 500-­‐730) o ANTHEMIUS OF TRALLES AND ISIDORUS OF MILETUS, Hagia Sophia o Church of San Vitale o Justinian and Attendants o Theodora and Attendants o Mt. Sinai Icon • MIDDLE BYZANTINE (ca. 840-­‐12th c.) o David Composing the Psalms o The Vladimir Madonna • LATE BYZANTINE (12th c.-­‐1453) o Anastasis (The Harrowing of Hell) ART 102 – WESTERN ART HISTORY SLIDE LIST 2 ISLAMIC AND EARLY MEDIEVAL ART 2.1 Islamic Empires • EARLY ISLAMIC (ca. 700-­‐ca. 1000) o Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem o Great Mosque, Cordoba, Spain • LATER ISLAMIC (ca. 1000-­‐1700) o Court of the Lions, Alhambra Palace, Spain o SINAN, Mosque of Selim II, Turkey o Taj Mahal, India o MAQSUD OF KASHAN, Ardebil Carpet 2.2 Western Europe • MIGRATORY PERIOD (ca. 400-­‐800) o Sutton Hoo Purse Cover o Chi Rho Iota Page, Book of Kells o Animal Head Post from the Oseberg Ship Burial • CAROLINGIAN PERIOD (750-­‐900) o St. Matthew, Coronation Gospels o St. Matthew, Ebbo Gospels o ODO OF METZ, Palace Chapel of Charlemagne • OTTONIAN PERIOD (900-­‐1024) o BISHOP BERNWARD, Abbey Church of St. Michael, Hildesheim o BISHOP BERNWARD, Doors, Abbey Church of St. Michael, Hildesheim 2 ART 102 – WESTERN ART HISTORY SLIDE LIST 3 ROMANESQUE ART 3: ROMANESQUE (11th c.) • Church Architecture: Cluniac-­Burgundian (Pilgrimage) o Saint-­‐Sernin, Toulouse, France • Church Architecture: Norman o Saint-­‐Etienne, Caen, France o Durham Cathedral, England • Church Architecture: Lombardy, Italy o Sant’Ambrogio, Milan • Church Architecture: Tuscany, Italy o Pisa Cathedral o Baptistery of San Giovanni, Florence • Monumental Church Sculpture on Church Portals: South Portal, Saint-­‐Pierre, Moissac, France o The Prophet Jeremiah o Christ in Majesty with angels and the Twenty-­‐four Elders • Painting and Embroidery o EADWINE THE SCRIBE (?), Eadwine the scribe at work, Eadwine Psalter o The Bayeaux Tapestry 3 ART 102 – WESTERN ART HISTORY SLIDE LIST 4 GOTHIC ART LATE GOTHIC ART (PROTO-­‐RENAISSANCE) 4.1 GOTHIC ART • Architecture o EARLY GOTHIC (12th c.) ABBOT SUGER, Abbey Church of Saint-­‐Denis Notre-­‐Dame, Paris Laon Cathedral o HIGH GOTHIC (13th c.) Chartres Cathedral ROBERT DE LUZARCHES, THOMAS DE CORMANT, RENAUD DE CORMONT, Amiens Cathedral o HIGH GOTHIC-­‐RAYONNANT (13th c,) Sainte-­‐Chapelle o GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE OUTSIDE OF FRANCE Salisbury Cathedral, England ARNOLFO DI CAMBIO, Florence Cathedral, Italy • Sculpture o EARLY GOTHIC (12th c.) Prophets and Ancestors of Christ (Royal Portal, Chartres Cathedral) o HIGH GOTHIC (13th c.) The Annunciation and Visitation (Reims Cathedral) • Stained Glass o EARLY GOTHIC Annunciation, Chartres Cathedral • Painting o HIGH GOTHIC Psalter of Saint Louis (Page with Abraham, Sarah, and the Three Strangers) 4.2 LATE (INTERNATIONAL) GOTHIC (PROTO-­RENAISSANCE) (13th-­14th c.) • DUCCIO, Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints (Maesta Altarpiece) • GIOTTO, Lamentation (Arena Chapel) • LIMBOURG BROTHERS, Les Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry 4 