ESTIMATION OF ROW AND COLUMN SCORES IN THE LINEAR-BY-LINEAR ASSOCIATION MODEL FOR TWO-WAY ORDINAL CONTINGENCY TABLES Charles S. Davis, University of Iowa Abstract or both of the variables are ordinal, unsaturated association models exist. These models are more realistic than the independence model. Consider the situation when both the column and row variables of a two-dimensional table are ordinal. A simple loglinear model that utilizes the orderings of the rows and the columns is the linear-by-linear association model (Agresti, 1984, pp. 76-80). Since this model has only one more parameter than the independence model, the degrees of freedom for testing goodness orfit is (T -1)(c-1)-l. An obvious disadvantage of the linear-by-linear association model is the necessity of assigning scores to the categories of the row and column variables. In many applications, the choice of scores will reflect assumed distances between midpoints of categories for an underlying interval scale. The integer scores are most commonly used in practice, in which-case the model is known as the uniform association model. However, there is no obvious choice of scores for many variables and the researcher may not wish to assume equal spacings. One solution is to assign scores a variety of "reasonable" ways to check whether substantive conclusions concerning parameter estimates and the goodness of fit of the model depend on the actual choice. In this paper, we consider the alternative of treating the scores as parameters to be estimated from the data rather than as numbers to be supplied by the researcher. This model was first discussed by Goodman (1979, 1981a, 1981b), who referred to it as "Model II" or the "RC model." Because the log expected frequency is a multiplicative (rather than linear) function of the model parameters, Agresti (1984, p. 139) calls it the log-multiplicative model. The RC model has the same general appearance as the linear-by-linear association model, except that scores for ordinal variables are treated as param~ eters. It is unnecessary for the user to assign the scores, since the estimation process provides estimated scores that yield the best fit for the linear-by-linear association. In Section 2, the RC model is described and discussed. An easy-to-use SAS macro for determining maximum likelihood estimates (MLE's) of the row and column scores is described in Section 3. The program uses PROC MATRIX to iteratively estimate the scores. Finally, Section 4 contains an example demonstrating the use of the macro in fitting the RC model to an observed contingency table. Consider the situation when both the column and row variables of a. two-dimensional table are ordinal. A simple loglinear model that -utilizes the orderings of the TOWS and the columns is the linear-by-linear association model. A disadvantage of this model is the necessity of assigning scores to the categories of the row and column variables. Although the integer scores are most commonly used in practice, there is no obvious choice of scores for many variables and the researcher may not wish to assume equal spacings. In this paper, we consider the alternative of treating the scores a.s parameters to be estimated from the data rather than as numbers to be supplied by the researcher. The resulting model was first discussed by Goodman, who referred to it as the "RC model." The RC model has the same general appearance as the linear~by-linear association model, except that scores for ordinal variables are treated as parameters. An easy-to-use SAS® macro for determining maximum likelihood estimates of the row and column scores and the association parameter is described. The program uses PROC MATRIX to iteratively estimate the scores. 