Marfan Syndrome (MFS) Description

What is Marfan’s Syndrome?
Marfan’s Syndrome is a genetic disorder that
affects 1 in 10,000 – 20,000 individuals.
‰ This
Marfan Syndrome (MFS)
disorder affects the body’s connective
‰ It
is a malformation of Chromosome 15, the
part that is used to produce this tissue.
Javad Tavakkoly Bazzaz MD, PhD
Department of Medical Genetics, Faculty of Medicine,
‰ It
usually occurs equally in males and in
Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS)
‰ It
is life threatening
ƒHeritable disorder of the
connective tissue
‰ One
of the symptoms of this syndrome is
that people with it usually tend to develop
an enlargement of the aorta, the main
blood vessel that takes blood from the
heart to the rest of the body.
ƒConnective tissue affects:
ƒGrowth and development
ƒCushioning of joints
ƒVital organs
ƒNot tied to any particular sex,
race, or ethnic group
‰ Another
symptom is that many people are
very tall and thin.
ƒ1 in 5,000 people in US have
Organ Systems Affected
‰ Skeletal
‰ Oral
‰ Skin
‰ Eyes
‰ Cardiovascular
‰ Pulmonary
Tall, slender stature
‰ Joint hypermobility
ƒ Thumb sign
ƒ Wrist sign
Reduced elbow extension
Affects long bones
Arm span > Height
ƒ <170 degrees
ƒ arms/legs/fingers/toes may be disproportionately long
ƒ ratio >1.05
Long, narrow face
‰ Sternal deformity
ƒ Pectus escavatum (funnel chest)
ƒ Pectus carinatum (pigeon’s chest)
Pes plantus (flat feet)
Positive Walker
Wrist Sign
ƒ Tall and slender
ƒ Disproportionately long appendages
the distal phalange of the
first and fifth fingers of the hand
overlap when wrapped
around the opposite wrist
ƒ Indented or protruding sternum
ƒ Arched palate, overcrowded teeth, receding
ƒ Curvature of spine
Positive Steinburg
Thumb Sign
the thumb projects beyond the ulnar
border while completely opposed
within the clenched
Oral Cavity
‰ Arched
ƒ crowded dentition
Off-center or dislocated lenses
Development of cataracts at a younger age
ƒ 30s to 50s
‰ Mandible
Retinal detachment
ƒ Holes or tears in inner lining
Heart and Blood vessels
Abnormally large
mitral valve leaflets
Heart and Blood vessels
ƒ Stretched aortic valve
ƒ Causes prolapse
ƒ Present in 75 % of
ƒ Aneurysm may form
Mitral regurgitation
ƒ Can lead to breathless,
extreme exhaustion,
irregular pulse
Aortic regurgitation
ƒ Left ventricle must
ƒ Heart murmurs
ƒ Long-term damage to
Weakened middle layer of
aortic wall
ƒ Chest pain, heart failure
Tears in inner and middle
aortic layers
ƒ Middle layer separates
ƒ New channels for blood flow
Nervous System
Diminished alveoli elasticity
Susceptibility to asthma,
bronchitis, pneumonia
ƒ In rare cases, develop
Stretching and enlargement of dura membrane
ƒ Pushes on and wears down vertebrae
ƒ Can protrude through vertebral column and into
5% experience
spontaneous lung collapse
Sleep disordered breathing
ƒ Snoring most common
ƒ Caused by partial obstruction
of airway by connective tissue
ƒ Dural cysts
Increased susceptibility to learning disabilities
Who is affected by Marfan’s?
‰ Stretch
‰ Many
ƒ Shoulders, hips, lower back
‰ Increased
risk for abdominal hernias
people are affected by this syndrome
and many of those affected by this kind of
syndrome are athletes.
‰ Some
of them use this syndrome to their
advantage, especially basketball and
volleyball players.
‰ Due
to Marfan’s Syndrome many athletes
sometimes die without warning.
‰ The
average age of death for people with
Marfan’s Syndrome is 32.
What Is The Cause of Death?
cause of death in people with Marfan’s
Syndrome are complications with the heart.
‰ The
‰ beta
‰ Since
‰ Aortic
the aorta is enlarging and thinning,
the aorta might tear and the aortic valve
might also start a leak, thus leading to heart
blockers to cure or try to treat this
valve replacement.
