The Things They Carried Final Essay Assignment

The Things They Carried
Final Essay Assignment
The stories we have read by Tim O'Brien deal with the Vietnam War, but they
also contain many compelling issues about the human condition unchanged by the thirty
years past since that conflict. For this assignment, you are to write an essay in which you
draw from these stories some issue, conflict, theme, or motif that interests you. This
should not only discuss the author's ideas but should also present your opinion and
interpretation as distinct from the author's.
For this essay, students need to organize their ideas around a thesis—that is, an
argument or interpretation—about the whole novel, a specific short story, or a couple of
the stories. This statement or thesis should be focused, with clear reasons to support its
conclusion. The thesis and evidence should be supported by references to the text,
including page numbers.
Don't simply tell the story; construct an argument for a particular point of view
about it. Below are several topic choices for you to consider. Your essay should refer to
and quote from at least three of the stories.
1. In "The Things They Carried," O'Brien writes that, "Men killed, and died, because they
were embarrassed not to" (21). Find three characters from the assigned stories and
explain how their actions, attitudes, and beliefs reflect O'Brien's point of view in regards
to such issues as masculinity, cowardice and courage. What are your conclusions
regarding the issues O’Brien raises? Use plenty of examples from the stories to support
your point.
2. Why is it so hard to "tell a true war story"? Write an essay in which you examine
O’Brien’s use of imagination and invention, and the difficulties posed by wartime
conditions on truth-telling.
3. Throughout the stories, O’Brien juxtaposes images of great beauty with images of
great horror, the scene of Curt Lemon’s death in "How to Tell A True War Story" being
one notable example. Write an essay in which you trace the use of such contrasting
images across at least three of the stories. What do these contrasting images say about
O’Brien’s experiences in Vietnam?
4. What is the role of women and girls in the book? Examine the various female
characters in the novel and explain what each may represent.
1. A clear thesis statement and introduction which sets out for your reader the point you
wish to make about the stories. Please do not repeat verbatim the essay prompt.
2. A very brief synopsis of the stories you are discussing. This means writing a sentence
or two about each story. These will be included in the essay where they fit best.
In other words, you do not need a “summary paragraph.” Instead, discuss a
chapter summary when discussing an argument from that particular short story.
3. An analysis supported by examples from the text, properly quoted (or paraphrased) and
4. You are not required to use sources other than O’Brien’s book to support your views; if
you do use any outside sources, make sure you properly quote or paraphrase and
cite or book.
5. Length: 3 pages minimum
6. All papers must be typed (12 font), double-spaced, and submitted in hardcopy.
7. Must have a title other than the book title. Be ceative.
8. Use MLA format for citing. You are not required to use a separate sheet of paper for
Works Cited.