1. Introduction While methods for analyzing cross-classified categorical data have received considerable attention in recent years, most of the well-known statistical techniques for analyzing such data treat all variables as nominal. Thus, the results are invariant to permutations of the categories of any of the variables. Examples of such methods include the Pearson chisquare test ofindependence and the traditionalloglinear models (Bishop, et ai., 1975). In much of the research conducted in various disciplines, these methods are routinely applied to both nominal and ordinal categorical data. Recently, specialized methods and descriptive measures have' been developed for contingency tables having ordered categories for at least one of the classifications. There are several advantages to be gained from using specialized models which efficiently use the information on ordering instead of the standard procedures appropriate for nominal data. Ordinal methods have greater power for detecting certain types of alternatives to null hypotheses such as the one of independence. In addition, ordinal methods can use a greater variety of models, most of which are more parsimonious and have simpler interpretations than the standard models for nominal variables. Finally, interesting ordinal models can be applied in settings where the standard nominal models are trivial or else have too many parameters to be tested for goodness of fit. 2. The RC Association Model for Two-Way Ordinal-Ordinal Contingency Tables Let {nij} denote the cell frequencies in an r X c crossclassification of ordinal variables X and Y. Let {mij} denote the corresponding expected frequencies and let {ll'ij} denote the cell probabilities. A general structural form for modelling the association between X and Y is: For example, in a two-way r X c contingency table with expected frequencies {mij}, it is quite common for the independence model (2.1) where to provide a poor fit to a set of observed data. However, in the standard hierarchical system, the model of next greater complexity is the saturated one having an additional (r-l)(c-1) independent )qJ Y parameters. Thus, a nontrivial model does not exist for describing the association. In contrast, if one I>x.f = L AJ = O. In this general model, the local log-odds ratio is Iogij-Og 0 - I mij m i+l,j+1 mi,j+l mi+1,j = (1'.+1 - 1';)(Vj+1 - Vj). 946 Stewart, 1979, pp. 599--609). In the canonical correlation approach, the scores {Pi} and {Vj} that produce the canonical (maximum) correlation for the joint distribution {7rij} are estimated. Again, the constraints (2.3) are used. Goodman (I981a) noted that the estimated parameter scores obtained for the RC model are often very close to the estimates obtained for the canonical correlation model. .Model (2.1) is the linear-by-linear association model when JliVj = j3UjVj with the {Ui} and {Vj} being fixed, strictly monotone scores (Agresti, 1984, p. 77). In addition, this general model is referred to as the row effects model when the {Pi} are unknown parameters and the {Vj} are fixed, strictly monotone scores (Agresti, 1984, p. 84); the column effects model when the {Vj} are parameters and the {ILi} are fixed, strictly monotone scores (Agresti, 1984, p. 85); and the RC model when both sets are parameters. While the linear-by-linear association, row effects, and column effects models are loglinear models, the RC model is not loglinear in the natural parameters. 3. Description of the SAS Macro The log-multiplicative model cannot easily be fit using commonly available packages. Agresti (1984, p. 141) suggests the following iterative procedure: (i) treat the column parameter scores as fixed and estimate It is common to rewrite the RC model as: the row scores as in a loglinear row effects model; (ii) treat the resulting row scores as fixed and estimate the (2.2) column scores as in a column I>,iPH = j modelj MLE's of the parameters can be obtained using the iterative sequence of weighted least squares estimates described in Agresti (1984, p. 238). Although this procedure will directly produce estimated parameters from which