MUSC 1100-H - Discover Dalton State

Spring 2016
Music 1100-02H –Music Appreciation, 3 cr.
Dalton State College, School of Liberal Arts
Tuesdays, 10:50 a.m.-12:05 p.m. (CRN 20041)
Sequoyah Hall, room 201
Instructor: Dr. Ellie Jenkins
Office: Liberal Arts 112D
Email: (BEST!!!)
Phone: office 706-272-2528 – leave a message
706-506-2773 emergencies only
Office Hours:
Monday: 10:50-3:00
Tuesday: 10:00-10:40 and
Wednesday: 10:50-12:50
on other days and times
Course Description:
Offers an introduction to music from the Middle Ages to the present to foster an appreciation and
understanding of music in its cultural/historical context. No musical background is required.
Prerequisite: COMPASS Reading score of 70 or better.
Course Objectives:
This course was implemented to increase students’ cultural awareness and appreciation through the
medium of music. To achieve this goal, the course includes instruction in the following areas: basic
elements, instruments, and vocabulary of Western art music, historical background of the six major style
periods of Western music and their composers, and a brief look at jazz. The broad scope of this course
will touch upon the many different developments the art of music has undergone from Ancient Greece to
the present day. Through your study, listening, and assignments, you should gain a deeper appreciation
and understanding of all genres of music, even those not discussed in class.
Required Materials
OnMusic Appreciation, accessed through
This is not a physical textbook, but a fully functional course that exists completely online. You
access it by following these directions:
Step 1: Purchase Registration Code - Access the online store at
and complete the
purchase for OnMusic Appreciation Third Edition Note: You should also be able
to purchase an access code through the DSC Book Store.
Step 2: Register for the course - Once you have purchased and received your registration
code, you will access the student registration page and fill out the form to
complete your registration. Student Registration:
Our course number is MUSC
1100-02H, and you should see my name, Dr. Ellie Jenkins.
The deadline to register for our course through is January 29.
Note: If you cannot register by January 11, please email me to let me know you
intend to complete the course. I have to report attendance to enrollment services.
Several assignments are due on February 1.
Important: Once due dates have passed, you will not be able to complete
assignments. Those incomplete assignments will turn into 0s at the end of the
semester, adversely affecting your grade, so please pay attention to due dates and
get your work done on time.
Spring 2016
A link to the course website is also on the D2L page, but you must purchase access at the
bookstore first. You cannot take this class without purchasing the online access materials. Also,
you may not purchase a used copy, since this text provides online access to course materials that
cannot be transferred from one user to another. If you do not intend to purchase the materials, you
will not be able to take the class.
35 Assessments (daily work)
2 Written Assignments
Concert Report
Final Exam
A = 100-90
B = 89-80
C = 79-70
D = 69-60
F = 59 and below
Schedule of Assignments
Deadline to register for the online course materials – January 29
Assignment due dates
 Section 1 (Class 1-6) due by midnight on February 1.
 Section 2 (Class 7-20 and including midterm exam) due by midnight on February 29
 Section 3 (Class 22-28) due by midnight on March 28
 Concert Attendance Report due by midnight on April 18.
 Section 4 (Class 29-40 and including both sections of the final exam) due by midnight
on April 29.
Concert Report – DUE April 18
You are required to attend one concert as part of this class, and to write a concert report about that
experience. There will be at least 4-5 concerts on the DSC campus this semester, but you are also free to
choose from many performances that occur elsewhere. I have posted a list of web links to concerts at
other venues on the GeorgiaView page for this course. Please ask me if you’re not certain of whether a
concert meets the course criteria. To find the guidelines for the concert report within Connect4Education,
log into the course as described above, click on the “My Coursework” tab, and then “Written
Assignments.” You should then see a dropdown menu that lists all three of the written assignments,
including the Concert Attendance Report.
Attendance and Participation
Your regular attendance is expected, but is not mandatory. Students who do not attend face-to-face class
sessions rarely do well in the class. All graded assignments will be completed outside of class, but we will
be previewing and working through many of the assignments during our Monday meetings. This is also
the best time to ask questions about material that might be confusing or unfamiliar to you. Class meetings
will also cover a special topic related to the material each week. Attendance will be taken at each class.
At the end of each class meeting there will be a short quiz or writing assignment, for which you may earn
bonus points toward your final grade, typically one bonus point per class meeting. Late arrival or early
departure will disqualify you for bonus points for that day. All bonus points will be added to your grade at
the end of the semester.
