Embrace the people of the Middle East and help our Christian partners tackle poverty and injustice. www.embraceme.org 24 London Road West Amersham Bucks HP7 0EZ t: 01494 897950 e: info@embraceme.org Embrace Lent Registered Charity Number 1076329 @FollowEmbrace www.facebook.com/FollowEmbrace A six-part study guide Jesus and the marginalised tu d yG uid e The theme of this year’s guide is ‘Jesus and the marginalised’. At Embrace the Middle East, we partner with inspiring organisations across Israel, Palestine, Lebanon and Egypt, who work with the most vulnerable and disadvantaged people in their communities. These are the marginalised of today. t n e L 4 1 0 2 r u o to " o W!c S We hope that by focussing on Jesus’ compassionate ministry, as documented in the New Testament, we can together gain a better perspective on the realities of injustice today in the places he lived and worked, and consider how we might partner in bringing hope to these places as well as to others in our own local communities. During the period of Lent, we trust that you will find this guide a helpful resource for your own spiritual growth, and for the deepening of understanding amongst your study groups and churches of how Jesus’ first century message is applicable for us here and now. The six studies in this guide look at the subject of marginalisation through six different lenses, and each one presents material for a Bible study alongside information about one of the projects currently supported by Embrace which deals directly with the issues it brings to light. One of our Egyptian partners, which focuses its efforts particularly on improving life for marginalised women by providing literacy classes, is called Think & Do. What better message could there be for a period of reflection on Jesus’ teachings than this?! We have therefore structured the studies around this challenge, beginning each one with a topic to think about, working through scripture and some modern relatable examples, and finishing with some ideas about what you could do in response. By linking Biblical stories to modern day situations, and suggesting ways in which you can support the work that is currently happening, we have tried to convey our mission through the pages. As you read, please join us in this mission: Embrace the people of the Middle East and help our Christian partners tackle injustice and poverty. If you would like to find out more about any of the Embrace partners featured in this guide, please visit our website at www.embraceme.org. Our regional representatives, Su and Richard, are available to come and speak to your church, or to give advice about running your Lent course – you can find their contact details at the back. Thank you for choosing Embrace’s Lent resource – we hope you gain a lot from the studies and will be inspired to get involved! Yours in Christ, The Embrace Team LSG 2014 Limited further supplies of this booklet can be ordered from 01494 897950 or info@embraceme.org or you can download it free of charge from www.embraceme.org/resources Contributors: Richard Jones Su McClellan Caroline Rance Sarah Shore Design: Carol Marsh Production: Yeomans 1 y d u St Recognising the marginalised “the last will be first” Mt 20:16 Read Luke 2:8-20 The visit of the shepherds Discuss ■ The shepherds were humble, ordinary men in a very down-to-earth profession. They were not chief priests or elders holding high office. Yet God chose them to be the direct recipients of this very important news. Can you think of other examples of humble and ordinary men and women in the Bible whom God chose for extraordinary purposes? ■ In verse 8, we note that the shepherds didn’t receive this information while they were sleeping, but while they were actively employed in the roles God had given them, and they were ‘watching’ and alert. Do you expect to hear from God while you’re going about your day to day business, or just in church on Sundays? And are you alert, active and ready to respond? ThinkThink Think of a time when you have received exciting (but secret) news, or have been entrusted with important information. Write down a few adjectives which describe how this has made you feel. ■ Verse 10 tells us that the angel reassured the shepherds, as God knew the visit would be confusing and surprising for them. Verses 13 & 14 go on to explain how God confirmed it was a message from Him (rather than something evil) by sending the heavenly host. What does this tell us about God’s relationship to His people, and how he communicates with each of us as individuals? ■ Look at the shepherds’ response to the visit in verses 15-18. What strikes you about this? Relate Life in the agricultural communities of which the shepherds in Luke 2 were part, is probably not dissimilar from that of farming communities in the same area today. Certainly, like the shepherds we have just read about, today’s rural families in parts of the Middle East do not have wealth or status, and can find themselves marginalised. In Upper Egypt, the Development of Upper Egypt Trust (DUET) works closely with village leaders on programmes that enable rural communities to break out of the cycle of poverty through educational, agricultural and medical support as well as revolving loans. Embrace began working with DUET in 2003 in the village of Beni Khalil, and has since supported a range of development projects, including agricultural and veterinary training in communities across the region, aiming to provide long term benefits. On our website, you can read the story of Hassan who has been helped by this work: www.embraceme.org/case-study/ helping-hassan-reap-harvest Do How can you help us to help the marginalised in the Middle East? ■ Support the long term work of DUET and other similar partners by making a regular commitment. ■ Offer to do some gardening or other odd jobs in your local community to raise funds for Embrace to put into community development projects. ■ Pray for Hassan and families like his whose lives aren’t as easy as ours in the west, and who are marginalised and disadvantaged, that they will have the blessing of knowing how important they are as individuals. 2 y d u St Healing for the marginalised Read Luke 17:11-19 Ten healed of leprosy Discuss ■ ‘They stood at a distance’ (verse 12). Why do you think Luke includes this detail? What does it add to the account? See also Leviticus 13:45-46. ■ Only one returned to thank Jesus. Who was this and what does it say about Jesus’ attitude towards disability? ■ Why does Jesus call this man a ‘foreigner’? What do we know about Samaritans from elsewhere in the New Testament? See Matt 10:5ff, Lk 9:51-56, Lk 10:25-37, Jn 4:4-15, esp v9. ■ How do we connect this account with our own Christian action towards those with disability, to show Jesus’ acceptance and compassion? Relate Think It was said at the time that the London Paralympic Games would change attitudes toward disability. Do you think this is true and if so, how? Think back a generation or two and trace changing attitudes in our own society toward mental and physical disability and what remains to be done. Shams El Birr is one of Embrace’s partners in Egypt. It offers education and healthcare for children and adults who are blind or have other disabilities. It provides play and music therapy as well as dental treatment and physiotherapy. At its Centre in 6 October City, children learn skills for independent living. The training facilities enable them to learn weaving, candle making and sewing. The Centre also works with parents to enhance attitudes toward disability. People with disabilities remain a marginalised and largely overlooked part of Egyptian society. According to the World Health Organization, people with disabilities represent approximately 10% of the Egyptian population, or about 8.5 million persons. Do What can you do to contribute to the healing and health of those with physical and mental difficulties in deprived areas across the Middle East? ■ Visit our website and find out more about Shams El Birr www.embraceme.org/partner/ shams-el-birr. The Shams el Birr Centre encounters some heartbreaking cases of the neglect of disabled children. Its residential villa for children with cerebral palsy gives up to 20 residents a comfortable home, good nutrition and an education – all things they have previously been denied. ■ Pray for children with cerebral palsy in Egypt. ■ Hold a fundraising event such as a fish & chip supper or a carwash at church. (Collecting boxes and Gift Aid envelopes are available on request.) ■ Read our article in Embrace magazine – Spring 2013. ■ Invite a speaker to your church or gathering to talk about our work, or choose to support the work of Shams El Birr and similar organisations as a monthly giver. (Details for both may be found at the back of the guide.) 3 y d u St Faith which servс the marginalised Read Matthew 8:5-13 The faith of the centurion Discuss ■ The story starts with the centurion approaching Jesus and asking for help. When we – or those we care about – are suffering or facing major diffculties, how do we deal with them? Do we first try to solve problems ourselves, do we look to other people for help, or do we go straight to Jesus? ■ Several aspects of the centurion’s attitude shine through in verses 8 and 9. What words would you use to describe him and his character, and are these traits which you would like to display in your own life? How could you develop these? ■ Jesus praises the centurion’s faith in verse 10. When do you find it easiest to trust and believe in God’s Word and promises, and when is your faith most challenged? Think What are your markers which remind you of times when God has blessed you – those moments which illustrate His faithfulness which you can hold onto during tougher times? ■ Verse 13 tells us that the centurion’s servant was healed instantly, just as his master had believed he would be. Have you witnessed or heard about modern day healings which might provide encouragement to others today? ■ Throughout the gospels, people encountering Jesus are healed and saved ‘because of