predicted frequencies and the goodness of fit likelihood ratio chi-square statistic (G 2 ) can be calculated, calculation of the scaled scores and the estimate of {3 is not described. L PiPi+ = 2: Vjp+j = 0, i e~ects (iii) repeat steps (i) .and (ii) until convergence. Since the basic form of the model is unchanged when the {JLd or {Vj} are replaced by linear functions of themselves, without loss of generality, an arbitrary location and scale may be assumed for them. Let Pi+ and P+j denote the row and column sample marginal distributions, respectively. The constraints (2.3) A macro RC-MODEL to fit the log-multiplicative model to a general r x c contingency table was written using PROC MATRIX; this macro is listed in the Appendix. The input contingency table is contained in a SAS data set with r observations and c variables. Observation i for variable j contains the (i,j) count of the table. The steps are documented in the program listing and are summarized as follows: 2:vjp+j = 1, j scale the scores to have means of zero and standard deviations of one with respect to the marginal distributions. With this choice of constraints a function of the estimated association parameter jj can be interpreted as a correlation coefficient, as will be shown below. a. Determine the dimensions of the table, calculate marginal probabilities for rows and columns, and reshape the table into an rc X 1 vector (called N). Since r - 2 of the {It;} and c - 2 of the {Vj} are linearly independent, the number of independent parameters in (2.2) is 2(r + c - 2). Thus, the degrees of freedom (df) for testing goodness offit is (r-2)(c-2). Therefore, the table must have dimensions at least 3 x 3 for the RC model to be unsaturated. h. Generate the fixed part of the design matrix (r + c - 1 columns): (i) a column of ~1'sj (ii) r - 1 row effects of the form: Goodman (1981b) pointed out that the RC model for discrete variables has form similar to the bivariate normal density for continuous variables. If (X, Y) have a standardized bivariate normal distribution, then f(x,y) = (2 .. ,11 - p')-' exP [2(1 ~ p') (x' - 2pxy + y2)] , o o o o o 0 o o 1 1 o o o 1 o 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 I =g(x)h(y) exp[ 1 ~ p,x y ]. Using the standardized scores as in (2.3), the RC model is: where A* = A -logN and N = Lnij. Then i,j where ai = exp(A* + >.f) and Ij = exp(>.j). Thus the association parameter f3 in the RC model corresponds to p/(I- p2) in the bivariate normal density. Goodman (1981a) noted many similarities RC model and the canonical correlation method ysis of two-way contingency tables with ordered umn categories (Fisher, 1940; Williams, 1952; between the for the analrow and colKendall and 947 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 f. MLE's of the row scores are then found using iterative weighted least squares (Agresti, 1984, p. 238, Equation B.5). Iteration continues until the absolute value of the relative difference is less than 0.001 for every component of the vector of estimated parameters, that is, (iii) c - 1 column effects of the form: 0-1 1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 1 0 0 0 0 max 1 -1 An absolute maximum of 5 iterations is also incorporated. g. Create c - 1 columns of the design matrix for estimating the column scores. These columns are of the form: 1 0 0 1 0 000 0-1 o 0 Xl 0 0 0 0 0 0 c. Initialize the vectors of predicted values (M), estimated parameters (B). column scores (COLSCORE), and row scores (ROWSCORE). The column scores are initially set equal to j for j = 1, ... ,c and M is set equal to N. The other parameters are initialized to the value L The initial estimates are stored so they can be used in checking convergence. -Xl -Xl Xl -Xl 0 0 X, d. Create two additional sets of columns of the design matrix: T -1 columns for estimating the row scores and c - 1 columns for estimating the column scores. At this point, the iterative procedure starts. Steps e.