NS 1.0*1) Students8VHGHFLPDOQRWDWLRQIRUIUDFWLRQVZLWKGHQRPLQDWRUVRU)RU understand place value of whole numbers and &&66 H[DPSOHUHZULWHDVGHVFULEHDOHQJWKDVPHWHUVORFDWHRQD decimals to two decimal places, and how whole numbers and QXPEHUOLQHGLDJUDP decimals relate to simple fractions. Students use the concepts UNDERLYING SKILLS AND CONCEPTS: use decimal notation; value of coins and bills of negative numbers. Write Money Amounts as Decimals a K ey Ide Decimals are used to describe fractional amounts of dollars. For example, 4 dollars and 50 cents can be written as the decimal $4.50. The number to the left of the decimal point describes the whole number, or whole dollar amount. If there is no whole dollar amount, there is a zero to the left of the decimal point. The number to the right of the decimal point describes the cents, or fractional part of a dollar. The decimal point separates the whole dollar value from the fractional part. E x am p l E 1 Look at the picture. Describe what you see. How would you write this amount of money as a decimal? D – © CSL Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. You can write an equation for this problem. total amount of money ! whole dollar value " fractional dollar value The 2 one-dollar bills represent the whole number value: $2.00 The quarter is valued at 25 cents or $0.25 $2.00 " $0.25 ! $2.25 Read: two dollars and twenty-five cents E x am p l E 2 Write the amount of money represented in the picture. There are no dollar bills. The coins amount to 41 cents. So, you write: “$0.41.” page 140 Dime ! 10¢ Penny ! 1¢ Quarter ! 25¢ Nickel ! 5¢ Chapter 12 – Lesson 4 Name P RAC T I C E Write decimal amounts for the following: $12.19 1. twelve dollars and nineteen cents 2. forty-five cents $0.45 3. nine dollars and ninety-nine cents $9.99 4. three dollars $3.00 $15.60 5. fifteen dollars and sixty cents Write decimal amounts below each picture. 6. 7. $0.75 $1.03 D – © CSL Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Solve each problem. 8. Leon wants a book that costs eight dollars and thirty-six cents. Write that money amount as a decimal. 9. Jo saved three dollars and five cents. Write that amount as a decimal. Math Reasoning $8.36 $3.05 Decimals and Money MR 2.4 10. Glenn has this money in his pocket. How much does he have all together? Write the decimal amount of money. Explain how you know the decimal amount of money Glenn has in his pocket. $6.04; Possible answer: The decimal amount in Glenn’s pocket can be determined by adding up the dollar value of each piece of money, or decimal. $5.00 $1.00 $0.04 $6.04 Chapter 12 – Lesson 4 page 141 MCX94.HW.CL.G4.FM&Lesson.v211 8/2/04 19:16 Page 96 Name …at home! P RAC T I C E Write decimal amounts for the following: 1. five dollars and twenty-eight cents $5.28 2. sixty-nine cents $0.69 $15.87 3. fifteen dollars and eighty-seven cents $7.00 4. seven dollars $13.30 5. thirteen dollars and thirty cents Write decimal amounts below each picture. 6. 7. $0.65 $0.98 8. Daniel wants a book that costs seven dollars and eighty-five cents. Write that money amount as a decimal. $7.85 9. Rob saved two dollars and three cents. Write that amount as a decimal. $2.03 Math Reasoning Decimals and Money MR 2.4 10. Ed has this money in his pocket. How much does he have all together? Write the decimal amount of money. Explain how you know the decimal amount of money Ed has in his pocket. $6.29; Possible answer: The decimal amount in Ed’s pocket can be determined by adding up the dollar value of each piece of money, or decimal. $5.00 $1.00 $0.29 $6.29 page 96 Home Resource and Homework Chapter 12 Lesson 4 D – © CSL Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Solve each problem. MCX94TEG4Ch01_32.v8.5.2 2/26/01 19:01 Page 261 Name P RAC T I C E Write decimal amounts for the following: $12.19 1. twelve dollars and nineteen cents 2. forty-five cents $0.45 3. nine dollars and ninety-nine cents $9.99 4. three dollars $3.00 $15.60 5. fifteen dollars and sixty cents Write decimal amounts below each picture. 6. 7. $0.75 $1.03 D – © CSL Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Solve each problem. 8. Leon wants a book that costs eight dollars and thirty-six cents. Write that money amount as a decimal. 9. Jo saved three dollars and five cents. Write that amount as a decimal. Math Reasoning $8.36 $3.05 Decimals and Money MR 2.4 10. Glenn has this money in his pocket. How much does he have all together? Write the decimal amount of money. Explain how you know the decimal amount of money Glenn has in his pocket. $6.04; possible answer: The decimal amount in Glenn’s pocket can be determined by adding up the dollar value of each piece of money, or decimal. $5.00 $1.00 $0.04 $6.04 Chapter 12 – Lesson 4 Student Book Page page 141 Name …at home! P RAC T I C E Write decimal amounts for the following: 1. five dollars and twenty-eight cents $5.28 2. sixty-nine cents $0.69 $15.87 3. fifteen dollars and eighty-seven cents $7.00 4. seven dollars $13.30 5. thirteen dollars and thirty cents Write decimal amounts below each picture. 6. 7. $0.65 $0.98 8. Daniel wants a book that costs seven dollars and eighty-five cents. Write that money amount as a decimal. $7.85 9. Rob saved two dollars and three cents. Write that amount as a decimal. $2.03 Math Reasoning Decimals and Money MR 2.4 10. Ed has this money in his pocket. How much does he have all together? Write the decimal amount of money. Explain how you know the decimal amount of money Ed has in his pocket. $6.34; Possible answer: The decimal amount in Ed’s pocket can be determined by adding up the dollar value of each piece of money, or decimal. $5.00 $1.00 $0.34 $6.34 page 96 Home Resource and Homework Chapter 12 Lesson 4 D – © CSL Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Solve each problem.