The Nonquon River Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) is owned, operated and maintained by the Region of
It is located on the south side of Scugog Line 8 between Highway 12 and Old Simcoe Road in the
Township of Scugog.
The Nonquon River WPCP currently provides wastewater treatment for the majority of the urban population within the Port Perry Urban Area in the Township of Scugog, with the exception of the areas designated as “Developable on Private Wastewater Systems”.
Approximately 50 km of sanitary sewers collect wastewater.
Wastewater is conveyed to the Nonquon River WPCP via three pumping stations: Canterbury
Common, Reach Street, and Water Street.
The Nonquon River WPCP also treats wastewater from commercial and industrial sources in Port Perry including municipal offices, elementary and secondary schools, and the Lakeridge
Health Port Perry hospital.
Approximately 600 lots are currently serviced by individually owned and operated private wastewater systems
septic systems and holding tanks) within the areas in Port Perry designated “Developable on Private
Wastewater Systems”.
This includes approximately 250 privately serviced lots in Port Perry that are outside the designated areas primarily in the Prince Albert area.
The septage pumped from these septic systems and holding tanks is typically transported to one of five Lake Ontario ‐ based WPCPs for treatment.
Sewer-Use By-Law
The Region of Durham’s Sewer Use By ‐ law (#43 ‐ 2004), amended June 24, 2009, regulates discharges into the sanitary and storm sewage collection systems that are owned and operated by the Region of Durham.
The Sewer
Use By ‐ law establishes legal and enforceable limits on materials, which may adversely affect public health, animals, property or vegetation.
It also includes material that may impair or interfere with the normal operations the Region’s water pollution control plant.
Through sampling and monitoring programs, the Region is able to track and enforce non ‐ compliance.
If non ‐ compliance issues arise, by ‐ law enforcement staff from the Technical Support Division of the Region of Durham’s
Works Department will attempt to work with the discharger to the extent possible to develop a plan to address the issue.
Violators charged under By ‐ law #43 ‐ 2004 can face financial penalties.
If convicted of an offence, persons other than a corporation are liable for fines up to $10,000 for their first offence and up to $25,000 for subsequent convictions.
The original wastewater treatment facility was constructed in 1971 by the Ministry of the Environment.
It consisted of three (3) waste stabilization ponds (lagoons or cells) each six hectares (15 acres) in size.
This was expanded to six (6) cells in 1977 to handle the anticipated growth and wastewater flow.
Additional upgrades were completed in 2000 to enhance the treatment process which included: a new inlet and outlet, flow metering chambers, as well as two (2) aerated cells complete with twelve (12) naturally aspirated mechanical aerators.
WPCP Capacity
The WPCP is rated as a Class II facility in accordance with Ontario Regulation 129/04.
The WPCP has a rated treatment capacity of 3,870 m
/day and comprises of two (2) aerated cells followed by six (6) facultative waste stabilization ponds.
Treated effluent is discharged to the Nonquon River on a seasonal basis from September 1 to
June 30.
The Nonquon River discharges to Lake Scugog, which ultimately drains to Lake Ontario via the Trent Canal system.
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The Nonquon River WPCP is currently approaching its rated capacity, and as a result, development is constrained within the Port Perry Urban Area.
The available storage volume in the facultative lagoons (excluding aerated cells) has been estimated as 630,600 m
Lagoons #1, 2, and 5 were cleaned in 2005, 2006 and 2007 respectively to restore capacity.
Lagoon #4 and the aerated cells were cleaned in the summer of 2012.
The equipment and basic design data at the existing pumping stations and Nonquon River WPCP are outlined in
Table 3 ‐ 1 below.
A schematic of the treatment process and wastewater flow through the WPCP is shown in Figure
3 ‐ 1 and Figure 3 ‐ 2, respectively.
These schematics are discussed in the following subsection.
TABLE 3 ‐ 1
Pumping Stations and Nonquon River WPCP Equipment and Process Basic Design Data
Equipment Process Data
Pumping Station
Submersible wet well type station with two (2) submersible pumps (1 duty, 1 standby).
Each pump is rated at 16.8
L/s with a total dynamic head of 30.9
45 kW standby diesel engine ‐ generator
Discharges wastewater to the forcemain from the Water Street PS to Nonquon River WPCP
Submersible wet well type station with two (2) submersible pumps (1 duty, 1 standby).