-i. are repeated until the estimates converge or until the maximum number of iterations (currently set equal to 10) is reached. -X, -x, -x, x. 0 0 0 x. 0 0 0 0 0 -x. 0 -x. -x. o 0 1 -1 -1 -1 Xl 0 0 e. Create r - 1 columns of the design matrix for estimating the row scores. These columns are of the form: • -1 VI V, 0 0 0 0 Vo 0 0 0 0 VI V, 0 0 0 Yo 0 0 0 0 0 Yl V, 0 0 V, -Yl -V, -Yl -Y' -VI -y, -Yo -Yo -Yo X, 0 0 0 X, 0 0 0 0 X• where Xl, ••• , Xr are the current estimates of the row scores. These columns are appended on the right of the fixed part of the design matrix. h. MLE's of the column scores are then found using the same procedure as was described in step f. i. Convergence is checked. When the criteria of step f. is satisfied, the iterative step is finished. j. The row and column scores are standardized to have mean values of zero and variances of one (with respect to the marginal distributions). k. The MLE of j3 is then calculated. It can be shown that is equal to the product of the estimated standard devi~ ations of the row and column scores. These values were obtained in step j. 1i 1. The goodness of fit to the model is calculated (C 2 , df, p~value) and printed. The row scores, the column scores, and the association parameter are printed. The correlation parameter p is calculated from the relationship f3 = pj(1- p') and printed. 4. Example Srole, et at. (1962) conducted a study which attempted to examine relationships between mental illness and socioe~ conomic status. Subjects were obtained from a probability sample of the resident midtown Manhattan population. Of where Yl, Y2, .. 'J Yc are the current estimates of the column scores. These columns are appended on the right of the fixed part of the design matrix. 948 (r -1) x (r -1) centra! Wishart matrix with (c -1) df. The upper 1 percent a.nd 5 percent critical values for this statistic are given in Table.51 of Pearson and Hartley (1972). 1911 persons contacted, 1660 permitted themselves to be interviewed. Table 1 displays the cross-classification of the respondents by mental health status and parental socioeconomic status (SES). These data have been previously analyzed by Haberman (1974, 1979) and Goodman (1979, 1985), among others. In this case, G2(I)-G'(RC) = 47.42-3.57 = 43.85. The corresponding upper 5 and 1 percent points of the distribution of the maximum eigenvalue of the 3 X 3 central Wishart matrix with df=5 are 17.21 and 21.65. Thus, there is strong evidence for association between SES and mental health status. Table 1 Subjects Cross-Classified by Mental Health Status and Parental Socioeconomic Status 5. Acknowledgements This research was supported in part by Grant CA39065 from the National Cancer Institute. Parental SES Mental Health Category A B C D E F Total Well 64 57 57 72 36 21 307 Mild symptoms 94 94 105 141 97 71 602 Mod. symptoms 58 54 65 77 54 54 362 Impaired 46 40 60 94 78 71 389 262 245 287 384 265 217 1660 Total SAS is the registered trademark of SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. 6. References Agresti, A. (1984). Analysis of Ordinal Categorical Data. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Bishop, Y.M.M., Fienberg, S.E., and Holland, P.W. (1975). Discrete Multivariate Annlysis. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Fisher, R.A. (1940). The precision of discriminant functions. Ann. Eugenics, London 10, 422-429. Goodman, L.A. (1979). Simple models for the analysis of association in cross-classifications having ordered categories. J. Amer. Statist. Ass. 74,537-552. The null hypothesis of independence between SES and mental health status is not supported, since the likelihood ratio chi-square (G2) is 47.42, with 15 df. The necessary SAS statements for fitting the RC model are listed below: Goodman, L.A. (1981a). Association models and canonical correlation in the analysis of cross~classifications having ordered categories. J. Amer. Statist. Ass. 76, 320-334. DATA SES; INPUT SES.A SES.ll SES_C SES..D SES..E SES_F; CARDS; 64 57 57 72 36 21 94 94 105 141 97 71 58 54 65 77 54 54 46 40 60 94 78 71 Goodman, L.A. (1981b). Association models and the bivariate normal distribution in the analysis of cross-classifications having ordered categories. Biometrika 68, 347-355. Goodman, L.A. (1985). The analysis of cross-classified data having ordered and/or unordered categories: association models, correlation models, and asymmetry models for contingency tables with or without missing entries. Ann. Statist. 