Curriculum Vitae Richard E. Miller Department of Biological Sciences Southeastern Louisiana University Hammond, LA 70402 (985) 277-7097 (cell) (985) 549-5294 (work) Education Ph.D. University of Texas, Austin, TX Department of Botany 1985-1992 M.F.S. Yale University, New Haven, CT School of Forestry and Environmental Studies 1980-1982 B.A. 1975-1979 Hampshire College, Amherst, MA in Ecology Academic Positions Associate Professor, Plant evolutionary biology, Department of Biological Sciences, Southeastern Louisiana University. January 2007 – present. Assistant Professor, Plant evolutionary biology, Department of Biological Sciences, Southeastern Louisiana University. January 2002 – January 2007. Research Experience Postdoctoral Research Associate, with Mark Rausher, Biology Department, Duke University. September 1995 – December 2001. Postdoctoral Research Associate, with Laura Huenneke, Biology Department, New Mexico State University. January 1992 - August 1995. 1 Research Assistant, with Norma Fowler, Botany Department, University of Texas. Fall 1990 Research Assistant, with Thomas Siccama, Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. June 1982 - September 1982, June 1980 - 1981. Data Analysis Consultant, for Amherst College and Smith College. September 1979 - May 1980. Teaching Experience College Assistant Professor, Evolution, Biology Department, New Mexico State University. Fall 1994. Lecturer, General Biology, Biology Department, St. Edward’s University, Austin, TX. Fall 1991. Instructor, Environmental Biology, Biology Department, Austin Community College, Austin, TX. Fall 1991. Teaching Assistant, Department of Botany, University of Texas, Austin, TX. Fall 1985 - Summer 1990. Biometry, Plant Speciation, Biogeography, General Botany, Environmental Biology, Native Plants, General Biology. Teaching Assistant, Biology Department, Yale University, New Haven, CT. Spring 1982. General Biology. 2 Grants “Targeted use of crop wild relatives for improved abiotic stress resistance in cultivated sweet potato” Global Crop Diversity Trust. Awarded to G. C. Yencho. R. E. Miller as collaborator. $70,217 January 2014 to December 2018. Evolution meetings travel award. Center for Faculty Excellence. Southeastern Louisiana University. $1000. June 2013. “Moring glory – fungus symbiosis: The systematics of the Ipomoea – swainsoinine-producing fungi association” Center for Faculty Excellence. Southeastern Louisiana University. $1000. November 2012 to August 2013 “Phylogeography of a syngameon: Ipomoea section Batatas”. STAR grant. College of Science and Technology, Southeastern Louisiana University. In collaboration with G. P. Tiley and C. Chenevert. $1,000. 2011-2012. “Distribution of ergot alkaloids among morning glories” Board of Regents and National Science Foundation PFund. R. E. Miller. $10,000. March 2011to February 2013. “Complete plastid genome sequences for four species of morning glories for studies of systematics and molecular evolution” STAR grant. College of Science and Technology, Southeastern Louisiana University. In collaboration with George Tiley, Amanda Wells, Molly Chester, De’Marcquanaee Johnson. $1,500. 20092010. “Molecular and morphological analysis of Ipomoea batatas and its relatives” USDA Germplasm Evaluation. R. E. Miller. $10,000. July 2010 to June 2012 “Base phylogeny of morning glories: Application of whole chloroplast genomes towards understanding relationships among species of the tribe Ipomoeeae.” ROA Supplement to: Collaborative Research: From Acorus to Zinberber – Assembling the phylogeny of Monocots. NSF DEB 0830009. J. H. LeebensMack, PI; R. E. Miller, ROA Visitor. $30,115. July 2009 – June 2011. “Worldwide phylogenetic study of morning glories using a large ITS dataset.” STAR grant. College of Science and Technology, Southeastern Louisiana University. In collaboration with Lauren Eserman and George Tiley. $1,500. 2008/2009. “CyberFlora Louisiana” NSF DBI-Biological Research Collections. T. W. Sasek, L. E. Urbatsch, S. P. Darwin, A. Lasseigne, R. E. Miller. $498,979 ($7,471 to Southeastern). March 2009 to February 2013. 