Each pump is rated at
L/s with a total dynamic head of 17.5
125 kW standby diesel engine ‐ generator
Discharges wastewater to the forcemain from the Water Street PS to Nonquon River WPCP
Magnetic flow meter and totalizer for measuring total volume of wastewater pumped to the Nonquon River WPCP
Wet well, dry pit type station with coarse basket screen, enclosed in a building
Two non ‐ clog, dry pit solids handling pumps with 56 kW electric motors (1 duty, 1 standby).
Each pump is rated at
120 L/s with a total dynamic head of 31.0
75 kW standby engine ‐ diesel generator
Phosphorus removal facilities, including 26.54
buried alum storage tank, and two alum feed pumps, each rated at
2,274 L/d and 861 kPa with feed range 10 to 1
Twin forcemains, approximately 2,640 m long, discharge from the Water Street PS to the Nonquon River WPCP
WPCP Treatment
Aeration Cells Quantity: 2
Clay lined with a 4:1 slope and a 3.6
m liquid depth at centre of cell
Estimated Combined Surface Area: 13,422 m
Estimated Volume: 34,500 m
Aeration System Quantity: 12 (6 in each aerated cell)
kW aspirated jet mechanical aerators (installed in 1999)
Capacity: 3,700 m
/hr (total)
Quantity: 6
Lagoon 1 volume 96,451 m
Lagoon 2 volume 100,075 m
Lagoon 3 volume 103,130 m
Lagoon 4 volume 115,132 m
Lagoon 5 volume 167,037 m
Lagoon 6 volume (Settling Cell) 142,478 m
Approximate combined volume: 724,500 m
Approximate effective storage volume: 630,000 m
when operated in parallel and 520,000 m
when operated in series
In the June 2009 Amended Certificate of Approval, under Phase I upgrades, approval was given to replace the existing aspirated jet aerators with 12 ‐
11kW aerators.
The high water elevation is lower in the lagoons when the lagoons are operated in series.
This may be a hydraulic issue or may be related to the height of the overflow pipes between the lagoons.
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FIGURE 3 ‐ 1
Nonquon River WPCP Treatment Process Schematic
FIGURE 3 ‐ 2
Nonquon River WPCP Wastewater Flow Schematic
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Wastewater treatment processes are designed to treat raw wastewater to achieve the removal of contaminants down to a level authorized by the Ontario Ministry of Environment (MOE) as specified in a WPCP’s Certificate of
Approval (C of A).
Table 3 ‐ 2 provides an overview of the different treatment process types and what is removed from wastewater.
TABLE 3 ‐ 2
Nonquon River WPCP Treatment Processes
Process Type
Settling of particles
Transfer of gases into water and release of dissolved gases in air
Bacteria, algae, rotifers (microscopic aquatic animals) and other microorganisms
Biodegradable organics
Nutrients (e.g.
nitrogen and phosphorus)
Wastewater Treatment at the Nonquon River WPCP
The current Nonquon River WPCP uses a lagoon ‐ based system that treats wastewater using physical, chemical and biological processes.
Waste stabilization ponds, or lagoons, are shallow basins designed to receive, hold and treat wastewater.
The lagoons at the Nonquon River facility are lined with an impermeable layer of clay to prevent any wastewater effluent from ex ‐ filtrating to the surrounding groundwater.
There are inlet and outlet structures to control the flow of wastewater into the lagoons and the release of effluent out of each lagoon.
Wastewater introduced into the lagoons is held for a period of time when naturally occurring bacteria and organisms work together to break down the organic material in the wastewater, forming settled solids and an effluent that meets MOE criteria for discharge to the receiving stream.
Settled solids accumulation at the bottom of the lagoons is relatively slow, requiring cleanout only every 10 to 20 years.
The Nonquon River lagoons are six feet deep and operate as facultative ponds using two types of bacteria: aerobic (bacteria which require dissolved oxygen) and anaerobic (bacteria which thrive without oxygen).
Below is a description of each of the treatment steps at the Nonquon River WPCP and the wastewater treatment processes involved.
Raw wastewater arrives at the Nonquon River WPCP via three pumping stations.
At the Water Street Pumping station, aluminum sulphate is added to the wastewater for phosphorus removal by facilitating the creation of solids to which the phosphorus is attached.