13, 1(}.-69. MACRO DATA..sET SES % RC..MODEL Haberman, S.J. (1974). Log-linear models for frequency tables with ordered classifications. Biometrics 30, 589-600: Since C 2 = 3.57 with 8 df, the RC model fits the observed data very well. The estimated row scores are -1.68, -.14, .14, and 1.41, while the estimated column scores are -1.11, -1.12, -.37, 0.03, 1.01, and 1.82. The row scores indicate that the distance between the mental health status categories labelled "mild" and 'Imoderate" is much less than the distances between other adjacent categories. Similarly, SES categories A and B have almost the same score and the distance between categories C and D is much less than the distances· between B and C, D and E, and E and F. Haberman, S.J. (1979). Analysis of Qualitative Data: Volume 2. New Developments. New York: Academic Press. Haberman, S.J. (1981). Tests for independence in two-way contingency tables based on canonical correlation and on linear-by-linear interaction. Ann. Statist. 9, 1178-1186. Kendall, M.G. and Stuart, A. (1979). The Advanced Theory of Statistics: Volume 2. Inference and Relationship (4th Edition). New York: MacMillan. The estimate of the association parameter is (j = 0.166 and the corresponding correlation parameter is p = 0.162. In comparison, the correlation parameter from canonical correla.tion analysis is 0.163 (Goodman, 1985, p. 42). Thus, the two methods give very similar results. Pearson, E.S. and Hartley, H.O. (1972). Biometrika Tables for Statisticians: Volume II. Cambridge: The University Press. Srole, L., Langner, T.S., Michael, S.T., Opler, M.K., and Rennie, T.A.C. (1962). Mental Health in the Metropolis: The Midtown Manhattan Study. New York: McGraw-Hill. Haberman (1981) presented the asymptotic theory for testing Ho: f3 = 0 in the RC model. Let G'(I) denote the likelihood ratio goodness of fit statistic from the independence model and C 2 (RC) denote the corresponding statistic from the RC model. Under the null hypothesis of independence, Haberman showed that G'(I) - G'(RC) has the sarne asymp· totic distribution as that of the maximum eigenvalue of the Williams, E.J. (1952). Use of scores for the analysis of association in contingency tables. Biometrika 39, 274-280. 949 Appendix: * Listing of Macro RC_MODEL THIS PROGRAM FITS THE RC ASSOCIATION MODEL TO A TWO-WAY TABLE. THE INPUT RXC CONTINGENCY TABLE SHOULD BE IN A SAS DATA SET NAMED 'DATA SET'. (ALTERNATIVELY, THE DATA FILE NAME CAN BE SPECIFIED IN A MACRO 'DATA SET'.) THIS DATA FILE SHOULD HAVE R OBSERVATIONS AND C VARIABLES. THE (I,J) COUNT OF THE CONTINGENCY TABLE IS OBS. I FOR VARIABLE J; PROC MATRIX; FETCH TABLE DATA~DATA SET; * DETERMINE THE DIMENSIONS OF THE CONTINGENCY TABLE; R-NROW(TABLE); C-NCOL(TABLE); * CALCULATE MARGINAL PROBABILITIES FOR ROWS AND COLUMNS; ROWPROB-TABLE(,+)#/SUM(TABLE); COLPROB-TABLE(+,)#/SUM(TABLE); * RESHAPE THE TWO-WAY TABLE INTO A VECTOR OF LENGTH RC-R*C; N-SHAPE(TABLE,l); RC-R#C; * GENERATE THE FIRST * FIRST, THE R-1 ROW 1+(R-1)+(C-1) COLUMNS OF THE DESIGN MATRIX X; EFFECTS; ROWDESIG-J(RC,R-l,O); ROWDESIG«C#(R-1)+1):RC,)-J(C,R-1,-1); ROWSTART=1; DO COL-1 TO (R-1); ROWSTOP-ROWSTART+C-1; ROWDESIG(ROWSTART:ROWSTOP,COL)-J(C,l,l); ROWSTART-ROWSTART+C; END; * NEXT, THE C-l COLUMN EFFECTS; COLDESIG-J(RC,C-1,0); COLBLOCK-I(C-1) II J(l,C-l,-l); DO ROWSTART~l TO (C#(R-1)+1) BY