English 798 Language and Metaphor Summer 2011 Tuesday and Thursday 9:30 - 11:30 J Donaldson CNH 308 Ext. 24132 jdonalds@mcmaster.ca This course offers a study of metaphor. As such a study must necessarily establish some ground rules with respect to language, linguistics, and literature; we will begin with a study of language modes, particularly via Northrop Frye’s theory of the five modes of language in Words with Power (the descriptive, metonymic, rhetorical/ideological, imaginative, and kerygmatic). We will then move on to a study of metaphor proper. Our treatment will touch on a variety of related areas of interdisciplinary study, including cognitive theories of mind, the sciences of physics and biology, evolutionary theory, grammar and linguistics, genre theory, and art and painting. Texts Course Pack, English 798, Summer 2011 Northrop Frye, Words with Power Paul Ricoeur, The Rule of Metaphor Lakoff and Johnson, Metaphors We Live By Readings Class 1 (May 3): A = B Introduction Class (May 5): Modes of Language Northrop Frye, Words with Power, Chapters 1, 2, & 3 Class 3 (May 10): Metaphor & Symbol Northrop Frye, “Metaphor I” Northrop Frye, Anatomy of Criticism, on metaphor Poem. Bishop, “In the Waiting Room” Poem. Stevens, “The Motive for Metaphor” Class 4 (May 12): Hermeneutics I.A. Richards, The Philosophy of Rhetoric (Lectures V & VI) Max Black, Selections Philip Wheelwright, “Tensive Language,” “Two Ways of Metaphor” Poem. Stevens, “The World as Meditation” Class 5 (May 17): Seeing As Paul Ricoeur, “The Rule of Metaphor” Selections Poem. Stevens, “Anecdote of the Jar” Class 6 (May 19): Metaphor as Transgression Paul de Man, from On Metaphor Jacques Derrida, “Differance” Poems. Merrill, “Body,” “Vol. XLIV No. 3" Class 7 (May 24): Metaphor, Catachresis, and Ethics Nietzsche, “Truth and Lies in a Non-moral sense” Oscar Wilde, “The Decay of Lying” Poem, Richard Wilbur, “Mind” Poem. Lowell, “Epilogue” Class 8 (May 26): Royal Metaphor, Existential Metaphor, and Spirit Northrop Frye, Great Code, Pages 56, 171 Northrop Frye, Words with Power, Chapter 4 Leah Knight, “Word, Flesh, Metaphor, and ‘Something’ of a Mystery in Words with Power.” Jeffery Donaldson, “Spirit and its Metaphoric Environment” Poem. Richard Outram,“Demand” Poem. George Herbert, “Prayer” Class 9 (May 31): Worlds Visualized Samuel Levin, Metaphoric Worlds, Selections Philip Wheelwright, “The Sense of Reality” E.H. Gombrich, Art and Illusion, Selections Poem. Dickinson, selected poems Class 10 (June 2): Metaphors we live by Lakoff and Johnson, Metaphors We Live By Class 11 (June 7): Metaphor in Science Thomas Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Selections Jeffery Donaldson, “The Mutation of Metaphor” Class 12 (June 9): Metaphor and Wisdom Jan Zwicky, Wisdom and Metaphor Daniel C. Dennett, Kinds of Minds, Consciousness Explained, Selections Jeffery Donaldson, “The Metaphor of Consciousness” Course Evaluation Response Pages, 1- 2 pages (5 x 7% each) Term paper, 15 pages Participation 35% 50% 15%