their faith’. Then the book of Romans reminds us of the story of one of the so-called ‘heroes of our faith’, Abraham. Read Romans 4:18-25 (and accounts of Jesus’ miracles elsewhere in the gospels, if you have more time), and talk about how these people and situations provide not just inspiration but also a powerful challenge. Relate At the Helen Keller Centre, the staff work tirelessly to help 64 of the most disadvantaged children of Jerusalem and the surrounding area to reach their potential. They stand up for the right of vulnerable children (most of whom have multiple disabilities including visual impairment) to a holistic education. Like many of the places where Embrace funds education projects, the area is home to people who are unable to fight for themselves and a better quality of life, and so, in partnership with Embrace, the Helen Keller Centre works to acquire high quality equipment and resources to benefit them. In praying for the Centre’s staff and children, and donating money to fund developments, Embrace’s supporters are playing a role not dissimilar to that of the centurion in Matthew 8. As people in a position to represent those who aren’t able to help themselves, we are following the command found in Isaiah 1:17, to “seek justice” and “defend the oppressed” and we are continuing the compassionate ministry of Christ in whom we have faith. Do How can your faith aid the cause of the marginalised in the Middle East? ■ Please continue to pray for the hardworking staff at the Helen Keller Centre, many of whom face long daily commutes through tightly controlled checkpoints to come to work. ■ Give money to fund books and equipment at the Helen Keller Centre and other Embrace supported schools via our Education Fund. ■ Visit a school local to you and see if they would be interested in learning about our charity’s work and perhaps raising money for us through school events, or class sponsorship. 4 y d u St The marginalised included Read Mark 5:25-34 A sick woman Discuss The woman in this reading has more to contend with than physical suffering. In Biblical society, she is considered ‘unclean’ and forbidden to play a full role in her community. Not only that, but her search for a cure has left her impoverished. Isolated and ill, she relies on the one thing she has left – faith. ■ Although Mark is not explicit about the nature of the woman’s illness, it is highly possible that she has a gynaecological condition. Her ‘uncleanness’ is inextricably linked to her status as a woman. In what ways do women remain marginalised in 21st century societies? ■ Jesus is on his way to see a dying child. There is no time to lose – so why does he stop and speak to the woman? What is it that singles her out among all the people crowding round him? Think Years of marginalisation make it difficult to ask for help. When society has conditioned someone to feel worthless, it takes a lot of courage for them to reach out and grasp a lifeline. This is a reality in the Middle East today. Do you witness examples of this sort of discrimination and social exclusion in your own context? To what extent? Have you had the opportunity or courage to take action on someone else’s behalf? Have you even found yourself the victim of exclusion? ■ The woman doesn’t feel worthy of addressing Jesus directly, and trembles in fear when he notices her. What factors might have combined to make her lose her self-worth? How has society contributed to the way she sees herself? ■ Jesus feels power going out from him. The implication is not that this power has disappeared, but that it has flowed into the woman, healing her. How can we follow Christ’s example in empowering marginalised people? Relate In rural Egypt, it’s tough being a girl. All children have the right to go to school – but girls are often pressurised to drop out so they can concentrate on household chores. Early marriage is common and the practice of female genital mutilation is still prevalent. Some girls do not even have a birth certificate because their families don’t think they are worth registering. Without this identification they grow up denied access to government services and the right to vote. The Egyptian development organisation Think & Do is passionate about promoting the rights of women through educational opportunities. Embrace supports its ‘Life School’ – an inspiring project that gives young women the opportunity to develop literacy, become knowledgeable about their rights, learn income generation skills and gain confidence in themselves after years of feeling worthless. Flowing through our Christian partners, Jesus’ power is transforming the lives of women on the fringes of society. Do How can you reach out to those whom society excludes in the Middle East? ■ Show solidarity with the women of rural Egypt by holding a literacy-themed fundraising event in support of Embrace. You could get a team together to do a 24-hour Bible readathon, or ask people to sponsor you to read as many books as possible in one month. ■ When you’ve finished these Lent