1. Speak UP! Use your big boy/big girl voices. When you are addressed by a staff member, reply with
a loud voice. You don’t have to yell at the top of your lungs, but you should be fairly close to it.
2. Everything is said in a “Sir” or “Ma’am” sandwich. Every reply should begin and end with “Sir” or
3. Address everybody as Sir or Ma’am (which ever pertains to them).
4. Acknowledge everybody you see by saying “sir, good morning, sir”, “ma’am, good evening,
ma’am”, etc. The last thing you need is to forget to acknowledge somebody and come to find out
while you are at the push-up position that it was the commander of the facility or the sheriff. Just
cover your butt and acknowledge everybody, even if it is the janitor.
5. Don’t look anyone in the eye during inspections or “grinder” sessions. Don’t even turn your head to
look at them unless they tell you to do so. Find something that you can stare at (e.g. a spot in the
wall, the back of another recruit’s head, etc.), and focus on that while you are speaking with the staff
member. Lock your body at the position of attention, but don’t lock your knees!
6. Shine your boots! You can get them professionally shined, but make sure you know how to keep
them up. Get one of these and keep it in your gear bag:
**It is a KIWI SHINE SPONGE. You can find it at Target and Wal-Mart for
about $5.00. Don’t use it as a replacement to the spit shine. Use it to keep your
boots shiny until you get a chance to spit shine your boots again. This tool is to
be used to upkeep your boots only.
7. Buy a plastic container to keep all of the equipment that you are not going to need for the day (e.g.
LD Books, PT Uniform, Penal/Vehicle Code Books, etc.). You can purchase one at Wal-Mart or
Target for about $7.00. Getting one will help you keep all of your Academy related items out of
sight (one of the Academy rules).
8. Buy a garment bag to carry your Class “C” uniform. It will also keep your uniform neat, plus it will
keep it out of plain view in your vehicle.
9. Always have an extra of everything (e.g. white socks, black socks, PT uniform, water bottle, etc.).
Chances are that one of your classmates will forget something and that disaster can be averted if you
have extra gear. Don’t forget your equipment!
10. Be sure to get a good night sleep every day so that you are not tired during instruction. Some classes
are pretty cut and dry and chances are that somebody will fall asleep. So, on that note, if you are
starting do nod off in class, you are allowed to stand up and go stand at the back of the class. Just do
it quietly and when you are wide awake again, take your seat. You will not get in trouble for doing
that. If you fall asleep at your seat and you get caught, either by the instructor or the TACT staff, all
I can say is “Stand by”. Push-ups anyone! They will make sure that you are wide awake.
11. Try to relax and have a little fun. Don’t let the fact that you are having a bad day bring you down
(trust me, you will have bad days). Just try to get over it and move along. You are already here; try
to make the most out of it. Take it one day at a time and don’t let the events of tomorrow affect how
you perform today!
12. Be on time and make sure that your classmates are too!
13. Do not take anything personal!! Although you may not understand it now, there is a reason for
everything the TACT Staff does and how they do it. Later on in your career you will have a light
bulb moment and you will realize then, why that something was done.
14. Don’t be afraid to ask a question or ask for help! We are not here to make your fail! If your
classmates are having a study session, try to attend. Every little bit of help, helps!
15. Buy shirt stays & pant cuffs to help you look neater.
16. You don’t need to join a gym. Running, Push-ups, and Sit-ups are the staples of every PT session.
Do that every day (or at least every other day and you will be good to go). Other exercises that we do
are Jumping Jacks, Mountain Climbers, Leg Lifts, Flutter Kicks, Let-Downs, Dips, and Pull-ups. Be
sure to stretch before and after completing your session. Show up in the best shape possible! Failure
to do so may result in you getting injured.
17. Get a pair of good running shoes and break them in before the Academy starts. Be sure that they are
solely running shoes and not cross raining, trail, walking, or basketball shoes. Don’t be the victim of
shin splints! Shoe store suggestions: Running Center, Snail’s Pace, Road Runner, Sport Chalet.
18. The best way to learn your 10 & 11 codes, phonetic alphabet, and penal & vehicle codes is to make