3 “Evolution of Basic Helix-Loop-Helix transcription factors: test of the neutral theory of molecular evolution.” STAR grant. College of Science and Technology, Southeastern Louisiana University. In collaboration with Sean Major and Lauren Eserman. $750. 2008. “Evolution of fitness and life history traits among geographically widespread populations of Ipomoea nil (Convolvulaceae).” STAR grant. College of Science and Technology, Southeastern Louisiana University. In collaboration with Brittany Bilich. $750. 2008. “Biodiversity in Latin America: Integrating student academic success, outreach, and excellence in research.” LEAD grant. Center for Faculty Excellence. Southeastern Louisiana University. In collaboration with Kyle Piller. $20,000. November 2007 – April 2008. “Protein evolution of the basic-Helix-Loop-Helix-3 transcription factor.” STAR grant. College of Science and Technology, Southeastern Louisiana University. In collaboration with Sean Major and Lauren Eserman. $750. 2007. “Evolution of flower color genes.” Southeastern Louisiana University Faculty Development Grant. $1,985. 2007 -2008. “Evaluation of the morning glory seed collection of Dr. Michael T. Clegg” University of California, Irvine. $3,000. “Molecular evolution of regulatory genes: Analysis of three classes of transcription factors in populations of Ipomoea nil.” STAR grant. College of Science and Technology, Southeastern Louisiana University. In collaboration with Sean Major and Haley Echlin. $1,500. 2006. “Revisiting the systematics of species of Ipomoea section Leptocallis (Convolvulaceae) using molecular data.” STAR grant. College of Science and Technology, Southeastern Louisiana University. In collaboration with Lauren Eserman and Whitney Terry. $1,500. 2006. “Evolutionary lability of ecologically important traits among species of morning glories.” Louisiana Board of Regents Support Fund. LEQSF (2003-06)-RD-A-23 $118,165. June 2003-June 2006. “Evolution of seed size and number in morning glories (continuation).” Southeastern Louisiana University Faculty Development Grant. $1,000. 20032004. “Evolution of seed size and number in morning glories.” Southeastern Louisiana University Faculty Development Grant. $1,998. 2002-2003. 4 “Optimal reaction norms and genetic constraints in the evolution of plant size in Ipomoea purpurea.” National Science Foundation EB-9707223. $329,940. Written with Mark D. Rausher (principal investigator). August 1997 – July 2000. Publications Khoury, C. K., B. Heider, N. P. Castañeda-Álvarez, H. A. Achicanoy, C. C. Sosa, R. E. Miller, R. W. Scotland, J. R. I. Wood, G. Rossel, L. A. Eserman, R. L. Jarret, G. C. Yencho, V. Bernau, H. Juarez, S. Sotelo, S de Haan, and P. C. Struik. 2015. Distributions, ex situ conservation priorities, and genetic resource potential of crop wild relatives of sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. I. series Batatas). Frontiers in plant science. 6: 251. Eserman, L. A., G. P. Tiley, R. L. Jarret, J.H. Leebens-Mack, and R. E. Miller. 2014. Phylogenetics and diversification of morning glories (tribe Ipomoeeae, Convolvulaceae) based on whole plastome sequences. American Journal of Botany. 101: 1-12. Smith, S. D., R. E. Miller, S. P. Otto, R. G. FitzJohn, and M. D. Rausher. 2010. The effects of flower color transitions on diversification rates in morning glories (Ipomoea subg. Quamoclit, Convolvulaceae). Pp. 220-226 in M. Long, H. Gu and Z. Zhou, Darwin's Heritage Today: Proceedings of the Darwin 2010 Bejing International Conference. Higher Education Press, Beijing. Lau, J. A., R. E. Miller, and M. D. Rausher. 2008. Selection through male function favors smaller floral display size in the common morning glory, Ipomoea purpurea (Convolvulaceae). American Naturalist 172:63-74. Juenger, T., T. C. Morton, R. E. Miller, and J. Bergelson. 2005. Scarlet gilia resistance to insect herbivory: the effect of early season browsing, plant apparency, and phytochemistry on patterns of seed fly attack. Evolutionary Ecology 19:79-101. Miller, R.E. 2004. A modern synthesis of relationships among plants. A book review of Plant Systematics: a phylogenetic approach. Cladistics 20:296298. Miller, R.E., J. A. McDonald, and P. S. Manos. 