The combined flow from all three pumping stations is directed through a parshall flume where flow is measured.
Wastewater is directed to the aerated cells via a series of sluice gates.
There is no mechanical preliminary treatment as larger materials and grit naturally settle in the lagoons following the aerated cells.
Aerated Cells
Wastewater treatment in lagoons is a natural process dependent upon temperature, weather conditions and the detention time in the lagoon.
The natural process can be enhanced and accelerated by providing additional dissolved oxygen and mixing.
Aerated cells are treatment lagoons enhanced with mechanical aerators that supply additional dissolved oxygen and provide physical treatment through mixing.
Oxygen assists aerobic bacteria to degrade organic material and consume ammonia.
All wastewater flows are directed through the aerated cells prior to distribution to a settling cell and facultative waste stabilization ponds.
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Settling Cell
The settling cell is a lagoon where the mixture of microorganisms and wastewater from the aerated cells are separated as solids settle to the bottom in this cell.
The settling process also helps to remove pathogens that are attached to the solid particles.
The settling cell is also known as Lagoon #6.
Facultative Waste Stabilization Ponds
The Nonquon River WPCP lagoon system uses facultative waste stabilization ponds that are approximately six feet deep.
The facultative ponds have three zones: aerobic, facultative and anaerobic, each with different compositions of microorganisms that break down contaminants.
The oxygenated upper layer supports aerobic bacteria, rotifers and algae, whereas in the bottom oxygen ‐ poor layer, anaerobic bacteria are present to break down fats and proteins.
The algae in the lagoons also use phosphorus and nitrogen present wastewater to grow and increase the concentration of dissolved oxygen through photosynthesis that enhances biological and chemical treatment.
The retention time for wastewater to in the lagoons is fifty to sixty days.
Biological treatment processes to remove nitrogen are most effective in warmer temperatures.
In winter, under ice conditions, the lagoons become oxygen deficient making the lagoons anaerobic (as algae can no longer produce oxygen due to low light, and oxygen is no longer available from the atmosphere), but return to their facultative state in the spring when the ice melts.
In warm months, algae cause an increase in the pH of the lagoons which causes ammonia to volatilize from the water.
Effluent Discharge
Effluent leaving the lagoons is measured by a flow meter on the effluent pipe that discharges to the Nonquon
Prior to discharge, the effluent is analyzed and further phosphorus reduction can be achieved if necessary by direct application of alum to the lagoons by boat.
Discharge to the Nonquon River occurs between September 1 and June 30.
Discharge is not permitted in July and
August mainly due to low river levels and since it is a period of high algae activity which can elevate the concentration of suspended solids in the effluent.
Sampling and Analyses
Effluent samples are taken three times weekly, starting one week prior to and during the discharge period.
Samples are analyzed to confirm compliance with the discharge limits established by the MOE to protect the receiving stream environment.
Analyses are performed weekly by qualified plant staff at the Uxbridge Brook
Water Pollution Control Plant as a well as the accredited Regional Environmental Laboratory at the Duffin Creek
WPCP for 5 ‐ day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD
), total suspended solids (TSS), total phosphorus (TP), ammonia ‐ nitrogen, pH, and temperature.
The Nonquon River WPCP is remotely operated from the Uxbridge
Brook WPCP and through daily operator visits.
Effluent Requirements
The current lagoon ‐ based treatment plant performs well at removing organic matter, suspended solids and phosphorus, but is not specifically designed to remove ammonia.
However, some ammonia removal occurs during the summer and fall when photosynthetic algae uptake nitrogen in the form of ammonium.
Photosynthesis also increases the pH of the lagoon which, in combination with higher air temperatures, causes a small and variable amount of ammonia gas volatilization from the lagoon surfaces.
In general, the existing treatment system will not be able to effectively treat significantly higher volumes of wastewater in the future, because increased wastewater flow rates would result in shorter retention times for lagoon treatment and insufficient storage capacity for seasonal discharge.
Certificate of Approval
The operating requirements for wastewater treatment facilities, including capacity and effluent quality objectives and compliance limits, are identified in a facility’s Certificate of Approval (C of A) issued by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment.
These C of A’s are amended from time to time depending on upgrades and expansions to the
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C of A’s also describe operational conditions in addition to compliance water quality criteria, such as plant treatment capacity, discharge flow rates and periods, flow measurement, and sampling and analyses requirements.