‰ Incidence
ƒ at least 1 in 5,000 in the US
‰ Inheritance
ƒ including family history
ƒ AD, Variable Penetrance
‰ Gender
ƒ men, women
Eye Exam
ƒ slit lamp lens dislocation
‰ Risk
ƒ Child of parent with MFS: 50% chance
ƒ Prenatal testing available but given unpredictable phenotype not
widely used
ƒ looking for Aortic root dilation
ƒ Two unaffected parents: 1 in 10,000
ƒ ~ 25% from a spontaneous mutation
Differential Diagnosis
ƒ Homocystinuria
ƒ marfanoid habitus, ectopia lentis, mental retardation, osteoporosis
ƒ MASS phenotype
Diagnostic Criteria
ƒ Major criterion: highly specific & rarely occur in the
general population
ƒ MVP, mild aortic dilatation, striae atrophica, skeletal involvement
ƒ Congenital contractural arachnodactyly
ƒ arachnodactyly, joint contractures, scoliosis, crumpled ear malformation
ƒ Ehlers-Danlos syndromes types II & III
ƒ marked joint hypermobility, paparaceous scars, mitral prolapse
ƒ marfanoid habitus, small testes and genitalia, learning difficulty
ƒ aortic dilation may involve primarily the aortic root or the mid-ascending
ƒ Aortic coarctation with associated ascending aortic
ƒ Loeys-Dietz syndrome
Diagnostic Criteria
Chest wall deformities
Long, thin arms/legs
Scoliosis greater than 20 degrees
ƒ Klinefelter syndrome
ƒ Congenital bicuspid aortic valve disease with associated
aortic root enlargement (aortic aneurysm)
aortic dissection
lens dislocation
dural ectasia
at least 4 major skeletal features
ƒ Minor criterion: features with Marfan’s but may also
occur in the general population
Diagnosis requires:
+ FamHx: only 1 Major criteria
– FamHx: at least 2 Major criteria
What is Marfan’s Syndrome
ƒ Fibrillin Æ building block of microfibrils,
formation of extracellular matrix
Main protein of CT Microfibils including elastic
„ Abundant in the aorta, ligaments, cilliary body of
the eye
ƒ MFS: mutation in the fibrillin-1
gene (FBN1)
chromosome 15
Basic Genetic Information
Autosomal Dominant
Dominant Negative Mutation – the
altered gene product antagonizes the
product of the normal gene
Haploinsufficiency – when a diploid
organism has only one functional copy
of a gene, the other copy being mutated
FBN-1 Gene
Located on chromosome 15
Codes instructions for the creation of protein Fibrillin 1
Marfan’s is caused by over 500 different mutations on FBN1
60% mutations are change in one protein building block.
40% mutations produce small protein that can’t function
Affects FBN-1 Gene
Fibrillin 1 protein
ƒ Connect with other Fibrillin 1 proteins to
make microfibrils, which become
connective tissue.
The fibrillin‐1 gene FBN1 spans about 235 kb of genomic DNA on
chromosome 15q21.1, and has a transcript size of 9749 nucleotides; the
coding sequence of FBN1 is spread over 65 exons, and three alternatively
spliced non‐coding 5′ exons have been described. With several exceptions,
single exons code for the domains in fibrillin‐1 as shown here.
J Med Genet. 2006 October; 43(10): 769–787.
Defective Fibrillin 1 Protein
ƒ Amount of fibrillin 1 protein produced by cells is
ƒ Structure and stability of protein is affected
ƒ Transport of fibrillin 1 protein out of the cell is
ƒ Less microfibril leads to more active TGF-beta,
which leads to Marfan’s symptoms
ƒ fibrillin 1deficiency contributes to MFS
progression through altered cell-matrix
interactions and dysregulated TGF- signaling.
ƒ Microfibrils mainly trap transforming
growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) and keeps
them inactive.
‰ A new paradigm has emerged from the
study of mouse models of MFS.
Specifically, the new paradigm
postulates that matrix sequestration is
critical to regulated activation of latent
TGF-β and that perturbations of this
function contributes to the pathogenesis
of MFS disease.
TGF Beta Pathway: TGF Beta Receptor
2 is a Ser/Thr Receptor Kinase
Function of TGF Beta Pathway
in Normal Cells
Pattern formation during embryonic
Cell growth and proliferation
Cellular differentiation
Extracellular matrix production
Tissue repair
Immune regulation
TGFβ – Cytokine involved in scarring
controls proliferation, cellular differentiation
acts as an antiproliferative factor in normal epithelial cells
TGF-β is a secreted protein
part of a superfamily which includes inhibins, activin, antimüllerian hormone, bone morphogenetic protein,
decapentaplegic and Vg-1
Fibrillin-1 indirectly binds a latent form of TGFβ
Keeps TGFβ sequestered and unable to exert its
biological activity
MFS: low levels of fibrillin-1
Æ TGFβ levels rise 2/2, inadequate sequestration
Æ inflammatory reaction releasing proteases
Æ degrade elastin fibers & other components of the ECM
TGF-β and ARB
‰ARB (losartan)
ƒ inhibits TGF-β signaling
ƒ pathologic changes in the aortic wall
ƒ progressive dilation of the aortic root
TGF-β activation
The 3 TGF-β isoforms are synthesized and homodimeric pro-TGF-β = TGF
covalently linked to latency associated protein (LAP)
Intracellularly cleaved by furin-type enzymes--> mature TGF-β , remains
non-covalently associated with LAP= SLC
Few cells produce and secrete
diffusible SLC. Majority secrete
TGF as part of the LLC, formed
within secretory vesicles:
covalent disulfide bond between
the SLC and a member of the
LTBP family
LTBP-1,-3,-4 bind TGF-βs.