2004. Systematics of Ipomoea subgenus Quamoclit based on ITS sequence data and a Bayesian phylogenetic analysis. American Journal of Botany 91: 1208-1218. Miller, R. E., T. R. Buckley, and P. S. Manos. 2002. An examination of the monophyly of morning glory taxa using Bayesian phylogenetic inference. Systematic Biology 51: 740-753. 5 Huelsenbeck, J. P., B. Larget, R. E. Miller, and F. Ronquist. 2002. Potential applications and pitfalls of Bayesian inference of phylogeny. Systematic Biology 51:673-688. Manos, P. S., R. E. Miller, and P. Wilkin. 2001. Phylogenetic analysis of Ipomoea, Argyreia, Stictocardia, and Turbina suggests a generalized model of morphological evolution in morning glories. Systematic Botany 26:585-602. Miller, R. E. and L. F. Huenneke. 2000a. Demographic variation in a desert shrub, Larrea tridentata, in response to a thinning treatment. Journal of Arid Environments 45: 315-323. Miller, R. E. and L. F. Huenneke. 2000b. The relationship between density and demographic variation within a population of Larrea tridentata. Southwestern Naturalist 45: 313-321. Miller, R. E., M. D. Rausher, and P. S. Manos. 1999. Phylogenetic systematics of Ipomoea (Convolvulaceae) based on ITS and waxy sequences. Systematic Botany 24: 209-227. Rausher, M. D., R. E. Miller, and P. Tiffin. 1999. Patterns of evolutionary rate variation among genes of the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway. Molecular Biology and Evolution 16: 266-274. Tiffin, P., R. E. Miller, and M. D. Rausher. 1998. Control of expression patterns of anthocyanin structural genes by two loci in the common morning glory. Genes and Genetic Systems 73: 105-110. Miller, R. E. and L. F. Huenneke. 1996. Size decline in Larrea tridentata (creosotebush). Southwestern Naturalist 41: 248-250. Benkman, C. W. and R. E. Miller. 1996. Morphological evolution in response to fluctuating selection. Evolution 50: 2499-2504. Miller, R. E., J. M. Ver Hoef, and N. L. Fowler. 1995. Spatial heterogeneity in eight central Texas grasslands. Journal of Ecology 83: 919-928. Miller, R. E. and N. L. Fowler. 1994. Life history variation and local adaptation within two populations of Bouteloua rigidiseta (Texas grama). Journal of Ecology 82: 855-864. Miller, R. E. and N. L. Fowler. 1993. Variation in reaction norms among population of Bouteloua rigidiseta. Evolution 47: 1446-1455. 6 Miller, R. S. and R. E. Miller. 1971. Feeding activity and color preference of rubythroated hummingbirds. Condor 73: 309-313. Manuscripts in preparation Miller, R. E. and L. A. Eserman. Phylogenetic hypothesis for morning glories (Convolvulaceae, tribe Ipomoeeae) based on a meta-tree synthesizing 29 gene regions. in prep. A. Eserman, L. A. and R. E. Miller. Taxonomic revision of the Pharbitis group (Convolvulaceae). in prep. B. Tiley, G. E., L. A. Eserman, and R. E. Miller. Phylogenetic relationships among the Batatas complex (Convolvulacae). in prep. C. Brown, A. L., Tiley, G. E., and R. E. Miller. Methods of detection and phylogenetic investigation of the morning glory associated fungal symbionts, Periglandula. in prep. D. A. Harkness, L. A. Eserman, G. E. Tiley, R. E. Miller, and J. H. Lebens-Mack. Transposable element dynamics in morning glories (Convolvulaceae, tribe Ipomoeeae). in prep. E. L. A. Eserman and R. E. Miller. Crossing relationships and species boundaries between two closely-related morning glories, Ipomoea nil and I. hederacea. in prep. F. Invited Presentations Gene trees and species trees: Lessons from morning glories. Museum of Natural History, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. October 2010. Systematics and evolution of morning glories. Department of Plant Pathology and Crop Physiology. Louisiana State University AgCenter. March 2008. Evolution of regulatory genes in morning glories. Department of Biological Sciences. Loyola University New Orleans. March 2007. Morning glory systematics, anthocyanin pathway evolution, and evolvability. Department of Biological Sciences. University of California at Irvine. May 2005. 