AN ANALYSISOF MAIN CHARACTERS REPRESENTING SENSEAND SENSIBILITY OF JANE AUSTEN'SNOVEL"Sense andSerct!!!!!A A THESIS In Partial Fulfillmcnt of the Fogukemcntr For thc Sarjana Pendidikan Degro in Englirh LanguagcTeaching 2r19i eoogt FK-i3 Div a-t LORNA DIVINA (r213000005t UNIVERSITAS IGTOLIKWDYA MANDALASURABAYA FAXULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN JURUSANPENOIDIKANBAHASADAN SENI PNOGRAITI STUDI PENDIDTKAN BA}IASAINGGRIS DECEMBEA,MIof, @f Ged "Therehathno lentptationtakenyou but suchas is comntonto man; but God tsfailhful, who will not sttfferyou to be temptedabovethatye are abre;but will with the tentptationalso makea way to escape,that ye may be able to bear it." (l CorinthiansI0:3) "l can do all things through christ whiclz strengthenethme."(phitippians 4: I3) "And we kntnr thot ull things work togetlterfor good to them that love God, lo them vi;ltttur,, tln' atlled accordinglo hispurpose." (llomans8:28) Approval Sheet ({} SSmse Tbis thesisentitled"An arihlysisof Main ChmactersRepresenting and Sensibilitvof JaneAusten'sNov€LSerseazd Seresibilirv,"preparedand has beenapprovedand acceptedas submittedby Loma Divina (1213000005), partiatfirlfillnent for the SarjanaPendidikanDegr€ in EnglishLanguageby the following advisors: Drs.B.HimawanSetyoWibowoM.Hum. Approval $heet (2) This thesis has been elamins{ by the Committee in Oral examination with a gradeof on December16.2W4 n '_+_t- Y member ffiii"t".tt,*"*J Traimngan9_Educatlon _ e EnglishDepartuent Acknowledgement Thisthesisis zubmittedasa partialfulfilbnentof the requirements for the SarjanaPendidikanDegreein EnglishDeparmentof Widya MandalaCatholic UniversitvSurabava Fint of all, the writer would like to, thank Jezus Christ becauseof His Love and His Kindnessthat enabledthe writer to finish her thesis. She is also really gratefirl to many peoplewho encouragedand helpedher write this thesis : l. The writer expressesher gratihrdeto her first advisorDrs. Antonius Gurito for his invaluableguidanceand advice in completing this thesis. Her gratitudeis also due to her secondadvisor Basilius Himawan M. Hum. who has given his patience guidance,invaluable attention and advice in writing her thesis. J. Besides,the witer wants to expressher gratitude to Prof. Budi Danna, M.A. and Jaka SantosaSudagijono, S.Psi. who has given their valuable advice so the writer could determinethe parametersfor her analysis. 4. The wrjter also gives her gratitude to BemardusK.Danibao,S.Pd.and Eric Sulindra, S.Pd.(SAC Counsellors) and all the lectures in English Departrnent Fa$hy of Teacher Training and Education in Widya MandalaCatholicUniversitySurabaya. 5. The writer thanks her parents and her encourase thewriterto finishher thesis. lll Marsha who always 6. The writer alsothanksher friends,Vonny P., Yanni, Mira and Rahayu to the vriter so shecanfinish who sharetheir supportandencourage,ment herthesis. lv Table of Contents Page Approvalsheet... i Acknowledgement iii Tableofcontents ............ v Abstract viii ChapterI : Introduction l.l. Background ofthe study 1.2. Statennent of theproblem 5 1.3. Theobjectiveof thestudy ) 1.4. Thesipificanceofthestudy........... 6 1.5. Scopeandlinitation 6 1.6. Theoriticalframework 6 1.7. Definitionof keytenn 7 1.8. Organiz3lisq.fthestudY 7 Chapter2: Reviewofrelatedliterature 2.1.Fiction 8 2.2.Kindsof Fiction 9 2 . 3 . T \ e N o v e.l. . 10 2.3.1.TheHistoryof Nov-el lt 2.4. Elementsof Novel 2.4.1.Character l5 Character 16 18 2.4.2.Plot l9 of Plot 20 2.4.3.Setting 23 2.4.4.Theme 25 2.5.Sense 25 2.6.Sensibility 26 2.7.Personality 26 2.8.Temperament ... ... ....... 27 2.9.Conflict 28 2.10.RelatedStudies 30 Chapter 3 : MethodandDesip 3.1.Subject 3 . 2R . e s e a rD a Ia............. ch 33 3.3.Natureof theStudy 5J ...........34 ... ... ... 3.4.DataCollectionProcedures 34 ..............:. 3 . 5 . D a t a A n a l yzi sP ro ce d w e s Representing SenseandSensibility Chapter4 : Analyzison Character ...... 38 4.1.AnalyzisofThePlot ............ 4 . 1 . 1E.x p o s i t i-o. n 38 4 . 1 . 2C. o m p 1 i ca ti o n .............. 40 vl 1l; 4.1.3.Crisis 4l 4.1.4.Climax. 43 4.1.5.Resolution 44 4.2. Analyzison TheCharacters .. . . 45 4 . 2 . 1E. l i n o r D a s h w o o d ..:..........46 4 . 2 . 2 . M a r i a n n e D a sh w o o c ..........58 4.3.Conflictbetween ElinorandHerself........ 4.4.Conflictbetween MarianneandHenelf 4 . 5 . S e f t i n g An a l ysi s...... ..... 7I ... . .. . 73 ............75 4.6.Theme Analysis ... ............... 78 Chapter5 : ConclusionandSugesstion 5 . 1C . onclusion.............,.- . . . . . . . . .8 0 5 . 2S . uggestion............... ................81 vll Divina, Lorna.2004.Thesis."An Analysisof Main Characterswhich RepresentsSenseand Sensibility of JaneAusten'snovel "Senseand Sensibilty".StrataS-1. UniversitasKatolik Widya Mandala Surabaya. Key terms : Literature,novel, character,Senseand Sensibility Abstract Literature is language well used. The main firnction of literature is to enjoy the beauty of the language and for and communication. Literature also helps the readers to find meaningand to expressit and to shareit with others. One of the literature gemesis novel, etymoligically derived from Italian"Novella", which meansa new little thing. Here, the writer selectsone of JaneAusten's works entitled *Senseand Sensibility" This novel is JaneAusten's first work and is regarded as her most ambitious and didactic novel. It tells the experienceof two sisten, Elinor and Marianne Dashwoodin their searchfor love. In her thesis,the writer wants to analyzethe characterswhich representSenseand Sensibility. The writer takesthe novel entitled "Senseand Sensibility" asths subjectof her analysisand acted as the data collector. In collecting and analyzing the data, shetook the following steps: (1) She read the novel several times in order to understandthe story. (2) She determinedthe charactersshe is going to analyze. (3) She made notes to take importantpoints. Besides,the writer usessomereferences,which are relatedto the discussion of "Senseand Sensibility" and contributesto her ideasandopinions that can be subjective.Therefore,this study is a literary analysis. By reading and studyingthe detailsof "Senseand Sensibility" , the writer got a deeperknowledgeaboutthe characters.The writer saw a clear picture that one ofthe main charactersrepresentsSenseand anothercharacterrepresents Sensibility. This canbe seenclearly from the conflicts andthe proble,nswhich they had vll1