LTBPs belong to the
superfamily of fibrillin-like ECM
Bind a series of ECM proteins
TGF-β is synthesized in excess,
and bioavailability depends on
Testing and Diagnosis
ƒ Genetic
„ Types
„ Complete bi-directional DNA sequencing
„ Familial known mutation test
„ Prenatal
ƒ If parent or close relative has FBN1 or TGFBR
„ Costs
„ FBN1 gene sequencing
„ TGFBR gene sequencing
„ Familial mutation test $250
Testing and Diagnosis
Physical Activity
ƒ No definitive genetic tests available
Avoid contact and strenuous sports
because of the risk of damaging the aorta
and injuring the eyes
Individual restrictions based on severity
and discussed with physician
ƒ Accuracy
ƒ 99.9% accuracy in detecting mutations
ƒ 70-90% mutation detection rate in
individuals with clinical diagnosis
Contact/collision high potential:
boxing, field hockey, football, ice
hockey, lacrosse martial arts,
rodeo, skiing (water) soccer,
Limited contact: strenuous
baseball, bicycling (intense)
gymnastics, horseback riding,
skating (ice & roller) skiing (downhill
& cross-country) softball, squash,
Noncontact: strenuous
aerobic dancing (high impact) crew,
running (fast), weightlifting
Noncontact: moderately
aerobic dancing (low impact),
badminton bicycling (leisurely),
jogging, swimming (leisurely) table
tennis, tennis
Noncontact: nonstrenuous
golf, bowling riflery, walking
Flo Hyman
July 31, 1954-Jan. 24,
Olympic Volleyball
6 foot 5 inches
Died on court from
Marfan syndrome type 1
Marfan syndrome type 2
ƒ The classical Marfan syndrome (MFS1, OMIM 154700)
is a systemic disease of connective tissue. MFS1 is
caused by mutations in the fibrillin-1 gene (FBN1) on
chromosome 15q21.1. All organ systems may be
affected, but particularly the skeleton, the eye and the
cardiovascular system.
ƒ The classical Marfan syndrome (MFS1, OMIM 154700)
is a systemic disease of connective tissue. MFS1 is
caused by mutations in the fibrillin-1 gene (FBN1) on
chromosome 15q21.1. All organ systems may be
affected, but particularly the skeleton, the eye and the
cardiovascular system.
ƒ Although there are rare cases of very severely affected
neonates, the symptoms normally develop during the
first two decades of life. It is often difficult to decide on
the basis of the clinical symptoms alone whether a child
or adolescent from an affected family has inherited the
disorder; genetic diagnosis may then be indicated.
ƒ Although there are rare cases of very severely affected
neonates, the symptoms normally develop during the
first two decades of life. It is often difficult to decide on
the basis of the clinical symptoms alone whether a child
or adolescent from an affected family has inherited the
disorder; genetic diagnosis may then be indicated.
ƒ Because of the very variable phenotypic development, it
is often not possible to achieve a reliable diagnosis of
classical Marfan syndrome in adults either. It often
happens that only some of the symptoms are displayed
throughout life.
ƒ Because of the very variable phenotypic development, it
is often not possible to achieve a reliable diagnosis of
classical Marfan syndrome in adults either. It often
happens that only some of the symptoms are displayed
throughout life.
Marfan syndrome type 2
ƒ Marfan syndrome type 2 (MFS2, OMIM 154705) is very
similar to classical Marfan syndrome (MFS1). Ectopia
lentis has not yet been found in any patient with MFS2.
However, this symptom may also be missing in MFS1, so
that it is not suitable for differential diagnosis.
ƒ MFS2 has been mapped onto chromosome section 3p22.
The syndrome is caused by mutations in the gene for
transforming growth factor beta receptor 2 (TGFBR2) or,
more rarely, of the TGFBR1 gene. Patients have been
identified in France, Japan, Germany, and Italy.
ƒ It is not possible to distinguish MFS2 from MFS1 with
clinical genetic testing, but only by performing a
molecular genetic analysis. This differentiation is
nevertheless of great importance. It is thought that
TGFBR mutations may be associated with an aggressive
clinical course, due to vascular complications. This is
accompanied by earlier aortic dissection.
MASS syndrome
The designation MASS syndrome (OMIM 60438) is an
acronym for mitral valve prolapse, aortic dilatation,
with skeletal and skin involvement. The patients do
not fulfill the clinical criteria for Marfan syndrome, but
exhibit at least mitral valve prolapse.