Studies, continue meeting as a reading group, with each member contributing £1 a week – the cost of supporting a young woman at Life School for one day. 5 y d u St The identity of the marginalised Read Matthew 15:21-28 The Canaanite woman Discuss On first reading, this passage can make Jesus appear rather callous but as with so many Biblical passages there is more to the story than at first meets the eye. ■ How culturally bound do you think Jesus was? ■ What other evidence can you think of from the Gospels to support your answer to the question above? ■ What does Jesus’ response to the quick thinking woman teach us about him? ■ What does her response teach us about how we should behave? ■ Whilst Jesus was very much a man of his day he was clearly prepared to break with the expectations and norms of his culture. His openness to others pre-figured the tearing of the Temple Curtain on Good Friday as God’s salvation was made available to all, irrespective of background. Discuss. Relate Think Think about some of the things that you do that are culturally specific. For example Bonfire Night is a peculiarly English event. Then there are things that are particular to sub cultures, for example, do you have your main meal of the day at noon and call it dinner or do you have it in the evening and call it supper? Cultural practices identify us and give us a sense of belonging and we’re probably all far more beholden to them that many of us might care to admit. Do you think this is a good or a bad thing? Cultural identity is really important in the Middle East and we’re all only too aware of what happens when the region’s differing cultures clash. Whilst all of Embrace’s partners are Christian led, they agree to offer their services to anyone regardless of their nationality, faith or political affiliation. Bethany Girls School lives with cultural tensions everyday. A Christian school which teaches mainly Muslim girls, the school also has to deal with the political tensions that exist in the wider community. It’s not uncommon for Sister Martha, the school’s principal, to wake up the morning and find the school covered in the flags of one or other political faction. In taking the flags down, Sr Martha risks her life. But the school’s reputation of care and compassion has so far ensured that she and the school remain unharmed. Do What could you do to support marginalised Middle Eastern groups as they bravely make a stand for their values in communities which persecute them? ■ Pray for Sr Martha, the staff and students of Bethany Girls School that they might continue to be a beacon of hope and a visible demonstration of Christ’s compassion for everybody. ■ Hold a coffee morning with a difference! Instead of selling cakes and biscuits offer traditional Middle Eastern snacks like pitta bread with houmous, olives or baklava. To drink you could serve mint tea or Arabic coffee or minted fresh lemonade. Encourage all your friends to embrace the Middle East by trying out some of the food and drink from the region. 6 y d u St The marginalised rсtored Read Luke 23:32-43 The thief on the cross Discuss ■ The first criminal’s reaction to his situation (verse 39) seems like a logical one – if Jesus really is the Messiah, can’t he save them all? Of course, this criminal is missing the point. But do our cries to Jesus sometimes fall into this sort of trap – asking Him to meet our immediate needs without thought for the bigger picture? ■ The second criminal describes what’s happening to them as their “being punished justly” and getting what their deeds deserve. Do you ever stop and think about what would happen if you were treated as you deserved for the some of the deeds that you’re not proud of doing? And do you take God’s mercy for granted? ■ In verse 42, this second criminal turns to Jesus, acknowledging His authenticity, and asks to be remembered despite his own past. Jesus’ response is merciful and gracious. How does our notion of justice play out in this scenario (and in that of the Lost Son in the parable found in Luke 15)? Hope, and this is exactly what it provides for the children and young women with whom it works. This is also what was given to the thief on the cross when Jesus told him “today you will be with me in paradise.” For both the criminal in the story and the offenders and exoffenders at Beit El Nour, their rehabilitation causes a complete turnaround – a transformation. The thief was reconciled with Jesus and given the promise of a better future. The Lebanese (and Syrian) children go from having no home, no security, and no healthy structure in their lives, to receiving shelter, medical care, psychological support, vocational training, education and medical assistance. One of the Trustees of Embrace who recently visited Beit El Nour wrote afterwards, “We met with lots of the girls, who were so chatty and lively despite all the difficulties and traumas they have been through. It was a very uplifting experience!” Relate Think How does justice differ from mercy? And how does our idea of justice