C; ROWSTOP=ROWSTART+C-1; COLDESIG(ROWSTART:ROWSTOP,)-COLBLOCK; END; * THE FIXED PART OF THE DESIGN MATRIX CONSISTS OF A COLUMN OF ONES, THE R-1 ROW EFFECTS, AND THE C-l COLUMN EFFECTS; FIXEDX-J(RC,l,l) II ROWDESIG I I COLDESIG; * INITIALIZE THE VECTOR OF PREDICTED VALUES TO THE VECTOR OF OBSERVED VALUES; M=N; INITIALIZE THE PARAMETER VECTOR, THE COLUMN SCORES, AND THE ROW SCORES; OLDB1-J(2#R+C-2,1); OLDB2-J(2#C+R-2,1); COLSCOR-J(C,l); DO ROW-1 TO C; COLSCOR(ROW,l)-ROW; END; ROWSCORE-J(R,l); CHECKB, CHECKR, AND CHECKC CONTAIN VALUES OF THE FIXED PARAMETERS, ROW SCORES, AND COLUMN SCORES, RESPECTIVELY. THESE VALUES WILL BE USED IN CHECKING FOR CONVERGENCE; CHECKB-J(R+C-l,l); CHECKR-ROWSCORE; CHECKC-COLSCOR; CREATE TWO ADDITIONAL SETS OF COLUMNS OF THE DESIGN MATRIX, ONE SET FOR USE· IN ESTIMATING ROW SCORES AND ONE SET FOR USE IN ESTIMATING COLUMN SCORES; DRSCORE-J(RC,R-1); DCSCORE-J(RC,C-l); * * * * THE ITERATIVE PART OF THE PROGRAM CONSISTS OF TWO STEPS: 1. THE COLUMN SCORES ARE TREATED AS FIXED AND ROW SCORES ARE ESTIMATED. 2. THE RESULTING ROW SCORES ARE CONSIDERED TO BE FIXED AND THE COLUMN SCORES ARE REESTIMATED. THIS PROCESS CONTINUES UNTIL THE ESTIMATES CONVERGE OR UNTIL THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ITERATIONS IS REACHED; DO ITERATE-1 TO 10; * CREATE R-l COLUMNS OF THE DESIGN MATRIX FOR ESTIMATING ROW SCORES; DO ROWSTART-l TO (C#(R-1)+1) BY C; ROWSTOP-ROWSTART+C-1; 950 Appendix: Listing of Macro RC_MODEL (Continued) DO COL-l TO (R-l); DRSCORE(ROWSTART: ROWSTOP, COL)-COLSCOR#ROWDESIG(ROWSTART: ROWSTOP,COL); END; END; X-FIXEDX II DRS CORE ; * ITERATE TO FIND ESTIMATES OF THE ROW SCORES. THE PROCEDURE IS DESCRIBED IN AGRESTI (1984, P. 238, EQUATION B.5); DO I-I TO 5; SINV-INV(DIAG(l#jM)); Y-LOG(M)+«N-M)#jM); B-INV(X'*SINV*X)*X'*SINV*Y; M-EXP(X*B); IF ABS«B-OLDBl)#jOLDBl)<O.OOl THEN GOTO Ll; OLDBl-B; END; NOTE 'CONVERGENCE WAS NOT ACHIEVED IN THE ROW SCORES STEP'; Ll:ROWSCORE-B«R+C):(2#R+C-2),l) j j (-SUM(B«R+C):(2#R+C-2),))); * CREATE C-l COLUMNS OF THE DESIGN MATRIX FOR ESTIMATING COL. SCORES; DO I-I TO R; ROWSTART-C#(I-l)+l; ROWSTOP-C#I; ROWMAT-J(C,C-l,ROWSCORE(I,l)); DCSCORE(ROWSTART:ROWSTOP,)-ROWMAT#COLDESIG(ROWSTART:ROWSTOP,); END; X-FIXEDX II DCSCORE; * ITERATE TO FIND ESTIMATES OF THE COLUMN SCORES; DO I-I TO 5; SINV-INV(DIAG(l#jM)); Y-LOG(M)+«N-M)#jM); B=INV(X'*SINV*X)*X'*SINV*Y; M=EXP(X*B); IF ABS«B-OLDB2)#jOLDB2)<0.001 THEN COTO L2; OLDB2-B; END; NOTE 'CONVERGENCE WAS NOT ACHIEVED IN THE COLUMN SCORES STEP'; L2:COLSCOR-B«R+C):(2#C+R-2),l) j j (-SUM(B«R+C):(2#C+R-2),))); * CHECK FOR CONVERGENCE; TEMPB-B(l:(R+C-l),l); FLAG-D; IF ABS«TEMPB-CHECKB)#jCHECKB»O.OOl THEN FLAG-I; IF ABS«ROWSCORE-CHECKR)#jCHECKR»O.OOl THEN FLAG-I; IF ABS«COLSCOR -CHECKC)#jCHECKC»O.OOl THEN FLAG-I; GHEGKB=TEMPB; CHECKR=ROWSGORE; CHECKC=COLSCOR; IF FLAG-O THEN GOTO L3; END; NOTE 'OVERALL CONVERGENCE WAS NOT ACHIEVED' ; L3: * CONVERGENCE HAS BEEN OBTAINED; * STANDARDIZE THE ROW AND COLUMN SCORES TO HAVE MEANS OF ZERO AND VARIANCES OF ONE WITH RESPECT TO THE MARGINAL DISTRIBUTIONS; RBAR-SUM(ROWSCORE#ROWPROB); RSCORE-ROWSCORE-RBAR; RSD-SUM(RSCORE#RSCORE#ROWPROB)##O.5; ROWSCORE-RSCORE#jRSD; CBAR-SUM(COLSCOR#COLPROB'); CSCORE-COLSCOR-CBAR; CSD-SUM(CSCORE#CSCORE#COLPROB')##O.5; COLSCOR-CSCORE#jCSD; * CALCULATE THE GOODNESS-OF-FIT OF THE MODEL; GSQUARED-2#N'*(LOG(N)-LOG(M)); DF-(R-2)#(C-2); P-l-PROBCHI(GSQUARED,DF); LR-GSQUARED I I DF II P; NOTE 'GOODNESS-OF-FIT (G-SQUARED, DF, P-VALUE), ; PRINT LR; COLSCORE=COLSCOR'; NOTE 'ROW SCORES AND COLUMN SCORES'; NOTE 'SCALED TO HAVE MEANS OF ZERO AND VARIANCES OF ONE'; PRINT ROWSCORE FORMAT-8.3; PRINT COLSCORE FORMAT-8.3; * ESTIMATE THE ASSOCIATION PARAMETER BETA AND THE CORRELATION PARAMETER RHO; BETA=RSD#CSD; NOTE 'ASSOCIATION PARAMETER'; PRINT BETA FORMAT-8.3; NU-l#j(2#BETA); TERM-(1+NU#NU)##O.5; IF BETA(l,l»O THEN RHD-(-NU)+TERM; IF BETA(l,l)<O THEN RHO-(-NU)-TERM; NOTE 'CORRELATION PARAMETER'; PRINT RHO FORMAT-8.3; STOP; % 951