12.1 Ch.12 Atomic X-ray Spectrometry • X-ray measurement on absorption, fluorescence for elements larger than Na 12A. X-ray (10-5~100 o A) o X-ray spectrometry: 0.1~25 A based on radiation by electron deceleration or by electron transition from inner orbital. by Prof. Myeong Hee Moon 12.2 12A-1. Emission of X-rays • X-ray sources in analytical purposes 1) Bombardment of a metal target with high E. electron beam 2) Exposure to primary X-ray beam to get secondary beam of X-ray fluorescence 3) Radioactive source – X-ray emission • types of X-ray 1) Continuum (white radiation) 2) Line spectra by Prof. Myeong Hee Moon 12.3 12A-1. Emission of X-rays ☞ Continuum spectra from electron beam e- 100kV metal anode heated cathode X-rays continuum W target Line spectrum Mo target by Prof. Myeong Hee Moon 12.4 12A-1. Emission of X-rays • Short wavelength limit (l0) : depends on voltage applied but not on target materials l0(Mo) 35kV = l0(W) 35kV • Photon energy of X-ray hc Ve 0 Duane-Hunt law Ve: (voltage x e- charge) – kinetic energy h: planck constant 0 by Prof. Myeong Hee Moon 12,398 V (in angstroms) 12.5 12A-1. Emission of X-rays ☞ Line spectra from electron beam sources • Features 1) Most elements give two typical series (K, L) o Mo --- 0.63, 0.67 A K L series (exception: elements <23 show only K series since no filled d orbital) Why? L series originate from transition of higher level M, or N shell (3rd or 4th periods) to L shell by Prof. Myeong Hee Moon 12.6 12A-1. Emission of X-rays by Prof. Myeong Hee Moon 12.7 12A-1. Emission of X-rays 2) Min. Acceleration Voltage increases with atomic number o i.e.) W at 50kV: no lines in 0.1~1.0 A 70kV: 0.18, 0.21 i.e.) W at 50kV: no lines in 0.1~1.0 70kV: 0.18, 0.21 X-ray spectra originates from inner most atomic orbital thus, nothing to do with sample states (pure metal, oxide, sulfide) by Prof. Myeong Hee Moon 12.8 12A-1. Emission of X-rays 4d 3d 2S by Prof. Myeong Hee Moon 12.9 12A-1. Emission of X-rays • Line spectra from fluorescence source get less energy (fluorescence) by radiating X-ray later section • From radioactive sources X-radiation: product of radioactive decay (from intranuclear rxn) similar to X-rays emission excite nucleus nucleus releases one or more quanta of -rays as it returns to ground states by Prof. Myeong Hee Moon 12.10 12A-1. Emission of X-rays electron capture or K-capture nucleus capture K-electrons – produces X-radiation then formation of the next lower element If isotope formed has too few neutrons, can get positron decay or K– electron capture. 11 6C 11 B+ 5 0 e 1 or 11 C+ 6 11 0 e B 5 –1 Results: e- transition to empty K shell X-ray spectrum from newly formed element by Prof. Myeong Hee Moon 12.11 12A-1. Emission of X-rays Results: e- transition to empty K shell X-ray spectrum from newly formed element 55Fe 54Mn + hn (half life 2.6yrs) o Ka = 2.1 A: radioisotopic source by Prof. Myeong Hee Moon 12.12 12A-2 Absorption spectra Absorption edge: sharp discontinuous Absorption Edge of Pb, Ag • absorption process : absorption causes ejection of one of the innermost e- from an atom, – produces excited ion Energy distributed : kinetic energy of e: potential energy of excited ion by Prof. Myeong Hee Moon 12.13 12A-2 Absorption spectra • Mass absorption coefficient Beer’s law P0: power of incident beam x: sample thickness : linear absorption coeff. : density of sample M: mass absorption coeff. independent of phy.chem.state P ln 0 x P Mx Br = HBr, NaBr by Prof. Myeong Hee Moon 12.14 12A-3. X-ray fluorescence Excited ion (vaccant K shell) h fluorescence absorption atom fl > abs Cutoff 0 < absorption edge To get K lines for Ag V by Prof. Myeong Hee Moon 12,398 25,560 V 0.485 12.15 12A-4. Diffraction of X-rays X-ray diffraction from X-ray scattering through a crystal surface • Bragg’s law diffraction AP PC n AP PC d sin n 2d sin n sin 2d by Prof. Myeong Hee Moon 12.16 12B. Instrument components 12B-1. Sources X-ray tubes, radioisotopes, secondary