English-ENG 112C‌

Revised 09/06/2012
Course Prefix, Number and Title: ENG 112C- ESL Reading Skills
Division/Unit: Division of Liberal Arts
Submitted by: Angela Adlish
Contributing Faculty:
Academic Year: 2012-2013
Assessment Semester: Fall X Spring D
Complete and electronically submit your assessment report to your Department Chair/Coordinator/Director. As needed, please attach supporting documents and/or
a narrative description of the assessment activities in your course.
Course Outcomes
Assessment Measures
Assessment Results
Use of Results
Effect on Course
Based on the results of this
assessment, will you revise your
outcomes? If so, please
summarize how and why in the
boxes below:
No changes will be
recommended to course
curriculum outcomes. However,
there will likely be revisions
made to the pre-test and post-test
used for assessment.
In the boxes below, summarize
the outcomes assessed in your
course during the year.
In the boxes below, summarize
the methods used to assess
course outcomes during the last
In the boxes below, summarize
the results of your assessment
activities during the last year.
In the boxes below, summarize
how you are or how you plan to
use the results to improve student
Students will improve reading
comprehension of meaning and
structure of reading materials.
All course sections administered
an introductory comprehension
test and a final exam over the
same content. The test consists of
assessing reading skills related to
a college-level piece of literature
"My Mother's Blue Bowl" by
Alice Walker: I) indentifying
central theme and main ideas, 2)
identifying major details, and 3)
making inferences.
In Fall 2012, there were very
varied results. In the
identification of central theme
and main ideas, the majority of
the students either scored lower
or with the same score as the pretest; 45% of the students,
however, improved by 34-67%.
In the identification of major
details, there was more consistent
progress; 80% of the students
improved by 12-38%, but 20%
had the same score or scored
lower than in the pre-test. In
making inferences, 64% of the
students received the same
perfect score of I 00% on both
the pre- and post-tests; 18% of
the students scored lower than in
the pre-test and 18% improved
by 33-67%.
There seem to be a few factors at
play in these tremendously
varied results across the different
reading skills assessed. Many
students scored lower in the posttest compared to the pre-test, so
that could mean there is lack of
motivation or focus when doing
the post-test. The high number of
students getting perfect scores of
I 00% in both the pre-test and
post-test suggest that this
assessment instrument is not
rigorous enough to accurately
test the learning outcomes for the
class, especially for making
inferences. Nevertheless, there
was significant progress for
many of the students in
identification of central theme,
main ideas, and major details.
Page I
Course Prefix, Number and Title: ENG 112C- ESL Reading Skills
Division/Unit: Division of Liberal Arts
Submitted by: Angela Adlish
Contributing Faculty:
Academic Year: 2012-2013
Course Outcomes
Outcome# 4
Students will determine
vocabulary from context and
word/sentence analysis.
Assessment Measures
Assessment Results
Use of Results
Effect on Course
All course sections administered
an introductory comprehension
test and a final exam over the
same content. The test consists of
assessing reading skills related to
a college-level piece of literature
"My Mother's Blue Bowl" by
Alice Walker: Part 4 focuses on
determining vocabulary meaning
from context.
In determining vocabulary from
context, half of the students
received the same perfect score
of I 00% in both the pre-test and
post-test. There was between 2550% of progress for 30% ofthe
students, but 20% of the students
scored tower in the post-test.
There seem to be a few factors at
play in these tremendously
varied results across the different
reading skills assessed. Many
students scored lower in the posttest compared to the pre-test, so
that could mean there is lack of
motivation or focus when doing
the post-test. The high number of
students getting perfect scores of
I00% in both the pre-test and
post-test suggest that this
assessment instrument is not
rigorous enough to accurately
test the teaming outcomes for the
class, especially for testing
vocabulary from context.
No changes will be
recommended to course
curriculum outcomes. However,
there will likely be revisions
made to the pre-test and post-test
used for assessment.
Please enter your name and date below to confirm you have reviewed this report:
Armida Fruzzetti
Vice President of Academic Affairs
Jane Nichols
Department Chair/Coordinator/Director