7 Variation in life history traits and fitness among morning glories. Department of Biological Sciences. Southeastern Louisiana University. March 2005. Evolution in complex environments: application of the reaction norm perspective to the study of plant size. Department of Biological Sciences. Mississippi State University. February 2005. Evolution in complex environments: application of the reaction norm perspective to the study of plant size. Instituto de Ecologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico. November 2004. Morning glory systematics and evolution: morning glory diversity, molecular results, evolution of flower color. Museum of Natural History, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. October 2003. An examination of the monophyly of morning glory taxa using Bayesian phylogenetic inference. Symposium on Bayesian phylogenetic methods. Huelsenbeck and Nielson. Society of Systematic Biologists. Knoxville, TN. June 2001. Evolution in complex environments: Application of the reaction norm perspective to the study of plant size. Department of Biological Sciences, Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, LA. December 2000 Morning glory systematics and evolution. Department of Botany, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. September 2000. Evolution of flower color in Ipomoea: Molecular systematics and molecular genetics. College of Charleston, Charleston, SC. November 1998. Phylogenetic systematics of Ipomoea: Molecular tests of morphological hypotheses. Duke University, Durham, NC. March 1998. Papers Presented L. A. Eserman and R. E. Miller*. Analysis of a multi-gene phylogeny. Discriminating between alternative hypotheses and phylogenetic noise. Evolution 2014. Raleigh, NC. Tiley, G. P. and R. E. Miller*. 2013. Phylogeograpy of Ipomoea batatas (sweet potato) and its wild relatives: determining the gene pool relevant to crop improvement. Society for the Study of Evolution. Snowbird, UT. 8 Eserman, L. A. and R. E. Miller*. 2013. Phylogenetic hypothesis of evolutionary relationships among morning glories (Ipomoeeae) based on a synthesis of 29 gene regions. Botanical Society of America, New Orleans, LA. Eserman, L. A.*, G. P. Tiley, J. H. Leebens-Mack, and R. E. Miller. 2013. Phylogenetics and diversification of morning glories based on whole plastome sequence data. Botanical Society of America, New Orleans, LA. Simkhada, S.*, A. M. Brown, and R. E. Miller. Systematics of Clavicipitaceous fungi associated with morning glories based on rpb1 sequence data. University of Louisiana System Academic Summit Undergraduate Research Conference, Monroe, LA April 2013 Tiley, G. P.* and R. E. Miller. 2013. Systematics, phylogenetics, and population genetic structure of sweet potato and its wild crop relatives. National Sweetpotato Collaborators Meeting. Orlando, FL. Daniel P., D., K. L. Ryan, R. E. Miller, C. L. Schardl and K. Clay*. Clavicipitaceous fungi and the ergot alkaloids of the Convolvulaceae (morning glories).The 8th International Symposium on Fungal Endophytes of Grasses (ISFEG). Lanzhou, China. Contributed Paper: August 2012 Tiley G. P.* and Richard E. Miller. Systematics and phylogeography of Ipomoea batatas and its wild relatives. University of Louisiana System Academic Summit Undergraduate Research Conference, April 2012 Miller, R. E.* and M. D. Rausher. 2011. Evolution of plant size in the common morning glory. Society for the Study of Evolution, Norman, OK. Eserman, L. A.* and R. E. Miller. 2011 Gene trees and species trees: Lessons from morning glories. Society for the Study of Evolution, Norman, OK. Major, S. S., G. Tiley, L. A. Eserman, and R. E. Miller*. 2010 Geographic structure among populations of Ipomoea nil. Society for the Study of Evolution, Minneapolis, MN. Eserman, L. A.* and R. E. Miller. 2010 Gene trees and species trees: Lessons from morning glories. Southeastern Population Ecology and Evolutionary Genetics group. Madison, FL. Major, S. S.* and R. E. Miller. 2010. Gene duplication. Southeastern Population Ecology and Evolutionary Genetics group. Madison, FL. Eserman, L. A.* and R. E. Miller. 2009. An overview of morning glory systematics. Southeastern Population Ecology and Evolutionary Genetics, Dahlonega, GA. October 2009 9 Major, S. S.