fluorescent sources • X-ray tubes (Coolidge tube) Cathode – tungsten filament Anode – copper block plated with metals W, Cr, Cu, Mo, Rh, Sc, Ag, Fe, Co by Prof. Myeong Hee Moon 12.17 12B. Instrument components • radioisotope by Prof. Myeong Hee Moon 12.18 12B-2. Filters • Zr filter (0.01 cm thick) -- pure K line • filter combinations by Prof. Myeong Hee Moon 12.19 12B-3. X-ray Monochromators • a pair of beam collimators (similar to slits) • dispersing element (single crystal <known d> on a goniometer) Rotation of single crystal at Rotation of detector at 2 Closely spaced metal plates by Prof. Myeong Hee Moon 12.20 12B-3. X-ray Monochromators • Crystals Dispersion: by Prof. Myeong Hee Moon d d : change of angle w.r.t. change of wavelength 12.21 12B-4. X-ray transducers & signal processors classic X-ray eq. ---- photographic emulsions for convenient, speedy, accurate Modern transducers – photon counting gas filled transducers scintillation counters semiconductor transducers • photon counting Production of Pulsed charge (# of counts/time) from radiation transducers (fast response) Digital recording : for weak source of radiation more accurate than measuring av. currents by Prof. Myeong Hee Moon 12.22 12B-4. X-ray transducers & signal processors • gas filled transducers X-ray inert gas Ar, Xe, Kr positive gas ions & photoelectrons Mica Be, Al, Mylar by Prof. Myeong Hee Moon 12.23 12B-4. X-ray transducers & signal processors Ionization chambers Proportional counters Geiger tubes • Scintillation counters Scintillator : chemicals to transfer radiation E to light energy NaI (with 0.2% TlI3) Scintillation counter : scintillator + photomultiplier by Prof. Myeong Hee Moon 12.24 12C. X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) methods Rather than putting sample into target of X-ray tube Use fluorescence --- widely used excitation by X-ray absorption – emit characteristic lines : for semi-quantitative or quantitative elemental analysis : non destructive by Prof. Myeong Hee Moon 12.25 12C-1. Instruments • wavelength dispersive instruments tubes for compensating large loss due to collimator single channel, sequential – Fig 12-9 multichannel, simultaneous detection of ~ 24 elements • energy dispersive instruments Ad: simple, no moving parts no collimators, crystal diffraction - 100 fold increase in E. - good for weak radioactive source or lower power X-ray tubes Disadv: lower resolution (>1A) by Prof. Myeong Hee Moon 12.26 12C-1. Instruments Energy dispersive X-ray Spectrometer a) Excitation from X-ray tube by Prof. Myeong Hee Moon 12.27 12C-2. Qualitative & Semi-quantitative Analysis by Prof. Myeong Hee Moon 12.28 12C-3. Quantitative Analysis • internal standards • applications of XRF : liquid sample: Pb, Br -- in aviation gasoline Ca, Ba, Zn -- lubricating oils, hydrocarbon pigments in paints air sample: (collecting with filters) elements (> Na) in rocks & soil : Mars pathfinder mission (Sojourner) by Prof. Myeong Hee Moon 12.29 Advantages Disadvantages •Simple spectra •Nondestructive •Good for barely visible speck of sample •Speedy, convenience •Superior accuracy, precision •Low sensitivity than optical tech. (< few parts per million) 0.01~100% •Inconvenient for lighter elements •High cost of instruments by Prof. Myeong Hee Moon 12.30 12D. XRA (X-ray absorption) X-ray absorption method: relatively free of matrix but time consuming good for only low matrix effect sample 12D-1. XRD (X-ray diffraction) Structural elucidation XRD: atomic space & arrangement in crystal -- physical properties of metal, polymer, solids steroids, vitamin, etc. X-ray powder diffraction : for compounds present in solid sample by Prof. Myeong Hee Moon 12.31 12D-2. Identification of Crystalline compounds • sample preparation Crystal – ground to fine powder, molded with binder or filled in thin walled glass or capillary tube • photographic recording From to d (lattice distance) by Prof. Myeong Hee Moon 12.32 by Prof. Myeong Hee Moon