ƒ In some patients this syndrome is caused, as in
MFS1, by mutations in the FBN1 gene, but the cause
of the disease is not known for most of these
ƒ Mitral valve prolapse may be a component of the
familial mitral valve prolapse syndrome (OMIM
157700), but can also occur in the Ehlers-Danlos
syndrome and in osteogenesis imperfecta.
Weil-Marchesani syndrome
ƒ The phenotypic presentation of the WeilMarchesani syndrome (WMS, OMIM 608328)
may be regarded as the opposite of MFS1 and
MFS2. The patients are rather small. They
have short fingers and suffer from stiff joints.
ƒ However, they share ectopia lentis with MFS1.
Like MFS1, WMS is caused by mutations in
the FBN1 gene. Aside from the autosomal
dominant form, there is also an autosomal
recessive form of WMS (OMIM 277600),
caused by mutations in the ADAMTS10 gene.
Loeys-Dietz syndrome type 1
ƒ This syndrome was first described in 2005 (LDS1, OMIM 609192), but
is probably identical to the Furlong syndrome (OMIM 610168), which
has been known since 1987.
ƒ Almost all symptoms of the classical Marfan syndrome can also be
found in LDS1. In addition, the patients suffer from craniofacial
malformations (cleft palate or cleft uvula, hypertelorism) and
particularly from vascular changes, extending to dilatation, aneurysm
formation, and dissection throughout the arterial system.
ƒ Like MFS2, LDS1 is caused by mutations in genes TGFBR1 (on ch.
9q33–q34) and TGFBR2 (on ch. 3p22). The gene products play a
decisive role in intracellular transduction of TGF-beta signals. It is
known from animal models for mitral valve prolapse and pulmonary
symptoms that these signals are important for the development of the
vascular system and of the visceral cranium. The developmental
disturbances in the vascular walls are evident in even very young
patients. This may explain why complications often develop so early.
The mean age for surgical vascular replacement is 16.9 years.
Congenital contractural
Congenital contractural arachnodactyly
(CCA, OMIM 121050) resembles MFS
clinically, but is accompanied by
characteristic joint contractions and often
a deformity of the auricles ("crumpled
ears"). CCA is caused by mutations in the
fibrillin-2 gene (FBN2).
Loeys-Dietz syndrome type 2
ƒ The symptoms of Loeys-Dietz syndrome type 1
(LDS1) overlap with the vascular type of the EhlersDanlos syndrome (EDS type 4, EDS4, OMIM
ƒ EDS4 is often caused by mutations in the collagen
type 3 gene. Loeys et al. investigated 40 patients with
the clinical presentation of EDS4, but without collagen
type 3 disturbances or craniofacial malformation. In
12 patients, they identified mutations in one of the
TGFBR genes. These patients are now assigned to
the Loeys-Dietz syndrome type 2 (LDS2, OMIM
number not yet allocated). As with LDS1, LDS2
patients suffer from aggressive arterial aneurysms.
The mean age for vascular replacement is 26.9 years.
Shprintzen-Goldberg syndrome
ƒ The Shprintzen-Goldberg syndrome (SGS, OMIM
182212) exhibits common features with both
MFS1 and MFS2, as well as with LDS1 (or the
Furlong syndrome) and LDS2. The most striking
feature of SGS is cranial synostosis, which does
not occur in MFS1 or MFS2, but does occur in
LDS1. No mutations have been found in any of the
TGFBR genes in SGS, although there are
mutations in FBN1. These clinical findings indicate
that there is a connection between fibrillin
deficiency and disturbances in the TGFB signal
cascade. This could open specific therapeutic
Familial thoracic aortic aneurysm
ƒ Just as with mitral valve prolapse, aortic aneurysm may either by a
component of a syndrome or may be inherited separately (OMIM
607086). Both the syndromal and familial forms are histologically linked
to Erdheim-Gsell cystic medial necrosis, with loss of elastic fibers,
deposition of material resembling mucopolysaccharides and cystic
changes in the medial aortic wall.
ƒ Five responsible chromosome regions have been identified (AAT1 to
AAT5). AAT3 can be caused by mutations in the TGFBR2 gene, AAT4
by mutations in the gene for myosin heavy chain 11 (MYH11) and AAT5
by changes in the TGFBR1 gene. The underlying genes are not yet
known for AAT1 and AAT2. Familial thoracic aortic aneurysm with
dissection (TAAD) can also be caused by mutations in the ACTA2 gene.
ƒ It has long been known that a bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) is often
associated with cystic medial necrosis and the risk of an acute aortic
syndrome. Familial forms of the BAV may be caused by mutations in the
NOTCH1 gene (OMIM 190198). It has become increasingly important
for the prognosis and treatment of these syndromes to identify the
genetic causes of aneurysm formation.