C of A’s are currently being phased out, and in their place, the MOE is introducing Environmental Compliance Approvals (ECA’s).
The MOE issued a C of A for the Nonquon River WPCP for the most recent expansion of the WPCP to its current rated capacity of 3,870 m
/day in 2000.
However, the discharge from the WPCP exceeded the C of A compliance limits with respect to ammonia on a number of occasions.
Between 2003 and 2008, the Region undertook several studies to resolve the ammonia exceedances.
Based on the results of these studies, the Region proposed modifications to the effluent discharge period and rates as a means of achieving compliance.
These proposed modifications were approved by the MOE in June 2009 through an Amended Certificate of Approval.
Recent amendments to the Environmental Protection Act and the Ontario Water Resources Act came into effect fall 2011, which replaced the C of A with an Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA).
A single ECA addresses all of a project’s emissions, discharges and wastes which were previously covered in individual C of A’s.
Future C of A amendments for the Nonquon River WPCP would be covered under an ECA.
The studies undertaken by the Region between 2003 and 2008 to resolve the ammonia exceedances are summarized as follows:
Nonquon River WPCP Performance Assessment (December 2003) – In 2003, a comprehensive review was undertaken of the design, operation and performance of the expanded Nonquon River WPCP in an effort to address the ammonia exceedances.
The review found that optimization of the WPCP process (i.e.
operational modifications) would not likely enable the WPCP to meet the effluent ammonia compliance limits, and that the construction of additional treatment works would likely be required to bring the WPCP into compliance.
The additional works considered included conversion of the aerated cells to the extended aeration activated sludge process, or the addition of a separate treatment stage to achieve nitrification (ammonia removal).
The estimated costs of the additional treatment works ranged from $1,000,000 to $6,000,000.
The results of the review were issued in a December 2003 report entitled “Nonquon River WPCP Performance Assessment and
Upgrade Options to Achieve Year Round Ammonia Nitrogen Removal”.
Nonquon River Assimilative Capacity Assessment (July 2004) – An assessment of the Nonquon River assimilative capacity was undertaken to examine the implications of expanding the Nonquon River WPCP to the planned second phase capacity of 4,550 m
/day and beyond.
The assessment concluded that the
Nonquon River is a MOE “Policy 2” receiver for phosphorus and dissolved oxygen, and that the river has limited assimilative capacity for all critical water quality parameters.
The assessment also concluded that the flows in the Nonquon River during the summer months were likely too low to permit the discharge of treated effluent.
The results of the assessment were issued in a July 2004 Technical Memorandum entitled
“Assimilative Capacity Assessment of the Nonquon River”.
Evaluation of Nonquon River WPCP Upgrade Alternatives (March 2005) – A review of potential treatment technologies for ammonia and phosphorus removal at the Nonquon River WPCP was issued in a March 2005
Technical Memorandum entitled “Evaluation of Upgrade Alternatives for the Nonquon River WPCP”.
The review identified breakpoint chlorination as the preferred option for ammonia removal, and shallow bed gravity filtration as the preferred option for phosphorus removal.
Breakpoint Chlorination Pilot Testing (April 2005) – Bench ‐ scale pilot tests undertaken on effluent from the
Nonquon River WPCP in the spring of 2005 confirmed that breakpoint chlorination was a feasible technology for ammonia removal.
The results of the testing were issued in an April 2005 report entitled “Breakpoint
Chlorination of Nonquon River WPCP Effluent: Bench ‐ Scale Testing”.
Nonquon River Monitoring and Modelling Program (March 2007) – Flow measurements, water quality tests, benthic analyses, mass balance modelling, and CORMIX modelling were undertaken on the Nonquon River to assess the potential impacts of discharging treated effluent from the Nonquon River WPCP at the planned second phase capacity of 4,550 m
The study confirmed that the Nonquon River is an MOE “Policy 2”
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3 EXISTING WASTEWATER TREATMENT PROCESSES AND CAPACITY receiver for phosphorus and dissolved oxygen, and has limited assimilative capacity for all critical water quality parameters.
The study also concluded that it would likely be possible to extend the discharge period and modify the discharge rates to optimize the assimilative capacity of the Nonquon River.