differ from God’s idea of justice? We often receive both heartbreaking and heartwarming news from our partner Beit El Nour in Lebanon, where specialised rehabilitation and re-education work takes place amongst minor delinquents who have been the victims of awful circumstances. These young girls, who fall into negative patterns of behaviour or dangerous situations out of their control, are cared for through an ecumenical outreach programme. Many of the beneficiaries are homeless, some are victims of sexual exploitation, others have had involvement with drugs, and some are still in prison. Beit El Nour means House of Light and Do What part can you play in remembering and restoring the marginalised in the Middle East? ■ Read about all the projects we are currently supporting in Lebanon, on our website and in our magazine, and consider donating towards community development work amongst these vulnerable groups of people. ■ Pray for the staff at Beit El Nour and the young girls on their long journey to recovery from significant psychological trauma. ■ Contact Embrace to hear some of the individual stories (and prayer requests) from Beit El Nour, and share these with your church family, who might also be interested in supporting our work. e Join Embrac Embrace the Middle East is dedicated to improving the lives of vulnerable and disadvantaged people in Israel and Palestine, Lebanon and Egypt. Will you help us provide education, healthcare and community development programmes for people of all faiths? Here are some ways you can get involved – and see our website at www.embraceme.org for more. Embrace the people of the Middle East and help our partners tackle poverty and injustice. Book a speaker Our regional representatives are engaging and informative speakers – they are available to preach at worship services or talk to groups, and can help you with fundraising events. ■ Su McClellan (Central England) 01926 772824 su.mcclellan@embraceme.org ■ Richard Jones (Southern England) 01689 858127 richard.jones@embraceme.org We hope you’ve enjoyed these Lent studies, and we’d like to wish you a very happy Easter! Consider leaving a legacy Legacies are so important to Embrace the Middle East that without them one in four of our partners’ projects would have to close. A legacy is a way of making a lasting difference to the lives of generations to come. If you feel this is a way in which you would like to support us, or if you have any questions about legacies, please contact Sarah Shore on 01494 897906 or email sarah.shore@embraceme.org. Send an alternative gift this Easter The money might go to buy books, hearing aids, medicine, seeds and propagation training, a wheelchair – or another gift for a person in poverty. Order online at www.embraceme.org/shop. We hope you’ll be keen to help Embrace and its partners show the love of Christ through practical action for disadvantaged people in the Middle East. Thank you for your donations and prayers! Make a donation We could not carry out our vital work in the Middle East without the generous help of our supporters. Please consider sending a one-off donation using the form overleaf or making a regular gift by direct debit. Get involved Embrace the Middle East ref (if known): Title: Please send me Re:Action, Embrace’s monthly e-mail newsletter. Name/Group name: E-mail address: Address: Postcode: I/we would like to make a regular commitment of £ per month/quarter/year* to support Embrace in its work with vulnerable and disadvantaged people in the Middle East. Please send me a Direct Debit form. I / we would like more information about: Booking a speaker Leaving a legacy Volunteering with Embrace Embrace’s Alternative Gifts I / we would like to make a donation of £ Please tick here if you would like a receipt for a donation of over £10** I/we enclose my/our cheque/postal order/charity voucher payable to Embrace the Middle East. ** We prefer not to send a receipt so that we are able to use more of your gift for our work. Please recover Gift Aid on my donation. I am UNABLE to Gift Aid. OR I wish to give by MasterCard/Visa/ Maestro/CAF card*, as below: * delete as applicable Name (as on card): Card No: Sign up for our newsletter Our monthly email newsletter, Re:Action, has all the latest news and prayer requests from Embrace’s partners. Sign up at www.embraceme.org. If you would like to get involved, please to go to www.embraceme.org/give or send the slip below to: Embrace the Middle East, 24 London Road West, Amersham HP7 0EZ. rest in r your inte fo u o y k n Tha t a nd Middle Eas e th e c ra b Em Guide. Lent Study r u o g in s u for are and prayers rt o p p u s r You ur ciated by o much appre they the people d n a rs e n rt pa ast. e Middle E serve in th Start date: Expiry date: Security Code: Maestro Issue No: Cardholder’s signature: Date: / / If you do not wish to receive any further information on Embrace the Middle East’s work, please e-mail us at info@embraceme.org or write to us at the address above. nline To donate o o: please go t aceme.org r b m .e w w w