Classroom expectations
I expect that students respect their peers and instructor by not texting or using other electronic devices in
the classroom. Failure to follow this policy will result in an unexcused absence for the class period (see
attendance) and removal from that day’s lecture. If you have a special need to accept messages or silent
calls or pages, please let me know. In addition, plagiarism will not be tolerated, and the college policies
on cheating and academic dishonesty will be followed.
Spring 2016
Extra Credit
You may attend two additional approved concerts for extra credit. Each will count as 5 bonus points
toward a test grade (midterm or final exam). Consult me about requirements for receiving this credit.
Alternatively, you may volunteer to assist with the concerts here on campus as an usher or backstage
helper. This also will add 5 bonus points to a test grade. However, you may not assist with the same
concert that you use to write your concert report.
Finally, if you are a musician, you may volunteer to perform on the Campus Community Concert, which
will be scheduled for the end of the semester. This is for the same amount of extra credit, and with the
same rules.
Academic Integrity and Conduct
Any student that is caught cheating will receive an F for the course and reported to the Student Conduct
Committee. Please refer to the Student Code of Conduct
( for additional details.
The onus is on the student to avoid any appearance of cheating.
Emergency Instruction Plan
If the college is closed for inclement weather or other conditions, please continue your assignments
through Connect4Education. Since all graded material is online, the closure of the college due to weather
or other emergencies should not affect your progress.
Student Learning Outcomes
Students will demonstrate the ability to make informed judgments in interpreting works of art, literature, or
other aesthetic experiences of cultures throughout the world. (Global Perspectives)
2. Students will learn musical terminology necessary to discuss music in a knowledgeable manner.
3. Students will develop knowledge of major composers and compositions.
4. Students will demonstrate effective critical listening skills, which include (but are not limited to)
differentiating between instruments, ensembles, melodies, harmonies, and rhythms.
Spring 2016
Disability Support Services: (Revised July 30, 2014)
Students with disabilities or special needs are encouraged to contact Disability Support Services. In order to make
an appointment or to obtain information on the process for qualifying for accommodations, the student should visit
the Disability Support Services Library Guide at or contact the
Coordinator of Disability Support Services.
Contact information:
Andrea Roberson, Coordinator
Pope Student Center, lower level
Officially Approved DSC Groups And Activities: (Effective Fall 2013)
When students are engaged in officially approved Dalton State groups or activities that require them to participate in
events off campus during school days, they shall be treated similarly to any faculty or staff member acting in that
same capacity. Thus, just as faculty and staff have excused absences from their regular work schedules, students
shall be excused from class without penalty if they are off campus representing Dalton State College in an approved,
official capacity during their regular class time. Examples include presenting a paper or otherwise participating in a
conference, attending a University System student affairs event, participating in intercollegiate competition (athletic
or academic), participating in an approved field trip, etc. Just as faculty and staff members are required to submit
Request to Travel forms for approval, in order to be excused, the student needs to provide the following information
to the instructor prior to the date when he/she will be absent from class:
schedule of
away events at the beginning of the semester or as soon as possible after the schedule is available);
the evening and will not be leaving campus until 3:00, he/she will not be excused from classes prior to that
time on that day; similarly if the event is in the morning and the student will be returning to campus during
the day, he/she is expected to attend any class scheduled after the return trip); and
the event.
The student shall be allowed to make up any work missed during the time he/she is off campus representing DSC in
an official capacity. He/she shall discuss what will be missed with the instructor and make arrangements to make up
any assignments, tests, presentations, etc. that were scheduled on that date.
Complete Course Withdrawal:
The proper form for withdrawing from all classes at the college after the official drop/add period but before the
published withdrawal date is the Schedule Adjustment Form. All students must meet with a staff member at the
Office of Academic Resources in the Pope Student Center to initiate the withdrawal process. After meeting with the
staff member, students will then finalize the withdrawal process in the Enrollment Services Office.
Drop/Withdrawal Policy:
The last day to drop this class without penalty is Thursday, March 17, 2016. You will be assigned a grade of W.