The study results were issued in a March 2007 report entitled “Monitoring and Modelling Program for Nonquon River”.
Assessment of Nonquon River WPCP Storage Capacity (March 2007) – A March 2007 report entitled
“Nonquon River WPCP Assessment of Lagoon Storage” utilized mass balance calculations to determine that the total maximum storage capacity of the existing Nonquon River WPCP is approximately 630,000 m
Nonquon River WPCP Strategies (May 2007) – A May 2007 report entitled “Nonquon River WPCP Short and
Long Term Strategies” presented a short ‐ term strategy to alleviate storage concerns at the Nonquon River
WPCP, and a long ‐ term strategy to accommodate the discharge of effluent to the Nonquon River from the planned second phase of expansion to 4,550 m
The short ‐ term strategy involved a temporary increase in effluent discharge volumes during the months of May and June, and the long ‐ term strategy involved modifications to the effluent discharge period and rates to optimize the assimilative capacity of the Nonquon
The long ‐ term strategy also required the provision of additional treatment works to reduce ammonia levels, such as breakpoint chlorination.
Nonquon River WPCP Interim Solution (May 2008) – Due to concerns expressed by local residents regarding the breakpoint chlorination process, it was apparent by the spring of 2008 that a Class EA would be required to examine alternatives to address the ammonia compliance issue at the Nonquon River WPCP.
However, an interim solution to the ammonia issue would be required until the Class EA could be completed and the recommendations implemented.
Therefore, a May 2008 report entitled “Nonquon River WPCP Interim
Solution for Discharge of Existing Wastewater Flows”, proposed modifications to the effluent discharge period and rates to support an Amended C of A.
Changes to Nonquon River WPCP Effluent Discharge (September 2008) – A September 2008 Technical
Memorandum entitled “Proposed Changes to Nonquon River WPCP Effluent Discharge Scenario” summarized the proposed effluent flows and loadings in support of an Amended C of A.
Complete versions of the above ‐ noted studies are available on the project website
Table 3 ‐ 3 summarizes the effluent design objectives and compliance limits for the amended C of A for Nonquon
River WPCP based on an average rated flow capacity of 3,870 m
/day (Phase 1).
Table 3 ‐ 4 summarizes the effluent design objectives and compliance limits for the amended C of A based on an average rated flow capacity of
4,550 m
/day (Phase 2).
TABLE 3 ‐ 3
Nonquon River WPCP Current C of A Effluent Objectives and Limits at 3,780 m
/day (Phase 1)
Parameter Existing Design Objective Existing Compliance Limit
Total Suspended Solids
5 ‐ day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (cBOD
Total Ammonia Nitrogen
11 mg/L
8 mg/L
to 8.6
mg/L (varies monthly)
12 mg/L
10 mg/L
Total Phosphorus 0.21
mg/L 0.3
Effluent objectives are defined as the criteria at which a facility is designed and must operate, while the compliance limits are those that must be met on a yearly or monthly basis.
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TABLE 3 ‐ 4
Nonquon River WPCP Current C of A Effluent Objectives and Limits at 4,550 m
/day (Phase 2)
Parameter Existing Design Objective Existing Compliance Limit
Total Suspended Solids 6 mg/L 10 mg/L
5 ‐ day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (cBOD
Total Ammonia Nitrogen
Total Phosphorus
3 mg/L
to 8.6
mg/L (varies monthly)
5 mg/L
3 to 10 mg/L (varies monthly)
Future Effluent Discharge Requirements
The existing effluent quality from the WPCP and the water quality of the Nonquon River have been characterized.
Future effluent discharge requirements were identified based on: a) future wastewater capacity requirements; b) the existing effluent quality at the Nonquon River WPCP; and c) the receiving water (Nonquon River) quality.
The current Class EA study considers wastewater capacity requirements for the planning cycle to the year 2031 but also anticipates future wastewater flows and possible effluent discharge requirements for the “full build ‐ out” of the Port Perry Urban Area to facilitate the EA process for future WPCP expansions.
One objective of this Class EA study is to examine advanced treatment options which decrease ammonia concentrations in the effluent.
In addition, effluent disinfection requirements were also considered as the
Amended C of A stipulated that these requirements need to be assessed before MOE can consider an increase in plant capacity beyond 3,870 m
Future wastewater flows and loads and proposed effluent limits are discussed in Section 5.
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