5.1 • • 5.2 • EARLY RENAISSANCE (15th c.) o BRUNELLESCHI, Foundling Hospital (Ospedale degli Innocenti) o DONATELLO, David o MASACCIO, Tribute Money o BOTTICELLI, Birth of Venus o MANTEGNA, Room of the Newlyweds (Camera degli Sposi) NORTHERN RENAISSANCE (15th c.) o VAN EYCK, Arnolfini Wedding Portrait o VAN DER GOES, Portinari Altarpiece HIGH RENAISSANCE (16th c.) o MICHELANGELO, St. Peter’s Basilica o LEONARDO, Last Supper o LEONARDO, Mona Lisa o RAPHAEL, School of Athens o MICHELANGELO, Sistine Ceiling o MICHELANGELO, Pieta o MICHELANGELO, David o TITIAN, Madonna of the Pesaro Family (Pesaro Madonna) o TITIAN, Venus of Urbino • MANNERISM (16th c.) o MICHELANGELO, Laurentian Library o MICHELANGELO, Last Judgment o PARMIGIANINO, Madonna with the Long Neck o TINTORETTO, Last Supper • NORTHERN RENAISSANCE (16th c.) o DURER, The Fall of Man (Adam and Eve) o BOSCH, Garden of Earthly Delights o BRUEGEL, Hunters in the Snow (Return of the Hunters) o EL GRECO, The Burial of Count Orgaz 5 ART 102 – WESTERN ART HISTORY SLIDE LIST 5 ITALIAN RENAISSANCE AND MANNERISM NORTHERN RENAISSANCE ART 102 – WESTERN ART HISTORY SLIDE LIST 6 BAROQUE AND ROCOCO 6: BAROQUE AND ROCOCO • BAROQUE (17th c.) Note: Rubens, Rembrandt, Vermeer, Poussin, Claude Lorraine: web captions in bold o BERNINI, Ecstasy of Saint Theresa o CARAVAGGIO, Calling of Saint Matthew o GENTILESCHI, Judith and Maidservant with the Head of Holofernes o VELASQUEZ, Las Meninas (Maids of Honor) o RUBENS, Henri IV Receiving the Portrait of Marie de’ Medici o RUBENS, Elevation of the Cross o REMBRANDT, The Night Watch (Captain Frans Banning Cocq Mustering His Company) o REMBRANDT, The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp o VERMEER, Woman Holding a Balance o VERMEER, Allegory of Painting o POUSSIN, Landscape with Saint John on Patmos o POUSSIN, Burial of Phocion o CLAUDE LORRAINE, Landscape with Merchants o CLAUDE LORRAINE, Landscape with Cattle and Peasants • ROCOCO (18th c.) o CUVILLES, Hall of Mirrors, Amalienburg Palace o CLODION, Nymph and Satyr o WATTEAU, Return from the Island of Cythera (Le Pelerinage a l’Ile de Cithere) o CHARDIN, Grace at Table o VIGEE-­‐LEBRUN, Portrait of Marie Antoinette with Her Children 6 7 EXTRA CREDIT STUDY CARDS Instructions: 1. Format/Materials: index cards (any size), photo paper, or 8-­‐1/2 x 11” paper (your choice, but the cards or pages in each set must be the same size) 2. One art work per sheet/card: image (you can print the images directly from my Web page, or photocopy from the textbook) on one side of the card/page; on the other side, include the identifying information from the slide list (handout) 3. Initial each card. 4. Attach together so they come apart easily. (Suggestion: Punch a hole in one corner and bind together with a loose-­‐leaf ring or use a loose-­‐leaf binder.) 5. Due on the dates indicated. No late cards will be accepted. 6. Each complete set submitted on time in a proper, neatly executed format is worth 16.6 points (6 sets for a total of 100 points). Due dates are in the Course Schedule.