(By Senators Kessler (Mr. President), Beach, Chafin, Cole, 3




(By Senators Kessler (Mr. President), Beach, Chafin, Cole, 2

3 Fitzsimmons, Green, D. Hall, M. Hall, Jenkins, Palumbo, Plymale,

4 Snyder, Stollings, Tucker, Unger, Wells and McCabe)




6 Recognizing the one hundredth year of the West Virginia Division of


Whereas, Prior to 1913, the West Virginia Legislature

9 designated that all road work was under the direct authority of the

10 county courts and the county road engineer; and

11 Whereas, In 1913, the West Virginia Legislature saw fit to

12 create the State Road Bureau to oversee a coordinated roadway

13 system to serve the citizens of this state; and

14 Whereas, The Federal Aid Road Act of 1916 provided federal aid

15 to those states for the improvement of any road on which the United

16 States mail is or may be transported; and

17 Whereas, The Federal Aid Road Act of 1916 required states to

18 provide a match to receive federal funds, to establish a state

19 highway department that shall oversee the maintenance of state

20 highways; and

21 Whereas, The West Virginia Legislature replaced the State Road

22 Bureau with the State Road Commission in 1917 and agreed to match

23 federal funds and maintain all roads constructed with federal-aid

24 funds; and



1 Whereas, In 1920, the first bonds were issued under the Good

2 Roads Amendment, which provided up to $50 million for construction

3 of roads to connect county seats in the state; and

4 Whereas, In 1921, the West Virginia Legislature dedicated

5 motor vehicle license fees to a newly created State Road Fund; and

6 Whereas, In 1923, the West Virginia Legislature enacted the

7 first gasoline tax of two cents per gallon dedicated to the State

8 Road Fund for the repayment of highway bonds and for the repair,

9 maintenance and reconstruction of roads and highways; and

10 Whereas, In 1933, the West Virginia Legislature passed an act

11 to place practically all roads on the State Road System and relieve

12 the counties of their maintenance of roads; and

13 Whereas, Said act transferred 4,417 roads designated as the

14 State’s Primary System and 29,098 miles of roadways in a Secondary

15 System; and

16 Whereas, In 1948, construction began on the state’s first

17 limited-access highway: US 119/WV 10 in Logan County; and

18 Whereas, In November, 1954, the first high-speed expressway

19 was opened as a two-lane toll road from Charleston to Princeton and

20 named the West Virginia Turnpike; and

21 Whereas, The Appalachian Regional Development Act was passed

22 by Congress in 1965 to promote commerce in Appalachia with the

23 development of a highway system; and

24 Whereas, The Federal-Aid Highway Act was passed in 1968 by



1 Congress and established the national bridge inspection standards

2 as a result of the 1967 tragedy when forty-six souls lost their

3 lives as a result of the collapse of the Silver Bridge in Point

4 Pleasant; and

5 Whereas, The West Virginia Legislature renamed the State Road

6 Commission the Department of Highways; and

7 Whereas, The Department of Highways completed construction of

8 the award-winning New River Gorge Bridge on US 19 in Fayetteville,

9 creating the world’s longest single-span steel arch bridge with a

10 length of 3,030 feet and a 876-feet rise above the New River; and

11 Whereas, In 1988, the Department of Highways completed the

12 final section of Interstate with the opening of Interstate 64 from

13 Sam Black Church to Beckley and the 2,179-feet Glade Creek Bridge

14 in Raleigh County; and

15 Whereas, In 1989, the West Virginia Legislature reorganized

16 state government, creating a Department of Transportation and

17 renaming the department as the Division of Highways; and

18 Whereas, During the construction of the Interstate Highway

19 System and the Appalachian Corridor System, the Division of

20 Highways had over ten thousand employees and served as a major

21 economic source for the state by employing thousands of

22 construction workers, suppliers and manufacturers; and

23 Whereas, With the completion of the majority of major

24 highways, the Division of Highways today oversees approximately



1 thirty-six thousand miles of highways with approximately five

2 thousand employees; and

3 Whereas, The Division of Highways is only one of four states



4 charged with the massive task of maintaining most highways in the

5 state; therefore, be it

Resolved by the Senate :

That the Senate hereby recognizes the one hundredth year of

8 the West Virginia Division of Highways; and, be it

9 Further Resolved, That the Senate hereby honors the West

10 Virginia Division of Highways for one hundred years of service in

11 developing a safe statewide transportation system; and, be it

12 Further Resolved , That the Senate invites all citizens of West

13 Virginia to join in recognizing the West Virginia Division of

14 Highways and its employees for one hundred years of contributions

15 to the state in providing a safe highway system; and, be it

16 Further Resolved , That the Clerk is hereby directed to forward

17 a copy of this resolution to the West Virginia Division of

18 Highways.