*, G. P. Tiley, L. A. Eserman, H. L. Echlin, and R. E. Miller 2009. Genetic structure of Ipomoea nil: Results from two regulatory genes. Southeastern Population Ecology and Evolutionary Genetics, Dahlonega, GA. October 2009. Lau, J. A., R. E. Miller*, and M. D. Rausher. 2008. Selection through male function favors smaller floral display size in the common morning glory, Ipomoea purpurea. Society for the Study of Evolution, Minneapolis, MN. Miller, R. E.* and M. D. Rausher. 1999. Evolution of reaction norms in the common morning glory. I. Patterns of selection across environments. Society for the Study of Evolution, Madison, WI. Miller, R. E.* and L. F. Huenneke. 1997. Demographic variation in a creosote bush population: Relative importance of density-dependent population regulation in desert plants communities. Ecological Society of America, Albuquerque, NM. Miller, R. E.*, D. M. Higdon, M. D. Rausher, and E. L. Simms. 1997. Complex patterns of inheritance in plant size and fitness in Ipomoea purpurea. Society for the Study of Evolution, Boulder, CO. Miller, R. E.* and L. F. Huenneke. 1994. Demographic variation in a creosote bush population. Ecological Society of America, Knoxville, TN. Miller, R. E.* 1994. Establishment of shrub seedlings in grasslands. 4th Annual Friends of the Jornada Symposium, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM. Miller, R. E.* 1993. Demographic variation within a population of Larrea tridentata. 3rd Annual Friends of the Jornada Symposium, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM. Huenneke, L. F., D. G. Lightfoot, and R. E. Miller*. 1992. Plant community dynamics in the northern Chihuahuan desert: the future of desert rangelands. International Conference, Managing Water Resources During Global Change, Reno, NV. Miller, R. E.* 1992. Variation in reaction norms among populations of Bouteloua rigidiseta. Society for the Study of Evolution, Berkeley, CA. Miller, R. E.* and N. L. Fowler. 1991. Morphological and demographic variation in two grass populations. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, Supplement to 72:195-196. 10 Posters presented Simkhada, S.* A. M. Brown, and R. E. Miller. Systematics of Clavicipitaceious fungi associated with morning glories based on rpb1 sequence data. 87th Annual Meeting of Louisiana Academy of Sciences, Grambling State University, March 2013 Beaulieu, W., Katy L Ryan, Daniel G. Panaccione, Richard E. Miller, and Keith Clay. Cosmopolitan distribution of ergot alkaloids produced by Periglandula, Clavicipitaceous symbionts of the Convolvulaceae. Botanical Society of America. 2012 Tiley, G. P.* L. A. Eserman, S. S. Major, G. LeBlanc and R. E. Miller 2011 Phylogeography of Ipomoea nil. Society for the Study of Evolution, Norman, OK. Eserman, L. E.* A. M. Brown and R. E. Miller 2011 Reproductive isolation between two species of morning glories. Botany Society of America, St. Louis, MO. Beaulieu, W. T.*, D. G. Panaccione, R. E. Miller, and K. Clay. 2011. New Reports of ergot alkaloids and chemotypic diversity in ConvolvulaceaeClavicipitaceae symbiosis”. Botany Society of America, St. Louis, MO. Sasek, T.*, L.Urbatsch, S. Darwin, A. Lasseigne, R. Miller. 2010. CyberFlora Louisiana. Botanical Society of America, Providence, RI. Eserman, L. A.* and R. E. Miller. 2010 Overview of morning glory systematics: Phylogenetic analyses based on 29 gene regions. Botany Society of America, Providence, RI. Wesley T. Beaulieu*, Daniel G. Panaccione, Richard E. Miller, Keith Clay. 2010. Morning glories and ergot alkaloids: Another radiation of Clavicipitaceous endosymbionts? Mycological Society of America and the International Symposium on Fungal Endophytes of Grasses. Brown, A. M.*, L. A. Eserman, and R. E. Miller. 2010. Mechanical isolating mechanism detected between two species of morning glories. Southeastern Population Ecology and Evolutionary Genetics group, Madison, FL. Tiley, G. P.* and R. E. Miller. 2010. Phylogeography of Ipomoea trifida. Southeastern Population Ecology and Evolutionary Genetics group, Madison, FL. * Presenter 11