After this date, withdrawal without penalty is permitted only in cases of extreme hardship as determined by the Vice
President for Academic Affairs; otherwise a grade of WF will be issued. The proper form for withdrawing from all
classes at the college after the official drop/add period but before the published withdrawal date is the Schedule
Adjustment Form. Students who are assigned to the Academic Advising Center for advisement must meet with an
advisor or staff member at the Academic Advising Center (107 Liberal Arts Building) to initiate the withdrawal
process. All other students must meet with a staff member or advisor at the Office of Academic Resources in the
Pope Student Center to initiate the withdrawal process. After meeting with the staff member or advisor, all students
will then finalize the withdrawal process in the Financial Aid Office. Students who fail to complete the official
drop/withdrawal procedure will receive the grade of F. Withdrawal from class is a student responsibility. The
grade of W counts as hours attempted for the purposes of financial aid.
Workforce Innovations Opportunities Act: Revised August 2015
Questions regarding students receiving financial assistance through the Workforce Innovations Opportunities
Act should be directed to 706-295-6840.
Spring 2016
Sex Discrimination, Harassment, & Assault
Sexual harassment is unwelcome, gender-based verbal or physical conduct that is sufficiently severe, persistent or
pervasive that it has the effect of interfering with, denying or limiting someone’s ability to participate in or benefit from
the college’s educational program and/or activities, and is based on power differential (quid pro quo), the creation of a
hostile environment, or retaliation.
Sexual misconduct is a form of sexual harassment prohibited by Title IX. Sexual misconduct refers to “physical sexual
acts perpetrated against a person’s will or where a person is incapable of giving consent due to the victim’s use of drugs
or alcohol. An individual also may be unable to give consent due to an intellectual or other disability.” Sexual
misconduct includes dating violence, domestic violence, rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, stalking, and sexual
Reporting Options
Call 911 if you are in an emergency situation
Dalton State Public Safety (this report is not confidential)
Tech Building- Upper Level - 706-272-4461
Online Sexual Assault Report
If you would like to report to Dalton State Administration: (this report is not confidential)
Report Title IX complaint online -
Report Student-on-Student Title IX complaint in person:
Brittnie Lee, Office of Student Life
Coordinator for Student Responsibility & Service/ Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Pope 113, 706-272-2999
Report Title IX complaint involving Faculty or Staff in person:
Faith Miller, Human Resources
Director of Human Resource/ Title IX Coordinator
Memorial 122 706-272-2034
If you would like to talk with someone confidentially:
Dalton State Counseling & Career Services, Academic Resources
Lower Pope
Spring 2016
Course Calendar – What’s Due and When
Assignment 1: Identify Musical Ideas
Unity and Variety Assessment
Performer's Role Assessment
Structure of Music Assessment
Purpose of Music Assessment
Types of Listeners Assessment
Duration Assessment
Pitch Assessment
Naming Pitches Assessment
Mon 1 February 2016
Mon 1 February 2016
Mon 1 February 2016
Mon 1 February 2016
Mon 1 February 2016
Mon 1 February 2016
Mon 29 February 2016
Mon 29 February 2016
Mon 29 February 2016
Notating Pitches Assessment
Intervals Assessment
Volume Assessment
Instrumental Timbre Assessment
Vocal Timbre Assessment
Orchestral Timbres Assessment
Strings Assessment
Woodwinds Assessment
Brass Assessment
Percussion Assessment
Keyboard Assessment
Harpsichord Assessment
Piano Assessment
Organ Assessment
Synthesizer Assessment
Folk Music, Art Music, and All That Jazz Assessment
Assignment 2: Analysis
Midterm Exam
Rhythm, Tempo, and Meter Assessment
Melody Assessment
Harmony Assessment
Texture Assessment
Form Assessment
Medieval Period Assessment
Renaissance Period Assessment
Baroque Period Assessment
Concert Attendance Report
Classical Period Assessment
Romantic Period Assessment
Contemporary Period Assessment
Final Exam - Section 1
Final Exam - Section 2
Mon 29 February 2016
Mon 29 February 2016
Mon 29 February 2016
Mon 29 February 2016
Mon 29 February 2016
Mon 29 February 2016
Mon 29 February 2016
Mon 29 February 2016
Mon 29 February 2016
Mon 29 February 2016
Mon 29 February 2016
Mon 29 February 2016
Mon 29 February 2016
Mon 29 February 2016
Mon 29 February 2016
Mon 29 February 2016
Mon 29 February 2016
Mon 29 February 2016
Mon 28 March 2016
Mon 28 March 2016
Mon 28 March 2016
Mon 28 March 2016
Mon 28 March 2016
Fri 29 April 2016
Fri 29 April 2016
Fri 29 April 2016
Mon 18 April 2016
Fri 29 April 2016
Fri 29 April 2016
Fri 29 April 2016
Fri 29 April 2016
Fri 29 April 2016